
30 Hexagon Warrior: Ends at the Buzzer?

The tension in the arena was electric as two rivals faced each other in a stalemate that lasted a heart-stopping ten seconds. The first round was already halfway through, and under normal circumstances, Ye Chen would have been reveling in his anticipated victory by now.

But this moment was anything but ordinary.

With a swift motion, Sarugian released his grip on Ye Chen's legs. Seizing the opportunity, Ye Chen launched himself upward, both fighters swiftly rising to their feet. They shared a silent understanding: this round had reached a standstill, and it was time to reset.

Yet, the prowess of Sarugian's inside strikes made Ye Chen acutely aware that he wasn't out of danger yet.

Just as they began to separate, Sarugian made a sudden move, pushing Ye Chen with his body. The unexpected force knocked Ye Chen off balance, and he took a step back, destabilized. In that fleeting moment of vulnerability, Sarugian swung his elbow and connected fiercely with Ye Chen's cheek.

The impact sent a jolt through Ye Chen's head. He felt slightly dizzy, but pain was a distant thought.

The crowd gasped. This was the first time Ye Chen had taken a solid hit in four matches—and the very first time his head had been jolted like that.

Yet remarkably, when Ye Chen staggered, he didn't succumb to panic. Instead, he instinctively retreated a step and prepared to re-adjust. Sarugian, eager to capitalize on the momentum, charged forward. But as Ye Chen regained his balance, he pivoted with astonishing speed and executed a fierce roundhouse kick.

The unexpectedness of his maneuver caught everyone off guard. Just when they believed he had been knocked off his game, Ye Chen retaliated with a swift and powerful strike.


The roundhouse kick connected with impeccable precision, sending shockwaves through the arena. Sarugian, though towering and formidable, was thrown off balance by the sheer force of the kick. He staggered sideways, unable to regain his footing, and toppled to the canvas.

Seizing the moment, Ye Chen didn't let up. He charged forward, his eyes locked on Sarugian as he rolled and sprung back to his feet. The instant Sarugian was upright, Ye Chen launched himself again, delivering a ferocious side kick to Sarugian's chest.

With a thunderous "thud," Sarugian slammed into the cage net. Had it not been for the protective barrier, he might have crumpled to the ground once more.

The audience was utterly captivated, their gasps of disbelief morphing into an eruption of cheers. While Ye Chen's previous encounter with Bobby Green was thrilling, this was pure excitement and intensity.

Ye Chen wanted to follow up, but he noticed Sarugian quickly regain his stance, eyes blazing with determination. Clearly, Sarugian was ready to grapple, and Ye Chen knew better than to rush in recklessly.

The two combatants resumed their striking positions, and the atmosphere thickened with anticipation. Ye Chen showcased a fluid dance of agile footwork, utilizing his long legs to maintain the perfect distance and unleash a barrage of unpredictable kicking techniques.

With each flick of his leg, he dazzled the crowd—some kicks were lethal weapons, while others were calculated moves designed merely to control the space around him.

The audience was spellbound, and the arena reverberated with applause. The commentators couldn't contain their excitement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we've all underestimated Ye Chen," D.C. exclaimed, his voice alive with fervor. "In earlier matches, he wasn't able to reveal the full extent of his arsenal. Now, he faces a true heavyweight, and we're witnessing his complete range of skills!"

Logan added, his enthusiasm palpable, "I've been following Ye Chen since his very first fight, and he has consistently blown my expectations out of the water! What baffles me most is how he developed such skills without a dedicated coaching team. Did he learn this during sparring sessions? Let's not forget, he came in as a substitute without prepping for Sarugian, yet here he is, demonstrating incredible talent and versatility!"

In reality, Ye Chen had not prepared for this war in the traditional sense. He was perpetually ready—24/7, training with relentless intensity, a master of his craft.

Logan was right about one thing: Ye Chen's foundation had indeed been built as a sparring partner. His dynamic footwork came from years of learning while facing opponents like boxing champion Zou Shiming, adapting and honing his skills through each practice.

Ye Chen's flicks and dodges were born from necessity—after all, he started out as a sparring partner for amateurs who often lacked precision, leading him to develop uncanny reflexes. If he didn't learn to evade their wild punches, he would have faced an early exit from the ring.

"The crowd is on their feet!" The audience gasped as Ye Chen found himself once again cornered against the cage.

But just as the reminder bell rang, signaling the end of the round, Sarugian chose not to follow through with an attack. Instead, in a surprising twist, he let go and turned to throw a punch.

Though not perfectly aimed, the blow grazed the corner of Ye Chen's brow, burning like wildfire. A familiar sensation washed over him, one he'd felt many times before during his training.

Ye Chen gritted his teeth but fought back, launching a counter with a powerful jab aimed squarely at Sarugian's chin. The strike landed with devastating force, and Sarugian's head snapped back, his braces flying out in a dramatic display of impact.

The crowd erupted in wild cheers, their adrenaline matching that of the fighters in the ring. The battle was far from over, and Ye Chen had proven that he was more than a contender—he was a warrior rising to the occasion, ready to embrace every challenge that lay ahead.

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