
Chapter 28: While in the Hot Springs...

The gentle sound of water rippled through the underground chamber, reverberating off walls adorned with glittering crystallizations. Massive crystalline formations jutted out at various angles, their surfaces smooth and faceted, catching and refracting the light in a dazzling display. Quartz crystals, some as long as a mortal's arm, sprouted from the rock face like frozen waterfalls. Their clear bodies held hints of purple amethyst and smoky topaz, creating an alluring palette of color.


The subterranean hot spring was the product of nature's artistry, a natural wonder nestled deep within the earth. Its walls, a spectacle of geological wonder. Approaching the water's edge, smaller but no less magnificent crystals clustered in geodes, their hollow centers revealing a riot of colors - deep blue azurite, vibrant green malachite, and the soft pink of rose quartz. 


The hot spring itself runged with a crust of white and pale blue crystals, their delicate structures built up layer by layer by the mineral-laden water. In some places, these formations created miniature terraces, with water cascading over them in tiny, musical waterfalls. Beneath its surface, visible through the crystal-clear turquoise depths, its bottom was a mosaic of multicolored stones and crystals, some partially formed and others fully developed.


Steam rose in lazy tendrils from the surface of the large, naturally formed hot spring. In the center of this uncanny bath sat Kaname, her small form dwarfed by its expanse size. The water lapped tenderly at her shoulders, slowly turning a pale pink, as Etsuyo's blood washed away from her skin and hair.


Behind Kaname stood a turtle yazumi, its appearance unusual compared to the surroundings. Its body, a combination of humanoid and reptilian features with a mottled green and brown shell. Its face, a curious blend of a beak-like mouth, large, expressive eyes, and skin that was a patchwork of scales and softer, more pliable areas.

It moved with a nervous energy, its hands periodically shaking tending to Kaname. Despite her calm and cooperative demeanor, it couldn't elude an instinctive fear. There was something about the young girl keeping it on edge.

Yet, it remained oddly protective. The yazumi's webbed fingers combed through Kaname's hair, working out the tangles with utmost care. Its movements, placid, almost reverent, as if Kaname were made of the most delicate porcelain, communicating only through a series of soft gestures. Before washing each area, the yazumi would faintly tap the location, silently seeking permission to continue. Kaname quietly complied with its non-verbal instructions. Her eyes distant, mind circling in deep thought.

Without notice, a rustling sound rolled through the entrance, disrupting the tranquil atmosphere of the hot spring. From the shadows, Zei emerged, his presence immediately taut the energy of the room.

The yazumi shifted its position to place Kaname in front of it, placing its back toward Zei. Its webbed hands trembled, still maintaining its protective stance.

"Ahhh, little one, how is your bath?" Zei retorted mockingly, smiling at the sight of the complicit young girl.

Kaname remained silent, her eyes fixed on the shimmering water before her. The yazumi, sensing the tension, continued its task, pouring water over Kaname's head with even more care than before, washing away the last traces of blood from her silver hair.

As Zei drew closer to the edge of the hot spring, he sighed, his voice dropping to a provoking low. "Whaaa... you're not still mad at me, are you?"

Feeling Zei's uncomfortable presence approaching, the yazumi's trembling increased. It pressed Kaname closer against its stomach, blocking any viewpoint of her from him, as if trying to shield her not just physically, but from his very aura.

"I've noticed your eyes are not as tender anymore. Do you wanna talk about it?" Zei inquired, his words bouncing off the crystal formations, creating an unsettling echo.

The yazumi poured another round of water over Kaname, its movements becoming more hurried, though still gentle. Kaname remained as still and silent as the crystals surrounding them, intentionally ignoring his presence.

Zei's voice took on a sharper edge, his smile loosened in irritation. "Your silence is pissing me off, little one," Zei muttered, scratching his head in frustration, reaching the edge of the hot spring.

The yazumi glanced between Kaname and Zei, its large eyes wide with fear and uncertainty.

"Thank you," a soft voice replied, stopping Zei in his tracks as he began to lean forward over the hot spring. The yazumi's eyes widened, surprised to hear the child's voice.

She continued, her voice balanced and light. "I'm grateful for your gift. Thank you for allowing me to say goodbye."

Zei burst into laughter. "AHAHAHA! Gratitude from you, little one, is the best!" His eyes sparkled with dark amusement as a tear formed in his eye. "Do you even understand why you're thanking me for? Do you even know the gift I gave you?"

Kaname turned her head towards Zei, prompting the yazumi to place its hands protectively on her shoulders, partially obscuring his view of her. "Why did you allow those bad things to happen to Etsuyo?" she asked, turning her head to the side. "You knew she wouldn't stand a chance after what you put her through."

His smile widened, a chilling expression out of place for an underground oasis. "Because to know true strength and possess true power... you must first break."

Taking a seat at the edge of the hot spring, Zei removed his shoes, dipping his feet into the water. "That woman was one of your guardians, no?" he continued, swirling his feet in the warm water. "I figured she had... umm, how can I say it... room to grow?" 

Zei paused, his expression strangely thoughtful. "She seemed strong, but she was more concerned about you and the boy than herself… which was a fatal mistake." He then used his feet to splash water at the yazumi, causing it to flinch and tighten its grip on Kaname. "You weren't very compliant in the beginning, little one, so it's kinda your fault those things happened."

He leaned forward, his reflection rippling in the water. "If you would've done everything I told you to do, that woman might've stayed alive."

The cavern grew colder in spite of the steam rising from the hot spring. Kaname's mind drifted to the memories of Etsuyo's captivity.

In the dingy, cold corridors beneath the earth, she watched Etsuyo endure hours of relentless torture and abuse as punishment for her disobedience. Her captors, frustrated by her prideful rebellion, stripped her of her dignity along with her clothes, leaving her vulnerable and exposed. Physical blows rained down, interspersed with cruel taunts and threats. At the peak of their barbaric volatility, they took turns attempting to crush any remembrance of her spirit.

The memory faded, leaving Kaname with a profound understanding of her role in these events. She remained still, her expression unreadable. The yazumi, sensing the growing tension, gently began to guide Kaname away from the edge where Zei sat.

Smirking at the yazumi's actions, he stood up, shaking the water from his feet. "It wasn't until after my men were done with her, that I decided to present such a rare gift," Zei casually sighed, walking towards a nearby stone bench to grab two towels. 

He tossed them onto the ground carelessly. "You looked so shaken by the intimacy of what happened, it just warmed my heart."

The yazumi, quickly got out of the hot spring, keeping its back towards Zei, guiding Kaname by her shoulders. With heedful movements, it picked up one of the towels and wrapped it around Kaname.

Once covered, Zei pushed the yazumi aside, taking the second towel and draping it over Kaname's head. He began to dry her hair, his actions a disturbing parody of care. "...But never in a millennia could I've imagined you'd be the one to strike the fatal blow." His voice filled with admiration. "I'm so intrigued by you, that I've started to have thoughts about keeping you with me."

Ceasing his efforts to dry Kaname's hair, he placed his hand flat on her head on top of the towel. "I've never been a dad before, but I'm always open to new endeavors." Bending over, squatting to meet Kaname at eye level, his face uncomfortably close, his eyes glinted with a perturb eagerness. "So whatcha say? Join me, lit-"

Without hesitation, Kaname lifted her head mid-word, meeting Zei's eyes. Her gaze chilled like a terrifyingly hazy bleakness colder than ice, forcing him to halt. 

Staring back into her appalling eyes, he placed his hand on her face, using the corner of the towel to dry it. His touch, menacingly tender. "Your eyes are so beautiful," he whispered. "Your skin softer than silk. Hair shiny like glass."

Zei's expression softened, becoming wistful. "When I was little, my grandfather told stories about people who looked like you. They were considered the most beautiful, with abilities unmatched. Even the Titans were wary of them."

He then straightened up, his eyes never leaving Kaname's as her gaze followed him. "I can't remember much, but do you know what happened to them?"

She shook her head 'no', but in her eyes, a sliver of light flashed with a desire to know more. Zei shrugged, releasing a hardy laugh. "I don't know either. This happened centuries ago, before I was even a sperm."

Kaname turned her face to the side, annoyed. Finishing his laughter, Zei poorly dried her hair, wrapping the towel around it securely.

He swiftly picked her up from under her armpits, watching carefully as she complied without resistance. "You know," Zei chuckled, twirling her around, "some say these beings still exist, hidden away from the world. Can you imagine the power they must possess? The secrets they must know?"

Stepping towards the hot spring entrance, he tilted his head to closely observe her, her scent subtle but still present. Maybe that's why your buyer is so invested in you...

Zei gently placed Kaname back on the ground, his temperament giving way to a businesslike demeanor. "You!... Have the girl dressed, and ready for departure. Her buyer will be here shortly." 

Turning around, preparing to leave, he stepped over the yazumi still sprawled on the ground. "Make sure she's properly chained in my room as well."

The turtle bowed its head in acknowledgment, slowly quivering as it got back on its feet. Its eyes glancing to Kaname then to Zei's concerned.

Zei stood puzzled at the hot springs entrance. I don't understand why that turtle is acting like I'm a CREEP! What kind of businessman would I be if I damaged my products? …I really need to look into hiring someone to work on my brand.

Zei turned away with a sardonic sigh. "Hurry and get dressed, little one. I'd feel terrible if you caught a cold."

​​Kaname stood still, water dripping from her hair, creating small puddles at her feet. The sound of Zei's footsteps faded, leaving the yazumi and her alone in the now eerie quiet of the hot spring.

The yazumi approached Kaname cautiously, patiently guiding her toward Zei's quarters. In a small alcove, dry clothes had already been laid out. Once thoroughly dried off, it helped Kaname dress and laid a plump padded blanket on the floor for her to rest on, creating a small comfort in the harsh stone surroundings.

Then, with visible reluctance, it began the process of restraining Kaname. Shackling her wrists and ankles to metal chains attached to the stone wall bearing sinister encryptions in blood. Its markings extended by carving itself into the chains. 

As the shackles clicked into place, Kaname's gaze drifted to a clock on the wall, her eyes following its steady ticking. Her face remained impassive, but her eyes held a depth of anticipation. 

The yazumi finished its task, turning to leave when Kaname spoke, her voice low but clear. "Miss Turtle,..." she mumbled, causing the yazumi to shiver in fear.

She shifted her head to look directly at the yazumi, her face serious, eyes narrowed. The yazumi froze, eyes in trepidation feeling an ominous pressure surround it.

"What time is it?"

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