
Chapter 12: Unworthy Part 2

As Yasushi continued down the stairs, lost in his thoughts, he failed to notice a book flying towards him. It struck the side of his head with a dull thud, throwing him off-balance. He tumbled down the remaining steps, landing face-first on the cold, hard floor of the library.

Sitting on a nearby table eating a cream puff pastry, Taichi burst into laughter at the sight. Yasushi, lacking the energy or motivation to confront his friend's actions, simply stood up and resumed his path toward the exit. Confused by Yasushi's response, Taichi swiftly shoved the remaining pastry into his mouth while leaping over Yasushi, blocking his way.

Yasushi rolled his eyes at the sight of Taichi's interference, his voice laced with aggravation and weariness. "Urghh, What do you want, Taichi? Why are you even here?"

Taichi's expression shifted from amusement to concern. "Just curious. You seemed distracted while in the grand hall, so I followed you shortly after you left. I'm surprised you even came back here tho..." Taichi oddly paused to search his pockets, pulling out a chicken leg wrapped in a cloth with a side of barbeque sauce. After pouring the sauce onto the chicken leg, he took a bite, chewing as he resumed speaking to Yasushi. "Though it sucks we weren't able to meet your wife. Where is she now?"

The library around them was dimly lit, the tall shelves casting long shadows that slowly reached out toward the two boys. The air perfumed by the scent of old books and unspoken secrets. Yasushi's earlier outburst still echoed in his mind, adding to the guilt that hung over him. He hesitated, torn between the desire to confide in his friend and the need to hide the hurt he caused her. "I… uhhh… Just leave me alone, will ya? I'm not in the mood for your questioning,"

Taichi smiled, casually wiping crumbs and sauce from the corners of his mouth with his sleeve. "Well, can I stay over tonight? King Izimaru and your father got pretty sloppy and passed out on tables. My father and King Masahiko are planning on going to an inn for the night. Megumi is as persistent as ever and refuses to leave."

Yasushi attempted to step around Taichi, but he blocked his path once more. The library's dim lighting further cast longer shadows across their faces, emphasizing the weariness in Yasushi's eyes and the curiosity in Taichi's. "So, can I stay?"

After another moment's hesitation, Yasushi relented. ".... Sure, whatever. I don't care, but don't think you'll be sleeping in my bed!"

Taichi's chuckled in excitement. "As if! I had already planned on taking the spare bedroom." He stepped aside, finally allowing Yasushi to move forward. "The fireworks are about to begin, let's go and grab a good spot before it starts."

The mention of fireworks sent a pang through Yasushi's heart, reminding him of his failed attempt to share the experience with Kaname. The guilt of his harsh words still weighed heavily on his heart, but he found himself nodding in agreement.

As they made their way out of the library, the distant sounds of the festival grew louder. The air filled with excitement in anticipation of the upcoming fireworks display. Taichi's presence, while initially unwelcomed, now offered a distraction from the complicated emotions swirling within him. As they walked side by side, Yasushi couldn't help but wonder what the coming dawn would bring, and how he would face Kaname after what had transpired.

Noticing Yasushi distracted in his thoughts, Taichi grabbed his arm, pulling Yasushi through the bustling crowd towards the palace garden. The atmosphere was electric with enthusiasm as everyone gathered to watch the fireworks. Finding themselves unable to see over the sea of heads, Taichi scanned the area for Sachiko and the others, hoping they had secured a better vantage point.

Suddenly, Koba's voice swerved through the chatter of the crowd. Looking up, they spotted him perched atop the garden's gazebo. Taichi, with Yasushi in tow, weaved through the throng of people towards the structure. As they approached, Koba and Sachiko extended their hands, beckoning the boys to jump.

Without the assistance from his friends and with the use of his skilled acrobatics, Yasushi easily managed to get on top of the gazebo. However, due to Taichi's weight, he found himself struggling to jump high enough to reach his friends' hands.

Koba grinned, laughing at Taichi huffing and wheezing on the ground after several attempts at jumping. "I told ya, you need to lose weight fatty!" Sachiko looked downward at Taichi's condition with concern while Megumi crowded Yasushi in fascination, uninterested in the situation.

Taichi opened his eyes, glaring at Koba as he caught his breath. He then reached into his chest pocket and whipped out a corndog, pointing it at Koba. "Research proves that the ladies prefer guys with the dad bods!" Taichi placed the corndog closer to his mouth and in one swift motion devoured it, throwing the stick to the side into a nearby trashcan. "You're just mad that you're ugly and that I'm the preference."

Annoyed by Taichi's insult, Koba naturally motioned downward to challenge him but was caught off guard by Sachiko's resistance. "Taichi! Stop messing around. The fireworks are starting any second now! Remove all that food from your pockets and get your fat ass up here!"

Tears began to form in Taichi's eyes. "But...Sachiko! Those were my snacks...What am I supposed to eat while watching?!?!" he whined as he removed the food and condiments from his pockets, relinquishing all of the additional weight.

"I'll buy you Kakigori and a funnel cake if you can get up here in the next 5 seconds," Sachiko boldly teased, lowering his arm. "You can even get as many toppings as you'd like!"

With a burst of energy and determination, Taichi took several steps back and sprinted towards the gazebo. He leaped, grasping Sachiko's hand, and scrambled onto the gazebo's roof. They had barely settled when the first firework exploded in the sky, painting the night with brilliant colors.

Megumi, noticing Yasushi's arrival, crawled to his side. Her cheeks flushed as she leaned against him, gently taking hold of his hand. Yasushi tensed at her touch, an uncomfortable burning sensation growing in the pit of his stomach.

As Koba, Megumi, Taichi, and Sachiko sat mesmerized by the dazzling display overhead, Yasushi found himself unable to focus on the spectacle. His mind was consumed by lingering thoughts of Kaname and the harsh words he had spoken, making it impossible to enjoy the moment.

Each burst of color in the sky only served to remind Yasushi of what Kaname was missing. He wished she was there beside him, that it was her hand in his instead of Megumi's. The cool night air, the oohs and aahs of the crowd, the warmth of Megumi's hand - none of it could pierce the bubble of regret that surrounded Yasushi.

As the fireworks continued to light up the night sky, Yasushi's thoughts remained obsessively on Kaname, locked away in her room, and the apology he desperately needed to make.

- -

Kona Here ٩(˘◡˘)۶

Moving forward, (and I'm sorry if this is being repetitive, I just don't want my chapters to be taken down or reported) things are about to get intense. Please consider this as my notice of Reader's Discretion. I spent the last several chapters divulging you into this world so that you could get to know the first line of characters who will play major roles in the manga series. Although I will censor and edit out some graphic scenes to comply with the guidelines, I will still evoke the right amount of intensity deserving of this series. ...( 。。*)

The chapters moving forward will also be somewhat shorter because a lot is going on and I don't want things to get confusing. Thank you for your continued support!

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