
Flirting with Milf

When doing my job watching the guys skateboard around the park, helping out by giving some new customers borrowed board so they could skate around the park, I saw Zelina sometimes looking and smiling at each other. 


There were some guys looking at me, and I politely turned them down, and sometimes I flirted with the girls around me and came to the counter, and Zelina saw it. It sometimes gave me an annoyed look when she saw me flirting with other girls that made me secretly smile to myself sometimes. 


Ryan is lazy as hell sometimes at work, but he sometimes sleeps on the floor or goes to board around the park, but mainly he helps out. Sometimes when he wants to, he can do the things when asked, but most of the time he's chill dude laid back. 


I was sitting on the counter waiting for people to come. I saw Zelina coming over to where I was. I smiled brightly at her, and she smiled back a little but put her boss mode back, and her aura changed again, but I still smiled at that. I couldn't help it because I still find it cute. That's she's trying to hide her true feelings around me even though I put a stop to her husband. 


"Boss you looking radiant beauty today," Rhea said. 


Zelina stopped walking, like she froze in place, and her whole face turned red, but she couldn't find the words to talk back to Rhea. 


"H-Huh, what hell are you talking about, Rhea?" Zelina said 


"What how beautiful or how cute your smile is," Rhea said. 


"H-Huh…..H-Huh…" Zelina said 


"Who wouldn't want a beautiful woman like you? Smart, intelligent, kind, caring, and hot when she does her job," Rhea said. 


"W-what?" Zelina said 


"I bet your amazing mom and wife, but I wish you were my wife. I treat you like a queen" Rhea said. 


Zelina was turning red as Apple couldn't handle compliments anymore; she's stuttering her every word, and she hid her face behind her hands so I couldn't see her reaction, and she had her body trembling for being embarrassed for all those nice things I said to her. 


"U-Um R-Rhea, thank you." Zelina said 


"Your welcome" Rhea said 


"Thank you for empty words for trying to make me feel better," Zelina said. 


Rhea took her hand. Zelina froze and looked up at seeing Rhea smiling at her with her gentle eyes. Zelina got caught looking into them and couldn't understand why she's fixated on them. She couldn't help but smile inwardly to herself but shook her head. 


"Wby are you holding my hand?" Zelina said 


"I mean it by wanting you to be my wife, that husband of yours. I don't mean to overstep, but that's not the man for you. How about a woman like me who can show you what true love looks like and feels like?" Rhea said. 


Zelina couldn't believe what she was hearing: her new employee flirting and also taking an interest in her by downgrading her husband. She should be mad at this, but why couldn't she when Rhea pointed out because deep inside her heart she knew Rhea was right? 


Rhea closed her fingers into Zelina's hand as well, holding there's together. Zelina didn't see it happening when she was in her own world, but when she felt someone holding her hand, she looked at it and looked up. She saw Rhea smiling brightly at her. Zelina still got caught up in that smile and her pretty eyes looking into her soul. 


Zelina couldn't help feel comfortable holding hands with each other, like it felt right that it felt she found her soul mate. She couldn't understand this feeling; she couldn't understand why she never felt like this before with her husband, why she never felt fluffy happy feeling deep in her heart, but when she's her husband or holds his hand, she feels nothing but sorrow and no love, but she feels it with Rhea 


"Tell you truth, I like girls and mature women, so beautiful, hot, sexy MILF like you I wouldn't mind being with for the rest of my life, and feeling you have right now might be because you never knew you liked women more." Rhea said 


"Huh…." Zelina said 


Rhea let go of her hand and put her finger under Zelina's chin so she looked straight into her eyes. 


"Think about it for a while because either way you deserve happiness, not heartache. When I see light in your eyes dimmed, I can hear your heart breaking into pieces, so even though we just met, I feel attracted and protective of you, so I'll always be in your corner," Rhea said. 


"Um yeah…" Zelina said 


"Yo boss lady, what's up!!!" Ryan said 


Rhea let go of Zelina's chin and moved away from her little bit so Ryan wouldn't become suspicious about them. Zelina just stood there like a statue again, not saying anything at first. 


"Um yo earth to boss lady!!" Ryan said 


"Huh…w-what?" Zelina said. 


"You okay, boss, do you need to sit down or something?" Ryan said. 


"Um, no, I'm good, Ryan. I'm going back to my office." Zelina said 


Zelina hurried off to her office, leaving Ryan and Rhea by themselves. Rhea just shook her head and laughed inwardly, but Ryan looked at her. 


"Hey Rhea, dude, is bossy lady alright?" Ryan said 


"Yeah, Ryan, she's cool; she has a lot on her mind." Rhea said 


"Oh cool, well, let me get back to skateboarding with the dudes, hahaha," Ryan said. 


"Sure, go ahead," Rhea said. 


"Hahaha sweet!" Ryan said 


Ryan left, and Rhea was by herself again watching the counter and watching people skate around, and Rhea thinking about Zelina made her smile a little. She couldn't get her out of her head since those words she said to them. Rhea laughed inwardly and smiled to herself. She looked in the direction of the Zelina office. 

"Flirting with MILF with that kind of reaction she was getting from me, and when I saw her blush like Apple was worth it, hehehehehehe!" Rhea said