The elevator slowly descended, and when the doors reopened, Yang Fei, Fan Yi, and Mad Blade were all dazzled by what they saw.
Before them unfolded another world, one filled with frenzied violence and bizarre sights.
The entire Underground Boxing Ring was about as wide as a soccer field.
The space was divided into a resting area, a betting area, a VIP exclusive area, stands, and a ring…
Yang Fei noticed that there were even a bar, an internet café, and a coffee shop among a series of supporting facilities.
Multicolored neon lights, dazzling crystal chandeliers, and elegantly orderly decorations and equipment made it feel as though one were inside a modern shopping mall.
What was most eye-catching was the ring in the middle of the stands, no more than ten square meters in size.
The ring was more than a man's height above the ground, and it was set up in a rudimentary, barbaric fashion.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: