
Daily Special: Catwoman II

I don't own DC



It had been a long night, but not for Catwoman (II) who didn't even have any deliveries and felt like she'd been on her feet all night. Though that might just be the high-heel boots. Right now she was just wearing sneakers, booty shorts, and a rather breezy and loose flowering shoulder-less blouse her mother sent her from India.


"Night Orders." Catwoman replied with a casual wave, even though it was technically early morning. She was getting off her shift and eager to head home and have a nice LONG sleep. Plugging in her earphones, already playing a song, she hummed to herself as she headed to her car. "Get down boogie oogie oogie…" she sang, swinging her hips subtly as she danced to her care. "Get down boogie oogie oogie…" she continued, bobbing her head and not listening to the usual sounds of an earlier Gotham morning, batarangs and bullets… Footsteps. "Get down boogie oogie oogie-" she fidgeted with her keys to open her car as a hand reached out to touch her shoulder-


"FUCK!!" the cry of pain was loud enough to knock Catwoman out of her funky booty beats


"Ah!" she gasped in surprise as Giganta's towering form came out of nowhere, grabbing the man's extended hand by the wrist in one hand and his neck in the other.


"Let go you crazy dame!" the hard-boiled-looking man squirmed helplessly as Giganta squeezed, sneering down at him with a smug grin.


"No touching Sugar." She said ominously as she pinned him down to the hood of the company car, bending him backward painfully as she easily overpowered him.


"I was just trying to talk!" he groaned in pain as she lifted him hire onto the car hood so his feet dangled on off the pavement.


"PI. Jack Dodger." Orders slowly approached her, "Giganta." She then eyed the hardboiled detective-looking man. "Drag him inside." She scowled coldly, as the detective was easily manhandled away.


"Uh, ORDERS… what the HELL?" Catwoman asked, following behind her purple-eyed boss and the sexy wall of muscle as Orders sat behind her counter and Giganta restrained Jack Dodger before her.


"Easy! EASY!" Jack squirmed finally shaking off Giganta… in reality, she let him go. Imposingly standing behind him with her powerful arms crossed under her chest. He yanked his trench coat huffily before turning his attention to the purple-eyed boss who unnervingly glared at him. "What? I wasn't going to do anything untoward…"


"It's free to look and go on your way. But It's pay to play, touch or stay." Orders scowled at him seriously as Catwoman rolled her pretty brown eyes. She wasn't sure if that was some new policy or something but it sure sounds like it. "Now what do you want Jack Dodger."


Jack's hard-boiled face scowled, somewhat annoyed that Orders somehow managed to suck out the mystique of being a PI in Gotham. "I got hired to track down a rather prolific… adult actress." He put it delicately with a charming smile that had no effect on ANY of the girls in the lounge. Not even Lindsey and Zoey and they were really nice… also not here. "And I found her." He declared proudly as he tilted his head to Catwoman II "One Bonnie Brownie. After many hours of research-" he eyed her up and down, and somehow, even after a week of lecherous drunken perverts and deliveries… his gaze felt the slimmest. "Found her."


"Uh-huh." Orders said, unimpressed and unconcerned, turning her attention to Giganta and saying as casually as could be. "Hurt him."


"Wha-ARGH! Son of a BITCH…" Giganta's heavy hands slammed onto his shoulders and squeezed. "NNgh!!" his knees buckled under him as her hands slowly crushed his bones. "Ow-Ow-OW! Alright! Call off your goon!"


"Oh, hon." Giganta sighed almost dismissively, "You got a kink right HERE."




"Alright enough." Orders replied tired of watching Jack Dodger dance in pain in front of her. It wasn't even in the least bit sexy. "You didn't answer my question, Jack, what do you want?"


"My client wants to hire her." Jack Dodger replied as Giganta released his shoulders, flexing her powerful fingers as he tried to step away from the sexy wall of muscle… only to realize there wasn't much space in the first place. Trapped between an unnerving rock and a soft but hard place. "…For a job. Her specifically. So if she could just come with me and-"


"I did not hire Bonnie Brownie, she does not work here."


"Alright, well does Divya Burman work here? Because that's her real name." he said surprisingly sassy for a guy trying to be a noir-like detective. "Look, honey." He said turning his attention to Catwoman, "You want to make a payday? Because she's got a job for you."


Catwoman glowered at him before tilting her head towards Orders. "Take it up with my manager." She said, before promptly looking at Orders. "I'm going to go home and get some sleep, let me know if I'm needed." Orders politely waved her off as she turned around and walked out the back door.


To be perfectly fair Catwoman was well aware that Orders most definitely already knew everything and was just fucking with Jack. She was also accurately aware that she was probably going to have to fuck somebody either later today or tomorrow and she'd rather just get some sleep. Orders has it covered.


"Hey wait a-NGH!" the back of his coat was snatched by Giganta who also waved Catwoman off.


"Night hon." Before giving Jack Dodger her full attention by putting him in a half-nelson.


"You heard her. Talk."


"Come on that's bad business-NNGH!" Giganta twisted his head slightly, jostling him roughly about until there was a satisfying pop. "…Oh. That felt pretty good."


"We can quickly change that… throw him on the massage table Giganta you can get some practice in." the beautiful redhead smiled at Orders and rolled her pretty blue eyes, she really was just fucking with him.


"Alright alright ALRIGHT…" Jack said quickly as Giganta was about halfway to the table. "…I still get paid for finding Bonnie Brownie regardless." He said, "Can I use your phone?" she glowered at him, before removing the phone from the hook and holding it out to him. He took it, and pulled out a small business card, reading it, he dialed the number on the phone. He smirked at Orders, who continued to glare at him and pierce into his soul with her purple eyes and he chose to hurry this along. Thankfully he didn't have to wait long. "Hey. It's Jack Dodger. I found her…" Orders glared at him and he grunted, "There's been a complication. One you'll have to deal with yourself…" he said, "I'll give you the address."


He did just that and hung up. "Alright, she'll be here." He said casually, then after a second of standing around and doing nothing asked. "…So what's a guy got to do to get a burger around here?"


"Sit down at a table." Orders replied, tilting her head as Giganta slapped a hand on his shoulder and dragged him away onto the floor as everything went back to normal until around closing time, with the sun rising over the horizon. Orders was packing up her things, ready to head home only to patiently wait in her office as Ronnie-Bell's pretty redhead peeked in.


"Sugar? I think your guest is here."


"What gave it away?" Orders replied tiredly.


"The fact that they look like they shouldn't be." She joked but Orders rolled her purple eyes.


"Send her in." she said as Ronnie-Bell nodded and stepped away, a moment later a tall older woman entered. Her hair was so blonde it was almost white hanging shoulder-length and brushing at her shoulders like a curtain, thin, tall, and flat as a board… so she certainly looked out of place. Especially in a professional dark grey pantsuit, her face however drew Orders attention. She had high cheekbones, and thin eyes, and her nose was oddly curved upwards… like she was holding up her nose at you naturally, and a rather pointed chin like someone stretched it out and it stuck there. "Hello." Orders replied, "I'm Orders and you are?"


The woman had a look on her face that said 'Something in here smells' and she was deeply annoyed that she had to tolerate it. "Dorothy Gale." She said which actually made Orders lift both eyebrows in surprise at that. "I'm sure you've heard of my father?" she said almost tiredly as she sat across from Orders like a queen on her throne in a conveniently placed chair that wasn't usually there. "Gustave Gale?"


"Guttersnipe Gustave Gale?" Orders replied, looking bored with this conversation already. "The Out of Era Robber Baron?"


Dorothy Gale glared at Orders, if she was insulted for her father she didn't say it. 'Guttersnipe' Gustave Gale was a rich industrialist, who was known for his rather… antiquated ways of doing business, regardless of how effective it was. "A bit crass. But yes. Gustave Gale. As I'm sure you know he recently passed-"


"My condolences."


"Don't interrupt me." Dorothy Gale declared cooly. Orders didn't flinch or even register that she was annoyed or offended by Dorothy's abrupt response. "He recently passed, and his estate has been divided among his various relatives… and dalliances." She said, "One of them, my NEPHEW, Ozwald Gale has acquired significant tracks of land and ownership of the summer home here in Gotham."


"…Who the hell summers in Gotham?" Orders replied lazily as if the joke was far too easy for her usual standards, and she once again ignored Dorothy's annoyance. "Sorry, I'm obligated to make that comment." She added completely straight-faced.


"…Ozwald." Continued Dorothy, "Is a lazy, useless, pointless, and completely degenerate member of our family. Who refuses to do anything with what he has been given, despite me offering him a significant sum for it." Her eye twitched, as if merely mentioning her failure to secure a deal was rage-inducing. "I want his land." She said coolly, "…and how to get him to part with it was a surprisingly annoying endeavor, one that involved hiring a private investigator to locate this… Bonnie Brownie, some adult actress who disappeared when her studio got caught."


She reached into her pocket and produced a cigarette case, pulling one out and without waiting for permission she lit it, taking a drag. "She's shown up a few times…" she said, breathing out the smoke like a smog machine. "On a few internet streams and videos… but the director of the latter was surprisingly tight-lipped, despite how loose his colorful lover is." Orders made a mental note to send a couple of girls to Pip for his loyalty. He could probably use a few easy videos. "So… Jack Dodger has informed me that he found her. I'm inclined to believe him. So I have to ask… how much to acquire her services?"


Orders smirked, "Listen. While I'm all for a heavy bribe." She said, standing up and walking around her desk, "You haven't mentioned what it is exactly you want her to do." She then snatched the cigarette from the woman's hand and snuffed it angrily on the woman's polished steel case. Dorothy glowered at her indignantly. "SO… WHAT do you want her to do? Not that I'm saying she works for me."


"…Ozwald has made it very clear that his property is for sale as long as he gets to meet and satiate his base and degenerate LUSTS with this 'Bonnie Brownie' woman. He is obsessed with this slut… a 'superfan' or some nonsense. I don't give a damn how devoted to this whore he is, as long as he signs the papers I could care less." Orders stared at her.


"…So he's going to give you tracks of land all for a night with a pornstar? An Ex-pornstar specifically?"


Dorothy Gale glowered at Orders. "Like I said. He's a degenerate." She leaned back in her chair, "He wants to act out every little base LUST he has for this woman… so. How much?" Orders frowned at her, then walked back around to her chair.


"…It's not a decision I can make universally. But I'll tell this Ms. Brownie the proposal. Leave me your number and I'll call you with her decision…" Dorothy scoffed, standing up but slapping a business card on the desk. "But let me be clear…" Orders eyed the woman with her sharp purple-eyed glare, "If she DOES accept. She's not CHEAP. She's not stupid. And the maximum time she can give you is 24 hours, and not a second longer." Dorothy raised an eyebrow. "…And god forbid if anything untoward were to happen to her… it's ME you would answer to." Orders added as Dorothy scoffed, Orders however surprisingly smiled at her response, adding smugly "Have a blank check ready."


…That made the woman frown, and it only dropped further as Ronnie-Bell, in her sexy biker girl glory stood imposingly over her from the doorway, slapping a hand on her shoulder and leading her out like a common drunk as Orders picked up her phone, and made the call.


Time: 6:47 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"You'll be fine." Orders said as Catwoman smiled and shouldered her small bag of her toiletries.


"I know." She replied with a wink as Orders scoffed.


"But if at any point you're in trouble or he doesn't take 'no' for an answer-"


"You'll have already sent Ronnie-Bell, Becca, Ash, or all of the above…" she replied knowingly, "It's not my first overnight stay." She said with a rather sultry purr. Her old studio rented her sweet ass out to a couple of executive producers once or twice, it's nothing new. "Geez boss you could've just said 'No'."


"…Not with a blank check." Orders replied, and Catwoman had to admit… the prospect of a massive payday was always a very compelling argument with Orders, and with herself that matter. At least with Orders around her own particular greed seemed rather tame in comparison. "I'm just saying the door is open."


"That it is." Catwoman purred, strutting out the backdoor in her tight black leather and the kitty ear cap with the glasses over her face. "See you tomorrow." She strutted out the back door and it wasn't hard to find her ride… not a lot of limos parked in the lot.


Her high-heeled boots clicked across the pavement, her thick bronze backside wobbling in her tight black bodysuit as she headed towards the back… opening the door and releasing a heavy cloud of cigarette smoke. She recoiled slightly but slipped right in. Dorothy Gale glowered at her.


"…Bonnie Brownie?"


"Technically I'm Catwoman." She purred with a sultry smile, which slowly diminished as Dorothy's disgusted look examined her voluptuous body.


"…Disgusting." She snapped as Catwoman rolled her eyes. "Driver. Let's go." She ordered, and the limo pulled back into traffic. Catwoman chose not to speak to this woman unless it was absolutely necessary, Orders had already filled her in on what was expected from this Ozwald Gale guy… and Dorothy was just incredibly unlikeable…


…Somehow Catwoman felt that her 'disgusting' comment wasn't directly solely at her choice of lifestyle but by HER personally… as in Catwoman had a lovely color that Dorothy didn't approve of. Evidently, the reason she called herself 'Bonnie Brownie' never occurred to her… or maybe she thought to herself that Catwoman took the moniker of a sex act as her porn name. Regardless she wasn't surprised that Dorothy had no idea what she had looked like before their meeting.


"Have you been informed on what to do?" Dorothy asked suddenly and Catwoman turned her attention back to her.


"Hmn? Oh yeah. Fuck a fan." Catwoman replied, Dorothy flinched, her lips set in a smear as Catwoman smiled knowingly, enjoying how uncomfortable she was making Dorothy.


"More than that. Do whatever he wants, however, he wants it. Whatever depraved sex act a disgusting basement-dwelling pervert like him wants you to do." Dorothy said, puffing her cigarette and releasing the smoke like a chimney stack. "WHATEVER he wants you to do." She repeated, clearly emphasizing that the word 'no' wouldn't be in her vocabulary tonight if that was the case.


Catwoman just sat confidently in the seat, crossing her thick legs and sitting upright. "So nothing new then." She said, returning her attention to outside the car as the city lights blurred by… until they weren't. Because of COURSE, they were going to the Heights. When it comes to rich Gothamites politics it always involved Gotham Heights.


So she wasn't surprised when the limo pulled up to the front of an iron rod gate protecting a building with vines of ivy crawling up the walls. Typical Gotham old Victorian, with looming gargoyles and ominous windows. "Here." A plain-looking key attached to a fob was tossed onto her shapely legs. "He's expecting you." Dorothy added almost as an afterthought… like maybe the object of a man's lust suddenly turning up unannounced might be a bad idea. "Just let yourself in." Catwoman just smiled patiently and opened the door of the limo. Stepping out and onto the pavement.


The limo didn't even wait for her to go inside, speeding off as she opened and passed the gate. Catwoman however was unperturbed, she could Of course just not go in, walking for a while into the eldritch horror of Gotham Heights and maybe find the Harland manor, or that place with 'Greg'… the former Lawford manor and just avoid this all together. Because if you're going to ask someone to do you a favor maybe don't look down on them and treat them dismissively.


But she had to admit a part of her was morbidly curious. This 'superfan' Ozwald Gale was so obsessed with her that he was willing to write off entire pieces of highly expensive property for her time, a 'Day' specifically. That's fucking creepy she knows it but it's also somewhat flattering. Silently she moved towards the front door, her boots click-clacking… then stepped up to the door.


Time 7:10 PM. Remaining time: 24 hours.


She amazingly didn't bother to knock as was Superbabes standard, slipping the key into the lock it clicked open and she walked in. The house was completely dark and there was a thick musty smell in the air, but not like old dried cum like somebody didn't clean the place for weeks if not months. "Hellooo?" she declared, and there was an echo.




"Okay." She replied, "…So much for he knows I'm cumming." She chuckled and promptly began to look around again. "Hello? Ozwald?" she poked her head into the kitchen, which oddly seemed to be absent of the musky smell, clearly because it was used more often than the rest of the house. She slipped back out, curiously looking around… before noticing a door.


Contrary to popular belief, and it's been said more than once: Catwoman isn't stupid. While much of the house was dusty, dark, and musky… the door she was looking at seemed to have been disturbed recently or perhaps more often than usual… So she approached it and opened it. It seemed to be a library. There were books, also DVDs it appears-Oh that's all porn…


…Oh fuck. It's not just any porn. It's HER porn… an entire floor-to-ceiling bookshelf FULL of 'Bonnie Brownie' porn filmography.


Holy gaping Holes Batman, that's quite a collection. She's honestly never seen a bigger collection of her films in one place. Not even her old studio had them all. Sure, he had classics such as Black Booty Bitches Vol 6 & 8, and Gotham Ghetto Whores Vol 1 & 2, where she had a scene or two. But he also had some old-school solo videos of her like Twerktastic 4,5 & 6 and Does it Herself. Oh! There are even some of her later, more popular works like Superchicks, Who's the Daddy? and DP-Xtreme. As well as some of her more extreme works like 5 Poles ONE Hole, Choke On Dick, and Female Toilet Faces, her more 'incestuous' stuff like My Son's Girlfriend is Black and My New Stepmom's a Freak, along with her more tame works like Give it to Her, and Fill Me with Cum… Holy SHIT! He even has a few of her JAV works that one time she was in Japan!


Need to take a breath for these. The Gaijin Teacher loves Japanese cock and has unprotected impregnating sex with her horny students, and Exploding Yellow Bikini Black Body Oozing with Butt and Big Tits… that one might be a bootleg mistranslation. But it was accurate, she did wear a yellow bikini in that one.


It was all organized by category in alphabetical order. DVDs, Redray, and video!... Huh… she had video sales?... Someone owes her money. A statement that was probably more than accurate considering her former studio and their highly illegal and immoral shenanigans. But regardless of the truly impressive collection before her, she couldn't help but notice… nobody was there. She sighed, then turned to walk back out of the library. But hesitated… above the door, she came in was a security camera focused directly on the 'collection'… she waved at it with a smile. "…Hello? Can you hear me? Hiiiii…" she said, making sure the camera got a very good view of her cleavage. "…Can Ozwald come out and play?"


…If she expected anything to happen… it didn't. She frowned, "Are you being shy?" she asked calmly, hands on her hips. "…Or should I leave?" She hesitated and shrugged, "Okay… if I should leave then-"There was a low hum and, to her surprise… a tiny Roomba buzzed into view outside the library. Despite all the dust, it seemed unmoving but still had power…


Then it turned around and buzzed away. She raised an eyebrow, then followed it. It was following a path it had already traveled, so she followed the trail, skipping ahead of the Roomba… it was leading her to a rather plain door at the end of the right hallway. She approached it and opened it. There were stairs leading down into a basement.


…Suddenly 'basement dweller' seemed far more literal than expected. But she bounced down the steps and entered a mancave/bedroom. There was a large futon bed and a big screen TV with a collection of video game consoles… however, her attention was drawn to the corner of the room where a man sat with his back facing her at a computer setup with three computer screens. The right one showed several cameras throughout the mansion, and the left showed a moving camera, clearly the Roomba, he had been driving it.


The last one showed her ass being rigorously double-penetrated by two fat guys in a fenced-in muddy area. She remembered that one, Farm Animal Frenzy, she was the 'black sheep' fucked by two 'pigs' she also had another threesome scene in that same movie with a big dick 'Horse' and a 'Cow' with huge udders. "Fuck me!" she squealed loudly, "Give me your piglets! Ugh! Ugh!! UUGH!!" their huge overweight bodies thrusting into her holes, trapping her between their bulk as they grunted like the animals they represented. Their cocks throbbed in her ass and pussy, before ripping abruptly out of her, the 'pig' in her ass shooting the last of his ropes onto her wobbling ass as his hand slapped her wobbling meat. "Oooh… I'm such a Baaaaad girl…" she bleated as the man beneath her pulled out and shot his load upward, splashing on her ass as well.


Ah for the days when her co-stars pulled out… But she was brought back to reality by the man sitting in the computer chair and jerking off to her getting fucked by two fat 'pig' guys… And it looks like she was about to do it again…


He was big, in height and in width… to put it kindly he was chubby… everywhere. He had a jar-shaped head from the back and his dark hair was in a bowl cut, but it looked odd like he did it himself. He was the complete opposite of Dorothy Gale who was really more like a witchy bitchy scarecrow. He was still rubbing his bulge, as he promptly moved his mouse to skip ahead of the video, the next scene was a pair of 'white sheep' getting plowed by a 'wolf' AND a shepherd, and skipping right ahead to her Cow and Horse threesome. Straight to her sucking big black horse dick being held between a pair of big 'bought' Bessie-sized tits…


"A bit of behind-the-scenes knowledge…" she cooed suddenly, "But it was supposed to be Heather Hottie in that scene, but they confused the shoot time so they had to scramble for another girl." Ozwald neither turned around nor seemed surprised at her suddenly voicing this information, he just continued massaging his bulge as he watched Bonnie Brownie sucking 'Horse' dick. "…I'll be honest I don't remember that actress's name." she said, referring to the 'cow' and approaching him from behind "She went off to West City after that scene, thinking she went to a better studio.


"Mwah… fuck me in the aaaaaass…" she bleated from the screen, and she sighed.


"…The script was not that great." She said as he skipped ahead, to a section where the 'cow' was buried face first in her ass, face down and ass up, moaning longingly as she wibbled her big beautiful ass on the Cow's face as the horse pulled her blonde head out and stuffed his cock in.




"I thought you were a sheep bitch!" the 'horse' declared before viciously anal fucking her, the cow burying her face into his ass and rimming him out. "What are you mooing for!?"


"…Are you just going to keep watching my porn?" she asked casually, "Because I'm okay with that…" she said as he paused the video after skipping ahead again to the cumshot, ropes of thick semen shooting across the Cow's tits as her face rested on them like pillows, mouth open and sprayed with cum. Ozwald finally stopped touching himself and stood up. Her eyes rose upward as the light of his computer was suddenly smothered with his bulk, he turned around and gazed down at her.


…She didn't quite realize how…BIG he was. His chubby face was surprisingly well groomed considering the state of the rest of the house and his hair. But he did have a double chin… three probably if he squished his face. His arms and legs were as thick as tree trunks and his body was like a barrel… a big barrel. He just stared down at her, his eyes roving rapidly over her face and body as she stood with her hands on her shapely waist.


"…You're the real deal." He said finally with a surprisingly gruff voice like he didn't use it a lot. "Holy Shit I thought the Wicked Witch with no Chest was trying to trick me again," he said and began massaging his bulge like that was the natural thing to do when faced with your favorite pornstar.


"Nope, I'm 100% real." She declared confidently, lifting her Catwoman goggles off her face and removing the cap completely letting her dark brown hair flow freely. She ran a hand through it and smiled at him as she tossed the cap aside onto the dresser the TV rested on. "She found me. Now what are you going to do about it? Because if it's nothing I'd like to know now, so I can get on with my night."


He stared down at her, his eyes widening as if unable to believe it completely. "…I can do whatever I want with you?"


"It's in my contract." She said smirking and gazing at him sultrily.


"Whatever I want?" I asked, aggressively rubbing his bulge now as he gazed into her cleavage.


"You wanted the whole experience." She said, "And I hear she can be a nasty, NASTY girl." She said as she stood an inch away from his bulging gut. "So what-EVA you want." She said elaborately.


He stared at her, and when he didn't make a move she decided to step away. Only for his other hand to rest on her shoulder holding her in place. She smirked up at him as he finally pulled his hand away from his crotch and toward the zipper of her Catwoman suit. His pudgy thumbs hooked into her suit and pulled.


Time: 7:46 PM. Remaining Time: 23 hours and 14 minutes.


Her big beautiful breasts bounced free as he peeled the suit from her body like a banana. No longer restraining her magnificent brown body it crumpled to the floor as if it released a held breath. He pulled his hands away, holding them out towards her breasts with twitching fingers as if playing the piano. She subtly twisted her torso making her tits jump about, silently encouraging him but making his hands recoil. She chuckled, but just when she thought he was too shy. But then his hands lunged forward and grab her tits. "Mmgn…" she bit her bottom lip, sultrily gazing up at him as he fondled her chest… but just as quickly pulled away and began to walk around her. She tried to face him but he pushed her back having her face the screen of his computer and the image of herself getting nutted on, perfectly paused. "Mmmn…" she moaned again as his hand squeezed her right ass cheek. His fingers sank into her beautiful brown body before quickly releasing… as if he was testing if she was as real as she was.


Spoilers: yes it was on all counts.


Whap. His hand pulled away and quickly returned in a light swat. It wasn't hard or malicious, she knew exactly what it was for. Her ass cheek rippled delightfully, her hips subtly wiggling as she kept her thick ass wobbling side to side, then up and down, her cheeks lightly clapping together. Just when the booty-full display was about to stop. Whap. His hand would return, getting it going again. "Ooh." She grunted and complied with his wordless demands.


Actions spoke louder than words after all.


"Ahh…!" she gasped softly as his hand grabbed a fistful of her dark brown hair, yanking her head back and arching her back flexibly. She rested her hands on her knees, feeling his hand swinging regularly but gently onto her beautiful brown backside, fully twerking as he gazed at her hypnotic ass before he reached between her legs and promptly fingered her with his ass-smacking hand. His pudgy fingers slid into her as she shivered reflexively as he began stretching and rubbing her insides…


There was no skill in his amateurish fingers, but he wasn't awful. Rubbing at her inner walls and building up a thick coating of pussy juice before suddenly pulling away, a string of her syrupy arousal connecting his fingers to her slit like a power line before snapping in the middle. He seemed fascinated with the sticky fluid on his fingers almost as much as her phat-wobbling ass that he promptly started up again with a light slap. "Oooh…" slipping his sticky fingers between her clapping cheeks and poking at her ass. "Mmgh!" This time he was more forceful, shoving his pussy coated fingers into her to the knuckle. Her tight ass clenched around them as he abruptly ripped them out. "Ooh… ah!" she was then jerked towards the futon and pushed onto it.


Her upper body hit the futon mattress and her ass wobbled like jelly as her legs hung off the edge of the bed. Ozwald stood behind her and bent over to rub his hands all over her thick brown ass, she wiggled it glancing over her shoulder at him. He was solely focused on her shaking ass cheeks, his hands caressing her smooth rear before his fingers sunk into her flesh and spread them wide open. There was a hunger in his eyes and drool oozing from his mouth… "Haah…!" she gasped as he buried his face between her cheeks and hungrily shoved his tongue up her ass. "Nnngh!" Moaning softly and shaking her ass more as it bounced around his face. "Like that taste? Oh!" he clapped her rear and dazedly kept sliding his tongue in and out of her ass, it spiraled around and around as her toes curled and she wiggled on the bed. "Nngh-oh-oooh…"


Ozwald looked to be in a daze, inhaling her smell as his tongue licked her out, his hands squeezing and clapping her bouncing brown booty as he pussy oozed her increasing arousal on his chin. Stuffing his tongue so deep into her brown hole she could feel his teeth he finally pulled away and swatted her booty hard. "Ooh…!" he lifted one of her legs onto the futon bed, and she kept twerking her ass inches from his face before he began slurping her dripping pussy. "Ooooh…MMgh!" she shivered, continuing to shake her voluptuous body as he drank heavily over her juices furiously rubbing his bulge and moaning happily like a nursing babe. "Hah… ahh… aah…" her insides clinging eagerly to his tongue as he amateurishly thrashed it around. "Mmmgh!" he pulled away again and put her other leg on the bed. Low to the mattress she kept pumping her hips up and down clapping her ass cheeks together as he grabbed on again, licking her slit and her asshole as he positively feasted on her. "Haah…" He just kept eating her body as if her ass was literally made of chocolate and he was starving, his fingers squeezing her wobbling cheeks or getting stuffed quickly in and out of her silky holes. "Oooh…" he pulled away from her and swatted her rear once again, she was used to people clapping her ass, at least he wasn't doing it so hard he left bright red handprints on her skin…


A common and satisfying practice.


"NGh!" his hands finally stopped slapping her ass and double-fisted her dark hair, yanking her head back and pulling her into his face. "Oooh… Nnnngh!" shivering erotically and bucking her hips instinctively as she shivered in climax. Shaking her ass like a bitch in heat. "Haah…" she gasped as she was suddenly pulled upright onto her knees, "Ooh..mmn…" he then turned her head and shoved his tongue into her mouth. "mmn…"


His amateurish tongue work and finger were apparent but he made up for that with pure hunger and drive… but his kissing was slobbering and overwhelming like he was trying to suck her entire mouth into his as he opened his wide and entrapped her lips, shoving his tongue coated with her juices past her lips to make her taste it. His hands squeezed her big soft tits as her ass continued wiggling on his boxers-covered bulge. Her tongue swirled and licked his clean, swallowing their fluid mixture as his hands gave her big breasts one final squeeze then pulled away, swatting her butt again. "Mmn… mwah…" she licked her lips hungrily as he pulled away before he crawled on the futon, it creaked under his weight as he flopped onto his back, his gut wobbling like her ass.


She stood on her knees at the edge of the bed before crawling like a cat across his body, sliding her tits over his gut and laying on top of him, running her fingers over his face and sliding them in his bowl-cut hair. Her lips were inches from his again they parted seductively and the tip of her tongue flickered out and wiggled on his lips as she giggled. Felt his hands roaming down her body, front and back, finding her holes and stuffing his fingers into her. "MMmn…" she moaned as she writhed on his big body, and her hand slid down his round barrel belly to garb at his modest bulge. "…Want me to do something about this?"


"You taste so good I want some more…" shoving multiple fingers into her ass as she hissed in surprise, feeling him spread them and stretch her ass.


"Ooh… you're a nasty boy aren't you…" she pushed off his body standing up on the bed as his hands flopped free of her lower body and she stood over his face, pussy juice dripping down onto it. She wiggled her hips side to side as a smile of pure delight stretched across his face gazing up at her from below as she raised her hands above her head, twisting her belly dancer hips, and brought her hands down HARD against the sides of her ass making her cheeks ripple as they slammed together. "You just want to eat this ass all night?!" she snarled excitingly, dropping to her knees and shaking her ass before finally dropping it onto him, feeling his tongue and lips on her lower body as she swiveled her hips and activated her belly dancing skills, rolling on his face before leaning forward, his huge fat arms wrapping around her face as she kept twerking and laying on his body. "Mmmgh!"


Her hands rubbed his huge belly, before sliding her hands to his boxers and his bulge… she slid them under, lifted them, and pushed them down. He had a fat, uncircumcised cock of average length that smelled like he hadn't washed it in a while, or he busted a few loads while waiting for her arrival… it was not even close to the foulest cock she's ever put in her mouth. But his ballsack was huge as easily as big as her fist… she would know because she grabbed it with her hand.


"Mmmgh?!" pre-cum suddenly oozed from his foreskin as she then grabbed his fat girthy cock with her other hand, opening her mouth and poking her tongue against his urethra and peeling his foreskin away until her lips could wrap around the tip and noisily slurp. "SLURP…" her tongue danced around his glans with her other hand pumping up and down and massaging his huge heavy balls as she kissed her fist over and over, tasting his pre-cum that seemed to gush onto her tongue with each fondling squeeze of his sack. He moaned into her pussy as she continued to suckle on his cock. "MMgn! Mmn-hmmn." Feeling him pulsating between her lips he was going to cum, she moved her head faster and faster.




"MMGh!?" she gasped and popped off his cock. "AH…" he squeezed her ass and pushed her, realizing quickly what he REALLY wanted she rolled off his body, getting on her knees as she rolled to her feet, looming over her. "Ahh!" she moaned loudly, extending her tongue, cupping her breasts with her hands and squeezing them together, and unblinkingly gazing up at him as he roared and shot his load onto her face.


"FUCK!" roaring like a pornstar that had to hold it in for hours. "UUugh!" grunting and pumping his face cock as his ropes of thick white seed sprayed onto her chest and face.


"Mmm! Cum all over me…" she cooed, bouncing her tits in her hands as his cock hung limp between his legs once he finished. She squeezed them together, lifted them, and licked what she could into her mouth as she gazed up at him. He gazed back down, holding his cock and stroking his limp shaft as she smiled, her eyes flicking to it, then back up to him…


"…You can clean yourself up." He pointed to a door under the stairs, she had completely missed it when she came in. He continued touching himself, watching her as she shrugged and got up shifting off the bed as he watched her beautiful naked body walking into the bathroom. It was surprisingly big for a basement shower… but considering his size it would have to be. The glass stall was huge, like a small closet unto itself and she walked right in, immediately turning on the shower.


Hot water hissed into her face and on her body and promptly did the superbabe shower thing. Moaning contentedly as the hot water washed away the sweat and stink splattered on her body she reached out for the soap, which was a lightly pink block it looked brand new.


"SNIFF." She frowned, "Hold on is that April Rose Hip?" she smiled, that used to be her favorite soap before she found out it was a limited-time run. They stopped making it years ago and any online auction purchases were in the hundreds of dollars whenever they popped up. Fucking scalpers.


"I have them specially made." She turned in… well she wasn't really surprised to see him watching her and touching himself, but she was mildly jostled back to reality. "My grandfather pulled a few… favors…" blackmail. "For the recipe."


"Your grandfather liked his rare soaps?" she joked as she promptly took the opportunity to lather her beautiful brown ass.


"My grandfather and I had… similar interests." He declared as she rinsed herself down, now beautifully scented by soap that probably cost more than her rent. "Interests that the rest of the family didn't approve of."


"Hmmn…" she said, hearing the tone in his voice and making the correct assumption as the shower door creaked open and she felt his hand on her ass.


"For grandfather, these interests were tolerated." Ozwald mumbled, "What he could do behind the curtains of his bedroom was his business and if the rest of the family didn't like it, it was one phone call to the estate lawyer away. So they chose to not pay attention to the man behind the curtain." His hand continued to caress her brown ass cheeks, "But while grandfather's tastes were easy to acquire with the right agency call. Mine is more… focused." He squeezed her ass firmly and slapped it again, she wiggled it side to side in response and made it wobble.


"MMn… and just what are those interests?" she said playfully, knowing full well that he was currently squeezing it. She was slowly turned around and pushed up against the wall, "Ah…" he was breathing heavily as he bowed his legs. "Oh…" he lifted her left shapely leg and draped it over his left tree trunk of on, it was soon followed by the right, her thick brown ass bulging against the wall as his girthy but average cock poked her pussy and slid right in. "Mmmgh!" she groaned as his hips immediately started pumping, slowly, steadily… "AH. NGh… mmn!"


Throwing her hips on his amateurish, rapid thrusts, wrapping her sexy legs around him, her feet hooking on each other behind him as she moaned eagerly, "More. More. Faster… come on and fuck me." She breathed silkily, her words were soft and barely a whisper but they echoed in his head and around the bathroom as she purred the words "Get it while it's hot." She used to say that when she first took on the Bonnie Brownie moniker, she even said it in Farm Animal Frenzy. It was her thing- "OH FUCK!!" she gasped as his heavy body SLAMMED into her like a battering ram… it wasn't just his inexperience it was also that he was probably twice her fucking weight. "Oh! Oh! Ooooh!!" ignoring the sheer WEIGHT of him pounding eagerly away she squealed suddenly as a tiny orgasm rippled through her body.


…She couldn't help it, sometimes her body liked it a lot more than her brain did. Her hands shakily wrapped around his head as she pulled herself forward, "Go! Go! Get it! Get it!" she moaned softly in his ear as he furiously pumped away at her. "Ah! Ah! AH! HAAA!!" gasping with his heavily thrusting hips as he buried himself into her. "Mmmgh!!" he panted heavily, sucking in air and kissing her neck as she wiggled against him, dancing erotically in the air using his body as a pole… in more ways than one. "mmn." Moaning as he continued necking her like a defanged vampire. She moaned and cooed as he continued his big lover-like treatment…


But she knew he stopped because he just didn't have the stamina for it. "Soft or hard. Fast or Slow…" she growled seductively, "Get it all out while you can." She whispered, "You only got 24 hours with me." His huge body firmly pressed up against her, his hands hooking onto her thick brown ass as he yanked her from the wall. He easily carried her, his bulk provided quite a bit of strength if not the stamina. "AH…" he yanked her right out of the shower, leaving the water running. "You left the shower-Ah…" she gasped as he squeezed her ass then he dropped onto the edge of his bed, holding her waist as she smirked.


She gyrated slowly on his lap, lifting herself up and down on his girthy dick as he moaned. "Have some titties." She said, pulling him into her chest as she kept right on riding away, his cock twitching and throbbing inside her squeezing her thick brown backside like it was the last stress ball on her and he had a LOT of stress…


Mostly in his heavy balls.


They sunk into her wobbling cheeks and began lifting her up and down and she moved herself faster and faster. Panting and heaving into her chest, her body clenching tightly around his cock as it bulged and throbbed inside her, quickly approaching release once again. "Ooh! Oh! Oooh.." she moaned as he yanked her off his cock and sat her down, his girth between her wiggling ass cheeks cum burst out of the tip, into the air… and onto her lower back as she cooed, his hands still squeezing her ass cheeks as she milked out more of his cum.


She kept twerking her sticky ass on his girth as she rubbed his head. "I don't care how rich you are…" she purred, slipping off his lap and turning around. "I am not letting you waste all that water. Good thing I need to clean up again." Ozwald watched her ass jiggle back into the shower covered in his cum as he grabbed his cock and furiously rubbed it, trying to quickly get erect again as she stepped back into the shower for a second round of a superbabe shower thing…


And once again she was interrupted by being pushed against the wall. "AH… ha-ha-haa!" she laughed as he grabbed her waist from behind and began bucking against her, sliding into her body and pushing and pumping into her wet stick ass from behind. "Uh…ah-ah…" she moaned but her sudden surprise fuck from behind ended abruptly as he pulled out and unloaded onto her back leg. His head hands slapped the wall, keeping himself upright as he rested his flaccid girth between her ass and she bounced it away. "Mmn…" he turned her head and he shoved his tongue back into her mouth as she giggled.


Ozwald wordlessly began to wash herself until her entire body smelled of April Rose Hip. "…I didn't expect you tonight." He said suddenly and she raised a curious eyebrow at his statement. He turned off the water "I'm too tired to perform appropriately." She just chuckled.


"Don't take it personally, it happens even to professionals." He frowned at that, but he squeezed her body regardless, reaching for a towel and offering her one. "…There's no rush, I'm here for another…" she checked the clock in his room.


Time: 9:39 PM. Remaining time-


"21 hours and 21 minutes." She smiled as he took her by the waist and led her to the bed he dragged her onto it, and on top of him as his hands squeezed kissed, and suckled on her body. "Mmmn…" she writhed under his fondling hands as he smothered her with affection… and FAT. "Alright if you want to cuddle." She mumbled, and with great effort, she shoved him off her onto his back and lay on top of him, "I'm on top." She declared.


He scoffed, but he neither smiled nor scowled at her statement as she continued his GFE for a good long while, his cock only at half-to-two-thirds mast all the while. "…When I wake up." He mumbled as she caressed him, "I'm going to live every fantasy I've had of you."


"That is the idea…" she whispered sultrily and he drifted off to sleep, probably now dreaming of thick booty brown girls. She sighed, then rolled over, stretching on his futon bed and not expecting to be left to her own devices. She wasn't tired… and she expected to be plowed all night. She pouted and, without even bothering to dress she stepped off his bed… she bounced up the stairs and straight to the kitchen.


She was just going to assume she could help herself. She walked into his kitchen and casually ran a finger over the island countertop. Not even a spec of dust… considering the rest of the house he must actually use it. She walked right up to his massive fridge, which was more like one of the fridges they have at the restaurant… industrial size, and opened it up. "Oh. Hello." It was a surprisingly well-organized fridge with eggs, milk, even a bag of flour… "…Hmn. Oh." But she reached for the Cream liquor, there were a couple of bottles and all the same brand. Goût des Caraïbes…


She liked cream liquor but Goût des Caraïbes was by far her favorite and you can ONLY get it in the Caribbean. When she and Laura were filming 'Yacht Sluts' they spent a week in the Caribbean, it was one of the few times their shit for brains studio actually dished out cash for them. She drank this almost exclusively…


He had so many he won't miss this one. She easily twisted off the cap, and took a drink, "Mmgh!" a shiver rippled through her naked body and the mood… suddenly took her. With a smile, she examined the contents of the fridge, then the nearby cabinets, and the pantry with a studious but quick glance… then set the oven to 400.


…Time: 7:56 AM. Remaining time: 11 hours and 4 minutes.


"MMn… mmn?" Catwoman's eyes flickered open and she gazed into the bathroom of Ozwald's room. She pushed herself upright and stretched. "Mmgh…" groggily she looked around and then noticed clear as day on a coat hanger was a familiar yellow bikini. "…No," she mumbled, standing up and examining it. It took her a minute to shake off the Caribbean Rum she drank last night, but as soon as she did she recognized it.


It was an exact copy of the bikini she wore for that JAV video! The mistranslated one! The bottom looked like a ribbon from the front, a side tie, and the top was a loop over her neck and tied in the back with a ring between the cups to hold it together with thing string. Plus it was a damn size too small, her translator told her it was a measurement difference between America and Japan… but she heard the Snickers when she was given the damn… thing.


…Hang on. This couldn't be the ACTUAL bikini right?... No way could he track that down. She frowned, she wouldn't put it past anyone trying to make a quick buck, but not even Orders had resorted to selling post-worn clothing... admittedly that's because the costumes are usually more expensive to make.


…Well it wouldn't be here if he didn't want her to wear it… and yep, it hugged her curves too. Her tits were practically spilling out of the cups and the back of her bottoms quickly rode up and got devoured by her ass cheeks as she lightly combed her hair with her fingers and bounced up the stairs.


The mansion was just as dark in the day as it was at night, probably because all the curtains were drawn and the lights weren't on, the only light was coming from the back of the mansion as a set of elaborate patio doors were wide open… she could see the semblance of a grotto-like pool Completely with rocks and trees and waterfall slide. She walked outside and felt the Gotham air on her skin…


…She felt dirty. That's just Gotham.


"You're awake." She immediately turned her head to the sound of Ozwald's voice. He lay on a lounge chair wearing bright green swim trunks and sunglasses, with green-tinted sunglasses, soaking in the sun. Now that she got to look at him in natural light he didn't have a pastry complexion. "And you're wearing the bikini." He added lecherously eyeing her under the glasses as she walked towards him, her voluptuous body bouncing even in the tight bikini. 


She stood between him and the pool hands on her hips and posing for him as she smiled. "Well, I thought you wanted me to wear it."


"You were right." He said watching her. "Did you make these?" she glanced at the nearly empty muffin tin beside him filled with what remained of her rum muffins she made last night.


"I got bored last night. Is that a problem?"


"These are amazing." He declared with a voice and a face that didn't show how amazing they wore. "I can't stop eating them."


"Thank you." She said, a little proud of her baking ability.


"Can you make more?" he asked as she smiled playfully.


"If you want." She replied as he watched her for a minute, "But that's going to cut into your playtime." He stared at her behind his green-tinted sunglasses.


"…We'll see if you have time later." He said, before promptly picking up a remote subtly hidden behind the muffin tins and pressing a big button. All of a sudden the tropical grotto of a pool was echoing with low bass and steady ass-shaking beats.


Boom-TISH-Boom-Boom-TISH. She could've sworn she'd heard Brielle dance to this before…


She raised her hands into the air above her head-Boom-her hip popped to the left-TISH-her hips swiverled in a quick circle, turning her body steadily-Boom-Boom-hips popped to the left and right-TISH- another swivel until she was facing away from him and letting him see what he wanted to see. Sliding her hands down her body, brushing her slender belly dancer waist to her wide hips she reached around, sinking her fingers into her beautiful brown ass before lifting it and letting it drop. Jiggle-jiggle. She shimmied her hips before bringing her hands around to her thighs, resting on her knees as bent down and began to shake it. Her ass clapped melodiously as it opened and shut around the yellow bikini.


It oddly complimented her beautiful brown skin and glittered almost like gold in the low Gotham Heights morning light. Ozwald continued to view the private show of her rolling hips moving from rap video twerking to just straight up gogo dancing, swinging her hips wildly from side to side, rolling her hips around she turned to face him again, swinging her hair around like a windmill and lustfully gazing at him as she spread her arms and wiggled her chest, bouncing her breasts about in the yellow top and threatening to snap any number of the tiny strings holding the skimpy piece together.


Ozwald sat up, shifting to the edge of his lounge chair as she swayed her hips towards him, running her hands over her wonderful body as she hungrily slid her tongue across her lips, gazing directly into his green-tinted glass as she squeezed her breasts then just as quickly let go, inches from his face she swayed her crotch towards him as he continued to stare blankly at her… but his cock was rigidly twitching in his trunks, stretching towards her as she rolled her hips to the beat… she went from ass shaking twerking, to go-go dancing, and now her seductive belly dancing.


Eat your heart out Ciara.


"Take it off." He said softly and she smirked down at him, still swaying her body… and rolling her hips again, swirling around again, with her hips popping and swirling slowly she reached behind her back and pinched the strings of her bikini top and slowly pulled until the hung down her back and then the top simply fluttered down to the floor. Topless, she slid her hands down to her hips and pinched the side ties of her bottoms giving them one stern tug. They hung on her body, her ass cheeks squeezing the back so tightly she had to manually release them. Grabbing her ass, pulling it apart, and shaking it down her body where the wind caught it and it fluttered into the pool. Before she bent over, resting her hands on her knees again, and gave herself some applause.


Clap Clap Clap…


Standing upright she clenched and flexed her ass, running her fingers through her long dark hair and turning around again, twirling on her toes so quickly she could've taken someone's eyes out with that ass. But she kept her body moving, continuing her dance as she chuckled at his rigid bulge and his unblinking gaze at her erotic gyrating… feeling his hands rest on her body. "Mmgh…" sliding around behind her and grabbing two fistfuls of her bouncing backside.


He pulled her forward and licked her navel, she giggled because it tickled while he slid his tongue up her body to her tits, "Ha…" gasping softly as he wrapped his lips around her right nipple and sucked. "Haah…" moaning as his hands squeezed her ass and loomed over her, pulling her against his body as she felt his bulge against her crotch, and she wiggled her hips, rubbing against it as his fingers sunk into her ass then he clapped his hands onto her. "OH…" he pulled away and rested a hand on the top of her head and pushed it down.


She squatted on her heels, grinning up at him as she hooked her fingers into his trunks and tugged down, his uncut dick shot towards her face and her mouth opened immediately, her tongue dancing out to slide over his tip before she dove forward. Her fingers clawed his body as his hand curled on the back of her head pulling her down onto his shaft. Her hand caressed his sack as he stepped out of his trunks and began bucking his hips towards her face.


"You like that don't you…" he moaned.


"Mmh-hmmn." She moaned twisting her head up and down as her forehead bounced off his belly and her tongue slobbering over his girthy meat.


"You're a nasty woman aren't you?" he groaned, as she chuckled and popped off his cock, massaging his balls and stroking his shaft she licked her lips, gazing up at him.


"I'm a NASTY woman… a nasty woman who LOVES fucking fat cock. Kissing his quivering tip before furiously bobbing her head up and down. "MMgh! Mmgh! Mmgh!"


"Uuugh…!" Ozwald flopped back onto the lounge chair as she rested her hands on his huge thighs and kept throwing her face into his crotch. "Nngh!"


"Mmmgh!" she buried her face into his crotch, standing up and shaking her ass in the air behind her, her tongue sliding out to tickle his heavy sack as she slurped noisily on his cock. Popping off quickly before sucking his right nut into her mouth and kept stroking him. "Hmm-hhm…" she giggled, "I sweep you off your feet?"


Ozwald's face twitched, then he grabbed her head and glided her mouth back to his cock. Sliding her lips up and down himself. "Mmgh. Mmgh. Mmgh…" before holding her to the base. "Mmmn… mwah…" he yanked her head off as she opened her mouth, tongue lolling, and then he spat into it. "Mmn…" she licked her lips and he stood up.


"Stay just like that." He ordered as she rested her hands on the lounge chair, keeping her legs straight and throwing her ass back as he slid his hands down her body and grabbed her waist. Sliding his cock back into her pussy as she wiggled her ass against him.


"Ooh. Oh! Oh!" he bucked his hips, slowly at first, deliberately savoring her pussy as she clenched and flexed around him. "Oooh I love big dick…" she moaned as he kept thrusting, "Oh. OOoh!" he reached down, grabbing her long hair and yanking her head up. "Haa…"


"Say that again."


"I LOVE big fucking dick!" she gasped, as he sped up, pulling her hair back as he spanked her. "Oh! I love fucking fat cock!! Yes! Yes! YESS!!" hissing through her teeth as he kept thrusting, pushing her onto the lounge chair, her thick ass wobbling wildly with his thrusts. "Gonna cum on this fat fucking DIIICK…! OOOH!" howling in pleasure as he pulled out of her, she fell forward. Crawling partway onto the lounge chair, her legs on either side as she shivered in an uncontrollable climax… "Mmmgh!" Ozwald watched with a rigid erection, his confidence swelling as he loomed over her. "Wai-wait a second-MMGH…!" shivering as he slipped his cock between her ass cheeks, "Fat cock in my ASS…!" she gasped, "AAAH!" howling as Ozwald, "FUCK! MY! FAT! ASS!!" she gasped as he grabbed the lounge chair, pulling it up towards him as he slammed loudly against her ass. "Fuck! ME! AH! AH! AHH!!" gasping and clenching down on him as he grunted, hooking his hand around her neck and tugging her head back. "HAa! AH! Aaah!!" his fat girth stretched her ass as his bulk slammed down onto her. "Oooh."


"Cumming!" he declared as she howled back in orgasm, slamming so hard into her she was sure he was going to crush her bones, good thing her ass had so much padding… not on Tasha's level of course but still.


"Shoot it in my ass!" she squealed but Ozwald slammed into her, "Haaah!" then ripped out "Ooh!"


"Open your mouth, drink it." Ozwald gasped breathlessly as she rolled over, he smacked his balls on her chin as he slid his cock into her mouth. "Ugh! Haah… Swallow it…" he sighed.


"Mmn-hmmn…" she moaned, her tongue flicking over his tip as rope after rope sprayed her tongue. His cock slipped from her lips, hanging flaccid as she opened her mouth to show him the load, then churned it around with her tongue. "Mmn…" unblinkingly she closed her mouth and swallowed it, smiling up at him. "Ah…" opening her mouth again as he slipped his flaccid member back onto her tongue. "Mmn." Her head slowly bobbed up and down as he sighed.


"Go for a swim." Taking her by the hands and pulling her to her feet, swatting her ass again as she giggled and strutted towards the pool. He sat back down on his lounge chair as she sultrily stepped down the pool steps and began sliding across the water. She swam all the way across before becoming fascinated with the waterfall waterslide, then clambered out, climbing the steps hidden by the rocks before playfully waving at him, bouncing naked in the breeze, and then sliding down with a splash.


"Wooo!" she laughed into the water, swimming away then popping up in the shallow in, brushing her wet hair out of her face as she smirked at him, her hands raised and her breasts bouncing. Finding him sitting on the top step of the pool, touching himself again as he watched her glide through the water and slid onto his lap, feeling his cock poking at her pussy again, though he was still touching himself. "Haven't you realized yet that I'm supposed to take care of that?" she whispered seductively in his ear before licking his face. "Mmmn… just use me to JERK OFF."


He stopped stroking himself on her wet body and hooked his arm under her leg, lifting her up and down onto his cock, "Mmnh! Mmn…" licking his face as he began doing just that, using her to jerk off. "Mmgh! Haah… Like that pussy? Huh? Feels good doesn't it? It can take a fat fucking dick like yours all day…" she purred silkily into his ear as she wiggled and squeezed around him. "It LOVES fat cocks. Ahh-hhaa…" moaning on his cheek as she was bounced on his lap, water sloshing everywhere as he bucked up into her body. "Yeah… yeah it feels SO good…" she moaned into his ear, rolling on his lap faster and faster. "Yeah fuck me-AH…" he shoved her legs into the water, sitting her on his lap as he held her waist and bounced her some more. "Oh! Oh! Oooh!" Her heavy lower body clapped loudly on the water like a pool float…


"Oh! Ooh!!" throwing her head back, leaning against him as he kept moving her faster, and faster. "mmgh! Mmgh! Aaah!"


"Uugh!!" Ozwald slammed her down onto his lap before standing up.


"Ah-Ahh!" she gasped as his hands hooked onto her arms, holding her up over the water. Her breasts bounced wildly back and forth as he loudly slapped against her body. "Oh! Oooh!!" she was pulled upright, and out of. "Oooh…" shaking her ass as she felt him rest his cock on it and shooting another load on her beautiful brown behind. "Mmn…"


"Haah…" he sighed, gazing at her cum covered ass as she wiggled her hips. Sitting down he watched her glazed booty wobble until she reached around and rubbed it into her round and brown skin like sunblock. Swaying her hips sultrily as she started dancing for him again. She held her hands over her head, swinging her hips side to side, before bringing her hands down and licking the cum off her fingers, still shaking her ass.


"…Go wash up." Ozwald said abruptly, and she stopped shaking her belly dancer hips. And unlike Tasha when she was done shaking her ass, it didn't take several more seconds to actually stop.


"You sure?" she asked with a sultry smile but was already stepping out of the pool. He rubbed her thigh as she passed, and she dripped water and cum as she walked around the pool.


"Yes, and then bake some more of those muffins." He added calmly as she rolled her eyes, a please wouldn't kill him but she WAS here to satisfy his desires.


After a quick wash downstairs in his shower, she briefly debated putting clothes back on. Briefly. There was little if any point to it… once she made it back upstairs she returned to the kitchen and opened his dishwasher, all the tools and bowels she used were washed and ready for her. Wish she had a dishwasher like that in her apartment…


She retrieved a white apron she found last night, and put it on. With her sweet ass still on display she tied the ribbons behind her back and went to work.


Time 12:45 PM. Remaining Time: 6 hours and 15 minutes


She finally finished putting in the last of the rum muffins she made… considering she didn't drink any of the rum she used this time she could make plenty. It should last him… until tomorrow… considering how fast he went through a dozen of them.


Now she and the counter were coated with flour, but in the sexy way where it was only the powder and not some doughy sticky coating. The smell of rum muffins filled the kitchen as she casually grabbed the bottle of Goût des Caraïbes, there was enough left in it for a shot… so she took it. Tilting the bottle back, resting her rear on the counter, and chugging it back. "Haah…" she sighed, before tossing it into the recycle trash bin with a crash, shattering with the rest of the bottles still in there.


She'll be honest she didn't expect a devoted recycle bin in a rich man's house. But hey, she digs it. "Smells delicious." She turned to find Ozwald, in his green swim trunks again and holding his phone to his ear. "No. Mr. Baum, I was not referring to you. Get it done please." He said before hanging up his phone and putting it down on the counter before approaching her.


"Anyone I should know about?"


"My Lawyer." He said as she chuckled, feeling his hands on her body.


"Having him draw up your aunt's papers?" she asked curiously as he continued running his hands over her flour-dusted body.


"Something like that." He declared, before glancing over her dusty shoulders and reaching for a muffin, set out on a cookie sheet. He took it and was about to eat it.


"Ah-ah!" she scolded taking the muffin from his hand. "Allow me." She cooed, before holding it to his lips, letting him slowly eat it out of her hand. Licking and sucking her fingers of crumbs.


"…You need to leave me the recipe."


"I'll write it down but you'll never get it right." She declared proudly as he slid his hands to her waist. "Oh!" she laughed as he turned her around and threw her forward onto the counter, a cloud of flour poofing into the air as he wiggled her ass behind her, standing on tiptoes. "Ooh, still hungry?" she giggled as he spread her and started to lick at her pussy. "Mmmn…" she wiggled her ass on his face, his tongue sliding into her folds as he growled hungrily, eating her out as she panted.


…Would it be wrong of her to say not that she's not surprised he CAN eat pussy?


"Mmng-" she moaned softly as his tongue lashed against her inner walls and he lifted one of her legs over his shoulder… then the other, "Ah… ah-AH?!" she gasped as he then stood up, dragging her off the smooth but flour covered counter and hanging upside down against him. Her legs squeezed around him in surprise as he wrapped one arm around her waist. "Oooh!" she laughed swaying in front of his cock rubbing against her lips. "Big strong BOY…" she laughed as his hand clapped onto her ass and squeeze. "Oooh!" he grabbed the back of her head and SHOVED her down onto his cock once more. "MGH! MMGH! MMGH!!"


He was just face fucking her now, firmly bucking his hips towards her face as she opened her throat and let him thrust it in. "MGh! Mgh! GUCK!" her eyes watered and her lips drooled as he kept pumping his hips and eating pussy, squeezing her ass hard and maintaining a tight grip on her. If it was any consolation she wasn't SURPRISED she was getting face-fucked… honestly it was the sort of escalation she expected from any of her fans. He started with a very GFE experience, moved on to a fucking straight out of a porno, and now he was face fucking her in a standing sixty-nine while he still had the chance.


To be perfectly honest she would've been disappointed if he didn't.


"Mmgh! Mmgh!!" she groaned, squirming on his body as he made her cum on his tongue, his lips hungrily sucking out her pussy juice as he pushed her to the base. "Mmmghg!" holding her down he then fell forward. "Mmgh!" her back hit the counter and her head hung over the edge but he kept thrusting into her mouth. "MGMh! Mmgh! Mgh!!" his hands could now focus on squeezing her ass and fingering his various holes. "Mmgh!" Her legs writhed and wiggled as she left an imprint of her ass in what flour remained on the counter. "MMng!" getting a noseful of his heavy sack as he buried his cock into her throat then abruptly pulled out. "BWAH!" she moaned as he slapped his cock on her face and rolled off. "Ah…" he pushed away from her as she caught her breath, only for him to scramble onto the counter.


"Ha-ha…" she laughed dazedly as he grabbed her waist, pulling her towards him before sliding his hard cock back into her, slipping deep into her pussy as he hooked her legs on his and rolled her over. "Ugh! FUCK!!" she gasped as he immediately started slamming into her body, "HAah! AH! UUGH!"


He put his whole weight onto her, her legs spread open and toes curling as he pumped down into her body again and again, fucking her right there in the kitchen covered in flour. "You going to! Make a mess on me in the kitchen?!" she laughed, panting and moaned, "Oooh!" writhing up against him as he pushed her back down, flour puffing away from them with the force of his heavyset thrusts. "Oh FUCK…"


"I'm tired of cumming on you." He declared, grunting and sweaty already as he heavily rammed away at her. "I'm cumming in you!" he declared as she moaned and groaned.


"Do it! DO IT!" she gasped, as his hips whapped away at her. "Ugh! Fuck! Me! YES!! FILL ME UP!!" she squealed as he slammed down. "Mgh! YEAH!!" he snarled through his teeth, slamming into her as he pumped in his ropes. "Get in there! Make me take all that cum! Ooh…" he slowly deflated on her, his head resting beside her as she licked his ear. "Mmn. Mmwah…" kissing his cheek as he continued bucking his hips. "Shoot it all in there…" she cooed, feeling him wiggle inside her as she wiggled back.


He stayed still for a little bit, before sliding his hands under her body and rolling her up. "Ah!" and onto him, sitting on his lap he grabbed her ass from behind and lifted her up and down, "Ha! Ah!" he lifted her completely off his cock, guiding it towards her ass. "Nngh!!" pulling her down and sliding in. "Haah… Ah! Ah!!" her legs wrapped around him, bouncing faster and faster on his lap as she tossed her messy flour-filled hair. "Oooh!!" she shivered as he slammed her down, his hands slapping her ass before reaching around and undoing the apron. Yanking it off her body and throwing it away she laughed as he buried his face into her tits. "Hee-hee!" she leaned back, hands on the counter she threw her hips onto his cock as he bucked. "Ah-AH! AH!!" gasping his hands clutched to her hips, her breasts swinging up and down. "Ugh! Ghh!!"


Ozwald panted, heaved, and gasped, furiously slamming into her ass as her hands curled on the smooth counter, her body shaking in pleasure as her head flopped back on her neck, "haaaah!" displaying her beautiful brown flour-covered body."Haah!" he grabbed her chest, "AAAH!!" squealing as she came on his cock and felt his cum shooting into her. "Nngnh! Ahh…" she squirmed on his lap, rolling her hips as he moaned shaking and heaving as he pulled her off his flaccid member.


Ozwald looked around, then slipped off the counter. "Ooh…" she shivered as he opened a cabinet and grabbed a small glass cup from it. Returning to her and putting it on the counter.


"Squat over this." He said as she smirked at him, "Squeeze it out."


"Ha-ha…" she laughed and rolled up to her feet squatting over the glass and, soon enough his cum dripped out of her, splattering into it as he watched eagerly, "Nnngh…" cum filled about a fourth of the glass as she flexed her beautiful body. "Mmn…" rubbing her fingers over her clit as Ozwald took the glass from beneath her. She then snatched it from his hand, and without breaking eye contact she brought it to her lips, running her tongue along the inside and sucking it right into her mouth. "Mmn…mwah." Smacking her lips as she swallowed it. Biting her bottom lip and smirking.


"I didn't tell you to do that."


"But you wanted to." She snapped quickly as his cock twitched, and he wrapped his arms around her waist and yanked her off the counter, she laughed, wrapping around his heavy body as he rushed her out of the kitchen. "Ha-ha-ha!" she giggled as he carried her all the way back to his basement bedroom, dragging her back into bed with him, laying on his back he slid into her as she straddled him. "Mmgh!" she giggled cheerily down at him, running her hands on his chest, before riding him as long as he was able to keep it up…


Which was a surprisingly long time.


Time: 5:01 PM. Remaining time: 1 hour 59 minutes.


Laying beside Ozwald her hand fondling his truly spent cock Catwoman purred in his ear, but said nothing as he dozed slightly after literal hours of banging, fluffing, and more banging… tumbling over and over each other like a pair of gators trying to out deathroll each other. Admittedly she had to do most of the work overall… and she was certain she was going to be sore tomorrow, but overall it wasn't the WORSE fuck she's ever had. But he was definitely done… she's been encouraging him with sweet nothings, hard fuckings, cock suckings, and roleplay impregnatings for the last 20-something minutes. If he wasn't hard now… it's just facts.


So, she kissed his cheek and tiredly slipped from the bed to adjourn to his bathroom shower once more. Though she was starting to like it… the soothing hot water spraying away the sweaty musky scent of a very eager large man who spent the last few hours satiating his lustful fantasies with his favorite ex-pornstar. She grabbed the bar of April Rose Hip and scrubbed herself down for what was probably the last time tonight.


After the superbabe shower thing, she stepped out of the shower, dried off, and finally put on proper clothes again… granted it was her Catwoman suit, but hey it was familiar.


"Mmgnh…" Ozwald groaned, seemingly annoyed that his bedwarmer was no longer warming him, and sat up in his futon, he eyed her for a minute as she combed her hair in her kitty-eared cap.


"Hey… I didn't mean to wake you." She said casually as he shifted off the bed, planting his feet onto the floor and groaning, it seemed his entire body was creaking and stiff… he's probably had more exercise in the last 24 hours than he's had all month.


And she wasn't even Lucy.


"…I still have time remaining I believe." He said as she frowned at that.


"Well… yes you do. Technically. You have me for a little under 2 hours." She then pointed at his cock and for the first time, he wasn't touching it looking at her. "But I've been working that for a while now and got no result."


"It's fine." He said, "This is better." He stood up, "…You can show me how to bake those muffins." He said, slipping into the bathroom as she raised an eyebrow at that.


"…Well alright, but we need to clean your kitchen first." He didn't really respond to that, but she shrugged it off. "Yeah, sure alright. I'll do it why not?" she sighed and went upstairs.


She had just finished wiping down the counter and putting away her previous muffins as he entered his kitchen wearing shorts and a plain emerald, green T-shirt. "…You seriously want to learn how to cook?" she asked, finishing cleaning the muffin tins as he looked around and grabbed the previously discarded apron.


"I insist on it." He said, as she smiled, he promptly applied the apron to her, tying off the straps just above her ass where it settled nice and cozy.


He squeezed her ass and she chuckled but lightly swatted his hand away. "Wash your hands." She ordered as she began showing him how to back his new favorite treat… that wasn't her ass.


The time flew by as they baked, him studiously watching her eyeball and gutmeasure everything and put the muffins in the oven. "Now we wait." She said casually, leaning her leathery-covered backside on the counter as he watched the muffins. "…So want to watch a movie? It can be one of 'Bonnie Brownie'…" she teased but Ozwald thoughtfully watched their muffins baking.


"I don't think that's necessary." He said, as his watch dinged. "Aunt Dorothy has arrived." Catwoman frowned.


"She's early." She said but Ozwald seemed unsurprised.


"Yes, well, she's always dropping in unannounced." He then eyed Catwoman and said with a rather playful tone. "It's time to lower the curtain." He said with a slight smirk before getting two fistfuls of flour and clapping them together sending a small shotgun blast between his fingers and getting powder everywhere. Seconds before the door rattled loudly with a door knocker.


BOOM BOOM. Ozwald's eyes flicked over his shoulder, but then he held a finger to his lips. Catwoman raised an eyebrow but shrugged. Hearing the front door to the manor opened, evidently the knock was just a courtesy as Dorothy let herself right in. She didn't announce her presence walking in like she owned the place with a silver-haired man behind her. However, she jumped as Ozwald COMPLETELY changed.


"Auntie Dory!" he cheered jovially, his voice seemingly dropping a couple of octaves, giving him a very deep tone. He rushed out covered in floor and immediately wrapped his arms around her.


"Oz…wald." She hissed out a greeting through a forced smile, "How delightful it is to see you out of your room." Sounding both annoyed that he was and legitimately surprised.


"We had such fun Auntie Dory!" Ozwald replied cheerily as Catwoman watched the huge tonal change occurring before her. "We watched movies! Swam in the pool! And baked muffins! I can bake muffins now!"


"Very good Ozwald." 'Auntie Dory' replied recovering herself and seeming less forced. "So I take it you enjoyed your time with Bonnie Brownie as we agreed?" she said, "Because I have my Lawyer Mr. Mann here already with those papers you need to sign." She said with a slimy smile. "Mann." She said as Mr. Mann held up a briefcase.


"Auntie DORY…" Ozwald said, with the air of children's host. "You know Mr. Baum doesn't like me signing ANYTHING without him here! But that's okay I already invited him over to try my muffins." Dorothy's face twitched as she tried to maintain the smile.


"Yes Auntie Dory, I was already invited."


Catwoman jumped suddenly as another man seemingly appeared in the kitchen as if by magic, with neat square glasses on his face and a bushy walrus mustache. His salt and pepper hair was receding slightly giving him a slight widow's peak and he had a thin build, like a scarecrow… but not the creepy fear one in Arkham.


"Mr. Baum!" cheered Ozwald, "when did you get here!?" he laughed and went to 'hug' him only for Baum to hold up a hand stopping him.


"Just a moment ago, I followed Dorothy inside." He then reached out and took a freshly made muffin from a pile of those previously made. Ozwald's mask briefly dropped, a little annoyed that he took one without asking but he stepped around the big man who quickly recovered. "I'll take those documents Tin." He said as Tin Mann handed over the case. Baum then put the case on the counter, opened it up, and checked the documents inside.


"Auntie Dory want a muffin?" Ozwald asked, "They're REALLY good."


"They are." Baum replied, having a bite and reading through.


"No… I'm fine." Dorothy turned to eye Catwoman, taking off her floury apron and standing awkwardly by the fridge, reaching in and grabbing another bottle of rum. Dorothy's face said it all, 'Baking' was not what she expected Catwoman to be doing with her nephew.


"…It seems to me that everything is in order." Baum said, "…However there's one MINOR issue." Baum said as Dorothy dropped her friendly pretenses and glowered at Baum.




"Yes. It says here-" he held out the document and flipped it over a few pages. "That this agreement depends entirely on your ability to produce one 'Bonnie Brownie' he then glanced at Catwoman and then back to Dorothy, "…However she doesn't seem to be here."


"WHAT." Dorothy glowered at him but Baum, evidently used to this, was unaffected.


"It's true Auntie Dory, she says her name is Catwoman." Ozwald replied completely straight-faced and with a goofy smile on his face.


Catwoman blinked, then after a moment of thought she realized what they were doing. Well… they weren't exactly wrong, she introduced herself as Catwoman out of habit and then it sort of escalated from there… she hadn't ONCE referred to herself as Bonnie Brownie and Ozwald hadn't either.


"That's not-She's Bonnie Brownie!" she declared, pointing at Catwoman who chose to remain quiet and open up the bottle of rum, taking a sip.


"But she said it was Catwoman." Replied Ozwald looking at Catwoman in confusion, he was so convincing Catwoman felt bad for Dorothy… then she remembered that she didn't like her.


"I did say that." Catwoman replied with a shrug before drinking the rum again.


"That's! I! YOU!!!" she snapped as Baum shut the case.


"I suggest we take the shouting match into the lounge." He said, "So as not to disturb Mr. Gale."


"Disturb Mr. Gale? DISTRUB MR.GALE?!" Tin Mann rested a hand on Dorothy's shoulder and resignedly led her out of the kitchen as she snapped. "I'll show you disturb Mr. Gale!" shrieking obscenities and slurs. Mr. Baum followed them out, the lawyers seemed used to this as Ozwald waved her off.


"I'll be right there Auntie Dory!" he said cheerily as she shrieked with anger. His face went back to 'normal' and he turned to Catwoman, "Thank you for playing along."


"…I am being paid to play." She noted, as he took the rum bottle from her hand and had a sip himself before handing it back to her. "So you just-"


"Pretend I'm stupid and ignorant? All the time." He said confidently, "And I'd appreciate it Catwoman if you didn't break the illusion." He said, holding his finger to her lips.


"Well, that's fine with me." She said, as he turned and followed after his lawyer and his Aunt who had gone from indignant shrieking to furious tirades. She put the bottle down and began loading his dishwasher with all the dishes and tools they used, and finding that the shouting wasn't stopping she went back downstairs and grabbed her bag, stuffing it with the bottle of rum she went back upstairs. Her time was quickly running out and Dorothy Gale seemed to continue her tirade of rage and argument.


However, it suddenly and abruptly stopped… and Mr. Mann and Mr. Baum both walked out of the drawing room with Ozwald. "Auntie Dorothy is napping." He whispered almost childishly as Mr. Baum sighed.


"She'll be ready to go again in about an hour." He said.


"Good. Because I need a ride." Catwoman said casually, "…Gentlemen?" she said sweetly.


"I can't drive." Said Ozwald sweetly as Mr. Baum sighed.


"I will be right back then Mr. Gale. Please don't sign anything until I return."


"Kay." Ozwald replied and he waved to Catwoman, "Thank you Catwoman. I had a fun time!" she kissed her fingers and blew them at him, and, to her surprise, he actually blushed. She then turned and strutted out of the house with Mr. Baum who led her to a modest car parked behind Dorothy's limo.


She slipped into the passenger's seat as he took the driver's seat. He cleared his throat, before slowly pulling the car into drive and leaving the Gale mansion behind. "…So are you actually Bonnie Brownie?" he asked hesitantly as she raised an eyebrow. "…I'm afraid I'm not familiar with your work personally."


"I'm not offended." She said silkily, unable to turn it off. "…And as I'm still on the clock, she said, eyeing his car clock, "I'm Catwoman." She replied as he cleared his throat again.


"I see…" they drove in silence getting out of the Heights. When she spoke again, watching the familiar lights.


"…So… are you aware of-"


"Mr. Gale's habits? Very." He mumbled with a tired sigh, "…But I trust that stays between us." Catwoman could only shrug with a smile, it was no difference to her she wasn't going to say anything. This was Gotham.


Time: 7:34 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Good Evening Ms. Catwoman." Mr. Baum said, pulling up front as she smiled at him.


"Good night Mr. Baum." She said, slipping out of the car and shouldering her bag as she walked in the front door of Superbabes.


"Hey, Divya." Laura immediately greeted her, she was working hostess tonight, and Divya playfully kissed Laura's cheek as she walked past, "…Fun time?"


"Uh-huh." She said, reaching into her purse and producing the rum bottle. Laura gaped at it.


"Whoa. Is that-"


"Goût des Caraïbes! The guy had a fridge full of it."


"Divya." Rebecca stuck her head through the doorway to the lounge, "Boss wants to see you." Divya rolled her eyes and then winked at Laura.


"Save you a glass?"


"Put it in the fridge for me. Some of us are still working tonight." She replied as Divya lightly patted Laura's ass, who rolled her eyes, unaffected by the sexual assault but appreciative of the tips it would no doubt bring her later.


"Hey, Boss." Divya greeted, only for Orders to reply with a THUMP.


A small briefcase, similar to the one Tin Mann had brought, was dropped heavily on the table, and shoved towards Divya. "Here's your cut."


"…Okay wow." Divya replied, lifting the surprisingly heavy case. "What's in here gold bricks?"


"Not anymore." Orders replied casually, because that was the normal response. Divya chuckled, then walked past her to head into the locker rooms. Changing her clothes and coming back out.


"…So aren't you concerned in the least that you helped scam a robber baron's daughter?" Divya asked as Orders raised an eyebrow.


"…Should I be?" Orders leaned back. Divya smiled and shrugged again.


"I guess it is you, so probably not." She put her headphones in her ears, "See you tomorrow then?"


"Take the weekend off." Orders replied calmly, "You earned it."


Divya winked, "See you then boss." Before she walked out the back door, humming quietly to herself as Orders went back to her crosswords. She obviously wasn't concerned, she's Orders, Ozwald wasn't the only one good with verbal contracts.



This is either the last chapter of the year I've written, or the first, either or, Happy New Year everybody! :D

This isn't the official start of #7s by the way, I had every intention on focusing on comms for at least the next few weeks, but I was just so compelled to write this that I couldn't focus on anything else. So here we go. Divya's Daily. NOw there's only one left officially on the list before I could potentially start double up... And it is fittingly Veronica... Aphrodite help us all.

Next chapter