
Superbabes in SPAAAAACE!: Log 3

I don't own DC

The gigantic space station looked like a pair of frisbees slapped together and then stabbed with a large needle, with numerous points stretching out around it that allowed ships to dock at extended airlocks…


"I'm not getting any response." Ukyo declared, turning off communications after a long hail on approach. She and Darcy spent the last couple of hours directing and calculating the ship towards the station. "…I think it's abandoned." She said finally as Darcy blinked.


"Is that normal?" Darcy asked.


"It looks like a mining station." Ukyo replied, and considering it was orbiting a tiny dirtball planet with numerous abandoned strip mines it was a fair assessment. "I imagine it's seen better days but to be completely abandoned seems unlikely. It is however our only option." She said as got the ship to stop by an airlock. "Well, we better go and see if we can get a fresh fuel cell… or at least ANY fuel."


"We should also inform the others." Noted Darcy as Ukyo nodded.


"Right, they should be waking up anytime now." She got up, "Let's go tell them the news…"


It went about as well as one could expect.


"We are stuck in space?!" Lori snapped as Ukyo sighed loudly, Jane and Herman were rather concerned. Demona and Arwa were… actually rather placid in the reveal.


"We do not have fuel in the fuel cells, we need to acquire a new one."


"On an abandoned Mining station in the middle of nowhere." Said Lori but Darcy helpfully noted.


"The station is not responding to our hails. That doesn't necessarily mean it is abandoned."


"That sounds like a horror movie." Herman noted, "What if there's some kind of alien monster or something?" it looked like he was starting to act up again, so- "Mmgh!"


"The only alien monster here is you." Demona replied, shoving his face into Arwa's chest again to calm him down.


"Okay, this is funny?" Arwa replied, pointing to Herman between her cleavage with a humored smile, "But the way you said that is very rude." 


"Look." Ukyo declared, "This is what we need to do. We need to hope that this station has a fuel cell for the ship. It's an older model so there might still be some."


"I'm sure there is." Demona noted before elbowing Arwa, who subtly snapped her fingers behind her back. "Look extra hard now." Demona replied casually "I will be in the lounge." She declared abruptly.


"Wait we don't have to go?" Lori replied confused as Ukyo shook her head.


"No, it would be better if you all stayed with the ship." Ukyo replied, "I will go onto the station and search for a fuel cell."


"Which may or may not be abandoned." Lori noted. "That can't be safe."


"I will accompany Officer Ukyo." Darcy declared, "Her safety is highly important and necessary for our journey." She declared.


"There you go Lori, Darcy will secure her safety." Demona then left the group quarters and went to the lounge as she said she would. "Now lets see if we can cook something up that isn't nutrient paste."


"…Do you not know how to work the processor?" Ukyo asked as Demona scowled at her.


"What processor?"


"Oh I can show you." Jane said, as she followed Demona as well as the rest of girls and Herman. Leaving Lori behind at Darcy and Ukyo.


"…I'm perfectly fine with not going onto an abandoned space station. But are YOU two okay with it?" she asked as Ukyo frowned.


"It's not ideal, but it's our only option apart from setting up a distress signal. And I'd rather not do that." She noted softly, "…Who knows who'd pick it up." She took Darcy back to the armory, "I suppose you don't need a suit."


"Correct." Darcy replied, "I do not need oxygen."


"Well then try one of these." Ukyo replied and handed her a rifle-looking blaster into Darcy's capable hands, then grabbed one herself. "I'm not taking any chances." She added as she led Darcy to the cargo hold and the airlock attached to the space station. The door after a moment hissed and slowly opened revealing a dark empty hallway.


"…Doesn't appear occupied." Declared Darcy, walking onto the station.


"It still has power as well. She noted, walking in after her and shutting the airlock behind her. She frowned as she checked the corners, and then lowered her guard. "How odd."


"It appears to be on auxiliary power." Declared Darcy. "Bare minimal atmospheric controls and function."


"How do you know that?" asked Ukyo turning to find Darcy accessing a nearby console, easily. "…Are you accessing the schematics of the station?" Darcy blinked at her blankly.


"Yes." Darcy said frankly, "I am accessing many things. It appears that the ore of the nearby planet ran out and the company abandoned it's staff and the station. The remaining staff took whatever they could and left the station to drift."


"…So the likelihood of fuel cells is low." Ukyo noted however that Darcy remained distracted by the computer.


"Strangely enough there seems some equipment remaining, perhaps we can acquire one left behind? It would not hurt to investigate."


"Considering it's check or distress call, let's go see." She said, "Where is it?"


"On the other side of the station." Declared Darcy, pulling away from the console. "That way." She and Ukyo then ventured further into the seemingly abandoned station.


Meanwhile, back on the ship.


"This has options!?" growled Demona, getting a basket of fries out of the food processor. "Haah… MUCH better." She said, joining the others as they played a game of apology.


"I can't believe you didn't know that." Lori replied, "Jane knew that. And she has difficulty with the Air conditioner at Superbabes."


"I've gotten better." Jane noted sheepishly as Herman, calmed down by Arwa's boobs once again, chuckled at Jane's joke, the green girl grinning at him as Demona abruptly sat between them and crossed her legs. Spreading the two further apart by stretching her soft feathery wings.


"Why are we playing this silly little board game when we could be playing cards!?" Demona declared a bit too dramatically.


"Dee give it a rest-actually." Lori then turned on Demona, her eyes narrowing suspiciously, "…How did you know how to play a card game in space?" Demona, a fistful of fries in her hand, decided to cram them quickly into her mouth and not answer.


"Indeed Dee, how did you know how to play such games?" Arwa replied coyly, Demona scowled at her with a mouthful fried spuds, savoring every salty inch, before finally speaking.


"I have wings and we are currently sitting with two half-aliens and a shapeshifter. My knowledge of how to play 'space cards' is the least confusing thing right now." She hesitated for a minute, "I can teach you all how to play if you like." She stood up, "It's much easier to grasp than you'd expect it to be. I'll get the cards."


They watched her rush out of the lounge as Herman mumbled unsurely, "So are we not playing Apology anymore?"


"I feel that we might as well humor her." Arwa declared, before suddenly smiling as a devious idea shifted into her genie brain. "ACTUALLY… how about we have some fun with it?"


"Fun how?" Jane asked unsurely but Arwa was already clearing the table.


"Well I think Dee needs to loosen up, and we all know the best way to do that." She added as Jane and Lori blinked at her. "Trust me it'll be funny." She added as Lori chuckled.


"…Yeah alright I'm all for screwing with Dee."


"Well, I'm not talking about you 'screwing' with Dee specifically." She added as Lori rolled her eyes, and all three of the girls glanced at Herman, who was quickly becoming used to superbabe shenanigans… but not quite sure why they were all looking at him right now.




Back on the station Darcy and Ukyo made their way virtually unimpeded apart from the occasional locked door. "This place is quite spartan." Darcy noted, "Mother would like it here." She added as Ukyo opened another door.


"I'm sure with a bunch of miners it be less hospitable." Ukyo replied, "Are we almost there?"


"According to my calculations, the cargo hold we seek should be behind this door." She then stopped and eyed a very large door, different from the others. "This is it."


"…How convenient." Noted Ukyo quietly, before accessing the nearby console to open it, then sighed loudly. "Bombax. This one requires a passcode."


"Allow me." Darcy replied shifting Ukyo aside as she began to tap into the console and Ukyo stood in front of the door, after a few moments of rapid tapping. "There." There was a loud ding, and the door shifted and creaked after what might have been years of lack of use. Finally it split apart, opening to reveal a dark room with barely any light. "Do you perhaps have a light?"


"Yeah hang on." She said, flicking a switch on her rifle, and a beam of light ejected from the end. It flashed into the room and she flicked it around numerous empty crates. "…Let's see if-" she hesitated, "…Did you see that?" she asked suddenly, leveling her light into the room.


"I did not-" Darcy replied, but then just as quickly she reached out and abruptly shoved Ukyo aside.


"Ah!" Ukyo crashed to the floor, "What was that-!?" she was about to ask before a half-dozen long tendrils lashed out of the darkness and abruptly wrapped around a mostly unconcerned Darcy, her arms and legs squeezing her tightly. "What in the-!?" Ukyo scrambled to her feet as Darcy managed a soft-


"Oh." And was yanked into the darkness.






"Alright. Now that I've explained the game to you all." Demona cooed, shuffling the cards. "Are there any questions?"


"Yes. What should we use to bet?" Arwa replied as Demona scowled at her, "I'm just saying, you're the one that dislikes playing for nothing."


"Well, what do you suggest?"


"What else? Chores obviously!" Arwa declared, "Loser has to tend to Herman's needs. I'm sure that's only a matter of time." She then pinched his face as he blushed. "Not that I think you're a chore dear."


"Fine. It'll make it interesting." Demona replied.


"Well, what about me? I still want to play."


"Well, then you get to pick." Demona noted and continued to shuffle the cards. "This is far more exciting anyway."


"Exciting is debatable." Lori mumbled


"Well probably be more exciting than exploring an empty space station." Demona snapped


"Yep, clearly." Lori groaned, trying just to pass the time at this point.


Back on the station.


Platinum was dragged into the cargo hold by a mass of rigid tentacles. Pushing Ukyo out of the way was the obvious and logical choice. She couldn't let some sort of horrible space creature devour the officer. So she was moderately surprised when it wasn't a toothy maw of a beast ready to bite into her endoskeleton and attempt to shatter her steel bones.


But it wasn't a monster it was a plant, a huge ginormous plant with writhing fleshy tentacles that slashed against her body, sticking to her clothes before ripping them away and leaving her naked and dangling in the air.


"What in the-A tentacular Difila!? HOW DID THEY EVEN GET THAT HERE!?" snapped Ukyo as the tendrils became far more invasive, slithering along Platinum's arms and legs until the protrusions probed at her mouth and her orifices. "Don't panic! I just need to do… SOMETHING." But it was clear she didn't know what.


Platinum's mouth was then pride open and a pair of tendrils sliding from her arms slipped into her throat. Alternatingly sliding in and out of her mouth more of the overly friendly plants tendrils slithered into her pussy and her ass. Filling her with multiple tiny tendrils squeezed into her, three slimy tentacles crammed into her posterior stretching her orifices open before slithering in and out repetitively. Sending a shiver through her pleasure nodes as her pussy was soon prodded with another set of tendrils, thrusting in and out of her body as more lashed to her like stick whips, sheathing between her breasts and sliding into her mouth.


Her body contorted and twitched in the tentacular Difila's grip, its multiple limbs grinding and thrusting into her until she felt the first tendril pulsate and abruptly pump her insides full of a stick fluid… her ass exploded with the stick goo, spraying out behind her as the tendrils ripped away only to be replaced by more.


"GLUCK." Tentacular fluid exploded from her mouth and throat as it deposited more of its sticky sap. Gushing out of her mouth it splattered down her chest just as more sap was thrust up into her pussy. Pulsating and bulging as the sap pumped deep into her body before it abruptly released her, and dropped her to the floor. But soon more tentacles lashed down onto her shapely backside, spreading her open again before thrusting multiple tendrils back into her.


Sap gushed and spilled out of her body as Platinum was pounded into the floor, sloppily and squelching as the tendrils deposited more and more sap, sliding multiple tentacles into her body until finally the plant steadily began to slow. Stuck to the floor by alien sap Platinum released a slow grinding moan, the tendrils planting deep into her body before depositing even more sap, it exploded out of her orifices as the tendrils ripped away, and abruptly went limp on the floor like tangled ropes.


The gigantic plant seemed to deflate and flatten. Its petals instantly wilted, and its large sacks filled with sap shrank and shriveled up like prunes. Platinum remained on the sticky floor with her posterior in the air and unmoving, filled with sap from the plant.


"Darcy!" gasped Ukyo, cautiously approaching her eyes flicking to the tentacular plant. Clearly wilted after depositing its sap. "Are you alright!?" Darcy slapped her hands flat onto the floor and pushed up.


"Gurgle Gurgle." Darcy replied, opening her mouth and letting the sap still stuffed in their ooze out. After a second she spat out more, then declared. "I am fine." She then eyed her naked body. "…If not very sticky." 


"…Someone must have smuggled it onto the station." Noted Ukyo as a naked Darcy stood up, dripping sap. "Hoping to harvest its sap…" she then eyed Darcy cautiously. "Looks like it got left behind when the station was abandoned." Darcy examined the sap covering her body.


"It seems to have expired." Darcy noticed.


"It must have. It's probably been waiting for ages to complete its lifecycle, and with nobody to tend it or warm bodies to deposit it's sap into it was probably torture until it could relieve itself." She eyed Darcy and her sticky body. "…Is there any way you could gather that up?" she asked as Darcy blinked down at her sticky body.


"A great deal of it is still inside me." Darcy declared, "Shall I seal it?"


"What?" Ukyo asked only for Darcy's various holes to snap shut. "That's… I forgot that you're a gynoid."


Without opening her mouth Darcy replied, "It has its benefits. Mother says one of the great things about me is she doesn't have to feed me."


"That…" Ukyo hesitated, unsure of how to respond to that. "Okay." She said finally, "The Tentacular Difila's sap is a highly valuable product. It's worth a fortune. It might come in handy to have around in case we have to bargain with repairs again."


"Profit should not be ignored." Darcy replied as Ukyo frowned at her.


"…Are you alright?"


"Mother is very insistent." Darcy replied, Ukyo raised a pink eyebrow but cleared her throat.


"Well… just... hold on to it until I can materialize a jar back on the ship." She said, Darcy, as airtight as a spaceship carried the Tentacular Difila sap inside her. "…at least that's something out of this trip." She absently kicked the limp plant tendril.


"We should continue searching for the fuel cell." Darcy reminded her.


"Bombax that's right." Ukyo replied slightly embarrassed at forgetting, "Let's see if we can find one. If they left a tentacular Difila then they probably left other useful things."


"It is a fair assumption." Darcy noted, dripping sap still on her body everywhere as Ukyo searched, "Perhaps it would be more effective a search if we turned the light on?"


"Is there a light?" Ukyo replied skeptically as Darcy seemed to ponder the question.


"Well I haven't checked, I was preoccupied with saving you from the tentacle plant." She hesitated, "Then I was distracted by the tentacle plant." Ukyo eyed Darcy suspiciously.


"…Okay… Let's see if we can find some lights." She noted as Darcy stepped away, returning to the closest console."


"Indeed. Next time we can see the tentacle plants coming."


"…Are you being spiteful?" asked Ukyo after a minute as Darcy accessed the console outside the door."


"I don't believe I am." Darcy noted thoughtfully. "…I've never been violated by a tentacle plant before, and I have been violated by many things theoretically." After a second, the room abruptly lit up. Filling the cargo hold with light… including the dead tentacular difila. "…It is actually quite hideous."


"It's a plant that needs to ejaculate its sap into mammals." Noted Ukyo, now looking around into empty discarded crates filling the cargo hold. "I don't think it's supposed to be pretty. But the sap smells nice."


"It does have an interesting fragrance. What is the sap itself used for?"


"All sorts of things." Ukyo replied, "But it also makes a very fine honey." She then eyed Darcy up and down, realizing where the sap was currently being stored. "…Let's not tell anyone how we contained it."


"Agreed." Darcy added before something caught her gaze, "Officer Ukyo. Are those Fuel cells?" she asked, pointing to a corner of the room revealing a neatly pilled stack of blue cylinders.


"They are!" Ukyo replied surprised, approaching them and examining them closely. "What luck!" she cautiously checked them, "And they're all full!... you think they would've degraded being left on an abandoned station. Help me carry some of these back to the ship."


Darcy grabbed two of the cylinders, easily lifting them from the pile before hesitating. "…We should remember to wash these once we return."


Ukyo managed to lift one on her on, hefting it onto her shoulder. "Agreed." She then eyed the pile. "…Though it is strange that there was just a pile of these in a corner of the station. Normally they'd be more secure…"


"I shall take your word for it." Darcy replied as they walked out of the cargo hold, once they left the fuel cells quickly diminished leaving behind nothing but dust behind."


Arwa back on the ship suddenly perked up, curiously looking around then smiled, before going back to the card game. That Demona was losing. "You are cheating!" Arwa scoffed as Demona glowered at her.


"Am I? Am I cheating?" Demona growled at Arwa and the lovely genie winked. She wasn't cheating, but Demona underestimated the other players of the game, so Arwa was preventing Demona from cheating…


Demona had standards when it game to playing games of chance, and would normally NEVER cheat when playing for fun. But they weren't playing for fun they were playing for who'd get shafted by Herman next. When inevitably it happens again of course… However, it was Jane who won this round, putting down her cards and declaring victory.


"I won!"


"Damn it." Snapped Demona throwing her cards down, just in time for the lounge door to open. Ukyo abruptly walked in and into the kitchen, and grabbed a large canister. "Ah, you're back. Did you find any Fuel cells?"


"Yes, we did." She said, also grabbing some cleaning wipes. "Unfortunately there was a minor issue."


"What sort of issues?" Lori asked as Darcy entered the room, naked and still covered in sap. "…Ah." She replied unsurely as Herman immediately covered his eyes, trying to prevent himself from having another attack "What the hell happened to you?" 


"You look like you fell into a vat of slime." Demona noted


"She looks like she was sneezed on by a giant!" Arwa replied.


"She looks like she got into an orgy with my sewer friends." Jane added, getting an odd look from Lori.


"Sewer friends?" she asked as Jane blushed and stood up abruptly.


"I think I could use another drink, anyone else?" she said quickly, and Ukyo returned to Darcy handing her the canister before heading out of the lounge.


"I was attacked by a tentacle plant." Darcy declared as Ukyo sighed loudly. That was the tenth time Darcy mentioned it, but she chose not to comment and continued out of the lounge to wipe down the fuel cells before depositing them into the engines.


They stared at Darcy, after hearing that report before Demona noted. "That makes far more sense than I expected it too."


"Are you alright?" asked Jane as Darcy blinked.


"I am very sticky." Darcy replied without opening her mouth, "If you excuse me I need to empty myself of fluids into this canister." She said casually, still without opening her mouth.


"…Why?" Lori replied skeptically as Darcy blinked.


"The sap is very valuable according to Officer Ukyo." Darcy replied, "And it is undiluted due to the fact that I do not have any body fluids to intervene with it. Excuse me." She said, walking out of the lounge and leaving them still very confused.


"Okay… I'm not surprised but it's still kinda jarring."


"Yes, we should get back to the important task at hand." Arwa replied, "Before Dee flips the cards and we forget that Jane won!"


"Bugger." Snapped Demona before swatting the cards from the table almost childishly as everyone laughed.


"…Is Darcy still naked?" Asked Herman nervously. Lori and Jane grabbed a wrist each and pulled them away from his eyes.


"No, she's gone Hermano. Are we playing again Dee? Because you need to pick up those cards." She gestured to the pile that Demona slapped aside.


"…How about we play Apology again that sounds fun." Demona replied sarcastically before Arwa threw a card at her face, it bounced off and landed deftly in her cleavage. "So you did cheat." She declared bluntly. Only to get another card to the face, "Argh!" then she lunged across the table at Arwa, Lori, and Jane intervening to stop her from strangling the sexy Djinn.


"What the Bombax are you doing!?" shouted Ukyo, returning to the lounge and finding Arwa in a headlock. Demona squeezed her from behind as Jane and Lori tried to pry her arms off from around her neck… all those lady bits bouncing and squeezing together Herman wisely protected his eyes again.


"Having a discussion!" snarled Demona, as Ukyo approached and pried them apart.


"Well STOP IT! I have to temporarily power the ship down." She stood between them, "Put your suits on so I can change out the cells." She said frustratingly, taking a deep breath and then activating her own suit. "It should not take me too long." She added as the others went to do just that.


Five suits later, they stood on the bridge with Ukyo who upon seeing them all in their suits began powering down the vessel. "Whoa!" Lori laughed as they were lifted off the floor, the gravity turning off as everyone else lifted in the air…


Naturally, Arwa and Demona were non-plus about this but Arwa still seemed to be enjoying herself. Since it's been awhile since she's gone flying in the presence of people, not Demona. So she had a natural grace to it.


"Enjoy the weightlessness while you can." Declared Ukyo, using built-in stabilizers in her boots to gently glide out of the bridge and down into the ship towards the engine room. "It'll make hauling the fuel cells easier."


"Whoa!" Laughed Jane as she drifted in the air, grabbing onto the wall and crawling along using large handles strategically placed around the room. "I was wondering what all of these were for." Arwa drifted lazily by as Herman awkwardly swam out of the bridge. "This is so neat-o!"


"Glad someone's enjoying herself." Demona noted as Arwa drifted by like a lazy dolphin, poking the demoness in the cheek. "Hmph."


"Now now, you get to fly all the time! This is a fresh experience for them." Arwa drifted along leaving Demona pouting.


Ukyo reached the engine room, and after a moment, extracted the empty fuel cells. Examining one curiously, and sure enough, there was a crack in it. She put it down and it drifted casually away before lifting a fuel cell and carefully slipping it into-


"Officer Ukyo."


"GREAT JIZZO!" Ukyo gasped as Darcy seemed to just appear behind her, her feet still on the floor as if unaffected by the zero gravity. At least she was clothed now. "Must you sneak up on me!?"


"Apologies. I am so used to Mother just knowing where I am I forget to announce my presence." Darcy replied calmly, "Do you require assistance?"


"I require a steady hand." She said, slowly inserting the replacement fuel cell. "At least the gravity being off will allow me to… handle it. How are you on the floor?"


"Magnetic insoles." Darcy replied.


"…You are just a box of gadgets aren't you…" mumbled Ukyo, only to briefly hesitate and feel an odd… twinge. "Harumph." She cleared her throat,


"My re-designer Hiro Okamura is an ingenious craftsman, and has gone under the moniker 'Toyman'. Ukyo twinged again and Darcy seemed to be unaware. "He has outfitted me with a plethora of gadgets and toys, some of which I am still discovering myself."


"Well, they say we're all discovering ourselves." Ukyo mumbled, sliding the fuel cell carefully into the engine.


"Yes, but I imagine most Organics are aware of how their bodies function. I on the other hand require a manual to find the things I can do. For example. Just the other day I realized that my tongue could vibrate at a far higher frequency then expected, as well as my fingers."


Ukyo sighed, locking in the fuel cells before grabbing the other two she had retrieved with Darcy and securing them carefully to the wall. "Okay. Why not then ask this Okamura about what you can do?"


"He finds it very entertaining." Darcy replied as Ukyo blinked at her, her face slightly flushed.


"You all are highly… Sluutavan." She mumbled as Darcy frowned.


"Only Lori and Herman are Sluutavan. Genetically at any rate." Ukyo just rolled her emerald eyes and grabbed onto Darcy's shoulder.


"Do me a favor and just walk me back to the bridge so I can turn the power back on."


"Certainly Officer Ukyo." Darcy replied, turning around and easily walking through the ship, passing Jane and Herman floating in the halls. "Point your feet down, we're going to have gravity again soon. Tell the others if you see them."


"Got it." Jane replied as Darcy guided Ukyo onto the bridge where Arwa was casually drifting viewing stars.


"Welcome back. I assume the fuel is in place?" she asked casually drifting as Ukyo pulled herself into the pilot's seat.


"Yes, We'll have full power again in just a few moments." She replied and just as she said power and gravity were restored. Everyone rested their feet on the floor as Ukyo sighed, "Alright that's one problem solved."


"Indeed. We should get back underway immediately." Darcy replied as Ukyo's fingers drummed the console, and then she abruptly stood up.


"Well go in a little while I need to take care of something quickly… in my bunk." She declared as Arwa and Darcy watched her go rather quickly out of the bridge, a look of curiosity crossed Arwa's beautiful features and she turned to Darcy.


"…What do you think she needs to take care of?"


"I am unsure." Darcy noted, "It must be something important."


"Well while we're waiting how about we have a proper bath? I think I still smell some of that sap on you."


"It is possible. I only wiped myself down and stored the sap in the canister I had been given." Darcy and Arwa then headed off the bridge and to the bath. "I'm sure whatever Officer Ukyo is doing is important."




Officer Ukyo had a problem… it was mostly the rest of the passengers on the ship. As a natural-born Sluutavan born and raised on Sluutava she was a little… pent up. Even she had her limits and with the stress, the nakedness, the shenanigans… again even a composed Sluutavan such as her has moments of weakness.


It doesn't help that she's on a ship of women as sexually liberated as a Superbabe.


She crawled into her bunk, and abruptly pressed the button that sealed it before practically tearing her uniform away. Her big blue breasts exploding from her uniform, and peeling her underwear aside she accessed her nearby hidden compartment and access her Sluutavan aid…


…It's basically a vibrating Dildo.


Ukyo slid it quickly into her body and groaned, feeling instant relief at it rapidly vibrated against her tightening walls, her emerald eyes rolled up into her head, grabbing the dildo tightly she pumped it wildly in and out of her, throwing her legs to the ceiling, clawing against the cool steel of the bunk above her. Grinding the Dildo in and out of her silky folds her legs stiffened and her muscles clenched up. "Haa! Ahhh…" The dildo squirmed like a thradian squiq inside her. "UUGH!" pumping the dildo into her body, clenching up and clawing at her sheets as she forced herself into an orgasm.


Her entire body went limp, as she rode her high. Her hand squeezed at her big blue breasts and quickly decided to go for another round, turning the dildo up higher as she began sliding it in and out. "Haah. Ahh…" pinching her green nipples as her insides spasmed again, clenching down on the dildo and once again shivering in pleasure as she orgasmed. "Haaah…"


Her hair clinging to her skin she sighed audibly, ripping the dildo out of her tossing it aside against the wall and groaning quietly, "…You agreed to this." She sighed to herself, "You agreed to go to Earth and deal with everything involved in that." She took a deep shuddering breath and sighed. "…Okay… get it together Carant, we're almost there." She then slapped her face, "Ah!... Bombax." She was still sticky, she adjusted herself and then opened her cot only to find Lori outside. "Great Jizzo!"


"Hey… you alright?" Lori asked cautiously, she was busy grabbing a change of clothes from her bunk. She had chosen to sleep across from Ukyo and try to learn more about Sluutavan culture… to minimal success at the moment.


"Yes. I'm fine I just needed a moment to…" she blinked as Lori glanced at the dildo in her bunk.


"Flick the bean?" Lori replied quietly.


"…Even I have limits." Ukyo replied quickly as Lori shook her head, raising her hands and sitting her glorious blue bombax on her bunk.


"No. I get it." She sighed, "…I'm surprised I haven't had to do it myself."


"That's because my ship still had some Sluutavan atmosphere in it." Ukyo sighed, "But after the crash it's run out."


"…What?" Lori asked, slightly confused.


"Did I not explain it? Sluutava has a unique atmosphere, it keeps a majority of us soothed." Ukyo sighed, "But considering it took me a few cycles to get to earth and the crash, we don't have any more of it… so expect those feelings to return."


"Oh that's going to be fun." Lori mumbled sarcastically, "How long until we get to Sluutava?"


"We should get there in another two cycles." She replied, "Assuming of course we don't have any more hiccups."


"…Well I guess you can always go for a ride on Herman once he starts acting up again." Ukyo hesitated and bit her bottom lip. Lori blinked at her, frowning softly. "…What? Do Space Cops have ethics?"


"Obviously Space cops have ethics." Ukyo replied indignantly, "Do they not have them where you come from?"


"We don't have space cops." Lori noted, "…We have Gotham cops and those are hit or miss. But just because you're a cop doesn't mean you can't ride the blue guy every now and again he might appreciate it." Lori hesitated, "…Who am I kidding he's a half sex-alien teenager surrounded by beautiful women, he'd love it."


"That's…" Ukyo sighed, eyeing Lori, "…I REALLY can't." she said, finishing getting dressed and stifling walking out.


"I promise you we don't care if you want to."


"I don't want to." Ukyo replied crisply, "We'll be getting back underway."


"Okay. But I thought you said we shouldn't suppress our feelings." Lori noted as Ukyo glowered at her.


"YES, we shouldn't suppress our urges but I can't." Ukyo replied sternly, "Let me just focus on getting the ship going again." She declared, "We need to get back on track." She walked out as Lori sighed, then shrugged. Going back to what she was originally doing, getting a bath in swamp water…


That sounds way worse when she thinks about it.


Ukyo returned to the bridge, trying to get her mind off of Lori's very unhelpful words. She sat in the chair, rubbing her emerald eyes before accessing the console and activating the ship comms. "We will be disembarking momentarily, we'll be on our way as soon as I chart the course."


She started tapping in the next jump point, and was just about to take off when something zoomed across her window. Her heart leaped into her throat, but she sighed in relief. It was just a small shuttle… in fact it looked like a cab car. A space cab car…


A space Cabbie.


She frowned and saw a flickering on her console. He was hailing her, she activated the comm. "Hello?"


"Hey! Uh, can you tell me how far I am from the Groank system?"


"Groank?" Ukyo blinked and registered the name. "You're way off."


"Dang it." Mumbled the other end. "I knew I should've made that right turn at the Albaqurca System."


"Why Not just take the Godoran Route?" asked Ukyo curiously as The Space Cabbie replied quickly.


"Oh you haven't heard? There's a huge pod of Space Dolphins having some sort of party in the route." There was a pause, "I chose to say 'Party'…"


"…Space Dolphins?" Ukyo replied concerned, "…Bombax that's an issue."


Space Dolphins were surprisingly very dangerous... but it might be avoidable as long as-


"And you know what they say about Space Dolphins, get enough of them and there's a Czarian not far behind." He laughed nervously, "…And I don't really need to buff out my cab after the last time I saw him."


"Bombax…" Ukyo growled, that was completely unhelpful… she was going to have to reroute. Going through the Godoran route was the fastest way to Sluutava, now she was going to have to reroute through Hal-Dardan, it wasn't as fast but that was the best option.


Anything was a better option than Space Dolphins and a Czarnian


"Anyway what's the station situation? Ha-ha…" he chuckled, "Don't suppose they got any Chuckle bars do they? Because I have a hankering for them."


"…You can look if you want but as far as I know there's nothing here but a dead Tentacular Difila. The station is otherwise abandoned."


"Crap baskets. Was really hoping for a Chuckle bar… and I definitely don't want to get near a Difila after the last time. Dead or otherwise. So where are you going?"


"Sluutava." Replied Ukyo, finally pulling away and steering the ship, "And if you excuse me, we're behind." She added.


"Oh, well good luck." Said the Space Cabbie. "Wait Sluutava? Doesn't that mean you'll have to go through the-" But she was already heading out, and hit jump leaving the Space Cabbie behind. "Hal-Dardan route…" he finished, "…Aw man she sounded Pretty I hope she stays safe…"



"Alright…" Ukyo entered the cabin, announcing her presence to everyone as they bathed in Sluutavan Swamp water. "We're on our way once more." Everyone cheered as Ukyo then noticed that Herman was in there with them, wearing what appeared to be some sort of bandana. "…Why is he in the bath?"


"Why not?" replied Arwa casually, sipping what appeared to be a glass of… smooth fruit juice. "Sharbat?"


"No. Thank you." Ukyo stripped down and slipped into the bath with the rest of them, sighing loudly… "It's been a long day, I want to soak and then get a nice long rest in my bunk."


"Perhaps in a new bunk." Demona noted calmly, but with a mischievous glint as Herman poked his wet fingers into his ears.


"I don't think I need to hear this." He said unsurely, sitting next to Jane who could only sigh.


"You told them?" Ukyo snapped, glaring at Lori who could only sigh.


"They're used to working with me it's nothing we haven't gotten used to." She noted casually as Ukyo rolled her eyes, but also sighed, soaking in the waters as her big breasts floated on the surface.


"Well let's not make it a habit." She sighed, "We're almost to Sluutava we just need a couple more jumps and we're there."


"What?" Herman asked and Jane pulled his fingers out of his ears.


"We're almost there." She repeated and he nodded.


"Oh… okay, cool." He said as they continued to lounge. "…So after we get there are we going to have time to look around?" he asked and the bathtub went quiet.


"Actually yeah, do we have time for a tour?" Lori noted, "At the very least we should get Hermano to a Sluutavan doctor right?"


"We'll think of that when we have to." Ukyo groaned exhaustedly. "Let's just focus on getting there."


"Now you're thinking like a Superbabe." Declared Arwa cheerfully, "Here have some Sharbat."


They relaxed, cleaned up, then got out of the swamp water before getting dressed removing Herman's blindfold and going about to do their own things… Until it was almost time to exit warp, Darcy and a rested Ukyo returned to the bridge to prepare for their exit.


"We'll give it a couple of hours." Ukyo replied, sitting in the pilot's seat. "Then we'll jump right away. We don't want to be in the Hal-Dardan route for too long."


"…Hal-Dardan?" Darcy asked curiously as Ukyo sighed.


"There was an issue in the more direct route. Space Dolphins." She added as if that meant something to Darcy, but it actually broke the Gynoid's stoic face so there is that.


"Space Dolphins?" Arwa chuckled, appearing on the bridge with Demona, the latter sipping what appeared to be wine. "Fascinating."


"Eh…" Ukyo sneered hesitantly. "Still, I'd rather avoid the Hal-Dardan route, there were reports of increased Piracy when I left Sluutava. Demona and Arwa blinked, before looking at each other.


"…Why does that sound oddly like foreshadowing?" Arwa said absently to Demona who scowled.


"Bugger." She muttered as Ukyo brought them out of warp, and directly ahead of them was a massive and very gaudy spaceship.


"…Bombax." Cursed Ukyo as Darcy blinked.


"…Mother did mention pirates."


"Son of a clairvoyant wench." Demona groaned, downing her wine and throwing the glass aside


Not as long as the other chapters, sure, but It's about the journey :)

Next chapter