
Superbabes In SPAAAAACE!: Log 1

I don't own DC

Time:… not too long from last time. Place: THEY HAVEN'T GONE ANYWHERE.

"…Greetings." Officer Ukyo'dorai Carant said patiently and recoiled concernedly when the Boss of Superbabes' purple eyes flashed at her. She was used to such an eye color considering her species has all sorts of hues, but to see purple eyes on a human was more than a little unnerving.

"…What the hell do you want?" Orders replied turning her attention back to Batman and mostly ignoring the alien woman sitting in her favorite chair. "I have work tonight." She added, clearly too cranky and in no mood to entertain one of the three most influential heroes on the planet and his attractive space cop associate.

"Officer. This is Cassandra Morrigan" Orders bristled and sneered at Batman, but like the Flash, he ignored her irritation. Despite his Batman scowl, he was clearly having too much fun, "She is quite possibly the most accurate Clairvoyant on the planet."

"…She'll help me locate Lori'corada Moreno?" Officer Carant asked, surprised that Batman would even associate with some psychic charlatan… yes even in space there are fake psychics and gurus.

"I already know where she is. She's my employee." Orders then approached the officer, glaring her down and letting her purple eyes flicker, her eyebrow rising curiously. "Get out of my chair." She ordered, and the space officer shot her feet as if compelled to obey her. Though it was probably just the air of command the purple-eyed woman had and the fact that she was a highly trained space cop.

Once Orders was properly in her chair, she glowered at Officer Carant. "First and foremost, don't call me Cassandra. I'm Orders. I give them, you take them." Batman actually rolled his eyes, not that anyone could actually see them do it. "Second of all. Lori isn't going anywhere. She's working this week."

Officer Carant scowled at Orders, "I think you might make an exception. Lori'corada's father is-"

"Lori. She goes by Lori." Orders corrected, as Officer Carant conceded the point.

"Fine. Lori's father is on trial, I don't think it's your decision whether or not Lori wishes to be there to see him punished."

"Lori doesn't care about her father." Orders replied, "DARCY! Coffee!" she ordered abruptly. Realizing she wasn't going to get much sleep going forward. "In fact, she might support a death penalty on him. Do you have that?"

"Not for his crime." Officer Carant replied though she didn't seem that torn up about the idea herself. "But it isn't about you it's about Lori."

"Hmph." Orders grunted dismissively as Darcy entered the room holding a surprisingly fresh cup of coffee. Handing it to Orders who drank it down despite the heat. "…Call Lori, tell her to come here." She replied after a moment of silence. Orders then eyed Officer Carant. "So… explain to me, after telling her that you're here to take her to her home planet and that she can see her father on trial. "How will she get back?"

"I would bring her back myself." Replied Officer Carant. "…Assuming she wishes to go. This is all a matter of formality." She said, "I was to come to this planet to retrieve her." Orders then turned her attention to Batman, then back to Officer Carant.

"…Just her?" Batman scoffed quietly, it sounded like he was hiding a snort of laughter. But that's just silly, Batman doesn't laugh. "…Hmmn." Orders replied cryptically, Officer Carant frowning.

"Lori'co-… Lori is the only child on earth registered by the Accused. So she is the one I would take."

"Livewire will be here as soon as possible Mother." Darcy replied, "Might I offer your guests coffee?" Orders waved a dismissive hand, which was essentially a 'sure, why not' for her.

"…I'll take one." Batman replied calmly, "Black."

"Me as well. Two Sligs please." Officer Carant replied getting a look from everyone else. "…You don't have slig? Um…" she frowned thoughtfully, it was a cute look on her attractive face. "…Sugars?" she said remembering the earth substitute.

Darcy walked away and soon returned with the coffee, everyone sat and drank in silence… until finally there was a knock at the front door. Without being ordered to, Darcy walked out and opened the door, inviting Lori inside.

"It's my day off. What the hell was so important-" Lori entered, and upon seeing Officer Carant she frowned, sniffing the air slightly and almost instinctively knowing who, or at least what, Officer Carant was. "…You're like me?" she said hesitantly, "You're a Sluutavan?" Lori seemed completely unconcerned or perhaps unaware of Batman's presence. Leaving the oncoming plot exposition to her…

After everything had been laid out on the table. Lori scowled at Officer Carant, before replying almost indignantly. "What kind of name is Lori'corada?" she snapped slightly derailing Officer Carant, only to add. "So… what? I need to be a witness or something?" she asked indignantly as Officer Carant, "Why? Don't have enough kids to condemn him?"

"…There are plenty, but you indeed might be called to provide a character witness-"

"Fuck him. He knocked up my mom then pretty much ditched us without a word once the Green Lanterns showed up." Lori crossed her arms under her chest. "He can rot in whatever space jail you have planned for him."

Officer Carant nodded slowly, then with more determination. "Very well. You don't have to go. This was just a formality." She seemed relieved, standing up. "As the only victim on a non-spacefaring planet, we were required to-"

"Orders." Batman said abruptly, then remaining silent as Orders scowled at him for a moment and then sighed loudly.

"FINE…" Orders replied childishly. "She's not the only Sluutavan hybrid in Gotham. There's one more. Her little brother."

"What?!" both Sluutavans replied in surprise… though one was angrier than the other.

"There is?!" Officer Carant asked in surprise

"Por qué nunca me lo dijiste!?" Lori snapped as Orders rolled her purple eyes.

"It wasn't relevant until now." Orders replied, "But I thought it might have been a good idea to keep male and female sex fiends who can barely control themselves with basic humans apart. So sue me." Orders drank her coffee. "…Not to mention he's your little brother, that's all kinds of fucked up." She added as the two stared at Orders in shock.

"I have a little brother?!" Lori snapped only to hesitate as Officer Carant mumbled sarcastically.

"It's not exactly a shock." She sighed, "…Though if this is true. Then I need to ask him the same thing." Lori went oddly silent, "…Do you know where this little brother is?"

"Herman? Yes, of course, I do, he's a repeat customer." She replied as Lori scowled angrily.

"His name is Herman?-" before the more obvious but delayed reaction "HE IS!?..."

"Why are you surprised? Of course, he is." Orders replied calmly. "I'll give you his address." She said casually as Officer Carant frowned she obviously wouldn't know where anything is., "She'll take you." Orders gestured to Lori who snarled.


"He's your little brother. I thought you'd like to see him before he goes off to space in a massive deathtrap."

"My ship is... was a top-of-the-line Sluutavan transport, it's not a deathtrap." Officer Carant replied indignantly. "It only needs one crew member to pilot and has plenty of space for a crew of 20."

"You don't say." Orders said dismissively, before replying. "It's still a deathtrap. All spaceships are by definition deathtraps." Lori fidgeted, "All sorts of things could happen. Stray space debris hitting an engine, fuel leaks, space pirates… you never know what could occur and start all sorts of Hijinks…"

"Just stop already." Lori growled as Orders stopped and shrugged. "…Boss can I get time off?" she asked suddenly Orders growled quietly.

"It wouldn't just be YOU." Orders replied indignantly, "When can you get them back?" Orders snapped to Carant who blinked.

"I-… well… the trial is in an earth week." she said. "So… it should only take us three earth days to get there if we don't stop our flight." She said

"So ten days…" Orders finished her coffee.

"…Wait you said 'them'?" Officer Carant added as Orders' eyes flashed.

"…Obviously. I'll have to arrange protection, and I don't think you understand how… vigorous Herman is-"

"His name is Herman?" Lori replied again as if she couldn't believe that was his name over the fact that she had a sibling in Gotham.

"And we can't have a young teenage half-sluutavan on a ship with YOU TWO alone, now can we?" she added knowingly, "I'll make arrangements, come back here after talking to your new half-brother. Darcy, call…" after a moment of thought she declared. "Jane."

"Yes, mother." Darcy replied.

"…Also go pack your things." She added, getting off the chair. "…I need to have a word with Demona." Batman put his coffee mug down and stood up, following Orders out of the room as Lori and Officer Carant looked at each other. "Come back in an hour." Orders added, heading upstairs.

"I'm not taking more Terrans than I have to into space." Declared Officer Carant as Orders hesitated and added a cold.

"Noted." She said, which was slightly unnerving to Officer Carant.

"…Give it up Chica." Lori replied, "…There's no stopping her when she gets like this." She said, before checking the address on her phone Orders just sent her. "…Let's go see my new little brother."

"Yes… lets." Officer Carant replied tentatively walking out with her to Lori's car. "…This is more of a deathtrap than my ship." She said unsurely as Lori scoffed.

"That's good to know." She said angrily. "…I can't BELIEVE I have a little brother! In fucking Gotham! What are the odds of that!?" she snapped before angrily hissing in rapid Spanish as Officer Carant activated something on her wrist, and suddenly she looked like a regular human… with hot pink hair and emerald eyes… so her skin was normal. "Puta-you just have that!?" she asked.

"Standard issue." Replied Officer Carant, who now looked more human but was still dressed oddly. "Do you not have this?"

"Do you think I'd be walking around like a thick blue bitch if I had one of those?!" she replied before speeding off. Leaving Orders, Darcy, and The Batman behind… speaking off.

"You're taking this surprisingly well." Batman said, putting his coffee cup in the dishwasher as Orders rinsed her out.

"Well at the end of the day, it's Lori's decision, but it makes it difficult to protect her when she's in space. And while I have associates that could handle it, I'd rather not pay him." She noted scornfully as Batman, who was Batman, knew what space bounty hunter she was talking about. "Luckily I have other deterrents."

"You're Gynoid daughter for one." Batman replied, hearing Darcy speaking to the 'Science Experiment', 'Candy' Jane Smith… "I fail to see how sending Jane Smith is a good idea. Shapeshifting aside." He added as Orders gave him a purple side-eye, unsurprised that he knew about Jane but dropped it.

"She will be more comfortable in space." Orders replied, "Among other beings and people that don't look like her. I think it's more of a vacation than anything."

"And your other deterrents?" Batman replied calmly. "The ones I had to speak with Jason Blood about?" He also spoke with John Constantine to less productive results. Constantine was kind of an ass.

"…You might not trust magic, and I have similar opinions, but I have uses for it." She added, "…Arwa and Demona will be more than enough to protect my investments…"

"Hmph. I knew you'd have it handled." Batman replied as Orders glowered at him.

"Next time though, just CALL." She snapped but Batman seemed unconcerned.

"Next time I'll take them directly to your girls. This is a professional courtesy." He added as Orders glowered at him but said nothing… because it's the Batman this was TRUE. His showing up to inform her was probably more than a professional courtesy. It might actually have been a small bit of respect… but there was no doubt that he metaphorically had her by the balls. He was still the Batman, one word from him to Commissioner Gordan and her Gotham Superbabe Empire crumbles into dust and handcuffs.

"…How did you get into my house anyway?"

"Through the front door. Your daughter let me in." he replied politely as Orders glowered at him.

"…I hate you sometimes." She noted, but Batman turned with a swish of his cape.

"I leave it to you then. Seems like you got a handle on it." Orders glowered at his back and added indignantly.

"You're cutting into my profits Batman! Where am I going to find a natural nymphomaniac for singles week?!" Darcy opened her robotic mouth to say something only for Orders to hold up a hand. "Apart from the ones I already employ!" she added, but Batman already vanished. "Stupid flying rodent themed-" she growled, before retrieving her phone and making a call. "Helena, Put Demona on the phone."

Meanwhile, in Gotham Heights

"This is the place." Lori declared, pulling up to the mansion where her 'alleged' brother 'allegedly' lived… One Herman Schwartz "Hijo de puta, parece que alguien se quedó con la cuchara de plata." She added irately to Officer Carant's increasing confusion. Evidently her 'universal translator' didn't apply to Spanish… unfortunately, she has it set to 'Terran' and that doesn't really cover the several hundred languages on Earth.

"What are you saying?" Officer Carant replied as Lori shook her pretty blue head.

"…Don't worry about it… how do you want to handle this?" she asked as Carant looked mildly confused.

"…I'm going to knock on the front door and ask for Herman… it's a very weird name."

"I know right?" Lori replied as they both got out of the car, "But you know… maybe we should try and ease them into this…" she said hesitantly as they both walked towards the door to the nondescript manor.

"Well you're name isn't that much better. Why do you go by Lori?"

"Why do you go by Uky-Ukyo-…" she frowned, "I'm just going to call you Ukyo." She declared, unable to remember or say Officer Carant's Sluutavan name as they stood at the front door. "…It just occurred to me…" she noted, "I'm kind of used to crazy and weird shit." Lori noted, "…But how are you going to convince Herman to come?"

"I will simply offer him the chance to do so. Same as you. It's not required, but it is preferred…" Ukyo said though she seemed hesitant to knock.

"…How did you get the short straw to pick us up?" Ukyo froze, "…Not that I mind the opportunity of looking my asshole father in the eye before he gets punished."

"…It's merely my duty." Ukyo replied quietly before loudly knocking on the door, quickly, as if afraid she was going to lose her nerve. "…I suppose you should let me do the talking."

"Currently one of us isn't blue so-" Lori declared as the door opened and BOTH Sluutavan females recoiled as if hit with a foul-smelling REAK that was years in the fermenting. "DIOS MIO!" snapped Lori, covering her nose and mouth with her hand out of reflex.

"SNARGLE FRAG!!" Ukyo hissed covering her nose. "…Great Jizzo." She grumbled, "What in the Bombax have they been doing?!"

The maid who had answered the door glared at the two of them. They were being very rude for recently arrived and uninvited guests. And for that matter what were they complaining about? There was no horrid smell. "Can I help you?" she snapped indignantly, clearly irritated at their rudeness.

Ukyo however, seemed to completely change in manner. "Get out of the way!" she promptly removed 'something' from her belt and ZAPPED the maid, who toppled over with a rather sleepy moan, hitting the ground as Ukyo, one hand over her nose, quickly looked around the hall. Lori on the other hand recoiled.

"Qué carajo estás haciendo?!" Lori snaped as Ukyo glared at her, looking far more space cop-ish now then she had been before.

"You can SMELL him, can't you?! We need to get him out of here before he goes feral!"

"Who the devil do you think you aaaaaaaaare…" an older man wearing only his boxers rushed out of a nearby room before he was promptly zapped by Ukyo's space taser, zapping him to the floor.

"Feral! What do you mean feral!?" Lori snapped in surprise as the older man's eyes watched her thick blue booty in skimpy booty shorts wobble up the stairs behind the weird cop woman as they rushed to the second floor.

"We can't LEAVE him here he needs medical attention!" Ukyo declared before recoiling from a room as if it was emitting intense heat. "Ugh! Great Jizzo…" she kicked open the door. "Herman Schwartz!"

The young man moaned under his sheets, sounding somewhere between tired and pained as she approached him and yanked off the sheets. The smell intensified and he mumbled sleepily, sitting up. "Who is it?" he said, unaware or unaffected by whatever the girls were smelling…

Until he smelled them. Herman's pupils shrunk as he stared at Ukyo and Lori, before like a primal animal he suddenly leaped on all fours- "SANTA MiERDA!" snapped Lori, recoiling from her blue brother as the 'smell' increased and the shock hit her. Ukyo however kept her cool, leaping away as Herman shot off the bed… his boxers practically exploding as his cock hardened. Evidently, the smell of Sluutavan females appealed to his instincts… regardless of the whole 'half-sister' thing. But suddenly, he fell to the floor.

Ukyo had zapped him… but unlike with the maid and the older man, Herman seemed more subdued, like he was tranquilized rather than shocked. She then flipped him over, and holding his hands and feet together she 'zapped' what looked like energy bands around his hands and feet, before easily hauling him from the floor and over her shoulder. "Let's go."

"Let's go? Are we kidnapping him?!" Lori replied indignantly as Ukyo scowled at her.

"I had thought to give him a choice but clearly he needs to go to Sluutava." She said, "His pheromones are unrestrained! I'm amazed everyone in a mile radius isn't having nonstop sex!" she glowered at Lori, "You can SMELL it can't you? That's not normal for a Sluutavan, let alone a hybrid!"

Lori stared at her younger half-brother's sleeping face and oddly enough had to stop herself from either vomiting or kissing someone… which considering her current company maybe she should avoid kissing to avoid vomiting. "Fine! Kidnapping! Great…" she said indignantly as they headed out of the manor. "Not like anyone's going to know a blue woman and a space cop kidnapped a rich kid!"

Ukyo abruptly adjusted her space device, then zapped the older man and the Maid. "Now they won't." she added as Lori glowered at her.

"…As badass as you are chica? Let's try not to commit any obvious felonies on this planet. I have to live here." She added as they marched back to the car, carefully putting Herman in the back seat. "…Ugh!" the smell was still strong, they got into the car and Lori immediately rolled the windows down before reaching for her glove compartment, extracting tissues before tearing them up and stuffing them up her nose. "Hijo de puta."

"Once we get him on the ship-" Ukyo said, copying Lori's tissue idea and plugging her nose. "I can at least give him SOME hormonal treatment."

"…That's a thing?" Lori replied as Ukyo scoffed.

"It is on a Sluutavan transport." She replied before Lori pulled into traffic and headed back to Orders house…

Speaking of

"Why the bloody hells do I have to go to space?!" snapped Demona irately, once again giving Orders the benefit of viewing her in her blue demonic form… Mostly because she was enraged. Stomping her hooved feet around Orders' living room as Arwa lounged her beautiful ebony body on Orders couch. "I don't want to go to space!"

"Come now Dee, Space and time are more guidelines than anything for us…" so said the ancient and semi-powerful Marid Genie… who in point of fact was quite frankly happy to be going to space if it meant new and exciting things. "Think of the adventure!"

"Think of the headache!" Dee replied snappily back and pointed a sharp-clawed finger accusingly at Orders. "She's not doing this out of the kindness of her black heart she WANTS something! She's scheming something." She started pacing again, her black wings ruffled and fluttering. "She's always scheming something, and you can't hide a scheme from a schemer!"

"And that's saying something from a scheming demon." Orders replied with mild sarcasm, completely unphased by Demona's rant, or excessive use of the word 'schemer' to describe her. "But it's rather moot." She put her coffee down and glared at Demona with flickering purple eyes. "You're going." She said with finality. Demona fidgeted, but her feathers ruffled slightly, clearly still irritated. "I need to protect my investment." Orders noted, "Lori is one of my most highly requested girls, and insatiably popular." Arwa chuckled at the word 'insatiably' used to describe the half-alien natural slut. "And you two, are essentially life hacks." Orders looked between the two. "Sending Lori to space is her decision and perhaps could give her some closure with her father, not that I know what that's like."

"But why do-"

"Going to space is her decision. Her making it back here intact is YOUR responsibility." She gestured between the two semi-magical Superbabes. "Her, Darcy AND Jane. You two are my insurance in case something goes wrong."

"Can't you just tell us if something is going to go wrong?" Arwa asked lazily as Orders rolled her purple eyes.

"Well, obviously something is going to go wrong." She frowned at her. "Why do you think I'm sending you two?"

"My unending emotional pain and suffering?" Demona replied.

"A rather amusing sense of humor Master?" Arwa added as Orders glowered at them both.

"Just… GO." Orders snapped, "The both of you have permission to do whatever possible to keep everyone on that ship safe. But TRY not to give anyone an existential crisis. I don't think Kathy's ready for that in a psychiatrist sense."

"We can use magic?!" Arwa replied excitedly, "Even in front of others?"

"In emergencies certainly, in front of any Aliens you might meet it is tolerable." Orders replied, "An opportunity to walk around without any glamours or restrictions. Jane's opportunity is also your own."

"She makes a very compelling argument Demona." Arwa replied patiently as Demona growled angrily.

"…She does, but that doesn't mean I have to like it!" Demona replied as Arwa moaned indignantly, just in time for Darcy to open the front door, 'Candy' Jane Smith followed behind her with a small suitcase.

"I have retrieved Jane Smith, Mother." Replied Darcy as Jane looked completely out of place with Arwa, Darcy, and a recently transformed Demona, back in her human form.

"…So." Jane hesitated, "You want me to go on a trip?"

"I'd like you to go to space." Orders replied bluntly as Jane blinked.


"Space? The final frontier?" she pointed upward. "Aliens, planets, stars?" Jane looked surprised. "You'll be fine you'll fit right in." Orders noted as Jane fidgeted again.

"But-I… but what about?" she flicked her gaze to Demona and Arwa, the latter waved sweetly at Jane, who waved back.

"Oh, they already know." Orders said dismissively, waving to Demona, Arwa, and Darcy.

"The shapeshifting thing? Of course we already know." Demona noted casually.

"Certainly. It's quite obvious." Arwa added kindly as Jane seemed a bit too stunned to answer them at first but finally managed an adorably surprised-


"Best not to think about it. But don't worry… think of it as a vacation for you." Orders replied patiently, "Besides there are weirder things to worry about." She then gestured to the kitchen, "Darcy. Take her to get something to steady her nerves."

"Yes, Mother." Darcy replied, leading Jane away to the kitchen.

Orders then turned on Demona and Arwa. "Now. You two listen to me. I OWN the both of you. You for tens years, at least." She referred to Demona, who cleared her throat, unable to talk back to her boss. "Protect your coworkers, make sure they come back alive, intact, and SANE… and I'll take a year off your contract."

Demona's face almost broke into a genuine smile. "You can do that?!" she snapped indignantly as Orders glared quietly at her.

"You really need to read that contract." Orders replied dismissively

"I went over it with a fine-tooth comb and perhaps the best modern lawyer who ever lived!" Demona hissed indignantly.

"Well if you read the fine print you would know that if you provide exceptional service the contract holder can reduce the terms of service by an appropriate amount. Until NOW, however… there was nothing you've done that would encourage me to do so…" she then added smugly. "Encourage me."

"Bloody daughter of a lust whore-" Demona grumbled under her breath.

"And while technically I don't believe in forcing you to follow my commands, per se." Orders added before turning ominous. "…If everyone doesn't come back to my standards, I will stuff you BOTH in the bottle at the same time, and lock the both of you up for a month in my safe."

Arwa and Demona recoiled slightly from Orders, who got up from her chair and added normally. "…Anyone hungry? I think I still have chips and dip." She walked out of the living room as Arwa and Demona watched her go.

"…Were you oddly terrified of that?" Arwa asked nervously under her breath, but Demona scowled defiantly, took a breath, and replied calmly.

"Yes. Now be quiet and pack your things." Demona snapped, and so did Arwa, snapping her fingers and 'poofing' into purple smoke, before abruptly reappearing in another cloud.

"Done!" she said cheerily, wagging her little purple suitcase as Demona glowered at her, then snapped her own fingers producing a white one.

"…Don't be so smug." Orders, Darcy, and Jane returned. The latter of whom with coffee while Darcy carried a bowl of chips. A small one. "Really breaking out the party bowl." Demona replied sarcastically, but Orders shrugged.

"You won't be staying long." Orders added in her usual air as Demona sucked air in through her teeth in irritation at the OBVIOUS implication. And on cue, the door of the house abruptly opened. Lori entering and announcing-

"OKAY! We need to go! We just kidnapped someone." Lori snapped.

"It wasn't a kidnapping, it was a medical emergency!" Ukyo declared only Orders seemed unsurprised by the circumstances because even Darcy looked taken aback. But Ukyo then turned her attention to the collection of women in the room. A green girl, perhaps a Martian, a normal-looking Terran woman, and a woman with wings who wasn't a Thanagarian as far as she knew. Including the android, it was quite a menagerie. She turned on Orders. "I said I wasn't taking any more Terrans!" she declared but Orders turned on her.

"They're insurance. They'll be far more helpful than they look. I promise." Orders eyes then flicked, glancing up at Ukyo before taking a loud and obvious bite of a chip. "…Besides. I believe you and I know that Herman is a new addition to an already complicated equation." Ukyo fidgeted. "… You're going to need them, and you know it."

"Oh! Herman is going?!" Cheered Arwa sweetly, "Lovely boy, very affectionate." Lori and Ukyo turned to her as she raised an eyebrow, but said nothing further. They both realized that Arwa had 'met' Herman… and Ukyo had to concede the point.

Herman was going to need more than medical treatment he was going to need to socialize, and having a collection of 'professionally friendly' women on board would dilute the issue with their presence. Orders was, as she was increasingly understanding, right. She needed them on board to stop Herman from 'attacking' his half-sibling.

Ukyo took a breath, eyed the 'Terrans' then shook her head in defeat. "…Fine. YES. I will probably need help with Herman."

"Good. See you in…" she checked her clock. "A little over a week." She eyed Demona and Arwa, giving them a look as they both nodded. "…I hope I don't have to send a job to my acquaintance." She scowled to herself, she REALLY hoped she didn't have to send a job to the Main Man… though she was prepared to.

"…Is there a more-" began Ukyo but Orders pointed towards the backdoor.

"Out the backdoor." She said, and Ukyo's eyes flickered to the backdoor, then nodded.

"Go out that way." She declared, heading back outside to the car, and retrieving Herman from the back of Lori's car.

"Give me your keys." Orders said as Lori blinked at her.

"I need to go get-" she paused as Arwa then produced a flower patterned suitcase, she recognized it, it was hers. "How did you get my suitcase?" she frowned, then eyed Orders who shrugged. Lori vaguely answered her own question, not realizing the literal magic behind it, and tossed Orders her car keys, they all headed out the backdoor to Orders' yard, aka Hector the Superbabes dog's bathroom, just as Ukyo returned with Herman over her shoulder.

"I hope nobody saw you." Orders noted airily as Ukyo, "Bring my girls back safe." She added as Ukyo hesitated, eying her with her emerald eyes.

"…Yes Ma'am." She said, heading out the backdoor and standing with them all. "Group up." She said struggling slightly with Herman on her shoulder, only for Darcy to easily carry him. Like he weighed nothing, thin as he was he was still a young man. Ukyo pulled up her uniform sleeve, revealing a futuristic silver bracer with a keypad covered with symbols none of the other women recognized. Tapping several of the keys, she dropped her sleeve and stood up straighter.

"Don't scream you might swallow a bug." She warned as they all blinked at her before they started floating off the floor, as if gravity reversed and was now pulling them upward. Arwa was amused, Demona looked annoyed, Lori and Jane seemed concerned but Darcy unblinkingly looked up, a flat hole opening in the sky above them, maybe thirty or forty feet in the air, revealing a silvery-white metal octagon-shaped plates... Unless you were directly under the hole, or close by looking up, you wouldn't even notice it was there.

Suddenly they all ZIPPED up towards the hole, so fast that if you blinked you would've missed it. They floated briefly in the air as the floor beneath them suddenly snapped shut, just as quickly. They then dropped, Darcy and Ukyo landed deftly on their feet, but everyone else stumbled, trying to find their footing.

"Bloody hells! Warn us first!"

"I did." Ukyo replied, increasingly crisp and clearly annoyed with how things were turning out, she had come to Earth for one Terran and was now leaving with six. "You the Android-"

"I am a Gynoid," Darcy replied politely.


"Darcy." The rest of the girls declared as Ukyo inhaled deeply.

"Darcy. Follow me with… Herman. We need to inject him with a stabilizer before he wakes up." She hesitated, "…Though I suppose you ALL Should follow me." She said, "I can show you around the ship. This is the hold where the tractor beam will pick you up. She said, leading them all away from the spacious room and up some stairs to a walkway that led around it. Passing by a door on her right, she noted. "This way leads to the engine room, you won't need to go there." Walking all the way to the end of the walkway and opening a door, leading to a hallway of doors. "This way leads to the kitchen where you can synthesize multiple types of food from across the galaxy." She gestured to the room opposite, "This is the lounge, there isn't much in there but books and old Holoscreen movies."

She walked down the hall to the next set of doors. "The med-bay, and the armory. The latter of which you should never need to enter." Marked on her left and right respectively, opening the left door. "Put him on the table." She said, revealing a very pristine room full of all sorts of devices and cabinets full of who knows what along with three long steel tables."

"…Those aren't medical beds?" Jane asked hesitantly as Darcy entered and picking the middle table she carefully placed Herman upon it.

"Padding can be applied for longer stays. But tables are easier to clean." Ukyo replied as she tapped her wrist tool again. Several metallic straps shot over Herman's arms and legs. He moaned slightly as Ukyo then approached a nearby cabinet, and removed what looked like a mask attached to a squeeze bottle. She placed it on Herman's face, covering his nose and mouth, giving it a squeeze.

A thick blue mist ejected from the bottle, Ukyo waited as Herman inhaled the mist. Once it was all gone she pulled it away. "Mmmnh…" he moaned and she seemed satisfied with this result, placing the bottle on the table behind her.

"What was that?" Lori asked.

"It's a stabilizer…" she hesitated, "For Young Sluutavan's when they go feral."

"Okay, you keep saying that." Lori said angrily, "What do you MEAN feral?"

Ukyo looked at her in disbelief, then frowned. "…Were you just never told about Sluutavan physiology?"

"Fuck no! I didn't even know what one was until I banged a tentacle alien!"

"Perhaps this conversation should continue AFTER the tour?" Demona noted.

"As they say, hold all questions until the end." Arwa added, eyeing Herman and his bulge, increasingly diminishing after being hit with the stabilizer… and being mildly disappointed.

"Ugh." Ukyo grunted, looking significantly more irritated. "Right. Follow me." She said, leading them back out and down the hall once again, gesturing to the two rooms. "These are bunk rooms. Normally we'd separate into male and female, but considering we're all women-"

"Except for Herman." Noted Darcy calmly.

"…Right. Well appropriately deal with that." Noted Ukyo, "Regardless the rooms are spacious, pick whichever you like. Lavatories and Bathing rooms are included. Just pick a side to place your things." She declared before turning back around once they put their things away and started leading them to the room at the end of the hall, the door at the far end opened revealing a trio of ladders, one of which she abruptly climbed. "They all lead to the same place." She said, and with that, they all ascended up the ladders to the bridge… which was a far more impressive sight, even without the view of Gotham through the fore window. A half-crescent of consoles and chairs

"The ship itself can be piloted by just one person." She sat in the central chair, and obviously the most comfortable one. It looked capable of reclining. "Though extra hands would speed up the process. TRAINED hands." She declared as the rather breathtaking view of Gotham in daylight slowly diminished and it looked up to the sky, they barely felt the ship rising towards the clouds, then passed the clouds… and then.

"…Would you look at that." Declared Lori, she and Jane stared at the vastness of space, seeing the curve of the earth on the far-right side of the window and the Watchtower on the left.

"Indeed, it is quite breathtaking." Arwa replied with a mild mix of romanticism and dismissal… Demona just rolled her eyes. She's seen it… though the massive satellite station filled with Superheroes was new.

"So what now?" asked Jane after a moment longer of seeing the earth from above.

"Now…" Ukyo said, pressing several buttons and slowly turning the ship. "Now we move." The ship drifted forward until everything was darkness and stars… before she tapped the ship. "We need to make separate jumps for cooldown periods. The ship can't handle long periods of constant flight."

"It can't constantly fly?" Lori asked confused as Ukyo sighed, realizing she'd have to be patient about this.

"This ship is an old design if we pushed it too hard with constant warp jumps we'd risk the engines overheating," she said, "Or worse, shutting down completely. It's not so much of a problem in a more civilized section of the galaxy but out here in the Slagwats we'd essentially be stranded"

"The Slagwats?" Lori replied, taking a seat as Ukyo continued to tap in coordinates.

"The sticks, boonies…" Demona supplied, "Without planets capable of repairing the engine of a ship like this." She's played cards with spacefarers before…

"Exactly that. It'll still be a quick ride through the travel lanes. With minor pit stops." Ukyo added before tapping in the final coordinates, and watching as the ship properly 'took off' speeding towards the stars.

"…Is that important?" Arwa asked casually as Ukyo noted a flashing screen close to hand.

"Frag." She got up and rushed to the ladders, "Herman is awake." not even bothering to climb and just leaping down, prompting the other girls to follow.

Ukyo reached the med-bay door first, with Lori close behind Jane wisely expected she wouldn't be much help, letting them go as Arwa and Demona almost lazily followed. Darcy, however, remained on the bridge, studiously studying every nook and cranny of the bridge. Once Ukyo opened the door however she was met with terrified screaming.

Herman had indeed woken up, strapped to a table in an unfamiliar sterilized room. It was quite possibly his worst nightmare… of course, then the attractive women appeared and now he was getting mixed signals. "Who are you?! What's going on!? Where am I!?" Herman gasped in confused terror as Lori and Ukyo entered.

"We…" Ukyo began cautiously. "I am Officer Uk-" she hesitated again. "Ukyo Carant." She said, "And you are on my spaceship."

"W-what/" Herman replied as Arwa stuck her beautiful head into the room.

"Hello, Herman! It is wonderful to see you again."

"…Wonder Woman?" he replied as Arwa just smiled, "I-I don't…" he hesitated, "…I'm on a spaceship?..."

One very confusing conversation later.

"…So… you're telling me that I am a half-alien." He said, looking at Lori sitting on the table beside him with her thick blue ass molding into the surprisingly warm table. "My real dad is a space criminal… and you're my half-sister?"

"That is the sum of it. Yes." Ukyo declared, "I was unaware of your existence… as were our courts." Ukyo noted, "Normally we would've asked permission before we took you."

"Abducted. You abducted him." Demona replied casually, Arwa smiling beside her.

"…I'm in space?" Herman repeated, not necessarily listening to him. "…I'm not even allowed to go outside without an escort."

…Probably not an ACTUAL escort.

Herman suddenly shook his head looking at Ukyo. "Take me home. I want to go home." He said as Ukyo recoiled slightly as if she didn't expect him to say that, but to be fair it should've been a given.

"…I can't." Ukyo said, "We are already in warp, and if we delay any further we risk missing the trial." She then took another breath and added with a slight side-glance at Lori. "Besides… you need treatment. You're are incredibly deficient in Vitamin S."

"…Salicylic acid?" Herman asked somewhat confused, getting a confused look from everyone else in the room.

"What? No!" Ukyo shook her head. "We…Sluutavans… our people, our biology." She said, "We THRIVE on social interaction, we are a very social species-"

"Cuéntamelo…" Lori scoffed, but listened.

"We cannot just… not talk to people, not be held up in our rooms for Hours and Days at a time." She said as Herman fidgeted under his bindings, and not just because his erection was returning. "We NEED to get out and feel the sun on our skin, to talk, to-"

"Golpean como conejos." Lori muttered again, but she was clearly learning just as much about herself as Herman was. Ukyo didn't quite know what she said, but somehow she got the jist of it.

"Our planet is a Tourist spot, highly requested." Ukyo said, "We have an unrestrained biological need to socialize. By just staying locked up in your home you are dangerously… volatile." She said, "You need to either receive medical treatment on Sluutava, or alternatively you need to socialize rigorously."

"…Hold on a moment." Demona snapped dismissively, suddenly realizing what Ukyo was referring to, "…Are you LITERALLY bloody telling him to get laid?!"

"…If necessary… yes."

"…Son of a Gluttonous WHORE!" snapped Demona. "I am not going first!" she turned, her beautiful wings swishing behind her huffily, as she then walked out of the medbay. Arwa laughed, clapping her hands rapidly.

"Oh! I shall volunteer then!" Arwa said delightedly.

"What?" Ukyo snapped turning to Arwa who was ALREADY stripping out of her clothes. "No that's not necessary-!" declared Ukyo sternly as Lori chanced a glance at her new half-brother who was looking more and more ravenous by the second... something Ukyo was quickly made aware of, her eyes returning to Herman. "…That's not possible. Sluutavan Calming gas should keep him mellow for hours at least!"

Lori abruptly hopped off the table, placing her hands on Ukyo's shoulders, pushing her away from an increasingly out of control Herman… she's seen this shit before with Jackie. It's NOT going to end well. "Hey, chica, why don't you come with me and I'll explain what a Superbabe does to guys like my hermano." She said as Arwa casually ran a hand up Herman's thin blue leg, and slipped into his boxers, finding his rigidly twitching erection and resting her wonderous brown breasts on his face. Instantly he seemed calmer than when Ukyo hit him with the gas…

"But! This! I!" Ukyo was shoved out of the room by Lori. "This is highly inappropriate!" she declared before the pneumatic doors shut with a slam.

"Aye, chica it is… but it's par the course for us." Lori replied, "Just let her handle it." Lori said.

"But I don't understand! The calming gas can knock down a full-blooded Sluutavan male in heat!" She scowled gesturing to the door. "It should have no trouble calming a feral hybrid!" Lori crossed her arms, thoughtfully looking at her.

"How many hybrids have you used it on?" the question hit Ukyo like a thunderbolt.

"…I will be honest. I have never used it on a hybrid." She added notedly, suddenly looking thoughtful. "Perhaps there's something in your Terran makeup that makes the gas less effective in calming him."

"Yeah, well chica, lucky you…" Lori noted sassily. "We're experts in calming down wild boys…" she then loudly knocked on the door. "Hey! Arwa!"

Time: um… that's a tough one, it's space so it doesn't have a day/night- Place: Uh… the name? Right, Ship uh… somebody should figure that out (Medbay)

"Tucker my hermano out eh?"

"Alright!" cheered Wonder Woman (II) before calmly stroking Herman's long and surprisingly clean white hair. His face was still firmly and joyously smothered by big plump breasts as his cock was carefully and skillfully stroked. "Don't you worry about a thing Herman. I promise you it'll all be perfectly fine!" Her fingers danced on his bulging and throbbing blue phallus, sweet-smelling pre-cum already oozing from his tip, adding a sticky slipperiness to his shaft and increasing Wonder Woman's hand speed up and down on Herman's length. Herman moaned longingly under Wonder Woman's cleavage.

"Hmmn?" she cooed slightly, turning her attention to his length, "You let me know when you're about to make a mess…" she purred, rubbing her thumb on his glans, extracting more pre-cum as his length pulsated in his grip. "I don't think it would be very polite of you to shoot your hot semen all over the room." She stroked his hair sweetly, continuing to smother him with her chest. "What did I say Herman?" she cooed sweetly, feeling his cock bulging warningly, ready to explode, his literal blue balls quivering as she opened her mouth and finally moved her chest from his face before shooting her firm warm lips down his length, her tongue sliding and licking his amazingly sweet semen from his shaft. "Mmgh!"

The surprisingly sweet-tasting cum rushed into her mouth, she quickly gulped it down, slurping sloppily as she placed her lips to the base of his cock, her nose buried into his quivering testicles as they emptied out into her throat. "Mmgh. Mmn-hmmn…" Wonder Woman's tight lips slowly slid up his safe as Herman moaned, her tongue wagging on his shaft before she popped off. But his length continued to stand erectly. "Mmgh!" she shot upright, daintily running a skilled finger against his quivering shaft. "Ah…" she gulped the leftover cum in her mouth before smiling sweetly down at a still uncomfortable-looking Herman… though still looked somewhat relieved.

"That hardly seemed like it was enough." She purred, "But don't you worry!" she raised on long sexy leg flexibly onto the table before easily hurling herself up and swinging her other leg over him, dropping down onto his lap, catching his erection between her shapely ass cheeks. "MMngh!" planting her hands on the warm table between his strapped ankles she 'twerked' on his lap, bouncing her rear up and down, her flesh 'clapping' around his blue erection. Hot pre-cum shoot from Herman's tip, splattering her lower back like a… 'tramp stamp' she heard Tasha describe it.

"Hmmn! Hmn-hnm Hmm!" hummed Wonder Woman sweetly, playing a song in her head as she continued to twerk, feeling Herman moaning behind her before raising her buttocks up and dropping it down, sheathing him into her tight warmth. Her hips swung erotically side to side before she started twerking again, her buttocks clapping and bouncing up and down on his lap as the table wobbled with her movements. "Ugh! Mmgh! There is that better?" her dropping hips matching each word as Herman started bucking his hips instinctively. "MMngh!"

Her hips swung up and down wildly, bouncing his body off the table before slamming down and shooting upright. "Mmgh!" she tossed her majestic and luxurious dark-haired head, glancing over her sensual shoulders. She shivered seductively, feeling a tiny orgasm rush through her before, feeling Herman grunting and throbbing inside her. "Hmmn… I don't think this treatment is effective… I think we're going to have to escalate." She said, continuing to twerk on his lap before leaning forward, placing her hands on the table before snapping her fingers subtly.

The metal straps on the table suddenly snapped away, freeing Herman's arms and legs, and immediately they clapped onto her buttocks. "Oh!" he shoved her forward, shooting out from beneath her as if he was greased. On her hands and knees, Herman slid his hand to her belly dancer's waist, gripping tightly before furiously thrusting away. "Oh! Oh! Oooh!" Wonder Woman's wonderous breasts swung wildly beneath her as he held her waist with an iron grip. Her hands reached up to grab the edge of the table. "Oh! Ooho!" her breasts pressed to the table as her back arched and she threw her hips back against him. Crashing against his waist, his pulsating cock throbbing and bulging inside her as the echoing claps of hips filled the medbay.

Briefly, the echoing claps halted, he buried himself into her body and finally loosened the grip on her waist to grab her long thick black hair, Wonder Woman's eyes rolled up into her hair as she howled debaucherously, he yanked on her hair, riding her hard like a prized mare. "Oh! Ugh! YES! RIDE ME!" she squealed delightedly, shaking in orgasm as he howled, burying himself into her and releasing inside her. "MMGH!!" she shivered as she felt his hot seed spilling into her magical womb.

Herman dropped onto her back, his hands squeezing and rubbing her at her body, she wiggled her hips seductively behind her, feeling him inside her body, still hard and unrelenting. "Oh? I'll take care of it-"OH Ho!" she laughed as he pulled out of her, she was then flipped onto her back and her flexible legs pushed up to her shoulders. Her feet bounced into the air as Herman buried his face between her chest. "Ooh!" she giggled, wrapping her arms around her legs, pushing her chest together around his face as he licked, sucked, and rubbed whatever part of her flesh he could while rigorously burying his girth into her over and over.

His body tensed and his legs squeezed around her, her toes clawing her bouncing rear as his hips kept slamming deep into her body, her buttocks springing up from the constant cacophonous clapping into the table. "Nngh! MMgh! Ooooh!!" writhing under the table as Herman continued his relentless hip thrusts. Continuing to bury his face into her soft warm chest, driving himself over and over into her. "Oh! Oooh-mmh!!" Wonder Woman moaned as Herman threw himself into her body hard, getting balls deep into her body as a veritable explosion of semen sprayed out of her like an overripe berry.

Herman shivered and moaned into her body, glued to her waist and bucking his hips. But already as deep as he could get, his load pumped deep into her. Herman went stiff, but not in the way that caused this predicament in the first place. "Hmmn?" she tapped Herman's head between her breasts and smiled fondly before grabbing his waist and peeling him from her body like a particularly sticky paper bill stuffed against her thigh with syrupy hands.

…Very specific sure, but you'd be surprised how often it happens for a Superbabe.

She was about to put Herman back on the table but they left an unfortunate mess. He looked fairly out of it so-SNAP. Herman floated over to the right table. Laying on his back as she hopped off the table herself. "Mmgn…" Herman moaned, but then she lightly tapped his head.

"Sleep." She cooed kindly into his ear as Herman's dazed eyes shut completely, and he was soon snoring… Wonder Woman COULD have done that earlier, but the other way was more fun. She then stretched her magnificent body. Sticky, sweaty, and just the right amount of self-satisfaction in a job well done…

She flicked her fingers and her clothes, which floated off the floor and into her hand, and then the medbay doors automatically opened for her letting her walk out. And she didn't even have to use magic to do it…


Lori, extensively, informed Ukyo exactly what it is that a 'Superbabe' does… needless to say Ukyo took this information significantly well...What? She comes from a culture of liberated hedonists, prostitution is the LEAST of an Officer's worries on a planet like that.

…Honestly, Superbabes could make prime space bucks on a planet like that. Regardless Ukyo attention was diverted to the doors of the lounge as they opened, revealing a still naked and slightly dripping Wonder Woman, cheerfully declaring.

"It is finished! He was a rigorous little fella." She grinned as Ukyo politely, though unnecessarily diverted her eyes. "He shall be sleeping for a few hours after that."

"I would be increasingly surprised if he did." Declared Ukyo as she slumped into the circular couch and sank into the lounge floor.

"Arwa why are you still naked?" asked Lori casually as the beautiful genie shrugged.

"I was unsure how to work the shower."

"I'll show you." Mumbled Ukyo, getting up. "I need to return to the bridge anyway." Lori got up with her as Ukyo led Arwa back to crew quarters, leading her inside to show little more than cubicles with bunks in them… surprisingly spartan for such a 'spirited species. But there were two bunks to a cubicle, a top bunk, and a lower bunk… but at least they looked comfy. Five little cubicles, but there was a particularly larger lavatory… with a massive tub and several showers, not to mention the other devices biologicals need for daily life.

"Have your pick." Ukyo declared, passing by a bunk with Candy Jane already making herself at home in her own bunk.

"It feels like you could've fit more rooms if you didn't have such luxurious bathing quarters. Not that I'm complaining."

"I'm told the much older models did." Ukyo mumbled, "…But there were complaints, which I get. I love a good bath."

Again: a race of Hedonists.

"Well then if you excuse me." Arwa tossed her clothes into an unoccupied room, and oddly her suitcase seemed to appear in there as well and Superbabe strutted into the closest shower stall.

"Well now that Hermano is taken care of." Lori said, "…What are we going to do about him? We can't just leave him strapped down on a cold table all night."

"We'll just have to make do." Ukyo replied in a stiff but determined manner. We'll just have to sleep in separate quarters."

"Feels kind of lonely making him sleep all alone." Jane noted, catching Ukyo and Lori's attention, and shyly she raised her hands. "I-I mean… Dee said… I mean you said that he needs to socialize right?"

"But sharing space with him is…" she tried to find the right word for the Terrans and only managed to settle on- "inappropriate. For us especially." She gestured to her and Lori.

"Well then why don't you and Lori sleep in the other quarters and he can sleep in this one?" Jane replied as Lori and Ukyo seemed taken aback by her offer.

"That's… not a terrible idea if you're willing to do it." Ukyo noted.

"I'm sure Hermano will appreciate being in a room full of sexy chicas he can play with." Lori replied as Arwa turned off the shower and slipped into the luxurious bath, which oddly started to smell fruity…

"It will be fine. We can handle him… it's more fun this way." She said, her wonderous breasts floating in the water. "Mmn. This is LOVELY."

"It's Sluutavan water from the Geldi Swamp." Ukyo said as they stared at her, even Arwa looked concerned. "…I assure you it's a lot better than it sounds. It's good for the skin. All the finest resorts use it."

"…Sluutava sounds like a very weird place." Declared Lori as Ukyo could only shrug, it was common to hear. To her, it was normal already…

So, with a little shuffling and a lot of complaints from Demona, the 'uninvited' Terrans were settled in the starboard side quarters. Lori and Ukyo took the port… once everything was settled they returned to Herman, who to his credit was a lot calmer after his romp with Arwa and Ukyo wasn't even mad about the mess.

It was a Sluutavan vessel.

She handed him some very snug clothes, and after a bit of help, he was dressed. It took some effort to get him into the short-legged blue onesie but it was surprisingly comfortable… and was much more cognitive as Ukyo and Lori explained again as to why he was here.

"…So my Dad-"

"Doner." Lori corrected quickly as Herman, sitting in the lounge and drinking a calming tea, seemed to concede the point.

"This guy who we're going to a trial for… he's a criminal?"

"To our species, and a considerable amount of others." Ukyo said scowling, "…Sluutavans, our people, are very free-spirited and-"

"Hedonistic." Lori supplied the word and Ukyo nodded.

"Yes. And while the idea of casual sex isn't taboo for us, abandoning children, serial impregnation… we take explosive population seriously." Ukyo said, before adding very kindly. "…If you do not wish to participate you do not have to… but considering your medical condition I felt it was necessary."

"So… I'm sick?" he asked as Ukyo sighed patiently.

"For a Sluutavan, yes. You need to socialize, you need to…" she tried to find the words. "You can't stay locked up and away from people, absorbing your own pheromones will drive your physiology wild, and send you into an uncontrollable heat. Turn you feral." Herman went oddly quiet and Lori and Ukyo knew right away that it's happened to him more than once. "You'd be a danger to yourself and others, and in very rare circumstances you could simply drive yourself mad and remain in that state… thinking of nothing but finding anyone and everyone you could and sexually assaulting them."

"…That only happens to me once in a while," Lori replied with a chuckle but Ukyo turned to her and nodded.

"Yes. You enter heat, usually, it happens every 30-40 cycles correct? That's natural for Sluutavans but to repress it for too long and you turn into THAT." She added seriously. "ALL THE TIME. Luckily…" Ukyo added seeing Lori's increasing concern, "From your job you have a great deal of sex. So I highly doubt you'd go feral anytime soon."

"So because I fuck a lot I'm fine… good to know." Lori mumbled sarcastically.

"No different from the professional service agents on Sluutava." She replied, "I've experimented with many of them myself it's quite a respectable profession, if you can get it." She hesitated and mumbled almost awkwardly. "I hear the standards to get a license are high though, 70% of applicants can't meet the standards."

"Okay! Well." Lori seemed to wave that off. "…I'm afraid you're stuck with us Hermano, but don't worry. Ukyo knows what she's doing… you know what you're doing right?" she added as Ukyo frowned at her.

"Of course I do. I'm a trained officer of the Sluutavan Guardian Core." She noted, "As soon as the trial is finished I will return you to Earth." She stood up, "You should get some rest. Ideally without being strapped down to a table. Let me show you where you're staying." She led Herman out of the lounge and into the starboard side quarters. The other Superbabes, minus Darcy, watched him from their selected bedrooms as Herman was gestured into an empty bunk. "Top or bottom you can have your pick." She said as he climbed the side ladder a little excitedly up to the top bunk.

"I always wanted bunk beds." He said absently, laying down on the top bunk as Ukyo smiled kindly.

"Well enjoy them." She said, "Now… everyone pay attention." Ukyo sat on the bottom bunk and slid a panel open at the head of the bed. "These buttons allow you to control the temperature and privacy of your bunk… and more importantly-" she slipped into the bunk and pushed a large rectangular blue button, set like a sideways space bar, and pushed it. Instantly a clear panel of glass slipped across the bunk, sealing her inside she then shifted her hand as if to say 'tah-da' before opening the bunk again. "It can only be opened from the inside, so when you're ready for your rest, push that button.

But the intent was clear, 'to keep a wild herman away, close your bunk.' Unfortunately, one person was rather annoyed by this. Demona, whose wings would already be quite cramped in a bunk grumbled under her breath only for Arwa, with almost malicious glee whispered warningly.

"Remember what Orders said, 'Alive, intact, and Sane'." She said, patting her magical 'sister' on her shoulders before entering Herman's quarters. "Don't worry Herman if you ever need help that's what we are four!" she giggled, "See what I did there?"

"Bugger." Mumbled Demona irately, "Make sure to go to Arwa first." She snapped as Darcy finally made herself known, joining them in the quarters before accurately noting.

"Why not just bunk with Lori and Officer Ukyo?" she replied as Demona, completely forgetting she could do that, quickly went to her quarters and grabbed her things.

"Thank you, Darcy." She said almost politely, before crossing the hall to the other crew quarters. Darcy quietly watched her go as everyone else contemplated the rarity of Demona being polite. Before Lori asked.

"Hey Darcy, what have you been doing?"

"I have been studying the process of interstellar travel." Darcy replied calmly as Ukyo seemed to remember that she was the only pilot on the vessel.

"It has been a while since I've been on the bridge, I should check in." She then left them all to their devices. One device, Darcy, followed Ukyo back to the bridge. It was actually another few hours before anything of note happened. And Herman didn't attack anyone at all, it was quite refreshing for him, Arwa actually produced a boardgame from her very small suitcase: Apology, and while Demona would've preferred straight-up cards or dice, she agreed to be the fourth player with Jane, Lori watching the game in the lounge before Ukyo's voice echoed over ship coms.

"Attention passengers." She announced, "We are about to exit warp, we'll take a few hours of sleep and to rest the warp engines before continuing our journey to Sluutava. This is all routine." She finished, and they were just about to go back to the game when the entire ship SHOOK with a subdued but still detected BOOM on the port side of the ship!

The girls stumbled as Demona hissed like a viper. "The hells was THAT?!" the first boom was suddenly followed by several smaller booms. "Ah!" she ingloriously lost her balance as she stood up, before crashing down onto Herman. "Bloody HELLS!"

Arwa seemed to be unaffected by all the minor shaking off the ship, as if she wasn't even standing on the floor, gliding to the door and quickly moving out of the lounge towards the bridge with Lori. When they reached the bridge they found that Ukyo was trying to steer through what was clearly a debris field, caused by what appeared to be a space battle between ships, orbiting a greenish planet below.

"Damn it! HERE? REALLY!" Ukyo snarled as Darcy stood placidly on the bridge, unaffected by several pieces of destroyed ships bouncing off the hull. "Bombax PIRATES!" she cursed as then the ship suddenly set off an alarm, turning bright red as she cursed again. "FRAG." She then abruptly turned the ship towards the planet, turning to Lori and Arwa. She then SLAMMED the comm as the planet started to get closer. "Get to the bunks! Turn on your shields! Space debris hit the ship! We need to land immediately!"

"What about you?" Lori asked concernedly, but Arwa smiled, grabbing her wrist.

"She'll be fine. Just like that-" she snapped her fingers and winked a beautiful brown eye. "Darcy time to go!"

"I can assist Officer Carant." Declared Darcy, taking another seat, "I have been watching." Resting her hands on the console and rapidly tapped away as the planet got closer… and closer.

Looming towards them as Lori groaned, dragged away by Arwa growled irately. "…Fuck you JEFFA!"

Remembering what she said about 'Space debris'.

End of Log 1

So these aren't going to come out one after the other, I did this one waiting on a commissioner to respond, I'll try to get Log 2 done around Halloween-ish

Da butchering

Por qué nunca me lo dijiste!? = Why didn't you ever tell me!?

Hijo de puta, parece que alguien se quedó con la cuchara de plata. = Son of a bitch, looks like someone got the silver spoon.

Qué carajo estás hacienda = What the hell are you doing?!

Cuéntamelo = Tell me about it.

Golpean como conejos = Bang like rabbits

Next chapter