
Delivery Girl: Silver Swan Order #6

I don't own DC

It should come as no surprise to anyone that Silver Swan… REALLY doesn't like what she's been reduced to. Her consistently irritated face however seemed to have struck a chord with more than a few customers on the floor. Chalking it up to the tsundere nature of a sassy bitch sort of personality… There was something of an appeal to that but it didn't come from a place of concern to be better at her tasks, or to collect 'regulars' and fans. She was just irritated that she had to parade around like a lust floozy, shaking her ass for men and sometimes women drooling over her body like animals in heat…

So the idea of 'Bartleby' or whatever his real name was being a regular fan sort of flew under her wings. Without fail at least once a week the little mortal would come to Superbabes when she was working, and she'd have to give him her attention as if she cared, listening to him prattle on consistently about his day, and his worries whether she wanted to or not. On and on and on like bloody clockwork…

So oddly enough she was a little more than surprised when her clock was suddenly off. The weird little man didn't show up for a week. Which was positively absurd, he showed up every week to spend inane money on her and overpriced food. She mostly wrote it off, it shouldn't really bother her that much, or at all for that matter.

She ate her fries and didn't think about it any further. She didn't think about him at all over the week after that and still no Brandon… she probably would've continued not thinking about him if not for Stargirl pointing out that Silver Swan seemed more irritated than usual lately

"Are you alright?" she asked in that annoying sexy French accent of hers.

"What?" Silver Swan replied, seemingly brought out of her thoughts as she savored yet another French fry.

"I asked if you were alright." Stargirl replied, sitting down at the poker table and about to enjoy her own lunch of a Poison Ivy salad. "You seem to be very uptight lately." Silver Swan glowered at her, but Stargirl wasn't one to recoil from a Silver Swan glowering.

"I have not been uptight." She replied casually.

"You have been a little antsy." Stargirl added, "Is it because your fan has not shown up in a while?" Silver Swan, mid-fry bite, froze briefly, before finishing her bite. Slowly. Savoring the salt and certainly not thinking of a proper reply.

"I have not been 'antsy'." She replied as Stargirl began eating her salad like an upper-class English noble, Ironically of course she is french. Rather straight-backed, prim and proper, her large fake breasts stretching her costume top like corsets of old...

"Hmph. If you say so. But you seem to be a little more annoyed recently. Antsy" Her feathers rippled lightly as she began focusing on the true joy of working at Superbabes, eating fries.

"I am not antsy I am merely… contemplating." Stargirl's pretty blue eyes watched her almost studiously. "Stop looking at me like that." She said as Stargirl shrugged.

They continued to eat in silence until Silver Swan finished her meal, scowling notedly one leg crossed over the other, she seemed to think for a moment before getting up and walking around. "He hasn't shown up." She didn't know why it annoyed her so much that one of her few regulars wasn't showing up, he's always shown up…

Stargirl just smiled, "It's okay to admit it." She said conversationally, "I'm sure there's nothing extreme and he'll show up anytime now."

"Hey Silver Swan, you got a guy out there who wants to see you." Noted Wonder Woman coming in from the floor to drop off tips. Stargirl looked mildly confused as Silver Swan then eyed her suspiciously.

"…Did you get clairvoyancy all of a sudden?" she snapped suspiciously as Stargirl looked just as concerned as she did.

"I am as surprised as you are." She said, but Silver Swan rolled her eyes and turned towards the door.

"Good, there are far too many clairvoyants around here already." She mumbled dismissively, "What table?" she asked Wonder Woman who plucked the last bill out of her generous cleavage and left it in a neat stack.

"Table six." Wonder Woman said, "Now if you excuse me. I have syrup in places where it shouldn't be." She raised her hands as if desperate not to touch anything else and headed jiggling into the locker room.

"Pleasant." Silver Swan mumbled, before walking onto the floor towards Table Six.

She almost didn't recognize him. The pimply, freckled face, sandy-haired young man she had seen several times over weeks had remained mostly unchanged. Now however he was a completely different person, he now had a scruffy unshaven beard, his hair was scraggly and unwashed, and he had quite a few bags under his eyes. He looked like he hadn't been eating or sleeping very well, let alone bathing.

Yet upon seeing her a smile faintly stretched on his lips, "H-Hello Silver Swan it's been awhile…" Her eyes narrowed and she scanned him studiously.

"…What the hells happened to you?" she asked as he jolted, somewhat surprised that she would even ask.

"O-oh." He noted, looking at his clothes. "I've… had a bit of a… financial issue. Lately…" he said slowly as her eyes flicked all over him, scowling disapprovingly

"Financial issue? And you're eating out?" she replied looking disapprovingly at him and he seemed to wilt.

"…I've been saving up." He added almost meekly.

"Did you suddenly go bankrupt?" she said dismissively, not caring in the slightest if he did, but Orders has issues with homeless people occupying tables during fully active hours.

Billy stared at her and didn't meet her eyes, "You could say that." He said cryptically as she rolled here eyes. She didn't really care. "I had to avoid taking baths, and buying anything unnecessary…" Silver Swan's eyes narrowed. "It's really tough." She then took a deep breath, then sighed, taking him by the wrist. "Ah-"

"Come." She ordered, dragging him from the table and into the lounge. Heading to the locker room just in time to watch Wonder Woman stuffing her glorious bust back into her corset.

"What are you doing?" she asked as Billy tried not to look anywhere.

"Something completely out of character." She replied with a scowl, before shoving Billy into the showers. "Take off your clothes." She ordered as he squeaked.

"What?!" he said surprised as Silver Swan rolled her eyes.

"Take a bath, you smell. Give me your clothes, we'll wash them." She then turned around, and spread her wings, blocking him from view. "Hurry up!" she ordered as Wonder Woman continued to stare at her confused. "…We have those 'mech' clothes, correct? Go and get some for me." Wonder Woman raised an eyebrow. "PLEASE." She added as Wonder Woman seemed to accept that and walked out.

"Right right, be right back." She said heading out of the locker room and up to the storage room by the kitchen.

"Clothes." She ordered, "I don't hear the shower running!" she added and soon the foul garments were tossed at her feet, she casually kicked aside his filthy and foul-smelling garments and with a little flick of her wrist they flew into the closest open washer around the corner. Once she heard the shower start she twisted her right wrist, poked the air, and then flicked her thumb upward and the laundry machine started humming to life. "Now. What seems to be the issue?"

"I-I don't."

"Speak. My kindness only goes so far." After a moment Billy finally spoke.

"Last month my longtime girlfriend cheated on me with my neighbor." She rolled her eyes. Ah, shocker, girl trouble when he was consistently coming to Superbabes to fawn over her. But in hindsight, he never ordered a delivery, perhaps he was unaware of the concept. "And I just found out she spent most of my money on gambling at The Gotham Olympus's casino."

She knew the place… It's a Greed Demon thing.

"S-She put the debt under my name. If I don't pay them back I could lose the apartment, not to mention various body parts." There was a slight whimper in his voice and she rolled her eyes again, snapping.

"You're not crying are you?" she snapped irately as he seemed to sniff.

"N-No. Soap in my eyes." He said as she scowled.

"Good, then you are using soap." She noted as Wonder Woman returned with a shirt and some pants. It was a plain white T-Shirt with a sexy Power Girl on it, posing for a Superbabe logo, and blue pants, also with a Superbabe logo. Of course Wonder Woman got Billy's correct measurements, Superbabes were pretty on point when it came to judging sizes. "Use a towel." She ordered as he turned the water off. Then after a second, she swung the clothes over her shoulder and over her left wing. "Put these on." She ordered as she felt the clothes tugged from her grip. After a moment. "Are you dressed?"


Her wings folded and she turned around, glowering at him in his 'merch'. "Good. Follow me." She demanded, turning and walking away he followed her as she then led her behind the counter and into Orders' office. Pointing to the couch. "Sit." She ordered as he sat in the middle of the couch. "She'll be here soon." She added as Billy blinked at her, "Don't touch anything." She then stepped out of the office without another word and waited a few minutes.

Orders came in, giving her casual grumping greetings, "Evening." mostly ignoring Silver Swan until entering her office, then promptly walking back out. Glowering at Silver Swan. "…Why the hell is he in my office?"

"This sort of thing is right up your alley." Silver Swan replied as Orders' purple eyes narrowed at her. "Hear him out." Orders frowned, then turned back into her office, shutting the door. Orders spoke to Billy for a surprisingly long time all things considered, at least fifteen minutes… Silver Swan casually checked her nails waiting for the door to reopen.

"Get in here." She declared irately, Silver Swan then followed Orders into the office with a very confused Billy still on the couch. Orders glowered at Silver Swan, then said crisply. "I assume you have a plan?"

"Of course." Silver Swan waved her hand dismissively, looking thoroughly amused.

"I won't help you." Orders noted as Silver Swan nodded.

"Obviously." Orders stroked her chin, "I'll have it covered." Orders then turned to Billy.

"How much money do you owe?" she snapped as Billy blinked and cleared his throat.

"S-six thousand."

"Plus interest." Silver Swan replied and Orders' purple eyes narrowed.

"…Not a CENT more than necessary." Orders demanded as Silver Swan grinned smugly.

"Certainly." Orders jerked her head to the door.

"Get to it."

"Come Boris." She ordered as Billy blinked at Silver Swan, who marched out of Orders office and into the locker rooms. Billy rushed after her, hesitating as she began to strip out of her uniform and he immediately turned around. Silver Swan scoffed at his 'modesty' before opening her locker, and after stuffing her costume inside and grabbing her tips for the day. She 'changed' into her 'work' clothes…

A glorious sapphire blue dress sparkled as it wrapped around her magnificent body, an elegant evening grown with matching blue heels. She strutted out of the locker room, shoving Billy ahead of her… he turned and gapped at her in awe. She promptly pushed his chin, shutting his mouth, before handing him her tips. "Come." She declared again as he fidgeted, then followed after her as she snatched the keys to a company car. "Can you drive?" she asked as he blinked.

"Y-Yes?" he said, looking at the wad of cash in his hands. "Did you really earn this much today?"

"I earned that much in the last few hours." She replied, "Get in the car Bently. Drive."

"W-where are we going?" he asked cautiously but obeyed her regardless as she slipped into the backseat. She was more comfortable back there with her wings.

"We're going to get you out of debt." She said, "It's actually quite simple and obvious."

"W-what?! How?!" he replied as she raised an eyebrow at him, looking in the rearview mirror. But Silver Swan smiled.

"How? Again, It should be obvious. We're going to win it." She said confidently. "Now to Gotham City Olympus that's where your debtor is."

…That's also a Greed Demon thing.

The Gotham City Olympus, owned by one Maximillian Zeus, was an obvious casino… it was obvious to be fair, but it's also Gotham. Still the rich, poor, corrupted, and virtuous all gather together for a rousing round of ruining their own financial security or securing it.

She could SMELL them. It was wonderful. They pulled up to the club, the valet soon walking around to the driver's side, and then hesitated once he saw Billy in his merch clothes. "Uh… Parking?" he said, and the backdoor of the car opened… Silver Swan's long shapely leg hit the pavement before getting out of the car. Her wings fluttered slightly as she stretched them after the cramped car ride, drawing the awed gazes of those around her.

"Come Biscuit." She ordered, Billy got out of the car, handed the valet the keys, rushing after her.

The big bouncer at the front door held up a hand as she and Billy approached, "Lady we got a dress code here. You're fine but he's-"

"Hades brought his riches." She said almost dismissively as the bouncer stopped talking. "Move aside." She ordered as the man turned his gaze to Billy, but then shrugged.

"Yeah alright." He said, standing aside and opening the door to the club. "Enjoy your time at the Olympus." She led Billy into the large club, the big band on stage playing music for dancing patrons, drinking and eating at bars and tables and having a good time as the room glittered like gold. But she ignored all of it, walking across the room and ignoring the gazes of those around her, watching her wings as she approached a back door, guarded by another goon.

"Hades brought his riches." She said as he stared at her, and then Billy. Then her again. Before stepping aside and opening the door for her. She walked in with Billy, walking down some steps into a hallway with a large red double door at the other end. With the engraving of a three-headed dog, Cerberus, upon it.

"I-Is this a good idea?"

"Well, I have to admit they are playing to a theme. But that's normal in Gotham." She declared, referring to the decor, but Billy fidgeted.

"N-No I mean you trying to gamble!" he said, "What if you lose?"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about me." Silver Swan replied, "Because you will be gambling."

"W-what?! I can't gamble!" he replied. But she stared him down.

"Just do what I tell you. When I tell you to do it." She said, rubbing her hands on his shoulders, smoothing out his merch shirt. "You'll be fine. Now…" She led him along, approaching the Cerberus door, she raised her fist "Knock-"

Time: 8:54 PM. Place: The Gotham City Olympus (Underground Casino)

"-Knock." The door soon opened, revealing yet another goon who eyed her wings.

"…Are those real?"

"I'm very real." She said, wrapping one arm around Billy's and pulling him along. Above in the club or below in the casino the good times apparently were still rolling. Quite literally, craps, roulette, poker, black Jack… all the FUN STUFF. Hells, she's missed it.

"What's your poison Biff?" she cooed, "Cards or Dice?"

"I-I don't…" he noted, but then her eyes wandered and hesitated.

"Ah… Cards it is. Excellent." She declared and dragged him through the crowd, many of whom gazed curiously at the winged woman dragging along the mousy young man. She dragged Billy to a poker table, currently filled with standard Gotham rough and tumble sorts. One of them, his face unshaven and with a broken nose glanced at them.

"What the hell is this?" he laughed, looking at Billy, then at Silver Swan who was much more appealing to look at. "Billy… I'm not scheduled to see you until tomorrow." Silver Swan sat Billy down in an empty chair, he tried to run for it. But she kept him grounded with her hands on his shoulders. "What's with the bird?"

Silver Swan then leaned down and whispered silkily into her ear. "Put the money on the table." She said as Billy then took the stack of cash she had given him earlier, in his confusion he almost forgot he had it, and dropped it on the table.

The man whistled, "Look at that chunk of change." He mocked. "Get me Six thousand more just like it and maybe I won't have to break your hand tomorrow." Considering there was little more than a thousand dollars in that stack the man had a good eye for cash.

"Now where's the fun in that?" Silver Swan cooed, fawning over Billy as she looked the man in the eyes. "Surely there are more interesting ways to acquire money than threats?" she purred, "I for one like good old-fashioned CHANCE." She ran a finger over the stack. "Win or Lose." She declared, "This is more fun."

"Bird likes her games huh? How much did she cost you, Billy? Not as much as that little tramp that got you into this mess." Billy went red-faced as Silver Swan chuckled.

"Oh, I love games."

"Hey, are we going to play or flirt?" snapped another man at the table.

"Shut up Casey this is business." Billy's debtor declared, which Casey seemed to take personally, taking what was left of his winnings and going to find another table. The other players, taking the hint, followed suit. "Alright Bird." He grinned, as a pair of large men now standing behind him imposingly crossed their arms. "What do you propose?"

"Oh? It's simple. We PLAY for little Betty's debt." She said, rubbing his shoulder. "Not me of course, but him."

"Him?!" laughed the man, "He can barely hold cards let alone know how to play them."

"Then what do you have to lose?"

"No-no-no… that ain't how this works." He said, and she smiled. She of course knew that. "If everyone could just gamble their shit out of debt then we wouldn't make any money. Kid needs collateral and I already took that."

"Oh I thought it was obvious?" she replied, "I AM the collateral."

"W-what?" Billy squeaked before she rested her hand on his shoulder and shoved him back into the chair.

"I'm sure I can come up with a clever and lucrative way to earn whatever I need to get out of debt, but I rather enjoy the RUSH of possibly getting into it." She said, "So. Here's what we're going to do. Bradly here is going to play and I'm going to be the prize." She said, hand on Billy's shoulder.

He stared at her then at Billy, before smirking. "…Alright." He said, "I guess I could play a few hands of Texas hold-em." He looked at the deal. "Deal." He said as the dealer dealt the cards. Billy fidgeted in his seat at the two cards on the table.

"…Look at your cards Berry." She ordered as he then snatched them from the table. She glanced over his shoulder and smirked, "Bet." She declared as Billy looked at the stack.

"Just a little." She said as he put in a bit of the stack towards the table.

"…Feels to me like you're playing for him." The Debtor replied as she chuckled.

"I'm just giving him advice. He's never played before after all." She replied, "Shall I be more subtle?" she leaned closer to his ear, and whispered silkily, "Bet again." Billy turned red, but he obeyed, putting more money in as his opponent laughed.

"The Bird's got you by the balls huh?" he added more money to the pile, "She looks like she knows how to handle them."

"Play the game and find out." She declared with an ominous chuckle. The dealer dealt the next cards, flipping them to the middle of the table as she chuckled again into Billy's ear. "Bet."


"No buts, just BET." She ordered, her eyes flicking to his opponent. "I know what I'm doing."

The literal devil on his shoulder silkily whispering instructions and encouragement in his ear, his face flushed as he followed every command. Raise, fold, hold… He just kept WINNING… gazing in awe as the chips went higher and the crowd started to grow.

"Winner." The dealer said as the Debtor, whose name was a catchy moniker, Blackjack Jake, threw his pair of fours on the table as Billy won with a three pair of sevens. Jake stared at Billy, then his eyes flicked to Silver Swan who was casually stroking Billy's recently cleaned hair, like she was trying to style it.

She could tell it in his eyes. He know they were cheating, they had to be cheating, there was no way Billy could be this lucky. But the worst part was, he couldn't prove it… She was cheating, of course, normally she wouldn't on principle but this was a matter of life and death… or at least terrible maiming. Call her an honorable demon if you want but Bart didn't dig himself into this grave, his lover did. She was just pulling him out of it... for no particular reason. She's bored.

"…One more game." Blackjack Jake snapped, "One." He declared as she raised an eyebrow.

"You are correct I think we're already close to our goal…" she noted mockingly but he scowled at her.

"New game. New rules. No help." He pointed at her as she raised an eyebrow at that.

"Hardly seems like a fair wager all things considered. We could just go to another table."

"If he wins, he keeps the cash he came in with, we wipe his debt, and I don't have my boys rip your cheating wings off."

"Now that's a rather outlandish statement. I hope you can prove it…" as his men surrounded her, she was unphased.

"One hand of blackjack." He said, waving away the dealer, "You open your mouth, you fidget, and I'm stuffing a pillow with those wings." She raised her hands defensively, putting them behind her back. Hidden by her wings.

"It seems we don't have a choice, Blake." She said, almost mockingly. "Better play the game." A new dealer appeared, and then dealt the cards. Billy stared at the 5 of diamonds on the green felt and the upside-down card. Blackjack Jake got the 10 of clubs. Flipping his other card immediately upon seeing it, the jack of spades. "20." He said, "Gonna stay." he added as Billy nervously looked at his other card…

6 of clubs. He flipped over the card. "U-uh… another card?" he said, as Silver Swan smirked. The dealer drew the top card, and dropped the Queen of Hearts. Blackjack Jake's face fell as Billy looked like he was going to shit himself.

Blackjack Jake looked incredibly irate at his loss. He glowered at Billy who tried to smile and failed. "…Get out." He ordered, as Silver Swan casually pushed aside the goons approaching Blackjack.

"Ah-ah… she picked up the stack of bills, hers, that Billy came in with. Shoving it into his chest.


"Now there is the matter of his debt?"

"…Cleared." Blackjack Jake snarled as she grinned.

"Good! That's very good." She picked up a poker chip, "…I'd hate to have to come back here and cause a ruckus." She noted, spinning the chip in between her fingers. "And ban that little trollop that got him into this mess I have other things to do in my day then take your money…"

Because it was very clear that she could if she wanted to. And Blackjack Jake could only operate in the Olympus's underground casino as long as he was bringing in bucks. If she took them all that was clearly bad business.

"Done. Just leave." He snapped as she winked slowly. She took a handful of chips, stacking them before taking them as well. Getting off the table, grabbed Billy by the collar and dragged him along.

"Come. We're leaving." She said, going to cash out the chips she claimed.

Several hundred dollars richer she and Billy walked out of the casino. The doors shut behind her as he finally spoke. "I-I can't believe we're still alive!" she turned around, taking her money back from him and handing him the money… minus about a hundred dollars. "What's this?"

"That is for you." She took her tips, storing them away before waving the money she kept at him. "This is for my employer. Who happens to severely dislike gambling and all its forms."

"…B-but you just-"

"Be silent Boulder."

"T-that's not even a name." he mumbled sheepishly and she rolled her eyes.

"Come, drive me back."

They left the club, the valet bringing the car around, and both got into the car as they drove through Gotham… unfortunately getting into traffic. Sitting in silence, he suddenly spoke. "T-Thank you." He said as she flicked her eyes to the rearview, "I-I don't know how you did it. But you really helped me out…"

"…Yes, well don't make it a habit." She noted dismissively, "And I hope you kicked that trollop to the curb." And Billy went unnervingly silent. "…Barkley?" her eyes narrowed. "You kicked her to the curb didn't you?"


"What do you MEAN 'N-No?'" she scowled leaning forward and glaring at him, he tried not to meet her burning gaze. "This… CREATURE indebted you to a loan shark! Kick her to the curb."

"I-I can't kick her out she's a co-owner of my apartment-Ah!" she yanked his ear, forcing him to look at her.

"Where do you live?"

"Ah-ah! W-what?"

"Where do you live?" she repeated angrily, tugging his ear. "Go there! You are leaving."

"I-Ah! Where am I going to go?!"

"Anywhere but there! It is a toxic! Environment!" she pulled her hand away from his ear."

"B-But… where am I going to go?" he repeated as she scowled.

"For now, let's get you away from this trollop." She declared, "Motels are cheaper." She declared confidently as he frowned.

"B-But that's not-"

"You cannot grow if you've been poisoned." She declared, "DRIVE." She ordered. Billy fidgeted, but he complied. Finally moving in traffic he turned from driving back to Superbabes and heading off in another direction. But not for long…

He pulled up in front of a tall brick apartment building, with an old-fashioned fashioned fire-escape on the outside, that some people seemed to be used to smoke or grill food. How ironic. "H-here we are… Now what?"

"Now? Get what you need Billy…" she ordered, as he frowned.


"Clothes, cash, the odd snack. Whatever you need. Go." She noted as he hesitated, but then got out of the car. She watched him walk out of the car and into the apartment building. She frowned, then got out of the car herself… she didn't go into the building instead she swooped up the fire escape.

Five floors up she saw Barton again, as he entered an apartment… which was currently occupied by a woman and another man. Both of them currently bang and rutting like animals… she scowled, significantly more annoyed as Billy grabbed a black suitcase from a closet, he opened it and immediately began tossing things with more and more force. Clearly getting into the whole 'leaving a toxic relationship' thing… then after grabbing a few things he moved into the bedroom.

"Ah! Bill!" she squealed, and he ignored her. "What the hell?!" he opened a dresser and grabbed some clothes, yanking them out and carrying them by the armfuls. "What are you doing?"

"I-I'm leaving." He declared, going back to the suitcase. "I got the gambling debt paid off, and I am leaving!"

"The hell do you mean your leaving?!" she asked as the man she had been fucking wrapped a towel around his waist and seemed to ignore them, going to the kitchen. "You can't leave! How the hell are we going to pay rent?!"

"Y-You could get a better job?" he said, "Or maybe not lose your money g-gambling!?" he snapped, "I-I however am leaving! Keep the apartment!" he declared before trying to close the suitcase.

"What the hell Bill, calm down." The other man said but he wasn't having it.

"N-No! I'm done!" he declared, trying to leave but his cheating lover grabbed the suitcase, trying to stop him.

"Hold on how did you pay off the debt?! I thought you were broke?! Did you hide money from me?!"

"L-Let go!" Billy declared as Silver Swan sighed, then opened the window. She stepped into the apartment, and brushing her hair from her gorgeous face she strutted across the room as everyone stared at her. She put her hand on the woman's head and abruptly shoved her away.

"Ah!?" she toppled ingloriously onto the floor watching as Silver Swan sultrily walked towards, Billy and gently caressed his face before pulling him into a deep kiss. Her tongue slithered into his mouth, her tongue swirled around his mouth as he went stiff and turned to putty.

"MMn-mwah…" she pulled away, "Ready to go?" she purred, ignoring the two gaping idiots.

"Yeah…" he mumbled, with no sign of his usual stutter.

"Good. We're already late." The woman managed to stand back up.

"Who the hell are-WHAP!?" knocking her to the ground with a flick of her wings.

"Hmmn?" she grabbed his suitcase and easily carried it out of the apartment. "Did you hear something William?"

"N-No?" he said, awed as she took him by the arm and walked him out.

"…That chick was hot." The guy said, "...Did she have wings?" before the door shut.

Wordlessly, they returned to the car, she opened the back and stuffed the suitcase into the trunk. Then got into the backseat, waiting for him to get into the driver's seat. He stumbled into the car and put his hands on the wheel.

"N-Now what?" he asked unsurely.

Silver Swan crossed her arms, seemingly thinking on it. "…Back to Superbabes." She said, "I just remembered your clothes are probably still in the dryer."

"R-Right." He said, pulling back into traffic. "…S-so why did you-"

"Don't think about it Batty." She said dismissively, "It shut up the Trollop."

Time: 10:01 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Silver Swan and Billy entered Superbabes, "He needs a place to stay." Said Silver Swan dismissively, heading into the locker rooms to get his clothes. Orders glared irately at Billy, then wrote something down on a piece of paper. Ripping it off and holding it out for him.

"There's an apartment building about 15 minutes of walking away. This is the address." She said as Billy took it. "Give it to the Super, they'll let you stay there until you can make better arrangements.

"T-Thank you… but why?"

"Don't ask stupid questions." She declared as he blinked at her. "Go wait in the car." She ordered as he fidgeted, then walked out. He was happy too, Orders was oddly far more terrifying than gambling debt. Silver Swan however arrived just in time to hand him his clean clothes. "Demona." She hesitated as Billy quickly walked out. "Drive him to his temporary apartment, I gave him the address."

"If you say so." She said dismissively, she stood staring at Orders who said nothing. "…Is that all?"

"Why would there be more?" Orders replied almost sagely.

"…I just assumed you'd say something snarky or unnecessary."

"I'll be safe in the knowledge that I knew you were right for this job." Demona frowned, glowering at Orders, but then walked out, looking increasingly irritated.

She walked towards the car, opened the driver's side door, and shoved Billy over into the passenger's seat, before getting in. Her wings folded uncomfortably behind her as she began driving out of the lot and towards Mikey and Geoff's Superbabe Apartment.

"…Y-Your name is Demona?"

She glowered at him, suddenly quite irritated with Orders once again, before sighing loudly. "…You can call me Dee." And driving into traffic. At least he can regularly eat at Superbabes once again. Which was all that Orders cared about…

Demona didn't care one way or the other… Obviously…


I think this might be a first, a chapter that wasn't all that sexy at all. Don't worry, I won't make it a habit, promise. I just wasn't really feeling it. Especially since Silver Swan is going to be one of the girls who's going to be going to SPAAAAACE, so I decided to do something more experimental.

Next one should definitely have sex though, it's Arwa, Arwa's going to bang someone.

Next chapter