
Delivery Girl: Wonder Woman II Order #4

I don't own DC

"Hmm-hmmn hmmm!" Wonder Woman (II) hummed quietly to herself as she stepped out of a nearby alleyway, brushing her silky black locks with her fingers and brushing away the purple glittery smoke wafting from her body when she used particularly potent magic. She used just a little bit of the good stuff to get to work once she realized she was late.

She shook her left leg a little and more glittery smoke wafted away from her like she was running rapidly through the sands of the Sahara. She jiggled and wiggled in her tight modern clothing skipping down the sidewalk in sexy black heels, long black pants, and a very generous push-up corset.

Shit, she forgot her jacket. SNAP! And now she didn't adjust it just in time to wink at a couple of staring gentlemen in the middle of mugging another one… The sights of Gotham City. If she wasn't a sexy Djinn with semi-phenomenal cosmic power she'd be more concerned but there are other factors…

First and foremost it would not be her first time dealing with 'street rats' and other such deplorables. Gotham might be the peek of mortal scum and villainy on this plane of existence, but she's from the City of Brass… Everyone there has a bit of magic to go with their thuggery. There was another factor of course…

"Hey pretty lady…" those same two muggers, losing interest in their target snuck up behind her and she turned around to face them with a smile as one of them brought his still bloody knife to her pretty face. "How's about you have some fun with us-"A woman and a man, their hair in dreadlocks suddenly appeared behind them as if they apparated. Before grabbing the muggers and dragging them into a nearby alleyway to inform them what happens if you threaten anyone from Superbabes…

Cajun Jim Lafayette's Dreadlock boys (and girls apparently) have that effect on people in his territory (though it was mostly ORDERS's territory). She waved them off to enjoy their oncoming horrors before turning around and continuing to Superbabes, making it JUST in time. "I'm here master!"

…To be informed that-

"You're LATE." Orders snapped irately before adding. "Don't call me Master." There were some men in the lounge, which was rare, also they were in matching uniforms… 'Police' or whatever they were called, the modern guardsmen.

"Oh don't be silly!" Wonder Woman smiled at the two men, one completely average looking but the other one was very… what was the term? Dead Sexy… that was it. "You're new. Hello…" she purred at Officer Dead Sexy who raised an eyebrow at her.

"CHANGE. WORK!" Orders snapped abruptly as Wonder Woman frowned at her.

"Oh, you're no FUN." She mumbled before also shooting a playful wink at Officer Averman, according to his nametag and shifting into the locker room. Officer Averman's eyes watched her distracting shapely backside vanishing into the locker rooms making Sgt. Caleb Smulders sigh.

"Averman." He said knowingly as the younger officer coughed nervously and tried to focus on something else… however they were in the lounge of Superbabes and there were a LOT of attractive women to be distracted by. Caleb shook his head as his massive sister suddenly rolled into the lounge by the back door, skidding on her roller skates.

"Sup Caleb." She said casually, rubbing his dark-haired head before rolling around and sliding into the locker rooms to change herself. Wonder Woman soon glamorously made her re-entrance and posed semi-provocatively for the two officers.

"Well… just keep your eyes open, Orders." Caleb said politely as Orders scoffed.

"Snitches get stitches in Gotham, Sergent." She replied accurately, and he rolled his handsome eyes.

"I thought I'd at least TRY… for formality's sake." he replied charmingly and Orders' purple eyes flashed. "…Are we still on for breakfast-Dinner?"

"I'm free tomorrow." Orders replied casually... and being very tsundere. Caleb nodded, taking her words as a verbal agreement and put his police cap back on.

"Great." Before scowling at his partner and snapping sternly "AVERMAN!" because Wonder Woman, with ZERO subtly, gave the easily distracted-with-big-tits officer a VERY gracious view of her deep brown cleavage. She winked at Averman and mimed a kiss in farewell at him as Caleb grabbed the younger officer and dragged him out the back door. Big Barda soon strutted out of the locker room in uniform.

"So what was Caleb here for? Besides flirting with you." She grinned maliciously at Orders who now glowered at HER instead of Wonder Woman for flirting with the cops.

"Sergent Smulders was here asking about the recent uptick in assaults and muggings. His superior officer seems to think it's because of Cajun Jim and his crew." And while complicated, it wasn't untrue that Cajun Jim and his crew have been particularly violent lately defending their territory… and of course Superbabes.

"…Well he's not wrong." Big Barda replied accurately. "I feel kinda bad that we can't tell Caleb anything… I guess you and he don't really have pillow talk? Maybe some light confidential informant play?"

"STOP." Orders snarled exasperatedly. Big Barda herself shuddered slightly in disgust, looking legitimately apologetic… or perhaps disgusted.

"Yeah. Yeah, it felt pretty awful as I said it."

"I don't need to tell Sgt. Smulders anything, anonymous tips are just as good." Orders replied, trying to get off topic, however-

"Hold on. That dashingly handsome man was your relative?" Wonder Woman said excitedly, "I just now realized the resemblance. He is quite fetching," Big Barda nodded proudly as she took her spot at the bouncer position at the counter. Leaning her shapely formed behind on the counter, and crossing her arms imposingly under her chest

"He's my older brother, and he is also dating the boss." 'Dating' was a STRONG word... but one Wonder Woman knew.

"NO!" Wonder Woman replied aghast but with a cheerful smile, slamming her hands on Orders' counter as the purple-eyed boss shot Wonder Woman with a stern, flickering, purple-eyed glare. "Surely not! He seems far too handsome for your tastes, master."

Orders glowered at her once again. "…What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm just shocked that someone as cold and dry as you are is being courted! It's so fascinating!" Wonder Woman smiled warmly, "A handsome fellow like that-"

"The term you're looking for is 'Dead Sexy'." Big Barda replied with a chuckle, having grown used to the other Superbabes' description of her eldest brother… but Wonder Woman ignored her.

"-Would surely be more interested in the many other shapely beauties under your employ!"

"My brother likes a project." Big Barda noted rather airily.

Orders then turned her attention BACK to Big Barda, she was going to get whiplash at this rate. "What the hell was THAT supposed to mean?!"

"Wow, two people poking the Lioness today and one isn't even Jenny." Killer Frost said quietly to a nodding Harley Quinn. Both were sitting at the poker table currently being used for their late dinner.

"I think she's implying that you are a project, master." Orders slowly turned back to Wonder Woman, and stared silently at her for a long… LONG time. So much so that it was starting to unnerve everyone else in the room. Not Wonder Woman though, she was having WAY too much fun.

"…WORK. NOW." All the girls in the lounge, but Wonder Woman seemed to register this as the Lioness baring her claws and decided that now was the time to stop… again, however, not Wonder Woman.

"You know Master if you'd like, I could maybe take him off your hands for you… along with his adorable friend." Orders stared at her and took a deep breath.

"My only regret is that I can't punish you until later." Orders quietly seethed, reaching for the phone.

Time: 7:45 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, We Deliver."


"One Wonder Woman meal, anything else?"


"Delivered by Wonder Woman."


"Don't ask stupid questions. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery."

Ooooh-Ho She's pissed.

The phone slammed back onto the hook as Orders glared at a smiling Wonder Woman, the food soon sliding across the counter as Orders ripped off the receipt, slamming it on the counter and all without breaking her gaze as she pushed both towards Wonder Woman. "GO."

Wonder Woman took the receipt and the Superbabes branded bag of food, appropriately stamped with a sexy Wonder Woman, before strutting out the backdoor. Jiggling and bouncing pleasantly to the closest company car and slipping right inside. Well out of range for Orders and her seething annoyance…

"Hmmn-hmmn…" Wonder Woman hummed softly to herself as she studied the receipt. She had been practicing her driving, but she was still trying to find her way around Gotham. She pushed the receipt on the center of the steering wheel, and it stuck there like glue. Then placing her hands on the wheel she snapped her fingers… the car then pulled itself into traffic and slowly headed off towards Upper East Gotham, all on its own.

The car drove her to a particularly clean section of Gotham, 'upper-class suburban' homes littered the area as it twisted this way and that, following the road until abruptly pulling to a stop in front of a two-story home with a neatly cared-for yard surrounded by a brick wall with a steel gate. She parked on the curb and yanking the receipt off the steering wheel, the engine abruptly cut off. She opened the door, grabbing the bag of food before slipping out.

Her red boots stepped onto the road, and she walked around the car right up to the steel gate. She easily opened the gate, and shut it behind her with a clatter. The house was quiet and there was a single light in one low window... Her shapely backside wobbled and jiggled with each step towards the front door… she walked up the short steps of the porch right to the front door. And with a broad smile on her pretty face, she raised her fist and knocked loudly on the front door, so hard her generous bust jiggled pleasantly.


Time: 8:06 PM. Place: Upper-East Gotham (Modern Suburban Home)

"Special Delivery Service!" she smiled and waited… and waited… then she frowned and knocked loudly on the door again. "Hello? It's very rude to ignore me." Then the door suddenly popped open, and a man wearing rectangular spectacles and a velvety bathrobe swung the door open. The man had dark clean-cut hair, smoothly shaven, clearly Caucasian, and looked to be in his early to mid-forties… he frowned at her and looked her up and down. He liked what he saw, obviously who wouldn't? But he was clearly confused.

"I didn't order anything." He said as she frowned at that statement. It couldn't possibly be right, not just because Orders sent her here, but because her magic brought her here. She then held up the receipt and handed it to him.

"Is this not the right address?" she asked as he adjusted his glasses, looked it over and then rolled his eyes exasperatedly.

"Ah… Oscar." He said, as if just realizing. "Of COURSE it was Oscar." He promptly handed her back the receipt, took a step outside his house and pointed to the left. "Walk around the house, and you'll see doors to a storm cellar. That's the one who 'ordered' you."

"Thank you." Smiled Wonder Woman, not even phased by the man who sighed briefly, then scoffed huffily, and was about to turn back into his house only to hesitate and watch Wonder Woman bounce down the porch steps, and strut seductively around the corner of his house… he leaned out to watch her go… then promptly slipped and flopped comically over into the grass with a muffled grunt just as she turned the corner… her ass cheeks bouncing playfully with each step as she followed his instructions towards a large set of double doors leaning against the house. The alleged 'Storm Celler'.

She frowned thoughtfully, but only briefly before knocking loudly on the double doors. "Superbabes, Special delivery Service!" she repeated, waiting for a moment as once again she had to wait. Though she at least didn't have to knock again, the doors opened outward, so quickly that she had to take a step back to avoid getting hit in the face... or more likely her breasts, they were closer to the door technically.

There was yet another man in a robe, only this one had a fetching unkempt beard and longer hair. But otherwise, he looked EXACTLY the same as the other man. She stared at him, then turned her head as if expecting to see the first man, then back to him as he grinned toothily at her. "…Did you put on a costume?"

"What?" he blinked then laughed. "Oh! Right Felix! You spoke to Felix first." He laughed, "Right, yeah. That's my younger brother. Don't mind him, he's no fun. Now you bring that sweat ass down here. Watch your head." He stood aside, letting her pass by and walk down the steps into the cellar. Naturally, her sumptuous flesh jiggled and wobbled distractingly with each step Oscar almost forgot to shut his cellar door. But the second he did, he swung his hand around and gave her large curvy rump a swat of his hand.

"Ah!" she squeaked playfully as she skipped the rest of the way down the steps, bounding away from them as he followed eagerly after her into… well it didn't look like any cellar she'd been in. And she's been in… none.

She's been trapped in a fucking bottle since antiquity it's a miracle she even knew what a cellar WAS.

Still, it looked more like a very elaborate game room, or a toned-down apartment. With a small kitchenette, walk-in closet, shower and toilet. All the necessities for an apartment… There was a 'futon' in the middle of the room in the 'couch' position, facing not one, but THREE television screens mounted on the opposite far wall. One was currently used for playing 'video games', the other had a sports game, and the third seemed to be connected to a computer…

Oh!... she knew what this was now! It was a 'man cave'. "Oh!" she squeaked again as Oscar cupped her breasts from behind and without delay began to fondle and squeeze. "Oh… you are very eager…"

"Been a while since I've emptied my balls." He replied in her ear, not in a suave way but in a hungry animalistic way. His hands sank into her chocolate-colored skin as he got a good handful of breasts, and then grabbed the bag of food from her hand. Tossing it onto the kitchen table before his wandering hands returned to her body and grabbed her ass, making her squeak playfully again as he dragged her over to the futon.

He dropped onto the center of the futon-couch, and pulled her forward towards her face. "Oh!" she giggled, shoving her breasts into his face as he reached down and grabbed at her shapely buttocks, dragging her onto his lip and grinding slowly her star-spangled panties on his growing erection. His hands squeezed and fondled her thick shapely backside, stretching the signature costume of Wonder Woman's up between her buttocks until it was like a thong. WHAP!

"Mgh!" she moaned as he spanked her again, squeezing her flesh as she giggled softly. She was unsure of the fascination of spanking her like a child needing to be punished… but she DID know she was quite 'naughty'. His beard tickled her breasts as he rubbed his face between them like giant loofas. "Hee-hee!" she laughed, bouncing on his lap before gyrating erotically with all the techniques an ancient belly dancing master like her would know…

"Oh SHIT…" Oscar groaned, as her hips wildly swung around, back and forth, side to side… all over his lap as his erection throbbed under his silky robe. "Alright I'm properly warmed up!" he declared and finally pried his hands away from her ass cheeks to grab her thick dark hair by the ponytail, dragging her off his lap as she slid to the floor, her beautiful face between his legs. Her skilled and dexterous fingers slid up his thighs to the belt holding his robe close, then yanked it open.

His robe fell open and his 8-inch phallus unbound upward towards her face, almost smashing against her chin like a baseball bat. "MMn!" she hummed curiously as he gripped her hair tightly and pulled her plump lips directly onto his cock. "Mwah…" she pressed her lips to it, before sliding them up to his tip. "Mmgh!"

"Ugh! MMGH…" he pulled her lips down his cock and directly to his balls. "Ah yeah…" he groaned, relaxing back against the couch/futon, holding her face at the base of his cock, soaking his phallus in her throat mucus as she moaned loudly. Her backside swayed between her feet as she gazed up at him with her dark almond eyes. "There we GO…" he moaned happily, tugging her hair and pulling her steadily up and back down on his girth, her tongue dancing along his shaft, protruding from her bottom lip to lick away at him before reaching the base again.

"Mmgh! Mmmgh-hmmn…" Wonder Woman's beautiful face bobbed up and down, her lips twisting on his shaft as he kept her head moving up and down. "MMGH! MMN!" her unblinking gaze never breaking as he kept her head moving up and down, faster and faster.

"Gonna! Gonna cum!" he hissed through clenched teeth. He yanked her up by the hair-

"Mgmh?!" until only the tip was between her lips, his girth pulsated, bulging and shrinking as it pumped a thick load onto her tongue. It danced and wiggled over his urethra as he pumped her mouth full of semen. "Mmn…" she popped off his length as it slipped free of her lips to limply drop to the futon as she opened wide and showed him his thick seed… She didn't know WHEN humanity decided that consuming semen orally was incredibly sexual… but she imagines it was the Romans… catching up on her 'history' it was easy to blame the Romans.

Though come to think of it, the Greeks were ALSO pretty kinky, it could've been the Greeks… regardless… She closed her mouth and gulped it right down. "Ahh…!" opening her mouth back up and extending her tongue, and wiggling it before grabbing his flaccid member and stroking it playfully.

"That was the best head I've had in a long time." He sighed, taking a deep breath.

"You're wel-mmgh!" he yanked her mouth back onto his cock, bobbing her head rapidly up and down his limp length as it twitched in her mouth.

"I only got your sweet ass for an hour right? Get it hard again girl, I'm gonna fuck you." He declared, holding her head in one hand and stroking himself with the other. "You got to fuck a good whore while you got her." He groaned, bucking towards her face, sliding in and out of her mouth. "If I just wanted my dick sucked, I'd get some cheap street meat. But Superbabes is where the prime cut is…"

"Mmn-hmmn…" Moaned Wonder Woman as his length twitched harder in her mouth. Ignoring him comparing her to 'meat' for a moment and slurping loudly on his phallus, her tongue swirling around the tip as he kept her head moving.

"Uh yeah…" he sighed quietly, "Regular girls are one and done but you Superbabes commit." He pulled her off his length as she chuckled sensually, opening her mouth and keeping her tongue rolling around his glans. "Get out of that suit." He said as she grinned, she pushed off his lap and leaping away from him as if she floated.

"If that is what you wish." She purred with a pretty smile, sliding her hands slowly up her thighs, over her stomach, and cupping her heavy breasts, she lifted them briefly before sliding her hands higher and hooking her fingers into the neckline before giving it a quick playful tug. "Oh!" she cooed playfully, exposing her breasts as his erection twitched at the sight of her dark, hardening nipples. She twisted her torso, subtly at first, but the elastic bounce of her breasts was obvious as she began to, gyrate her hips slowly. Pushing the costume ever lower, past her curvy belly dancer waist until it rested around her mid-drift, turned around before finishing her brief dance of seduction by pushing her costume down the rest of the way with one firm push. Bending over and shaking her backside at him, he chuckled.

"You got some moves." He said excitedly. As she straightened back up, stretched her arms out, and began to wave them, continuing her exotic dance, learned in antiquity and honed from millennia in her bottle, using the erotic at of dance ever closer, her arms rising above her head as she hypnotically snaked charmed Oscar with her sensual body… if he wasn't 'hard' before He was REALLY fucking hard now. He stood up, his cock poking playfully at her shapely brown thighs as she twirled on one foot, spinning like a ballerina, writhing and gyrating her hips, ass, and breasts continuing to move to music that wasn't heard to anyone but her…

There was a loud CLICK and a crash that brought her back to this plane of existence, startling her as he kicked some lever on the side of the futon and knocked it over into the 'bed' position. Her body jiggled as she gasped in surprise, then she yelped as he grabbed her hair again and threw her onto the bed. Her feet, still in her red Wonder Woman boots hung over the edge as he smacked both of his hands deep into both cheeks of her buttocks. "AH!" he spread her shapely rear apart, exposing her arousal-dripping womanhood before he slid his hand between her cheeks and prodded her anus. "AH!?" she gasped but was distracted by his length ramming abruptly into her body. "Oooh!" she howled

"That's good pussy!" he declared happily, "FUCK you're tight!" he shoved his thumbs into her rectum, spreading her colon as she shivered in pleasure. "You ever take it up the ass before?" he asked, before pulling back and slamming into her pussy.

"Oh! Oh! Nooo~!" she cooed as he began to speed up, thrusting into her again, and again as he pulled his hands from her anus and he grabbed her curvy waist, yanking her back hard into his thrusting hips. "Oh! Oh! Nooo~!" she repeated, squealing erotically as he sped up.

"No!? How can a whore with an ass like this-!" he spanked her shapely rump, "Not get fucked in it!?"

"Ugh! Ugh! Ahh! AH!" she gasped, then smiled, "Ah! Mmmn!" thrusting herself back, slamming her backside against his thrusting hips before giggling seductively. "All my other masters wished to use… ooooh! Me properly…" Her breasts swung back and forth beneath her, her ass cheeks rippling wildly as he sped up. "It never occurred to me anyone would stick their members in there-! OH!!"

"That's changing tonight! This sweet ass needs to be FUCKED and I'm just the guy to train you!" he grabbed her thick hair in both hands yanking her roughly back harder and harder against his thrusts as she squealed.

"Ah! AH! AH! Ah!!" her tongue lolling from her mouth and drooling liberally, flinging strings of saliva all over his futon as he sped up his thrusts. "OH! OOooh! Master!!" she howled erotically as it only made him fuck her harder.

"Take this! And This!" he ordered, slamming into her hard and yanking her hair harder. "Take this dick you whore! Your body was made for men's pleasure!"

"Master is so generous with his praise!" she cooed sensually, shaking her ass as she slammed it back on him. "Use my body to your desires…" she silkily purred as he slammed balls deep into her boy, "MMmgh!!" making her orgasm and her insides clinging tightly to his pulsating member. But he smacked her backside, ripping out of her body before mounting one leg onto the bed and pushing his tip into her quivering anus. Catching her by surprise and mid-orgasm, "Wha-AAAH SWEET!-" she hissed, clenching her teeth as her ass was promptly deflowered, "FUCKING SHIT!!" squealing loudly and crassly as pain and pleasure ripped through her magical body and his cock steadily pierced into her. He yanked back on her hair, holding her firmly to his waist as she shivered and continued borrowing her language from a more modern source… Ashley 'Silver Banshee' O'Hagan.


"Relax whore! Relax!" he hissed soothingly in her ear as she squealed and shivered erotically, cursing him in the modern and ancient tongues under her breath between moans. His hands swatted onto her shapely rear, squeezing her flesh as her asshole spasmed around his planted cock. "You're already tight. This ass is too good. I wanted to blow my load in you already!" he stood up straight, slowly pulling in and out of her.

"Shit! Shit! SHIT!" hissed Wonder Woman through her teeth, only to moan again as her pain quickly gave way to rising levels of pleasure… "Shi-oooooh…" shaking erotically as he began to speed up, her ass already adjusting to his cock. "Ooooh!" her eyes rolled slightly as the very foreign but SURPRISINGLY pleasurable feeling of a dick up her ass rippled through her.

"See? You were born for this…" he let go of her hair, letting her head swing down onto the futon as she quivered excitedly, his hands grabbing her waist. "Now make me cum, whore."

"OH! oH! FUCK!!" howling as her ass was penetrated again and again, his hips swinging wildly against her body over and over. Her thick brown ass cheeks wobbled pleasantly to the eye. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!"

Oscar panted heavily, gasping and moaning for breath as he kept jackhammering her body. Despite his earlier bragging he STILL was a forty-something-year-old man clearly out of shape, pounding away at her shapely body with the drive of a man half his age…

"Here it cums!" he declared, smacking her ass again and again with his hand. "Here it cums!" he spanked her again before burying his cock into her bowels and making her squeal in pleasure, tightening vice-like around him as she came again. "God DAMN." He smacked her ass cheeks with both hands, shaking as he sprayed her insides heavily with his seed. "That's the GOOD shit…" he sighed as she moaned loudly, lying face down on the futon with her ass in the air behind her. Twitching as her first anal orgasm rippled through her shapely frame. He drummed her backside with his hands, swinging his arms dramatically but striking her flesh with a playful tone. "How was your first anal, whore? Did I do all right for your first time…"

"Mmmmnh…!" she moaned into the futon as he pulled steadily out of her ass with a wet squelch. He gazed at her undignified position before helping her out, by rolling her over onto her back, "Oooh…" she writhed seductively on his futon as he grabbed her waist and pulled her more over the edge so her red boots stomped onto the ground, he spread her legs dropping onto her and grabbing at her breasts.

"I got to recharge my batteries." He declared, "Give me these fat tits…" burying his heavy face back between them before dropping onto her body. His cock rubbing against her wet pussy, "These fucking TITS." He moaned happily between her breasts, his cock steadily growing harder against her crotch as he continued to rub on her body. "Make me want to breed the FUCK out of you!"

"Ah!" she gasped whorishly as he grabbed her upper arms, pinning her down to the bed he slid his cock down her clitoris before ramming back into her womanhood. "Ohoo!" her back arched, and her body shivered as he instantly began pumping in and out of her, watching her big breasts bounce and clap together. "Oh! Oooh! Master! You're an animal!" she howled seductively, making him drive into her harder.

"It's your fault for having the body of a sex doll!" he howled back, ramming himself into her steadily on. "Yell louder! Take this dick!"

"Yes! Yes! Oh! Oh!!" her breast bouncing and shaking as he lunged down and wrapped his lips around her right nipple. Her left tit bounced wildly as he licked, slurped, and nibbled her brown nub. "Oh! MASTER. You savage BEAST!"

"Mmgh! Mmmn!" pounding her harder and harder, pulling his head back, he stretched her breasts until it popped out of his mouth and jiggled back into position on her chest. "Ugh! Ugh!!" harder, faster, ramming into her as she screamed another orgasm. "UHhgh!!" he rammed into her body, shaking slightly but just as quickly ripped out of her and slapped his cock onto her quivering pussy before shooting hot ropes of semen across her stomach. "Haah…" he groaned grabbing her girth and stroking out the rest of it onto her chest as she pushed her tits together on instinct…

"Haaah… ooh… Master you made a mess…" she cooed as he laughed, squeezing out the last drops onto her stomach, her tongue slid across her plump lips and she pushed herself upright, sitting on the edge of his futon as he smacked her face with his limp member. She chuckled and kissed it, but it hung flaccidly between his legs.

"Yeah well. I don't need more child support…" he declared, before pointing toward his bathroom. "…Shower's right there, help yourself." He said as she smiled faintly and stood up, her ass cheeks clenched and she cringed as her first anal experience surged back. But she pushed it down and walked around his futon, wobbling towards the shower. She kicked off the rest of her clothes before slipping into the shower and swinging the shower curtain shut.

The hot water sprayed onto her voluptuous body, and naturally, as all Superbabes do, she did the shower thing almost instinctively… it's hard for Superbabes to shower and not come off as overly sexy. Especially since the shower curtain was practically see-through… it was like a shadow burlesque show.

But once all the sticky man cream was washed away down the drain she promptly stepped out of the shower and began drying herself off with a towel before grabbing her neatly pilled accessories, then her actual costume… making putting ON clothes, just as sexy as taking them off. She then realized she was alone in the room. She frowned thoughtfully, and put her hands on her hips…

"Where did he go?" she said but just as she said it. He suddenly appeared around a corner, counting a stack of fresh bills.

"Had to run to make a run to the safe sweet cheeks." He said, handing her a fistful of bills that she promptly stuffed into her cleavage before turning around and jiggling towards his 'front door.' "Bring that sweet ass back around if you want another ride."

She didn't see anything but she waved at him over her shoulder and bounced up the steps, her ass cheeks wobbling as she walked out of the double doors and shut them behind her. There was a loud 'click' behind her. Clearly, he locked it, before she stepped around the corner of the house and back towards the front gate… Felix, his brother, watched her ass once again but this time from the window as she walked past the gate, and back to the car… sitting down in the driver's seat, hissing softly to herself as a conflicted feeling surged through her…

On the one hand, she was unsure how she felt about anal sex. On the other hand… it was certainly very fun… that's what happens when she spends uncountable years in a bottle in the dungeons of the City of Brass. Misses out on all the fun sexual innovations…

Time: 9:34 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Orders quietly stared ahead, not looking at anyone in particular, just staring… she tapped at the crossword puzzle she was working on. Seemingly deep in thought. Rebecca watched her curiously, before asking. "Uh… Boss? You good?"

"Just thinking." Orders replied coolly. Finally breaking her intense stare at the far wall. "What is it?"

"I'm just concerned…" Rebecca replied, "You've been staring at the wall for the last 20 minutes, I wanted to know if you wanted me to punch it?"

"Don't be ridiculous you'd break your hand." Orders replied dismissively. "I'd rather you'd break annoying faces but James is already having his people do that." She tapped the crosswords, "At least until I tell him to stop and frame a small-time gang for the sudden influx of violence…"

"I didn't hear that…" Rebecca replied airily as Wonder Woman returned, extracting the cash from her chest, and putting the money on the counter with a smile. "I might be morally dubious, but I do have multiple cops in the family."

"Oh! That's right! Your policeman brother! The handsome one." Wonder Woman smiled at Orders, "How DID that happen, master? You don't seem like the type to go courting… quite honestly I've always imagined you as something of a… what do they call it now? Cold fish?"

Orders stared at her. "…Arwa. I need to see you in my office for a minute… Rebecca. Work the floor for a bit." Orders then stood up, and led Arwa into her office, shutting the door behind her as Rebecca pushed off the counter and went onto the floor briefly to do a few rounds. But the floor was already packed, so she didn't see much of a point and returned to the lounge just as Orders opened her office door, shut it behind her, and sat back at her counter, holding an elaborately decorated ceramic bottle.

"Done yelling at her already?"

"For now…" Orders replied, grabbing the bottle by the neck, turning it upside down, and absently shaking it lazily like a maraca.

"Where is Arwa?" Rebecca asked curiously as Orders kept shaking the bottle, but smiled rather maliciously.

"Indisposed." She noted, and Rebecca stared at her nervously. "She's taking a nap on my couch. I'll go wake her up in say…" she continued shaking the bottle. "…Fifteen minutes?" she then tossed the bottle under the counter and it rolled and wobbled to a stop. Glittering magically. "Maybe thirty."

"…So what's in the bottle?" Rebecca asked as Orders raised an eyebrow, her purple eyes flashing.

"A genie." She replied lazily making Rebecca laugh.

"Ah I get you…" she winked one of her pretty green eyes at her boss in 'mutual understanding'. "A bit of magical liquid to get you through the night?" she smirked jovially, "Alright boss I'll stop teasing you about Caleb tonight, but I reserve the right to do it tomorrow."

"I insist." Orders replied with an oddly charming smile. She was feeling better already… Arwa however was pretty dizzy. But at least THIS Genie bottle was far more spacious than her old one.


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