
Delivery Girl: Stargirl Order #6

I don't own DC

Someone was playing the William Tell overture, which was silly because it was Gotham at night and The overture is reserved for mornings only... but then again, it was usually hard to tell when it was morning in Gotham.

Regardless. Superbabes was its usual cheery self, it's hard not to be cheery when sexy visions of feminine perfection... or as close as an average mortal could get to it. Were smiling, teasing, or charming away at you. Usually all three...

Giganta was yawning broadly, stretching her big sexy muscles before deciding to work the floor for a bit. Leaving Boss Lady Orders alone in the back, casually playing her sudoku and waiting for the rest of the girls working tonight to arrive... and we started with everyone's favorite French blonde Stargirl.

...Who was actually looking a little panicked today.

"Madame! Madame! Qu'est-ce que je vais faire?! Mes parents arrivent!" she shouted rapidly in melodious but clearly nervous French. It took Orders a second to catch up... considering French was one of the languages she could have polite conversation it, it was a little hard to keep track but Clairvoyance helps. Still, she needed some clarity.

"De quoi parles-tu?"

"Mes parents! Ils viennent à Gotham!" Stargirl replied as other working girls entered: including (T) Vixen, Batgirl, and Wonder Woman. All curious at the usual bundle of Bimbo Sunshine nervously chattering away in panicked French. Luckily Orders was calming her down.

"D'accord. Respire. Et s'il te plaît, parlons anglais. C'est beaucoup plus difficile pour moi de te comprendre quand tu parles si vite." Stargirl immediately took a deep breath, and sighed loudly. "...Are your parents coming right now?"

"Non... next week." Stargirl moaned, "But what am I going to tell them about working here?"

"We just follow protocol parent." Stargirl stared at her before Orders frowned. "...Did nobody tell you about protocol parent?" Stargirl shook her beautiful blonde head 'no' as Orders frowned. "...How odd. Anyway." She quickly brushed off the little slip of information, or lack of it, and continued on unimpeded and informed Stargirl.

'You'll just be a 'manager' for a couple of days. No big deal, you don't wear the skimpy clothes and strut for tips. We all pretend that you are NOT our sexy Stargirl while they're here." Orders hesitated, eyeing the buxom French blonde and her large round fake breasts and prominent ex-stripper booty. "Tough admittedly your costume is one of the least revealing..."

"That's true, love." Smile Vixen strutted behind Stargirl and giving her all-natural booty a light swat as she passed. Her big black breasts bounced in her bronze bikini top. "You could be wearing a costume like me." She slipped her thumb under the straps and gave her prominent big brown breasts a noticeable jiggle by lifting them up and down.

"Yep." Batgirl added casually, holding out her hand for a shake as it slid across the counter into it. "Or how about Xue? She's just basically wearing a bra."

"Yes yes..." Orders noted, "It's not MY fault that's how the heroes dress nowadays..."

"I've never bloody seen Vixen wear a bikini!" snapped Vixen as Orders glared at them all.

"WORK. Let's go ladies. Stargirl. Get changed, your parents aren't here yet and I need my blondes out there." Wonder Woman rested her hands on Batgirl's shoulders and smiling guided her out as Stargirl went towards the locker room.

"Oui Madam." Stargirl noted nervously and went to go change as Orders added.

"It'll be fine. They'll probably be more surprised at your sudden top-heaviness than anything."

"Oh Merde don't remind me." Mumbled Stargirl, looking at her own bouncing bimbo boobs as she quickly changed into her Stargirl costume. Yanking the shirt down over her impressive fake breasts, her costume squeezed her beautiful body and she pulled the mask onto her beautiful face. "I cannot wait for that conversation with my mère." She mumbled sarcastically as she walked out of the locker room.

"There are worst things to tell her. you could say you got them for an ex-boyfriend... who turned out to be an asshole."

"That might be worse Orders." Mumbled Stargirl but Orders brushed it off, casually pushing her towards the floor as off she bounced.

"Just go. It's going to be a long night..." Orders added, her purple eyes flashing as she rubbed her temples as she realized something- "Ah-

3 hours later.

"-FUUUCK..." snarled Orders her head RINGING with pain as she sent Batgirl out on a delivery. Half the Delivery girls were out one after the other. It was one of those nights. Not ever Stargirl raining tips onto the counter seemed to make her feel better. Orders inhaled deeply through her nose, drumming the counter with her fingers before popping a pain pill into her mouth. "Damn it."

"It is very busy tonight." Stargirl mumbled curiously as Orders shook her head, taking another breath.

"Significantly." She rubbed her Purple eyes. "There must be something in the air... or an eldritch horror." She grumbled before staring straight ahead.

"...Orders you always say Eldritch horror," Stargirl noted with her pretty French girl smile. Since everything was so busy she completely forgot about her parental panic attack.

"Depending on your definition of Eldritch Horror, I am not wrong. If we're talking about Cthulix: The Old One of Itches that don't go away when you Scratch. Then that's the literal definition. If we're talking about that fucking Veronica-like Olympian God of LUST..." she scowled and Stargirl stared at her curiously, and she quickly relented. "...Never mind. You don't really need to know... besides you have other things to think about-

"Oh, So I'm going on a delivery now?" Stargirl replied

"Obviously. It was only a matter of time." Orders said as she reached for the phone. Bimbo French Blondes were popular after all..

Time: 11:07 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, We deliver."

"Yo! Scary Boss Lady with the sexy voice! It's us!/Yeah! It's Friday! We want a good and sexy one!"

"God DAMN it you two. Today is not a good day to PISS ME OFF."

"...Ummmmmn... Stargirl? 2 meals... please?/Yeah. Please?"

"...We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


Orders slammed the phone on the hook without looking at it, staring at Stargirl as she ripped off the receipt and handed it to her. "Here. It's the Twins."

"Oh! The ones that are generous tippers?" replied Stargirl sweetly. "...The ones who keep ordering Leslie?"

Orders rubbed her purple eyes. "The ones that have a fascination with double teaming any woman they can get in their beds? The ones that give us too much money for me to send Rebecca or Ronnie-Bell to their house to beat them into the floor? Yes. Those twins. Leo and Colt Harland... do try to show them a good time."

Not that Orders needed to tell Stargirl that, she was a consummate professional... and just a joy to be around.

The food slid across the counter as Stargirl took it, "Oui Madam." She said in that unnecessarily sexy French accent of hers as she wiggled her ex-stripper booty out the back door and to the only remaining company car. Sliding dat ex-stripper booty into the seat and sliding out into Gotham traffic, heading off into Gotham Heights.

The Harland Manor. Home of Leo and Colt, and a frequent location of Superbabe deliveries... Stargirl drove right past the gate, up the driveway, and parked out front. Getting out of the car, and glancing at the manor before walking towards the front door. She stood on the welcome mat before raising her fist to knock loudly on the door.


Time: 11:34 PM. Place: Gotham Height (Harland Manor)

"Special Delivery-" the door opened. "Service."

"Oh Thank god..." said the auburn-haired pleasantly plump woman before her. Alexa the Sex Maid currently looked more 'sex' than 'maid' she was still wearing her maid cap on top of her auburn hair and slightly reddened face. But her body was currently clad in a tight and skimpy black bikini, and it looked rather jostled... as if she just escaped a set of pawing hands. "Please come in." she blushed desperately, adjusting her bikini top and leading Stargirl deeper into the manor and up the stairs. The bikini rode up into her wide soft ass as she groaned, adjusting the bikini as she mumbled "Those two..." under her breath.

She reached one of the bedrooms, opened the door and gestured inside. "They're in here." She said as Stargirl entered as she looked around curiously... there were no twins.

"They are not." She noted as Alexa frowned before looking in herself.

"What? But they were just here-OH!" she was pushed into the room as Leo (or perhaps Colt) cupped her big breasts from behind and pushed into the room. "W-what? The Superbabe is here!" she said firmly as Colt (or perhaps Leo) entered behind his brother before kicking the door shut and approaching Stargirl and cupping HER big fake breasts from behind.

"Oh! Bonjour." She squeaked adorably as he took the food and casually left it on the floor as she and Alexa were both pushed to the large bed.

"Ah! Young masters what are you doing?!"

"We're going to play Alexa!" cooed her twin, sucking on her neck from behind like a vampire, squeezing her big heavy breasts as Stargirl's twin slid his hand down her toned tummy, and slipped it into her pants, immediately finding her silky pussy and fingering it eagerly.

"Oh! You are very forward-Mmngh!" he also slid his fingers into her mouth and began rubbing her tongue with his fingers as the group reached the edge of the bed and Alexa's twin shoved her forward.

"Ah! Young master-OH!" his hand SMACK on her ass hard, making it wobble.

"On the bed Alexa! You get to play with us tonight to." Alexa crawled onto the bed, as if 'desperate' to get away from her inevitable fucking... only for him to clap his hands onto her ass, gripping firmly as he licked her pussy from behind, making her tremble and moaned loudly... sounding oddly like a cow.

"Ahh... AH Young master! Stop..." but he spanked her as Stargirl was slowly stripped down.

"Look at THIS one!" her cheered, grabbing Stargirl's ex-stripper booty with both hands. Bouncing it up and down pleasantly as she giggled, it kinda tickled. He spanked her ass cheeks suddenly, making her yelp cutely in surprise before he threw her onto the bed next to Alexa. With her ass in the air behind her, the Twins began spanking and whapping their hands on the two.

They yelped and squeaked adorably as they made their asses dance. Stargirl used those ex-stripper skills to shake that ex-stripper booty as her Twin began rubbing her silky pussy. "Oh... Oh merde..." she moaned as he squeezed her big booty while Alexa moaned loudly again, shuddering as her twin made her cum. Her body bounced up and down on the bed, her twin smacking her ass hard, pushing her onto the bed as she squirmed and the other twin pulled himself away from Stargirl to join his brother spanking Alexa's big plump ass... there was just so much of it.

"Oooh! Ooh! No more!" moaned Alexa as the twins suddenly yanked her up from the bed, dragging her easily behind Stargirl before abruptly shoving Alexa's pretty face, and lips, onto Stargirl's puckered little asshole.

"Oh Mon dieu!" she squeaked adorably as Alexa started almost instantly eating out her ass. The twins held her down into Stargirl's meaty rear, smacking her ass loudly before one of the twins. Leo or Colt, pulled away, Colt or Leo, stood behind Alexa and promptly rammed balls deep into her ass, she screamed into Stargirl's rear as Leo or Colt slid in front of Stargirl, leg's spread and cock pushing against her lips as the blonde bimbo opened her plump lips and started to suck. "Mmgh! Mmgh! Mmgh!" as Alexa's face ground back and forth between Stargirl's ass cheeks due to Colt or Leo pounding away into her Phat ass.

Leo(?) who will now be Leo, smacked the beautiful Sex Maid's ass hard as he pounded it, her face sliding her tongue into Stargirl's ass without restraint. "God Alexa! You're such a good slut!" rapidly jackhammering into her ass rapidly as she squealed loudly in response. Slobbering and garbling into Stargirl as her tongue thrashed about inside the sexy blonde as she moaned around her twin.

Colt(?) who will now be Colt, stuffed the pretty bimbo's lips with more and more of his cock as he buried his length into her masked throat, her beautiful blues gazing up at him until they rolled up into her head, shaking and shuddering on Alexa's vibrating tongue. "Look at this one go!" Colt declared grabbing Stargirl's head in both hands, and lifting her up and down as she slurped louder and louder on his cock. "It's like sticking my dick in the vacuum again!"

"That's what happened to the vacuum!?" snapped Alexa before screaming in pleasure as Leo pushed her into Stargirl's ass.

"Sex Maid time Alexa! Take my fucking dick and love it!" Leo ordered as Alexa did just that, hungrily eating out Stargirl's delicious asshole... it must be delicious considering how hungrily Alexa was eating it.

"Mmng! Mgh! Aah!!" Alexa moaned into Stargirl's ass as Colt groaned, burying his cock slowly into Stargirl's mouth, his head rolling back and groaning loudly.

"It's cumming! Haaah..." he sighed as Stargirl's throat pulsated around his throbbing cock. She gulped his cum directly into her stomach as he kept pumping it into her.

"Mmgnh! Mmngh!" Stargirl moaned, her lips pressed against the base of his cock before he let her up, moaning whorishly as he slapped her face with his wet cock as her tongue lolled and she drooled gasping for breath and shaking in pleasure as Alexa screamed another orgasm into Stargirl's ass while orgasming from being fucked in her own again.

"Oh god! OH GOD!!" shrieked Alexa as Leo slammed away into her ass and yanked her head back by the hair, watching her eyes roll in a sexy ahegao before he slammed into her ass and unloaded his balls into her body. "Ooh! OOOOH!!" shaking and trembling as Leo buried his cock up her ass and ground on the thick meaty cheeks, groaning contentedly.

"MMnh-mmn! That's good ass..." he let go of her head as she flopped forward onto Stargirl's ass, using it like a pillow, making Stargirl jump her surprise before her face was redirected to Colt's length, running her tongue on it as Alexa's face was pulled away again.


Leo tossed Alexa's limp, trembling body splayed out like a crushed frog beside Stargirl before promptly ignoring her and pulling Stargirl up onto her knees. "Oh! pas si dur." Feeling Leo's freshly erect cock between her ex-stripper booty cheeks as Colt snapped up as well, both of them rubbing their cocks against her body their hands cupping and squeezing her big fake breasts as she moaned

Unintentionally encouraging the sex crazed twin Harlands. "Ohh-Oooh MERDE..." she hissed as their two big COCKS rammed up into her body simultaneously. "Nngh!!" she clenched her teeth and trembled as they began jackhammering away into her body. Her big breasts bounced as she moaned and panted, feeling her insides tightening around their simultaneously pounding dicks. "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!!" clawing at Leo and Colt as they sped up. "Ralentir! Lent! VERS LE BAS!"

It did nothing to slow them down, it only encouraged them to go harder, faster. "Ooh! Ooh!!" Pinned between them both and thoroughly pounded she howled erotically as she rested her chin on Colt's shoulder and squealed in orgasm. "Je jouis! Je jouis, ralentis!" Their simultaneous slams began to alternate, Leo thrusting in as Colt pulled out and vice versa, sending a trembling, shuddering climax through her as they buried themselves into her and she was pushed onto her back. "Ah!" landing on top of Leo, Colt flopping on top of her. "Oh MON DIEU!!" and promptly pounded away again.

Leo slamming hard up into her ass as Colt pounded down. "Ugh! UGH!! UGH!! OH MON DIEU!!" The twins roared their imminent release, pumping, grinding and finally slamming balls deep into Stargirl's beautiful bimbo body and letting it all out. "Oh! Oooh!" they kept pumping their hips into her, grinding their bodies on top of her as they squeezed her tightly until they were good and empty. Colt rolled off a twitching Stargirl, she gasped as he flopped onto Alexa's legs before sitting upright. He grabbed Alexa's meaty ass cheeks before pulling himself over and into her.

"Ooh!!" she groaned "Oh-ooh!!" Colt pounded into her ass as she squealed loudly. "Oh GOD! YOUNG MASTER! FUCK!!" he squeezed her tightly as Leo pushed Stargirl up and over.

"Oh!!" Stargirl gasped flopping next to Alexa. "OH MERDE..." she moaned as Leo dropped onto her, sliding into her pussy before thrusting hard into her. "Oh! OH!! Ooooh!"

Leo and Colt pounded the two beautiful girls together, their grunts mingling with Stargirl and Sex Maid Alexa's moans. Colt's hands yanked on Alexa's bikini top letting it fall away as he reached under her and squeezing firmly at her tits. "Ugh! Ngh! AH! YEAH... ALEXA..." jackhammering harder and faster on her rippling plump body. "Gonna make you cum like a whore!" he hissed in her ears as she squealed. Leo groped at Stargirl as she looked at an increasingly erotic Alexa.

"You better cum before our sex maid!" teased Leo, ramming deep into Stargirl. "If you cum before her we'll pay you extra!" Stargirl just moaned encouragingly as Colt licked Alexa's face.

"YOU better cum before HER Alexa or we're going to double fuck you all weekend! No breaks!"

"NOOOO~!..." Alexa squealed in dismay but clearly, she was still enjoying every second of it. Her moans grew louder and louder, mingling with Stargirl's, who quickly rose up a few octaves as she was quickly brought to climax by Leo.

"Ah! AH! Ah! AAAH!!" he squeezed her big breasts, slamming down onto her and roaring like an animal as he pumped her full of cum. "Oooooh!" she shuddered beneath him as Alexa whimpered and screamed her orgasm... but.

"TOO LATE!" teased Colt, ramming up her ass, and easily hauling her from the bed as she shuddered and moaned. HE stumbled off the mattress, pulling her upright against him as Leo pulled out of Stargirl and dragged her with him. Holding her close in one arm before pushing into Alexa's pussy.

"Nooooo!" Alexa howled as the twins pounded relentlessly at her body, pushing Stargirl's big tits against her as Leo smacked her ex-stripper booty.


"Squeal Alexa! Squeal! Let everyone know you love being our sex toy!" Colt replied, still ramming up her ass as Leo grunted into her pussy.

"Ooh! Aaah!! AAAH-HAAH!!" Alexa howled in rapturous pleasure before she was abruptly silenced with Stargirl's lips, the twins pushed their faces together, slovenly kissing each other as Alexa trembled, feeling Colt's seed rushing up her ass suddenly as he smacked her ass with his other hand. Ripping out of her with Leo as she dropped to her knees between them. "Haah!" she gasped clawing feeble at Stargirl, dragging her down with her.

Tit to tit and face to face they gazed at each other, sweating and panting as Leo and Colt's cock intruded between them. Their faces forcefully turned to each take a twin. Stargirl took Leo(?), and Alexa took Colt(?) the twins simultaneously thrust into the pretty girls' mouths, grunting and groaning in unison as if the girls were fucking a mirror.

"AH!/LAH!" they gasped together suddenly each being pulled off one cock only to be replaced by another and the process repeating. "MMgh!" moaning as Colt and Leo pumped into their mouths again, their cocks twitching on their tongues as they once again popped out from between their slippery lips before being forced to kiss again. "Mmgh!-mmgn..." slobbering and slurping together as Alexa's tongue swiveled whorishly around Stargirl's as Colt and Leo smacked their faces with their dicks to get their attention back. Before Leo began thrusting into Alexa's throat.


And Stargirl received Colt's.

"Mmgh! Mmgh! Uck!" Then they both popped free from their wet lips.

"Open up!" they moaned together as Alexa and Stargirl opened their mouths together, extended their tongues, and pressed them firmly to each other before Leo and Colt unloaded thick ropes of semen onto the both of them and their big breasts, bulging together and catching what fluids dripped from their mouths and faces, leaving a thick gooey mess on the both of them.

Colt and Leo sighed happily together. Before grabbing Alexa and Stargirl respectively from behind and lifting them up, easily pushing them both to the adjacent bathroom. Considering their eyes were sealed by cum, they could do little to resist.

"Oh! Young Masters!"

"Que fais-tu?" they were stuffed into a shower, and both of them were pushed with their backs to the wall, before dropping onto their knees, and suddenly being hit with water... cold of course. "Oh merde!" gasped Stargirl as she jiggled and bounced on her knees with the cold on her face and tits before she suddenly felt a dick slapped between her big fake titties. In point of fact, it was Leo's. Alexa however instantly pushed her big breasts once she felt Colt and his sticky cock shoved between them...

...She was far too used to having their dicks shoved into her face not to know what to do...

Stargirl also knew what to do, mostly because when guys see big fake blonde Bimbo breasts they just have to shove their dicks between them... "Oooh..." she moaned softly, puckering her sticky lips and feeling his tip tap against them. She slurped on it as it vanished in and out.

"Oooh this one is GREAT!" he declared happily, "Let's start ordering her more!" he declared as she squeaked, feeling his hips springing off her big fake breasts as the water warmed up, his cock trembling between them as Alexa's lips began to take a leaf out of Stargirl's book and started slurping on Leo's length, her tongue swirling around him and probing his oozing dick-hole as he grabbed her head and slapped away at her tits. Both twins synchronizing again, slapping wetly against their big breasts before they groaned together... and unloaded another thick glob of cum directly onto their faces as the girls moaned.

"Ah yeah!"

"That's the stuff!"

Leo and Colt cooed, pumping the last drops of their cum out as they pulled away the girls covered in cum as the brothers high-fived.

"Nice job Ladies..." they declared before lightly pushing Stargirl aside and resting their limp cocks against Alexa's face, smearing her with their sweat and fluids while they could. She whined, feeling them slapping their lengths like limp noodles on her skin... "MMn... We'll punish you later Alexa." They teased and grinned proudly at her feeble crooning. They finally pulled away, waving to Stargirl. "We'll let you clean up!" they added, walking out.

Stargirl pulled the sticky mask from her face, rinsing it as Alexa remained unmoving on the floor of the Shower. Once Stargirl finished Rinsing the mask and her face she put it back on. Before glancing down at Alexa. "...Should I call someone for you?" she asked, "Are you being held against your will?" Alexa raised her finger, and opened her mouth, before letting her finger drop and groaning.

"...No. Trust me... the Twins are far more tolerable than their Grandfather... BUCK." She declared with a groan, "And they pay VERY well..." she shuddered, "And they're so... GOOD at it..." she whimpered with a longing moan as Stargirl blinked down unsurely at her.

"Well, if you are sure..." she mumbled uncertainly, and in her French accent it was also very cute. She then left Alexa alone to... recover. Before heading back into the bedroom and finding her clothes scattered across it from when she was stripped down. She wiggled, and jiggled back into her clothes. Her ex-stripper booty stuffed into her pants, her big bimbo breasts packed into her shirt and she went out to find the boys...

Finding them both downstairs wearing red and blue boxers. Leo and Colt grinned at her bouncing down the stairs. Boing Boing... She reached the bottom. "She is... still in the shower."

"Yeah, she gets like that..." Leo said.

"...Well get her later." Finished Colt...

Or maybe it was Colt? And Leo? It's hard to keep track.

"Here you go!" Said one, handing her a stack of bills.

"And a little extra." Said the other, proudly. "You won after all."

"Expect us to call on you again bouncy!"

"Yeah you're as thick as our chauffeur!" he said as she blinked but the boys rested their hands on her ass and pushed her to the door. She blinked, finding herself outside.

"We're going to fuck Alexa into sexy paste now!" Cheered Colt/Leo.

"See you around gorgeous!" finished Leo/Colt as they shut the door on her backside...

"Oh!" it wobbled from the blow as she blinked, and jiggled down the stairs. "...This is a very weird Manor." She noted, but there was a distinctly unsteady wobble in her step. "Mmn!" heading into the car, and driving slowly off back to Superbabes.

Time: 1:01 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"How are you doing, love?" asked Britney watching as Orders lay on the couch with a bag of ice on her forehead.

"I have been better." Groaned the boss of the babes, rubbing her closed purple eyes. "I'm glad for the business... but it's been a while since I've been hit this bad." She groaned as Stargirl walked through the back door with a stack of bills. Finding Grace manning the phone... She's been doing it for the last half-hour. Occasionally Orders would give a thumbs up, or a thumbs down... sending out deliveries or not.

"Orders? Are you okay?" asked Stargirl.

"I'm Fine Brielle..." Orders replied, "Just leave the money on the counter and I'll sort it later."

"Oui." She put the money down, and groaned slightly, resting her hands on her backside and groaning. "Oooh... those two are... very rough." She mumbled.

"Yes, but they're tolerable... and rich." Orders noted, lightly slapping Britney's thigh. "Back on the floor." She ordered as Britney shrugged.

"Brielle take over for me." She said as Brielle blinked.

"What am I doing?" she asked, approaching Orders, who slowly sat up.

"Sit." She ordered as Brielle hesitated but sat down on the couch before Orders sighed and laid her head down on Brielle's sexy thighs. "Oh!"

"Mmn..." Orders groaned, sighing tiredly as she seemed to become more comfortable. "...Better."

"O-Oui Madam..."

"When my head stops ringing you can take over for Grace. You got to at least pretend to look the part when your parents come next week." Brielle had completely forgotten to be worried about that... apparently getting thoroughly plowed by two handsome twins and their sex maid had that effect on people.

"Oh... Merde..."

"Could be worse." Noted Orders tiredly, "Could be an Eldritch horror..."

"...Oui madam." Brielle smiled with a roll of her pretty blue eyes."


I tried to get this done earlier but I got sick on Thursday and it slowed me down while I recovered. So late Monday release. Next should be Platinum... but maybe I should do Divine? I can be swayed to either or 

Now Ze Butchering. But to save some time I will post the entire opening conversation in just english.

"Madam! Madam! What am I going to do?! My parents are coming!"

"What are you talking about?"

"My Parents! They are coming to Gotham!"

"Okay. Take a breath. And please, let's speak English. It's a lot harder for me to understand you when you're speaking so fast."

Oh, pas si dur. = Oh not so rough

Ralentir! Lent! VERS LE BAS! = Slow down! Slow! DOWN!"

Je jouis ! Je jouis, ralentis! = I'm cumming! I'm cumming, Slow down!"

Que fais-tu? = What are you doing?

Next chapter