
Delivery Girl: Divine Order #2

I don't own DC

Divine held the patio railing easily in place as Joy 'The Toy' Toyoda, drilled it firmly into position on the front porch. "Okay!" she smiled playfully activating the mechanical hand drill. "That's the last one."

"Yes." Divine replied, dusting her work-gloved-covered hands as Joy rested a hand on her hip, currently wearing short jeans and a tight T-Shirt, she had been conscripted to help fix up the future Superbabes community house. "At the rate we're going we should be finished any day now."

"Yep." Joy noted as she walked into the house and put the drill down. It belonged to one of Piotr's crew, so they had to try and not lose it. The buxom ex-JAV star stretched and jiggled as Xue looked out to the suburban neighborhood, people mostly guys, who had been watching them subtly with interest. Two attractive women sweating in tight skimpy clothes? That is something to watch... speaking of something to watch.

Joy leaned against the newly installed patio railing; her big breasts applying plenty of 'heft' to test it. "Well seems good to go. But Piotr should probably have a look at it. She suddenly looked up as a car pulled up to the curb. "Oh! Kuso..." she checked her watch. "Come on. That's our ride." She said, conversationally, "We're going to be late for work." She patted Divine's round backside before jiggling down the steps and jogging to the car.

Divine followed close behind, opening the back door just as Joy got in the passenger's seat. Leaning over and kissing the clean-shaven, and husky guy with a ponytail in the driver's seat. "Hey, Mike." Cooed Joy, kissing the guy on his cheek. "Thanks for picking us up." She said as Mike shrugged shyly.

"Like I'd say no?" he replied with a grin before eyeing Divine curiously for a minute, but then driving on as Joy introduced him to Divine.

"This is my BOYFRIEND. Mike Conroy." She said as Mike fidgeted, his lips twitching into a goofy smile as she said boyfriend. "He's also Izzy's best friend."

"Hello." Divine said politely, looking at him curiously. Joy didn't mention that Mike was so... not what she expected. She didn't know Joy long, but they got along rather well. Both of them were immigrants, both of them grew up in the Far East, both of them had troubles with their families. Joy had sort of taken Divine under her wings, making fast friends.

Divine wasn't the best judge of character, certainly, but Joy could possibly be in a relationship with ANYONE she could choose and she chose a somewhat overweight, not particularly handsome (nor ugly) guy, with a ponytail... She couldn't see how it happened, but she chose not to comment.

"Hey." Mike replied as Joy grinned at him. "This is the new girl, I told you about. She's Divine."

"...I figured." He said, keeping his eyes on the road now that he had taken note at just how BIG 'Divine' was compared to Joy... It was like comparing Sierra to Joy... both are big, but one has a clear advantage. Still, after polite introductions were done, they basically didn't talk to her for the 20-minute ride to Superbabes... both of them having a normal, polite conversation about dinner at some place called Kyodai's next month. The time to drive to Superbabes passed quickly, Mike pulling into the lot, and letting Divine and Joy get out of the car as she kissed his cheek.

"Thanks Mike. See you later?"

"Yep. I'll see you later." He replied, he waved to her. Driving out of the parking lot and back out into Gotham. The girls walked into the lounge and right to the locker rooms, when Divine finally spoke again once they were in costume... or specifically after she packed her truly magnificent large breasts into her bra.

"...How does it work?" she asked as White Rabbit pulled on her mask, her pretty blue eyes blinking at her for a moment as she jiggled in her costume.

"How does what work?" she asked, her cute bunny girl ears flopping on her white-haired head.

"You being in a relationship?" Divine replied. "Considering what we do?" White Rabbit stared at her, not answering the question at first, before she replied.

"...Why not? This is just a job. It's not like I'm Veronica..." she replied, "...Besides he was a fan of the old Joy Toy JAV star, the lucky guy." She smiled, "He doesn't really mind." Divine frowned, but White Rabbit patted her on the backside again. "Don't worry about it too much, we're fine, and we work. If anything HE can't believe he's my boyfriend!" she laughed jovially, walking out of the locker Room. Divine frowned, but she had gotten used to being a Superbabe rather quickly... the support of the other girls helped a lot.

"White Rabbit." Orders noted, "Mind taking this to Sal's?" she pushed a particularly large pile of food. "He's having some sort of celebration party. His grandson won his first school wrestling Championship."

"Oh sure..." she paused and asked the poignant question. "am I-"

"You're not fucking anyone." Orders clarified frankly, without looking at her, as White Rabbit nodded in understanding. "Just delivering food."

"Got it. Back in a few." Walking out the backdoor as Divine watched her go, returning her attention to Orders.

"...How does she do it?"

"Do what?" Orders replied, although she already knew.

"Do this job when she has a lover?" Orders looked up from her sudoku, her purple eyes narrowed and legitimately looking confused.

"It's not complicated...Just because she has sex with other men for a living doesn't mean she can't have a normal loving, relationship. A handful of the girls here are in one themselves. It's merely the matter of finding the right partner." Orders went back to her sudoku, "...Also plausible deniability." Orders looked up at Divine, who was still standing beside her counter. "...Try not to think about it too much... instead focus on the task at hand."

"Which is?" Divine asked, before Orders reached to the phone, giving her the answer.

Time: 7:00 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we Deliver."

"...The Divine Dim Sum?

"One Order of Divine Dim Sum. Anything else?"

"...Does it come with Divine?"

"If you want it too."

"Then yeah, Divine Dim Sum... with Divine. Sure."

"MMn... we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon the completion of Delivery. Name and address please."


Orders ripped off the receipt, holding it out to Divine. "Here." Divine took the receipt from Orders' hand to study it before slipping it into her pocket. Actually having pockets in her 'costume' was very helpful. "Stop thinking about others and think about yourself. Have fun."

Divine made a confused face at Orders but she rolled her purple eyes. "Are you not allowed to have fun?" she asked almost sarcastically. Big Barda grinned, arriving herself for her shift as the night bouncer.

"Oh! What kind of fun? The 'I get to hurt people' kind of fun? Or are 'we making fun of Ash' fun?" Orders ignored her.

"I'll say something snarky later." The food slid across the counter. "Here. Go. Make money." Before adding less commandingly. "Don't have complex issues. Sometimes things are oddly simple." Divine slowly picked up the food and headed outside the back door. Her magnificent Power Girl rivaled breasts jiggled in her tight bra as she went to the other company car, sliding into the seat, and heading off into Gotham.

To be fair she had other things to think about than Joy's apparently successful relationship status. Getting her mind on the task at hand, she drove to the Diamond district, and a particularly tall apartment build. She parked nearby in a car lot, walked across the street and into the building... and considering she had abs of Iron and breasts as big as an adolescent's head... of course people spotted the beautiful Divine.

She quickly found the elevators, double-checking the receipt from her pocket before pushing the button. The door opened and she waited for the people inside to walk out before stepping in, then pushing the button for the 22th​ floor. She listened to the muzak on the elevator until it opened once more and she walked out onto the carpeted hallway. Jiggling down the hallway she studied the receipt one last time before reaching Apartment 222... she was almost certain that was somehow lucky.

Still she put the receipt into the Superbabes bag, raised her fist, and knocked loudly on the door. "Superbabes."

Time: 7:24 PM. Place: Diamond District Apartments Building #3 (Room #222)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished, her hand lowering and waiting for the door to loudly unlock... then open.

...It was SO surprising, she snorted with laughter.

The guy had opened the door, and he was, with the exception of a ski-mask covering his head, completely naked. Thin arms, legs, was completely hairless, and with a 9-inch cock hanging at half-mast between his legs.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" she chortled, somehow melodiously while covering her mouth. "I'm sorry." She said quickly, "I just... didn't expect you to already be... prepared. Haha!" he breasts bounced distractingly as she laughed again.

"Just get in!" he mumbled embarrassed, he blushed so hard his shoulders were red.

"Why did you come to the door naked?" she asked, still laughing as she put the food down on a nearby table by the door. Before following him into the living room with a large 'L' shaped couch and matching ottoman set parallel to the couch.

He sat on the couch. "...My friend who ordered Superbabes before said I should do it." he mumbled under the mask.

"And the mask?"

"I... want to remain anonymous." He said as she processed this statement, before noting accurately.

"...My boss requires you to tell us your name and address." She said bluntly. Despite the fact that he was wearing a mask she could tell that he had a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"...Can we just... do this?" he asked as his cock erectly twitched upright as he decided to focus on her large, round, and openly on display natural breasts. The Bra technically concealed her modesty, sure, but there was just SO MUCH to conceal.

She gazed at him for a moment, before reaching up to her bra clasp, unhooking it, and squeezing her breasts together before opening the bra. Front clasps were just easier for her... but he gazed at her big milky white breasts as they wobbled free of the bra... and she pulled it off her body, dropping it to the floor. She grabbed at her pants and unbuckled them, slowly pushing them down and wiggling out of them before kicking them away. Standing naked before him as his cock twitching harder at the sight of her powerful and sexy body. He stood back up and suddenly reached out to grab at her big breasts, sinking his finger easily into them as he massaged and squeezed them... clearly unused to the soft incomparable feeling of very real big tits.

And she let him... why not? It wasn't like he was going to hurt her, she could probably figure out 5 ways to viciously defend herself before he could figure out how to even try to hurt her. So she stood there in the good traditional 'Power Girl' pose, hands on her hips as he massaged her tits. "Mmn..." she moaned quietly, feeling him fascinate himself with her body, before wrapping his mouth around her nipples and began slurping loudly on them. Sucking on her nipples, positively worshiping her breasts

...Wow this was boring.

That thought went through her head almost out of nowhere. This man, justifiably, only seemed to be focused on her tits. He had a moderately large cock, and an all-access pass to, quite frankly, a 9 out of 10 looking woman on a bad day. And the thing he decides to do for five minutes straight, is fondle and suck on her breasts like he had serious mommy issues about not being breastfed as a child.

That was... just boring.

"Is this all you're going to do?" she asked suddenly as he looked up at her surprised, his mouth still wrapped around her tit.


"Suck on my breasts." She said bluntly, feeling his erection twitching against her muscular thigh. "Is that all you're going to do?"

He stared up at her, before pulling away from her tits and squeezing them firmly with his hands again. Pulling his hands away and smacking them. Making them jiggle, but it's not like he hurt her. "Put your hands on your head." He ordered, grabbing his cock as she did, flexing her beautiful muscles. "Jump up and down."

She rolled her eyes, but then she bounced in place, her big firm breasts jumping up and down, smacking against her chest as the 'Boing-Boing' was strong. He stroked himself, watching her breasts bounce and jiggle as she continued to bounce in place. She rolled her eyes again and continued to shake her tits for him, letting him jerk himself off to her movements.

Again... this was boring. If all she had to do was shake her tits the whole time...

Pre-cum oozed from his cock, and he stopped masturbating in front of her, yanking his hand away and letting his cock twitch uncomfortably, his body shaking as he groaned, before grabbing her shoulders and shoving her onto her back onto the big ottoman behind her. He spread her legs suddenly as his cock continued twitching as he fell onto her.

"Ngh!" she grunted softly. His hands hooking over the top of her breasts as he began pushing himself into her body. "MMm!" his surprisingly big, hard cock slid easily into her tight body as he began bucking against her body. "Ugh! Haah!" he body reacted to his thick girth plunging into her body before he began humping on her like a dog in heat... only instead of her leg he actually got inside her. "Ugh! AH! Ah!" her head hanging over the edge of the ottoman with her arms, gripping it tightly as her toes touched the floor. "AH! AH! Ahhh!"

She stretched herself over the ottoman, holding onto it tightly as he kept jackhammering on top of her body. Grunting, and groaning desperately as his hands squeezed her big soft tits, burying his masked face between them as his thin body rubbed against her abs of Iron.

"This is what you wanted all along you perverted slut!" he groaned quietly, as if afraid to actually say it out loud. Or perhaps he was unaware he said it out loud. "Raw fucking cock inside you." His hips slapped against her. He was so light, and so thin compared to her it barely had any effect on her on the outside, but he did have a big cock stretching and rubbing against her inner walls as she moaned loudly, and encouragingly. "You big titty whore, you wanted this, didn't you? You wanted my raw cock!" he groaned, thrusting faster and faster as he pushed her hips up to meet his downward thrusts, pushing with her toes and flexing her powerful muscles, almost throwing him off herself with her hips alone.

His hands squeezed on her tits as she moaned loudly, her body tensing beneath him and squeezing his cock as it throbbed warningly inside her. Ready to shoot, and considering he had edged himself close to release only to hold it off it was a miracle he hadn't busted inside her already. Shaking like a vibrating dildo, he squeezed onto her body, thrusting into her as hard as he could. "I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum in you! I'm going to knock you up!"

His voice had been rising which had reinforced her opinion that he wasn't entirely away that he was speaking out loud. "You want my cum, don't you! You want me to show my load deep inside you!" Pushing up from her body, resting his hands on her breasts, covering her nipples now as he kept fucking her into the mattress as he groaned. "I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Get! PREGNANT!" he slammed into her a final two times, feeling her insides clench up as she ground her teeth loudly together, shaking slightly in orgasm as he gasped for breath... then flopped down into her soft, but iron, body as he buried his face back into her tits and inhaled her scent.

His cock rushed inside her, bulging against her tightened inner walls as he emptied himself into her body... "Haah... Ah..." she shook her head, her short dark hair bouncing about as she lifted it up to look at him between her tits. Using them as pillows again... at least he did something... moderately more fun. He slowly pulled out of her snug, warm pussy, spreading her lower lips as he gazed at her insides, watching his cum oozing out of her. Sliding into her body, scooping his cum from her body as she moaned softly, feeling his fingers scraping inside her before he pulled them out and stood up...

He wobbled to the other side of the ottoman, where her head was, and slid his sticky fingers into her mouth before stroking himself again. Then bringing his tip to her lips, sliding his cock between them. "Mmn... Mmmngh!" she gazed at his shaved balls swinging towards her face as he pushed into her throat, his hands going to her breasts and fucking her face. "Mmn. Mmn. Mmn..."

"Haah! Haa... Your mouth feels so good!" he moaned, her lips squeezing around his shaft as he fondled her big breasts once more... can't say she blamed him. His cock, despite its size easily slid in and out of her mouth as her breasts bounced together in his hands as he swung his hips forward. Onto her face, her hands lashing to his legs to at least try to control his attempt to choke her on his cock. Saliva and mucus scraped out of her throat, with his backswing, dripping off his shaft on her face and the floor, before plunging back in for another dollop. His hands tightened on her tits as he groaned suddenly his cock twitching as he held on from bursting balls deep into her mouth, but his pre-cum still oozed from his tip into her throat. "Ugh! Haah!" he ripped from her lips with a wet pop...

And shot ropes of cum across her pretty Eurasian face. She extended her tongue so it covered some of her chin, feeling his hot seed upon it as he gave her a facial... however, it apparently wasn't enough, pushing his cock back between her lips. Slowly stroking himself with her lips and throat, feeling him throbbing slowly back to life with her oral skills before popping erectly from her wet sticky face...

"Haah..." she moaned, expecting him to shoot again across her face, but he finally moved to the right side of the ottoman before swinging his leg over her stomach, slapping his cock on her left tit, then her right, before she pushed them both together herself, feeling him sliding slowly between them, grabbing her shoulders and steadily tit-fucking her big soft breasts. His hands rested on her, pushing them tightly together as he rolled and gyrated on top of her, thrusting his big cock between her tits.


Her massive tit flesh jiggling and bouncing on her chest. He gazed down at her bouncing breasts, and somehow, watching them bounce seemed to be more arousing than actually fucking them...pre-cum oozing from his tip onto her neck, between her breasts. "Hah! Ah! Ahhh! Oh! Oh!!" he pushed his hips against her tits and exploded across her chest and neck. He ripped out from between her tits and throw his leg over to stand aside her, opposite of when he mounted her before furiously stroking himself over her big breasts... and shot a final few ropes across her big soft tits... that had granted him so much pleasure over the last (nearly) hour. She moaned softly, sticking, and oozing... before sitting up suddenly and lightly brushing her hand on his limp cock. Swaying like wet laundry in the breeze.

"...Better." she said frankly, before pushing off the ottoman. "...At least it wasn't boring." She said, standing up and his hand spanked her buns of iron. WHAP. "Mmn..." she grunted but walked away from him. "...Where's your bathroom?" she asked.

"First door on the right." He said, watching her sticky, but firm breasts bouncing with each step into his bathroom and inevitably his shower. She turned the water on and stood under it, hosing away the cum from her face. Then soaping up her cum covered chest with a bottle of liquid soap, she didn't know the brand, she didn't care. Rubbing and caressing her beautiful body as she proceeded to do the 'Superbabe Shower Thing' her beautiful body a work of art under the water she completely ignored her masked client as he watched in aroused awe and with an erection. Also a wad of folded bills in the hand he WASN'T currently looking to masturbate as he watched the sexy babe in his shower.

Divine tossed her dark hair, and cautiously ran her fingers through it, just to make sure she didn't have cum in it, but she had gotten it out. She walked out of the shower and quickly dried herself off with the towel, tossing it onto his cock before taking the money from his hand. "Order again." she replied as he watched her jiggle away and back into the living room to grab her clothes.

She had finished yanking on the gloves and heard the shower turn on... and the sound of a chronic masturbator having an orgasm before she walked out the front door and back to the elevator to head to Superbabes.

Time: 8:34 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Welcome back. How was your trip?" Orders asked conversationally as the recent arrival strutted into the locker rooms to change into costume.

"Well I could've done without all the offers of petting and marriage." she replied as Divine returned, "But the convention was still entertaining and rather lucrative. Sorry, it took me a week longer to get back." Divine looked in the locker room briefly. It was a new voice she hadn't heard before... Considering the number of Girls Orders employs it is entirely possible it was just someone she hadn't met.

"While I would've liked you here, I did give you permission so it all worked out." Orders replied casually, taking the money from Divine. "Oh... also. Now you get to meet Xue."

"That's right!" said the voice. "I heard you scouted another one from Brielle. So let's have a look at her..."

"Oh my god!" Gasped Xue immediately as Cheetah walked out of the locker rooms, recently changed as she pointed. "You're Kitty Katie!" she pointed at her as Katie's tail flicked behind her. "You're real!"

"...Well that's new." Noted Katie unsurely, "I thought I would at least have another week coming back from the Fur convention before people started shouting that at me again.

"Oh. My. GOD." she squeaked excitedly in Russian. "You. I... Am a BIG fan! I thought all of those videos online were computer-edited!"

"Nope... I am very real..." she replied looking at Xue confused, the girl looked like she could easily bend steel with her bare hands but was fangirling out like nobody's business.

"Can I pet you?" Xue asked, her gloved hands twitching as Orders sorted the cash.

"Not now." Orders noted, "Joy."

"Come on girl." Joy took Xue by the arms and laughing carefully led her away, Katie's tail twitching.


"She's a furry."

"...Clearly." she replied smiling as Joy sat Xue down at the poker table. Patting the buxom girl's shoulder fondly before dealing her in for cards. "...Should I be concerned?"

"You've dealt with worse for less." Orders noted, "Let her pet you later, that should calm her down."

"...It calms a lot of people down, didn't think it would be a coworker though." She replied, already heading out to the floor with Xue's excited eyes following her furry ass out. At least her mood had improved and quickly realized that working at Superbabes was full of Surprises.


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