
Delivery Girl: Silver Banshee order #6

I don't own DC

On a regular day, night, whenever… you might be able to hear, see, or sometimes smell Silver Banshee from a mile away… She didn't really care about what other people thought of her, and normally it was miraculous she put on deodorant…not today though. She was all set. Why? She was going over to her best frenemy's house: Rebecca Smulders, aka Gotham Superbabes' Big Barda…

Now normally just to piss Rebecca 'Big Bitch' Smulders off Silver Banshee might decide to not bathe for a day, and work on her bike, or other people's bikes. Get EXTRA greasy and slimy just to smell up her apartment. But not today… today she was fresh, clean, and ready to mingle… potentially mingle.

She made her way confidently up the stairs to the big bitch's apartment, knocked briefly then opened the door with the key she had 'allegedly' made for just such an occasion… since big booty Jae-Hwa didn't want to teach her to pick licks and she didn't have a wrench to open the door by bashing the doorknob.

"Yo. Becca? And to a lesser extent Danny. You home?" she asked… though 'to a lesser extent' was obviously debatable…

Ever since known cute guy Danny Smulders temporarily moved in with his big sister while the city rebuilt his college dorm. Silver Banshee has been coming over CONSISTENTLY. As in, 'every other day' consistently… Rebecca was considering charging Silver Banshee RENT at this point.

"Oh what the hell?" Rebecca walked out of her bedroom, towel wrapped around her sexy muscled body as she toweled off her long black hair. "Why are you here?"

"Thought I'd hang out Becca." She flopped onto the couch, looking around. "So where's Danny boy?" Rebecca rolled her eyes and tossed her hair towel at Silver Banshee's face. "BLEGH!" she grunted as it slapped wetly on her pretty unpainted face… Silver Banshee's not-so-secret crush on Rebecca's youngest brother was a touchy subject for everyone.

"He's not here, you can turn it off." Rebecca noted, heading back into her bedroom. Silver Banshee yanked off the towel… metaphorically wiping away the mask she had been wearing.

"Well FECK me I got all prettied up for nothing! Where'd Danny go Big Bitch?"

Ah... There she is.

"Contrary to popular belief jackass, you're not his girlfriend." Rebecca yanked down her shirt, revealing her smug face to Silver Banshee's sourness. "So I'm not obliged to tell you where my little brother is at every hour of the day."

"Well feck you too, Big Bitch." She pouted stubbornly. "…No, seriously, where did he go?"

"Study date." Rebecca replied bluntly. Silver banshee glared at her furiously.

"A date?" as if the very WORD was a sin

"A Study date." Rebecca repeated simply, with that smug smile still on her face.

"A date with who?!" she said spitefully as Rebecca chuckled.

"You're just not listening to that first part, huh?" Silver Banshee stood up. "He's on a study date with some college friends. A group of people…"

"Are there girls there?"

"Probably." Rebecca replied distinctly vague as Silver Banshee scowled, turned around, and began walking to the door. "… You know you're on shift tonight right?"

"Good! I need to fight or fuck someone!" she said frankly, getting outside and slamming the door so hard the pictures of Rebecca's family jostled… on the opposite wall. The big girl just shrugged, grabbed her phone, and dialed…. After a second, the other end picked up.

"Okay. She's good and pissed… was there a reason for this?"

"I need her good and riled tonight. An exceptional amount of money depends on it."

"…Well you're the boss, boss. Apologize to Ronnie-Bell for me, she's got to deal with that mess."

"It'll be fine. Now you wanted next Saturday off?"

"That's right."

"Take the weekend."

"Sweet…" Rebecca replied, "Later Boss." She then hung up and chuckled. "Hoo boy, whoever's getting bitch Ash tonight is going to be IN for it."

Later that night.

"Fecking RAT Bastard, Muck Fothering piece of SHITE!" Silver Banshee was abruptly yanked out of the kitchen by Giganta after having a fit out of the blue… again.

"Stop kicking the dishwasher… why are you even in the kitchen?!" Silver Banshee, clearly too irate to make sense just kept cursing as she was dragged into the lounge. Orders casually watched Giganta hurl Silver Banshee on the couch, but then checked her clock. "Orders? Sugar? I'm going to kill her." she said bluntly as Orders tapped the counter.

"Give it a few minutes." Orders noted. She then almost dismissively casually, "Silver Banshee, Calm down."

"I AM CALM YOU FECKING TRAMP!" While all the other girls in the lounge recoiled at Silver Banshee's gross disrespect and pure Irish rage, they were slightly more concerned at said boss's response.

"…Perfect." Orders noted dryly, just as the phone rang… Orders let it buzz for just a moment, then picked it up.

Time: 8:43 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring Ring CLICK

"Superbabes, We deliver."

"WHEEZE… I would like the dirtiest, skankiest delivery girl… and whatever food that comes with it… please."

"I'm afraid what you request is currently off duty… but might I offer a reasonable substitute?"

"WHEEZE… yes, as long as she's skanky."

"She's too angry to argue. Regardless, as stated before. We will be charging you extra for this request."

"Fine-COUGH! COUGH!... Make it quick."

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less, or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


"Silver Banshee, you got one." Orders noted as Giganta looked at her cautiously.

"…Is that SAFE?"

"Perfectly." Orders replied almost board.

"About fecking TIME!" Silver Banshee got off the couch and snatched the receipt from Orders' hand, and was unconcerned about the look of placid calm on Orders' face. "Nobody wants to fight, so I need someone to fuck!"

"No fooling." Orders noted sarcastically as food then slid across the counter. Silver Banshee however yanked the food off the counter and stomped out the back door. "Have fun."

Giganta gave Orders a look, before she asked, cautiously. "Who's fucking desperate enough to want an angry Silver Banshee?" But the question went unanswered as Silver Banshee stored the food and revved rapidly off into Gotham on her bike.

Kane's Luxury Apartments is for incredibly rich people that can't or don't want to get into Gotham Heights. Silver Banshee sped into its parking lot, riding rapidly all the way to the top floor. She parked inches from the wall, her tire almost bouncing off of it as she grabbed the food and fumed irately into the building itself.

Oddly enough, Kane's luxury apartments had a decent security team in place. Unfortunately, they didn't ever expect an angry Silver Banshee... or at least an attractive and sexy woman dressed as Silver Banshee. "MOVE!" she barked at them as they moved aside curiously, she went right to the elevator and pushed the button.

"Ma'am you can't just-" she held the receipt, and the bag to his face.

"Delivery." She said coolly, before marching right into the elevator, and slamming her fist on the button. For floor #10. There were 30 floors in the Kane Luxury Apartments. Mostly because every floor was a SINGLE apartment… again. This place was for rich people who were unable to live in Gotham Heights. So at least she didn't have to look long for the apartment.

The elevator opened and she saw a lone door straight ahead. She got off the toward the front door, raising her fist and SLAMMING it onto the door.



Time: 9:00 PM. Place: Kane's Luxury Apartments (Room #10)

"SPECIAL DELIVERY SERVICE!" she finished, and inhaling deeply through her nose as the door popped open.

There was an attractive woman in her way… the kind of woman Orders might have hired if she had gotten her hooks into her. With raven black hair and light caramel-colored skin. Big full fake breast stretched out her sexy nurse uniform, her cleavage covered with body glitter and they wobbled bra-less in her clothes as she glared at Silver Banshee… hands on her freakishly slender waist. "Who the hell are you?" she snapped recoiling at Silver Banshee's skull-painted face.

"Oh, I am in no mood for this shite now." Silver Banshee replied, shoving the food into the woman's chest and walking right in.

"Hold up!" snapped the Sexy Stripper Nurse as she was shoved aside. "Hey you pasty slut I'm talking to you!" Her thick round backside bounced her off the wall as Silver Banshee entered the apartment. The woman tossed the food aside and marched after a wandering Silver Banshee, "HEY! Don't you fucking ruin this for me!" she snarled fiercely as Silver Banshee turned around to look at her confused. "I am THIS fucking close-" she held up her hands and pinched her fingers together. "-to geting my big ass in the dirty old man's will!" she hissed as Silver Banshee laughed.

"Wow then you must be SHITE at whatever it is you do." Silver Banshee replied, "What are you? A nurse or a nurse-themed stripper?"

"Both." She spat spitefully. "Taking your skinny bitch ass out-"

"Kimberly. COUGH… let her in."

"FUCK me in the ASS." Snarled 'Kimberly' under her breath.

"Aint got the shite for that stripper nurse." Silver Banshee then casually strutted into the room she heard the wheezy voice. Stripper Nurse Kimberly however immediately changed tones into something more… alluring.

"Baby." She jiggled ahead of Silver Banshee who took the opportunity to smack dat ass as she passed. "Oh!" she shot Banshee a furiously look but kept up the Sex Bomb talk. "This… woman won't leave."

Silver Banshee glanced inside and visibly scowled, viewing the man on an oxygen tank. In his 70s… closing in on his 80's… he was thin, and it looked like he was literally skin and bones and his hair gave off a ragged crypt-keeper vibe and the cackle didn't help.

"HEe-hee-coUGH!" he cleared his throat and inhaled on his tank as he laid in his supportive bed, half of it was mechanically upraised to support him as he watched… straight up hardcore porn on the TV. The really NASTY stuff… multiple dicks, degradation, face fucking… all the fun stuff that made most girls tap out and quit. He was also, clearly naked… and his dick had seen better days. But it was still semi-hard bouncing under the blanket. "Oh… she's just a… delivery girl." The man hissed with a chuckle, before eyeing Silver Banshee's body. "Tell me Delivery Girl… how nasty are you?"

"I've done my fair share of shite." Silver Banshee sat her fantastic, but not nearly as big as Stripper Nurse's ass, on the bed. Feeling his boney leg against her rear. She then crossed her legs, "…How dirty are we talking?"

"How about-ORAL… sex…" he coughed as she raised an eyebrow.

"…Are you fecking kidding me? You want me to polish your fucking knob?" she spat, "What? Is Bimbo Nurse over here too prudish to do it?" Said Bimbo Nurse Kimberly's dick-sucking lips almost formed into a sneer but Silver Banshee rolled her eyes, grabbed the old man's blanket and yanked it away. "For fuck's sake!" Spat Silver Banshee, grabbing his wrinkled old man dick by the base, lifting it up and furiously sucking on it as he squealed in delight.

"HEE-HEE-HEE!!" he chuckled, resting a gnarled boney hand on her white hair, as her head furiously bobbed up and down. Ignoring the age and the sexy bitch standing to the side looking… mildly disgusted. Clearly, bimbo nurse wasn't a pro at THIS specifically… maybe the stripper nurse was accurate. Silver Banshee didn't even close her eyes… she was absolutely just too pissed off to care and was now looking for a bit of fun… so if fucking this old bastard through death's door was going to give it to her? Sucking him off was the least she could do.

Planting her black lips on the base of the old man's cock, his white pubes mingling with her white hair as she pulled away, spat on his cock, and wrapped her lips back around the tip. "Mmgh. MMghh." Rubbing her fist firmly on his cock… which seemed to be the only real muscle he had left to work with… good on him. Shame he has a prude for a nurse. Speaking of whom… Bimbo Nurse was looking rather unsettled… probably had something to do with the fact that if the old man thought a blowjob was too 'nasty' for her...

Well it's Gotham. Finding a girl to be a skanky mistress is as easy as taking a walk through Old Gotham Red Light… if you don't get fucked up during of course.

Speaking of getting fucked, she planted her lips to the base of his cock, slurping casually… looking kinda board. Before slowly sliding to the tip of his shaft as he gripped her hair, pulling her back down to the base. "MMgnh… mm-hmnhn…" she chuckled as she continued to hold his old dick in her mouth. Running her tongue on his length, as she held it in her mouth… before sliding up his shaft again. He tried to keep her down, but he was an old codger on life support… he wasn't keeping her down if she wanted to cum up. "BWAH…" she popped off his cock, stroking it firmly again. "Seriously? You can't fecking suck his dick? What a lazy cunt." She noted almost spitefully…

She was in a mood after all…

"Haaah… haaah…" Wheezy breathed heavily as she rubbed her spit into his wrinkled skin like moisturizer, thrusting his hips towards her lips as she held him down easily, giving his cock another lick.

"laaaah.." she snarled, sticking out her tongue like a rocker before spitting on his dick again. "Hey. Bimbo… come suck this dick." she sneered as Bimbo Nurse scowled at her, "What? Can't put this dick in your mouth? There are half a dozen bitches I work with who would HAPPILY do it. And only some of them are better."

…In a mood… but still the fire-starting bitch everyone knows and tolerates.

"…Are they also available?" Wheezy asked excitedly, and that seemed to convince the bimbo nurse to step up her gold-digging… grabbing at her sexy nurse's outfit and yanking it open and revealing her thick stripper body, Tits bouncing and ass wobbling as she quickly shoved Silver Banshee off Wheezy's junk before biting the bullet and opening her mouth… but she hesitated, stroking the old man's length before cooing at him.

"Baby you don't need some 2-bit whore to satisfy you, you have me!" she said with that same bimbo sweet tone. Unfortunately for here… this was Silver Banshee… also she was pissed. Bimbo Nurse might have a body numerous men were willing to throw singles at on stage, but Silver Banshee had a body that men would throw money at to stop her from hurting them. "GUCK!" Silver Banshee easily restrained Bimbo Nurse, wrapping a powerful arm around her neck, she struggled briefly before her open mouth was abruptly CRAMMED full of old dick. Silver Banshee's other hand slapping on the back of Bimbo bitch's head and pushing her down on the old man. "MNGH! mMNGH! UGHGMNH!?"

"God, what are you for if not for fucking?!" Silver Banshee sneered, "Making me come over and do your fecking job!" faster and faster she moved the bimbo's face up and down. "Suck it. Slurp it! For fucks sake. What are you an amateur!?" Gold-Digger or not at least work for it properly.

"Haaaah…" Wheezy sighed happily, trembling and shaking so much his bones rattled together.

"MMGNh!?" Bimbo Nurse squirmed as Silver Banshee pushed her down, cum oozing from her lips as Wheezy unloaded into her mouth unrestrained. "MMGN!!"

"Oh don't be such a lazy fecking bitch, it's just some knob polishing! Suck it. All. OUT." She spat, jamming her up and down on the rapidly softening dick, before yanking her off and tossing her aside. Bimbo Nurse spluttered and quickly scrambled away, her thick ass wobbling, rushing to what seemed to be a nearby bathroom to wash her mouth out. "Pft. Skanks acts like she's never sucked a dick before! Fecking cock tease, she is." She got off the bed and immediately started stripping down, tossing her clothes into a pike nearby before climbing onto the bed. Shaking her tight ass at him on her hands and knees now.

"Well? Are you going to fecking dick me or am I going to have to do it myself?" Wheezy looked at her funny for a second before slowly sitting up, wobbling onto his knees as he grabbed her waist. Carefully lining up behind her, pushing his cock against her pussy as she wagged it.

"…Not much of an ass…" he wheezed as she scoffed.

"Feck you too old dick." she snarled, "Hurry it up! Some of us aren't dying anytime soon!" Wheezy stared LAUGHING at that, before pushing his cock into her. "Come on is that it? This is your last hurrah you old codger!" she spat as he laughed again.

"Stop! Making me laugh!" he chortled, reaching up for her hair and grabbing onto it. "Ngh MNGH!" grunting as he pounded away at her body. Silver Banshee sneered as he yanked her hair back and rammed into her from behind… but she just wasn't feeling it. Pushing herself back onto him, "Hurry! It! the fuck! Up!" she spat as he just chortled and wheezed.

Bimbo nurse returned, looking on in awe, or perhaps disgust… maybe a bit of both as he pounded away at Silver Banshee. Grinning toothily as he sheathed his old trunk into Silver Banshee's youthful soil. Silver Banshee however was bored… and still frustrated, only now she was sexually as much as she was just straight up pissed. "Okay, old dick you got to learn to fuck somebody." She spat, throwing herself back now, feeling the old man groan contentedly as she tried not to break him… or his hips… guy strove on though.

"Baby don't hurt yourself." Bimbo Nurse asked concernedly, checking his oxygen tank.

"Please the only thing he's going to do is bust a nut!" Silver Banshee declared, slamming her ass back on him and hesitating, feeling him cumming inside her as she paused, and looked over at him. "Ah fecking seriously?!" the old man fell back onto the bed as she pushed herself upright. "Come on that was barely anything." She spat as he wheezed, but seemed unaffected at her spiteful bitchiness… more than happy to just get his dick wet as she dripped his wheezy old cream down her inner thigh. "Did you break anything old codger?"

"Just hearts." He laughed giddily as Silver Banshee turned around and stroked his limp dick with her hand, to no response. "Haa…"

"…FUCK!" spat Silver Banshee irately, before glaring at Bimbo Nurse. "Hey! Skank. Bring that fat ass over here!" she hustled to the end of the bed and spread her legs. "Lick this shit up."

"What?! Fuck you slut!" spat Bimbo Nurse in her usual voice. Wheezy chuckled as Silver Banshee casually fingered herself.

"Not really endearing yourself are you?" she then turned her attention to Wheezy. "Hey, dead man fucking. I know half a dozen bitches including an actual nurse who'd be happy to be your care-slut." That was kinda a lie she wasn't sure if Circe would be happy to be his care-slut… heal-slut?

The wheezy and cheerful old man suddenly stopped laughing, and almost evilly looked at Kimberly. There was a certain deviousness to it. "Do it." There was a certain amount of finality to it. Bimbo nurse cringed but she got down on her knees, pushing her fat ass out behind her as she tentatively licked Silver Banshee, who rolled her eyes.

"Fecking seriously?! I'm not going to ask you out on a date! Fucking eat that cunt!" she pulled Bimbo nurse into her gooey hole, grinding it on her face, "And shake that ass while you're at it! FUCK me it's like you've never eaten pussy before! What kind of care slut are you?!" she pushed against Bimbo nurses face, grinding on it and gyrating her hips. At least bimbo nurse could shake dat ass.

"Probably been giving you blue balls the whole time huh Codger?"

"If the blood was pumping there." He chuckled as she laughed.

"Alright, you old bastard… let this bitch show you how to make this whore work for it!" Silver Banshee wrapped her legs around Bimbo Nurse's head.

"That's what I'm hoping for." Wheezy replied, coughing and spluttering as he watched Bimbo Nurse shake that stripper booty. Clearly more interested in watching it wobble than Silver Banshee getting her rocks off. "Yeah, that's it."

"Aye you lean into that creepy old man thing you got going on." Silver Banshee moan, writhing on the bed now. "Ah Fecking tongue work bitch that's the ticket!" she squirmed erotically, as she rode that pretty face harder and harder… getting body glitter everywhere. "Work that pretty tongue!" she suddenly shot up, yanked Bimbo Nurse from her pussy, and spat in her mouth before throwing her back into her warm lower lips. Rising closer, and closer to release as she leaned forward and smacked dat ass. Once. Twice… three times on both ass cheeks before stretching her legs out and shaking in orgasm. "FUUUCK me."

Slapping her feet on Bimbo Nurse's ass she curled her toes clawing the sexy booty meat before pushing her away, flopping over onto that mass of ass. "Haaah…" she sighed, not the same as getting a deep dicking but better having something than breaking the old man.

Speaking of whom. He shuffled off the bed, his knees wobbling beneath him as he approached Nurse Bimbo… holding his length out to her lips as she opened her mouth and wrapped them around the tip, sucking sensually. "I'm sorry baby…" she cooed giving him bedroom eyes. "I'll be a good girl for you from now on… just don't invite that skank back."

"Mmmn…" he rested his hand on her head, guiding it up and down slowly as Silver Banshee sat up, watching Bimbo Nurse suck him sensually. She scoffed and got off the bed.

"What? That's it?" she replied irately. "What the feck old man…" she watched Bimbo Nurse sucking him off and scoffed. "…Fine what the feck ever. Where's your shower?" he pointed with his free hand towards the bathroom where Bimbo nurse washed her mouth. Silver Banshee flipped them off, grabbing her clothes off the floor and heading to the bathroom. Somehow more pissed than ever… if that was possible… it was probably possible it's Silver Banshee she runs on rage sometimes.

She scoffed, feeling a little spiteful and running on empty. Entering the fancy shower that was more like a handicap stall… probably to accommodate wrinkle balls back there. She turned the water on and stepped right in, taking it on the face and letting the water hose her body…

"…I'll be right back. Kimberly." Chuckled Wheezy, entering the bathroom. "I'm going to freshen up."

"Hurry back Baby I want to give you a DEEP massage…" he smiled out at her, before abruptly shutting the door. And turning towards Silver Banshee and admiring that fuckable Irish ass for a minute. "Nice work." He said coolly.

"No complaints yet." She lied… she got a LOT of complaints… but not that many about her fucking ability.

"I've been trying to get that cocktease to put out ever since she started clawing her way into my will!" he spat with a dark chuckle, "Haa-haa-COUGH!... nothing quite like the threat of being replaced to get someone to REALLY work for it." he noted as Silver Banshee scowled… then seemed to think about something for a second. Before hissing out a spiteful.


"I know right?" snapped Wheezy, "Shaking that ass at me, shoving her tits in my face. As if that's will! Material!" he started coughing again. "Ahem… Your payment is in a suitcase by the couch." He said, "…Make yourself scarce please." He chuckled happily, "I'm going to make some 'new additions' to my will if you get my meaning."

"Aye I get your meaning you old bastard." Silver Banshee declared, before declaring herself clean and turning off the water. She sniffed and turned around… Wheezy then got a look at her face, his jaw dropping and his cock rising as she dried off and dressed herself, tossing the towel on his erection as he found himself at a loss for words. "Feck you too." She flipped him off and walked out of the shower… Bimbo Nurse posed herself on the bed as she gazed at Silver Banshee's make-up-less face… stunned.

Silver Banshee spotted a silvery briefcase by the couch, she picked it up and frowned at it. It was about the size of a laptop case… just how much cash was in here… "Order again… if you're still alive." She added dismissively before walking right out the front door and back to Gotham.

Time: 10:06 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Oi. I'm back and I'm still pissed!" snapped Silver Banshee, entering the back of Superbabes and swinging the case up and onto the counter. To be fair however, she was less 'pissed' and more grouchy.

"So I see…" Orders however took the case, opened it, and smirked at the soft 'glow' it immitted… like it contained some crime lord's soul… then quickly closed it. "Alright then." She picked up a significant stack of cash, from beneath the counter and pushed toward Silver Banshee, and dropped that case with a loud. THUMP, beside her.

"…The fuck is in that case?" Silver Banshee asked as Orders stared at her placidly.

"Solid gold." She said simply.

"…Fecking Seriously?"

Orders just shrugged, not answering. "…Put your face back on Ashley." She noted as Silver Banshee scowled, it didn't diminish her amazingly pretty face. "…Wait." She said suddenly, then sighed. "…UGH." She rolled her purple eyes, then looked onto the floor. "…Never mind… go onto the floor."

"…Without my face?" she asked, pointing to her face concernedly. "…You've never told me to go out there without my face." she suspiciously glared at Orders. "…Am I dying?" she asked concernedly.

"Just GO before I change my mind." She mumbled as Ashley went onto the floor, just in time to distract a few people and see A big Smulders and a Little Smulders enter.

"Sup." Rebecca said, leading Danny Smulders and a collection of… moderate to extremely happy college kids in behind her. "Hey, Wonder Woman." She said with a wink, to Grace "Table for…" she counted the group. "…7?" then spotting Ashley… she rolled her eyes. "Make it 8." She said as Wonder Woman collected some girls.

"Hey Ash!" Danny declared, waving at the rapidly less angry Ashley who cleaned herself off. "You just finishing up?"

"I am on a break." She said surprised, "Who're they?" she asked as Danny and his group went to the table.

"My study group." Danny replied, "We all decided to get a late night snack, and since Becca gets a discount…"

"Aye! That she does!" Danny sat down in one of the chairs as Ashley abruptly shoved one of his college buddies out of the seat next to him. Grinning at him cheerfully as Rebecca picked up his friend, and sat on Danny's other side. "So! Are you dating any of these lassies?" she asked, noting two of them.

"No. No, they're just my study partners." He replied casually, looking at the menu as Rebecca sized.

"…Subtle Ash. Very subtle." She noted as Ashley, flipped her off behind Danny's back... and giving Notorious Virgin hunter Grace a stern warning look.

...She wasn't going to risk it.


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