
Delivery Girl: Vixen Order #6

I don't own DC

It wasn't a dreary Gotham night, it was actually a dreary Gotham Afternoon, and we weren't at Superbabes… SHOCK. Okay, it's not that shocking… But we were at one of Gotham's malls, to be specific Gotham Mall #4, located between the Suburbs and Upper-east…

Slurping a mocha coffee to match her mocha skin, (B) Vixen casually looked at her phone reading the various news of the day… Not media news, gaming news. Delay, Delay, absolute travesty, game-of-the-year potential…

She stood outside the Mall's GamePause shop, the best video game store in her general area, she's been coming for years even when digital games were now all the rage. Sometimes she wanted a hard copy in case some big wig asshole decided that the game you paid for couldn't be accessed anymore. Or your gamestation 3 exploded and you lost all your data… or maybe she just liked how the game boxes looked on her wall.

It didn't matter today she was just trying to pick up her reserved copy of Kingdom Spleen 3 Extra Plus 3 out of 5… and make a few more reservations. Specifically, First Fantasy Remedial, the sequel to the hit remake.


Her ears were trained to recognize the sounds of cameras of all types. Had to when it came to working at Superbabes as Orders charged for that sort of thing... and despite their playful teasing of her 'knowing everything' the girls often tried to help her with the headaches, so they paid attention. She looked up from her phone, slurping the rest of her coffee before resting her phone hand on her wide hip.


Wow, they weren't even trying to be subtle… a group of young men, snickering excitedly to themselves around a phone as if they were watching a funny video… but judging from the angle… yeah. They were definitely taking pictures of her beautiful black ass being tightly hugged by her jean-shorts, and her Legend of Link T-Shirt equally hugging her big, but not as big as Britney's, breasts. She should really invest in less tight clothes… but she looked so fucking good in them.

She rolled her eyes, they were just a bunch of horny guys, probably school-skipping punks because it was a weekday, taking voyeur picks of the Best Ass in Gotham, can hardly blame them. CLICK. She was paid after all to look pretty, sexy, and enticing… but she was off the clock and if Orders were here, she would demand compensation for Vixen... then she would take a cut, because she's still Orders.

There was another click but this time it was the door as GamePause opened up revealing a Native American-looking man who opened the door and smirked at her. "FoxyLady… come on in."

"ThunderFoot" she replied bluntly, following him in as he headed to the back of the store.

"Was wondering when you were going to show up." He noted, "Figured you'd be first in line on the midnight release." ThunderFoot was the manager and also not his real name, it was his online handle. Just like 'FoxyLady' was hers. They've played a few games together, but they weren't social.

"I had to work." Vixen replied casually, "Plus I wasn't really in a rush." He walked behind the counter and knelt down to get her reserved copy as she leaned forward… pushing her thick backside behind her and inevitably hearing another click. "After Kingdom Spleen III, the series kinda lost me."

"Really?" he asked surprised, getting up with the updated and DLC-enhanced version she was now ordering.

"YEAH. How do you go to Frozen World and NOT use Elsa in your team? That was the easiest and literally coolest fucking thing to do!" she said passionately, very disappointed that she couldn't play with Dosney Princess Elsa in the Frozen world. "They used the Snow golem! Because when I think of Frozen I think of the Snow Golem!" ThunderFoot started laughing as she continued her tirade. "I get more Elsa action from the one I hang out with at work and she's not really Elsa! Her name is LESLIE. Leslie gives me more Elsa than Kingdom Spleen 3 did."

"Alright." He snorted with laughter. "Well I won't say no to a sale, but then why are you getting this one if the original three gave you such a bad impression?" he marked her up as she gave him cash… because she's a Superbabe they always have cash.

"Because I am a Completionist, ThunderFoot." She said as he gave her change, "I'm proud of my collection of Platinum trophies thank you…" She had more than him that was for certain. "Also I want to reserve the next First Fantasy Game, mind setting that up for me, Baby?" she asked with an unnecessarily seductive smile and subtle posing.

"Sure. Are you ever going to use my real name?" he asked with a smirk as he began making the reservation.

"Are you ever going to get that security camera to focus on something other than my ass when I walk in here?" she asked playfully, feeling the camera on her big beautiful butt like it was a conscious decision of his to set it there.

"That's the owner's decision, not mine. And how do you know it's focused on your butt?"

"Because I know when there's a camera on me ThunderFoot it's part of my job." She said with a wink as ThunderFoot frowned, then glanced over her shoulder briefly before looking at her.

"…So did you need me to tell you about those punks taking pictures of said butt?" he asked concernedly.

"No you don't but it's nice of you to do so." she replied calmly. "My only regret is I don't have my friend Ronnie-Bell or Becca to beat the crap out of them for being rude little shits."

"Want me to call security instead?"

"Please." She said, just smiling merrily the whole time. Clearly, she wasn't too bothered by the boys taking pictures of her, probably as fap material, because that was basically her job… just for various degrees of pricing… Taking sneaky camera shots: Free, but annoying.

"They don't seem to be leaving." He noted under his breath, "Mind just hanging out here as bait?"

"Oh. No problem baby…" she smiled casually.

"I'll be right back." He whispered, "Hold on miss I'll check the back." She laughed, raising an eyebrow at his semi-poor acting, heading into the back of the store as she waited, slowly swaying her thick black ass in her tight jean-shorts hugging those majestic dark chocolate curves. Even throwing in a little… twerk, just a little one, keep their attention, maybe get them recording and focusing on her thick black ass…

Turns out they really were focusing on her ass, one of them, speaking a little louder than he probably thought walked into the GamePause store laughing with his friends. "No shit dude! Shut up man!" he hissed as the trio of punks walked towards her, two remaining behind as he walked closer to her. "Hey, Pretty Mama." He said slimily, trying his best pick-up line as she mostly ignored him.

"Hey." She replied sultrily, before seriously. "Come to pay me for all those pictures of my ass you took?" if she was hoping to catch him off guard it failed.

"Ha! No!" he said nastily before holding his phone. "Settle a bet, is this you?" and then he showed her a short video of her big black ass bouncing in the infamous 'Best Ass in Gotham'. It was at least an accurate title. However, before she could even answer him his hand SMACKED onto her beautiful ass and squeezed it firmly as she reflexively smacked it away hard. But sent the little shit laughing for the door where he was met with his friends… hooting and hollering at his boldness to spank dat ass, plus they got the ripple on video.

But their victory was short-lived as they ran into a large blonde hulk with braids. Frank 'The Viking': security guard of Gotham Mall #4… who had silently stood behind them more like a Ninja than a Viking, watching the scene play out and grabbing the little shits with his coworkers, and collecting their phones. "Take them to holding and call their parents again." he said lazily, "Seriously…" he grumbled as ThunderFoot returned to the cashier's counter and Vixen and her big ass turned around and leaned against it. Smiling at the big braided guard as he entered.

He opened his mouth to say something before eyeing her for a second before pointing at her curiously and with recognition. "…Superbabe?"

"That's right baby." She purred invitingly as he cleared his throat and nodded.

"…Thought you looked familiar." He mumbled as she winked, "Anyway, I'll call their parents again we have them on speed dial. Notorious little shits."

"While you're at it get about fifty bucks out of them that's how much they owe me for all the pictures."

"I don't even think they have enough money for bus fare between them, but I'll see what I can do." Frank mumbled nervously.

"My boss appreciates it." Vixen replied as Frank got a confused look on his handsome Viking face but he turned around so she couldn't look at it anymore and got back to THunderFoot who asked skeptically.

"You charge 50 bucks for pictures?"

"I don't know if you know this but my ass is a hot commodity." She smiled seductively, pointing at herself. "There are even pictures hanging in GALLERIES of my ass worth hundreds of dollars. It is a work of art." She spanked her work of art lightly with a moan and a smirk as ThunderFoot, tried, to hide his erection.

"I'll take your word for it." he noted.

"Anyway 50 is me being lenient for the number of pictures they took. PLUS one of those little shits smacked my ass, that's extra." She joked casually.

"Right… Anyway. You're all set. Enjoy your games." ThunderFoot smiled, "You going to be on later Tonight?"

"That's the plan-" DING. "FUCK!" she cursed angrily, making ThunderFoot jump in surprise, and a recent customer jump out nervously, then quickly checked her phone and growled at the singular word there.


"…Nope. I got work tonight." She mumbled, slipping the phone back into her tight pants pocket. "Fuck me." She sighed… which, obviously was a highly likely scenario as a Superbabe. "My boss just texted me."

"That's unnervingly convenient. Also, that sucks." ThunderFoot noted as she shrugged.

"It's a living. And she's by far my favorite boss ever." Vixen grabbed her game, "I'm off. Maybe I'll see you on later ThunderFoot."

"Bye FoxyLady."

Her was wobbling and her hips popping as she walked out of the mall, completely forgetting about the fifty bucks she was going to strong-arm out the little shits.

Later that Day.

"I was OFF today Orders." Declared Vixen a little more testily than intended, once she arrived, walking into the locker rooms to change as the purple-eyed boss casually did sudoku today.

"And yet I needed you to work… whoever would've imagined." she replied, "I merely took the better of two options you can have the day off tomorrow."

Vixen zipped up her suit and frowned at Orders, "Better of two options?"

"You either work well tonight, or you stay up all night playing your new game and do poorly tomorrow… And I will always pick maximum profit." Vixen frowned at her. "Tell me I'm wrong." Orders added not looking up.

"…No. It sounds like a fair assessment of what I would've done tonight." She mumbled dejectedly, it took everything she had to pry herself away from her Gamestation just to come to work on time. She then sighed, stretching her magnificent body. "Alright, I'll get my ass on the floor." She replied, "At least don't send me anywhere weird huh?"

"Define weird…" Orders noted. "Also. NOT a fucking genie." She added plainly. Vixen paused, then sighed, turning to her boss before asking skeptically.

"…Orders am I getting someone weird tonight?"

"Yes." Orders replied bluntly, "By the standard definition of what most of us consider 'weird'." The phone rang, "You are indeed going to get one."

"Son of a bitch." Vixen laughed, shaking her pretty head as Orders picked up the phone.

Time: 9:09 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring-Ring CLICK

"Superbabes. We Deliver."

"Well howdy there honey, I want to order that purdy dark girl with the backside what do I gots to do to make dat happen?"

"…Order Three Vixen Meals, Venison steaks and homestyle potatoes and a salad."

"Fine with me darlin."

"…Very well. We expect her back in 60 minutes or less or the Police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address, please.


"Brace yourself." Orders noted, tearing off the receipt and holding it out to Vixen.

"Not inspiring confidence Orders."

"…You'll be fine and you're earning me money what more do you want?" Orders noted with a casual shrug as Vixen laughed under her breath.

"Maybe Guaranteed vacation days." Vixen declared as Orders actually laughed.

"I give you more vacation days than your old boss." She noted as the food slid across the counter and Vixen took it with a sigh.

"Fair." She mumbled. Her old pimp WAS a colossal asshole.

She walked out the back of Superbabes and right to the company car, Slipping into the front seat and checking the receipt, whistling softly to herself before she hit the gas and drove off to hotel street. She parked in the Powers Hotel parking garage and made her way unimpeded to the elevators with hardly a look her way. The Powers Hotel was a rich man's hotel, however, there was always something sketchy about it… which is probably how she managed to get through it (apart from Superbabes powers) without complicated questions like what she was doing there.

The Powers Hotel doesn't ask questions about booty calls… even booties as majestic as hers.

Vixen walked into the elevator like she belonged and quietly rose to the 30th​ floor, walking out and following the receipt to room number 306. She slipped the receipt into the bag approached the door and raised her hand to knock loudly on the door. "Superbabes,"

Time: 9:31 PM. Place: The Powers Hotel (Room #306)

"Special Delivery Service."

She didn't have to wait long as the door popped open revealing a rather ratish-looking young man with long blonde hair and wearing thick glasses with a tapped center, as well as a flannel shirt and jeans. "Hoo-Whee!" he suddenly cheered, in the best hillbilly voice she had EVER heard and certainly not one she didn't expect to hear in The Powers Hotel. "Pappy this one's a looker!" he declared proudly as Vixen smiled.

…This one was going to be weird… but she was a pro-ho.

"Hey, Baby." She cooed her trademark sensually sexy greeting as the young man grinned toothily at her, at least he had all his teeth.

"Oooh and she's got a nice voice too!"

"Let the whore in already Jimmy!" replied a crotchety voice. "Junior gets to go first!"

"You bring your purdy body in here darlin we gonna have some fun!" he stepped aside and let her walk in and immediately his hand went to her ass to squeeze it. "Hoo-Whee! Dat right there is a WHOLE lotta ass!"

"Jimmy-boy shut the hell up." Vixen walked further into the expansive hotel room apartment, with a living room and two bedrooms… To find an old man with a big white beard, bald head, and wrinkled skin. Must have been late sixty or seventy. He had a similar look to Jimmy, clearly a relative, probably a grandfather. "Damn you're purdier than yer picture." He said with a toothy grin… and had a couple of missing teeth as he slapped his knee. "Hee-hee!" Do a little turn!" Vixen smiled and did a turn still walking into the room as he declared. "Let's have a look at you! Junior! Get your ass in here and look at this ass!"

She put the food down as a figure walked out of the closest bedroom. Unlike the other two, 'Junior' was 6 feet tall and broad-shouldered wearing only overalls and showing off a muscular chest and a boyishly handsome face and shortly cut blonde hair. "Pappy I was busy putting the goods away!"

"Shut up Junior and look at this purdy thing!" Pappy walked over to Vixen as she glanced up at Junior. "We need to celebrate after such a good haul!" he then smacked his hand onto Vixen's thick chocolate booty in her tight bronze bodysuit. "And nothing like a damn good whore like this to get your rocks off! These girls do it right!"

"She is purdy Pappy."

"Damn right, she's purdy! Get over there girl and pop my grandson's cork!"

"Ah Pappy why can't I play with her first!?" asked Jimmy with a whine as Vixen took this opportunity to just take off her clothes while the hillbillies were arguing. Sometimes it just helped to get the blood flowing from one brain to the other.

"Cause Junior did the most work you lazy shit! So he gets to fuck the whore first!"

Why do they all insist on calling her a whore? She was, sure, but they didn't have to point it out BEFORE the started fucking. Calling her a whore during sex is hot dirty talk, calling her one before just makes you an asshole.

"Ah Pappy!" whined Jimmy, as Vixen winked at a fidgeting Junior, wiggling out of her suit and displaying her fantastic ebony body to him, stepping out of her clothes and approaching Junior, grabbing his jeans and dragging him back into the room toward one of the two beds in the room.

"I hope you don't mind, Baby, but I'd rather just get to the good stuff how about you?"

"Sure. Ma'am." He mumbled excitedly as she unhooked on the straps of his overalls, then the other as he grinned stupidly at her, but in a cute innocent way and- "HOO-LEE-SHIT." She hissed as Junior's tree-trunk of a cock jumped free of his overalls hitting the floor. 9-inchs long and thick as a rod she wrapped her hands around it and began stroking it slowly, gazing up at him with half-lidded eyes.

"Oh, baby what do you need me for you could have your pick of girls walking down the street naked with this thing."

"Really?!" he replied and tried to turn and actually do it but she grabbed his cock firmly and stroking it double-fisted knelt down before him, wiggling her big chocolate jello ass cheeks on her knees like the horny bitch she was.

"No baby not really stay right here and Mama will take care of this DICK…" she hissed through her teeth, saliva misting onto his tip as she wrapped her lips around his bulbous head as it throbbed between her shapely sucking lips. "Mmn-hmmn." She moaned, vibrating his shaft with her humming, rapidly jerking her head up and down his massive dick. "MMn! Mmn!"

Junior moaned loudly, his hand grabbed at her short-haired head, feeling her lips sliding up and down. Her hands grabbed at his muscled thighs, her big beautiful black ass wobbling and wiggling like an engine that just couldn't stop. She popped off his shaft, panting erotically as she ran her tongue over his tip again. "Like that baby?" she moaned as her mouth was crammed with cock again.

"YES…" he moaned happily, bucking his hips into her mouth as she moaned louder and louder, running her tongue beneath his shaft, tasting his pre-cum. Her jaw stretched open like a snake's… and it was starting to cramp.

"Boy if I told you to get your stick licked I would've told you so!" declared Pappy, walking into the bedroom, wrinkly and naked. "Take that whore on the bed and pound her till she's mush! Fuck em right!" Junior definitely had some of his grandpa in him, as the old man had quite the package himself and apparently swallowed a handful of Viagra pills. "Ride her like a mare boy!"

"Yes Pappy…" mumbled Junior, but clearly he was enjoying his dick-sucking. But he popped out of Vixen's mouth grabbing at her arms and easily hauling her from the floor.

"Oh! Baby…" she cooed as he grabbed her waist and lifted her again, "Ngh!" he pushed his lubed tip against her wet pussy as he stretched her, sliding her down on his shaft and impaling her before sitting on the bed with her on his lap. "FUCK!" She shuddered and wiggled on his lap, her ass twerking and tensing as Pappy smacked her big black rear.

"Ride girl! Ya! Get it on!" he smacked her ass again as Junior grabbed her waist and began lifting her up and down. Pappy watched eagerly, stroking himself as Vixen's black ass wobbled with her up-and-down movements. "Look at her go." Licking her lips as Junior moaned happily, holding her tight and keeping her body in motion, much like that massive ass. Pappy's bony hand clapped at her big jiggly booty again and again.

"Oh! Oooh! Ah! Oh Baby! Oh!" she moaned erotically, head rolling back as Junior grunted eagerly, pounding her body onto his lap harder and harder as her mouth opened and she howled, tensing up around his cock as she came.

"Hoo-Wee!" cheered Jimmy, walking in behind her as her howling and clapping ass cheeks drew him in, his hand clapping onto her other cheek as he chortled, squeezing her rippling, tensing ass as she rubbed her body against Junior's smooth hairless chest. "Listen to her squeal like a piggy Pappy!"

"Yeah, she's singing like a songbird." Pappy replied before shoving his spindly fingers into her clapping ass cheeks, prodding her asshole.

"Oooh! Fuuuck." She shuddered and clenched up around them as they continued to molest her smooth chocolatey skin and ass.

"She's real Purdy Pappy." Mumbled Junior as Pappy ripped his fingers from Vixen's spasming ass.

"Well she aint your girlfriend Junior, she's your whore." He smacked Vixen's ass, "And we're going to fuck her like one! Jimmy take your turn she's got more than one hole."

"Hoo-WEE!" cheered Jimmy, not waiting for Pappy to change his mind before splaying her ass cheeks and spitting into her gaping asshole. "Hee-hee! Gonna make you squeal like a piggy!" he said again before he clapped her ass again hard before shoving his tongue up into her ass.

"Oooh! Oh! SHIT…" she whined, gyrating on Junior's lap as he began moving her again, "Ah. Ah! AH! Baby… AH!" she moaned, feeling him twitching deep in her body as Jimmy pulled out of her hole and pressed his tip to it. WHAM! "AH! Aash! Ah! FUCK! ME!!" she whined, gasping loudly as Jimmy and Junior quickly began pumping into her body, Jimmy bouncing off her thick black ass, panting and grunting like an animal.

"Squeal piggy! SQUEAL!" laughed Jimmy excitedly, cramming his own thick meat into her rear again and again, his hands smacking her black ass before hooking the corners of her mouth, pulling her back as he and Junior buried their cocks into her tensing body as her tongue lolled from her stretched mouth, howling in pleasure as she complied, squealing like a piggy.

"Don't ruin her Jimmy, she's purdy!"

"She like's it Junior!" replied Jimmy. As harsh as he was truthful. "Feel this filly squeezing down on yer pecker?! That means! SHE! LIKES IT!" he declared, ramming HARD into her body, as Junior, assuming that Vixen did indeed like it rough… pounded hard into her body.

"AHah! Aah! Aha!" her tongue lashed and slobbered around Jimmy's fingers as her eyes widened more and more. "Haah! Aah!!"

"She LOOOOVES it!" Cheered Jimmy almost insanely. "She LOOOOVES IT!" he cheered, grinding into her body, stroking the entirety of his cock with her ass, planting his length deep into her as Junior's cock throbbed against her vaginal walls as she howled his orgasm, falling backward onto the bed as Vixen was held upright by Jimmy's fingers in her mouth like a hooked fish. Her body tensed and her thick black ass clenched around Jimmy as his eyes rolled up into his head and he put his cum into her ass.

"HOOO! WEEE!!" he cheered, spraying her insides as she moaned incoherently, shaking in orgasm as Jimmy pulled his fingers from her mouth and let her fall forward onto Junior, her ass wobbling as Jimmy smacked her ass again. "You was right Pappy these dark girls know how to please a man!"

"Oh… fuck you." Breathed Vixen, twitching and wiggling on Junior, trying to get off the big boy as his hands remained glued to her hourglass waist but his body was still.

"Don't you worry purdy whore we know you love it." Jimmy teased, slowly extracting his thick cock from her tight black ass. "See? You love my pecker, you don't want to let go." Grabbing her waist and lifting her off a tired Junior's cock, her pussy oozing. "My turn to put a baby in yer belly whore." He chortled, squeezing her ass as he pulled her from the bed only for a hand to smack his head. "Ah! Pappy!" knocking the glasses off his head to the floor, he immediately dropped down and felt the carpet trying to find them as Pappy grabbed them and her hand, dragging her roughly from the room.

She stumbled awkwardly as she got the feeling back into her legs. Pappy tossed Jimmy's glasses onto the couch and dragged her into the other bedroom with the large bed… and a shotgun. She was briefly concerned but Pappy casually brushed the shotgun off the bed and spoke like it wasn't there.

"Jimmy can't see shit without his specks." He said, casually, hobbling towards the bed… whapping his bony fingers onto her ass again, it felt like his hand was an eagle talon and her meaty ass was a sexy chocolate rabbit. "I'm getting my dick wet now, girl. Can't remember the last time I tapped an ass as thick as this, probably never one as good."

Vixen TRIED to smile, but this guy was giving her sketchy vibes now. And not because of the Shotgun. Pappy's old fingers were strong and sunk into her black ass as she twitched and wiggled it in his withered but steal grip…

When you had an ass like hers, anyone would hold onto it for dear life with a grip strength out of this world. He smacked her rear, watching her ass wobble like jello. "On the bed girl. Time to really earn yer money." He said slimily, swatting her ass again. "Lie down flat, let that ass breathe for pappy."

She put her hands onto the end of the bed, then crawled right up the middle, swaying her thick wobbling ass from side to side, so thick and beautiful with each sway that it almost threw her over onto her back with the momentum. Finally, like a cat she pressed her upper body down onto the bed and then slid slowly across the mattress, wiggling her ass side to side as she lay prone, face down and waiting.

Pappy old body was a lot more spry than expected, practically leaping onto the bed like a pervy old Japanese anime caricature, he knelt around her thick thighs, then fell onto her back with his bushy beard brushing the chocolatey skin of her back.

"Mmgn! Nngnh!" she shuddered erotically, feeling Pappy stuff her used, sensitive pussy and burying it to his wrinkled balls as he savored her holes with a sneering hiss.

"Hoo-wee that's good pussy." He hissed in her ear, as if afraid someone would hear him. "You're a snug little filly, aren't you? Good sturdy body good fer fuckin." He grunted, grinding onto her, using her body to satisfy his urges as Vixen lay still and let him thrust into her again and again…

And she couldn't help the orgasms, toes curling as his old man dick rammed away at her womb, ignoring how his grandson had already used her holes today and clearly didn't care, squeezing and clawing her body with his spindly fingers as he did some pushin on her excellent, thick cushion. His bony hips pounded her thick black booty as he snarled and grunted in her ear through missing teeth, delving into her hole again and again harder, and faster… so much so she might have been concerned about him breaking a hip on her booty if not for the sudden orgasm.


"That's a good filly! Give Pappy a damn good ride!" he growled happily, cackling with laughter and slamming his hips off her ass. "Give it to pappy! Squeal and howl you purdy little whore!" he hissed like a snake as Vixen did just that, Pappy using his whole weight, which admittedly might not be that much. To bounce on her like a trampoline.

"Oh! Oh! OH! PAPPY!" she whined erotically, shaking in orgasm as she tightened up around his thick wrinkled dick as he buried himself balls deep into her body. Clawing and squirming on top of her as he clenched what few teeth he had, cackling happily as he sprayed thin ropes of Pappy juice into her. He clawed at her arms, both of them shaking and squirming like spasming snakes. Pappy growled happily, his dick pulsating out his feeble load as Vixen orgasmed on it, wiggling dat ass against his bony hips as Pappy licked her sweaty back…

"That's a damn good whore right there…" he praised, "Gonna start a whole knee breed with you…" he laughed, cackling happily like an old prospector… sliding out of her snug little pussy, watching her shudder and wobble, moaning enticingly as he smacked her black ass again. "Get on here filly go for a ride…" he declared as she moaned, pushing up from the bed, "Show off that backside for Pappy I want to watch it shake." He lied back as she swung her leg over him, straddling him reverse cowgirl as she began to ride up and down his cock, hands planted between his thin legs.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, Baby…" she cooed encouragingly, rolling her hips on him. Tossing dat ass up and down as she rolled her head back, "Oh. Oooh. Oh Yeah Baby." She purred softly as Pappy clenched his teeth, swatting his hands on her thick jiggle booty. Her head rolled back as she kept her hips rolling on, dropping onto his lap again and again as she bit her bottom lip and shot up, tensing and shuddering as she spasmed in pleasure and got Pappy going.

"Nngh!" he pushed his hips up, squeezing into her ass meat and gasping for breath. "HOOo-wee girl…" he smacked her ass, "Shee-it…" she inhaled deeply through her nose, shaking seductively before turning her head to smile at him over her shoulder. Winking at him slowly. Before throwing herself forward and giving her thick ass a shake as she popped off his cock. Her thunderous booty clapped and twitched before she slid off the bed completely and stood upright.

"MMn…" she moaned softly, stretching her body as Pappy scratched his stomach, watching her move. Her eyes glanced at the clock, and smiled over her should at him again. "Okay Pappy… Times up." Pappy scowled at her, but she continued heading over to the shower. "You can watch me shower but you still need to pay."

"…JUNIOR! Get Pappy some of that new money we got!" he shouted before getting off the bed. "Pappy's going to enjoy the show." Vixen half strutted and half danced her ass into the bathroom and the shower… which was really a tub and shower, she smiled playfully at Pappy and swung the curtain shut.

"Ah Pappy I barely got to use the whore!" declared Jimmy as Pappy snapped back.

"Yer lucky you got to play at all! Get the money!"

"You told Junior to do it Pappy."

"Pappy is busy!" declared Pappy, trying to watch Vixen do the superbabe thing through the shower curtain by the silhouette of her body. "Handle it!" he shouted then heard thumping.

"Uh… Pappy? There's a problem…" said Jimmy nervously.

"The hell do you mean there's a prob-"Suddenly there was a crash.

"PAPPY!!" shouted Jimmy nervously as Pappy ran out of the bedroom. "HOO-LEE-SHIT!!"

"Son of a- Get him Junior!"

Vixen froze as she heard the CLEAR sound of fighting coming from the next room. Since she lived in Gotham and hasn't always, or is currently, on the legit side of the law. She knew what to do and kept her cool. Turning off the shower JUST in time to hear the sound of a shotgun desperately being fired and incoherent hill-billy cursing… immediately instincts took over. She turned off the lights of the bathroom, quickly and returned to the tub, she curled into a ball and lay flat as she heard the group fighting… somebody…

Vixen covered her head with her hands, took a breath, and waited… until she felt a THUMP against the tub and heard Junior groan. She opened her eyes just in time to see a silhouette of a man… but he had long pointed ears. Junior was then dragged away by the leg… the man vanishing as she blinked and then sat up.

The room was quiet, no Pappy, Junior or Jimmy… she crawled hesitantly out of the tub and carefully and silently walked through the bedroom… looks like somebody set off a bomb in the main room, and now there was a chill in the air as there was a large gaping hole in the glass door of that lead to the balcony. She looked around but saw no sign of anyone. Then frowned. "…Shit." She grabbed her clothes, "Shit Shit. SHIT…" she hissed softly as she put them back on. Then looked around. "SHIT." She hissed again… resting her hands on her ass and huffily growling.

"Those fuckers didn't pay me!" she angrily noted, vigilante justice or not they could've paid up first… RING. She blinked then looked at the hotel phone, as it rang again. She approached it and picked up the phone. Because she had a feeling. "…Hello?"

"This is the front desk with a message for a…" The voice paused then cleared her throat. "…FoxyLady from a… Miss. Orders?" she said, clearly feeling silly.

"Oh. Okay what is it?" Vixen replied, looking around now.

"1234." Said the front desk girl. As Vixen paused, then sighed.


"That's what she said miss."

"…Thank you." Vixen replied then hung up. Vixen wasn't entirely stupid, but she was annoyed that couldn't just be clear… Most hotels have safes. So… naturally… she did a few quick glances and… sure enough. She found the hotel safe in the boy's closet. 1234. CLICK. The safe door popped open and she grinned excitedly at the contents.

Time: 10:45 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

THUNK. Vixen dropped the Superbabes branded bag, once holding the contents of three Vixen meals, now holding about…

"10,000 dollars?!" Vixen declared indignantly. "I felt more terrified carrying this back than when the Batman showed up!"

"Mmn." Orders noted, sticking her face into the bag and sniffing. "Ah…" she sighed, "Fresh money. Worth it."

"Says you!... poor Junior." Mumbled Vixen sadly. "He didn't seem so bad."

"Most bankrobbers don't." Orders replied casually, "They can be very charming. Still, good work Tasha and… here you go." She handed Tasha a stack of crisp… technically stolen thousand-dollar bills."

"…Hold on didn't this get stolen?" Tasha mumbled nervously. "Don't we have to… report this or something?"

"To who?" Orders replied, "Yes Officers we found an absurd amount of money…" she said cheerfully before adding in her usual tone. "it's fine it's only a fraction of what they stole."

"It would give you a chance to talk to Caleb again." noted Tasha rather teasingly as Orders glared at her. "…Too much?"

"I'm starting to believe so. Yes." Orders mumbled, glaring at the stack of bills she handed over to Tasha. "Take the win Tasha, and the day off tomorrow. Try not to binge game." Orders noted, casually counting her stolen money.

"…Still not entirely sure we can keep that." Tasha replied, "They're not going to notice it's missing?"

"Not for awhile… and by then nobody will care."

"Says who?" Tasha chuckled but Orders pointed to the couch. "Yes Orders…" she said, heading to the locker room. "Can I put my 'tips' in my locker first?"

"Yes. Then I want your bombax on the couch."

"Yes Ma'am." Tasha replied, then eyed the money as she put it in her locker… that would buy a lot of games… a thousand dollars is EASILY worth the best ass in Gotham.


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