
Delivery Girl: Red Lantern Order #5

I don't own DC

Big Barda yawned broadly as the slow Superbabe evening continued into its second hour. Leaning against Orders' counter and chancing a glance at her boss who was actually napping at her desk. That's how slow it was… but to be fair to Orders she had quite a night last night with the number of deliveries, a packed house, Veronica being Veronica, and just about everyone but Orders questioning just where she even got the Zebra.

That's not a euphemism for anything… I think. It IS Veronica.

Still, whether it was recovering from a wild night like a bad hangover or a handful of dangerous Gotham Criminals on the street: tonight seemed to be a night of slow work. At least Hector was here… The masseuse, not the dog. The swarthy, handsome (homosexual) massage specialist was currently working on a rather sore Raven, who had to work last night with three different deliveries and an evening with Veronica…

Needless to say… she didn't remember what she did from 4 AM to 12 PM… but she was fairly certain it involved sex. Hector's magic hands however worked their sensually satisfying magic on her back muscles as she moaned her compliments into the massage table. "I got next." Yawned Big Barda, just as Red Lantern arrive, walking into the locker rooms to change. Soon walking out as Raven's toes curled on the massaged Table.

"Hey. Becca. Can you help me buy a car?" asked Red Lantern abruptly as Big Barda glanced at the snoozing Orders, wondering if she was going to wake up and yell at Red Lantern for 'breaking Kayfabe' when she didn't, she answered Red Lantern's question.

"Not really. I'm not a car girl. I know bikes, do you want to get a bike?"

"If I wanted a bike, why would I ask you for help with a car?" Red Lantern replied as Big Barda laughed off the sarcasm.

"Now now, don't let the thong ride to high up your butt. The one you should ask is Ash. She's the gearhead."

"Ugh. Do I have too?" mumbled Red Lantern exasperatedly, "She's… a lot."

Big Barda sheepishly shrugged her powerful shoulders and managed out a hesitant "Yeah… I know. But when it comes to cars and bikes she usually knows what she's talking about. Why do you suddenly need a car?"

"Because I want a car." Red Lantern replied frankly, "Sure I can get a ride or walk to where I need to go, but it's nice to have the option." She then rolled her eyes, "Especially since thanks to my idiot ex-boyfriend my last car came down with a slight case of BATMAN slamming on the hood."

"Batman!" Orders suddenly shot awake, glancing around nervously before putting her hands to both sides of her head and rubbing her temples. "NNgh… damn it."

"Good evening boss, did you have a nice nap?" Big Barda grinned as Orders rested her chin on one hand and glared at Big Barda sleepily.

"Yes. More or less." Orders replied with a yawn. "…Something about a car?" she spoke as Red Lantern returned to her train of thought, her hands on her wide hips.

"Yeah. Right. So anyway I'm financially secure enough to own a car, I have a parking space in my building, so I want one… maybe I'll want to go to the beach on my own time rather than waiting for the bus in a bikini?"

"…You don't strike me as a beach kind of girl." Replied Big Barda curiously as Red Lantern shrugged. "Or bikini."

"It's never come up." She replied, "…I guess if I'll have too, I'll ask Ash." She turned to Orders, "…How irritated am I going to be if I do?"

Orders' purple eyes flashed at her, then she shrugged. "As irritated as you'd expect. Just don't let her convince you to buy a car on 'power'…" Red Lantern groaned, walking over to the doorway that led to the floor, but there was already an overwhelming ratio of girls to clients. Good for the clients' eyes, bad for the girls tips.

"Haah…" she sat on the arm of the closest couch, her big shapely ass molding onto it before she fell backward onto the couch itself, her legs flopping in the air. "Hey Orders do you own a car?"

"I have people for that." Orders replied simply, pulling a french crosswords book toward herself from beneath the counter and began filling it in lazily. Big Barda however rolled her eyes, choosing not to comment.

"…Alice?" Red Lantern asked as Raven moaned distractedly under Hector's hands. Red Lantern wasn't going to get any help from her. "Hector?"

"Sorry Chica." He smiled apologetically at her, pushing his hands into Raven's upper back so hard that her breasts bulged beneath her. She moaned happily, her toes curling. "My b-"

"AHEM." Orders coughed loudly as Hector paused, smiled understandingly, then continued

"My partner and I bus or bike. It's cheaper. If we need a ride we borrow from my parents." He added politely, patting Raven on the shoulder. "Okay. All done."

"…Are you suuuure?" moaned Raven continuedly, as Big Barda approached her, grabbed her around the waist and lifted her limp, seemingly boneless body from the table.

"Off. I called dibs." Big Barda declared, shoving her gently away from the massage table and hopping on. "Get to it." she smirked, lying face down and jerking her thumb over her fit athletic frame as Hector cracked his fingers and began to work.

"Now that you aren't distracted by a handsome masseuse." Red Lantern joked as Raven's contented mood quickly dropped to her usual unsociable looking one. "Cars?"

"No idea about Cars. Every time we need a new one V just walks off into the city for a bit and comes back with one." she flopped onto the couch. "…I'm sure there's a used car salesman happy to drop off his lemons on her just for the repeat visits." She added lazily.

"…Think she could get me one?" Red Lantern asked as Orders quietly growled, loudly tapping the counter with her pen.

"Let's try and keep the free cars to a minimum, shall we? I don't want Veronica the pleasure of dealing with the taxes. Just ask Ashley… suck it up. You did prison time, Ashley in comparison should be easy." Orders replied as Red Lantern scoffed.

"I did three easy months, and it wasn't even maximum security. I ate pussy for protection!" Orders glared at her.

"…I KNOW, you don't need to say it so loudly. It's quiet and people will hear you." She closed her eyes, then took a deep breath. Eying the phone. "Focus on your job." She ordered frankly as Red Lantern sat up just in time to see Orders reach for the phone.

Time: 9:55 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We Deliver."

"I am told you have a very special delivery service?"

"Are you ordering? Or not?"

"…What would you recommend?"

"Thick and Spicy blood Sausage and a drink of your choosing, anything else?"

"What, Blood sausage?... yes. I think that will be fine. I would also like that special delivery…"

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


Orders ripped off the receipt as Red Lantern shuffled off the couch, getting her boots onto the floor, and standing up she approached the counter. Food soon slid across it as Orders handed her the receipt. "Here. Straightforward, no complications. Out-of-towner wants a booty call."

"She's got plenty of that." moaned Big Barda from the massage table. "Zing…" she sighed happily under Hector's hands.

"Get your mind off a new car and on task." Orders replied as Red Lantern frowned, checked the receipt, and groaned, heading out to the company car.

"All the way out in the outskirts. Great." She sighed sarcastically, sliding that thick porcelain pawg booty into the driver's seat, and pulling out into Gotham Traffic.

The Outskirt: for all your cheap liaisons, seedy motels, and low-grade criminal needs. With the musky smell of slaughter swamp in the air and the streetwalkers decorating the sidewalks, just the sort of place you wanted to go looking like her. Finding the right Motel 5 wasn't too difficult… She pulled into the sparsely full lot, parking right by the 'Vacancy' sign and getting out of the car…

A skanky dressed woman wasn't so surprising to see in the Outskirts, it was a lot lizard heaven after all. Though she was obviously the most elaborate… and she had the biggest ass on the street, with the exception of a particularly overweight lot lizard who jealously eyed Red Lantern's slender waist. She checked the receipt as she ascended the stairs, eyeing the motel rooms, all of them with their curtains shut but most were unoccupied. Her gaze lingered on the parking lot for a moment, her mind was on a new car after all, and a majority of the stalls were occupied by junkers and clunkers… except for one particularly fancy-looking vehicle. So out of place, it was a miracle nobody had stolen it…

She would know. She wasn't actively committing crimes anymore, but if she was she might have stolen that Mercedes-looking car… okay her EX might have stolen it, she wasn't stupid... she also didn't know how to hotwire a car. She reached Room #205, a faint light piercing through the curtains as she stood in front of the door, raised her fist and knocked her knuckles on the hardwood. "Superbabes."

Time: 10:23 PM. Place: Gotham Outskirts (Motel 5 Room #205)

"Special Delivery Service." There was movement behind the curtain, followed by a clicking of a lock. It opened slowly revealing a man in a red robe and wearing a matching masquerade mask… not the strangest thing she's seen in this job.

He must have been in his early fifties, a little out of shape but not fat, or skinny. He had dark brown eyes thick but greying brown hair, and a lightly tanned face. He opened the door allowing her to enter the room. She walked right in finding the mostly barebones motel room, the TV was on some old black and white western show, very action filled with plenty of horses… it was on mute.

There was no luggage, no signs of the bed being used, clearly, he was only here for one thing. Her. Well... Not HER specifically, but what she offered. And though she wouldn't outright admit it, what she offered was a high-quality piece of ass and sexy punk girl piercings.

He shut and locked the door securely behind her with double bolts and a chain. At least Motel 5 had good locks, especially in Gotham. He then peaked out of the curtain, as if wondering if she was followed, which was a possibility… Her thick pawg ass had plenty of gravitation pull when it came to wandering gazes.

Speaking of gazes, why the fuck was he wearing a mask?... This was going to be a weird delivery, wasn't it? "What's with the mask?" she asked as he took the food bag, looked into it, and put it aside on a nearby dresser.

"I can't risk being recognized." He replied with just a hint of paranoia. "You never know if someone's watching." He said, but he managed to say it in such a way that didn't make him sound crazy.

"…Well I'm not telling anyone… she noted as he dimmed the lights in the room. Only the TV and the light from the bathroom gave the room any light. "No idea who you are…" she said frankly, before dropping to her knees before him, reaching under the robe and quickly finding his erection all 9-inches of it. "Ah shit…" she hissed softly. He wasn't wearing anything under it. Stroking his girthy cock as he groaned eagerly, throbbing in her hand as she stared up at him. Watching his matured, masked face as her mouth opened slightly, gasping for breath as he grabbed the belt of his robe and undid it, letting it fall away and exposing his farmer-tanned body. His face and arms were a healthy tan, the rest of him was pasty white…

But apart from the top of his head, he was completely hairless, smooth all over… her other hand copping his bald balls and fondling them like she was about to roll dice. His uncalloused hands rested on her shoulders, she felt his weight on her as she continued to stroke and fondle his junk as he used her for balance.

"Yes…" he hissed excitedly, pushing his hips increasingly towards her masked face. His left hand slid onto the back of her head as she opened her mouth, sticking her pierced tongue out to lick his tip. The metal rod in her tongue flicked over his bulging head as it throbbed eagerly for more of her wet warm mouth. "Yes, I needed this." He snarled softly.

"Haa-mngh…" she moaned as he pushed his tip between her lips, drooling down his shaft as he firmly pulled her down his thick girth. "MMngh. MGH!" he pulled her head to the base and held her there, growling quietly before he 'let her breath' letting her head go back up to his tip, before doing it again. Slow. Determined. Enjoying every inch of his cock in her mouth as her lips kissed the base, her nose rubbing against his stomach as she shuddered and moaned on his girth.

He slid her head back to the tip again, holding her head steady as she breathed through her nose. Her pierced tongue slithering slowly beneath his shaft as he chanced a glance at the door as if expecting someone to make a dramatic entrance… after a moment he pulled her head down again. "MMn…. Mmn. Mmn."

"Suck my dick." he ordered rather plainly. "Suck it. Make more noise."

"SLURP…" drooling and salivating over his member, fondling his sack as it quivered in her grip. His meaty dick vibrated warningly in her mouth. "MMn! mN! SLURP. MM! aah…" he ripped his cock abruptly from her lips as her head swung back from his base. "Ah…" he walked backward toward a chair in the corner, his hand still on the back of her head as his cock swinging between his legs, strings of her saliva flicking to the floor as he sat on the chair.

She crawled towards him, panting like a hot bitch as he held his cock back to her lips, smacking them lightly with his tip before guiding his cock back into her mouth. "Mmgh-mmngh…" her thick porcelain ass wiggled behind her, her jello-like ass cheeks wobbling pleasantly as he sat in the chair like a throne. Put his right arm on the armrest as he continued holding her head firmly with his left, her bat wings attached to the leather mask flopping back and forth as she continued to service him orally. Bobbing her head rapidly up and down his shaft, going down half-way before shooting back to his tip as her saliva drooled down his cock.

"Faster… Deeper." He ordered patiently as her throat messily stroked his cock, "Nngh…" he relaxed on the chair, letting her head glide up and down to the base, her throat gurgling and gacking loudly. Her lips tightly wrapped around him, her rod stroking his veiny cock as it vibrated warningly for release. He said nothing as she sped up, his hips slowly thrusting up into her mouth, slamming lightly against her face as his cock oozed pre-cum.

"GUCK!!" he held her head down, his legs suddenly wrapping around her head and holding her at the base of his cock, "Guck-splurt! GUCK!" his balls pulsed against her chin as he pumped a truly impressive load of cum directly into her stomach, she squirmed, her face turning as red as most of her costume as his legs tightened around her.

"MMMMMNGH!" he groaned loudly as his cock shivered out the last rope, his legs loosening as she shot off his cock, coughing and spluttering on the carpet that, as a Motel 5, has probably seen much worse. He stared at her dismissively, a blank look on his face as she continued to cough and he stroked his sloppy dick, watching as she recovered, wiping her mouth and facing him… opening her mouth wide and sticking out her tongue… He gazed uncomfortably long into her empty mouth, stroking himself as her ass wiggled slowly side… to side…

"Take off your clothes." He said finally, his gaze shooting to the door again, and absently peeking out of the curtain from the chair. She stood up, and slowly unzipped. The suit began falling away from her curvaceous body, displaying her breasts and stomach, then her curvy waist and wide hips… he grew harder and harder with each inch of skin that appeared, her suit hitting the floor as she remained in her gloves, mask and boots. His cock throbbed erectly and he steadily masturbated before her, gripping his cock firmly as his hand slid up and down, smearing her saliva into his shaft. "Turn around…"

She slowly turned, her massive ass wobbling into full view as he reached out and took a fistful of her right ass cheek, he squeezed her firmly, his fingers sinking into her ass as he pulled the cheek aside, displaying her tight holes. He stared at those for an uncomfortably long time as well, she heard the fapping of his hand up and down his cock as he continued to stroke himself.

It was like he was using her as an image to masturbate to rather than ACTUALLY using her… she didn't know whether to feel flattered or insulted. His hand squeezed her ass like a far more squeezable stress ball, his fingers getting deep in her meat as she wiggled her hips subtly… just standing there getting her asshole stared at by a guy jerking off…

…Yeah, no, this might actually be the weirdest guy she's ever gotten. Why jerk off when you could actually FUCK the sexy piece of ass in front of you? Oh well. At least it was easy-"NGH!" she shuddered as his thumb suddenly jammed up her ass, her body jerking and tightening… "MMn!" she wiggled 'uncomfortably' at the sudden anal intrusion as his thumb jammed in and out of her ass. "Haa… ah…"

"…I'm going to destroy this hole." He declared abruptly, standing up and slapping her left ass cheek with his cock. "I was just going to use your mouth but you big fat ass convinced me." It sounded rude but his voice was so empty of emotion it sounded more like a text-to-speech device.

"Lucky me-ah…" she was shoved gently towards the bed as he spat into his hand and rubbed it onto his cock.

"Bend over." He ordered, looming up behind her as she bent mostly over the bed, lying her upper body onto the, until now, untouched bedding. Her legs were straight behind her, her phat poundable pawg ass up in the air and wiggling side to side…

Actually... is it a PAWG ass? She's asian. Despite how porcelain her skin is wouldn't it be a PAAG? Phat Ass Asian Girl?... that doesn't sound as good as PAWG does it-?

"AAah…" she was jolted out of her train of thought as her asshole was stretched, "Aaargh…" she clenched her teeth as his thick cock slid up her ass like a train slowly pulling into the station. "SHIT…" she cursed through her clenched teeth, eyes shaking as she clawed the bedding. "Ah! AH-A-FUCK…" she cursed as he grabbed her waist and pounded her raised booty. "Hah! Hah! AH…" she grunted with his steady and methodical ass fucking, pulling out to the tip and slamming balls deep as her ass cheeks clapped against his waist, echoing around the dim and quiet room.


"Haah…ah-aaahFUCK… aaah!" she squirmed under his thrusting, her cries of erotic grunting echoing around them with her clapping ass, his cock throbbing inside her tight warm backdoor as she reached beneath herself to rub her pussy, "Mmngh-mmn-mmn…" she bit her bottom lip, whimpering softly as his assfucking steadily increased in pace.


"Fu-FUCK FUCK! Aah Fuck! NNGH!" she grunted like an animal as he rammed hard into her from behind planting his hips against her thick ass cheeks. "Haaah-AH!" his hand moved from her hips to the back of her head, thrusting his hips forward as he yanked her head back and threw the rest of her body onto the bed. "AH! Aah! FUCK!" she screamed as he anal pounded down into her body, as her boots scrapped lightly on the floor, lying prone with her head yanked back as he delved as deep as his impressive girth could get. "Ha-haah-aah-aah!! NNGhs-fuuuck!" she cursed as she climaxed, shaking from an anal orgasm as her muscles reflexively tightened around his cock as he continued to pound away at her.

Instead of visually using her to masturbate he now seemed to be physically using her to masturbate… she should've mentally kept her mouth shut. "Haaaaaah…" she groaned as he fell onto her, his cock shaking as it sprayed her insides with a healthy load of cum. He squeezed her body uncomfortably tight as he ground his surprisingly heavy body on her. "Hah-haah…" she panted, "Did you like that?" she managed to moan whorishly as he went still on top of her, panting for breath as her body trembled. "Fucking my ass?" she hissed sensually.

…Talking like a slut was practically drilled into her, she might as well do what she was trained for. Be a total slut.

"Yes." He declared frankly before covering her mouth.

"MMGH!!?" she screamed in surprise as he rolled over. They lay on their sides, one hand around her mouth the other on her left leg, pulling it over his own as he began wildly thrusting into her ass again, "MMGH!!" she squirmed and moaned as his thrusts began to speed up again, her breasts bouncing as he pulled her into a half moon, her back arching as he railed up into her ass over and over again.

"You should be proud of your body… it must be worth every cent." He sneered quietly, "Ngh…mmn!" he buried his cock up her spasming whole as she quivered, "MMn. I can't get enough… shame on you seducing me with this object of lust." He declared, pounding her again. "But I'll happily use it now, no going back."

"MMMMGH!" she moaned into his hand as he hissed happily, but still, somehow, deprived of emotion. "Mmngh! Mmgh! Mngh!"

"Are you going to orgasm again? with your ass?" he said firmly, scoldingly. "Such a depraved little whore… I made a good choice." He replied, panting excitedly, "Hah-haahhah…" pumping into her from behind. "I don't know why I was trying to hold back! To begin with!" he groaned, slamming once, twice, three times into her twitching body. "Haaah…" another thick load of warm cum rushed up into her tight ass. "It's not like I can knock you up if I use your ass…"

Keeping his hand over her panting mouth he rolled again, still up her ass he dragged her with him. She lay awkwardly on top of him, his hand reaching around to rub and flick at her dampening pussy. She squirmed and twitch, her sensitive body reacting to more stimulation rather at how good he apparently thought of himself. "Cum you filthy whore, earn your money."

"MMmmngh!" a tiny orgasm rippled through her, as he hissed excitedly.

"Ah… yes… haah…" he pulled his hand away from her mouth as she gasped erotically on top of him. he then grabbed at her body, squeezing and caressing her as he slid them up to her breasts and then under her shoulders, shoving her up. He smacked her thick ass cheeks lightly.

"Oooh oh…" she groaned, still a little out of it from her climax, hissing softly as he grabbed her waist. "Haa-haah…" slowly 'lifting' her up and down, or at least he tried. He was either far weaker beneath her than expected or he was far more tired than he looked. Either way…

She lifted herself up onto her knees, before dropping onto his lap. "ugh…" he grunted, as together she rode him reverse cowgirl, her big meaty ass cheeks clapping arousingly together as she hopped on him. his cock disappearing into her meat up her ass as she panted whorishly.


Grunting, grinding, panting like animals as he slammed her down harder and harder onto his lap, thrusting his hips up to meet her as she watched cowboys ride horses on the tv. "MMgn-mgn-mng… haah… deeper. Shove that cock in my ass…" she moaned loudly as it pulsated excitedly inside her. "Fuck it. AH!" he clapped a hand on her ass, hard. "Fuck it! Ride me…" she fell forward, grabbing his legs and looking over her shoulder as her ass bounced wildly on him. "Ahh-ah-ahaah-aah!" he stared at her ripple ass, teeth clenched, eyes wide, his hand grabbed her cheeks and yanked her down.

"NNNNGH!!" he looked pained, but the load he shot up her ass was just as plentiful as before. "MMGNh!"

"Ah!" she fell further forward as he sat up, slamming into her as she almost fell off the bed, "AH Shit…" she gasped enticingly, her ass wobbling as he pushed deep into her body, grabbing at the batwings on her mask, yanking it awkwardly on her head as he desperately rammed away, filling her ass with his last hurrah of cum. "Fuck dat ass." She hissed, "Aah…" sighing tiredly, her body sweaty and twitching erotically.

He inhaled deeply through his nose, his teeth still clenched as he slowly pulled his cock from her tight, sore ass… it flopped free with a wet pop, slapping between her meaty ass cheeks as they wobbled lightly around him. She slowly crawled from the bed, her hands pressing onto the floor as she crawled off of it completely, her knees hitting the carpet with a soft thump as she stood on her knees and let her ass cheeks open and close around her ass. He breathed heavily, slowly getting off the bed himself as he watched her subtle twerk, not seeing her adjust her mask.

He stroked himself, groaning slightly in pain as he furiously began masturbating at the sight of her ass. Then he approached her quickly, shoving his cock into her face as she flinched in surprise. "Suck it."

"Ugh. Come on it was just up my ass…" she moaned loudly, but he grabbed her head, yanking it back so she looked at him. Hissing slightly as she sneered. "I would prefer you just ass fucked me again." she whined invitingly, and it was a valiant attempt.

"Open your mouth." He snarled, furiously jerking his hard on inches from her face as she cringed. "Open it." he then spat right on her face, she flinched then opened her mouth, sticking out her tongue and bolt. "You're a filthy disgusting whore…" he declared, furiously stroking himself. If he wasn't so lubricated, he might have peeled off skin. "And you should be because I'm spending a good chunk of money on you… it's your fault I'm so damn turned on!" he gasped, "Haa-ha-haaah… AAaaaaah… yes."

She flinched as ropes of cum sprayed briefly on her face, then chest, missing her open mouth completely as he jerked out the last few drops of cum. Oozing onto his stroking hand as he then smeared the cum on it on her outstretched tongue. He inhaled deeply, "Haaah…" releasing a relaxed sigh. "That was good." He praised, letting go of her head… "I'm done." He declared. He then went to retrieve his robe from the floor, and chanced a subtle glance out the window. "I'm done." He repeated to her as she got to her feet. "Clean yourself up."

She waved a hand at him before heading into the bathroom, she shut the door, headed into the shower and turned the water. Rinsing her mouth first then taking the shower wand and giving her sore little hole a rinsing… shuddering as her sensitive body reacted to the massaging waters. She enjoyed that for a few minutes before removing her mask, and rinsing her beautiful face. then reaching out for a towel, drying off quickly, and putting the mask back on…

She walked out of the shower and froze. "…The fuck?" she mumbled to the empty room. She looked around, then back into the bathroom as if expecting him on the toilet, only to turn her attention back to the door. "The FUCK." She moved quickly to the window and despite her nakedness, she hurled open the curtain and looked outside- "MOTHER FUCKER!" she gasped as the man got into the fancy car and DROVE. AWAY…

She blinked, staring out at the mostly empty lot. She ran her tongue SLOWLY over her lips as another motel patron absently passed by, stopped and stared in awe at her body as she angrily shut the curtains again. "…No fucking way. He left the payment right?" she glanced around, looking at the chair, at the bed, under the bed, in the bag of food still on the table, BEHIND THE TV! "Mother fucker!" she declared again, looking utterly mortified. "Did I get fucking jipped?" she blinked. Sitting down on the bed, she stared at the door, then she frowned thoughtfully. "…Nooo. I don't get jipped. WE don't get jipped… ORDERS!" she suddenly shouted, then realizing that her boss wasn't here, she grabbed her suit, and yanked it onto her body, zipping it up quickly and opening the door to run to the car, practically knocking the appreciative pervert over the railing as she did so.

Time: 11:45 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"ORDERS!" Red Lantern declared rushing into Superbabes and removing her mask. "He JIPPED ME!" Orders looked calmly at Red Lantern. Orders slowly nodded.

"Ah. He went this route… what a shame." She noted sarcastically. She then stood up, "Rebecca?" her hand slipped to the mouse of the computer and without looking she turned off deliveries. "Call Ashley."

"Yep." Grinned Rebecca, already dialing on her phone.

"And while you're at it, Yaya too." She noted, "I'll need to borrow her camera. And Jae-Hwa… get your lock-picks." She declared coolly. "Hector." The masseuse, currently working on a concerned Ola looked rather unnerved at how serious the purple-eyed boss seemed to be. "I'm going to need a massage when I get back." She declared casually.


Time: $%&# Place: Somewhere near Metropolis

The Mercedes pulled up to the guards at the gate, the window rolled slightly as the security guard glanced at him. "Welcome back sir." He said casually, he rolled up the window and drove up the road to his mansion. He pulled into the garage and parked his car in the usual spot, right next to where his wife's car should be. But she was out of town… he got out of the car. No longer dressed in a robe and a mask he carried a suitcase in one hand and adjusted his neatly pressed clothes… he did just come back from a late emergency meeting.

He set the car alarm with his car fob, left the keys on the hook by the door, then casually walked to the door to his house. Opening the door and walking inside. Normal, casual, no one suspects a thing. The butler and the help were given the night off, and his security staff would of course vouch for his emergency meeting. His wife will never know…

He dumped the robe into the laundry, and he removed the mask, slipping it into his pocket as he adjourned to his kitchen. He opened the door and reached in. He'd like a glass of wine, but he will settle for a bottle of beer. Twist top. Not very dignified but what he did in the privacy of his home was his business.

He untwisted it easily, then put the drink to his lips and took a deep drink, before pulling it away. "Ah…" he then turned and found an unusually attractive white-haired woman grinning at him.

"Sup FECKER." She grinned evilly at him as he stumbled backward in shock and hit something HARD.

"Hey." Grinned Rebecca, wearing a 'modesty' jacket, but still in her Big Barda uniform.

"Wha-?! Who are-?!...Yooooour…" he stared at the bottle, why was everything getting… dark?

WHUMP. He hit the floor of the kitchen, the bottle clattering on the floor and the drugged contents spilling out everywhere. Orders sniffed and walked into view, tossing a dishrag onto the puddle. "…Get him upstairs…" she ordered.

"Aye boss." Grinned Ashley as she grabbed his legs, and Rebecca his arms. "Now comes the fun part." She grinned cheerfully.


SMACK! "mmn…ah!" he suddenly jumped awake as something struck him, and cringed uncomfortably, tentatively reaching around his body for the pain and removing a feather duster lodged into his rectum. He sat up and blearily blinked around he was in bed… when did he get in bed? And… why was he in a bikini and lacy stockings!?


He jumped at the flash and turned to find Orders flanked by Rebecca, Ashley, and Jae-Hwa, the later three naked and grinning evilly at him. "GOOD MORNING, Judge." Orders declared and checked her watch, the girls getting redressed after ten minutes of blackmailing depravity. "Would you like to see what you've been getting up to all night?" she asked curiously, taking the polaroid from the camera and waving it in the air, at her feet were MANY more fully developed.

"Who-WHAT are you-?"

"I am the architect of your destruction." Orders replied coldly.

"Oh, very fecking ominous boss." Ashley chuckled.

"Shut up." Orders then turned her cold gaze on the 'judge'. "You were doing so well. Shame you messed up."

She reached down and scooped a handful of polaroids from the floor and accurately threw them towards the judge who scrambled to look at them and the many, MANY compromising positions he found himself in them… apparently doing disgraceful sexual acts with the three women getting redressed. Not that Orders would allow him to actually enjoy himself, even drugged, they were all posed. "What…" he breathed in horror.

"I'm giving you three options." Orders noted kindly, "One: You pay me, I get annoyed with you, ruin your career. Two. You pay me, I don't get annoyed with you, we never see each other again. Three. You PAY ME, and you never come back to Gotham so I never have to see you ever again..."

"…Spoiler, you're going to pay her." Rebecca grinned dangerously at the judge.

"I could-"

"No, you can't." Orders interrupted frankly.

"But I-"

"NO. YOU. CAN'T." Orders repeated, loudly.


"I. CAN." Orders declared firmly, then sniffed. "And now I'm annoyed with you." She stood up, brushed her hand down her very nice suit, then collected the polaroids, approached him, and got the rest from the bed as he stared at her brokenly. "Shame." She said almost pitifully, before walking out of the room as Becca and Ashley winked at him, waved, and followed Orders out the door, Jae-Hwa just behind her.

"So… now what?" Rebecca asked curiously shutting the door.

"Now I ruin his life but that's on me. I'll deal with it…" Orders declared, walking away from the girls briefly and into another room. She entered the office, and removed the old portrait of an old-timey judge, she didn't care to know who, she pressed her ear to the hidden combination safe behind it… and Right-Left-Right-CLICK. She hummed softly, and among the jewels and other such valuables she grabbed the cash and put a couple of the compromising polaroids inside, shutting the safe as she handed Red Lantern a fistful of bills from the stack.

"Won't he find those?" Red Lantern asked, following Orders out of the office.

"It's his wife's office." She replied dismissively, as Ashely snorted with laughter.

"Boss the van's this way." Rebecca replied, gesturing to the back door and the blind spot in security they used to get in.

"Very True. Jae-Hwa come with me." She declared, Jae-Hwa jiggled after her boss as they walked into the garage, Orders casually removed the keys for the Mercedes from the hook, and clicked off the alarm, tossing them to Jae-Hwa.

"…We're stealing his car?" she cringed nervously as Orders sniffed indignantly.

"We're claiming it." she replied casually, "You said you needed a ride right?"

"YEAH… but I'm not stealing a car for one." She said hesitantly.

"You're not keeping it." Orders replied, slipping into the passenger's seat. "I'm giving it to Cajun Jim to give to his chopshop, I'm sure there's someone there who can help you with a new car. A charming dreadlock fellow…" Orders noted dismissively, "One of his lieutenants. He's watched over you before."

"What?" Jae-Hwa asked, very confused, well getting in and sitting her big shapely ass into the driver's seat, appreciating the feel of it.

"Don't worry about it." Orders opened the garage door, "Drive. We're wasting Delivery time."

"What about the gate guards?" she asked curiously as Orders' purple eyes flashed, and she fanned the polaroids in one hand like a magician with a deck of cards.

"You will be surprised how much blackmail is worth these days." She said ominously.

"…What happened to keeping free cars to a minimum?" Jae-Hwa chuckled nervously and slowly pulled the car from the garage, and eventually out the front gate. Turns out the judge isn't well-liked by his security… or the tabloids, or his fellow judges…

…He really should've just paid Orders… words to live by.


You know... since most of Red Lantern's chapters generally involve criminals or criminal acts, I actually strove to NOT have her an accomplice this time... and yet it still happens. Consistency... I'll try again next time.

Anyway, for those of you who chanced a glance at the summary, I decided the next chapter is a 2 for 1. I never thought I'd say this but there is WAY TO MUCH ASS coming up, so instead, I'll toss in Kitties. That's right, the last 2 for 1 option. Catwoman (Yaya) and Cheetah. I know we just did Catwoman II, but I said the next 2 for 1 would be Kitties so it's going to be Kitties. After that is Livewire.

Also, I don't think I ever did a 'just anal' chapter before. Could be wrong, but it would also be appropriate with the PAAG Jae-Hwa ... no it still sounds weird.

Next chapter