
Daily Special: Supergirl II

I don't own DC comics

"So… hey. Orders?" Supergirl (II), in her civilian clothes and about to head for home, approached Orders' counter. "Mind if I talk to you for a second?" speaking in her Texas drawl, which would normally make many a man swoon for the cowgirl. The only problem was, Orders wasn't a man, and she was clairvoyant…

The Superbabes boss's Purple eyes flickered curiously at Supergirl and she sighed irately. "…Really?" she said flatly, "You want me to give you an advance?"

Supergirl, hoping at least to do this in private just sighed reluctantly. "I've had some unexpected expenses this month and I was hoping you could just give me a week's pay? Come on you know I'm good for it."

Huntress and Catwoman (II) both of whom were just getting back from a 2 for 1 dropped off the cash on Orders counter as she continued to glare at Supergirl, sorting it easily without looking away. "Did you really ask Orders for money?" Huntress replied as Catwoman just smiled wistfully, shaking her head.

"Do you have a death wish?" she added sarcastically as Orders gave them their cut and shooed them away with a wave of her hand, making them giggle.

"Just a little bit?" Supergirl replied, clapping her hands together as if in prayer and begging. "Please? I just really need the money and all my regular boys aren't in town, or they're broke... or their wives caught them…" she continued as Orders rolled her eyes.

Supergirl's 'DD Dallas' escort service wasn't exactly bringing in the profits lately… Most of her clients were Texas oilmen, international businessmen or a rich Gothamite looking for a good time and his Texas Oilman business partner recommended a big titty cowgirl.

She could of course lower her rates. But she worked hard to be able to charge that high, lowering them would give others not only the wrong impression but also give off the scent of desperation… you do not want the scent of desperation in Gotham.

Desperation meant that she'd stop screening her clients so rigorously. Desperation meant she'd cut corners. Desperation meant she'd wind up in a sewer somewhere floating out face down into Gotham Harbor to be found and written up as a casualty of Old Gotham's Red Light District.

"How much do you need? Exactly?" Orders asked coolly, "And why?"

"Literally just a week of work for groceries." She replied, "My Mama back in Texas had an operation and I'm sporting the bill." Orders sighed, it only sounded like a con to her because this was Gotham and that was the oldest one in the book.

"Your mother needs an operation?" Orders replied sternly, it wasn't that she didn't believe her… it was just so cliché. So cliché that even Orders had to question the legitimacy of it, not that she didn't already know the answer.

"My mother had an operation. Emphasis on 'had'." She replied a little stiffly, "Come on Orders, I'd never lie to you."

"Not that you could lie to me." Orders replied ominously as Supergirl rolled her eyes exasperatedly. "I'm not giving you money." Orders added. Supergirl sighed sadly in response to that, she knew asking Orders to just give her an advance was a risk. "You got to work for it just like everyone else." Her eyes flickered again, as she turned to the computer.

Acceptance of Orders judgment aside, she was a little peeved at that crack. "Oh come on Orders I'm working my girls off!" Supergirl replied gesturing to her large double D's. "All I'm asking is a week's worth so I at least can have a damn sandwich."

"How about a month's worth so you never have to ask me for money again?" Orders replied and turned on the Daily Special announcement, as Supergirl blinked at the computer in surprise. Orders knocked on the counter as a Supergirl Sandwich slid across it, Orders pushed the plate towards Supergirl. "On the house. See you tomorrow…" she said as Supergirl took and curiously ate the sandwich as Huntress and Catwoman eyed her suspiciously. "What? This way I get paid too." She said frankly as Huntress and Catwoman both already accepted that Orders was just as good at manipulating her own greed as she was at manipulating people…

The Next Day.

"Wow, that's a lot of horny boys…" Supergirl laughed as the crowded Superbabes restaurant waited with enthusiastic chattering for the traditional Daily Special raffle draw. Waiting for Orders to walk out and draw from the cheaply branded Superbabes bucket currently being held by Platinum… standing like a statue as Orders crossed the threshold from the lounge to the bucket, going through the motions as Giganta yawned drowsily while watching the display of mass excitement stoically.

"Oh sugar we both know it's nothing you haven't seen before." she grinned charmingly.

"I was strictly a one-on-one girl. I didn't start doing more than that until I came here…" Supergirl replied casually as Orders caught the crowd's attention with her usual sharp whistle, explaining the rules as always as Giganta and Supergirl continued to chat in their similar but distinct accents.

"Well to be fair you still would be doing this one-on-one I don't expect anyone will want to share." Giganta replied with a twinkle in her pretty blue eyes as Supergirl watched the eager crowd. She stretched distractingly in full view of the crowd, moaning softly as Giganta watched her curiously.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh… just getting into their subconscious." She said cheerfully, "So when Orders picks a winner they know EXACTLY who they want?" she said, placing her hands on her mid-back and pushing out her girls as she bent flexibly backward… getting more than a few stares her way as Giganta laughed.

"Really? You do know Orders is already stacking the deck right? This isn't a random draw…" she gestured to the sight of Orders finally yanked a winner from the bucket.


"ME!" declared a… very eager youth from the crowd. 18-19, cute in a Grace would devour him sort of way… he shoved his way giddily through the disappointed crowd and waved his winning ticket. "Me! I'm the winner! YES!" he declared as Orders raised an eyebrow at him…

She of COURSE rigged the raffle but she didn't quite expect him to be so… enthusiastic. Then again attractive girls in costume appeal to anyone in the 14 to 100+ age rating… she gestured towards the lounge, "Go right in there I'll be with you in a moment." Gregory turned to walk into the lounge and was so busy eating Supergirl's eye candy that he thumped right into the unmissable wall of muscle Giganta… who chuckled good-naturedly and directed him into the lounge.

"Alright, girls we have a lot of disappointed boys out here." Orders declared hopping down from her stool and kicking it aside, "A round of drinks and get to it."

The losers NEVER really had a good time after losing the draw, but they were easily cheered up by overly friendly girls. Orders however had other things to tend to at the moment, walking into the lounge as Giganta loomed over Gregory… Supergirl seductively draped herself against the pole at the end of the counter where the phone hung. Currently putting most calls on hold until Orders could get back to it.

"Gregory." Orders began. But the cheering dark-haired boy quickly interrupted.

"Greg." Orders glared at him, but amazingly he seemed unaffected by her Medusa-like stare, she opened her mouth to speak again, however- "You have really pretty eyes." Orders was briefly taken aback, "And YOU are really tall!" he declared, glancing up at Giganta. "…I always wanted to tell you that. I eat here a lot." He declared, "You are all really pretty!" he added.

Apparently… his brain-to-mouth filter was broken.

"Giganta shut him up." Orders noted as Greg opened his mouth to speak again only for Giganta's big hand to cover it.


"…I'd wait until she's finished Hon." She cooed cheerfully as Gregory seemed to collect himself.

"Now." Orders placed the 'Daily Special' mat on the counter. it showed pictures of all the girls who were selectable for the Daily Special. Both Green Lanterns, Poison Ivy, Bumblebee, Catwoman (II), Starfire, (B) Vixen, Batgirl, and of course the reason Orders announced a Daily Special to begin with, Supergirl (II), still trying to subtly seduce Gregory.

This was actually the OLD mat, Orders had to get a new one made thanks to the recent addition to the Daily Special Menu Wonder Girl… however, since Orders specifically picked this chattering monkey for his selection of Supergirl… it didn't really matter at the moment. "Pick your girl, please…" she said as Gregory stared at the mat.

"Mrrmail…" he mumbled as Orders rubbed her, apparently pretty, purple eyes.

"Just point…' Gregory immediatly pointed to Supergirl… standing right next to him. As Supergirl gave him a sultry wink. "I meant at the mat but fine." Orders put the mat back under the counter and went through the motions.

"12:00 tomorrow. Noon is when your day with her starts, whether you're here or not. This goes on my time, not yours." She tapped her watch for emphasis, "The day after tomorrow, noon, is when you bring her back. Otherwise, my friend here…" she gestured to Giganta who still covering his mouth winked down at him. "Will bring other friends of hers to your home and make a very painful scene. Do you understand?"

"Mngh ave-aestin…!" he said into GIganta's hand, rising his hand

"All questions are to be answered at the end of the disclaimer. Do you understand?" Orders repeated as he lowered his hand and nodded. "Good, now. Between Noon tomorrow and the day after? You can have as much fun as you like… she'll spend the WHOLE day with you. As long as you don't do anything 'freaky' or 'weird' it's fine. But if she says no… and it'll take a LOT for her to say no… you STOP. Understand?" He nodded again as Orders sighed reluctantly, nodding to Giganta who removed her hand from Gregory's mouth. "Now I will answer your… questions…" she sighed as he asked it almost immediately.

"Can't I take her home now?" he asked casually as Orders blinked at him.

"…She's not ready now." Orders replied, however…

"I don't mind Orders." Supergirl replied simply and quickly as Gregory seemed to have some difficulty restraining his enthusiasm. Orders however glared at her, before checking the clock.

"Do you have everything you need for 24 hours?" she asked coolly as Supergirl glanced at the bundle of energy that seemed to be Gregory.

"…Pretty sure all I needs is this costume and a smile…" she smiled at Gregory as the boy nodded. "I'll just grab my regular clothes and go home with this sweet little candy bar…" she rested her hand on Gregory's shoulder… he was just a little shorter than her but by a few inches.

Orders glared at the clock again. Closing her purple eyes, then glaring at Supergirl, "You still owe me a night of work."

"I'll work Saturday." She replied as Orders sighed. She then leaned forward. "And if all those poor losers see me walking out with him that's proof to the rest that they too can win a whole day with a Superbabe!"

…Barring Orders rigging the raffle, sure.

"Fine… your 24 hours start-

Time: 9:05 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes) Remaining time: 24 hours


"Be right back Greg." grinned Supergirl replied as Greg grinned cheerfully at her. Just a bundle of sunshine this kid was… Grace really would eat him right up. Supergirl quickly moved into the locker rooms, grabbed her purse, and stuffed her clothes into it as best she could before swinging it over her shoulder and walking out to wrap her arm around Gregory's arm. "Let's go…" she cooed as they walked right out onto the floor…

The crowd was overall less than pleased they lost but seeing Gregory grinning like an idiot as he walked out the front door with Supergirl as she blew kisses at them gave them renewed hope and vigor, and more than a few raffle tickets were punched full that night…

Supergirl walked out the front door with Gregory, giggling sweetly as he walked her away from Superbabes and the parking lot… for a very brief moment she half expected him to take her to the bus stop… or more mortifying find his parents waiting for him, but she imagined that there was no way he'd get away with bringing a woman he 'won' a day with home…

"This is so awesome!" he cheered excitedly, turning his face to gaze into her chest pushing out the Supergirl S of her uniform as he stopped in front of a fancy bright red convertible. "I can really do whatever I want with you?" he said out loud… luckily nobody paid much attention to him, they were too busy staring at her.

"Not if you keep shouting it." Supergirl chuckled playfully, before glancing around. "So where's your ride? Or do you live close…" he then hopped into the driver's side of the convertible, waiting patiently for her as she stared at the car in surprise. It looked like something she should throw herself on and model seductively. "Is this your car?"

"Yep!" he replied cheerfully and before she could attempt to call him out on it, he slipped a key into the ignition and VRROOOOOM

"…Hmm-hmm!" She ran her hands firmly on the door, before opening it up and sliding into it. "Full of surprises Greg…" still smiling, he sped off so quickly into Gotham that Supergirl had to hold onto something in the car. "WOOOO!!"

The car should've been a dead giveaway to Supergirl's destination: Gotham Heights. Zooming through the curving roads and past several estates, the trip was almost dizzying. Her eyes spun in her head as Greg drove faster and harder… until at least he arrived at a modestly sized mansion with a large grounds… h

"Woo!" Greg parked the convertible inside a large garage, it was mostly empty apart from the car. "Oh you drove so fast my clothes almost flew off…" she declared playfully, getting out of the car. "Bet you would've liked that though, huh?" she added seductively as he just grinned at her.

"Oh yeah." He replied nodding and gazing at her sensual body, her large breasts, slender waist, wide hips… not to mention her very beautiful face that was almost as distracting as her body. "I can't wait! Can I see you naked now?"

Supergirl stared at him for a minute, then smiled playfully. "You don't have much of a filter on you do you, Greg?"

"I get told that a lot, but I don't really get it." he replied, "Can I?" he asked again as Supergirl glanced around at the empty garage, then the open door before returning her attention to him.

"…I don't mind." She cooed softly, already stretching her costume, sliding it down over her shoulders as she removed one arm, then the other, keeping the suit covering her big beautiful breasts as Greg stared happily at them. "But aren't you worried someone will see?"

"Why? I'm the only one here." He replied frankly as Supergirl stared at him surprised.

"…You're the only one here?" she repeated as he nodded cheerfully.

"Uh-huh. Just me. The staff only work days." He said lazily, "And my parents are in Europe doing some business deal."

"You live in the big house all alone?" Supergirl replied, trying not to sound as sad as that sounded.

"It used to belong to my…" he paused, seemingly thinking about it. "Second cousin… Warren Lawford?" he frowned again and shrugged. "No idea. I never met him, but he and his friends got arrested and the property was transferred to my parents. So we live here now." He then stared at her breasts, tantalizingly just out of reach and sight… "So… can I see you naked now?" he asked almost sweetly as Supergirl was brought back to reality.

She was technically supposed to be fucking this kid.

Time: 9:22 PM. Place: Gotham Heights (Former Lawford Manor)

Remaining Time: 23 hours and 45 minutes.

"Whoop." She pulled her hands away from her top and it crumpled around her waist, exposing her breasts as she wiggled her chest, making them bounce as she giggled playfully. "What do you think?" she teased, knowing fully well EXACTLY what he thought.

"They're so big!" he declared, staring into them like he was conducting a scientific study of tits. His hands almost mechanically moved towards them as she made them bounce up and down, jumping lightly on her heels as she invitingly gestured for him to come closer with her hands.

"Well don't just stand there honey, get a closer-Oh." She gasped as he moved quickly towards them, planting his face briefly between them before getting two fists full. Squeezing them gently as she moaned seductively. "Oooh that's it… eager boy." She purred as a gust of cold Gotham air blasted into the garage, hardening her nipples with the chill as she shivered. "Ooh that's cold! Gonna warm me up?"

Greg gazed happily into her cleavage, squeezing her chest before prying his grabby hands from them and gazing giddily into Supergirl's pretty blue eyes. "I want to do everything I can think of with you!" he said almost breathlessly as Supergirl giggled. She had to admire his enthusiasm…

"Well we better get started…" she cooed seductively, letting her hands caress his face as he grabbed her waist. "Oooh!" she moaned as he walked her to the hood of the car, and practically threw her onto it. "Oh!" the car thumped as she landed on the middle of the slanting hood gazing up at a more than excited Greg as he gazed down at her body… She posed invitingly, spreading her legs and curling a finger at him as she squeezed her right tit, "Mmn… What should we do first? Ooh…" he crawled onto the hood between her legs before flopping onto her breasts. "Haha… I'm not surprised!" she purred as he rubbed his face on them.

Tweaking her hardened nipples as she squirmed beneath his awkwardly reacting body. Squeezing her breasts he lovingly fondled her before taking one nipple briefly into her mouth, then the other.

"Mwah. MMWAH!" he kissed them both before puckering his lips towards hers. Supergirl giggled, letting him kiss her. Usually a no-no but he was young, she'll give him a good time.

"Mmn-mmnn…" she hummed into his sloppy, inexperienced kiss. Subtly rolling her hips up against his, mimicking thrusting as she felt his pants against her skirt-covered crotch. Feeling him begin to instinctively push down against her and not just suck on her lips and tongue. "Mmn…" She was more than content to let him play with her body, if that's all he wanted to do then she was okay with that.

She was well used to men who just wanted someone to talk to, or to do some handsy stuff… she even had a few who just wanted to watch her dance or bathe while they rubbed one out. She's had entire sessions where nothing sexual happened. As far as she was concerned, if this is what Greg wanted to do the whole time she was okay with it, and if he wanted to take his pants off eventually she was okay with that too.

"Mmnm-ah..aaah…" she sighed softly as he pulled from her lips, grinding on her body and once again taking a hardened nipple into his mouth. "Mmn…" she moaned, rubbing his dark hair as she relaxed on the hood of the car… remembering inwardly that she joked about 'modeling' on this thing when she first saw it…

The last time she modeled on a car she ended up having sex with its owner. History repeats.

"Mmn… mmN! Ah!" he pulled his head back, slurping loudly on her left nipple until it popped from his mouth and jiggled pleasantly back onto her chest.

"Hee-hee!" she giggled as he bounced and jiggled her breasts together in his hand, it tickled. She watched as he slid off her, standing on the concrete floor of the garage as he stared at her, his eyes wide and his face red… he was drunk on lust. She knew the signs.

He grabbed at his crotch, then tried to rip his pants off as she sat up. Sliding off the car and pressing her body to his as she helped him… giving him another taste of her lips, she expertly removed his pants… they crumpled loosely to the floor but his cock jumped up under the red skirt slapping against her crotch. She jumped at the sudden rigidity of it as she giggled.

He wasn't huge, but he wasn't small. In fact, he was bigger than average… she licked his lips, before shimmying out of the red Supergirl skirt, and pushing the rest of her leotard to the floor… standing only in her red boots… guys loved the boots. "Ooh…" she moaned as he began squeezing her breasts again… rolling her towards him as she stroked his erection between her soft silky thighs. "Mmn! Mmn…" she moaned as Greg panted excitedly.

Squeezing her breasts her hands slid down to her rear, pulling him into her thighs again and again… feeling him twitching between her legs as she cooed sensually. Stroking him slowly, and steadily…

"Haah…" he gasped happily. Suddenly moving his hands to her waist, stopping her from moving and getting her back onto the hood of the car by slamming his entire body against her. She laughed as they awkwardly thumped back onto the hood of the car.

"Ooh… careful." She whispered encouragingly,"Haaah…" breathing huskily in his ear as he buried his face into her chest and his cock inside her. "Haah… Ah-hah…" she moaned as his thrusts steadily began, "haa-haa…" the car thumping beneath them as its shocks were put to work. "Ah… ah come… on baby…" she purred into his ear. "Mmn! You can… oh-do it… do…OH… IT…" she hissed, clenching up around him as he started pumping faster, and faster, panting eagerly between her cleavage. "Fuck me." She whimpered in his ear. "Oh come on… come on… MMn…"

The shaking of the car beneath them moved up and down faster and faster as he started to jackhammer his hips against her. She pushed up against him, feeling his cock pulsating eagerly as it pumped in and out. "Cum for me. Cum for me. Cum…" she encourage, sensing his release moments before feeling it. Hissing through her teeth as he buried himself inside her. "Oooh… that's it…" she howled softly, "Oooh…" wrapping her legs around him slowly, pulling him in as he dropped his first, plentiful load.

A little shiver slid through her, a tiny, minuscule orgasm that let her body know she did a job well done. Caressing a seemingly exhausted Greg as he used her as a body pillow. "Hmmn-hmmn! Mmmn…" He had gone still once he had finished, lying on top of her for a few minutes before finally collecting herself…

"That was GREAT…" he said far too excitedly for a guy who just pounded her so rigorously. "Let's do it again!"

"Ha-ha! Ah?" she blinked as she felt him harden almost on command inside her. "Ooh… hard already?" she replied as he pulled out of her, rigidly twitching as if nothing had happened… yet there was plenty of warmth inside her that told her it did. "…Alright then…" she slid off the car, then rolled over…

Pressing her tits to the hood she pushed her rear out behind her, legs straight, and wiggled her hips side to side before slightly bending one knee then the other, popping her hips side to side as she glanced over her shoulder encouragingly.

She didn't need to tempt Greg long. His hands fumbled over her ass cheeks, briefly, before grabbing at her waist and returning to her snug, warm tunnel. "Oooh… Oh. Ooh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" her nipples rubbed the hood of the car as he began to steadily pump against her, "Haa.. aah-OH!" she pushed back against him, her ass cheeks slapping hard against his waist and echoing out of the garage into the night. "Ah-aah… Aah…"

Her lips twitched as a little shudder rushed through her body, Greg pounding away at her rigorously and with a fierce concentration on his face. Watching her impressive ass bounce as he slapped against it over and over and over-


"AH?!" she gasped suddenly as she felt Greg shuddering wildly against her… then- "Ah…" she chuckled softly as Greg pulled out of her and sent a rope of semen across her right ass cheek… shaking as he spurted his load onto her as she wiggled her rear again once he was done. He was quick the second time sure, but he was clearly new at this… they had plenty of time to play if they played at all.

"Well, now you made me all messy." She teased, slapping her left ass cheek gently as she stood up.

"Sorry." He said but was unable to hide his obvious happiness of shooting a hot load across her ass cheek.

"Greggy boy I was stating the obvious…" she teased, "If you want you can keep cumming all-" she fidgeted as she felt his cock against her left ass cheek, and a remaining dollop of cum oozed onto it. "…over me." She finished. He was hard again…

Despite her sticky ass, he cupped her breasts from behind as she moaned. He was clearly enjoying himself fondling her chest, but he also rubbed against her back, inhaling her scent, and grinding his erection between her ass cheeks as he began to playfully pinch her nipples. "Haah…" she moaned softly as he twitched eagerly.

"More please." He grinned into her back, feeling his lips brush against her skin as she chuckled.

"Alright… alright…" she turned around abruptly, slapping his chin with her breasts before squatting onto her knees to get a closer look at the cock that wouldn't stay down. "This is clearly a dick that needs lots of love… mwah!" she kissed the wobbling tip sensually, swirling her tongue around it briefly before spitting on it. "Pitoo… mwah!" kissing it again before wrapping her lips abruptly around it. "Ahh-mmn… mmn. Mmn…"

"Ahh… Ah! Amazing! Oh! Ooh it feels so good Supergirl!" he cheered, resting his hands on her shoulders as her head dove up and down his cock, "Haa-haah… Ahahh…"

"MMngh. Mmng. Mmmmmn…" she slid to the base of his cock, gazing up at him as her tongue slid out to give his sack a little teasing lick before sliding her head up and down again. "Mmngh! mMngh! Mmn. Mmn…"

"Haah… Aah!" her head twisted her lips upon his shaft expertly, her tongue spiraled lovingly around his firth, and her saliva dribbled off his cock like she was drooling and hungry for it. "Haah-Ah-aah! I'm cumming!" he declared warningly as she slowed, ready to take his load in her mouth… but- "aah!"

He slipped from her tight lips with a wet pop. "mmnoo? OOH!" she gasped as thick ropes splashed between her eyes. "Haa!? Ah!" she gasped as more cum spread onto her lips, and a final rope streaked across her left tit… she scoffed, but smirked up at him.

"Well, now I definitely need a-" her words died in his throat as his cock hardened again with an almost comical 'sproing'!. "-bath? Oh!" she was suddenly tackled to the floor by Greg, her legs up as she lay on her back like a turtle on its shell, "Haa?! Aah! Aah! OOH! Ooh! Baby! Ooh!!"

Greg was moving on pure lustful instinct, drooling from a manic grin as he slammed his hips against her again and again. "Haa-aah!? Aah! Aaah! Ooh!! OOho!!" Supergirl howled as she was fucked on the filthy concrete of the garage, Greg squeezing her tits despite their stickiness as he rammed into her. "Haa-aah-aaah!!"

"Too good! Too good!! I can't stop!" Greg declared happily to the vast property, howling out of the garage. "Haah! AARGH!!" squeezing at her breasts as she joined his cries of joy with her own of pain and pleasure.


…arggh-arggh… it echoed back as she came. Greg too, planting his hips against her once again as he twitched, pushing his hips deep but his back arched until it looked like he was about to snap himself in half then fell forward onto the sticky, twitching, Supergirl…

Time: 11:04 PM. Remaining Time: 22 hours and 1 minute.

Supergirl twitched suddenly as she awoke… Greg was on top of her still and they were lying on the filthy garage floor. Mostly naked, and with the garage door open for all to see… with a telescope. They were pretty far from the automated gate that separated the manor for the rest of Gotham heights…

"Mn… mn? Greg… Greg?" despite their sticky situation Greg didn't seem to care, rubbing his face in her tits as she absently shook him again. "Greg wake up."

"MMn? Supergirl?" he cooed happily, "More?" he asked exhaustedly.

"Bath." She replied with an almost fond smile.

"I can go again!" he said excitedly, suddenly getting off her and standing up. His cock was in fact hard again as she stared at it… a little nervously.

He's had a power nap now…

"H-hold on…" she said, crawling and grabbing at her clothes as he watched her eagerly. And before he could obviously jump her again she stood up. "Now Hold on their cowboy." She said, her texas drawl slipping in and clearly he noticed because his cock wiggled approvingly. "I want to take a bath. We can play all you want before your bedtime…" she purred as he gazed at her blankly.

"…Alright." He mumbled, before finally closing the garage. "Come on!" he said suddenly cheery, "I'll show you my room!"

The mansion was dark, briefly, but Greg clapped his hands and the lights flicked on. Showing off a bunch of stuffed animal trophies and a few guns mounted on the wall. A few shotguns, some old revolvers… she curiously, and with a little interest examined them but her attention was taken away by Greg taking her free hand and leading her gently up the stairs.

It certainly was a young man's room he led her to, but clearly, it was recently redecorated with posters, electronics, a massive TV, and gaming systems along with a four-poster bed too big for him alone… it's a good thing she was here. "Right over here." He said, guiding her to the adjacent bathroom with its marbled showers and big lounging bathtub.

Supergirl put her costume down nearby and took off her boots. She tossed her mop of short blonde hair in the mirror, winking at Greg before moving to and opening the glass shower door. She leaned in slightly, enough to reach the shower knobs, and turned on the water with a Hiss. It sprayed freezing water against the opposite wall of the showerhead as she let the water warm up. She did it to avoid shaking under cold water only to shiver for a completely different reason. Which was Greg sliding his fingers into her dripping pussy.

"Ooh! Greg…" she scolded in a teasing manner, shooting upright abruptly as she felt his fingers curiously slide inside her. "Naughty boy-Ooh… oooh.. mmn!" she shuddered slightly as Greg knelt on the floor behind her, stuffing her pussy with his fingers steadily… he clearly had no idea what he was doing, he seemed to be experimenting with her… he did say he wanted to do whatever he could think off with her and apparently finger banging was an option. "MMn! HMmn!" she squirmed on his fingers, rocking her hips back and forth as her eyes rolled up into her head and she enjoyed the ride.

She Feeling his knuckles bump against her plump, but still sticky ass cheeks as he thrust and twisted his fingers in her snug pussy, stretching her lower lips to try and see inside her apparently as she could feel his breath against her sensitive inner walls as his fingers clawed gently at her tunnel… thrashing inside her like multiple micro-penises…

"Hooo-ooooh! Ooh! OH! NNGh!!" she shivered as she came from his curious prodding, thrusting her hips forward and away from his fingers, squirting briefly into the shower before shuddering again. Biting her lower lip hard. "MMMMNGH!"

"Was that good?" he asked, sounding legitimately curious.

"Mmn-hmn!" she moaned loudly, nodding her head as the orgasm subsided. "Mmn-oooh… that was pretty good…"

"Can we do more now?" he asked, sounding sweet but ominous at the same time.

"I haven't bathed yet!" she teased, playfully, finally getting into the shower as he watched. "You just started playing with my body before I could."

"…But I can do whatever I want with you right?" he asked, getting back to his feet with a rigid hard-on.

"Yes. But within reason cowboy!" she replied with a somewhat nervous laugh, "Let a girl have a breather." Her drawl was slipping again and his cock was valiantly fighting against the fierce spray of the shower head.

"I like your voice…" he said frankly, "And when you call me, Cowboy." He grinned cheerfully. All honesty, no filter.

"Well you're riding me like one." she mumbled, "Just let me rinse off a little-" she let the hot water spray onto her body, "-and we can get back to-oooh…" he came up behind her, sliding his cock between her legs… then up inside her. "-shit…" she gasped softly as he grabbed her waist and just started pounding. "Haa-aah! Aaha! Oh! Cowboy! Just a minute!"

"Go ahead and wash!" he said chipperly, "I'll just do it myself."

He wasn't teasing her, or being clever… he was just being honest, and completely unaware of how a woman functions when she was having an orgasm. It makes it difficult to scrub. One arm around her waist and the other around her neck the water hosed onto her big tits as they bounced furiously up and down with Greg's thrusts, water splattering everywhere it normally wouldn't as Supergirl's eyes rolled. "Ugh! Uaagh!"

"You're so pretty!" and grunted, "And tight around my dick! I want to do this all night!"

"Oh GOD!" she gasped suddenly, clenching around him as he slammed against her ass cheek.

"You're even tighter now!" he praised, "Wow!..." he shuddered against her writhing body as she rode her orgasm, feeling his rush up into her pussy again. "Ngh… it's so tight I can't move! And I don't want to!" he squeezed her tightly from behind as her eyes refocused. She panted heavily, falling against the wall beneath the shower head to catch her breath.

"Haah… haaah…" she panted erotically, feebly planting her hands on the wall to push herself up. "God damn." She moaned seductively as Greg kept himself buried inside her. "Let a girl breathe baby…" she said breathlessly.

"I like Cowboy." He replied as she managed a feeble laugh.

"Ha-ha… alright Cowboy… let me take a breath. Okay?" however- "Oh dang it…" she grumbled feeling his cock rigidly pulsating erect inside her again. "What did you eat today? Viagra laced Viagra?!" she mumbled before pushing him gently off. "Okay. Supergirl needs a break, so…" she pressed him against the wall and grabbed a tub of squeeze soap.

She slid a streak of liquid soap down his cock like ketchup on a hotdog before doing the same to her tits… lubing and squeezing them together until she got an excellent slippery foam growing on her body. She knelt before him, cupping her tits in her hands before wrapping them tightly around his shaft as she gasped.

"This… is… AWESOME!" he praised breathlessly as her tits began to slide slowly up and down, "Haah… Ha-I… didn't even think of this!" he cheered, resting his hands on her arms as she pushed her girls tightly together around his slippery cock as the slapped lightly against his legs.

She smiled prettily up at him as she kept her tits moving up and down. "Not a lot of girls can give a titty fuck like I can…" Granted most of Superbabes could, but they're pretty much the exceptions that prove the rule. "Mmn-hmn! Yeah…" her tits bouncing and squeezing perfectly around his cock as she gave him a toothy grin. She slammed her tits down against him, then pushing tightly she slid them back up his shaft as she felt him wiggle excitedly between them. Greg moaned just as happily, shaking against the wall as her titty slaps echoed around the bathroom again.


"Haaah! Supergirl!" he warned but it was too late.

"Ooh!" she took a soapy wad on her face as she engulfed his tip with her breasts, feeling the rest ooze between them but at least he wasn't blasting her face again. He was going to have to work on his warnings, not every girl took a facial in stride. Supergirl smiled prettily up at him as she felt his cum on her cheek, sliding her breasts up and down his cock to make sure he was properly drained. "Draining that dick that only a set of girls like mine can…" she purred, sliding them slowly down to his lap, then back up again… pulling them slowly off his cock as she fondled them playfully. "Mmn…" she smiled up at him. "Did that feel good Cowboy?"

"That felt GREAT…" he praised… and his cock suddenly jumped up rigidly before her eyes and she could only stare. "You had your breath right?" he asked curiously as she gasped.

"Oh shit-OH!" he was on top of her again, furiously pounding her in another mating press as he fell onto her. "Oh-Oh-Oh-OH SHIT!" she howled, shaking beneath his furiously messy thrust, "OH god! Oh!! You're going to break me, Cowboy!"

"More. More. MORE…" he moaned deliriously, drunk on lust again as he jackhammered her hard, her knees at her shoulders and her feet in the air as her toes curled from his relentless pounding. "I want more." he half roared, half whined. "I want to do this forever!" he hissed into her soapy cleavage, railing into her body as she gasped loudly, gargling shower water and spluttering it out as her eyes rolled up into her head.

"Cumming. CUMMING! OH GOD I'm CUMMING!!" she howled after an eternity, Greg abruptly slamming into her and releasing a hot load into her womb… it was as if her orgasms were connected to his…. As soon as her insides clenched around him he shot yet another load into her body… "Haaaaaah…" she sighed exhaustedly, twitching as she rode her orgasm like a bucking bronco, hard and rough… but if it lingered longer than 12 seconds it was a GOOD ride.

Her eyes, eventually, flickered back into consciousness, and she gently removed a grinning Greg off her body. Letting him flop on his back on her left before she rolled to the right, her legs wobbled unhelpfully as she clawed up the shower wall… standing bowlegged like she rode her father's big draft horse. "Haa… ahh…" a thick string of arousal and plenty of cum dripped from her legs as she got to the shower knobs and turned the shower off…

Her sense of time was fucked out of her, she wasn't sure how long she was in the shower but at least she didn't smell like cum anymore- "More?"

"Oh fuck…" she whimpered, unable to stop Greg from pawing up behind her. Planting his hands on the wall and pushed up into her body. "Fuck. FUCK… FUCK…" she gasped softly as he began pounding into her from behind again and her already weakened body gave out. She slid down to the floor, face down ass up, but he didn't really care how they were going to fuck. He liked it all apparently…

"Ha-aah-aaah-aaah!" her tits pressed against the tiles as he railed down into her from behind. FAP-FAP-FAP his hips bounced off her ass as her moans lingered in the air around the bathroom echoing together as Gregory quite cheerily fucked her into the next hour for the next hour… briefly, about a two-thirds of the way through it he planted his cock into her body, and came again… she joined him, squirming and shivering in the shower as he wrapped his arms around her upraised waist. Shaking as he held her tight to keep his balance before rolling over onto his side and taking her with him, still planted inside her.

Yet it was hardly a minute of rest before his cock was hard again and he finished spooning her from behind, pumping into her sensitive, and a little sore, pussy as she squealed erotically in pleasure and another orgasm with him joining her soon after… practically glued to her body with his own excess semen as it oozed around their connection she was so full… he clung tightly to her body… wrapping his arms and a leg around her and cuddling up with her as he finally stopped… but she was already asleep/passed out.

Time: 2:25 AM. Remaining time. 18 hours and 40 minutes.

She couldn't remember the last time someone fucked her for so long, so hard and she had enjoyed it. Greg was apparently a veritable engine of fucking. Lying in the cold shower she pried Greg carefully off her body before slowly standing up, steadying herself on her somewhat wobbly legs before squatting slightly and letting a little bit of what he pumped into her leak out… she can't just turn on the shower to wash herself or she'd wake up Greg before she was ready for him again.

She got out of the shower stall and dried herself off as best she could before absentmindedly grabbing the skirt and pulling it back on. Pausing then grunting angrily, she needed to put on the leotard first, she was about to push it back down before recalling that she wasn't here for the hour she was here for the day. Until 9:05 PM tomorrow…

"Tonight actually…" she noted, spying a digital clock outside the bathroom telling her it was 'tomorrow' and she had been out for about 2 hours. A part of her wanted to just curl up in Greg's bed and go to sleep, letting him handle the rest of the night in the shower, but another part of her didn't want him to get sick from sleeping wet and cold in the shower… so.

"Greg… come on cowboy time to dry off."

"Mmn…" he blinked feebly awake, glancing at Supergirl in the skirt but nothing else… he was able to see up said skirt and gazed directly at her pussy which had so far this evening granted him a memorably and joyous collection of experiences. He pushed himself up and rose with his cock as she got back to her feet and felt his hands on her as she sighed.

"Greg. Greggy…" she said trying to keep his hands from her already sensitive tits. "It's 2 in the morning let's just go to bed and I'll play with you later okay? A girl needs her beauty sleep."

"You're already really pretty." He replied honestly as she tried not to smile and taking him by the hand and not his cock she led him to his bed.

Wearing only the supergirl skirt she crawled onto it. "Do you sleep on the left or the right?" she asked, sliding catlike across the sheets as her backside was exposed by the skirt.

"W-wherever…" he said as she crawled to the left side of the bed, lying beneath the sheets as she patted beside her. He soon joined her, crawling under the sheets as he gazed at her still exposed breasts while she closed her eyes.

"Get some sleep cowboy…" she mumbled soothingly, "We have all day to play to-morrow?" she opened her eyes as Greg crawled over her. "Oh you bad boy…" she expected a hard missionary fucking, but he started slow… at first. "Haa-aaaah!" she moaned as he put his full weight on her and his cock balls deep in her.

"More. More one more…" he moaned into her cleavage as he pumped and pumped and pumped.

"Haah…aah! Aah!" she gasped, gazing dreamily up at the ceiling as the 'inexperienced' young man railed into her experienced body. "Ah-aah-aah Hurry… up-ooh! Faster!" she hissed, feeling herself tightening. "NGh! Nggh! NGH!?" her muscles tensed with her clenched teeth, "Haaaaah!!" she sucked in air as she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper as he flopped HARD against her. Slamming onto her body as hard as he could into her as she gasped for breath. Clawing his admittedly scrawny back. "Haah… ahaa go… go to sleep now baby… go to sleep. We'll do more later…" she pleaded breathlessly, holding him to her body in an attempt to get him to stop moving… and thankfully… it worked…

Apparently the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak. Greg to exhausted to continue even if he wanted to fall asleep balls deep in Supergirl. Resting his head on her chest and dozing off, she exhaustedly relaxed, and soon did the same.

Time: 7:01 AM. Remaining time: 14 hours and 4 minutes.

"Mmn…mmmnh!" Supergirl shuddered as her pussy quivered around the slowly grinding cock slipping in and out of her barely a minute past one. "Mmn?! Ahah… ah!" it only took her a second to remember where she was and Greg a second to cheerfully declare.

"Good morning!" and proceed to fuck her HARD.

His hands planted on the bed he railed her body over and over and over as she quickly shrieked her pleasure. "Haa-haa… Aaah!" her breasts jiggling up and down slowly as Greg steadily rode her, hard and deep at first, then slowly… then fast. "Haaaah. Ah? Aaah make up your mind…" she whined, shaking slightly as a tiny morning orgasm rippled through her.

"I'm trying to see what feels the best…" he said curiously, before jackhammering away at her body as if in punishment.

"Ha-aha-aha-aaah-aaah! Aaha AH!"

"So good. So GOOD…" he hissed, curling up on top of her, bucking hard at her. "SO good so GOOD…" deciding he liked deep and hard he tugged at the sheets, pulling himself deep into her quivering body as she gasped erotically for breath and writhed uncontrollably beneath him in orgasm.

"NNGh-aaah! Nnngh!" feeling another hot load rush into her as he squirmed on top of her. Hips firmly planted against her body as her legs twitched helplessly in the air. Greg seemed to be staring off into space, flying high on his orgasm as his cock twitched a couple more ropes into her warm pussy. Once her eyes rolled back into focus she chanced a glance at the clock.

"Haah… haah… baby…mmn…" his lips found her mouth, kissing her sloppily again as she cooed into them. "Mmn… mmn baby… how about breakfast? Mmn!? Mmn… you… mentioned…" she breathed between sensual but messy kisses, "…Staff? Yesterday?"

"Oh… they'll be here soon…" he sounded disappointed, as he slowly pulled out of her trembling body. He slipped hesitantly off the bed and glanced out the far window. "Hmmn…" she sat up moaning softly as her body trembled in pleasure. "We better do more before they get here…"

"What?!" she moaned as he rested a hand on her back and rolled her forward, her skirt and ass facing off the bed towards him. "Wait Greg, wait aah-aaaaaah aah! Aah!!"

"More. MORE! I need more!" he moaned greedily, grabbing at her waist and slamming her back against him. "I can't get enough!" he gasped, sliding up her waist and grabbing at her wrists, "I can't!"

"Ah-aah-aaaah!!" her big breasts swinging beneath her as she rocked back and forth with his thrusts, her wrists tight in his hands as her arms went limp and her head flopped about, "Haa-aahhh… uugh!" she wheezed slightly, as his hips slammed against her ass… sending waves of pleasure up her spine as he continued to yank her arms back and her upper body rose from the bed, "Ha-aah-aaaah!!" bouncing almost upright as his cock delved into her body, scrapping her slick inner walls raw. "Fuck! Me! Fuck me!" she gasped, not trying to encourage him…

But doing so anyway. "UGH! UUugh!" she gasped as he pounded her harder, grinding against her body with each thrust until he slammed so hard into her she fell forward, dragging him with her as he climbed onto the bed, mounting her from behind. "Ride me. Ride me. Ride me, Cowboy…" she moaned incoherently as he drove her face-first into the mattress, then she turned her head to shriek her orgasm. "I'm cumming! Oh god yes! No! N-NO more!!" she howled as her body was ravaged by a mind-blowing climax.

"BEST! This is the best!!" holding her ass cheeks in both hands he held her upraised backside firmly to his crotch as he practically pissed another thick load into her. "Supergirl is the best!" he gasped happily as Supergirl whimpered thanks to whoever was listening as her brain went off into fucking nirvana…

That's Nirvana, with a lot of fucking…

Her body twitched and slid forward until she was lying prone and Greg on top of her, cooing happily into her back as he caressed her sides, then slipped under her for his favorite tits. "Mmngh…" she whimpered, raising a hand slowly… before resting it on his face and feebly pushing as she continued to ride out her orgasm.

"I… I need… breakfast…" she moaned into the mattress. "MMngh…" shuddering as the orgasm tried to escape through her legs, making them jiggle. "BREAKFAST… before… more." She groaned softly as Greg continued to affectionately rub against her… and in her. "Breakfast Greg…" she said, sternly, finally getting the strength to push him off. "Unless you want the staff to see me naked!"

Then in a spurt of inspiration, she added. "Then you'd have to share me with them…" of course this was a double bluff because he might actually get off on that and if he wanted her to she'd be professionally compelled to do so… she will NOT be the girl to tap out on a Daily Special, she had professional pride damn it.

Luckily for her. Greg seemed to decide that he didn't want that. "…I don't want to share." He said almost childishly, frowning thoughtfully, "I… guess we can do something else for a little while after we eat."

"Thank you!" she said exhaustedly, "What is there to do around here?"

Greg seemed to think before gesturing to his TV. "Tv, games…" he said gesturing to the gaming console, both of which Supergirl had no real interest in at the moment. "…Oh!" he looked cheery, "My… Second Cousin, the one who got arrested…" he got off the bed, "He had a skeet shooting machine out on the grounds out back. I'm a pretty good shot, want to try that?"

Supergirl suddenly smiled knowingly. "Now THAT sounds like fun.

Time: 8:01 AM. Remaining time: 13 hours and 4 minutes

If the staff, consisting of a female maid, and two males a groundskeeper and a chef, had any questions about the Supergirl dress woman in the house they didn't ask. They were polite enough, or didn't care enough to ask…

They were courteous to Greg who was quite cheerful with them, but this was clearly a professional relationship. The maid tidied up a few things here or there, she'd be in for an unpleasant surprise if she went into the garage and the chef took Greg's breakfast order in stride and made him some traditional eggs, sausage and toast… the grounds keeper had at least enough interest in her to undress her with his eyes. But before he could thoroughly enjoy the busty blonde in costume (which she managed to slip back into after taking a shower) Greg asked Holt (the grounds keeper's name) to set up the skeet shooting and he did so without complaint…

It took Holt barely twenty minutes, and Greg and Supergirl both walked outside once he called for them. The clay pigeon thrower was set up, and there was a table set with ammunition and a pair of unloaded skeet shooting shotguns.

"Know how to use one of these… miss?" Holt asked, looking at her… but not AT her.

"I do." Smiled Supergirl as he loaded a gun and carefully handed it to her.

"Sir." He added, handing Greg the gun. "Remember what I told you." He added concernedly as Greg nodded understanding. "…Who's first?"

"Ladies first." Greg replied politely as Supergirl winked. Pressing the stock to her shoulder and aiming away from them down range.

"If you insist… PULL."


A clay pigeon was hurled quickly down range like a batter-rang, but a second before it seemed to escape. It shattered with a loud BANG as Supergirl shot it from the sky. Holt whistled, impressed, Greg looked positively delighted.

"That was Awesome!"

She winked, "Alright Cowboy, your turn." She declared, standing aside as Greg seemed to be measuring his stance, putting the stock to his shoulder like her as she watched patiently.



A clay pigeon once again hurtled across the field and-BANG! BANG! BANG!! "Dang, it…" landed completely unharmed in the grass. He sheepishly lowered the gun and didn't meet her eyes. "…I'm not actually a good shot." He said, apparently caught in his lie he admitted it quickly.

"You're getting better." Holt noted, although three shots with them all misses didn't bring confidence to his words.

Supergirl eyed Greg for a second, before patting his arm lightly. She saw where he was going wrong, he was shooting too quickly instead of leading the target. Bullets don't fly instantaneously, just fast. "Alright Cowboy, let me show you how it's done." Readying herself again. "PULL!"






She smiled at the three perfect shots as she winked at Greg, putting the shotgun back on the table as Holt stared at her somewhat impressed, "Alright now…" she took Greg, placing him at the ready before pressing her big double Ds on his back, and 'helping' him aim. "Alright now… aim, imagine where the target is going to go and shoot where you think it will be not where it's been… ready? And. Pull…"


"Follow. Ready. SHOOT!" she whispered, and Greg already on a hair-trigger, fired.


The clay pigeon shattered and he raised his hands happily. "I got it!"

Supergirl grinned, resting an arm on his shoulder as he cheered. "And with a little more practice you'll be able to do it without me." She grinned as he put the shotgun down on the table.

"Where did you learn to shoot like that?" Holt asked surprised as Supergirl shrugged.

"I used to be a trick shot in a wild west show." She said as he seemed confused at that statement, glancing at her current clothing.

"And now you… dress up as Supergirl?"

Supergirl just smiled and shrugged dismissively. "My current employment is much more lucrative." Holt's eyes narrowed thoughtfully, but he reloaded the guns and they spent another hour playing around… before the shooter was empty, and Greg decided that Holt didn't need to reload…

He wanted to play other games with Supergirl.

After the last clay pigeon shattered and fell into the grass he leaned over to whisper curiously, "Can we go back to my room now?" his erection apparent against her leg as she sighed with a playfully smile.

"I guess we should." She said, putting the shotgun back down for Holt as Greg grabbed her hand.

"Thanks Holt."

"Mmn-hmmn." Mumbled Holt thoughtfully, watching Supergirl as she was led back into the house. Her red skirt swished playfully over her thick poundable ass that Greg's hands found almost instantly once they were back in his bedroom.

"Haah…" she moaned as he began to squeeze her ass cheeks under the skirt, seemingly enjoying her horse-riding booty and wrapping his lips back around her nipples through the suit. "Alright, alright Cowboy, don't ruin my costume…" she pushed him onto a couch in front of his TV. "Let me just take this off alright?"

The red skirt hit the floor and she removed the leotard, once again leaving on the red boots, however before she could start climbing on him… "Can you put the skirt back on?"

Supergirl, bent over with her rear in the air glanced up at him, smiled and grabbed the skirt, yanking it back up onto her waist as she wiggled her hips side to side making it dance as he pushed his shorts down without looking away from her. "MMn… alright Cowboy." She cooed as his cock wobbled erectly. "Let me take care of that…"

She turned around, lifting her skirt ever so slightly as she knelt toward his cock. Bending her knees as her pussy lips wrapped around his tip and slammed abruptly down onto his lap. "Haah…" she moaned as he squirmed, squeaking adorably as he grabbed at her waist. "Haah!" she was already moving, wildly riding him reverse cowgirl up and down. "Haa! Aaah! Yes! Wooo! Hooo!" she laughed, "Ahaa! Aaah! Aaaah! Yeah baby, Oooh!"

She slammed her hips down, rolling her waist on his lap as she danced. Smiling seductively over her shoulder before leaning back on the couch, and hopping rapidly. "Ahaa-haa-haa-aaah!" her big tits bouncing up and down as his hands squeezed at her waist, helping her go faster and faster as the skirt fanned their bodies with its constant jumping.

"I'm cumming!" he whined happily, pushing up into her as she pushed back down, clenching around him and shaking in orgasm as her eyes rolled briefly up into her head.

"Mmn-hMMN! That's it cowboy-oh… that's it…" his hips bucking to thrust more cum up into her snug pussy. It was hard to imagine that she used to religiously make her DD Dallas clients wear condoms, and barely if ever had one orgasm let alone multiple… and now she was riding Deliveries hard and raw and came almost every time… she secretly admitted to herself that she just must love bareback, or it was an instinctive thing.

Of course, Greg must love it too because he was already hard again inside her, his hands squeezing at her tits as he flopped over on the side of the couch, spooning her from behind again as he wrapped an arm around her waist, "Haa-haaa-aah aha aah…" pumping into her from behind and smacking her plump ass with his hips. "Mmgnh! MMn…" she playfully turned her head, licking at his face with a slovenly grin as he seemed to be concentrating on doing it on his own, "Haa… ah-nmmn…" he caught her lips with his own, his hips whapping against her ass as he pushed his cock into her again and again.

"Come on Cowboy-aah… come on!" he rolled her onto her stomach, she lay prone beneath him as he grabbed the arm of the couch and her cries of pleasure were muffled by the cushions, "Mmngh! Mmng-mmn-mn-mnnn…"

"I want to cum! I want to-" she shuddered beneath him, her body tensing up as he instinctively responded to it. "CUM…"

"MMNGH!!" she quivered happily beneath his slowing thrusts as another load rushed into her body. "Mmmn…" he flopped completely onto her, kissing her back mechanically as his hips instinctively kept thrusting. "Mmn-aah.. oooh cowboy…" she whimpered seductively, "You keep riding me that hard and I'll never walk right again… oh…" he shot another rope into her, rubbing on her body as she felt him, briefly, soften… only to straighten inside her.

"Let me guess, Cowboy, mo-ooor-oooore!" she whined as he immediately began pounding her again only now his whole body was bouncing off hers, "Ooh-ohhh-ooooooh GOD!" jolts of pleasure shooting through her as he pushed a majority of her internal buttons, not an insult to Greg but he wasn't big enough to get ALL of her buttons with every thrust.

"Nngh! Ahh! Ahh! It feels so good!" he praised as he bashed against her skirt-covered ass. "I can't stop!"

"You won't stop!" she whimpered, "Oooooh!" cumming again and shivering under him not that he noticed he was using her ass as a trampoline. "Cum already! Cum. CUM!!" he planted his hips into her, before rapidly jackhammering at her pussy like a dog in heat. "Haah-ahaaa-haaah… FUCK-uuck!" she squealed, shaking as a huge orgasm ripped through her body, breaking her usual… persona. "Ngh! Tarnation!" she slapped at his jackhammering hips but he didn't stop as she tried to escape the constant pleasure of his pussy pounding.

Her body tried to escape but her brain was already melted, and before the previous orgasm could end he pinned her down and filled her. "Haah!" she gasped breathlessly as he moaned into her back, pinning her awkwardly down on the couch as his hips pumped a firehouse worth of seed into her. Not a firehose, a fireHOUSE. As in the entire station…

Trust me, she knows what it's like.

"mMGh… MNh-hmmn…" she quivered wildly beneath him, her ass instinctively trying to shake him out of her pussy to no effect. "Mmn… mng?!"

Greg pushed off her, but not out, he grabbed at her shoulders before lifting her and dropping her upper body on the arm of the couch. Seemingly moving on instinct as he grabbed her ass and raised it by her hips… his cock rigid inside her once again as she whimpered… and he began thrusting.

"Haa-haaa-haaaaah…" she feebly squeaked as her tits rocked back and forth on the other side of the arm. "Haha-aah!" slapping against them as she finally managed to push herself up, taking another doggystyle pounding. He grabbed a fistful of her right ass cheek and her hair, yanking her back against his thrusting hips as the skirt revealed and concealed her rippling ass cheeks… it only made him harder.

"Aah-haaah-ah!" he panted, gasping for breath as he plunged as deep as he could go as hard as he could, her mouth hung open in a constant roar of incoherent orgasm as her eyes rolled up into her head.

"Unnnghggaaaah!" a smile stretching insanely on her face as Greg planted his hips against her, and she felt another load rush into her…

Time: 12:05 PM. Remaining Time: 9 hours

He was cuddling her and she was having trouble breathing, "Hwaah…" she gasped awake, her tits resting on the arm of the couch as it pushed against her chest beneath them. He lay on top of her, his cock had slipped out of her pussy still oozing his goo as she rubbed her head, she now had a slight headache. "Mmng-oh god damn it…" she cursed softly, gently pushing him aside and slipping her feet carefully on the floor. "Mmn…" she shuddered, taking a few steps away from the couch and the naked boy…

Hopefully, she was going to get a few minutes of actual rest. He's been relentless in his fucking and she wasn't god-damn Veronica. She was about to head to the shower to rinse away her sweaty shame when there was a knock at the door and she CURSED. "FUCK…" under her breath as that seemed to wake Greg.

"Monsieur Gregory? Are you, and your friend, hungry?" asked the maid with a clearly fake French accent. She worked with Brielle she could tell. The fake French maid's voice however surprisingly carried through the door clearly and loudly, waking up Greg.

"Mmnh…" he sat up, his cock already twitching erect as he opened his mouth and glanced down. "Uh… no, thank you, Marie. I'm not hungry right now." Supergirl just sighed, she could go for a bite… but judging from Greg's hard-on the likelihood of getting out of here without getting him off was low…

"Very well Monsieur Gregory." 'Marie' replied as Supergirl put her hands on her hips and strutted back towards Greg and his twitching hard-on in that way that only Superbabes seemed to have mastered, not to mention she was still in the skirt and boots so that only seemed to enhance her appeal.

"You know cowboy I'm kinda hungry." She declared playfully, setting him up to eventually knock him down. "I guess I'm gonna have to get my protein somewhere else…"

Bless his heart, Greg seemed genuinely apologetic, also confused as she rested her hands on his knees and let her big double Ds swing distractingly. "Oh… I guess I can call her back… what are you-oh…" he blinked as she knelt between his legs and began stroking his cock.

"I'm gonna suck your cock…" she said plainly, stroking him expertly with her hands as she sensually gazed up at him. Feeling his cock twitching in her grip as her fingers danced up and down with each stroke, "And I'm gonna drink all that nasty man goo in your balls." She declared, wrapping her lips around his ballsack briefly, churning up another bubbling load, and considering his nuts were already working overtime, it wasn't that hard…

She was giving him sexual warfare. Eagerly sucking dick, desperate to swallow cum, dirty talk? She wasn't just a pretty face and a great body she was also a professional pro… "It smells delicious." She added pulling her lips away from his sack to run her nose along his shaft, "Ah-mmngh… mmgn! Aah!" she bobbed quickly up and down, before popping back off briefly to give him a seductive purr. "Tasty." Before wrapping her lips back around him.

She wasn't Jackie, nobody was Jackie but Jackie, but to say she couldn't suck a dick would be an insult. Swallowing cum would be a necessity she'd have to deal with, just the idea that she would swallow would obviously get him to cum even faster. Add in loud slurps- "SLURP!" sexy hums, "Mmn-hmmn!" and bedroom eyes that would break a priest: it wasn't hard to relieve his hard-on.

Gazing up at him seductively she planted her lips on the base of his cock, and felt him shudder between them as her tongue encouraged out a few quick spurts, then the damn was broken and several ropes sloshed around her cheeks. "Mmngh!..." she hummed softly, caressing his base with a few loving suckles before sliding up his tip. "Mmn…" and slipping right off with a farewell lick of his urethra, scooping out his lest than tasty seed. "Aaah…" she opened her mouth, closed it, and down his load went. "Gulp… whoo…" She ran her tongue slowly across her lips, for that extra special touch. "How was that Cowboy?-Damn it."

She gazed a little tiredly at his cock which went from satisfied to 'Hey how you doing?' in record recovery time, tapping at her lips again as she sighed through her nose, the air brushing against his length and making it twitch like it was cold and needed her mouth to get warm again. "…Want me to suck it again?"

"Yes please!" he said giddily, she briefly wondered if he know how amazing it was that he got so hard so quickly… but realized she didn't want it to go to his head.

"Alright, cowboy…" she ran her tongue on his tip teasingly, "I'll keep going… mmn…"

It took significantly longer for her to suck out his second load. Well, the second most recent load, she's lost count of how many times he has ejaculated… she's lost count of how many times she's orgasmed. But she sucked and slurped valiantly on, his cock thoroughly lubricated and covered with her saliva as she hummed loudly and devotedly, steadily moving her head as he lay limp in the center of the couch his hands twitching ominously as if desperate to grab her head, but confused as to how to go about it.

"Mmn. Mmn. Mmn…mnhmn! mMn…"

"Haaah-aah… ahh-hah…" he sighed suddenly as she finished him off once again.

"Mmm-hmmn… mmn…" twisting her pretty short-blonde-haired head as she brushed a loose lock out of her pretty blue eyes, before sliding her lips up his shaft and popping right off. "Haah…" she sighed softly, not giving him a show this time, swallowing as quickly as he loaded her mouth. Wiping her lips with the back of her hand as his cock rigidly stood back up. "Hah cowboy… you're going to ruin me." She sighed sadly as he stood up, grabbed her shoulders and gently shoved her onto the ground. "Whoa! Ooh!" he fell onto her, spreading her legs with his body as he pierced into her again, "Haah-aah-aha-aaah!"

Her legs were up, resting on the couch and coffee table as Greg furiously pounded her again, burying his face once more into her jiggling cleavage and squeezing them around his face until they weren't jiggling so much.

"Haa-haah! MMngh!" sucking on her nipples now as she gasped erotically, quivering beneath him as he jackhammered away at her. Her boots squirmed and scrapped on the couch and table as he threatened to give her carpet burns.

"Haah! Aaah!! Aah-you! Oooooh!"

He came, she came, and she rode that orgasm like her daddy's favorite horse until she was too sore to think about getting back on it… feeling like it was her daddy's favorite stallion filling her up rather than the cute kid she met last night….

Time: 5:07 PM. Remaining time: 3 hours and 58 minutes

He didn't even bother to let her back up, she'd say she was bored if she wasn't blacking out every half hour… she didn't know if he was pulling out between her 'breaks' or if he was just taking a nap on her soft body… but she was sore, and sticky… lying in a stick pool of semen oozing out of her… luckily the skirt at some point had ridden up so high it managed to avoid it… but she needed to draw a line now. Especially now that he's pumped ANOTHER load into her.

"Mmn!" she squirmed beneath him as he happily twitched on top of her. rubbing his face on her big chesty pillows as she grabbed his shoulders and pushed. "Off… get off already!" she declared in her drawl. "Nngh…" they both sat up, he rested on his knees as she dragged her numb legs off the couch and table, quivering slightly as she put her hands on both and pushed herself off the floor.

She wobbled warningly on her feet before stumbling in her boots towards the bed, sitting down as she checked the clock. "Tarnation." She growled to herself, he'd been pounding her for almost 4 hours… her pussy certainly felt like it had been pounded for 4 hours…

"You okay?" he asked apologetically, with a hard-on… she glared at him for a moment, before sighing through her nose.

"…This is because I asked Orders for money isn't it? She asked in a whisper to nobody in particular as he got close to her "Look we both need a break!" she said firmly. As she looked down at his obvious erection, she gave it a little flick of her finger… it wobbled but remained hard as steel. "You can't just FUCK me non-stop, have a glass of water or something…" she said smiling exasperatedly before flopping onto the bed… hands on her face and rubbing it slowly.

"…Just one more?" he asked as she groaned, but not necessarily an angry groan, more like a- 'This boy is going to kill me, and I love it'-moan.

"Ooh ho-ho-god…" she gasped, "Fuck me. One more time, then we take a break!" she declared exhaustedly. She raised her legs, sliding her fingers through her thighs, before pushing them open like curtains while she flexibly spread-eagled. "Alright, Cowboy, come on." She breathed erotically, pushing her tits together with her upper arms as she rested her hands firmly on her thighs. "Get in there…" she teased.

He grabbed at her waist, guiding his length back towards her snug, wet, and positively gooey pussy as he prodded it curiously, watching as his length slid up and along her outer lips as she moaned, squirming beneath him as he pulled back to thrust in… but believe it or not Supergirl was right, Gregory whether he knew it or not was exhausted and running on fumes. He hadn't had lunch, or anything to drink for hours and his body was just reacting to his desires.

So… he missed pushing it back into her pussy, but his cock still found a hole.

"NNngh!!" she cringed suddenly at the surprise anal sex. Clawing at her thighs as she clenched her teeth but she grinned and bared it, it wasn't like she wasn't used to anal nor the fact that he wasn't lubed enough, but a little warning would be nice. "Nngh-aah!" her body clenching at the surprise buttfuck as Greg kept thrusting. His hands slipped from her waist onto the bed beneath her, slowly falling onto her body until finally… his face planted between her big breasts again. "Haah-aaah!" she panted, sinking her fingers into her thighs, "Haaaah!!" and feeling his hips stop as he pressed them to her… "Haah…" she sighed as her body untensed, her legs wrapping around him. Keeping them spread open was starting to cramp…

Her whole body went limp as Greg just lay on top of her, still in her ass and giving her some more cream filling as she glanced down at him between her tits. She shimmied a little until she felt his cock slip out of her ass… she pulled herself out from beneath him as he stay contentedly lying on the bed with a happy grin on his face.

"Phew…" she moaned, rubbing her face, then brushing her sweaty hair from her eyes again. Getting up to head to the bathroom. Knock. Knock…

"Monsieur Gregory?" She rushed to the door, "Would you like something to-"

"SHUT UP!" hissed Supergirl, swinging the door open half-naked as the maid stared at her in horrified awe. "I JUST got him to sleep!" she fumed angrily, "Bring a glass of water he's thirsty!" she then shut the door before Marie could respond. "BOY is he thirsty!" Supergirl added to herself before making her way to the bathroom…

She didn't take a bath, she did some private business before flushing. When she got out there was a small pitcher of water and a glass cup resting on a nearby table by the door. Clearly the maid didn't want to be involved with WHATEVER the hell they were doing in there… even if she was putting on the whole 'french maid' shtick, and that was just asking for sexy maid times.

Supergirl took a drink herself, before refilling the glass and resting it on the coffee table. If necessary she'd force-feed Greg the water, but she was also perfectly content in not doing ANYTHING for the next couple of hours.

Time: 7:04 PM. Remaining time: 2 hours and 1 minute.

Well, she was so close… she watched the staff leave around a half-hour ago from the window, the maid brought up a meager bowl of soup for Greg, but not it rested coldly by the door as the horny teen snored on the bed. Supergirl didn't bother to put on clothes, checking the clock regularly, and inwardly deciding that maybe Greg was just… out. He was still breathing so that was a good sign…

What she needed now was a nice, LONG soak… she got off the couch, turned off the TV tuned to old Wild West shows. And stripped off her boots, and pushed down her skirt… she then gathered her costume altogether and just put it down neatly by the bathroom before daintily skipping in…

She leaned over the bathtub, it wasn't a jacuzzi, shame, but it will do for a nice soak. She practically twisted off the hot water knob as it poured like Niagra falls out of the faucet. She stretched, groaning softly as all of her muscled ached from her all-day pounding… but it was worth it, both monetarily and physically… She HAD fun, but her professional pride would never allow her to admit it out loud…

After the tub filled up to about an inch of water, she stepped into it. Hissing softly as she turned on the cold water JUST a little so she didn't boil like a lobster. But she sat in the tub, then just… floated. Feeling the water rise over her legs, her stomach… leaning back against the far end slant of the ceramic tub as the water reached her nipples…

She'd kill someone for a bubble bath right now but she expected that Greg wasn't a bubble bath kinda guy. Or too old for it. So she just tossed in some scented soap and let it foam as best it could until the water covered her chest. "Mmmmn…" she raised her right leg out of the water, her toes hooking on the cold water faucet and giving it a quick turn, shutting it off, and repeating with the hot water with her other foot, though that took a little longer. "Hooooo-wee…" she sighed, her drawl slipping out. "Ah could get used ta this…" she declared…

She just floated in the tub, letting the hot water soak her sore muscles… her big breasts floating on the surface with her nipples JUST over the water… she closed her eyes… and planted her feet on the end of the tub to make sure she didn't slip under the water… it wouldn't be the first time she fell asleep during a good soak after a hard workout… and this was another time.

"Blugh?" she suddenly shot out of the water. Blinking around confused and shaking slightly as she groaned. The water was cold, she must have been in it for a while now but she wasn't sure how long… she felt pretty good though apart from the slight taste of soapy water. She sat up and tugged at the bathplug as the water began to drain… speaking of draining water.

Greg yawned sleepily as he walked into the bathroom, and over to the toilet… apparently reliving himself then suddenly he jumped as he realized she was in the tub. "S-sorry!" he said but didn't stop until he was finished and quickly flushed.

"Greg-" she began, about to tell him that he spent all day and most of last night fucking her so a little bathing beauty shouldn't throw him off… but decided against it. Splashing herself slightly like she was applying perfume. "Never mind Cowboy…" she stood up in the bathtub, water dripping down her body as she stepped out of it for a towel. "What time is it?"

"8 something…" he said, leaning back slightly to look. "7:56." He corrected as Supergirl groaned, stretching her wonderful body as he watched.

"MMn… we have about 40 minutes left…" she groaned with her arms above her head, "Mmn!... want to… do anything?" she asked, not really specifying as Greg looked thoughtful.

"I have over an hour left…" he said but she smiled, approaching him and pinching his teeth.

"With your driving Cowboy, it'll take twenty minutes to get back to Superbabes. I need to BE back there at 9:05…" she said clearly. "So… assuming we don't make a mess…" she teased, caressing his chest, pressing her tits to it. "You have forty minutes… Because I'll need to take another bath, I can't go to a restaurant covered in boy goo."

His cock throbbed against her, she just smiled acceptingly… "What do you want to do to me?" she cooed playfully… as his hands answered her for him, squeezing at her tits as she licked her lips and knelt on the shaggy bathroom rug. "Alright. I know…" she cooed, taking his waist and guiding him to sit awkwardly on the edge of the bathtub.

She cupped her hand on her tits before drooling between her cleavage, rubbing them firmly together, alternatingly up and down until they were as slick as she could get them with soapy water and spit before pushing them down over his cock.

"Haaha…" he gripped the tub tightly as she bounced her tits around his cock before squeezing tightly. "Haa… ah…"

"That's it, Cowboy, let's go for another ride!" she hissed softly, bouncing her tits onto his lap, again and again, sliding them up his shaft. "MMn!" biting her bottom lip as she pressed them hard together around his cock.


"MMnh-mn!" she squeezed her nipples as her tits bulged around him, "Mmn-mmn! Aah…" bouncing wildly up and down as she felt him oozing pre-cum. "Come on Cowboy." She panted, "Come on! All over these TITS…! Oh yeah… Oooh… YEAH…" she squeezed and he popped like a cork. "Oooh!" Blasting a load beneath her chin, "Ahh yes… YES that's it…" she opened her chest, squeezed them around the base of his cock and, lifted them, repeating it over and over. "Haah." Breathing heavily as she let her tongue drool a string of saliva… she let it dance by wiggling her tongue before it snapped and splashed between her cleavage where he was more than ready for another round.

And she was ready, already giving him another titfuck despite her sticky cleavage. "Haa! Haah! Aah… yeah… MMGNh!" squeezing tightly around him as she rested them on his lap, "Mmn… what are big tits for if not tugging out cum?" she giggled seductively, "Ahh…" and slapping his lap again with her tits. "Look at me cowboy…" she cooed, continuing her titfucking without pause, "Look at me… cum ALL over my TITS. I LOVE hot stick jizz all over me. I love getting guys off… just cum. Cum whenever you want… Mmngh! MMN!!" she felt him pulsating between her cleavage, ready to fire…"


"Cum-Cum-CUM for me…" ropes burst from her cleavage, "OH!" Thick white ropes across her face and chest as she opened her mouth, squeezing them tightly around his pulsating member as she sighed longingly. "Haaah… his tip just barely visible between them she kissed his sticky cock tip before finally letting her tits go. "Oooh…" she leaned back, covered in go again as she absently licked her lips… flicking a finger across her eyebrows to make sure his cum didn't get in her eyes. "Phew…" she sighed, smiling as she chanced a glance out of the bathroom… and decided that enough was enough…

And with not a minute to spare as he got hard again.

"Sorry cowboy…" she declared, giving his cock a chaste kiss before getting up. "But any more than that? And you're going to be late in taking me back…" she declared, stepping into the shower. "We better get cleaned up-NO…" she smiled, stopping him from following her into the shower. "You, Cowboy…" she gently flicked his tip, "Can't control yourself…" she teased, before shutting the glass door… and proceeding to do the traditional Superbabe Shower thing… a spectator sport. Greg watched her bathe for a little while, before getting into the tub and washing himself as best he could… and rubbing one out real quick.

Time: 9:02 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes). Remaining time: 3 minutes.

VROOOOM… Supergirl smiled at Greg, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek and giving him a playfully slow wink. "I had fun Cowboy…" she got out of the car and shut the door.

"So if I win again… can I order you again?" he asked happily as she gazed at him a little wide-eyed, then laughed before reaching into her purse. And pulled out a business card, an elaborately designed 'DD Dallas' in cursive pink, followed by an email and a number. "Call this one if you're feeling lonely, and we can talk…"

He examined it, grinning, and slipped it into his pocket. As she turned around to head to the back door, he then put the car into park and got out. She stared at him as he headed towards the front door. "Where are you going?" she asked as he just smiled.

"I'm hungry." And walked right in through the front door, already being greeted by Grace who was working the hostess position tonight.

She sighed, shook her pretty blonde head and walked into the back of Superbabes.

"Welcome back Tina." Orders greeted as the blonde glared her down.

"YOU did that on purpose!" she declared, Rebecca who was on shift, and Phoebe, who had just changed into costume now walking out of the locker room, stared at Tina incredulously as Orders seemed fairly calm.

"Did what?" Phoebe asked as Tina slammed a hand on Orders' counter.

"You hooked me up with a raging bull! That's what!" Tina replied as Orders put a small bag on the counter… stuffed with a portion of the raffle profits.

"Yes." Orders replied, "You asked me for money." She said it as if it was a cardinal sin. "It was the least I could do. It was either the sweet Grace-bait teen or the gang of construction workers." Orders replied as coincidentally Greg, sitting at a table WAS in fact, being happily fawned over by Grace… seemingly forgetting all about Tina in an instant once he got an eyeful of Wonder Woman cleavage. "I chose the kid."

"…You asked Orders for money?" Rebecca scoffed as Orders glared at her now, "Do you have a death wish?"

"My mother needed an operation!" Tina replied indignantly, but less indignant now that she had enough money to pay for her mother's operation again.

"…That sounds so cliché." Phoebe noted as Tina sighed, cliché or not it was the truth. "What was the operation?"

"Back surgery." Tina replied, "She hurt herself trying to restrain Tornado." She said as the girls looked even more confused. "It's her horse… he got spooked and she grabbed his rains and pulled a disc."

"Ooh…" Phoebe mumbled, "That is pretty expensive." She was a nurse student, she would know.

"Yeah well she's doing much better and I won't be eating hotdog buns to survive for the next week." She said scathingly.

"I am a firm believer in working for your paycheck. You're welcome." Orders noted, "See you tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night?" Tina asked surprised, "Wait, don't I get a break?"

"No. Tomorrow's Saturday and you said you'd work Saturday." Orders replied firmly, "See you tomorrow." She repeated as Tina groaned exasperatedly. She did say that… stupid need for groceries.

"I can-" began Phoebe, always looking for overtime or an extra shift. However-

"Labor laws." Orders interrupted quickly and waved Tina off, "Get plenty of rest." Tina glared her boss down but decided to just… go home and sleep… preferably without some Grace-bait teen pounding her.

"Got to say boss… you can be pretty vicious." Rebecca noted, joining Phoebe on the floor for a few quick tips as Orders kicked her own bag of daily special cash into her office.

"Hmn." She agreed, not giving a snarky reply as her lips twitched in a restrained, greedy smile…


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