
Delivery Girl: Miss Martian Order #2

I don't own DC or other things

The apartment building unofficially but colloquially known as the 'Superbabe house' for the numerous occupants who lived there being employed at the nearby Superbabes, was relatively quiet this Gotham morning, and it was only 2 pm. That's pretty much morning for most of Gotham.

A majority of the Superbabes currently living at this apartment building were off today or had morning shifts. Which were, in the long run, cakewalks compared to nights, plus deliveries. Most Superbabes sleep schedules were blatant nightmares, case in point: Miss Martian.

She, out of all five of the Superbabes that lived in the apartment building, had a night shift today. Meaning that any moment now she should get up, do what she can with what little daylight that Gotham provided left in the day as she could. Before reporting to Superbabes for a night of pinching, fondling, flirting and more likely than not a roll in the hay with a lucky, wealthy delivery target.

Miss Martian however due to her… history. Was never really a morning person, or an evening person. Up until a couple of years ago she spent a majority of her time underground in the sewers, barely if ever venturing out at night, transforming in fear and always looking over her shoulder. Now that she worked at Superbabes she could if she wanted to, go out and see the sunrise… or attempt to as this was Gotham and the Sun liked to ghost its calls.

Currently, however, she was trying to sleep. Quietly dozing under her blankets with her windows shut, locked and blocked by blackout curtains. Since she didn't really have much of an internal clock she would quite happily remain asleep under her blankets until tomorrow if not for a recent addition to her bedroom.


A scaly gnarled hand, having enough of the obnoxious noise, reached out and shut the homemade clock up by slamming a button on top of it. Before the scaly hand and arm shifted into a silky-smooth green limb as she threw off the covers to reveal her naked body and yawned sleepily. She glared at the clock, contemplating murdering it when it least expected her to. But Donny gave it to her as a housewarming gift and if he visited, she'd hate to see his look of disappointment to find it crushed under a hammer. Plus she'd be the lead suspect in the clock's murder.

Besides, it did exactly what it was designed to do: wake her up.

She slipped off the bed and stood up. Stretching with a broad yawn as she walked towards the bathroom. "Hwaaah-ah?" she hesitated, catching herself in the mirror as she turned to eye down her scaly, somewhat amphibious/reptilian back. "Hmmn…" it sort of… 'wobbled', then quickly smoothed out as she gave herself a little vanity turn. Inspecting her body all over to make sure she was maintaining her sexy Miss Martian form.

…While she could indefinitely maintain the shape there were brief moments when she would revert to her 'real' form. She finds it only really happens when she has a lack of sleep… and considering she's had several late Superbabes shifts recently she hasn't had a 'healthy' amount of rest. Miss Martian, the real one, has been 'popular' recently… The original has potentially been in the news that she personally doesn't watch, or more likely the 'fanboys are out' as Alice likes to refer to it. Which is the polite way of saying that the older men who like teen Superheroines are hearing or have heard of Superbabes: so Orders is cashing in. Miss Martian didn't mind, it gave her something to do even if it was physically taxing.

She turned on the hot water of her shower, sighing as she stepped under it and let it cool her green skin. Moaning softly as she relaxed and rinsed away her troubles… taking clean, hot showers was infinitely worth hard work on a night shift at Superbabes. Back when she lived in the sewers the only options to bathe were sneaking out to the beach late at night or waiting for heavy Gotham rain and hope she didn't have to shift gills on her neck from almost drowning.

…If she was desperate enough in particularly boiling hot summers, she could have bathed in sewer water but that defeats the purpose. Regardless. Above-ground hot showers? One of her favorite things along with apple pie, Divya's brownies, and fresh Sashimi… that last one however is something she knew she liked from BEFORE she got out of the sewers.

Oh and Soap. She adored scented soap, it was rather refreshing…

She took another good whiff of her 'gaelic spring'. Before finally getting out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around her body for some semblance of modesty before she walked out into her bedroom to get some nice new clothes.

She got a few hand-me-downs from the other girls but Yaya and Jae-Hwa took her shopping the other day to get something in her actual size… they were nice enough not to ask her any complicated questions. Yaya said it's because they know better than to question Orders, but she liked to think it was just because the girls overall were cool cats… Okay, Katie was an actual cat, but… she really needs to work on more modern slang…

She grabbed a shirt, some underwear, and shorts and laid them out on the bed before making a brief turn into the living room and- "AH!"

"AHG!" the big green anthropomorphic turtle shot up from the couch, brandishing a Japanese weapon, a Sai, in one hand and waving it around warningly. "Wha-who? Oh…" he mumbled, clearly admonished that he got caught snoozing on her couch.

"…Raph?!" she breathed a sigh of relief, before getting absolutely furious. "WHAT are you doing here?!" she gasped as he got off her couch and yawned.

"What? Oh, I had a late night and I didn't want to trudge back to the lair. I planned on slipping out before you woke up." He noted in his almost iconic new yorker accent. "You work nights, right?"

"…Did you break into my apartment?" she asked indignantly, before returning quickly to her bedroom to change.

"No, your window was open." He replied casually, being polite enough to wait for her to change before following her into her bedroom. "You should lock that by the way, all kinds of weirdos in Gotham." He added concernedly.

"Says the six-foot warrior turtle." She noted as he sniffed, conceding the point.

"…I'm just saying. We worry." He added as she smiled sheepishly at him and punched his muscular arm. "You doing alright up here?"

"I'm doing great." She replied honestly. "My boss seems mean but she's really nice. The people in the apartment building are very friendly, the girls are really supportive. And I'm not the weirdest one working there…" she said smiling, "There's a half-alien girl and a… 'bang baby?' I'm not sure what that means but she's a cat."

"Yeah, I uh… noticed her." he said as Miss Martian gave him a curious look. "What?... I like fur." He said dismissively, not making eye contact but keeping his usual 'cool'. "Well you let me know if anyone gives you any trouble alright?" he yawned, "Hmph…" he rubbed his shoulder, he looked sore, "I better get back to the guys or Leo will give me another lecture…" He pointed to the window. "I'll see myself out. Lock that behind me." He added firmly as Miss Martian followed him to the window.

"…Raph. You're welcome to crash here but KNOCK next time." She noted as he grinned at her.

"Oh yeah. Because the trench coats work every time." He slipped out the window as she watched him leap off the fire escape and off the wall into the alleyway before lifting a manhole cover and jumping in.

"Mew…" Miss Martian jumped, glancing down at little Noir, Maria and Zoey's kitten, affectionately rubbing her pure black furry side against Miss Martian's leg as she sighed.

"How did you get in here?… Raph." She rolled her eyes playfully, picking up the kitten, and going downstairs to Maria and Zoey's apartment just in case poor Zoey was having a panic attack.

Later that night as Superbabes.

"You know, I know that we live in the city of Vigilantes but there's been a lot of vigilante justice lately…" noted Catwoman (I) next to Cheetah at the pool table. "In our regular Superbabes neighborhood, I mean." She added as Cheetah purred softly, her tail flicking behind her.

"Maybe they wised up and stopped trying to pick fights with Ronnie-Bell?" she noted as Catwoman laughed. The big girl wasn't here tonight it was Big Barda, but she was out right now on a delivery.

"Maybe." Catwoman replied, "Hey boss I thought you had the local mob in your pocket?" Orders's purple eyes glanced up from her crosswords, but quickly lowered again to them as she replied casually.

"How much control on Cajun Jim I may or may not have is not relative to the rest of the criminal element of Gotham City as a whole." She put down her pen, "He runs most of this 'district' on his reputation but that's not going to stop the insane, the idiotic, the random, or the stupid." She noted casually, "…And we have PLENTY of Gotham Criminals just like that…"

Miss Martian stumbled into the lounge, her various 'tip spots' full as she began putting them down on the counter into a neat stack. "Busy night?" Catwoman asked as Miss Martian took a rather tired breath. She's been on shift for almost 4 hours now with barely a break. She wasn't Circe…

"A little… some of the guys out there tonight are really friendly." She put a hand on her blue skirt and rubbed her backside. "I could use a break though, my wazoo is killing me from all the pinching…"

"…Your what?" Catwoman smiled as Miss Martian cleared her throat and corrected herself.

"My rear." She said as Cheetah's tail flicked curiously.

"…Wait is that where 'up the wazoo' comes from?"

"Girls…" Noted Orders, "We have more than a few deliveries out and it's busy. Take advantage of it." she warned as Catwoman and Cheetah both got up, and smiling they went out onto the floor as Orders gestured to the couch with her pen, going back to her crosswords. "Take a break Miss Martian."

"Keen." She replied with a soft sigh, going over to her couch. "Phew." She flopped onto it and straightened out her skirt, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes lying back on the couch. "…I think one of my sewer friends like Cheetah."

"What's not to like?" Orders replied dismissively, still doing her crosswords. "I'm not giving him a discount."

"He's a… turtle."

"I am aware. I still need to see money." Orders replied frankly, "Mutant, Alien, Eldritch horror, I don't care as long as we're paid. Equal opportunity…" her eyes flashed. She rubbed her forehead and reached for the phone.

Time: 1:03 AM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Superbabes, we deliver."

"Hey… since Killer Frost and Raven aren't working tonight. I'd like to order the Miss… Martian-"

"Miss Martian Mizithra Macaroni"

"Yeah. That's a real tongue twister."

"Well, the girls have no problems with their tongues. Anything else?"

"Delivered by Miss Martian."

"Very well. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


"Here. You got one…" Miss Martian got back to her blue boots-covered feet and approached the counter. "He's a regular so give him a good time." She tore off the receipt, handing it to her as Miss Martian took it from her boss's fingers

"Right-o" she examined the receipt, as the food slid across the counter."That's… pretty far. Are you sure?"

"Just remember what Laura told you, keep a cool head, don't take the highway and you'll be fine. Don't panic if you see cops and don't go over the speed limit." She then nodded, picked up the bag and went out the back door. "Go on. You'll be fine." she added dismissively.

Since we last saw our dear Miss Martian she has managed to acquire a driver's license in record time… off the record. Through a good deal of effort, blackmail, and a 2 for 1 off the books with (B) Vixen and Catwoman (II) Miss Martian acquired her permit, fudged on the hours, and got regular driving lessons with just about anyone available for it but Laura was her regular teacher.

Still she was a little nervous driving mostly on her own, Orders tended to keep any 'deliveries' for her moderately close by where she could drive herself or a girl could potentially pick her up. This drive was her first one alone and so far away. She got into the company car, checked the mirrors, put her hands on ten and two and put-putted out of the parking lot into Gotham ALL the way to Upper-East.

She used to have dreams coming to Upper-East Gotham, she heard even the sewers were nice but they contained a bad crowd. Crocodiles, angry gator men on certain days, angsty super mutants and cults…

Only in Gotham.

…She checked, double-checked, and triple-checked the receipt until she finally arrived at the delivery destination. She got out of the car eyeing the gated home before her while smelling the Gotham Seaside air. She didn't spend a lot of time at the docks, and arguably she used to live in the sewers, but she never really liked the smell of the sea. Odd, she knew, considering she absolutely loved raw fish…

Or at least Sashimi.

But she opened the gate of the stone wall surrounding the modern-looking house, closing it behind her as she walked towards the front door. She glanced around one more time before she raised her fist and knocked loudly on the front door, "Superbabes."

Time: 1:43 AM. Place: Upper-East Gotham (Regular Toshiro Mifune's house)

"Special Delivery Service." She said, patiently waiting on the welcome mat as it opened.

Young, Asian, barely any muscle on his lanky frame and now on his 4th​ Superbabe was Toshiro Mifune. He was eye level with her as he grinned sheepishly, she put on a pretty smile back as he let her walk in.

"Hey bean."

"Hey… what?" he blinked, distracted by her short skirt and her rear as she quickly went to put the food down nearby on the coffee table in the living room.

"…Hi." She said, just choosing to ignore her usual slip-up. Bending over to place the Superbabes branded bag of food on the table.

"Oh… Hi." He said as she just smiled. "I'm Toshiro but if you know I'm a regular I guess you knew that."

"…I was told you're a regular, why are you being so shy? It's just awkward for everyone." She said grinning as she approached, rubbing a hand on his chest. Feeling it through his shirt. "We're all here to have fun, right?" she pulled away wiggling her skirted backside a little with each step as she glanced around the house. She glanced out the bag door, spotting a lit pool outside as she pressed her face and breasts against the glass doors to look at it before stepping outside.

Her boots clopped on the concrete of the yard as she knelt at the edge of the pool and dipped her fingers into the water. It was warm even in the cold Gotham air and the wispy breeze of the sea. She glanced over her shoulder, Toshiro was watching her curiously as she stood back up.

She kicked off her boots first, tossing them backward away from the water. She grabbed her shirt, tugging it up and over her head, freeing her round green breasts to the cold air before the shirt joined her boots before she put her fingers in the hem of her skirt and pushed it down, slowly, freeing her bouncy green rear as she pushed it down to the concrete. Then with a skip and a dance, she kicked it away onto the growing pile of clothes.

Then before he could stop her, SPLASH! In she went.

Toshiro sighed, approaching the edge of the pool as he watched the green babe swim expertly beneath the water. In fact, she was under it for a surprisingly long time… worryingly so, he might have been concerned if she wasn't moving so rapidly beneath the water. Like she had fins or webbed fingers and toes.

…She DID. Temporarily. And gills. But he couldn't see that, she was moving so quickly. He loomed over the edge of the pool as she swam beneath the waters. She'd been under the water, going back and forth, for almost a whole minute before he started to get concerned. "Uh… hey are you okay in there?"


A pair of green hands (shifting instantly BACK into hands) reached out of the water, and grabbed him around the face. And pulled him half-laughing, half screaming into the water. "Ahaah-aah! Bluurgh!"

She grinned at his weightless form from amphibious eyes before she breached out of the water. Shifting back to normal before he noticed and sat on the steps of the pool. It took him a few moments, but he finally surfaced again. Spitting pool water from his mouth.

He sighed reluctantly, yanking off his now-soaked shirt and tossing it out of the pool where it landed with a wet flop… like a spitball. "You could've let me take my clothes off first. All the other girls did…" he then hesitated. "Except Big Barda she just tossed me in…"

"I thought it would break the ice…" she said as he removed his pants beneath the water and swam towards her, but she pushed off the steps, and lunged toward him. Tackling him like a torpedo she wrapped her arms around him and pushed him against the walls off the pool. They were in a section of the pool where his shoulders were above the water.

Her hands pressed to his chest as she grinned, "Let me try something…" she breathed before dripping below the water, letting gills form on her neck as she knelt down before him and "BWAAAH!" she gazed at his impressive size for a moment before shooting out of the water to stare at him. "You are VERY big…" she breathed somewhat surprised.

"So I'm told…" he replied surprise. "What's that on your neck."

"Nothing!" she squeaked before quickly going back under the water. She gazed at his cock as it grew before her eyes. Twitching erectly towards her pursed lips, as she contemplated how exactly she was going to handle it… she hadn't taken a big one like this before. She was experienced, but her partners weren't exactly the cream of the crop. They were barely crop…

She wrapped a hand around his length before stroking it, slowly, opening and closing her mouth. Testing her own jaw before just going with it, she pressed her lips to the tip and pushed her head forward. Sliding deeper, and deeper, down to the base of his cock as she took everything into her throat. It expanded, briefly, before it quickly tightened around him, nice and snug.

His cock wobbled in her throat at the feeling she watched his hands claw at the tiles of the pool as she pulled her head back, her lips tight around his cock sliding up the shaft before delving back down, repeating the process again and again. Her face pressed into his crotch as he instinctively began pushing his hips forward.

Snug, warm, a perfect fit, he glided in and out of her throat with little to no effort only the sensual friction of her lips, the slimy pressure of her tongue, and the pulsating caress of her throat he pumped in and out.

…It shouldn't be understated that she felt amazing, like she was doing it all her life. But she was just… designed that way. Up and down she went, twisting her head occasionally as she felt a little of his pre-cum ooze down her throat. Then another dollop as she kept her head moving, then another, until it was pouring down her throat as he came. His body shook as he banged the wall of the pool with a fist.

She drained him dry before she pulled her head slowly off his cock… before she pushed off from the floor of the pool.

"OH MY GOD!" he breathed horrified as he stared at her, glancing at him in shock… briefly checking herself, mainly her neck to make sure she wasn't 'reverting'. "You were down there for ten minutes!" he replied aghast.

She just stared at him dead-eyed for a moment. "Yeah?"

"Yeah!" he replied surprised, "…Oh my god I thought I drowned you!"

"You didn't even touch me." She replied with a slight laugh, trying to get off the topic.

"How did you do that? it… was amazing…" he added as she cleared her throat.

"Well… I don't have green skin for nothing." She noted sheepishly, quickly moving on. Quite literally, swimming over to the steps. Sitting on the second one, her upper body out of the water. "Come here Daddy-O I know you're all warmed up."

"Daddy-O?" he replied under his breath before swimming towards her.

"It's my thing. Just ignore it." she mumbled as he closed the distance, resting his hands on her knees as he pushed himself up. His erection already wobbling towards her as she gazed at it. Having a hard time believing that Alice preferred taking such large things inside her all the time… but Toshiro was more focused on her green skin…

The few times she had been on deliveries since her first one, many of them 'wham-bam' then kicked in the can, most were amazed that she was actually green-skinned. Or at least the form she took was green-skinned, not paint or make-up… he let his hands explore her body and she happily let him. Smoothly over her thighs, up her stomach, squeezing her big green breasts as she rolled her head on her neck. Her (currently) red hair was soaked in pool water and clinging to her back as he pushed against her, sucking on her nipples as she fell backward onto the top step…

He seemed to be spoiling himself on her chest… she didn't mind but she didn't necessarily understand the appeal, but it still felt good at least. She shifted on the step, pushing herself fully on it until she bumped her head against the edge of the pool.

Toshiro squeezed at her breasts, of the three girls he's ordered he got plenty of practice with Raven and an almost stereotypical fondness for large breasts. Burying his face onto her right nipple, licking it curiously before switching to her left. "Mmn…" her smooth green legs rubbing at his own, trembling enticingly as she felt his big dick rubbing against her crotch.

Sucking on her breasts for a few moments longer he finally managed to push himself off her. Splashing his hands into the water on the step she lay on. Pushing himself up as he knelt on the second step. He grabbed at her waist as she half floated in the water. She could already make herself fairly light if she wanted to, but being in the water helped. Toshiro didn't look very strong to begin with so he had little trouble lifting her waist to match his before thrusting into her body.

"Ooooh…" she cooed softly, shaking as his big dick pushed into her. "Oooh!" she clenched her teeth as she quickly adjusted herself for him. Being able to become the perfect 'cock-sleeve' was a welcomed skill set in this business. "Haa-haaa! Hah Aaah!" she panted, gasping softly as he slapped wetly at her waist. Water sloshing around them as Toshiro panted breathlessly, pounding away into her as he rolled his hips back and forth. "Haah… Aaah…" she reached up for him, unknown to Toshiro her arm stretching as she wrapped it around him and snapped back. Pulling him forward between her cleavage as he kept thrusting wildly into her body.

"Haah ahaah-aaah… AH… AHHH!" Being a 'perfect fit', worked both ways. She clenched her teeth, her eyes changing color rapidly before settling back on her Miss Martian ones. She shuddered wildly on the step as Toshiro moaned incoherently between her cleavage and pressed his hips against her. She inhaled deeply, shaking as she felt his cum rush into her body. "Nngh… Mmmnn…" she took a breath as Toshiro's hips bucked against her, pumping out the last drops before pulling out and rolling over-

"Wha-" SPLASH! "Bluuuub." Miss Martian sat up as Toshiro flopped awkwardly in the water before popping out of it. "Hwaah!" she sucked in air. "…I forgot I was in the pool…" he mumbled as she giggled in response. "You'd think with the number of times I've had sex in this pool I'd be able to remember…"

She pushed off the step and into the water before taking him and setting him down on the second step. She stood up before him, turned around and sat on his lap. Grinding her hips side to side, her green ass cheeks wobbling around his somewhat limp girth. The water sloshed around them as she gave him a slightly improvised lap dance… feeling him throb slowly back to life between her cheeks.

Perfect control of her body gave her perfect control of everything… so… her ass cheeks squeezed tightly around his cock and resting her hands on her knees she leaned forward, her ass cheeks sliding up and down, growing little by little so he didn't notice as she made a tight seal around him. Stroking him with her ass as it clapped and smacked loudly in the water.

Fap Fap Fap.

Ass cheeks wetly smacking as she used all her muscles and her powers to do the work. Toshiro leaned back, grabbing at her waist as she bit her bottom lip,

Fap Fap Fap

Slamming her hips down on his lap, until.

"Ahaa-aaaaahh!" he gasped as she felt a warm splash onto her back.

"haaah…" she gasped softly, bouncing up and down a little more until the last drops oozed onto her mid-back, and between her (somewhat engorged) ass cheeks. Toshiro gasped and flopped against the top step as she quickly stood up… dripping cum from between her cheeks into the water while she let them shrink back to their 'original' size as Toshiro slid down the steps and into the water.

"Oh!" she hopped down to grab him beneath his arms, dragging him back above the surface where he spat water out again as he laughed nervously.

"I've never had a butt job before… uh… was your rear always that big?" he coughed, and began climbing out of the pool, "I mean… I looked at it a lot but that skirt is apparently really good at hiding your size."

She laughed, following out behind him as he went to an outside storage and retrieve a set of towels… he handed her one as she began to wipe down her body, and he did the same but he glanced over her green skin… letting the towel hang off his erection as she pulled her towel away from her face to glance down at it. "…One more?" he mumbled as she rolled her eyes.

"Right-o." she said before gripping the towel at the ends, and waving it out like a blanket before she crawled onto it on her hands and knees. He walked around behind her, making a little padding of his own on the hard concrete as he grabbed at her hips and- "Aah! MMGNh!"

She covered her mouth with her hand as Toshiro quickly began pounding away at her from behind. "MGnh! MGh! MNG!!" her eyes rolled as her insides shaped to his big dick… and she was 'enlightened' to Alice's fondness for large phalluses... "MGnh! Mmgnh! Mngh! Mnghg!" her hand crumpled the towel as Toshiro's cock vibrated inside her… plunging in and out of her his hips rapidly bucked, against her body. Pulling her back by her slender hips as her ass cheeks wobbled against his thrusts.

"Haa-haa!" he buried his girth into her, shaking slightly as she began moving on her own. "Wha-!" she slammed her back with her rear, and he lost balance. Falling onto his back as she quivered in orgasm but quickly recovered, her body moving… uncannily over him as she squatted down on his throbbing cock. He was already close to the edge, it didn't take her long to give him the push.

"Haa-haaah! Haaah! Aaaaaah…." She took a deep breath and let gravity take her down the rest of the way onto Toshiro's lap, shaking excitedly as she fell backward, both lying in a heap together as his cock pulsated, pumping another load into her as they stayed connected until his limp cock twitched out of her, sending a final rope onto her inner thigh. "Pheeeeew…" she sighed, but remained lying down on the concrete…

"…Ow." He mumbled sheepishly after a few minutes of afterglow before pushing himself up as she rolled onto her stomach and pushed up, slowly. Her body shook as she got to her feet. She stood beside him as he got up…

Comically he glanced down, giving his limp girth a light tap. "…I… think I'm done." She smiled at him, "You're really good at your job." He mumbled shyly. "…Is that a compliment?"

"…I think so." she noted thoughtfully, "But probably not to MOST girls."

"Right." He seemed to nod agreeably.

"I need to use a shower?"

"Right inside help yourself." He said quickly, gesturing to the house as she in turn pointed at her clothes.

"Be a sweetheart and grab my clothes for me?" she replied, already moving towards the house and leaving Toshiro a little confused, but he obliged, reaching down to collect her things, before following her inside and leaving his own wet clothes outside…

Miss Martian quickly found the luxurious shower, and blasted the heated water up to max before cooing under the hissing water, running her hands over her luscious green body, squeezing at her ass cheeks first… then her breasts, twisting and turning sensually under the water, bathing in that way only Superbabes could.

Sexy but practical.

However she wasn't even trying to bathe sexy, she was just making sure all her bits were properly in place. It wouldn't do if her ass couldn't fit back into her SKIRT that might raise a few questions, so she was double-checking. Not that Toshiro minded or anything, watching Superbabes Shower was a spectator sport. He put her clothes down on the sink counter as he watched her absently, Her boots ended up slipping into the sink…

There was a collection of soaps and shampoo in the shower which seemed weird because Toshiro seemed to live alone. But she checked the liquid soap, recoiling at the scents, before just settling on the bar of soap. Lathing herself up, down, all over… even when Toshiro wasn't looking, her back… she just shifted her bones and joints and… that's not important. She was thoroughly cleaned by the time Toshiro returned to the bathroom wearing a towel of his own wrapped around his waist…

A slight bulge in the middle of it from the view of Miss Martian in the shower…

She turned off the water, and smiling she got out. Drying herself off as he put the money down on the counter. He was well used to the motions of Superbabery. "Orders says you're a regular?" she asked, making conversation as she redressed.

"Um… Orders? What?"

"Never mind Daddy-o. Who do you usually order?" she asked, tugging on the boots.

"Oh… well I like Killer Frost, but I also try to get Raven…" he mumbled, sheepishly. It felt like bragging about his conquests but at the same time, he was doing it with a girl he just met… like a bad pickup line attempt. "But they're almost never in when I call now."

She blinked at him curiously, "They're like some of our most popular girls you know." she said casually. Walking out of the bathroom with him behind her.

"I guess so. Because it seems like every time I call they're not working or already out." He mumbled a little dejected. "Last time I called Big Barda was picked for me. So when showed up, she was fun…" he noted, "But it's still kind of disappointing."

"Well… don't worry about it." she said "…Maybe next time you order you'll be surprised." She gave him a pretty smile and a wink. "Order again. I had a Nifty time."

"Sure. Wait nifty?" he blinked as she shut the door behind her and headed back to the car.

…If she was working and the other girls weren't maybe she should mention to Orders that SHE could be Killer Frost or Raven for him… he seemed pretty dejected.

Time: 2:59 AM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

'Candy' Jane returned to Superbabes in far better time than she left it. Orders was casually directing the girls left and right, sending out Yaya on a delivery and a recently arrived Freya onto the floor.

"Later Candy." Yaya replied sweetly as Jane chanced a glance at her curiously before putting the money down on the counter. Orders, her hands moving in a whirl across the counter doing this and that, casually managed to sort Jane's cut in record time. Before finally picking up the phone and arranging a reservation.

Whap. She put the phone back on the hook, eyeing Jane curiously. "Yes?"

"You know the next time he orders Killer Frost or Raven… you know I could-"

"If I wanted you to be someone else. That's who you'd be." Orders said simply, "YOU are Jane, my Miss Martian." She said, firmly as Jane fidgeted. "Keep it that way."

"Right-o Ma'am." She replied smiling appreciatively.

"In fact, I've been working you too hard this week… head home. Get some rest." She said, casually, "I'll change the schedule and give you a whole day to yourself. Relax…"

"Really?" she replied surprise as Orders rolled her eyes.

"Yes, Really, you've had a rough few night shifts. I'm not heartless just greedy." She jerked her head towards the lockers. "Go change. Head home…"

Quick changing being a skill well driven into the girls it didn't take long for Jane to get out of her Miss Martian clothes and into something more casual… even if it did have a character from 'My small horsie' stamped on it, Rainbow Run. She wasn't a fan, she hadn't seen the show yet but apparently, it was from Ash. Which was just a little confusing for Jane.

"Good night Orders." She said heading out as Orders's eyes flashed and her head shot up.

"Wait…!" Jane paused, curious as Orders's mouth opened slightly then quickly closed. "…Never mind… false alarm… head on home." she said stiffly.

"Oh… keen…" she replied, thinking nothing of it as she headed out to walk home. Her apartment was barely fifteen minutes away through a few alleyways…

She was one alleyway away from her home when some grungy men, so grungy they seemed to be dressed as trash bags leapt from the litter-ridden alleyway to block her path. One of them, missing a few teeth with a scraggly unkempt beard grinned at her, producing a switchblade that seemed to have been cared for better than his clothes.

"Heeeey pretty lady…" he said in a poisoned honey tone. "How's about you show us what's in the purse?"

For a very, VERY brief moment. Jane was confused as to why Orders would allow her to leave if she knew she was in danger… then… a mass of brown strolled up behind them, pushing the second man HARD into the wall and quickly disarming the first one. The switchblade flew up in the air and into an open dumpster before the mugger was shoved away hard onto the alley floor.

A trenchcoat and fedora-dressed man opened up one side of the coat, pointing to something that she somehow knew was a Japanese weapon, a sai. "Mmmn-mmn…" he said, shaking his head warningly as the two attempted muggers scrambled to their feet, terrified at the sight as he closed his coat and turned around.

Jane sighed, "Raph, what are you doing here?"

The big turtle shrugged, his face SOMEHOW disguised by a fedora. "What? I was catchin a movie!" he said avoidantly as she smiled, walking towards him and patting his arm.

"…You worry?" she said understandingly.

"YEAH I worry…" he said elaborately, not really looking at her but making her smile anyway.

"…How about a pizza? I'm hungry." She said walking out of the alleyway with him, avoiding the lights as

"I could eat. Been a busy night."

They crossed the street and just barely spotted the two muggers running awkwardly down the sidewalk, "What about them?" she asked curiously as Raph scoffed.

"Eh… I'll get em later…" she eyed him curiously. "What? I've seen em around… know their hangouts… I've been keeping an eye on this general area…" he said vaguely, waving his three-finger hands around in a circle.

"Uh huh…" she said, "Whatever you say daddy-o…" she opened the door for him. "…You just like the CATS…" she said knowingly as Raph's beaky turtle face just grimaced silently.

"Extra pepperoni." He said finally, walking in after her.


You know, for a turtle. Raphael has had a lot of sexy furry girlfriends, and I mean furry not just the lizardy ones... he's my favorite.

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