
Delivery Girl: Silver Banshee Order #5

I don't own DC

It should've been just another night at Superbabes. But it wasn't…

The girls were still pretty, money was pouring in on various tits, asses and thighs, for mostly breasts and thighs.… Giganta casually watched from the doorway keeping most of the rowdiness down with a glare or a well-placed wink. Miss Martian and Red Lantern were playing poker with a vanilla shake slurping Batgirl, Power Girl was taking charge on the floor taking over for usual hostess, Wonder Woman, who had other matters to attend to today.

Probably someone young and impressionable.

It wasn't until the girls started noticing the clock that they were becoming more and more concerned. 6:00. Nothing. 7:00. Nothing… 8:00 still nothing… 9:22 however: they got something.

"Fecking SHITE. Sorry I'm late boss but my brother got caught in…" Silver Banshee, half a step into the locker rooms stepped right back out and stared curiously at the empty seat behind Orders's counter, chancing a glance into her office and NOT meeting a stern, purple-eyed gaze. "Traffic… The FECK?" she blinked at Giganta. "…Is she in the bathroom or something?"

"No. She hasn't shown up yet."

Silver Banshee suddenly grinned knowingly, "Oooh right… she went on her date with Caleb tonight…"

Orders tried to arrange an earlier meal, but to no avail, dinner it was. But apparently it was taking much longer than expected, or she was running late herself.

"…Well shite I thought up a lie for nothing…" mumbled Silver Banshee, sounding almost disappointed now after her realization. "So where is she?" in response Giganta just shrugged, glancing concernedly at Orders's usual seat before turning her attention back onto the floor.

"No idea but she's missing out on delivery time and that's not like her…" Silver Banshee slipped into the locker room to put on her face… mainly because her costume was basically her regular clothes. But as soon as she came back out, she sat down into Orders' chair, swiveling around on it before putting her feet up onto the desk as Giganta glared at her.

"This is a sweet chair…" Silver Banshee noted with a grin, her skull painted face stretching almost grimly as Giganta rolled her eyes.

"Get out of it…" she chuckled exasperatedly, "Before she walks in and tells you herself." The girls in the lounge collectively glanced at the back door, expecting as usual for coincidence to force its hand, When there was no response Giganta mumbled with a sheepish and somehow adorable shrug. "I wasn't the only one that thought that would work, right?"

"No, I thought it would too." Red Lantern replied tiredly.

"Seems the norm really." Batgirl added.

"I honestly had my doubts, but I'm new at this." Miss Martian admitted sheepishly as just then the phone rang.

The girls stared at it as it kept ringing, Silver Banshee glancing up at Giganta curiously, "Are deliveries on?"

"We do actually deliver food, remember?" Giganta replied but she wasn't quite sure whether to answer it or not. "Although I'm not sure how to answer…"

"Oh my god just pick up the phone!" Power Girl jiggled into the room, and grabbed at the phone, yanking it off the hook.

Time: 9:34 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)…

I won't tell her if you don't.


"Superbabes! We deliver!"

"Hey are you guys delivering tonight? YEAH!/You guys usually deliver on Saturday!/Colt give me the phone! Also, you sound different scary boss lady."

"We… Do-I mean we are delivering… but um… repeat customers only tonight."

"Well that is great because we ARE repeat customers/Dude Killer Frost!"

"Not working tonight."

"Stargirl?/Green Lantern?/Dude! Shut up."

"Also not working tonight. You know what? I'll ask around. What do you want?"

"Oh… uh… whatever?/Whatever./we're cool with whatever."

"That's not how this works-nevermind. Whatever. I'll send you a couple of burger meals then?"


"What does she say again? You'd think with the amount of times I've heard it… oh right! We'll charge you upon completion of delivery, 60 minutes or less, name and address please…"


"Those weird twins who are always ordering Leslie, want someone, who wants it?" Power Girl asked. Ripping of a receipt and waving it to silence other than Batgirl who noisily slurped her shake, seemingly thinking on accepting it herself. "Anyone who doesn't go gets to help with the late diners." She noted as a legit swarm of clients from fratboys to perverted old men, entered through the front door.

"Those are the rich ones, right?" Red Lantern asked curiously, as Power Girl shrugged, checking the receipt as a disposable bag of food with a cartoonishly sexy picture of Power Girl stamped on it slid across the counter stopping perfectly behind her.

"No idea… but they're in Gotham Heights so. Probably…"

"YOINK." Silver Banshee smirked as she yanked the receipt from Power Girl's fingers before Red Lantern could even consider trying her luck. "Dibs. Enjoy pinchy time girls." The other girls sighed reluctantly but Miss Martian blinked at Silver Banshee as she grabbed at the bag of food.

"…You'd rather do the back seat bingo with people you don't know than work a crowded floor?" she asked curiously as Silver Banshee hesitated, she seemed to ponder Miss Martian's question. However, all she could think of in response was.

"Back seat bingo?" she grinned evilly as Miss Martian's green face blushed red.

"I mean sex."

"She knows Candy come on." Power Girl replied pushing the 'teenaged' looking green girl onto the floor gently. "Get going." She added to Silver Banshee as she stuck out her tongue in response, gently biting it and making a face before heading out towards her bike. She stored the food in her bike seat before swinging her leg over it, grabbing the handlebars and revving it up before roaring off into Gotham, the window waving through her white hair.

Gotham Heights not only seemingly never changed but seemed to be stuck in Victorian-era Gotham despite being in America as opposed to England. But then again much of Gotham is still like Victorian England in design, as it is a cesspool… still Gotham Heights was a nicer part of that cesspool than most.

Silver Banshee drove through the empty roads easily as only the richest of the rich went up this high in the Height's. They don't get traffic… she sped towards Harland Manor as if she's been there before, but it was hard to miss, even if all the manors in the Heights looked alike to her and just about everyone else who didn't have butlers, maids, or valets…

She swerved up the driveway, her tires shrieking on the pavement as she parked upfront and just about everyone knew it in the general radius. She swung her leg off the bike, opened the storage and retrieved the food. Swinging it from her hand as she glanced around very expensive-looking Harland manor, and considering the twins are Superbabes regulars, they must not be making a dent in the potential trust fund.

She walked right up to the front door, already raising her fist to knock loudly on the hard wood. "Superbabes."

Time: 9:55 PM. Place: Gotham Heights (Harland Manor)

"Special Delivery Service." Silver Banshee waited a moment, then knocked again. "Hey! Open the feck up!" she declared irately, before scowling and double checking the address. It was certainly the right place…

"Master Colt! Please, I- Ah…" Silver Banshee raised an eyebrow as the door rattled from the other side.

"Almost done Lexa!"

"Aah! Aah! Oh! God! Ooh!!" the door banging as Silver Banshee recognize the distinct sound of pounding against it. "Aah… Ah! Master Colt!"

"UUgh… get the door Alexa…" he moaned as the knob feebly twisted, then slowly opened.

"C…Cum in… please…" Alexa the sex maid, significantly red faced and shaking pleasurably stuck her head between the slightly open door. "Oh God…" she whispered feebly as Silver Banshee abruptly kicked the door in. The plump, big titted phat assed made was pressed against the wall with her maid skirt hiked up over her soft ass. One of the handsome black-haired twin's, Colt Harland, had his hips planted to her bare ass… still in clothes himself as he gazed at Silver Banshee.

"Hey! Come in!" he declared, balls deep in his sexy help as Alexa moaned ingloriously, shamefully trying to recover what dignity she ever had before become a sex maid. Silver Banshee's booted foot hooked on the door and swung it shut with a bang behind her. Alexa managed to suck in air through her teeth to state firmly.

"Take off your shoes please…" she ordered, and it was hard for Silver Banshee not to laugh as she said it with a straight face and with the cock of her employer balls deep inside her.

"Whatever." She replied lazily, kicking off her boots and leaving them haphazardly against the wall. "The feck you ordering Superbabes for when you have a sexy piece like her keeping your cock wet?" she asked lazily as Alexa looked visibly shammed… it only made her hotter.

"We can only have fun with her so many times before she needs a break!" Colt replied childishly, pouting at Alexa… "You're coming to my room tonight right?" he asked with surprisingly big pleading eyes as Alexa bit her lip nervously.

"…It's Master Leo's turn tonight." She noted shyly as Colt scoffed.

"We'll then you're just going to have to take both of us!" he said as if that settled the matter. Alexa fidgeted and whimpered as Colt removed his dick from her snug and moistened pussy, she pushed down her dress to cover her ass and dripping slit.

"Master Colt, please, not again… why do we even assign different nights if I'm sleeping with you both anyway?!" but she moaned as he gave her plump poundable rear a squeeze through the maid uniform.

"Feck me she looks like a bitch that like's it." Replied Silver Banshee crassly as Alexa shot her a blushing but angry look. "Lets go dickhead I got shit to do!"

"Eep!" Colt squeaked as Silver Banshee grabbed his cock in her free fingerless gloved hand and dragged him into his manor.

"Where's your brother at?" she asked lazily glancing around the massive manor, eventually find but briefly passing a billiards room with Colt's identical twin Leo playing pool in a red shirt… Colt was in a blue shirt… because of course he was. "Hey Fucker. How's it hanging?" she gave Colt's cock still firmly in hand a stroke. "…I hope like this fella's…" she noted sensually, but crudely as usually.

"…This is the girl they sent?" Leo noted to his brother... squirming under Silver Banshee's handjob as she hung the food bag from a pair of antlers mounted on the wall.

"At least she's hot. ECK!" he jerked nervously as she gave him an extra 'firm' squeeze.

"Feck you! I am a sexy BITCH." She declared confidently with an almost manic laugh, "I have a nice set of tits, a pretty face, a tight cunt, a tighter ass, and a sexy fecking accent what more could ya want?!" she swung Colt towards the billiards as he danced on his toes. He hit the table so hard the balls on top shift, Leo sighed forlornly at his ruined game but seemed to quickly loose interest once Silver Banshee began to take off her clothes.

The jacket went flying off towards the same set of antlers she hung the food from and before the boys could remark on her fit arms said 'nice set of tits' were on display as she yanked off her tank top.

"SNORT!" the boys suddenly laughed, as Silver Banshee glared at them. "What's with the horse?!" they declared together as Silver Banshee glanced down and then laughed herself. There was a poorly drawn body paint picture of My Small Horsie, Rainbow Run on her stomach. She had been playing 'Tattoo artist' with her 4-year-old niece from when she was baby-sitting her much earlier in the day. It would wash right off but it seems she completely forgot it was there.

"What? You bitches don't like My Small Horsie?" she said with a smug sneer before pushing both Leo and Colt against the pool table again, side by side as she knelt on her heels. "Because I'm going to fecking RIDE you two like one…"

"…Oh shit."

The boys said together as she opened her mouth, and took Colt into her mouth. "Ooooh shit…!" he groaned happily as her hand slipped up Leo's loose shorts leg, grabbing as cock under his pants as he squirmed awkwardly.

"Agh… aah damn!"

"MMngh! MMngh! mMngh! MMngh! MMngh!" Colt grabbed at her head, his fingers lacing through her long locks as he began pushing against her bobbing head, the tip of his cock hitting the back of her throat as he face fucked her. "Guck! Guck! Guck! Guck! BWAH!!" she yanked her face off of him as his saliva soaked dick briefly kept pumping smearing her painted cheek as she smirked at the freshly white streak on his dick before yanking down Leo's shorts from the inside.

His cock swung upright as he fidgeted, she had removed her hand from his dick so fast he almost thought she was ripping it off. As his shorts rested around his ankles her hand shot back up to almost smack against his ballsack… knowing that Colt previously emptied himself into the sex maid earlier, Silver Banshee fondled Leo's heavy balls before giving his rigidly wobbling shaft a turn in her throat.

"Guck. Guck… Guck!" loudly gagging on his meat as he slacked against the pool table, thrusting into her face as her lips pressed against the base of his shaft again and again, he clenched his teeth, one hand taking a fist full of her floppy mohawk, yanking her faster and faster on his cock as she stroked off his brother. Her make-up smeared messily down her chin as spittle and saliva drooled from her mouth, her tongue lapping away at his cock as she soon tasted pre-cum dripping on her tongue as he slid in and out of the back of her throat. "Bwah! Ha-Ah…"

She was yanked of Leo, her head was turned and she promptly had her mouth refilled by Colt, "Mmgnh! mMngh! mMngh!"

"Shiiit…" groaned Colt, "She has a mouth on her!"

"And she's good at sucking dick too…" groaned Leo as Silver Banshee shifted her hand from fondling his sack to stroking him off.

"That's what I-NGh… MEANT!" Groaned Colt agreeably, pushing her face to the base of his cock, "Haah. AAGH…" Silver Banshee gazed defiantly up at him, her lips stretching in a skeleton grin as he rapidly bucked his hips hips against her face.


"Aaah!" he yanked his cock from her mouth with a wet pop, holding her head in one hand and aiming his tip into her open mouth, "Haah! Aaahhh…" he stroked out a steady, well aim stream of cum onto her tongue, "Uugh!" rope after rope accurately shooting into her 'big mouth' spraying the roof of it before oozing down into the back and inevitably into her gullet.

"Hah! You nutted first!"

"Shut up! I was playing with Alexa before!" Colt whined irately, "It's not MY fault I was already warmed up!"

Silver Banshee however gulped down Colt's nut and spat onto Leo's dick, saliva dripping onto the rug that probably cost more than her bike, plus her modifications. She smeared his 'lubricant' all over his cock. "He did have a nice taste. Probably from maid pussy." Snarked Silver Banshee as their cocks twitched up and down slightly as if nodding in agreement. "HUP!"

"FUCK!" Leo yelped as she grabbed an ankle and lifted him onto the pool table. "Ah! My back!" he mumbled as the 9 ball almost went into his 'middle pocket'. He shifted slightly yanking it from beneath him as she got to her feet and shoved her tight black pants to the floor… she tossed out her hair as his cock rigidly wiggled in the air before crawling over him.

Straddling his hips as his legs hung over the edge awkwardly before sliding her snug pussy down his shaft as he hissed through his teeth. "Sheeee-it…" he hissed grabbing at her waist and bucking up into her. "Haah! Ah! NGH!" she slammed a hand down onto his chest and RODE him… like a 'horsie'.

"Haah. Ah.. ah! Aah! Feck! Fecking! Shite!" she squealed as the balls on the table wobbled from the movement.

The pool balls not Leo's. Those they were technically moving as well, swinging up against her as he thrust his hips up into her as her breasts wobbled up and down. "Ngh! Ah-aah! T-Tag in!" Leo groaned, furiously bucking up into Silver Banshee as Colt quickly glanced around.

"Ha-ha-ha! Tapping out already? Don't be Bitch! EEK!" she yelped suddenly as without knowing Colt had kicked a convieniently placed stool behind her, and stood on it, pushing her further over onto his brother before mounting the table and guiding his twitching cock towards Silver Banshee's defenseless asshole… This obviously wasn't the first time the twins fucked somebody on a pool table… they did it to Alexa yesterday and Killer Frost last week Friday.

"NNGH! FECKING bastards!" she squealed as together they assaulted her holes in a two-pronged attack. Pounding away into the foul-mouthed Irish woman in alternating and well-practiced double penetration. In and out, in and out, neither twin was inside her at the same time, a steady unceasing pounding. It's defeated Killer Frost, it's defeated Alexa, and it's defeated various other babes including Stargirl and Green Lantern (II).

Silver Banshee was not better or worse than those girls.

"Haaa-aah! Aaah! FUCKING! BASTARDS!" she squealed in orgasm, shaking wildly as Leo and Colt broke their usual synchronization and began pounding away at her for their own satisfaction. A sure sign that they were going to cum. "Agh-! Aagh! Aargh aha-ha-ha-ha I'm Gonna! KILL YOU TWO!!" she screamed again, clenching her teeth as her green eyes rolled.

Leo came first, thrusting up into Silver Banshee and spraying her insides with a thick load of twin cum. Grinning proudly as he emptied his balls into yet another Superbabe. Silver Banshee reacted like she was allergic to it, shaking like she was having a seizure and screaming like her namesake. "Raaaaaah!!" Colt grabbed her hair, yanking her head back as her eyes rolled in their sockets with his heavy thrusting, standing bow legged on the pool table and smacking hard against her tight ass…

Tight as in fit AND snug around a cock…

Colt buried his cock into her ass, hissing through his teeth as if in pain but feeling AMAZING as he hard fucked the white haired irish girl. "Nnggh! UGH!" ramming as hard as he could into her body as she went limp, shaking and twitching as he ripped his cock out of her ass and caught his breath. Stumbling down from the pool table, stepping on the stool before flopping against the wall. "PHEW…"

Leo with a heavy sigh and a feeble heavy shoved Silver Banshee off him, she flopped onto her back. Legs dangling off the pool table like she just went two rounds with the Gotham Tigers…. Or Veronica. Legs spread apart as she leaked thick white cum onto the green felt of the pool table. "…Better tell Alexa that we've stained the pool table again…" he mumbled.

"We've done worse on that table WITH Alexa..." Replied Colt, his chest breathing heavily. "…fuck me that was good-oh shit." Both boy's identical faces made identical looks as Silver Banshee shot up from the pool table, glaring at them like the Gravedigger after taking a powerbomb from Johnny Nace.

"…Dude." Leo mumbled sheepishly as Silver Banshee hopped off the table, standing naked before them with smeared makeup and body paint. Discount Rainbow Run looked like she went two rounds with the Gotham Tigers as well…

Silver Banshee sniffed, and spat onto the carpet. "Okay Bitches, round two." Colt and Leo's cocks responded appropriately by shooting up at the challenge.

"Oh fuck!" squeaked Colt as she rushed forward, slamming her foot on the wall and thrusting her pelvis onto his cock. "NGH!"

"Take! IT! LIKE! A! BITCH!" she laughed, "Haah! Aaah!" Thrusting again and again as she banged the wall with his body, the antlers holding her jacket and the food wobbled warningly as "Agh! Aaah! FUCKing…SHITE…" she snarled, "Ah!" Leo, taking his turn at Silver Banshee's tight, now lubricated ass, pounding into her from behind, pushing her down onto Colt as her raised leg shot up the wall in a standing split.

…Not a flexible position you'd expect Silver Banshee to take.

It became a sex battle. The Harland twins versus a vicious bitch.

"Aagh! Agngh! Harder bitch!" snapped Silver Banshee, shaking erotically on one leg as the boys did all they could to survive. "ANngha-aah!" Leo hooked a finger into her mouth, yanking on it like he hooked a fish as she clenched her teeth and narrowly avoided biting it off.

Tugging hard on her body as he slammed into her ass, raising his hand to crack it onto her fit ass cheek. It didn't give him the satisfying wobble of Alexa's plump cheeks, but it felt REALLY satisfying to hit Silver Banshee…

In a sexy way, not an abusive one… but come on… you were all thinking it.

"nAaagh! Ah! Aaghgh!" she yowled and squealed, mingling with the panting grunts of the twins as stuff began to fall off the wall, Colt pushing up into her body, trying to fight back as she came on them both, her insides tightening around them like a sneak attack as the boys finally got back to working together instead of just trying to get her to STOP.

They hurled themselves onto the floor, bucking and grunting as they all lied on their sides. "Aggh! Aaah! Haah-ahaah! Aah! SHITE!" Silver Banshee shrieking loudly as she came again, Leo pushing up into her ass and letting his load join his brother's before ripping out of her hole. "Haah!" He rolled aside crawling quickly away as Colt rolled her onto her back, and began to pound down into her.

Grunting and sweating, heaving his hips again and again the smack loudly against her crotch as Leo shut her mouth by crawling over her face and stuffing his cock between her lips. "MMgnh! mNGh! MNghg!" literally doing push ups, rolling his hips against her as she slurped noisily on his cock, until she squealed once again. "MMmngh!"

Colt pushed his upper body up and his hips down, pinning her to the floor as he released another wad.. Gasping for breath as Leo yanked his cock from her lips and shot a few ropes down, his cock wiggling like an unrestrained firehose, caking her smeared white and black face as she gasped… inhaling a dollop as the boys flopped exhaustedly onto the carpet…

"G-…Give me…" she moaned, "a FECKING… Minute… I'm going to feck yer brains out…" she breathed, lying like a submissive bitch on her back as the boys glanced at each other. Both inwardly agreeing to NEVER order her again…

She was fucking scary…

But her declaration went unfulfilled. Or more actually she already fulfilled it. The boys exhaustedly lied on the… somewhat sticky carpet as Silver Banshee grabbed a pool table leg and dragged herself slowly up it, like a reverse stripper… a really shitty stripper. Clawing the edge of the pool table she hauled herself up the rest of the way. "Don't tell me you bitches have had enough!" she declared proudly, although she was in NO state herself to fulfill any threats.

Silver Banshee could admittedly take a metaphorical beating, all sorts of them, but she wasn't a sexual goddess like some of the other babes… she was a good fuck for sure, don't get me wrong… You can't be a Superbabe and not be good in the sack. But she wouldn't be walking after two rounds with an entire football team like some previously mentioned and unmentioned Superbabes. She was barely walking after three rounds with the twins…

And the twins are admittedly pretty fucking good at fucking…

But everyone was tired, everyone was satisfied… except maybe for Alexa as she now had to clean up the billiards room. But even admittedly she got a good pounding in before that… Simultanously the boys raised their right hands and slapped the floor.

"Done." They declared together before releasing a heavy sigh.

"Can't feel my legs." Grunted Colt weakly as Leo dragged himself to the far corner of the billiards room, dragging his legs behind him as if wounded in a war. He reached up into a dresser drawer, retrieving a stack of bills from a collection before swinging them above his head like a surrender flag.

"Thanks for the good time." He moaned as Silver Banshee, on wobbling legs and rattling knees used the pool table to 'walk' over to Leo before grabbing the money.

"Ha!" she declared proudly, before staring down at her pants, and realizing she had to bend over. "…Feck."

…It took significant time, and a rather humorous display of awkward flailing and bending before Silver Banshee managed to retrieve her clothes and find a bathroom to wash herself off. She rinsed away the 'tattoo' of Rainbow Run, wiped the cum from her face, rinsed her hair, face, and body until she stank less like randy twins and more like a regular woman before getting out, drying off, then putting on her clothes. Stuffing the money into her tight back pocket until she could get it into her bike seat.

Sex maid Alexa stood waiting for her outside the bathroom and visibly jumped at the sight of an unpainted Silver Banshee… whatever it was about the skull make-up that hid the Irish girl's remarkable beauty not even Orders could answer. But everyone was always surprised… it was that surprise that made it so breathtaking in the first place. She was like a disguised princess revealing herself to the proverbial prince…

Until naturally she opened her mouth and fucked all that up.

"Well you have fun with those feckers but I think I tired them out for yeah." She said crassly as Alexa recovered from her beauty shock as Silver Banshee got a handful of Alexa's ass. "…Damn that's a fuckable body…" she mumbled under her breath as Alexa yelped. She made her way to the door and Alexa followed her as if worried she'd steal something…

…An understanding opinion.

But Silver Banshee left with little more trouble, waving to the boys as they climbed the pool table to their feet. She shut the front door behind her, letting the Gotham Heights wind waft through her hair as she stretched and returned to her bike. Tossing the money into the bike seat before swinging a leg over it and roaring off into Gotham and back to Superbabes.

Time: 10:47 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Candy Jane sighed as she returned from running a delivery down the street, gazing at the empty Orders chair as Sierra leaned over the front of it. Her shapely backside jutting out behind her as she took delivery order after order.

"Superbabes are you a regular? Please hold. Superbabes are you a regular? Please hold. Superbabes are you a regular? Okay. May I take your order? Uh-huh. Two Catwoman meals and a Black Canary desert name and address." She wrote it down, ripped it off, and handed it to Jae-Hwa who read it and went to the kitchen. Sierra then hung up the phone as Ashley's bike rumbled into the parking lot.

"I'm back. What the feck did I miss? Move that backside greenie." She gently pushed Candy Jane further in before approaching the counter, holding the wad of money.

"Oh my god." Sierra mumbled, "Where the heck is she?" she breathed curiously, "I've already sent out Jackie, Tasha, and Freya…" she glanced at the stack of money before snatching it.

"Hey! Fecker…" and tossing it onto the counter before grabbing the phone.

"Okay. Sorry about that what would you like to order?"

"Orders!" declared Candy Jane happily as the woman herself entered.

"Oh thank god. Sorry, please hold." Sierra gazed at a rather calm-looking purple-eyed boss as she walked in from the parking lot and casually made her way behind the chair to her office. Dropped off her things before returning to the counter and sitting down… "…Boss?" the blonde asked curiously, letting an incomplete question not get an answer.

Orders casually, flicked her thumb through the fresh stack of bills, took a part of it before handing it to Ashley. Glancing at Sierra and nodding approvingly. "Good work Sierra. You'll get a bonus this week." She said, gesturing to the couch, "Take a break you earned it… Ashley, put on your face. Jane go help Kathy there's a group out there who likes the younger heroines…" she said as Jane jumped to it…

"…So…" Ash grinned unmoving at her boss who casually thumbed through one of her crossword books, selecting one and resting it before her, already begging to solve 6 across as she briefly turned to the computer and turned on 'deliveries' for real. "How was dating Caleb? Did you get any?" she asked lecherously. "Guy's a looker. All the Smulders boys are lookers…"

"Caleb was a gentleman, and I had a lovely time." Orders replied primly as Ronnie-Bell grinned, "Go put your face on." she repeated, back to being the boss.

"Oh come on… you can share!" Ash replied knowingly.

Orders glanced up from her crosswords. Tapping 10 down, as she stared firmly at the fire-starting, big-mouthed, Irish bitch… "Put. On. Your. FACE…" she said with finality.

"You know I'm just going to find out eventually, Caleb tells that big bitch Becca EVERYTHING…" Ashley grinned as Orders apparent good mood finally diminished somewhat.

"I will call up Daniel Smulders, right now, and I will set him up with any and EVERY Superbabe I think will be a good match for him." Ashley's face went white as a furious look crossed it, all she had to do now was apply black make-up. "None of them will be you." She added with a hiss as Ashley seemed to seethe in quiet anger…

"Not cool Orders." She declared menacingly but marched into the locker rooms.

Ronnie-Bell watched her go into the locker rooms and waited a moment. "Are you going to see him again, sugar?" she asked in a conversational whisper as she grinned knowingly at her boss as Orders, pleasantly, replied in a crisp calm tone.

"That is none of your business Ronnie-Bell." The big girl 'ooooh'd' like a schoolgirl teasing her best friend about her crush before she went to go crush a rather handsy trucker trying to give Candy Jane's jiggly rear a quick feel.


Sorry to disappoint any and everyone who wants to know how Orders and Sgt. Caleb Smulders got along on their date (it went well, promise)... but you know how secretive Orders is. Maybe for a 200th chapter I'll actually show her on a date (or this date) or something, as I don't really want to do anything ridiculously big... but I'm not sure.

Fun fact: Ashley's niece's favorite horsie is 'Rainbow Run', but Ashley's is 'AJ'. Just for fun.

Next chapter