
Delivery Girl: Killer Frost Order #5

I don't own DC

"What the fuck is this?" Orders snarled, standing outside Superbabes as a fancy as hell sports car parked in front of her parking lot driveway.

"That is a 1969 Star City Streak." Silver Banshee supplied dismissively after an impressed whistle. She was standing outside with her boss and admiring the vehicle. "Very nice car. Probably as old as any three of us put together."

Miss Martian lingering in the open front door of Superbabes fidgeted slightly and slunk back into Superbabes. Biting her lip to stop herself from 'correcting' Silver Banshee.

"Orders. Keep your cool." Giganta said calmingly as a frumpy woman in expensive clothes exited the car, swinging her purse over her shoulder and walking away.

"Hey!" Orders shouted after her, "You can't park here." She said as the woman turned to look at Orders with a face that said 'How dare you!'

"HOW DARE YOU." She said to match her face "I have RIGHTS!" she declared in an accent that told Orders that she used that sentence a lot. "I am busy!"

"Lady you can't park there." Orders replied irately as Killer Frost, arriving for her shift, paused outside the shop to watch the fireworks. "It's a driveway and you're blocking a place of business. Just move your car a few feet-"

"Who cares if I'm blocking this whore house!?" the woman replied quickly, "Do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me that way! Mind your own damn business." Which was literally what Orders was trying to do, but semantics. This was clearly a woman used to getting her way and with a certain amount of self-importance that nobody wanted to deal with so they continued to 'feed the troll' as it were…

…Unfortunately for the unpleasant woman, that's not how Orders WORKS.

…The air around Orders suddenly became very cold. Giganta rested a hand on her shoulder as Killer Frost whistled softly next to an agreeing Silver Banshee. "That woman is fecking DEAD." The Irishwoman whispered under her breath while trying to hide her grin.

"Listen here." Orders declared, cold as a Gotham winter, "Move your car. Or I will move it for you. You are illegally parked on private property, MY private property…"

"You tow my car and I will SUE your tacky pants off! It's worth more money than you will ever see!" the woman replied, "Now leave me alone before I call the police for harassment!

Orders mouth gaped open, her tongue sliding slowly across her teeth as Silver Banshee cleared her throat. "Boss. The 1969 Star City Streak doesn't have parking brakes on its front tires." She supplied casually.

Upon this information, Orders sniffed indignantly before nodding in understanding to Silver Banshee's surprisingly assistive car facts. Turning her attention to the big redhead unnecessarily restraining her from strangling this incredibly unlikeable woman. She said flatly. "Move the car."

"…Seriously?" Giganta laughed, eyeing the car over… inwardly thinking: yeah, she probably could.

"MOVE. THE CAR…" Orders repeated as the woman stared aghast at Orders.

"EXCUSE ME!? I am talking at you!" she said, despite previously telling Orders to stop talking her. She followed Orders briefly before Giganta walked around to the back of the car. "Hey! What the hell are you doing you giant slut?!"

The car creaked as Giganta easily lifted the back. The woman paused horrified as the big girl walked several steps forward, moving the car out of the driveway as cars waiting behind her began to swerve into the parking lot. Giganta moved the car it's full length before letting it drop in front of Superbabes. "Have a nice day Sugar." She declared 'sweetly' before gesturing to Killer Frost and Silver Banshee inside as the woman, that indignant look of self-importance still on her face, immediately whipped out her phone…

Once inside and heading towards the lounge Giganta spoke up curiously. "Is that gonna come back and haunt me?" she asked lazily as Orders sat back down behind her desk and an influx of clients began to come in through the front door.

"Not really…" Orders replied as Killer Frost quickly went into the locker rooms to change. "…But I really should consider hiring a girl who wants to be a lawyer."

"What's stopped you?" Giganta teased, leaning against the counter but spying the frumpy bitch outside clearly bitching to someone on her phone and yelling at various passersby, ignoring her mostly.

"Usually, girls who want to be lawyers don't want to be delivery girls." Orders replied dismissively.

"You don't say?" Killer Frost snarked, walking out of the locker rooms in costume. "That probably shouldn't stop you from actually hiring a lawyer." Orders just rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure I'll find one eventually." Orders noted lazily.

"…Like right now?" Killer Frost asked glancing at the phone, obviously expecting it to ring. Orders's purple eyes flickered as she sighed.

"That doesn't always work." Orders noted. "Besides he's not a lawyer." She then reached for the phone.

Time: 7:55 PM. Place Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We Deliver."

"Hey. They uh… THE uh... the Killer Frost thing?"

"One Frozen fruit Parfait, anything else?"

"Delivered Killer Frost? HICCUP... Right?"

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be… informed... You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please.


Orders slammed the phone on the hook as the woman from earlier couldn't leave well enough alone and was viciously yelling at Supergirl (I) who had just entered Superbabes. Orders ripped off the receipt, handing it to Killer Frost as she made her way around the counter. "Get going I need to deal with that…" she snarled as Giganta sighed and followed Orders…

Mostly to stop her from killing anyone.

Killer Frost's food slid across the counter as she took it, casually walking out the back to the company car. No longer blocked in by an uppity bitch. And drove off into Gotham before the police showed up to stop her from leaving… because of course, the police were called.

The theatre district of Gotham is where all the rotating plays and musicals call home. Just stay out of blind alleyways and you're basically fine… Dogs the Musical, Middle-School the Musical, Burr the Musical… Gray Ghost the Musical.

Simon Trent is doing very well for himself property-wise. A fact contributed by Killer Frost on more than one occasion every time some new merchandise opportunity presented itself. Being a long-time Gray Ghost fan and even longer sporting a crush to Simon Trent himself, it was understandable.

She parked on the curb of the sidewalk closer to the various apartment buildings that were almost exclusively occupied by actors and hopefuls, wannabe starlets and out of luck old thespians. One of these buildings actually contained Simon Trent for a time during that 'bombing' incident. She actually didn't know which one it was…

But between you and me it WAS the one she was walking into…

She made her way inside, ignoring the less than savory landlord banging on the first floor collecting a late renter. She walked up two flights of stairs, unknowingly passing Simon Trent's old room, and reached the third floor checking the receipt. She walked right up to the door, reached up with her fist, and knocked loudly.


Time: 8:12 PM. Place: Theatre District (Cheap Actor Apartments #304)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished, waiting for the door to open with a sassy sexy hand on her hip and the food dangling in the bag from the other. The door popped open and an older man in his forties opened the door, holding a very expensive wine bottle and wearing a big grin on his moderately handsome face.

"Come on in! hic..." he replied cheerily as she stepped inside. WHAP! His hand playfully slapped at her rear.

"Oh!" she gasped, leaping into the moderately barebones apartment as she laughed. "Someone's frisky." She mumbled absently, rubbing her rear as she put down the food on the nearby table littered with empty wine bottles.

"I.. am celebra-hic-ting!" he declared happily. "You are looking at the new lead of the Gray Ghost Musical!" he drank from the obviously cheap wine bottle and approached Killer Frost who was looking at him with new interest.

"Oh yeah?" she said, mildly amused. "Do you have the costume?" not expecting a yes.

But he pointed at her, "I DO have the costume!" he replied, before putting the mostly empty bottle down and running into the bedroom. "I have two costumes-HIC! Wait here!" Killer Frost laughed curiously as she heard less then comforting sounds as the drunk man changed clothes in the bedroom… she just sighed, rolling her eyes before stripping off her costume…

The guy reeked of cheap wine and clearly, his apartment just had a party of some sort judging from all the trash and dirty dishes littering the place. She'd get him to pop him one or two times and head right back to Superbabes…

"Halt-hic villainess!" he declared dramatically, leaping into the room wearing the hat and goggles and a pretty accurate costume. "Or face the justice of the GRAAAAY GHOST!" he sang as she stared at him for a moment, "…Wow." He replied glancing at her naked as she smirked.

"…Okay…" she approached, taking his hat from his head and putting it on her head. "…I might enjoy this a little more than I'd like." She then shoved him back into the room as he flopped onto the bed laughing. "MMnn… prepare yourself Gray Ghost…" she rubbed at his crotch, kneeling at the edge of the bed. "There's not a man alive who can last under my cold attentions…" she cooed, blowing against his crotch… and gazing at the rising bulge. "…Huh…" it throbbed like a balloon ready to pop, her hands reaching for the zipper and opening it.


A rigid 10-inch erection wobbled free, throbbing imposingly over her face as she bit her bottom lip and groaned. "Ah fuck he's raven approved…"

"You think you can best ME Killer Frost?" he declared, resting a hand on the hat and by proxy her head. "Prepare yourself!"

And now he's getting into it… fuck.

"MMmngh!" she was pulled to the tip of his cock, her lips spreading open as she took inch by inch down to the base. Her nose inhaling freshly laundered suit and drunken man body odor. "Mmng! Mmgh!" he pulled her face down his cock, "MBnhg! MGnh!" grunted as she gagged on his cock, his other hand feebly opening his pants and shoving them down his legs.

She pushed her head out of his crotch, yanking his pants down off his ankles as he sat up. "Mmngh! Mmnh!" her head jerked up and down on his throbbing shaft as it only got harder between her lips. "Mmngh! Mmn-hmn…"

She couldn't see his goggled face as she was still wearing the hat. Pulling her down his length again and again as he leaned forward and gave her ass a loud SMACK! "Mmngh!" she wiggled her behind as she furiously moved her head. "MNgh! Mmngh! Mmngh!"

"Haah… AAhhh! NNGH!" he yanked her head to the tip, she had been moving her head so fast she was a little dizzy. The tip of his cock still in her mouth he furiously stroked out his load, cock pulsing in his hand as he pumped thick jizz into her mouth.

"Mmngh-mmn…." She gazed up at him, gulping down his wad before coughing slightly at the amount as he pulled his cock from her lips with an audible pop. "Haaah… ah…" she gasped as he stood up from the bed, wobbling slightly as he slapped her face with his limp length. "Mmn…" she smirked up at him. "How was that Gray Ghost?"

"That was clearly… good…" he mumbled, somewhere between actor and acting. "But clearly you still need to be rehabilitated villain!"

"I-Oh!" he hauled her up from the floor and hurled her onto the bed. "Woo!" she pushed up onto her hands and knees only for a moment as he slapped her rear again and crawled onto the bed. "MMgnh!" he pinned her down, taking her hands behind her back and holding them in place as she spread her legs…

…Okay. He WAS dressed as the Gray Ghost. She was a little turned on right now.

"Ahh!" she gasped, shaking as she felt his cock slid between her thighs, one hand 'restraining' her arms and the other on her shoulder pinning her down, "AHah! Argh!" she shuddered as he pushed his cock into her pussy, slamming away almost immediately, "Ahgh! Ah! Ah! Aagh!!" she shuddered, her hands tightening into fists as he pinned her down and fucked her. "Ahaahg! Ahgh! Shit! Yes! NNgh! Aaah! Ah!" Oooh!"

"Ngh! Ha-ha-haaa-ha!" he grunted eagerly, slamming away down into her body as the bed creaked and groaned unhelpfully beneath them. Clearly not designed for the hard fucking he was delivering.

"Aaahh-aaah-aaahhahhahah!" her voice undulating as he railed down hard into her body. "Ha-haah…" she clawed at her skin as her legs thrashed on the bed, a surge of orgasmic pleasure rushing through her body as he, but more likely the Gray Ghost, made her cum. "Haah-aah-aah-aaah! OOooooh…" he slammed into her, balls deep, as his shaft bulged and began pumping her full. "Haah… aahhh shit… fuck…" she laughed, shaking slightly as she lied her head down on the bed. "Oof!"

She grunted loudly as Gray Ghost dropped onto her. "Ooooooh…" he groaned as she wiggled her head. "Not bad hero…" she mumbled, rolling her body beneath his dead weight. "You out? Your out…" she declared, her toes clawing at the bedsheets as she debated on how to get out from beneath him… he currently had a death grip around her wrists. "O… okay…" she grunted, slightly, shifting beneath him. "Let me just-ah-fuck…" she hissed as his cock stretched her insides, rigidly shaking erect.

The good news was he let go of her wrists, the bad news was he was moving again. "HA-MMGNh!" she bit down on his sheets grabbing at his wrists as he planted his hands on either side of her head. "MGNn! MGN MMngugh…" stretching the sheets with her mouth her eyes rolled as he began to go from a steady, slow pounding trot to a straight-up gallop. "Mgh! Mngh! Mngh! Mmnh-ngh! NGH!!" her fingers bit into his wrists but he didn't care or notice, railing away into her body as he drunkenly and sloppily continued thrusting.

Jamming his girth into her, scrapping against her inner walls her tight insides clung to his cock as she tore a hole in his sheets. "FUCK…" she snapped, "Ah-fuck fuck FUCK…" she cursed, shaking in orgasm as he covered her mouth, "MMNGh!"


"MGH! MNgh!? MMNNGH!" she squirmed as she came again, grinding on top of her as his cock pumped another hot load into her. "MMGNH!?" she shivered beneath him as he pinned her down onto the bed. Her eyes rolling up into her head as he pushed off her body, flopping onto his back… then rolling completely off the bed onto the floor.


Killer Frost inhaled deeply through her nose. Shaking softly as she raised her hands, and slammed them flat onto the bed, shaking as she pushed herself to her knees. Her back arched slightly as she trembled, her arms buckling as she bent forward slightly, "Hoooooo shit…" she breathed then sat up. Blinking as she reached up and tapped the Gray Ghost hat still on her head. "…Huh."

Shaking slightly she slipped off the bed, one foot, then the other before playfully putting the hat back onto her head, She pouted, and posed, gazing into a nearby mirror as she giggled with the hat on her head. She'd make a pretty sexy Lady Gray Ghost… not that that's a thing.

She was just about to go look for a bathroom, when she managed to catch sight of a glint in the mirror, light reflecting off a pair of goggles. "Oh FUCK!" she cursed, as she was turned around, her back pressed to the wall, "Ahh.. AH!" her leg was lifted up as Gray Ghost the Musical actor pushed back into her pussy, "Aaah! SHiiit." She whined, her ass ramming against the wall over and over as her raised right leg wagged her foot in the air. "Fuck this… COCK!" she gasped, shaking in orgasm again as he continued to relentlessly ram into her. "Ahh! Aagh!"

Standing on her tiptoes now, she was dragged up the wall, "Aagh! Aaargh!!" the pictures and mirror on the wall rattled as he pounded her against it. "Aah! Aaghh! Cum already! Fucking cum!" she squealed, laughing as the hat rolled down her face to cover her eyes.

He grunted, gasping for breath as he pounded his hips harder and harder against her. "Hah. Hah…" hooking her leg on his arm as he squeezed at her chest. Before rapidly jamming back against her.

"Aha-haa-haah-aaahhngh!" she writhed against the wall as she came once again, he ripped his cock our of her and rested it against her just before firing a steady load of cum ropes across her stomach and up to her chest. He gasped, rubbing his cock against her soft body as the last drops spurted out.

She flopped awkwardly to the floor as he claimed his hat from her head, putting it on his own as he posed just like the poster of the Gray Ghost Musical. Then flopped backward HARD onto the floor… she stared at his body, glancing down at her own and the stickiness. She closed her eyes, and let the final shiver of her orgasm run through her before planting her hands on the wall and pulling herself up. She wobbled over him, her legs shaking as she absently toed his side, before reaching down and grabbing the hat .

"…I'm keeping this." She said, more to herself than him because he was a little out of it. Still, naked and covered in man junk she strutted around the apartment until she located the grody bathroom. She rested the hat on the sink before turning on the water. "Phew…" she sighed, letting the cold water spray onto her body before it quickly warmed.

She rinsed her face, closing her eyes briefly as she wiped her hands across them. "Ah come ON…" she mumbled as Gray Ghost stripped down to everything but the goggles and flopped into the shower. His cock against her ass and rigidly twitching between her ass cheeks.

His hands firmly on her hips he pushed her against the wall, furiously grinding up against her as his cock slid between her cheeks. Reaching around to rub at her crotch. Her body tensed as he feebly rubbed at her clit, hot-dogging her ass cheeks as he groaned… pushing her firmly to the wall as a load of cum finally sprayed across her back.

"Haaah…" he sighed, flopping against her contentedly as she sighed, shaking subtly. "…Damn it… back shots are always the hardest to clean." She grumbled as he pressed his face comically to the wall, a loud, TINK of the googles pressing against it. "…THIS is why Simon Trent." She pushed him off her, "Will always be the Gray Ghost." She declared as he flopped against the opposite wall. She glanced down as best she could over her shoulder but she wasn't an owl. "Damn it." she grunted…

She hosed her body down, twisting and turning under the water as she tried to wash her back. But it was kind of like trying to rub sunscreen on yourself… she was going to miss a few bits without extra effort and Gray Ghost was slumped onto the floor. But with enough time she finally managed to declare herself clean. And with a quick check in the bathroom mirror, she dried off. Turning the water off in the shower before he drowned himself.

She claimed the hat again, before returning to the living room and retrieving her suit. She paused as she slipped her legs in, hesitating only for a moment just in case he decided to ambush her, but there was no response. She yanked the suit up over her body, and made sure it was snug, before heading back into the bathroom.

She squatted down before him and promptly slapped his face. "Wha-zat? What? HIC..." he mumbled sleepily as she smiled at him.

"Hey. I need you to pay for the delivery." She declared smiling as he nodded his head, opening and closing his jaw to make sure it was still working before he pushed himself off the bathroom floor.

"Right. Right my signing bonus hold on… ow." He mumbled, unaware that she hit him as he stumbled around the room. She briefly wondered what the guy would be like sober, but then decided against it. She didn't need to consider giving the guy a freebie because he got to dress up as the Gray Ghost…

The only Gray Ghost she'd ever consider giving the best roll in the hay of his life would be Simon Trent himself. Yeah, she was a groupie, fuck off: The guy is a silver fox.

Gray Ghost the Musical however soon returned with a fresh stack of bills, taking a certain amount from the stack and handing it to her. "Thank you…" she smiled as he took the hat off her head, putting it on his.

"I hope you learned your lesson criminal." He said in a fairly good, but not quite right, imitation of the Gray Ghost Strutting past her to head back into the bedroom. She reached up, and yanked the hat from his head, putting it back on her own as he flopped onto the bed not noticing…

…She said she was keeping the hat. She smiled to herself and strutted towards the door. Besides the guy said he had two of them… of course, he might just be seeing double depending on how much he drank. Still… easy enough to find a gray hat.

Making the hat look good she strutted out of the apartment building, and back to the car. Making a mental note to see the Gray Ghost musical and judge accordingly… besides Simon Trent might be there. Win-Win.

Time: 9:43 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Sgt. Caleb Smulders and his semi-rookie partner Officer Arnold Averman stood between a very calm Orders and a very irate, and still unlikeable woman. "I want her arrested!" she shouted, pointing angrily at Orders who was the very picture of calm. Unnerving calm.

"Ma'am. You were illegally parked on private property." Sgt Caleb replied patiently, but clearly exhausted from this woman already, "From where I'm standing… Ms. Orders did you a favor. Because we would've impounded it." he said frankly but the woman wasn't hearing it.

"I have RIGHTS."

"Yes. You do… unfortunately for your statement. So does everyone else." Sgt Caleb replied patiently.

"Good, you can escort her off my property she's not allowed to be here." Orders replied casually as Ronnie-Bell just sighed, setting off the woman like a BOMB.

"I am going to sue you and every one of your bimbos!" she declared as Killer Frost entered the back of the lounge. Taking off the Gray Ghost hat that her lucky delivery 'gave' her, briefly watching the show while subtly shuffling to the locker rooms.

Orders just stared placidly at the woman, before clearing her throat and listing off the woman's offenses. "Trespassing, blocking a driveway on private property, illegally parking, disturbing the peace, filing a false police report…"

"Excuse me!?" she snarled aghast.

"Sgt Smulders." Orders said plainly, "What did she say about us allegedly moving her car?" Sgt. Smulders stared at her plainly for a minute, before repeating calmly

"That Giganta lifted her car off the pavement and moved it several feet forward." He replied, sighing with a soft smile, and shaking his head.

"As you can plainly see, Giganta, or 'Doris Zuel' as I've heard her call herself on the news, is not here. Therefore, this woman lied on a police report, I believe that's a felony in Gotham. But I'll have to check with my good friend Judge Edward Teach." She added, name-dropping her favorite judge as the woman could only gape indignantly before snarling.

"Giganta is right there!" she pointed to the tall redhead as Orders correctly replied.

"This is my employee Ronnie-Bell, any resemblance to the known Super Criminal Giganta is completely unintentional."

"Oh, that is just bullshit." Killer Frost mumbled under her breath, smiling, as she walked into the locker room completely to drop off her new hat.

"Shut up, Leslie." Orders snapped. "Sgt. Smulders, I believe you have enough to at least detain her. Please escort her off the premises. She is still trespassing on my private property after my consistent requests for her to leave."

"…Sir?" Averman asked nervously what to do in one word as Sgt Smulders couldn't help but smile.

"She is technically right." He said, "I'm afraid you'll have to come with us, ma'am."

"Excuse me!?" she shrieked furiously.

"Resisting arrest…" Orders added in an almost completely bored tone "Tsk. Tsk." and shaking her head in 'dismay' as Averman tried to quietly escort her out, sparing her the quiet dignity of at least no handcuffs, but she certainly was now resisting arrest.

"Get your hands off me!" she declared, and she elbowed Averman and the nose. On purpose or an accident, it no longer mattered.

"Ow!" he grunted, briefly stunned as she tried to make a run for it only for her to crash headlong into Ronnie-Bell. The woman was a living wall of muscle, and she was unmoved by the irritating woman's bulk as she fell crashing to the floor, where she was quickly restrained by Averman and Sgt. Smulders. No longer sparing her the handcuffs.

"Put her in the squad car, Arnold." Sgt. Smulders said seriously as the woman shrieked obscenities mixed in with 'rights' and 'you can't do this'. He then turned his attention to Orders. "…We really can't keep meeting like this ma'am."

"It's all completely unintentional I assure you Sgt. Smulders." She replied plainly as Leslie leaned on the doorframe of the locker room, eyeing the handsome brother of Rebecca with interest. To be fair all of Rebecca's brothers were damn good-looking. Ranging from cute guy to dead sexy… Sgt. Smulders was in the 'dead sexy' category. "…You shaved off your mustache." Orders noted

Sgt. Caleb Smulders glanced down his nose as if to look for his missing policeman mustache as he nodded slowly, "…I did indeed. Mostly because I was amazed by the sheer number of jokes you managed to dig up for it in between my visits." he noted charmingly as she smiled.

"Well, I hope it became a very handsome butterfly, that caterpillar was cocooned on your lip for so long." Orders noted as Ronnie-Bell and Leslie chuckled. Even Sgt. Smulders managed a smile…

"See? Just like that… ahem." He cleared his throat, "…Actually, Ms. Orders. I was wondering something?"

"Mnm?..." she noted, then her eyes flashed… she suddenly sat up straighter. "Uh…"

"Are you doing anything this Saturday?" he asked, charmingly.

"...…" Ronnie-Bell and Leslie's eyes snapped to and stared at their boss, who was unmoving. Stunned.

"…I think you broke her." Leslie breathed after a long pause with a cheerful chuckle.

"I… will…" Orders managed to squeak out, eventually. "…I'll think about it, Caleb." She said clearing her throat as he nodded and shrugged, seemingly taking the non-committed answer in stride.

"…Have a good night, Ms. Orders." He smiled charmingly before putting on his police hat and walking out the back door. "And I'd recommend a restraining order, she strikes me as the sort of woman who won't let this one go." He said and walked out, the sound of the squad car driving off into Gotham as Leslie, Ronnie-Bell and half the wait staff

"Ooooooooooh!" at Orders who growled quietly.

"Back to work…" she warned timidly but Ronnie-Bell and Leslie remained in the lounge.

"Rebecca's dead sexy older brother just asked you out!" Leslie teased, slapping the delivery money on the counter.

"Shut up." Orders demanded in her usual tones, in fact she seemed rather smug, a slight smile on her lips. "Just because I don't dress up doesn't mean I'm not attractive to those with sophisticated palettes."

"Uh huh…" Ronnie-Bell teased, "Speaking of sophisticated, you got all lawyer-y back there. How did you know all that legal jargon, Hon?"

"I'm a business owner in Gotham I need to know these things." Orders replied frankly sorting Leslie's cut, "…And she was literally too STUPID to leave things alone and kept digging her own grave, so she got herself arrested for assaulting a cop and resisting arrest off little details and technicalities." She absently went back to her sudoku. "…I'm not even sure she could've been arrested for everything I said before, until she hit Officer Averman… it was a bluff."

"…Did you Jedi mind trick her into getting herself arrested?" Leslie asked suspiciously, as a (semi-ex) hustler herself, she would have to have mad respect for such an act of manipulation. Orders's purple eyes flashed at her dangerously: the cold air from earlier when the irate woman insulted her restaurant seemed to return in winter level force.

"She called my place of business a 'whore house'…" she said, as cold as the A/C working overtime. "Self-important entitled SHITstains are easy to manipulate and control…" she said with an angry Hector level snarl as Leslie fidgeted uncomfortably at how cold she suddenly felt.

"…I am very glad I've never tried to hustle you at pool boss..." she mumbled nervously, clearing her throat.

"Hmph…" Orders replied confidently as Leslie threw up her hands to the back of her white-haired head and shifted past Ronnie-Bell to work the floor. The towering redhead leaned against the counter, and subtly shifted her upper body closer to Orders, whispering down at her smug expression.

"You have no idea how to answer Caleb, do you?"

"I have no fucking idea!" Orders declared in a soft hiss; her calm façade fading immediately as her purple eyes widened in horror.


I didn't give the bitch a name, but we all know what we should call her.

As to Orders getting asked out by Rebecca's Dead Sexy oldest brother… we'll let that one stew for a little while 

…For the record from Rebecca's brothers' Handsomeness rankings: Oldest to youngest

Caleb: Dead Sexy

Bernard (Burnie): Ruggedly Handsome

Alan: Regularly Handsome

Daniel (Danny): Cute Guy

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