
2 for 1 Combo: Green Lantern II and Giganta

I don't own DC

"I hate watching incest porn." Pouted Starfire abruptly shutting Catwoman's (I) Laptop computer JUST as Orders walked in for the nightly deliveries, heading straight to her counter. She paused for half a second-

"Don't ask her why!" she said quickly but it was too late.

"Why?" laughed Catwoman unable to stop the question from flowing. It was so out of nowhere, she was only trying to show Starfire a porn video she found of her online… to be honest Starfire had SO many that it was something of a scavenger hunt to find one she wasn't aware off. But admittedly the video was a clickbait title. 'Sister bangs her step-brother' that sort of thing…

Orders however groaned as Starfire pouted indignantly. "They never commit!"

There was a hesitant pause as the girls in the lounge stared at her. Giganta in her usual spot leaning against the counter chuckled good-naturedly. "That's not a word I expected you to know." she noted to a few chuckles. "Just in general." Starfire however continued much to Orders intense disinterest.

"If you're depraved or desperate enough to have sex with your mom, or sister, or brother or friendly uncles from out of town…" Orders sighed through her nose, closing her eyes as Starfire continued, "Then WHY are you pulling out?! COMMIT!" she demanded pointing scathingly at the computer as Orders rubbed her temples. "I demand realism! Boys don't want to pull out in the first place, so why are they lying to themselves?"

"…What could've POSSIBLY brought up this conversation?" Orders asked indignantly as Black Canary, walking out of the lockers to start her shift raised a finger to snark about Orders' clairvoyance, but the purple-eyed boss cut her off. "DOOOOON'T start…" and the busty blonde just kept walking.

"I just wanted to show V this clickbait video I found." Replied Catwoman, "But she won't confirm if it's her or not…"

"Oh my gods." Orders grumbled, her eyes flashing. "It's NOT her, put that away and get back to work." She added as Catwoman sighed, getting to her feet to put her laptop in her locker as Starfire pouted. She was... crankier than usual, for a rather childish reason.

"Now I'm all worked up…" she pouted with surprising speed, possibly fueled by pure lust she lunged towards the counter smiling at an unaffected Orders. "Can I work the 2 for 1?!"

"No. It's Green Lantern and Giganta and it's going to STAY that way until your probation is up."

"Booooo." Moaned out Starfire as Giganta raised a red-dyed eyebrow at Orders, Starfire shuffling out onto the floor.

"What did she do?" she asked surprised as Orders frowned.

"…She went 'out of town' for a bit…" she tapped the counter. "WAY out of town…" Several miles UPWARD out of town in fact, but Orders didn't feel like doing astronomical calculations. Or letting Starfire have fun doing astronomical calculations. "So, until she learns not to accept rides from weirdo's 'from WAY out of town' she's keeping both feet FIRMLY on Terra Firma."

"…So you replaced HER on the 2 for 1-" Giganta began, jerking her thumb at the pouty-lipped, nymphomaniac Superbabe as she tended to tables. "-with ME?" she pointed to her big lady self.

"…One redhead is as good as another." Orders replied enigmatically as Green Lantern (II) walked in from the floor with tips.

"I beg to differ." Giganta said with a rather unsure smile. For reference see: Poison Ivy, Batgirl, or again, Starfire… Giganta might not be a 'natural' redhead, but the comparison of debauchery between her and just one of those three are arguably miles apart.

Orders suddenly swatted Giganta hard across the rear and she jumped with an adorable gasp of surprise, but the purple-eyed boss, continued to adjust the website almost undeterred and still managed to deposit Green Lantern's tips under the counter for later with her now slightly sore hand. "Don't be silly you're a sexy bitch…" she said in an uninterested monotone. "The number of fetishes you fill are almost comparable to Green Lantern." She said, jerking a distracted thumb to a surprised Green Lantern (II). "And she's a fetish smorgasbord."

"…Did I miss something?" Green Lantern asked surprised, glancing between the two as Orders finished on the computer.

"I'm apparently replacing Starfire on the 2 for 1 this week." Giganta replied as Green Lantern sighed almost in relief, and turned to set her big bouncy booty on the couch for a break.

"Oh. Good." She replied curtly as she got comfortable. "Starfire's a… nice girl, but sometimes I worry of what she'll do to me on a delivery if I'm left alone with her…" she wiggled slightly, her slight blush hidden by the custom green sunglasses a sure sign that whatever it would be, she'd probably enjoy it too much. "Besides we might not even get a 2 for 1 order…" she declared as Giganta just shook her head smiling wistfully, and rolling her blue eyes to the ceiling as Orders' flashed and she reached for the phone.

Time: 9:02 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes we-"

"I want the most EXPENSIVE thing you have on the menu!"

"-Deliver… very well, one 2 for 1 combo for delivery. Now Say please."


"Very well. Anything else?

"YEAH! Duh… um…THAT! No-THEM! Them too! Whoever! Delivered by-please."

"Very well. Your delivery will arrive within the hour, we expect them back within a reasonable timeframe or you will be charged extra for every hour you occupy our delivery girls' time to a maximum of five. Do you understand?"


"You just don't say it." Giganta declared firmly to an apologetically sighing Green Lantern. "You just DON'T, Hon, why jinx it?" she added before snatching the receipt from Orders' hand.

"He is DRUNK." Declared Orders dismissively, "So watch out for projectile vomit…"

"Did you see that happen or are you just joking?" Green Lantern asked unsurely as Orders shrugged.

"…Seemed like something I should say." The food eventually slid out, it was a sixty-ounce sirloin steak after all and a granola parfait, one of those needed prep time.. Giganta easily hauled the food from the counter and gestured Green Lantern outside.

"We'll take my bike." She said, "I hate stuffing myself into one of the company cars." as Green Lantern easily hopped into the side-car and took the food from Giganta's grasp to hold onto it as the big redhead swung one of her big legs over the bike seat. Revved the motorbike and roared loudly off into Gotham.

After a quick drive.

"It's been a while since I've been up here." Green Lantern said conversationally.

"WHAT?" replied Giganta loudly as her motorcycle roared up into Gotham Heights.

"IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I'VE BEEN UP HERE!" Green Lantern repeated as Giganta nodded her huge head and swerved up the twisting roads of Gotham heights passing numerous lower mansions and getting up into the REAL rich people's homes.

Giganta rode up towards a particularly gloomy mansion, with oddly enough the junkiest looking car upfront. The kind of car you'd never see going near Gotham Heights, let alone parked upfront. It was brown but green in some places from chipped paint and dents, it was missing the passenger side mirror and the inside look to be a gathering spot for fast food wrappers and cups.

Giganta set her bike FAR away from the car, feeling that the owner of the functioning rattletrap may or may not care about its condition, but she certainly cared about her motorcycle and wanted to keep any accidents far away from her. Green Lantern hopped out of the sidecar, glancing at the view of Gotham in the distance and whistling quietly as the girls approached the front doors of the towering mansion. "This place is WAY more impressive then the twins' place." She noted, again conversationally as Giganta just smiled.

"The deeper you get into Gotham Heights, the richer the families. So I hear anyway… Wayne manor is still a long way away." the both approached the front door and Giganta raised a massive fist as Green Lantern joined beside her. "Ready?"

"MMn-hmm…" she said, absently fluffing her afro hair and adjusting her green sunglasses as the doors echoed with Giganta's booming knocks followed by the joint slogan.


Time: 9:26 PM. Place: Gotham Heights (Mansion with Junker outside)

"Special Delivery Service." The girls waited, for half a moment when the door slowly opened…

A bulky man with greying black hair and scruffy beard, wearing an overcoat, fedora, loosened tie, and buttoned up shirt stood at the now open door. "Sup." He replied, "Names, Jack. Jack Dodger. PI… maybe you heard of me?"

"Not in the least." Declared Giganta as Jack gazed up at her and whistled.

"…Whoa. Look at you… welp, come on in." he turned and invited them into the mansion. Giganta and Green Lantern shared a look, and Giganta lead the way inside. The mansion had clearly been in better shape. Broken wine bottles littered the floor, ruined paintings, red stains all over the hallway. For half a second the Superbabes thought it was blood, but it was clearly spilled wine… deliberately spilled wine it seemed.

"…That carpet looked expensive." Mumbled Green lantern as Jack chuckled nervously.

"Ha-ha… yeah…" he said, putting an unlit cigar in his mouth and approaching the center hallway decorative table where he fiddled with a collection of photographs and a manilla envelope. "Several thousand dollars I think." He added as a loud CRASH echoed through the mansion. "…He did not take the news well…" he said cryptically as he gazed up the elaborate banister stairs towards the sound. "Well my work is done and YOURS is just the beginning!" he said chuckling, "Good luck!" he pocketed a stack of bills into his coat, saluted the girls and scampered past as Giganta's big hand clutched to his shirt and dragged him back. "WHOA!"

"…What's going on?" she asked him, his feet dangling an inch off the floor as she held him by the shirt.

"Whoa! Whoa! It's your classic cheating wife scenario!" he said, pointing to the pictures on the table that Green Lantern wandered over too. "The guy hired me to follow her and that's what I found! Cheating wife… he's… taking it well." He replied sheepishly as Giganta dropped him. He dusted himself off, trying to be dignified about being manhandled by a seven-foot woman, but he still somehow managed to fail at that. "…I might have recommended the old 'binge and rage' to make himself feel better.

"Binge and what?" mumbled Green Lantern as Jack Dodger shrugged.

"Smash some of her stuff and just have a good time. I recommended you girls for that second part." He grinned smarmily at them. "The guy has had like 5 bottles of wine and threw another 5 around the mansion…" he gestured to the obvious wine stains. "So have fun with that."

Jack Dodger then made himself scarce, darting by Giganta and skipping outside, heading towards the junker car parked out front. It putt-puttered before hissing to life with a backfiring bang, and struggled slowly to get away but quickly picked up speed as it started rolling down the hill.

The Superbabes curiously watched him go before jumping back to reality with the sound of smashed glass. Giganta shut the door with an ominous thud and sighed as she stared up towards the second floor. "Well… if he's that plastered maybe you can just give him a blowjob and we can call it a night?" she smiled charmingly as Green Lantern scoffed, laughing playfully.

"Why do I have to give him a blowjob? Why can't you do it?" she asked as they both approached the stairs. Giganta rested a large hand on her wide hip and the other gripping Green lantern's chin, forcing the beautiful girl to loom into her large blue eyes. Green Lantern fidgeted as the giant woman physically and mentally dominated her. "Eep…" she went stiff, and a little wet as her submissive instincts kicked in.

"Well…" Giganta cooed coyly, her voice lowering into something deep and velvety "For one thing you like that sort of thing… being told what to do and doing it… like a good girl…" she cooed in her southern belle voice as Green Lantern's shapely black ass wiggled as she shuddered. But then the giant redhead pulled her hand from Green Lantern's chin and swatted her playfully on the backside, pushing her up the first step of the stairs. "But we'll see what sort of shape he's in, up we go, Hon. " Giganta added, in her regular southern charm tone.

Green Lantern obediently began walking up the steps before steadily she regained her senses and realized that Giganta dommy-mommy her!... She reached the top of the stairs as Giganta stood about four steps down, so she was eyelevel with her. "Did you just dommy-mommy me?" she asked as Giganta laughed.

"Did I what now?" she climbed the rest of the way, towering over Green Lantern just as the sounds of something crashing against the wall echoed from one of the closer rooms. "AH." She then pointed towards a closed door and approached it. "That one. And no, I didn't 'dommy-mommy' you…" she added as Green Lantern pouted.

…She has been dominated by women before… but a woman of Giganta's size, strength, charm… well… it was giving her mixed feelings. One the one hand 'MMMN!', on the other hand she worked with the woman, and she didn't want to make it awkward by asking Giganta to sexually dominate her so she could experiment. That's a Veronica thing, and she was NOT Veronica…

Giganta knocked on the door briefly, bringing back Green Lantern to the real world as the door swung open abruptly revealing a rather… well, average looking man who smelled distinctly like wine…His hair was once neatly cut but was now messy and disheveled, he wasn't fat, skinny, or bulky. He had an average if not unblemished face, and looked to be in his late 30s early 40s… His 100 dollar clothes were stained with wine and he blinked blearily at them both, an empty bottle of wine swinging in his hand as he stumbled on his feet, trying to keep his balance as Giganta smiled at him.

"Hey there, Sugar. Are you having a bad day?"

He stared determinedly at her chest. Notedly, at his eye level, before he apparently realized that her proportionately large chest was not her face, and slowly his gazed slid up to look at her, blinking dazedly at her with red eyes… from crying or from drinking, the Superbabes could not tell.

"…WOW… you are TALL." He declared frankly as Green Lantern chuckled next to the big woman, who wore a humored look.

"I am, sugar." She noted as his head flopped on his neck before he turned his attention to Green Lantern and her moderately large breasts.

"And you… are SEXY." He said with a slight slur, holding out the wine bottle. "Drink?"

"We're not allowed to drink on the job." Green Lantern smiled.

"More for me!" he declared, drinking from the bottle then hurling it away onto the carpet and turning to walk into the room. It was then the girls got a REALLY good look. Just like downstairs, there were wine bottles and stains all over the room: some bottles seemed to have been open and left pouring sideways on the floor just to make a mess. There were a few smashed picture frames of the average man with a beautiful blonde woman, and many portraits of the beautiful woman stained and smashed. Coincidently the only thing seemingly saved from his drunken anger was the double four-poster bed, it was mostly left untouched.

He tossed the empty wine bottle away, sniffed with a sad whimper, and stumbled towards the bed only for his foot to step on another bottle and slipped, flying up in the air and about to hit the floor. "Whoop!" Giganta caught the man and carried him like a baby to the bed, sitting him down on the edge of it, rubbing his head and ruffling his disheveled head. "Almost hurt yourself there…"

Green Lantern finally put the food down, resting it on a dresser with broken picture frames as he grumbled out, "Cheating tramp…" he said sadly as Green Lantern strutted towards him… he seemed to be talking to himself, but his gaze locked notedly on Green Lantern's sensual steps towards him, her shapely hips popping left and right. "After everything I've done for her, she goes out and cheats on me with her TENNIS INSTRUCTER? Do you have any idea how much money he makes? Not enough for her wine collection!"

"Yeah I know…" Giganta cooed soothingly, letting him rest his head on her breasts as she rubbed his head soothingly. "I know sugar… we'll make it ALL better…"

"Hee-hee…" Green Lantern, taking her opportunity, pushed her prominent chest against the man's face and pinned him between the two, as they gave him a firm marshmallow hell. His head buried between their tits she slid onto his lap as he moaned contentedly. The buxom beauty wiggled her chest, bopping him between her tits before she pulled away. "Better?"

He gazed into her cleavage as she stood up, then slowly she unzipped. The skin-tight green suit loosened instantly off her beautiful dark body and freed her large breasts for his full viewing pleasure… what was left of his drunken mind melted, and he gazed dazedly at her naked body as her hands began to slide over her smooth, supple skin. Her tongue sliding from her soft lips and delicately across them as her lower body slowly gyrated in a sensual, exotic dance. Her hands moving up to her large breasts, lifting them up, and letting them drop as she moved her hands seamlessly to her face and began to lick her fingers.

"You just relax, Sugar…" cooed Giganta into his ear, sliding him onto her lap and spreading his legs as he lay back against his chest. "And let us take GOOD care of you…" she gazed at Green Lantern, silently giving her a 'signal' to proceed as a shiver ran through the submissive woman's spine and she approached.

"…I like Sugar…" he mumbled sleepily, his eyes watching Green Lantern's movements closely, but his eyelids seemingly getting heavier and heavier. Completely unaware that he had now 'named' himself to the girls.

Giganta chuckled into his ear as her hand slowly unbuttoned his long-stained pants and slid into his pants. "Well, Sugar we'll just… huh…" her hand wrapped around something unexpected as Green Lantern slowly gyrated to the floor, blinking up at Giganta as the big woman glanced down at Sugar's crotch. "…Well that's… unexpected…"

Green Lantern frowned as Giganta's hand shifted in Sugar's pants, making her writhe faintly on her lap as Green Lantern gripped his pants and pulled. "Ah…" she gasped as a 10-inch flaccid cock popped from his clothes, now crumpled around his ankles…

"MMMn… that's nice…" moaned Sugar as Giganta continued to glid her surprisingly soft hands up and down his length until it began to throb slowly to 11-inches erect as the redhead's hand rubbed his bulging tip. His cock bobbed up and down, bouncing off Green Lantern's awed, sunglasses-covered, face.

"…Oh we cannot tell Raven about him…" she whimpered, as Giganta chuckled nervously but continued to stroke Sugar.

"How's that Sugar?" cooed Giganta as the heartbroken drunk man smiled contentedly.

"Niiiice." He sighed as Green Lantern's lips opened slowly and her tongue slipped beneath his shaft, slowly sliding along it as Giganta lowered his cock towards her lips.

Giganta's other hand rested on Green Lantern's afro, almost petting the woman as she shuddered, moaning out erotically as her breath and voice bounced off Sugar's length, making it tremble eagerly in Giganta's hand. "We're going to treat you real nice." She guided a more than willing Green Lantern to his tip, the pulled her head forward slightly as Sugar moaned.

"Uuhh…aah…" Green Lantern hummed softly as her lips slid over his bulging glans.

"MMMn… mmn-mn…" her lips stretching wider and wider as she slid about a third of the way down, before going back up. "MMn-mmmn…mmn… hmmn…" twisting her head and lips as she bobbed sensually up and down, hands on her lap, kneeling before him as she sucked his cock, saliva dribbling from her lips sloppily as she slurp and he became more and more rigid in her mouth.

Giganta's tongue slid around Sugar's ear as she kissed, licked, and gummed at his face. He was completely limp on her body but his hands clutched to the bedding tightly, occasionally his hips would feebly buck towards Green Lantern's bobbing face, but he mostly let them work… "Ah… Sugar?" cooed Giganta, "How's she doing?"

"Niiiice." Sugar managed to sigh again as Giganta chuckled.

"Well… how about… now?"

"MMn-MMGH?!" Green Lantern was physically pulled down Sugar's cock, "MMGH-UCK!" she gagged as his 11-inch girth was thrust into her throat… her eyes watered, and her Sunglasses were askew on her face as she was forced into a delightedly moaning Sugar's crotch. "Mchk! GCUk!" she gurgled, squirming erotically.

A very, very, very, very, VERY small part of her wanted to be angry at Giganta, the rest of her however?...

"MMMNGH!!" her entire body trembled as she moaned incoherently around his cock blocking off air to her lungs.

…Yep, she just came…

As quickly as she reached the base of his shaft, she just as quickly popped off as Giganta let her go, "Ahaa! Haa!" she took a deep breath, let her eyes focus a little, then went right back to licking his cock. Smearing the thick girth against her cheeks and green sunglasses as she salivated and drooled hungrily on it. She paused just long enough to yank the sunglasses from her face and FURIOUSLY inhale his scent before she went right back to his tip and worshiped his cock. "MMGh…mmgh-mmgn…" she sucked on his cock head, hands double fisting up and down the rest of his slippery shaft as she tried to milk his load. "Mmn! MMn! MMN-hmnn!"

"Haa-Aah-AAH…" Sugar squirmed on Giganta, and his long dick throbbed in Green Lantern's hands.

"MMRughmmmn." She moaned as his cum dribbled from her lips. "Mmgn." She bobbed her head slowly back and forth, humming softly as her throat bulged, gulping down his cum as she cooed, twisting her head as she moved it back and forth. "MMn…"

"Haaaaaaaa…" Sugar sighed, going completely limp on Giganta. She rubbed his face but he seemed unresponsive.

"Sugar?" she cooed the pokedhis cheek as Green Lantern moaned softly around his cock, then slowly popped off, gasping for breath as she trembled in pleasure.

"Haa… haaa…" she gazed dazedly up at Giganta as she easily lifted him off her lap, and lay him down on the bed with his legs hanging off the end. "MMn…" Green Lantern's hands rested on the big woman's knees as she pushed herself up. Giganta helped her the rest of the way, hooking her hands under her arms and hefted Green Lantern to her feet. "Oooh…" but her legs were still a little wobbly. Giganta gently clapped a hand on Green Lantern's big behind, "Mmn…" Green Lantern climaxed again but Giganta didn't seem to notice.

She did however quickly collect herself, her exotic and beautiful body occasionally twitching as she leaned over Sugar and his limp cock almost hanging over the edge of the bed like a third leg. "I guess a blowjob really did do it…"

"Poor guy." Giganta smiled, poking his side again as she chuckled. "Hmmn… we either have to wake him up or call Orders-"

However, Sugar fidgeted on the bed and shot upright abruptly, swaying drunkenly as his cock noticeably did the same as he stood up. He glanced down at his cock as the girls chuckled, he poked it absently as if he'd never seen it before.

"…You alright there, Sugar?" Giganta asked chuckling as his gaze leveled on Green Lantern's magnificent body.

"MMn." He mumbled before falling forward into Green Lantern's cleavage and burying his face into her chest, cupping her big breasts and pushing them back around her face as she laughed, feeling his cock against her thigh.

"AH! Haha… ooh…" she bit her bottom lip as he motorboated her chest and thrust against her soft thick thighs, then between them as she felt his hands slide down her sides and squeeze her big meaty ass.

"She feels nice…" mumbled Sugar as he pulled away dazedly, falling back against Giganta who kept him steady. Her big hand wrapped back around his cock as Green Lantern licked her lips, slowly Giganta stroked his length whispering in his ear with an exotic hiss.

"She FEELS very nice… she's so warm and tight… and the HARDER you pound her the more she'll love it…" cooed GIganta gazing into a trembling Green Lantern's eyes as she pulled away from a wobbling Sugar… she approached a completely submissive Green Lantern who gazed up at her like blankly. Like a sheep about to be eaten by a wolf. Giganta gripped Green Lantern's hair, yanking her head back and exposing her throat before kissing her deeply, shoving her thick powerful tongue into her mouth as her other hand slid down her belly to her quickly flooding pussy, spreading her with her thick fingers as Green Lantern's lower body gyrated erotically in response as her eyes widened and rolled blissfully up into her head.

Sugar watched in awe, his cock throbbing eagerly with the pivoting sway of Green Lantern's hips as GIganta growled like a hungry, horny animal before tightening her grip on Green Lantern's poofy afro hair as she mewled adorably, feeling Giganta's tongue slid along her face. "Want this?" Giganta cooed towards Sugar who groaned, nodding his head slowly, his eyes rolling dizzying in his head. Green Lantern on the other hand tightened around Giganta's worming fingers…

Suddenly Giganta pulled her hand from Green Lantern's pussy, the slapped it around her neck as her hand went from her hair to her ass with a loud pussy moistening clap. "GUCK!" Green Lantern was lifted from the floor, a hand between her legs and neck before she was hurled onto the bed face down. "HAa!"

Giganta's powerful hand pressed down on her mid-back, keeping her flat on the bed as her other hand swatted on her big black ass, eliciting an erotica moan that hit the same frequency as Sugar's rigid cock, making it vibrate in anticipation. "Come here, Sugar…" cooed GIganta commandingly, "Come get this pussy…" she slid her hand between Green Lantern's ass cheeks, spreading her arousal dripping pussy.

Sugar wobbled towards a completely defenseless and extraordinarily horny Green Lantern. He crawled on the bed over Green Lantern and flopped onto her back, thrusting his cock feebly between her tight legs. "Here, Sugar. I'll help." Giganta cooed, then reaching between his and a cooing Green Lantern's legs, she aimed his engorged tip properly hearing the satisfactory moan from Green Lantern.

"MMN-mmmn!" she bit the slight wine tasting sheets, wiggling her thick ass cheeks against Sugar as Giganta pulled away from her.

"There were go…" but Sugar slowly pushed his hips, making Green Lantern vibrate beneath him as his cock steadily stretched her insides. She was indeed warm and tight.

"MMPH! MMMMmmn…" she whimpered into the bedding, but Sugar wasn't moving. He had buried himself into Green Lantern and that seemed to have spent all of his energy getting inside her… burying his face into her smooth back, he twitched… but barely moved.

"Hmm?" Giganta rubbed his back, "Having a bit of trouble there Sugar? Don't you worry, I'll help…"

"MMgh?!" Green Lantern whimpered as Giganta grabbed Sugar's hips and proceeded to lift him easily up, and slammed him back down into her. "MMGH-MN!!" she squealed as Giganta bounced a moaning Sugar easily off Green Lantern's bouncy black ass. "MMGH! MMNGH! MMN!!" she squealed into the blanket as her eyes rolled up into her head. "MMMnuuMMMuuuuMMMN!!" her cries of delight undulating up and down with Sugar's deep delving penetration… or at least his cock, Giganta was doing all the work really.

"Hee-hee…" chuckled the big woman almost darkly, "That's it Sugar… in and OUT." She hefted Sugar into the air, his cock just barely piercing into Green Lantern before she let go. Sugar SLAMMED into Green Lantern pushing the submissive beauty over the edge and her body quaking.

"MMMMGH!!" she clawed the bedding as Sugar bounced feebly off her ass before pushing in deep. She felt his cock bulge against her inner walls, then the thick warmth of his cum flooding inside her. His sack pulsating against her thighs as she squeezed her legs together reflexively from her orgasm.

"HMMn! MMn…" Sugar bucked feebly against her body but she didn't feel it, just his thick gushing cock pump her full of his load… she briefly wonder when was the last time she had sex, but if his wife was indeed cheating on him then probably a LONG time…

"MMNnhaaa-aah!" Green Lantern gasped as Giganta's huge body pressed against Sugar's back and her full weight pressed down on her, "Haa-aaahh…" she whimpered as Giganta pushed her hips against Sugar's, making him thrust towards Green Lantern.

"…Empty it all out Sugar… it's what she's for…" she added degradingly as Green Lantern trembled again, a tiny orgasm running through her.

"No more. No MORE… let me rest…" she whine erotically as Sugar began to push back against Giganta who promptly rolled off him and lay on her back… barely fitting on the bed as Sugar managed to push off and out of Green Lantern… but her exotic whines and tight insides made his cock shoot upright, twitching eagerly as Giganta grinned, then raised her legs, spreading them wide as her skirt rode up revealing nothing underneath but smooth, giant woman pussy.

"Alright… I suppose we should let her have a breath, Come here Sugar…" she curled a finger at him, wiggling her lower body enticingly as he swayed unsurely. "Big dicks need big girls after all…" she spread herself with her other hand as Sugar once again climbed over a beautiful woman… only this time putting serious effort into his climbing…


And he fell, his face between GIganta's breasts and his cock rubbing against her slit. Her powerful legs up in the air, she grabbed Sugar's waist, and once again helped him with his aim. The big girl groaned eagerly, feeling him pierce into her as she let go. "OOooh…" she moaned erotically beneath him as he feebly bucked his hips. "That's it Sugar." She purred as Green Lantern slowly got to her knees, watching as Sugar mindlessly, but clearly HAPPILY, thrust his hips, pawing at Giganta's proportionately large breasts.

As the big woman moaned erotically Green Lantern pouted, maybe it was the fact that Giganta was in total control of the situation, or the fact that she wanted more, who could say… but she crawled sensually over to her, then she swung a thick leg over her face so her beautiful black ass was facing Sugar.

Giganta looked humored with Green Lantern's initiative and opened her mouth as Green Lantern sat on her face, and wiggled her hips in an erotic dance, her ass cheeks popping and twerking in alternating pops as she clutched to her breasts, moaning and bouncing as GIganta's tongue spread her, tasting the mixture of cum and arousal as Green Lantern cooed.

Sugar was once again quickly tuckered out, shaking against Giganta as his stamina dropped. And no amount of Green Lantern ass shaking was going to keep him going… it kept him hard however. "Haa.. ahhh…" feebly thrusting against the big woman…

However, despite being on the bottom, Giganta quickly regained control. Her hands SMACKED hard on Green Lantern's ass cheeks and sent her into nirvana with a rapturous cry of please and orgasm. Making her tremble and gyrate faster on her face before she reached down and gave herself a similar treatment with Sugar, lifting him up and down rapidly as his body SLAMMED against her over and over and yet she still found time to eat Green Lantern out as the beautiful woman fell forward in an uncontrolled spasm presenting her big beautiful, and currently wobbling ass, to Sugar.

"MMMN-MMN!" GIganta writhed erotically as she let Sugar go and drop onto her body. "Haaa…" she sighed feeling the comparatively tiny man pump his hips, and release another load. "Haaa-oooh…" Sugar buried his face between her breasts again, and sighed, using them like pillows. "Hoooo…" she sighed, letting Sugar rest.

"Haa-haaa…" Green Lantern panted, twitching slightly as Giganta glanced up, then-SWAT! "UUUUGH!" Green Lantern came again, arching her back erotically as she trembled and wiggled for another ass smack. "Haaa! Haa!" breathing heavily and drooling as she stared with unfocused eyes into the headboard. "NNGh!"

"Sugar." Cooed Giganta, as her hands gripped and spread Green Lantern's ass cheeks. "Want one more ride?" Green Lantern's hips wiggled on pure, lusty animal, instinct. Her pussy dripping arousal, her ass stretched by Giganta's hands and winking like an enticing eye as Sugar managed to push himself off one last time.

He walked over Giganta, almost falling off the bed completely but managed to drop to his knees behind Green Lantern and grabbed her waist firmly with both hands… and for the first time managed to get himself inside a woman without help… but he DID technically miss.

"HAaaa-aaah-AGH!! YES!!" sneered Green Lantern as her ass was stretched around his cock, "HAa! AH! AH! AHHH!!" Sugar bounced his hips off Green Lantern's ass, her ass cheeks clapping and wobbling from the forceful blows, her breasts swaying beneath her as she hooked her hands on the headboard. "Haaa-AAAh-AAAGH!-NNNnnoooo!" she cried out feeling Giganta's tongue once again on her pussy giving it one long lick as she lost the strength to hold on and fell forward onto the mattress… her ass submissively up into the air as her brain turned to jello with Sugar's body…

Once her upper body hit the mattress Sugar lost his balance and fell forward with her… burying himself one last time into her ass before releasing a final load of cum, or a least a rope as he slipped off her body and popped out of her hole… Giganta tried not to laugh as he sent another three ropes in separate directions and fell off the bed with a fwump and a clatter.

"Sugar, you alright?" she asked as Green Lantern squealed into the pillows, her asshole leaking with cum and a rope across her left ass cheek sliding down her thick thigh.

"Yeah…" both managed, but at different moments.

Giganta rested her hand under Green Lantern's inner right leg and flipped her over onto her back as she wiggled and twitched like a dog displaying her belly. "MMn…" the big woman pushed herself upright, then got off the bed, adjusting her dress and retrieving her underwear that she had discarded earlier while Sugar as balls deep in Green Lantern's pussy.

"Hey Hon, Green Lantern shook a shaking Green Lantern's leg, "…Come on." Green Lantern held up her hand, in a 'stop' gesture, clawing the sheets with the other as she came down from her orgasm.

"MMMn… MMm…" with a final eye roll, she rolled off the bed. "Haa…." She frowned adorably at Giganta, who merely shrugged and lifted Sugar to his feet, literally.

She steadied him, holding his arms firmly as she smiled. "Got a bathroom Sugar?" she asked as he stared at her breasts before lifting an arm, gesturing to a door. She sat him down on the bed. "Be right back…" she then jerked her thumb to Green Lantern, who went to clean up. "Now… we need to talk about you delivery."

"…There's some money in that dresser…" he said, pointing to a particularly messed up dresser nearby… scratched, covered in wine stains and even some shattered glass… clearly it belonged to his cheating wife. "Bottom shelf, right pants pocket."

Vague. But she walked over to it and tugged at the bottom, but it seemed to be locked, she shrugged and cleared her throat with a smile at him. "…Do you mind if I break this?"

"PLEASE." He said almost pleadingly as she shrugged and-

CREAAAACK!!" she ripped the locked bottom draw clear from the dresser, sending clothes everywhere… she found literally the only pants in the drawer and pulled out a thick wad of rolled bills. More then owed.

"That was cooooooool!" he cheered, clapping drunkenly, "…Sleepy now…" he laughed as she dropped the drawer with a clatter and flopped back onto the bed. "Night-night… stupid bitch…" he mumbled dreamily. Giganta knew he wasn't talking about her, so she wasn't offended. She grabbed Green Lantern's clothes and approached the bathroom, absently watching Green Lantern bathe before resting her costume by the sink and walking back out.

She grabbed an unopened wine bottle from a group on a nearby stand, reading the label curiously. She could make out 'Cote de Nuits' elaborately drawn in hard-to-read cursive, but she shrugged, easily opened it with her hand and tilted it back. Giganta CAN NOT get drunk… at least with these miniscule servings, so she was the only one allowed to drink on the job…

However… SPLUUUUT! She spat the wine out like a fire-breather, cringed, then dropped it back onto the table with a slam, she was unsure of what fancy wine was supposed to taste like, but she imagined she could get a bottle of vinegar at a local convenience store and it would taste better.

Wordlessly Green Lantern walked out of the bathroom, redressed and holding her glasses in her hand as they walked to the door, "Bye bye Sugar." The girls declared before walking out and shutting the door behind her.

They reached the top of the stairs as Giganta started walking down. "Sooo…" began Green Lantern as they walked down the stairs.

"Yes?" Giganta asked patiently as Green Lantern cleared her throat.

"…You were pretty dommy mommy in there…" Green Lantern replied as Giganta sighed, but with a laugh.

"Oooh hon. I'm a wrestler. And contrary to popular belief a wrestler can be a very good actor. We have to sell it with THOUSANDS of people watching." She smiled at Green Lantern. "I can be a heel or a face, and sometimes depending on the partner I can put on a hell of a show." She waited at the bottom of the stairs for her. "You like being pinned, so I pinned you." She said simply, "Next time I'll ask first before improvising."

Green Lantern pouted, fiddling with the glasses in her hand before she smiled reluctantly then rolled her eyes. "…Can't say I didn't have fun…" she trembled slightly at the memory of being slammed into as Giganta chuckled.

"See? Now come on. We got to get back before Orders gets antsy." They walked past the pictures of the cheating wife and her tennis trainer, out the front door, then back to the motorcycle. Getting comfortable, they headed down the road and passed an oncoming car heading towards the mansion... most likely the cheating wife returning home to a less than appealing sight

Time: 11:34 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)






"Are you sorry?"


"Then. NO."

"Aaaw!" whined Veronica, clinging desperately to Orders ankle, lying as flat as her breasts would allow on the floor and gazing pitifully up at Orders with a pouty face. "PLEASE!"


"What if I say I'm sorry?"

"I'll consider it." Orders replied as Ronnie-Bell and Daphne returned.

Ronnie-Bell put the money on the counter, and bent over, grabbing Veronica's waist, "Hon, get off the floor."

"Not until Orders lets me back on deliveries!" she pouted, going limp in Ronnie-Bell's hands. "Think of all the dicks I'll miss!" she whimpered, "What if I find one that Alice would like!?" Daphne snorted quietly in her hand, smiling at the sheer absurdity on display as Ronnie-Bell finally managed to wrench Veronica's hand from Orders' ankle. "Pretty please!"

Orders sighed reluctantly, "…No. You are being punished."

"Booooo!" she squealed as Ronnie-Bell carried her into the lockers.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic, it's only for a day!" she declared, "Come on, let's get you cooled off." she said with the natural red-head going limp on her shoulder. Daphne stood by the Orders' counter and whispered.

"You only banned her for one day?"

Orders gave her a side glance, "…Can you imagine how awful she'd be if I cut her off for longer?" Daphne silently conceded the point with a halfhearted shrug. "I need to be firm with her and not surrender to her tantrums…"

"Good point…" Daphne muttered, quietly as Orders jerked her thumb to the couch.

"Now take a break." She said commandingly as Green Lantern obeyed quietly, "And if you call me a 'dommy mommy' even out of earshot I'll cut you off too."

"…Yes Ma'am." Mumbled Daphne sheepishly, quietly taking her break as Orders' eyes flashed warningly, and with an unseen smile on her lips, she went back to work.


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