
Delivery Girl: Catwoman II Order #3

I don't own DC

"…Is it snowing outside?" asked Black Canary, staring out the front window as (T) Vixen wiggled in her skimpy bikini.

"…Yes." she rubbed her arms slowly, the cold slipping through into the building.

"Isn't it summer?" Black Canary asked, shaking a little herself.

"Yes." Hissed Vixen continuing to rub her arms irately as Catwoman II glanced at the quickly rising snow outside the front window. "Bloody hell." She grumbled, "Sometimes I hate this uniform…"

"Sometimes?" asked Black Canary skeptically.

"It makes my tits look GREAT…" replied Vixen, "…Bloody murder in cold weather though."

"Okay. Now that we established how great your tits look." Catwoman noted casually, with a calm smile on her pretty black/Indian face. "…How about we discuss why it's snowing in Gotham in summer?"

"Ooh… Weather Wizard?" supplied Black Canary.

"My money is on Mr. Freeze." Added Vixen

"You always think it's Mr. Freeze." Black Canary pouted, "Where's your originality?"

"It's a safe bet!" Vixen noted thoughtfully. "Local Gotham villain after all."

"Killer Frost." Catwoman said simply.

"She's not working today." Black Canary noted.

"No. I MEAN." Catwoman pointed out the window as a distinctly 'Killer Frost' looking woman zoomed over the buildings on a bridge of ice that she formed from her hands. "Killer Frost."

"…Well shit." Black Canary mumbled as something else 'whoosed' after her. Probably the Batman. "Are we going to-"

"You'll be fine quit bitching…" Orders shouted abruptly as Big Barda stuck her head through the doorway.

"Pretty sure that's 'Boss' for get back to work…" she replied with a shrug as the lovely ladies shrugged and did just that. Catwoman walking into the back as Stargirl went to take her place on the floor. Livewire skipped through the backdoor, her blue shoulders COVERED in fresh snow as she shivered. Slamming the backdoor shut.

"Si mi trasero no fuera azul ya lo estaría! Qué diablos pasa con este clima?!" he hissed rapidly in spanish, rubbing her arms and trying to get the feeling back into them, marching angrily towards the locker rooms. "Maldita sea, es verano! Qué diablos ?! Maldito clima de Gotham!" The girls in the lounge, Catwoman, Cheetah, and others, stared at her as she bounced furiously in place. "Podemos al MENOS apagar el aire acondicionado?!" before marching into the locker. "Estoy a punto de ponerme menos ropa de la que ya tengo!

"Bien bien... aligera." Replied Orders lazily in spanish. "Alguien!" she paused, cleared her throat, "Somebody adjust the thermostat."

"I got it!" claimed half a dozen scantily clad girls EAGER to warm up."

"Gracias!" shouted Livewire still a little testy.

"Somebody tell that Mexican to speak English!" shouted someone from the floor drunkenly.

"Sure." Orders replied softly. "Ahem… Barda, tira su culo."

"Yep." Big Barda grinned already cracking her knuckles. She didn't quite understand what Orders said per se, but the intention was there. It was soon followed by a flying jackass out the front door of the restaurant as Black Canary opened it for her… unfortunately the snow cushioned his landing

Catwoman laughed lightly before asking, legitimately curious, "How many languages do you speak?"

"I can hold polite conversation in about 6." Orders replied, "…People keep asking me that." she added curiously

"It's still impressive."

"I'll take your word for it." Orders noted calmly. "Livewire stand in the kitchen for awhile…" she added as the blue Colombian girl jiggled out of the lockers, looking a little… bluer… than usual.


"For morale?" Orders replied, and getting a confused look she added, "And because it's warmer in there than the hot water in the shower. Let the cooks gaze at your ass close up." She added dismissively as Livewire scoffed but walked noticeably quicker towards the kitchen.

Catwoman leaned her own big beautiful ass cheeks, wrapped in Catwoman leather, against the Orders counter as she rubbed her arms. "I didn't think Killer Frost could freeze most of Gotham…"

"She's got some mystical magic nonsense going on right now. Batman will fix it." Orders noted casually, rubbing her forehead. "…I just hope you know how to drive in the snow."

"Wh-ah! Almost got me…" she said, catching herself as Orders reached for the phone.

Time: 7:45 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes we deliver."

"Hi. Yeah. Uh… okay, okay. I want the Catwoman meal for delivery?... Oh uh, please."

"…Oh for the love of-ahem-extra crispy chicken legs, an extra crispy flank of fried fish, and a basket of seasoned fries"

"Sure. Um, thanks."

"Anything else?"


"Anything else?!"

"Oh yeah… delivered. By… catwoman?"

"we expect her back in 60 minutes or less or the police will be called. Please give me your name and address."


Orders covered her face, and sighed in her hands before wiping away. "…Okay." She said, rolling her eyes and turning to Catwoman. "Yaya's got spare goggles in the locker. Go wear them for this one."

"…Like full on?" Catwoman replied, she normally didn't wear the goggles as she thought she looked better without them for the ensemble. Orders didn't care as long as she looked beautiful, and Orders was under the inclination that her girls always looked beautiful. She soon returned, pulling the things over her eyes as Orders nodded.

"You'll thank me later." The food slid out and she handed Catwoman the receipt.

"Yeah Alright… we'll see how well this works out." Catwoman smiled, taking the food and trudging through the snow to the car, and carefully petering out towards Old Gotham. Taking her time on the streets… they were slippery.

She arrived in Old Gotham with little fanfare making her way into one of the nearby buildings quickly as the snow continued to fall. She entered through the front door quickly shutting it behind her, brushing off some snow before walking around the ground floor to apartment 103. She checked the receipt, then raised a hand to knock. "Superbabes."

Time: 7:59 PM. Place: Old Gotham Apartment (#103)

"Special Delivery Service." She said, and waited, glancing around in the goggles as the door soon opened revealing a rather scrawny young man. She smiled prettily at him as he grinned.

"Whoa… hey come on in. She's still on cam."

"…What?" she asked, walking in as he led her through the cramped but clean apartment.

"My girlfriend's doing a cam show." He said, "1000 dollars and we'd fill a request. Some guy asked her to order from Superbabes." He shrugged, "Don't know why. I think he has a food fetish or something."

"…Right." She replied casually as he opened a door and showed a very attractive latin-american girl, with very fake breasts smiling prettily into a camera hooked up to a computer and pointed right at her and the bed. She was wearing black lacy stockings, garters and underwear… she leaned forward, clicking the mouse and smiling prettily.

"Well Thristybitch I don't really know the answer to that…" she said giggling.

"How did a scrawny guy like you get a girl like her?" asked Catwoman playfully as he shyly pointed to the obvious 'big boy' bulge in his shorts. "…Huh… well I know a quiet a few girls who'd like you." She replied charmingly. It was not her first big dick, won't be her last.

"Babe." The scrawny young man declared, pointing to Catwoman who smiled.

"Oh… looks like I have a delivery." She said, waving Catwoman inside. Catwoman smiled and walked right in. "Looks like… chicken and fries." She said as Catwoman smirked and glanced at the webcam and chat.

Whoa look at her!

That's a lot of ass!

…That ass seems familiar.

Take off your clothes!

Among others.

"I do have a delivery." Catwoman replied, turning and putting the food down as the camera gazed into her tits.

Whoa! Round and Brown!

Tits ahoy!

Take off your clothes!

Those tits look familiar.

"So do you do something special when you deliver? There was a guy who REALLY wanted us to order you." The poor naïve camgirl asked as Catwoman smiled, looking into the camera.

"And who was the lucky perve?"

ME-ME! ME! It was ME! SOOOOO many me(S) one after the other as Catwoman smiled, the scrawy young man now sitting next to the camgirl. Lacey Lola apparently according to the chat.

"Well…" she said casually, turning to face them and giving the screen a view of her divine ass clad in leather as she slowly slid down the zipper of her front. "When you order a special way… as you did…" she said licking her lips. "…Superbabes tend to do very special things…" she ran her hands over her body as the realization hit them both…

And scrawny's cock jumped in his pants as he gazed at her sensual dark-skinned body.

"…Well looks like this camshow just became a threesome…" pouted Lola pouting adorably into the camera. "Shame on you Tacomuncher! Thank you for the donation…" she pouted. "Sorry about this."

"It's fine sexy…" cooed Catwoman, pulling her suit of to her waist, exposing her big breasts and smooth body as the chat went WILD-

Holy shit!

Baby got back!

Take off your clothes!

She's super hot! Eat her out good Lola!

-"Mmn…" Catwoman purred, "I'm used to cameras… you could say I'm… purrrr-fectly comfortable in front of them." Rolling her Rs as Scrawny snorted.



Cat puns are beneath a body like yours! Like Boyfriend's dick should be!

Take off your clothes!

"Oh wow…" Lola declared, getting to her feet and caressing Catwoman's body, getting into it quickly as the chat roared their approval and donations began to tick up. "You're gorgeous…" she cooed as their lips brushed sensually together, chaste little teasing kisses as Catwoman purred, running her hands over Lola's body as Boyfriend watched eagerly, his cock pulsating in his loose-fitting shorts. Lola's hands slid down to Catwoman's ass, squeezing it firmly, each squeeze getting her AT LEAST a dollar donation.

"If you think I'm gorgeous now just wait until the rest of my clothes come off." Catwoman purred, "But first… how about we all get a little more comfortable?" she squeezed Lola's breasts for emphasis, licking Lola's lips lightly with the tip of her tongue as her fingers slid over the cups and pulled them down exposing her nipples and squeezing them… Boyfriend absently squeezing his bulge as he watched his smoking hot girlfriend make out with the smoking hot delivery chick.

DING! DING! DING-DING! Numerous donations clicked on the computer as Lola pulled abruptly away from Catwoman to check, bending over and smiling into the camera. "Oh wow… thanks guys."

Tongue her more

Squeeze them titties!

I swear I've seen that body before

Take off your clothes!

"…Excuse me…" Catwoman declared abruptly, grabbing Lola's hand and dragging her from the computer. "But we are FUCKING here…" she said playfully as she threw Lola on the bed.

"Oooh…' she gasped as Catwoman spread her legs, and gripped Boyfriend's cock through his pants.

"Nngh… oh man…"

"Come here girl, I'mma break your bank…" Catwoman replied, lifting her ass up and wagging it teasingly towards the camera as she buried her face in Lola's pussy, to the response of the pretty girl moaning and lying on her back, and consecutive donation dings behind Catwoman's waving ass cheeks. Boyfriend relaxed as Catwoman stroked him through his shorts, his hand making his way to Lola's tits as she sighed.

Catwoman's tongue pressed against Lola's lacy underwear, licking at her pussy as her suit began to slid off her body, helped a little at first, subtly, by her hand, but eventually her subtly swaying and twerking sent the suit down her body, then her free hand slid between her legs, and she slid it into her pussy for the camera.

DING-DINGY-DING went the donations.

"MMn-waaahh-aahh…" Catwoman's tongue lolled sensually on her crotch, tasting Lola's excreting pussy as her stocking leg slid over Catwoman's back, rubbing it sensually as Catwoman purred again. "Pussy eating pussy…"


Cat puns! Hurts… so bad!

Suck dick already!

Take off your clothes!

"Ahh… that feels awe-furry hard…" Catwoman purred as another round of chat decried her cat puns. She pulled away from Lola, sliding over and pressing her face to Boyfriend's dick, "How about I taste this now?" she flicked her tongue against his shorts, pressing it hard against his shaft as Lola sat up, her big tits wobbling distractingly.

"Ah… hey…"

"Look, honey…" Catwoman purred, "I promise you…" she kissed his obvious hardon through his pants as she looked Lola in the eyes. "You're going to rake it in tonight."


"Now let's get these pants off…" she smiled, "You going to just sit there, or am I going to have to find another dick to suck?"

Don't be a pussy!

She's a thirsty bitch!

God I need that woman in my life…

I got a dick for you!

Take off your clothes!

Boyfriend tugged as his pants, lying on his back and thrashing around like a fish as Catwoman and Lola removed his shorts, his bulging girth flapping in the nonexistent breeze as it was freed from his shorts, Catwoman kissed the base of his cock, then his sack, then licked up his shaft as it twitched, Lola watching with some interest as Catwoman's tongue danced… then she stopped, frowning. "MMmmnn…" she noted thought fully before standing up as several consecutive-

DON'T STOP(s) appeared in chat.

"No no… this is all wrong…" she teased, crawling catlike on the bed, letting that ass sway as a multitude of complaints about her round brown booty appeared. "You got a stationary camera. Classic mistake on my part…" she smiled, bonking herself on the head gently as she pushed Lola aside with her ass cheeks, turning to face the camera, her face against Boyfriend's cock as she slapped her ass against Lola's face. "See… they have to SEE me sucking dick…" she opened wide, and let her tongue dance on his glans.

"Ahh-oooh…" Boyfriend bucked towards her mouth but she kept her distance, she glanced over at Lola, starting with studying fascination as she avoided letting Boyfriend past her lips.

"Honey I'm not doing all the work… this pussy is feeling a little lonely…" she wiggled her jiggling ass, her cheeks clapping subtly, "Why don't you get a little licking in?" she purred. Before opening her mouth, and diving down Boyfriend's dick, his cock curving into her throat as she dove up and down. "Mmmn-mmgh!" she moaned as Lola learned quick, spreading her big bountiful ass and feeling her tongue slid right in.

And the donations just kept cumming…

Catwoman worked magic on Boyfriend's dick, wiggling her ass cheeks subtly on Lola's face as the comments came in waves. "Mmn-mmn-Ahh…" she gasped, breathing erotically as she wiggled her ass more on Lola's face. "Hey you got to smack my ass…" Lola blinked at her between her ass cheeks as he smiled, "Honey you SPANK an ass like mine…" she then turned her attention back to boyfriend, "Come here kitty still wants milk." She purred, opening wide. "Ahh-mmngh…"

Get it kitty!

I approve that pun

Seriously that body looks familiar, does anyone else see it?

Take off your clothes!

"MMgh! MMngh! Mmng-hmn!" she took Boyfriend's hand, and tossed it onto her head. His fingers curled on the back of her cat hat head, eventually pushing her down as she stared into the camera, her mouth slapping at the base of his cock as she took the entirety of his dick. "MMmgh!" she moaned, planting her lips at his base and letting her eyes roll up into her head. Shaking in pleasure as Lola ate her out.

Holy shit…

She's fucking hungry!

Does she deliver to Star City?! Someone! Please order her for me! I will sell you my soul!

Take off your clothes!

Okay is that guy a fucking bot?"

"Ah-UUgh!" Boyfriend groaned, pushing Catwoman down as she slurped loudly, feeling his balls on her lips quiver as cum pumped immediately up his big dick. Lola buried her face between Catwoman's ass, licking and moaning into the beautiful brown woman as she shuddered.

"MMgh!!" Cum burst out of her knows, she was going to be smelling that for HOURS but it flowed down her upper lip and onto his balls as she moaned degradingly, her ass cheeks wobbling obviously around Lola's head. "Mmng-hmmn!"

That woman is a champ!

Holy fuck I've only seen that in hentai!

Take off your clothes!

"MMmnm-mwah…" she gasped for breath, pulling of Boyfriend's limp cock as she breathed heavily though her mouth, her nose was a little stuffed. She panted as she sat upright, pulling her wet pussy away from Lola's lips. "MMn…" her tongue shot out and up, licking the dripping cum… then SNORTING the rest as she flinched. "Ugh… hate that." she mumbled, whipping her face with the back of her hand… then licking the cum off like a cat. "Going to smell that all night."

She then took Lola's face in her hands, then kissed her. "Lick me." She whispered as the girls tongues began to dance together, Lola licking up the mess on Catwoman's face as Boyfriend tried to catch his breath from the MINDBLOWING blowjob he just had… Lola wasn't NEARLY as good at deepthroating as Catwoman was.

"MMngh-ooh… you naughty girl." Catwoman purred, "I like naughty girls…" she sighed playfully, "ooh… now who's getting that dick first?" she asked playfully as Boyfriend twitched.

"Hey he's my Boyfriend." Laughed Lola as Catwoman shrugged. "…How about we let the pervs decide?" Lola smiled, shifting off the bed and leaving Catwoman a little annoyed, she was being paid to have sex and this camgirl was pretty much wasting it, she lied over Boyfriend and stroked his cock as Lola leaned over, letting the camera view her tits. "What do you think fans? Quick vote…" she said as the donations dinged.

"…Ugh…" mumbled Catwoman as everything seemed to grind to a halt, so she stroked Boyfriend, opening her mouth and suckling gently on his tip. Her hand sliding between her supple thighs to rub her crotch, sliding in fingers as Lola stood up.

"Okay…" she smiled, tossing her hair. "…Looks like I'm the winner…" Catwoman popped off Boyfriend's dick… before rolling on her back, her head dangling off the bed as she lied on her back.

"Well come here girl, lie down right on top of me." Lola approached Catwoman and fell onto her in a sixty nine. Catwoman wasted no time, burying her face into Lola's crotch as she began to lick, and Lola did in turn. "MMMH! MMGh!! Ahh…" Lola's pussy oozed arousal as Catwoman pulled away, clapping Lola's ass cheeks. "Alright get her stuffed with cock, right now."

Show them how it's done slut!

Whoever told them to order her is a fucking saint.

I need me some caramel in my life!

Take off your clothes!

"Ahh…" Catwoman moaned as Boyfriend shifted off the bed, stroking his hard cock as he stood over Catwoman, his legs straddling her head as he pushed into Lola from Behind.

"Ah-haaa…" Lola moaned, fluid dripping onto Catwoman's face as she lifted her head and wrapped those talented lips around Boyfriend's sack.


"Oh my god…" hissed Boyfriend as Catwoman moaned delectably on his balls, gazing wide-eyed into the camera as she inhaled his taint, slurping his bucking nutsack

The fact that we have to look at Boyfriend's ass is MINOR as long as that chocolate goddess keeps sucking.

If I close my eyes I can image her on my sack

This looks REALLY familiar.

Take off your clothes!

"Ah! Ahh… ooh!" gasped Lola as her boyfriend bucked wildly into her, his hips slapping on her ass as Catwoman's legs wrapped around the back of her head and pulled those unoccupied lips towards her wet slit. "Mmgh!" Lola squeezed Catwoman's ass as she grunted into her, her tongue spreading her pussy as Catwoman focused solely on Boyfriend's sack.

"Aah-AAgh!" he grunted, slapping away rapidly as he gripped Lola's hips. "Ughh!"

Catwoman slurped loudly as Lola moaned into her, she shuddered in pleasure as Lola squealed in bliss. Boyfriend pushing balls deep into her body as he emptied his load. Catwoman popped off his quivering nuts and smiled at the camera, her goggles were a little foggy but still functional.

"Haa-haa…" Boyfriend messily pulled out of Lola, cum dripping down onto Catwoman's chin as Lola was freed from Catwoman 's leg lock.

"Haa…" she trembled, rolling off Catwoman as she purred. Lola spread her pussy as cum oozed from the creampie as she smiled for the camera. Catwoman rolled, lying on Lola as she licked her cum stuffed pussy.

"MMmn-yummy yummy…" she teased, her tongue flicking Lola's oozy fluids into her mouth as the camgirl sighed.

DING! A louder ding than the others suddenly echoed out as Lola sat up. Staring at the camera and pushing Catwoman out of the way. "…Oh…" she smiled sheepishly. "Wow fans we reached the goal for the night!"

Do it!

Do it you promised!

You have to do it!

Hurry up whore!

Take off your clothes!

Lola's smile twitched but she pulled away, "Baby come on…" she said, stroking an exhausted Boyfriend. "Come on baby we got to…" she hissed softly as he sighed.

"I've already cum twice…" he mumbled. "I don't really-"

"Come here." Catwoman grabbed Boyfriend and hurled him onto the edge of the bed. He sat on the edge as Catwoman strutted in front of him. "Give me a second…" she turned around and bent over, grabbing her legs as she began to twerk that bountiful black ass, nosily clapping as-LUCKY SON OF A BITCH! Echoed throughout the chat.

Catwoman's ass worked magic, bouncing up and down then side to side before she stood up, grinding and writhing, dancing in place as her belly dancing stomach muscles clenched and worked her body. "No man." She said sternly, "Can resist me." She twirled gracefully and erotically, "When I start moving…" she replied smugly and confidently as Boyfriend got it up again. She slid onto his lap, one hand on his shoulder, her pussy lips kissing his shaft, and writhing and grinding as she leaned back, tossing her head and hair seductively.

Lucky Son of a Bitch was apparently a trendy phrase in the chat now.

"NNgh…" he grunted as Lola cupped Catwoman's breasts from behind and pulled her off… then forward.

"Ooh… meow…" she purred as she clapped her ass for the camera, and Boyfriend got to his feet. He seemed very fascinated with Catwoman's ass, but his girlfriend gripped his dick, and pushed it in for him. "Ooh! Roorwl!" she purred playfully as he clapped her ass cheeks with his hips. "Ah-Ah-AH… AH!" he grabbed her black hair and yanked, speeding up, faster and faster as she clung to his cock. "Ooh… ugh! I feel that thing… stretching me good…" she moaned feeling him throb as Lola watched expectantly…

Her tits facing the camera as she viewed Catwoman getting plowed. Had to still let the perverts look after all. Also… she was holding a straw, or half a straw apparently.

"Ugh! Ahh! Here it cums!"

"MMmn!!" Catwoman trembled erotically, twerking that ass on him as Lola said.

"Cum on her butt." Catwoman sighed as Boyfriend pulled out, and she felt his cum pool almost exclusively on her right ass cheek. She jiggled and wiggled in response, clapping that ass as he patted her left cheek only for Lola to grip her ass, holding it still.

She smiled for the camera, then brushing her hair out of her face. the placed the half-straw at her right nostril, and pushed her left closed with a finger. Catwoman realized immediately what Lola was about to do… and honestly she only knew two girls in the BIZ who would do it. Lola placed the other end of the straw at the edge of a particularly big glob of cum… and snorted it off Catwoman's big black ass like she was doing crack lines…

Lola flinched, but stoicly she snorted on. "SNIIIF!" like a vacuum the cum was sucked up into her nose and vanished. Catwoman held still as the chat rolled off. Degrading, humiliating, but some of it was praise and even admiration for Lola's devotion to whoredom.

Catwoman would like to say this was the first time someone snorted something off her ass… it wasn't even the first time cum was snorted off her ass. But she took it in stride. Lola's eyes rolled dazedly from the disgusting rush of snorting her boyfriend's load off an ex-pornstar's ass, but Catwoman stood up on her knees, proudly smacking her ass cheeks for the camera.

Clean as a whistle!

I love you Lola!

You fucking whore! That was so hot!

Snort some more skank, it's all your good for!

Take off your clothes!

You're a champ Lola!

Sexy Cat lady come to my house next!

Lola rubbed her head, her eyes rolling as she wobbled to the camera, and leaned over. "…Okay boys… I'm calling it a night. She smiled but looked pretty uncomfortable. "I'd like to thank my Boytoy boyfriend for donating his cock to the cause. GratedCheese for his massive donation and uh…" she turned to Catwoman who sat on the bed causally and waved. "Catwoman… for adding a bit of spice to our show. I'll see you all next week. Make sure to vote for the next 5,000 dollar milestone. The choices are-Blowing a random guy in the street, streaking down the block, or drinking a cup of hot piss."

"Wow…" breathed Catwoman, getting to her feet. "This girl is fucking nuts." She noted to herself before turning to Boyfriend. "Hey so… got a bathroom?" she asked as he pointed out of the room.

"On your right…" he said as she bent down, grabbing her clothes.

No! Someone take those away from her!

Hey! Get back here sexy!

I swear I've seen that ass before! And those moves! I'm not crazy!

Take off your clothes!

Lola will you ban the bot already?! You guys are naked!

Catwoman sighed, lifting her goggles out of her eyes as she entered the bathroom. Thanks to Lola snorting cum off her ass, she was at least mostly clean, but she gave her chocolate colored body a good scrubbing anyway. "Camming is weird." She mumbled absently to herself. "Glad I'm just a delivery girl…"

Eventually she got out of the shower, drying off and putting her clothes on before stepping out of the bathroom to find Boyfriend and Lola in much betters states of dress. Lola drinking a glass of water with a bottle of painpills nearby. "Uuugh cum snorting was a mistake…" she moaned.

"Yeah." Catwoman laughed. "I only know two girls who'd did that on camera and they weren't exactly stable." She shrugged and frowned, wondering if Jackie ever did that and if she should start saying she knew THREE girls… then wondered if Veronica counted just in general but decided to get the heck out.

Boyfriend however stared at her face. Now goggle-less as Catwoman sat on the table with that big bountiful ass. "Any. It was fun but I need to get my fee and get going."

Lola nodded. "Um… how much do we owe you?" Catwoman pulled the receipt from the nearby bag and pushed it towards Lola. "…How much!?" she asked indignantly looking at the price as Catwoman shrugged.

"Honey I just had a threesome with you, you know why it's that much." Lola scowled. "And don't give me that I saw the donations you raked in you can afford it." she added as Lola got to her feet.

"Fine. Whatever." She noted sourly, significantly less chipper. "I'll write you a check."

"Cash only."

Lola scowled and stomped off as Boyfriend stared at her. "What?" Catwoman asked, lacing her boots.

"…You look so familiar…" he frowned, as Catwoman shrugged.

"Well I just have one of those asses…" she said playfully.

"Don't you mean 'faces'?" he replied confused.

"I know what I said." She replied as Lola stomped back in and shoved a messy collection of bills on the table. Clearly quickly scrapped together. "Pleasure being on camera with you." She said as Lola scowled. Catwoman turned, rolling her eyes. Lola was just one of the greedy ones… it wasn't her business to judge. She stopped at the door, gave them both one last wink and shimmy before slipping out.

Half a second before the door shut behind her, Boyfriend slammed the table. "Bonnie Brownie!"

Catwoman didn't give them a chance to stop her before getting out of the building, back to the car, and skidding back to Superbabes.

Time: 9:09 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Divya skipped back inside, quickly warming her body with her hands as she pushed the money across the counter to Orders. "You know I completely forgot about the snow…"

"That's fair." Orders declared. A majority of the more scantily clad Superbabes had taken to taking breaks in the sweltering kitchen. But a few were in the lounge, Jenny and Lucy. "It'll clear up soon enough, Batman called in that Fire-whoever his name is. Storm? Firestorm?" Orders shrugged and sorted the money as the phone rang. She answered quickly. "No, she's not. Don't call again." she slammed the phone back down as Divya took off her goggles.

"…Was it them? Lola and her boyfriend"

"Yes." Orders replied casually as Divya chuckled. "But I told them no."

"I saw…" teased Divya, leaning on the counter. "I imagine having a genuine pornstar on their cam show would raise their ratings."

"Which is why I told you to wear the goggles." She tapped them with a pencil. "…They can't PROVE you're Bonnie Brownie."

"Well whatever works for you Boss." Divya replied casually, she stretched her sensually lithe body before making her way to the couch with the sexy sway in her step. She dropped onto the couch and stretched out like a cat. "MMMgh! Of course, my old porn name might bring in more customers…"

"You're webcam performance was good enough…" Orders replied, "…I'd rather people come to Superbabes looking for Catwoman than Bonnie Brownie…" she waved a hand, "I run a skin restaurant not a pornstar photo-op."

"…Whatever works for you boss…" she replied giggling. Then sat up. "Okay. It's too fucking cold…" she marched towards the kitchen. "I'm making brownies to warm up!" there was a small cheer from the Superbabes. Fresh Bonnie Brownies would warm anyone up…


I never understood the appeal of camshows and I think that sort of manifested in this chapter but at least I still made it sexy. Also the 'Take off your clothes' joke was… mostly watching a twitch chat get spammed by the same phrase regardless of context…

And now some brief butchering.

Si mi trasero no fuera azul ya lo estaría! Qué diablos pasa con este clima?! = If my ass wasn't blue already it would be! What the fuck is up with this weather?!

Maldita sea, es verano! Qué diablos?! Maldito clima de Gotham! = God damn it, it's summer! What the fuck?! God damn Gotham weather!

Podemos al MENOS apagar el aire acondicionado? = can we at LEAST turn off the AC?!

Estoy a punto de ponerme menos ropa de la que ya tengo! = I'm about to put on less clothing than I already have!

Bien bien... aligera = Fine Fine, lighten up

Barda, tira su culo = Barda, throw his ass out

Next chapter