
Delivery Girl: Big Barda Order #3

I don't own DC

Superbabes was quiet today… it was almost delivering hours. Meaning: Generally, anytime the sun goes down in Gotham… but that didn't change the fact that the floor was empty and most of the staff had gone home. Joker was out of Arkham… so that meant people were just a little more cautious walking out on the street, especially at night. Because one turn into the wrong alleyway and you'd be up shit creek without a paddle…

Superbabes didn't have to worry about that thanks to Orders who always had extra paddles… speaking of paddles.


"YEOWCH!" Starfire, topless and walking in from the floor rubbed her backside as Livewire tossed the Veronica ping-pong paddle onto Orders' currently un-occupied counter. "You didn't have to do that nobody is here!" she pouted rubbing her backside as she went to retrieve her top.

"Doesn't matter. Orders would've wanted me to do it." The bountiful blue beauty and her bouncy blueberry booty strutted sensually back towards one of the couches. Big Barda was taking up the entirety of another.

"I was just trying to draw in clients!" Starfire mumbled as Big Barda blew her black bangs out of her face.

"I suppose it says something when Veronica's tits can't draw in a crowd." She noted, sitting up. "Haa… cards anyone?" Zatanna, Harley Quinn, and White Rabbit were however using the poker table usually used for card games to make DnD Characters, so she quickly corrected herself. "Pool?"

However, before Livewire could agree to a game, Orders entered abruptly from the back. Putting her purse behind the counter and sitting down. Taking a breath as they girls watched her hesitantly "…Just do what you want to do. Night's going to be slow." She declared, pulling out her special pain pills from beneath her counter, Batman approved, and tossing them into her mouth and flinching.

"…Shoooould we be concerned?" asked Harley Quinn curiously, absently rolling three six-sided dice.

"The only one who should be concerned is Tom…" Orders noted, "But I have already tricked him out of his apartment, so everything should be fine."

"…You tricked Tom out of his apartment?" White Rabbit asked as Big Barda stood up and leaned against the counter, watching Orders curiously.

"To be fair, I tricked everyone in the building out. But my main goal was Tom." She sighed irately, absently clicking on the Superbabes website. "I can't have Powergirl become an emotional mess…"

"Did you at least call the cops?" Zatanna asked concerned, quickly getting on the uptake a bit faster than the other girls as Orders rolled her purple eyes.

"When one drops a bomb threat the cops are generally called." The girls collectively groaned, at the extremes their confident boss tended to take. "It's fine. It's better they were there in advance." She sighed, staring at the computer screen, then… "NNGh!!" she visibly struggled, her hand on the mouse and slowly sliding it across the website, as if her own body was fighting her... and she turned off deliveries for the night. "…God that hurt…" she sighed rubbing her head and shaking her mouse hand as if it had gone numb.

"…Did you just… cancel deliveries?" Big Barda asked laughing, "You really struggled there…"

"Shut up." Orders sighed, visibly twitching as if in pain before relaxing in her chair. "…Get comfy." She ordered as the rest of the girls laughed. "…Or not… you could head home but you might deal with the loneliness better here." She turned on the TV as Vicky Vale announced a Gotham City lockdown… as the Batman fought Joker in what seemed to be battle-mec with the Lex Corp logo on it, crudely painted over in joker colors as it crashed into a nearby, relatively familiar apartment building.

"…Oh…" mumbled the girls, or at least variations of 'oh'… some were followed by 'shit!' or 'fuck!'. Very few were followed by 'no!'.

"He'll be fine." Orders noted dismissively.

"The Joker, Batman or Tom?" asked Livewire, watching as the Batman took the thing head on, soon joined by Nightwing and Batgirl.

"…Yes." Orders added with a reluctant shrug.

An hour or two went on without much else to go by. About 20 minutes into the fight Vicky Vale was rushed off by the bomb squad that Orders had called earlier, and what little action they saw, or heard from that point on was if they stood outside and listened for a little bit. They weren't anywhere near the fight, for the moment at least, but they were remarkably unconcerned.

Orders said not to panic, so they weren't panicking… It wasn't entirely healthy in a psychological sense, but they were physical safe. Orders however, became increasingly more annoyed, absently tapping a pencil on a moderately scribbled on piece of paper, Big Barda, who had been playing pool, approached her watching her curiously.

"…You alright boss?"

"…Fine…" she eyed Big Barda up for a moment, her eyes flickering she took a breath. "…Want to do me a favor?"

Big Barda shrugged. "Sure."

Time: 10:02 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ummm? Hello?... anything?... Oooookay... ECHO! echo... Um...


Orders got up from the table, went to the kitchen, then after a moment, a Green lantern Parfait slid out. Big Barda glanced at it curiously, as Orders handed her the Parfait. Then wrote an address on a slip of paper as a receipt, then handed it to Big Barda.

She glanced at it, "…Uh…"

"Go here. Say your delivery stiffed you, ask if you can stay there for about an hour." Orders noted sternly. "Use Joker as an excuse."

"…uh?" she raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Don't ask. No questions. Just stay there, and if it goes anywhere fine…" then she added under her breath. "…And if you have to beat anyone up? Fine."

Big Barda, glanced at the hastily written address, then frowned. "It's halfway across town."

"Just avoid the fight, take the back roads. Just DO this for me. Alright?"

"…You got it boss." She waved, then paused as she made it to the door. "…Should I charge?"

"Why would you charge? She didn't order you." Orders noted, taking a breath and sitting back down. Absently doodling on the piece of paper. Big Barda let that register for a moment, then shrugged, heading out to the car, and driving off towards Upper east Gotham.

After a closer than expected encounter with Joker's definitely taken illegally LexCorp mec about a mile away, she managed to drive into the upper-middle-class houses. She approached the rather modern home, two stories, hedge fence… she easily slipped through the unlatched gate, approaching the front door and frowning, this was extra weird, but Orders was the Boss.

She raised a hand and knocked loudly.


Time: 10:34 PM. Place: Upper East District (House Orders Sent Big Barda to.)

"Special Delivery Service."

There was a moderately long wait, "…Who is it?" came a soft, tired reply. As Big Barda, finding a spyhole, smiled at it and waved sheepishly.

"Uh… Hey. I'm from Superbabes? The restaurant?"

"…I didn't Order anything."

"I-I know…" she said, trying to think up something particularly clever. Like Wonder Woman would, but she was always a pretty straightforward girl… so she tried her best. "Yeah. I know… but… look some dickhead ordered and he's not answering, I think the Joker attack scared him off…" the owner of the house was quiet. "…My restaurant is around there. I was wondering if I could just crash here for an hour?"

…Gotham tended to have a particular quirk. Normally nobody would let a stranger into their house regardless of any Supervillain attack, either they've run and left the house abandoned, or they have a shotgun to the door. But The Joker had an odd habit of bringing out the best and the worst in people… turns out the owner of this house was one of the best.

The door bolt clicked, and opened. Big Barda smiled at the young woman, twenties at least, couldn't have been older than 22. She had dark hair, brown eyes, thin lips and a slender waist… she had a modest bust but nothing to sing about, but she was an attractive young girl.

"…Thanks." Barda said, noticing the half-empty wine bottle in her hand.

"…No problem." She said, inviting her in. "But only an hour." She said, "…After that I'm calling the cops."

"Fair enough." Big Barda noted as she entered. "…Want a parfait?" she held up the bag as the girl eyed it, and the elaborately sexy Wonder Woman plastered to it with 'Superbabes' under it. "Other wise it's going to waste."

She sat on the couch in the surprisingly clean living room, the TV currently on the 'no broadcast' channel.

"What is it?" she asked, pouring herself a glass of wine and offering it to Barda who shook her head.

"It's a vegan Parfait…" she put the bag on the table. "And I'm not allowed to drink on the job." She sat down next to the girl, both of them watching the TV. "...Do you want to watch anything?"

"I just want to sit here, drink, and hate my possibly ex-boyfriend."

Big Barda chuckled, relaxing on the couch with her. "What did he do?" The girl glared at her, whether she was made that she laughed at her trouble or for prying she wasn't sure but she loosened up with another drink.

"I wanted to eat in… he wanted to eat out." She snorted irately, watching the 'no broadcast'.

"Usually, the girl wants to get eaten out." The Girl laughed, snorting adorably as Big Barda grinned.

"Well… anyway. We had a big fight, he went out with his friends… and now he's probably pissing himself as he hides from the joker.

"Hmmn…" Big Barda lied back as she drank heavily from the wine glass.

"So… what do you do at your job… other than look pretty?"

"…Have sex." The Girl eyed her as Big Barda shrugged. "You asked…" then added, "You're not prudish are you?"

The girl shrugged, "No."

"That's good." Big Barda replied. "…Guys pay big bucks for ALL this…" she smiled, stretching out erotically on the couch, grinning as she flexed her powerful muscles as the Girl eyed her body.

"…It looks good… but that's probably the wine talking." She added. "…So… what. You… Deliver then have sex?"

"Sometimes… sometimes we just deliver food…" although that was usually in the day.

"Pretty lucrative." The girl sighed, as the 'No broadcast' channel briefly flicked showing off the totally 'stolen' LexCorp bot getting pounded in the face by a giant batman mecha. Then flashing off again.

"Boss seems to think so…" Big Barda crossed her big muscled legs, moaning slightly as she adjusted herself. "Yep… she's pretty intuitive about these sorts of things." Big Barda eyed The Girl. "Almost psychic you might say." She tried not to laugh at her joke.

The Girl took another drink, making polite conversation. "…So you were just going to have sex with some random guy?"

"Or girl…" Big Barda noted as the girl completely downed the glass of wine. "Not sure who ordered after all… if you like I could show you." She teased, honestly she wasn't sure why Orders told her to come here, but they might as well try to make an evening out of it.

"…Yeah alright." She said simply.

Big Barda blinked at her surprised. "…Seriously?"

"I'm drunk, I'm lonely and you're pretty hot." She said logically, eyeing Big Barda up and down, "So sure…" she downed the bottle of wine completely, "My boyfriend's always whining at me for a threesome… what a shame he's not here…"

"Huh…" Big Barda frowned thoughtfully. "…You know, I've never really done it with a just a girl before…"

"You've never done it with a girl before?"

"I did not say that…" Big Barda smiled knowingly, leaning over and turning The Girl to face her, "Let's see…"

Big Barda pressed her lips to the Girl who dropped the empty wine bottle abruptly to the ground, "MMmn-mmmn…" her hand sliding down The Girl's body and slipping beneath her short.

"MMMHG!!" she moaned as Big Barda found a sweet spot, slipping her fingers inside her as The Girl, writhed beneath her touch. "Mmngh… MMmngh…" moaning into Big Barda's mouth as the big girl pried the smaller girl's lips with her tongue. "Mmmgnh…" she spread her legs, moaning sensually into Big Barda's mouth as she fell back against the couch, worming her hips up against her fingers. "Haaa… Aaahhh…" she released a gasping, shuddering breath, shaking under Big Barda's surprisingly talented fingers.

"Mmmng…. MMMn!" She sucked hard on The Girl's neck "Mmmnnhg…" her lips brushing against The Girl's skin as her inner walls clung tightly to Big Barda's churning fingers. "Come on baby…" purred Big Barda. "Show mama what you got." She hummed, kissing The Girl again as she moaned wantonly into Big Barda's mouth.

"MMMGH-MMGMmn-mmm!!" her eyes rolled as her body spasmed, shaking like a leaf as she orgasmed, "Mmm-hmm-hmm." Her legs spasmed as Big Barda slowly extracted her fingers from the girls pants, soaking with arousal as she smiled confidently. "Huh… that was surprisingly easy…" she licked her fingers sensually as The Girl rested her arm on her eyes, still shaking.

"….Hooooly shit…" gasped The Girl, shaking as her toes curled.

"You're welcome… hang on though, let me try the good stuff." She slowly pulled down The Girl's pants, spreading her legs as she easily lifted her hips. "Here we… go."

"Mmgh! Ahh…Ahhh…" The Girl shuddered as Big Barda's tongue spread her open. "Haa-Ahh… HAH!" she gasped, here eyes wide as her legs hooked around Big Barda's powerful back. Her feet rubbing across Big Barda's back as she worked her tongue inside her. "NNgh… SHEEEH!!" she hissed through her teeth, shaking on the couch as Big Barda sat up.

"Haa." She breathed, taking The Girl in hand and pulling her up, her legs hooking over Big Barda's shoulders. "NOM" she managed before eating out The Girl once more. Her hands lashed to the couch, shaking eagerly as Big Barda tongue curled inside her. She certainly didn't have Ice's length, but she tried. Wrapping her arm around The Girl's waist, flicking her clitoris gently as the girl bucked her hips against Big Barda's tongue.

"Haa-Aahh-Hahahahahah!!!" she gasped, shaking wildly as Big Barda's mouth flooded with her 'Bartholin glands vagina fluids'… Wonder Woman taught her that, still tasted like salty. Big Barda slurped, tongued, then sucked on The Girl's clitoris and slowly lowered her trembling back to the couch as she heaved for breath. Shaking in arousal as Big Barda grinned, rather proud of herself.

She handled The Girl like a ragdoll, pulling her upright and setting her on her lap, facing the TV as her hand slunk around The Girl, fingering her once more. "Haa-Ahhhh W-wait… I'm-NNGH!!" shuddering in sensitive pleasure as she clawed Big Barda's muscled frame, "Ha… Haaaaaaa… shit…" she gasped trembling as Big Barda sucked on her neck again. "S-stop…stop let me rest…"

"Mmmngh…" Big Barda caressed The Girl, sensually toying with her comparatively tiny body. Well. Small might be the better option as The Girl writhed on her, legs spread as Big Barda began to finger her again.

"…For someone… who's never done this with a Girl before, you're pretty good… Ahh…" she moaned softly.

"I've had threesomes." Big Barda shrugged, gently caressing The Girl. "…Honestly I'm just not used to having sex without something to stick into a hole…" she laughed. "I generally have at least one… guy…" The Girl shuddered on her fingers as she climaxed again. "…To do some stuffing…"

"Ha-ha-ahhh…" she screamed her climax, thrashing on Big Barda as the big woman lied her on the couch, she curled up, eyes rolling as she slapped Big Barda's thigh. "MMGh!! MMmn…" she slapped Big Barda's thigh. "That's… That's enough…" she moaned, her toes curling. "Nnngh…" she smiled, "Oh god…" she sighed. "…I haven't cum like that sober that's for sure…"

"You are wel…come…" she paused, her eyes narrowed. As The Girl cooed. "…Did you hear that?"

There was an odd, 'clicking' sound coming around the back of the house. A rattling at the back door, luckily the TV was basically 'off' and The Girl had stopped climaxing in orgasmic bliss. Big Barda got to her feet and glared down the hall at the door. The Girl, stood off the couch. Watching her curiously. "…Does your boyfriend always sneak around to the back door?"

"…No… why?" asked The Girl as Big Barda waved her down.

"…Stay right there…" she silently stepped towards the back door as the doorknob rattled.

"Don't go there! Let me call the cops!" she replied, "Haven't you ever seen a horror movie?!" as she went for the phone.

CLICK the doorknob twisted and slowly the door opened, barely making a sound as Big Barda hunched down slightly, as if ready to bolt for the door.

Two men in ski masks took half a step inside the house as their eyes widened as Big Barda's BIG BOOT slammed into the first one. "GURK!!" he toppled back into his partner as Big Barda reacted quickly charging forward and sending them hurtling down the steps into the grass as she leaped high and came down HARD on Robber 1's leg.

"AAAGH!!" screamed the first robber as the second got to his feet only to have his legs swept out from beneath him. Big Barda's hand coming down like a hammer and smashing his face into the ground.

"NGNH!!!" he clutched to his face as the first robber, limping helplessly scramble to his feet only for Big Barda to clap her powerful hands together around his ears.

"Gurk!!" stunning him as he clutched to his ringing head.

Robber two, not expecting such heavy resistance to breaking and entering turned to run only for Big Barda to grab him by the back of the neck, hauling him face up over her shoulders in an argentine backbreaker.

"AAGH!! AARGH!!!" he squealed as she bent him like a pretzel pulling him down by his neck and leg. GIganta taught her this one… Giganta taught her a LOT of wrestling moves. She spun around and SWUNG him into his partner as they grunted in pain and hit the ground. Together…

She then wrapped her legs in Robber twos, a nice and painful leg lock before slamming onto Robbery One's back, wrapping her arm around his neck and YANKING him back. "Aaargh!!"


"FUCK!!!" they screamed together as The Girl, watching in awe as Big Barda restrained them, FINALLY dialed 9-1-1.

It was barely fifteen minutes before a pair of uniformed officers arrived and…

"Sigh…." Big Barda grumbled, hurling the two robbers out onto the grass, their hands bound tightly by a pair of belts, both sporting black eyes and aching limbs. "Hey Caleb." She mumbled as a strapping, black-haired Police Sergeant and his rookie partner approached the house. He had a thin unshaven mustache and a short military cut, but like all of the men in her family, he was good looking.

Oh… Sergeant Caleb is her older brother. He's in the Gotham PD… obviously.

"…Do I want to know?" he asked as he gestured for the Rookie to get the two robbers in the car.

"I happened to be here waiting out that…" she noted, pointing off into the distance at the partially wrecked and totally not given to joker LexCorp Mec. "These two tried to rob the place."

"That's true officer… uh." The Girl began, checking his name. "Smulders. Who knows what those two would've done to me if she wasn't here… I was just letting her stay and-" The Girl gave Sergeant Caleb the rundown as Big Barda's eyes focused on the two, thoroughly chastened and roughed up Robbers.

…What would they had done had she not been here tonight?

"Well… anyway, I'll get this report taken care of. Don't you worry miss, we'll have a squad car patrol nearby for the night." He said to The Girl as he turned his attention to Big Barda. "And come on, really? Did you have to rough them up so bad?"

"Uh… YEAH…" Big Barda said confidently, crossing her powerful arms across her impressive chest. "Get here faster…"

Sergeant Smulders snorted, rolling his eyes as his not quiet so little sister. "…I'm glad you're not hurt."

"But I wonder why they'd try to rob my place…" The Girl mumbled, "Nothing really expensive here." Sergeant Smulders snorted irately again, glaring at them.

"Oh they're probably just looking for quick cash. It's a common thing. Trying to take advantage of Supervillain chaos, hoping all the cops are responding to it." he shook his head, put on his cap and handed the girl a personal card. "Anyway. If you have anymore trouble or see anything suspicious you can contact me…"

"Thank you officer." She nodded, slipping the card into her pocket as he pointed at Big Barda.

"And you… 'Big Barda'… go home, or back to where… just go." He said as Big Barda waved him off as he got back into the squad car.

"Later bro…" she noted as The Girl eyed her.

"That's your brother?"


"…Does he?..."

"I don't exactly spread it around to law enforcement in general, so. No." she added, "He has no idea what I do..." taking a breath. "So… listen. It's been fun, but he's right. I better get going…" she winked at The Girl. "…Next time I'll charge you." She added with a smile, making her way to the car as she laughed.

"Like I'll call."

"Well… we'll hang out." She added, waving The Girl off, getting into the car, and driving back to Superbabes behind her brother's patrol car.

Time: 11:45 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Boom! Natural Twenty! Declared Joy as the surrounding girls cheered as Izzy and Mel began 'bowing down' to 'Queen Joy'… nobody had any idea WHY Izzy called her that. But semantics…

Rebecca strutted into the room and frowned, leaning against the counter next to a rather docile Orders. "…So…. who's The Girl?"

"My sister…"

Rebecca jumped, not expecting a, or in fact ANY reply. "…Say what?"

"She's my illegitimate sister…" Orders noted, taking a cowboy magazine with a busty blonde Tina all 'DD Dallas'ed up on the cover and hiding her face as she spoke, reading the articles. "We've never met… I didn't even know she existed until about last month when she moved here…"

"…How'd you find out about her?"

"…I know a guy…" her lips twitched up slightly, but she quickly frowned again. "He likes to pry into my private life a lot." She took a breath. "…If you weren't there tonight those 'robbers' would've beaten her bloody and left her bleeding out on the floor until her boyfriend came back in the morning…" she then placed a stack of bills on the counter, enough for a delivery in fact, and pushed it towards Rebecca. "Here."

"…You don't have to pay me to beat people up Boss." She grinned, "I'd do that for free."

"…I did order you." Orders noted, Taking some of the money back. "We'll call it even."

"…You're pretty greedy boss." Rebecca noted, walking into the lockers to put her cut away.

"Yes. Well… you should've just accepted my generosity." She flinched as if physically in pain. "…You have no idea how much that hurt me."

Honestly the fact that she canceled orders tonight hurt more than trying to see a week into the future: pain so great that it was almost a guarantee she'd spend a few days in a coma… giving Rebecca a FULL delivery's pay hurt almost as much as getting hit by a truck, then having the truck back up over her.

"Becca! Want to play DnD?!" Izzy shouted suddenly as the girls continued to 'mockingly' bow to The Queen of Natural 20's (and tits) Joy. Chanting 'we are not worthy' as she soaked in their 'praise'.

"…Sure…" the big girl replied walking back out of the lockers. "Gen me a barbarian…" Izzy stared at her surprised as she grabbed then pulled up a chair. "What? My youngest brother Danny played, and he sometimes needed a fourth."

"…That's the cute one, right?" Grinned Lori smugly setting her big blue ass on the pool table as Big Barda groaned.

"I've had enough sibling relationships tonight…" she grabbed three six-sided dice and began to role her stats. "Besides all my brothers are cute… a bunch of heartbreakers." she added smugly.

"And you'd have to get past Ashley." Smiled Daphne, trying to play pool and bouncing the cue ball off of Lori's big blue ass. "Move that butt, I'm trying to play." Veronica standing nearby, however, just admiringly watched Lori's big blue booty wobble with a cheeky grin.

"HA!…" Rebecca laughed derisively, "…That would be hilarious."

Orders sighed thoughtfully, tapping at the magazine in her hands with her fingers impatiently before slowly turning the page. A small explosion echoed off somewhere in Gotham. The Joker's mec, that he totally wasn't given to keys for, finally put down by the Batman. She briefly debated turning back on deliveries… but decided to just let the girls relax for now.

Deliveries can wait a night.


I have never been shy to admit that I'm not confident in my abilities to JUST do girl on girl, but for what it was I thought it was good enough to post. Besides, I have to practice somehow, right? Some literal bombs dropped in this one, most were dropped from Jokers 'definitely was stolen' LexCorp mec. Tom lost his house again... oh no: Guess he'll just have to live with his smoking hot and sexy girlfriend and her equally hot and morally lacking friends... can you read the sarcasm? Orders has a SISTER? Will that come up again!? Probably... but considering I give you all an IV drip of information involving Orders, it probably won't be for a long while yet.

Next chapter