
Delivery Girl: Vixen II Order #3

I don't own DC

Vixen sighed sadly as Green Lantern I and Livewire dressed in costume. Green Lantern smiled patiently at her, her natural beauty lighting up the room. "What's with the sighing? Is it because it's going to rain later?"

"Well… I'm here and not with my Pirate." She declared sadly as Livewire rolled her eyes and strutted her shapely blue, half alien, Columbian booty out the door.

"So? Doesn't he order your black ass regularly, AND you go to his house all the time?"

"We can't do it for a while, he's in t'hospital." Mumbled Vixen disappointedly.

"Oh my lord, what happened?" asked Green Lantern concerned as Vixen just seemed to brush it off lazily, clearly it wasn't important…

"He got stabbed." She noted lazily.

Okay, what the fuck?

"…Well, he is a Gotham Judge." Livewire noted practically but she had the decency to at least seem concerned about Vixen's lover Judge Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach. "But seriously what happened?"

Vixen was at first concerned about her boyfriend of course, but it was basically a flesh wound. "Somebody tried to kill him. Three guys jumped him as he came out of t'courthouse a couple of days ago…"

"Did the police get them?" Green Lantern asked as Orders snorted.

"…After he was done with them." She noted as Vixen pouted at her.

"Yeah pretty much." she stretched her beautiful body, "He beat the hell out of them, and pretty much sent them to the hospital in a worse condition than him."

"…Shit…" Livewire mumbled. "…Does he have a brother?"

"If he does, I'm not sharing." Vixen smiled playfully. But she sighed again. "…No 'strenuous activity' until they take t'stiches out." She mumbled indignantly.

"Oh no…" Livewire moaned sarcastically, "...looks like some other guy is going to have to fuck you..." as Green Lantern rolled her eyes. "Wherever will you find such a man?"

"Well, it's not my luv's cock…" she noted, "It's not the same." She pouted, "A good shag isn't t'same as a GREAT shag…"

Green Lantern smiled and patted Vixen's shoulder understandingly. "I get it."

"…Do you?" replied Livewire concerned. Green Lantern wasn't exactly monotonous herself considering she was on par with Superbabes Superslut Starfire. "I don't think you do." she added disbelivingly as Orders rolled her flashing purple eyes, and reached for the phone.

Time: 8:49 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring-Ring Click

"Hello. Superbabes. We Deliver."

"KonbanwaI would like to order… Vixen Meal. Onegaishimasu"

'Jikasei aisukurīmu no sukūpu o toppingu shi, kokoa o mabushita daburuchokorētoburaunī. Hoka ni nanika?'

"H-hai? Ni Yotte Haishin Vixen."

"60-Bu inai ni hensō shite itadakitainode, haitatsu ga kanryō suruto ryōkin ga hassei shimasu. Namae to jūsho o oshietekudasai."


"Were you just speaking Japanese?" Livewire asked, secretly impressed and openly very confused.

"Yes." She replied flatly. "Vixen. You got one." Orders held up the receipt as Vixen walked back from the doorway to the floor and towards Orders' counter, taking it, and examining the address.

"…Alright." She said curiously as the food slid out. She lifted it up but Orders raised a hand.

"…Take a coat. It's cold tonight." She said as Vixen chuckled.

"I guess I am essentially in a bikini." She said as she walked towards a supple closet, which had umbrellas and other such generic things, she took a raincoat from the closet and tossed it on. It went to her shapely thighs and only revealed her bronze-colored vixen boots. She walked outside as the clouds overhead rumbled ominously… well, more ominously than usual this was Gotham. She glanced back towards Orders.

"Don't worry about the rain." She noted knowingly as Vixen nodded and headed towards the car, speeding off into Gotham.

Ah, Old Gotham's 'Red Light' district. Although it was really more of a red-light block, or as the girls who walked it called it Red Light Street… Working girls strutted by, hung around streetlamps, and a few leaned against the walls in darkened alleyways. There was nothing on this block but condemned buildings and cheap no-tell motels… places perfect for quickies. When you're looking for a good time cheap, or just cheap 'meat' in general. The Girls of Old Gotham's 'Red Light' district was where you go on a budget… The other Gotham Red Light districts a bit out of the John's price range.

Or… unfortunately… it was a place you go when you want a girl who won't be missed. More than a few girls from here have shown up on slabs in Gotham PD. Although really the stupid ones, the ones blinded by the big paydays that they don't realize that the creepy guy paying is either going to kill them after, eat them, rape them, or feed them to some vicious hungry mutant animal… or all of the above in varying orders. Most of the older Red Light Street girls knew better… younger ones not so much.

'Want to live? Stay in the Red Light.' Wise words to live by and a nice tagline.

Fun fact Red Lantern used to 'live' around here before Giganta broke her door and Orders recruited her…

She parked the car in the light, and got out… a working girl under the streetlamp eyed her up but Vixen ignored her and checked the address… it wasn't really an address. But she sniffed and walked towards a wide alleyway between a pair of condemned buildings that were unsurprisingly active. People shiftily walking in and out… She turned into the alleyway and saw a large hulking Asian man in a suit built like a sumo wrestler. He even had the topknot… And was wearing sunglasses at night, that's not supiscious at all. But he stood next to a spacious luxury car… clearly guarding it.

She smiled prettily and walked down the alleyway, "Ello love…" she smiled, holding the food bag. "Did you order delivery?"

The Sumo checked her over, then gestured to the car with a polite wave of his massive hand. She glanced at it, smiled, then approached the right window, and rapped politely on it. "Superbabes." She purred seductively.

Time: 9:19 PM. Place: Old Gotham (Red Light Street Alleyway)

"Special Delivery Service." she smiled seductively, resting her hand on the roof of the car and leaning forward, even in the coat her large, sumptuous breasts were apparent. Nothing could be seen through the darkened mirrored windows, at least on her end, but they slowly rolled down, and another pair of sunglasses appeared.

He wasn't 'old' old… but he must have been in his late fifties. His dark hair was greying, and he had venerable wrinkles on his face. He turned his head to gaze at her, then lowered his sunglasses to reveal dark, penetrating eyes. She smiled at him prettily and winked. "Ello handsome." She cooed, before putting the food on the roof of the car, then… opening her coat… freeing the big, beautiful girls for his viewing pleasure wrapped in her bronze bikini, barely containing their mass.

…His eyes widened further, and his eyebrows rose. Thoroughly staring at her big black breasts as he spoke with a commandingly sexy voice.

"Subarashī sentaku, Takashi…"

Excellent choice, Takashi

"Arigato Sanada-Sama." Said a man in the front seat, a smaller but still very fit Japanese man compared to the Sumo.

She giggled sweetly, standing up and taking off her coat. "Hey. Sumo…" she said as the sumo guard slowly turned his chubby but intimidating face to her. "Hold this for me." She said, draping the coat on his massive arm like a coat hanger. The sumo gazed at the crack window, as his boss nodded. Then he straightened his back and continued his watch.

"Right then, Oji-san…" she cooed, as he actually cracked a smile at her attempt at Japanese. White Rabbit dropped a few words for her when they were on a 2 for 1 together, "Want me to come in and play?" he gazed at her breasts, and she playfully pushed them together.

"…Come in." he said, his words unhindered by his accent. She then opened the door, and shuffled her sexy body right in, pressing up against him as she ran a hand over his thigh, smiling seductively as he wasted no time in giving her big breasts a feel.

"Mimamotte kudasai."

Go keep watch

"Hai Sanada-Sama." The second guard left the car, politely shutting the door as the windows rolled up.

He groped her breasts with both hands, pulling her top open as she raised her hands and undid the strap, letting it fall away and revealing her big breasts in full. "That's right, mate, enjoy the girls…" she giggled, her hand sliding to his crotch, "MMMn… that's a big knob you got there…" she gave it a squeeze as he slipped a nipple into his mouth, "Ooh…. MMMn!" one hand groped her other tit but the other slid down her stomach and into her bronze bottoms, quickly finding her pussy and thrusting his skilled fingers rapidly inside her.

"Ooh-OOH!" she moaned, writhing under his fingers. "Got fast hands there, Oji-san." She cooed, "OOoh!"

He slurped loudly on her nipple and firmly squeezed her tit, his fingers rapidly thrusting in and out of her pussy as her hand went to his wrist… "Ooh… HOo shit…" she gasped, shaking as she was quickly turned on. She spread her legs for more, her head rolling on her neck as she jiggled and bounced on the seat, "Haa-Ahh… UUGh!!" He pulled away and watched her orgasm, her hips rising up and shaking before she dropped back to the seat, "Oooh uh…" Her breasts shuddered as she smiled at him, her body still twitching as he shifted over to the other side of the car.

"MMn… I liked that Oji-san…" she growled, pushing down her wet bottoms until they dropped onto the floor of the car, she spread her pussy lips with her fingers as he undid his pants. "That made me fucking damp…" she cooed as his pants hit the floor, his cock was hard and ready, his fingers, wet with her arousal, wrapped around his cock, rubbing her slippery fluids all over him.

He curled the finger of his other hand at her and she rolled on the back seat, kneeling on one leg, the other on the floor she bent herself over his cock as he stopped stroking himself, putting his hand on the back of her head.

"MMMn let me polish that knob for you…" she cooed, opening wide and taking him into her mouth as he sighed contentedly. "MMMmn-mmmn… ah…" she slipped off his tip and ran her tongue around it. "It's good… ahh-mmn…" and wrapped her lips back around it as he sighed.

"Hmmmn…" he tightened his grip, then moved her.

"MMpgh! MMgh! MMMNgh! MMMng!" she moaned, "MMMn-hmmn!" she slobbered on his cock, saliva dribbling down his shaft as she was rapidly moved up and down. "Mmmngp-mmhn…" she slurped loudly as her eyes rolled dreamily.

He pushed her head down after a couple of minutes of speedy sucking, but even as his cock bulged between her lips he didn't cum. "Hmmmn!!" he sighed, but clenched up, holding himself back as sighed fiercely through his nose, as if breathing fire… before he pulled her up.

"Haaa!" she gasped, licking his tip before he pulled her upright. "Don't want me to swallow it?" she licked her lips. "You're tasty spunk?" he turned towards her, cock throbbing eagerly as he rested a hand on her ass cheek and pulled her forward, but pushed her chest backward, she lied on her back as she smiled, legs up and spread wide, her heels brushing on the hood of the car as he crawled over her and stuffed his eager length into her open pussy. "Ooh yeah-HA!" she gasped as he immediately began thrusting.

"Haa-ugh! Ahh-Ah-ah-ahh!!" his hands planted under her arms as her legs rocked wildly back and forth with his rapid fucking. "Ugh! Ooh yeah… you like that punter? Fuck me hard just like this!" she panted erotically. He was rough and deep, clearly more focused on his own pleasure than hers, but that did not mean she wasn't enjoying herself. "HAaa ahh-ahh-auugh!!" she was slammed into the backseat of the car, her body shaking in pleasure as he drove himself hard.

"NNGh! NNgh!!" deep and fast, hard and rough. "NNGh!" he grabbed at her breasts and squeezed firmly as she writhed beneath him, her legs kicking out and scrapping the ceiling as the very car rocked wildly.

"Squeeze those knockers!" she hissed, "NNGh!!" her body writhing beneath his constant thrusts, "Haa-AAAHh!! OH SHIT!!"

"IKU!!" he growled under his breath, like an animal as he slammed deep into her pussy, his hips practically glued to her crotch as her legs trembled in pleasure.

"Ooooh shit…" she gasped, shaking as his load rushed into her. "Oooh you really needed that pussy didn't you? Ah…" she gasped again as he pulled out and quickly slammed hard into her again, she felt his seed rush out as she moaned. "Oooh like that…"

"MMmn…" he groaned, rolling his hips gently… then he pulled out, sitting in the middle of the back seat like an emperor on his throne. He glanced at her, gripping his cock as he wagged it limply. She smiled as she sat up, then rolled onto the floor… there wasn't a lot of space but she could make do.

She knelt before him, opened her mouth, and slipped his limp dick right between her lips as she cooed softly, licking and slurping as she hardened him again. "MMmn-mmmng…mmmng… MMmn!" with each stroke of her sensual lips he got harder and harder until once again he was thoroughly erect in record time. "Mmngh-hmmn…" she cooed, smiling up at him as he viewed her oral skills, her breasts firmly against the car seat as he took a breath.

He put a hand on her bobbing head and held her at the base. Sighing contentedly again as it throbbed in her mouth. "Hmm-hmm!" she giggled, massaging the base of his cock with her lips as her tongue danced around his throbbing shaft…

He pulled her gently off, then relaxed on the seat. Patting his lap…

She smiled warmly and licked her lips. "Whatever you want…" she purred, crawling up, pushing his face between her tits as he moaned, then straddled his lap. Feeling his tip against her wet pussy. "MMmn! Going to ride you hard oji-san…" she whispered seductively. He chuckled happily between her tits and slapped both hands loudly on her ass. "Ah!-AHH!!" and he pulled her abruptly down onto his cock. "Ugh!..." she shuddered at his sudden piercing but got no time to adjust on his bulging length as his hands cupped her ass and promptly lifted her up and down.

"AH-Ahh-ahh yeah… ooh! Oooh!" her hips rolled and gyrated as she bounced herself on his cock, he grunted and groaned happily between her bouncing tits as the car's shocks were thoroughly tested with their movements. "HHA-aah-aahh!!" she bounced hard on his lap, slamming her hips down onto him as her pussy clung tightly to his pulsating shaft. "Fuck me!" she panted, her head rolling back as she pushed her breasts out. "Haaa-aahh!!"

"Nngh!!! UGH!! SUGOI…" he snarled, slamming deep into her spasming body.

"Ooh-hhoo! AHHG!!" she gasped as he stood up and she fell backward. Her hands grabbed the headrests of the front seats as he kept fucking her. Her legs kicked out and slapped against the real windows of the car. "Fuck! Fuck! Bugger me!!"

Holding her by her ass he suspended her in the air, her legs thrashing in pleasure behind him as he railed into her body relentlessly. He buried his face into her bouncing breasts, grunting through clenched teeth as her hands tightly clawed the headrests of the front seat, her head rocking on her neck until she was gazing wide-eyed out the front window. "Haa-aagh!! FUCK! HAAAA-AAAHHHH!"

Like a jackhammer he railed into her, rapidly and quickly, roaring his eminent release, "Ha-AAgh! IKU!!" he pounded into her pussy and planted his hips as she shrieked her climax, her whole body vibrating in pleasure as lashed out behind him.

"Haaa-aahh...….Bloody hell…" she grinned blearily, "Ooh fuck…" His cock pulsating inside her, pumping her full of his thick load as he groped her ass hard, rubbing his face in her tits.

"NNgh…" finished, he pulled out and sat on the seat again as her legs feebly dropped to the floor, she hung onto the headrests, keeping herself upright as she spread her legs whorishly, cum and arousal dripping down her thigh. "Haaa… look at that…" she cooed, wiggling her hips. "Mmmn…" she smiled at him as his cock twitched. She winked, "…Want me to get you hard again?" she whispered silkily.

He grinned, and curled an inviting finger at her.

She licked her lips and squatted down, "I like sucking hard cock…" she inhaled deeply, taking in the musk of her fluids, his cum and sweat. "Smells so fucking good…" she growled, stroking his limp dick as it twitched in her hand, "Ahh…" she ran her tongue slowly along it. "Oh shit… it tastes good too…" she slapped his tip against her lips. "Mmmn…MMNGH!"

He sighed contentedly as she took him into her mouth, "Mmmgn…mmn… mmmn…" she buried him into her throat, and popped off. "Haa…" she rubbed his tip against her lips, stroking his cock as it hardened. "Get nice and hard for me…" she moaned erotically, "I want to fuck you some more…" she whined. "MMmn…" kissing his tip and suckling on it gently his cock hardened once more. "Bloody hell you get hard so quick…" she kissed his tip again, gazing into his eyes as she opened her mouth and swirled her tongue slowly around his glans.

He took her arms and pulled her up, "Ha?" she sighed with a playfully laugh as he pulled her over his lap, then pushed her towards the side door. "MMmn!" he check pressed to the cold window, and she gazed at him as he leaned over her. He gently brushed her braided hair aside to look at her face as she winked, her ass pressing against his hard cock as his hand rested on her ass cheek with a lit swat. "MMmn!" she wiggled her ass for more feeling his cock pulsate between her ass cheeks as he pushed his cock slowly down, then against her slit.

"Just keep fucking me as hard as you want…" she moaned, "Aahh yeah…" he slid slowly inside her once more, enjoying the feeling of her slippery pussy as he pressed his palm to her cheek. "Ahhgh…" she moaned as he pinned her in place… then promptly moved rapidly inside her. "Haa-Ahh-GUh!! Ah shit! Ahh!!" her mouth opened wide in a pleasured smile. "Ah-Ha!!" she moaned loudly. "Ahh YES!"

"Uhg! Ugh!!" he slammed away into her ass, driving her wild with his hard greedy fucking. Her breasts slapping against the door as she rocked back and forth, her pussy clinging tightly to him as her arousal and cum spilled down her legs. "F-Fuck. FUCK!!" she shuddered, shaking in pleasure as the car continued to rock wildly with their fucking.

"Oh yes! Oh yes!! AHHH!!" her eyes rolled as he slammed deep into her body, "Oooh bloody cumming!! MMMNGH!!" he grabbed her shoulders, slapping wildly away at her ass as their slapping bodies echoed around the car.


"Cum! Cum! Cum!!! BLOODY CUM!!!" he grabbed her hair and yanked as he roared his pleasure. "Fuck me you old cock!! UUuughnnghh!!" he body shuddered wildly, her mouth opened wide as she jiggled and wiggled in climax. Her back arching in spasms as she clawed the window. "Hooooo…"

He slammed his hips twice more against her black ass, his hands caressing her waist before smacking his hands gently on her ass cheeks as she twitched. "Ohhh…" his cum pumped into her, unimpeded and relentless. He caressed her ass as he ground his body against her, panting softly as he sighed.

"Oh fuck me…" she sighed with a soft smile on her face. He slipped out of her as she cooed, sitting on the seat as he rubbed her ass cheeks, her pussy dripping arousal and cum as she lied against the window. "MMMmn…" she swayed her ass slowly against his hand, "…Think your boys heard you hard fucking me?"

He lightly swatted her ass cheeks as she giggled. He massaged her ass for a moment, and groaned… he grabbed her. "More?" she laughed teasingly as he lifted her up and lied her down in the middle of the seat on her back, she spread her trembling legs open, week from the orgasms and constant rough fucking. She hooked her ankles on the front seats, as he loomed over her, she pushed her big tits together with her upper arms, and spread her gooey pussy. "This is you last one oji-san." She cooed erotically, "Fuck me hard…" she whined as his cock slapped onto her pussy, and he pushed it in.

She didn't expect him to let up his pounding and she wasn't disappointed. "Ha! AH! AH! AH!!" his strokes were hard and deep, slamming against her body as she lied submissively on her back, her legs trembling in pleasure, shaking with each deep thrust.

"Ah… AH! This is… top quality pussy!" she moaned as he gripped her breasts, grunting as he rolled his hips deep into her. Her eyes rolled, her mouth opened, "Haa-Ahh!! You're fucking me like a common slag!" her body trembled, "Haaaaagh!!!"

"Ugh! UGH!! UGHHH!!" he buried his cock deep into her and of course released his load. "UGH!!" he pressed his hips determinedly against her hips" MMMN…" he grabbed her breasts tightly and fondled them. Sighing with a smile on his face as her pussy trembled around his cock the tighter he squeezed. "MMmmn…"

He slipped out of her with a satisfying squelched, leaving her leaking on the floor as he sat beside her. "Ah…" she moaned as he lifted her up, leaning her on his body as she cooed. He eagerly groped her tits, rubbing her body as she ran a hand over his leg.

"MMMn… Very good…" he declared as she giggled.

"Told you oji-san, top quality…" she purred. "Ooooh…" she grabbed her things as he continued to fondle her.

"I am not your uncle." He said firmly as she giggled.

"Well you acted like you wanted to be my daddy…" she playfully slapped his scowling face. "But sorry handsome. Time's definitely up."

"Hmph…" he mumbled, and retrieved a pack of cigarettes from a hidden slot in the door. He held one politely to her as she wrapped the girls back up.

"No thank you." She smiled sweetly, "Time for you to pay up, dosh only handsome."

He lit his cigarette and wrapped on the door. "Yama. Takashi."

The door popped open just as she slipped up her bottoms. The big sumo still holding her raincoat as the pitter pater of raindrops began to form. "Hai." Then both nodded to him.

"Ojōsama ni okane o haratte, mō ichi-mai totte kudasai."

Pay the young lady, fetch me another one


They nodded as he politely helped her out the door. Which was left open as Yama held her jacket open for her. "Thanks big boy." She smiled as he went to the back of the car and opened the trunk.

Soon enough he slammed it shut as Takashi, who had vanished briefly, returned into the alleyway guiding a young asian girl, Chinese, Japanese, she wasn't sure. But she was wearing fishnets everywhere, showing off her body and only some modesty was maintained by an open leather jacket.

Yama politely held a nice fat stack of dollar bills to her, bowing his head and everything as she took it. And blew the big sumo a kiss, he gave her a polite, soft smile. "Later Oji-san…"

Oji-san's lips twitched as she passed the next contestant to the old man marathon fuck. However, unlike her rather decent treatment, Yama's big hand grabbed the back of the young woman's head. She struggled briefly, but clearly more irritated at their control than her reluctance to do the job. But her tiny body was no match for the big sumo bodyguard…

Just as Vixen turned the corner out of the alleyway the girl was forced to her knees outside the car, and her head shoved over Oji-san's lap, her head firmly guided up and down his cock as Takashi kept watch.

Superbabes and Old Gotham Red Light Street Girls… same job. WAY different treatment.

Time: 10:41 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Hey. I'm back…" Britney asked just as the rain began pouring outside. "Did I miss anything?"

"Not really." Orders noted as it began to flash outside, lighting and thunder slowly making itself known. "Lori asked me how many languages I know…"

"…How many do you know?" Britney asked curiously as Orders shrugged.

"…Depends on who I'm talking to… I think I can keep a polite conversation in about five or six…" Britney smiled as Orders looked up at her. She rolled her eyes, "…It's going to be slow the rest of the night… why don't you go to Gotham General and visit your pirate…"

Britney sighed rather reluctantly, strutting to the locker room with a smile on her pretty face for a shower and to change. "Seems kind of silly to visit him and not get buggered properly…"

Orders snorted dismissively, "If you like you can stay here doing nothing for a couple of hours."

"…Would I be getting paid?" she asked playfully, even though she knew the answer…


"Then I'll see you tomorrow Orders." She declared promptly, slipping into and turning on the shower. Washing off the sexy older Japanese man stink. "I got a date with a sexy badass pirate…" she cooed, now that she satisfied her libido a visit sounded great.


I tried a new style of 'translating' for this one. It didn't really work out though, or at least I never heard anyone mention one or the other.

Next chapter