
Superbabes Shorts: Platinum

I don't own DC

"Uh…" Mike, Izzy's best male friend, blinked at her curiously… her model like looks, her short platinum blonde hair, her angled cheeks, large breasts and meaty ass cheeks wrapped tightly in a mini-skirt and heels stood outside his basement man cave. "…Hi?"

"Hello." Platinum said frankly, "I am looking for Isabella?"

"Hey! Come on in!" Izzy declared from over Mike's shoulder. "Let her in Mike I invited her."

"Uh huh. Why?" Mike replied curiously as Platinum stared at the table. It was filled with little miniatures, and pieces of miniatures. Calculating quickly, she deduced that there were at least enough parts to make 8 little miniature machines… or 'Warmechs'

"My boss wants her to socialize." Izzy declared, "And this is the best place I know to do it!" she declared proudly as Mikey shrugged. She wasn't wrong, his store and his basement man cave/gamer zone has seen many people making new friends, sworn rivals, and hated foes…

Like kyle 7.

"Mother is insistent." Platinum replied frankly as Izzy snorted with laughter, only for her phone to ring.

"I know Orders, I Know!" she said lazily not bothering to answer, before turning her attention to Platinum. "She doesn't want you to call her that."

"…I am learning." Platinum replied, almost sarcastically. She's learning. "So what are we doing?" she asked, taking a seat next to Izzy.

"We're going to paint up these Warmech pieces then put them together." Izzy noted. That table did have a collection of tiny paints and brushes, the table usually set up with some sort of fantasy model was currently covered with a splattered sheet to prevent paint stains.

"…Like a puzzle." Platinum noted as Izzy nodded.

"Just like a puzzle. And I thought you could help me do mine." Izzy said kindly.

"Since she's kind of terrible at it." Mike noted, picking up one of his pieces and expertly painting it red with a tiny brush.

"Hey!" Izzy grumbled indignantly as Mike casually shrugged.

"Just saying Izzy. You still have me finish off you Battleax Fantasy models, and those Bretonnian Knights have a LOT of heraldry.

Platinum examined one of the large pieces. "What color would you like me to paint this Isabella?"

"Izzy." Noted Izzy kindly, "Let's leave the full names to Orders alright? And THAT one is going to be sliver with blue trim." She handed Platinum a tiny brush and a tiny cup of silver colored paint. Platinum examined it for a moment before dipping the brush into the paint, and expertly coating the Mech piece.

Izzy watched her for a second, then nodded approvingly. "Okay while you do that one I'll do this one." she said, already beginning to paint another of her pieces as Mike finished painting the body of his mech, and started working on his shoulder, only he had changed color… to pink.

"PINK?" Izzy asked as Mike scowled.

"Leave it Izzy." He noted as Platinum calculated the pieces on the table, and quickly deduced what other pieces she was supposed to paint.

"Did you lose a bet?" smiled Izzy, losing interest in her own painting quickly as Mike sighed.

"…Joy…" he said simply as Izzy grinned, elbowing Platinum but it hardly slowed her down. Blinking her eyes curiously at Izzy. "I have to paint all of the right shoulders of my mechs pink." He said blushing as Izzy giggled.

Platinum stared at him. "…Why? Clearly you do not like that color." Izzy, half a second away from teasing her best friend noticed that Platinum had painted all the correct pieces to the mech she was given.

Mike hesitated, frowned then said rather wistfully. "Because it makes her happy." He replied simply as Platinum seemed to… process that information.

"Wow you got done quickly." Izzy noted, getting Platinum off topic as Mike's attention went to the mech pieces.

"Wow. It's like ten times better than anything Izzy's painted." He replied as Platinum stared down at the pieces with little interest.

"It was simple enough. May I have more?" she said as Izzy pushed ALL her work onto Platinum.

"Yes please!" she declared as Mike sighed, continuing to paint his own. "This one needs, to be green." She said as Platinum expertly separated the pieces. "I am going upstairs to get snacks. I'll be right back." She said and quickly left as Mike frowned after her. then smiled wistfully at Platinum.

"I knew she'd push them onto you. She likes playing, she doesn't like the making…"

"I do not mind." Platinum replied simply. It gave her something to do, when she wasn't being her alter ego she wasn't doing much at all except watching television which wasn't that entertaining to her. The only reason she was here in the first place was that her mother asked the Superbabes to take her somewhere and Izzy volunteered to go first.

…Orders wanted her to have 'hobbies' and to become more human. But most importantly she didn't want her staying in her apartment watching television all night. Platinum was rooming with her after all.

"…What are these even for?" she asked curiously as Mike blinked, looking up from his pink shoulder mech.

"They're for a game called Warmech." He said, standing up. "Hang on a minute." He went to a nearby shelf full of game books. He ran his fingers over the spines before coming to one of the last few. "Here we go." He said, yanking a 'Warmech' manual from the shelf. "It's a strategy game. You take a Lance of mechs and have them fight another lance of mechs." She put down the brush, taking it curiously from his hands and reading them. "…Would you like to try?" he asked kindly.

"Try? These are not finished." She said, glancing at the disassembled and mostly drying mech pieces.

"Ha-ha…" he laughed lightly, "Try but… I have a whole lot more." He walked to another door, opening up and revealing a storage room with multiple shelves FULL of miniatures and not just completed Warmechs. "I can let you borrow a Lance if you want…" he said, taking a small squad of four from the self. "And if you like it, I can set you up with your own." He added, collecting the drying pieces and putting them aside, clearing the table.

Platinum watched fascinatedly as Mike began explaining the rules to the game, helping her read along with the book before Izzy returned with popcorn and soda. "Hey, what happened to painting?" she smiled, putting the food down.

"I was just showing her what they were used for…" he said, gesturing to the miniature storage room behind him. "Grab a lance I'll kick your butt as a demonstration."

"Pffft!" she mumbled but smiled as Platinum read the book with interest. As long as Platinum helped her with her painting, she was okay with whatever.

Platinum picked up a 'catapult' putting it down on the table… if she enjoyed this 'warmech' game. Then perhaps it would at least give her something to do, not to mention something to actually spend her paycheck on… it wasn't like she needed to eat or anything.

"Alright I'll go first and show you how it's… done. Actually, I didn't get your name?" he said as her artificial blue eyes blinked curiously at him.

"Darcy." She said flatly, "Darcy Bambola." It was the name her Mother gave her for such occasions when people asked.

"Alright, Darcy." He grinned as Izzy claimed a lance of her own. "Let's play a game."

She ended up liking the game, something else for her Reward Function, and after finishing Izzy's painting for the day, on Izzy's insistence, she went to her (temporary) home, Orders' apartment, with her own starter kit. The first step on a long unknown road.


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