
Delivery Girl: Vixen Order #3

I don't own DC

"Hey! Hey Orders look at this!" White Rabbit approached the counter holding her phone as Orders looked up, "Look what some kid in Mexico recorded." Livewire and (B) Vixen, both on break also went to have a look at the phone. It was kind of a slow day anyway as Orders took it and watched the video.

"…Is that a… green lantern?" she asked as a green man flashed across the dark sky, pummeling a… red woman?

"What the Devil is that?" asked Vixen rather surprised as the camera focused on the 'beam battle' occurring in the sky. Red and Green energy blasts smashing together.

"A red Lantern." Livewire said rather bored, walking back around the counter as Orders glared at her.

"There are RED lanterns?!" she replied shocked as Livewire shrugged.

"Yeah. They're not a big group like the Green Lanterns are, but I've heard them mentioned once." Orders paused the video, staring at the devil looking woman with bone wings, tilting her head left and right.

"…We could copy that right?" asked Vixen thoughtfully as Orders stared at her.

"…The blue skin might be tricky." the purple-eyed boss noted thoughtfully, the likelihood of finding another girl like the blue-skinned Livewire was pretty low.

"Tell me about it!" Livewire grumbled angrily while referring to her own blue-skin issues, shuffling cards. "Hey Vixen, are we going to play or what?"

But Vixen was curious about the potential new costume as White Rabbit took Livewire's place over Orders' other shoulder. "…She kinda looks like a discount Manga character…" White Rabbit noted, "…Actually I think I used to read a manga with a girl like her, would she be worth the trouble?"

Vixen smiled, "Honey, get a sexy enough girl in a costume like ours and it's worth it." she gestured to her own bronzed suit and the Red Lantern on screen, but then she patted Orders shoulders as the purpled eyed woman's eyes flickered. "Besides who cares about skin color as long as we can work the job and feel good, right?"

"…Funny you should mention that." Orders noted.

"Ah! You owe me a Pep!" smiled White Rabbit pointing to a exasperatedly smiling Vixen as Orders reached for the phone that was about to ring."

Time: 9:30 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Hello? Superbabes? We now Deliver."

"…Yo, I'd like to order four Vixen meals for delivery, please."

"That's four Venison steaks with homestyle potatoes and a salad."

"Yep, please."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah. Delivered by that sexy Vixen. Please."

"Group orders do not change the fact that we expect her back 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. Name and address please."


"Vixen you got one."

"Got four, I'm right here… I heard." Vixen grinned sweetly, as Orders pushed her the receipt as she walked around the counter. White Rabbit still staring at the 'red lantern'.

"I swear she looks like Devil Woman, from the Devil Woman manga…"

Orders glanced over her shoulder at the pretty White Rabbit. "Could you do this over there?"

"Oh. Yeah sure." White Rabbit replied, still examining the video as the food slid out from the kitchen for Vixen.

"Ooh… My ass is going to be stretched tonight…" she mumbled, "Anything I should know?"

Orders shrugged, "Pretty straightforward. Have fun. Watch out for police chases…" and with that Vixen was strutting to the car, slipped right in, and was driving off to Old Gotham.

The sounds of sirens permeated the air as she drove behind the address. It was an old building but at least it wasn't a rundown hunk of bricks like most of Old Gotham. She got out of the car, checked the address, then crumpled the receipt into the bag as she put on her best smile and confidently strutted into the building. She didn't even have to climb the stairs; her goal was an apartment on the first floor. She walked right up to the door and didn't waste a moment, raising her hand to knock loudly.


Time: 9:52 PM. Place: Old Gotham (Apartment Building room #1)

"Special Delivery Service." The door opened and the first then she noticed was the distinct smell of weed and booze. "Ah…" she put on her best smile, at least it was going to be an easy job. Contrary to popular belief, weed and booze do not equal to a long lasting sexual encounter, in her experience.

"Hee-Hee!" cackled the man who opened the door, who actually didn't have weed on his breath but had clearly had a few. "Come on in GIRL… oooh look at that…" he praised, watching her ass wobble as she strutted right in…

Four black men lounged in the living room. Two on the couch, and one on the chair, watching the soccer game on TV. The place was surprisingly clean for old gotham, but there were a few empty beer bottles on the table. One of them, in her opinion easily the most handsome of the four, openly smoked a joint with a grin on his face as she smiled at them all.

"Hey boys…" she purred as they all locked their gazes on her body greedily. She lifted the bag in one hand to show them what she had, before putting it on the table and knocking over a few beer bottles. "How are you all doing tonight?" she cooed.

The smoker grinned at her, "A LOT better now that you're here girl…"

"Look at the ASS on this girl!" laughed one on the couch, rounder in the stomach than the others and already getting a handful of her ass as the cackler did the same to her other cheek. "MMMn-HMMN!! Feel that…"

She moaned softly as they groped her ass, her hands on the table as she bent over for balance.

"Hey… HEY!" said the smoker, clearly the boss as he grinned at her. "Hands off." he said as they removed her hands and she stood up right. He took a deep puff and sighed, "…Alright pretty girl… take off that suit let us have a GOOD look at you."

She smiled, and without hesitating… she stripped.

"Oh we don't get girls like YOU around here!" grinned the other man on the couch, he was burly and bald, eyeing her tits lecherously as she pushed her suit down to her hips. "All the pretty ones ran off to all the rich boys in gotham…" he said, clearly drunk and had a bit of weed in him too from the smell on his breath.

"Oh shut up man and enjoy the pussy!" cackled the cackler as he licked his lips, her big black ass soon in view.

"Oh, he's right though…" she smiled, as they all suddenly had her attention. She jiggled her ass in her hands, smirking smugly as her suit hit the floor. "I've had a LOT of white boys…" she grinned, licking her lips. "They pay GOOD money for me baby…"

…She knew how to rile up any crowd, and the interracial card did the job more often than not.

She smirked as they got up and surrounded her, Smoker grinning around his joint as his breath brushed against her face. But she held firm, smiling prettily back. "Then we better remind her the joys of Big black dick… don't we boys?!"

"YEAH!" they cheered with drunken, eagerness and the fun really started.

Multiple hands grabbed at her naked body, "Haa!!" she moaned as they began squeezing, slapping, pinching. Her big breasts were squeezed from behind as her big fat ass was consistently smacked, "Ooh… MMN!!!" her pussy fingered, rubbed by multiple hands or her inner thighs, her head rolling back as she closed her eyes, moaning before they suddenly stopped and a hand smacked LOUDLY on her ass cheek.

"Move that fat ass girl!" she was pushed forward, her ass jiggling as another hand smacked across it, they laughed greedily, clapping her ass cheeks over and over as she walked into a grungy room with a lone bed.

A hand grabbed her short dark hair and shoved her towards the bed. She planted her hands on the mattress, jutting her ass behind her as multiple hands clapped once again on her big beautiful booty, "Shake it!" they cheered drunkenly as she did just that, expertly as the cheered some more, watching her big black ass expertly twerk and jiggle, bouncing and clapping left and right as she worked her body the way ALL men liked.


"Wish we had some singles for dat ass!" cheered one of them, as she stared ahead… smirking knowingly as she worked her booty.


"MMN!" her ass was smacked moments before right leg was lifted onto the bed, as the men ooh'd and ahh'd as she felt someone sniff, her pussy.

"That's GOOD pussy." He laughed squeezing her ass cheeks as he licked her.

"MMMn-HMMN!!" she trembled as his surprisingly wide tongue spread then pierced her, her body shaking as the men laughed and puffs of smoke filled the room.

"Better eat that pussy now cause we're stuffing it with nut soon enough!" claimed another as her current tongue fucker was diving in an out of her. Another pair of hands smacked her ass cheeks as she trembled, leaking onto the floor as his tongue worked her.

"Haa! AHhh…" she panted erotically as the hand that smacked her squeezed her big ass.

"We going to treat you right, aren't we girl?" he growled lecherously, drunk or stoned or both, her body shaking in pleasure as the man eating her pussy pulled away. He took a fistful of her hair and turned her slightly aroused face to him as her other leg was lifted onto the bed, her ass instinctively twerking as she sat on her hands and knees. "When's the last time you had REAL cock?" he grinned as she glanced down, noticing he was nude, his dick throbbing eagerly as he crawled on the bed and lied down, legs spread and still smoking a joint. "Not white boys who wanted black girl pussy?"

She just smiled prettily at him and licked her lips, "Oooh she HUNGRY…" grinned the man with the cackling voice.

"Well, I'm filled up on pussy juice." The man who eaten her out, the rounder one, grabbed her hips and shoved his cock into her.

"Haa!!" she gasped erotically, shaking in pleasure as he buried his length into her, the man before her grabbed her head, and pulled her down, slapping her face with his black dick as she moaned, running her lips on it as the man in her pussy immediately began to buck his hips against her ass, "HA-AH-UGH!!" she moaned erotically as her ass wobbled against his thrusting hips.

"Come on girl, time to get back to your roots." The man slapping his cock against her face laughed, as she opened her mouth, "Get to my root too! Yeah… suck that dick…"

"MMGH! MMngh! MMNGNH!!" her eyes rolled as they buried their lengths into her holes, thrusting hard and deep into her body as he rested a hand on her short dark hair, continuing to puff as she grunted and groaned, the man stretching her pussy, slapping hard and deep into her, pushing her down the smoking man's cock. "MMugh! Guck! GUCK!"

"We're having a party now girl!" laughed the cackler as the man in her pussy, sunk his fingers into her ass cheeks and slammed her hard against his thrusting hips.

"MMgh! MMNGh-hmmn!!" she moaned as smoker guided her head down to the base of his cock, her tongue coiling out to flicker on his sack as she slobbered and drooled. "MMGH!!" the man behind her leaned forward, putting his hand on the back of her head before slapping rapidly against her jiggling ass, moaning and groaning as her head was rapidly jerked up and down on the smoker's cock as he groaned, lying lazily on the bed, thrusting against her face as they roughly pounded her back and front. "MMMGHPGH!!" she squealed in climax as her head was forced down.

"UGHH!! YEAH…" sighed the man in her pussy as he flooded her with cum, "Oooh that's GOOD pussy!" he repeated, before letting go of her head and slipping out of her.

"Haa!!" she gasped, eyes watery and red as she licked smoker's cock slovenly, sliding her tongue up and down his shaft as she wiggled her ass behind her, her pussy oozing it's fresh load as her ass cheeks were clapped again and again with smacking hands…

"Yeah… you like being filled up with a REAL man don't you?"

"Ahh-laaa…" she ran her tongue on his cock, "Yeah baby…"

"MMn!" he groaned, grabbing her head and guiding her back on his tip. "Suck."

SMACK! "MMMN!!" her eyes quivered as her ass was slapped and the cackler grabbed her hips and laughed, slamming abruptly into her pussy and already slapping away on her ass cheeks.

"Have some more, ho!" he cheered, smacking her big black booty with the flat of his hand as she was guided up and down smoker's pole.

"Uh… uh huh… look at me with those pretty eyes, girl…" she gazed up at him, her eyes wide and welcoming as he guided her up and down with one hand. "Suck out my nut… yeah…" he sighed, pre-cum oozing onto her tongue as his cock shivered in her mouth. "Uuugh!"

"MMMn!!" he held her head still as cackler railed away behind her. "MMngph-MMMN!!" she moaned as he emptied his load into her mouth.

"Haa…" he slipped free of her lips, her checks stuff before she gulped it down.

"Haaa!" she opened her mouth as her body rocked back and forth, "Haa! Ugh! Ahh!! GAaah!!" she moaned, tongue lolling as he smacked his cock against her extended tongue. "Laaa-aaalh.." she moaned on it as it slapped off her wiggling organ.

"Gonna nut!!" groaned Cackler with a giggle. "Gonna nut in this tight fucking pussy!!" he groaned, grabbing her shoulders as he pulled her rapidly back against his thrusts.

"Haa-ugh! HNNGH!! Ahh!! FUCK!!!" she cried as he pushed her onto the bed with a deep thrust, groaning as he emptied his balls into her pussy. "Haaa…" she moaned, lying on smoker's crotch, her face against his balls as she trembled and Cackler pulled out, smacking a hand across her ass loudly as she cooed.

Smoker smacked her face with his cock before he grabbed her arms and hefted her up. "Uuugh!!" she grinned as he rolled her over, lying her ontop of him as he spread her legs, exposing her dripping pussy as bulky and bald crawled over the bed, then over her. Completely naked and easily the biggest of their 'BBCs' she glanced wide-eyed at the throbbing piece of meat as she glanced almost dismissively at Smoker, feeling his cock harden between her ass cheeks as she was lifted up… feeling it against her asshole before-

"Haa-AHHH…" she shuddered, sighing softly as his cock pierced up her ass, her hips wiggling left and right as he stuffed every inch slowly up her backdoor. "NNgh… going to DOUBLE fuck me?" she breathed, glancing at a grinning Bulky and Bald as he stroked his cock, pressing it to her pussy.

"It's going to feel REAL good, Ho." He declared, before thrusting DEEP into her body.

"Haa! AHH!!!" she cried out as she was pinned tightly between their muscular bodies, grinding together inside her and not pulling out as her arms and legs stretched out, coiling and twisting in the sheets as they held her down. No escape. Only fucking.

They barely pulled out of her but that was enough to send waves of pleasure through her body. "HaaGh!! FUCK!! FUCK!!!" she cried out as they began to really move, pumping and thrusting into her greedily. Their cocks stretching and throbbing inside her holes as they alternated between deep violating thrusts and slow deliberate grinds. Reaching every inch of her insides their thick cocks could.

Thump THUMP! Smoker slapped the bed, Cackler and Rounder were suddenly on either side of the bed, and both took an arm and a leg. "Haa-Ahh?" she wiggled confused, and that's when the REALLY went to town. "HAAGH!! AHH!! FUCK!! MEE!!" she squealed as they pulled out and SLAMMED roughly back in, jerking and manhandling her body as Smoker's cock reached the depths of her big beautiful ass, slapping rapidly against her soft bouncy flesh with each long stroke as Bulky and Bald railed into her from above, "Haa!! GOD! FUCK!!" she gasped, shaking in pleasure as his cock rampaged inside her pussy, rubbing against her wet inner walls.

Their hands on her waist, jerking her up and down accordingly depending how DEEP one or the other was trying to reach, her toes curled and her limbs spasmed but Rounder and cackle held her tight, restraining her so that her powerful fucking was uninterrupted.

"You are so tight. Your ass is so fucking TIGHT." Snarled smoker, puffing in her ear as he slapped his hips faster up against her ass. "Here it comes. You earned it! Take my load!"

"Here it cums!" declared Bulky and Bald slapping away as she squealed "EEEAAHHh!!!!" and roared her climax in incoherent shrieks.

"HAaa-!! AHHGH!! NNAAAGGH!!!" she went stiff and felt Smoker fill her ass with cum, half a second later Bulky and Bald pressed his cock balls deep against her and stuffed her with cum as she released a silent scream, staring blankly up at the ceiling as the massive orgasm surging through her dominated her thought process… she drooled as her tongue lolled. The two men inside her pumping and grinding slowly as the two holding her arms released her…

She lied limp on top of smoker as Bulky and Bald slowly pulled out of her with a satisfying squelch, she shivered as he fingered her stuffed pussy before he pulled them away, and rubbed them on her face with a laugh…

Smoker suddenly lifted her off his cock and tossed her onto her side with a bounce on the bed as she groaned. He breathed heavily and tossed his diminished joint into an ashtray before getting off the bed. "You two want a go?"

Cackler laughed as Rounder took her gently by the hands and pulled her unsteadily to her feet, she pressed against his stomach and grinned prettily as he lifted her up by the ass cheeks and slipped into her pussy. "NNNgh!!!" she moaned, shaking as Cackler crawled rapidly across the bed to stand behind her, she felt Rounder spread her ass cheeks and for half a second her hole gaped, only to be filled by cackler.

"Haa-aahh!!!" she cried out in pleasure, shaking between them as Cackler already began pounding her ass, bouncing off her booty only to quickly return, pulling her hips towards him as he slammed each deep thrust.

"Ugh! NNgh! Ha-ha-ha!! FUCK this ass is great!!"

"Best! Ass! In! GOTHAM!!" she declared, shaking in pleasure as the men laughed.

"Damn right it is!" declared rounder smacking her ass as she squealed happily.


"Fuck her harder!" cackler grinned, "Let's make her tap out!"

"Haa-AAHHHG!!" she moaned as Rounder and Cackler sped up. "Fuck Fuck! Fuuuuuck!!" she whined their bodies smacking together as Bulky and Bald sat naked on a chair, watching as her body was used thoroughly. "Haa-! AHH!! FUCK! ME!! AHHH!!!"

"Louder girl! Louder! We get off on this shit!" groaned Cackler as her knees buckled but they forced her to stay upright.

"Haa! AHhh-ggooooood!" she shuddered, spasming. "Cumming! Fucking cumming!! AAAAGH!!!" she spray squirt all over Rounder's body but he kept thrusting.

"Yes! Fucking Yes!!" he moaned wildly, slapping her body against Cackler as her legs turned to jelly, the only reason she was upright now was because they were keeping her that way, with cocks and hands, lifting her from the floor

Smoker returned with a fresh joint and beer as Bulky and Bald… SNORED… the beer bottle in his hand dropping to the floor as he dozed. He puffed a waft into her face as she SCREAMED a fresh climax. "AHAAGGHH!!!"

"YEAH!!" Cackler cheered, finishing his own beer and slamming her and rounder against the wall before railing into her ass with rapid abandon, striving for his own orgasm as she panted and clawed Rounder's arms. "Ugh! NNGH!! Here! It! CUMS! HO!!!"

She clenched up, shrieking an orgasm as Cackler sprayed her bowels with his load, "Haaaa…" he was out just as quickly, a rope spraying across her ass as Rounder lifted her up from the floor.

"NNGh!!" she moaned, then went for a ride as he lifted and carried her, jamming his cock into her pussy as he pushed himself to the finish, "NNgh! AAHA!! FUCK!!" her body wormed on his as he roared his climax, "Haa-Ahhh…" she panted, writhing against him as he sprayed his load into her…

"Ugh…" he groaned, as she was dropped abruptly and exhaustedly to the floor.

"Ugh!!" she grunted, shaking in orgasm and too numb to really care about the ass cushioning… before her head was jerked back.

"UUgh!!" Smoker stroked his cock and held it to her face as she opened her mouth.

"Ahhh…" she knew what he wanted. Ropes of cum sprayed across her beautiful face as he groaned.

"UUUGH!! FUCK YEAH!!!" he hissed, and just as he finished, Cackler straddled her face, furiously stroking himself… if her eyes weren't caked shut she might have been concerned he'd hurt himself.

"HERe you go!! OOOOOH!!!" his load was pretty limp, runny jizz splashing on her cheeks and spurting onto her chest, but as if encouraged by his friends, her head was turned again and Rounder managed out a final moan, before he too joined in the bukkake…

She sat still on her jello legs as the last drops of Rounder's spent load splattered on her chin… she took her hands and wiped an eye open, glancing around at them all. Cackler was lying on his back on the bed, cock dripping between his legs as Rounder slumped to the floor, breathing heavily and very exhausted.

Smoker, the only one still standing held his cock tip towards her, he was limp too, but he smirked down at her. "Give it a kiss."

She smiled up at him, and gave his tip a gooey pick before he let it drop. "I need a bath baby…" she mumbled as he jerked a thumb towards the obvious bathroom.

"Help yourself…" as she tried to get to her feet, she moaned softly as he grinned, watching her shaking legs. "…Crawl there…" he added as she eyed him…

Technically… he still had a few more minutes to tell her what to do… and she was nothing if not a professional. So… cat-like, and using her skills from her stripper days, her big beautiful ass wobbled left and right as she crawled across the floor, before finally making it to the grungy shower and turning it on… it took a long time for the water to get hot, but eventually, every drop of their nut was washed away. She scrubbed herself clean until her mocha skinned shined under the hue of the water and soap and soon stepped out…

The boys were still tuckered out, and she returned to the living room with Smoker on the chair, his feet up on the table and smoking as he eyed her supple, clean and shiny body as she smiled professionally at him, reaching her suit to jiggle tantalizingly back inside of it. As always. Sometimes it was just as sexy getting into her suit as getting out of it, judging from his half-chub as he watched her.

"Alright Baby…" she cooed, the suit snapping onto her shoulders as she strutted towards him. "Time to pay up…" she said sweetly as he shifted on the chair and slipped his hand into the side of the cushion… she watched curiously as he extracted first a bag of weed, then a fistful of cash. He grinned at her, red-eyed as she took it, but he didn't let go of the cash.

"Come on back when you want a real man to get you off." he said, not 'men' meaning he didn't want to share. But she just smiled prettily and winked playfully before she turned and headed towards the door.

Black. White. Asian. Brown. It didn't matter to her, all men were the same… but they all liked a little bit of interracial play. And they REALLY liked it when she played it up…

Time: 11:14 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Hey. I'm back." Tasha declared as Joy and Orders sat at the counter, both seemingly taking notes as they watched the video from earlier but on a bigger screen.

"See… right there. She's got blue skin…"

"Let's forget the blue skin. It's hard to tell with the red glowing part anyway. Can you make the bat wing… hat thing?"

"Yeah I think me and Izzy can handle that easy… and those garters. Red instead of black leather?"

"I'm thinking so…" Orders mumbled. "…Should we try for the bone wings?"

"…No, to joint-y, they'll break really easily."

"So, the same reason we don't give Rosa wings."


"Yo." Tasha interrupted with a smile as they both looked up, Orders slapped the stack of money and sniffed, sorting Tasha's cut.

"You smell like weed." She said flatly as Tasha soured.

"Sorry. They were partying long before I got there…" she grumbled, sniffing the suit. "Least I don't smell like jizz."

"Still, can't have you smelling like that. Hop in the showers and use the extra strength soap and toss the suit in the wash." She said as Tasha nodded.

"Yes boss…" but she hesitated as she eyed the red lantern babe on the screen as Orders and Joy continued to take notes. "So a prospective hire?"

"Ideally… I don't see why not." Orders noted dismissively, "She looks human at least. And the costume should be an easy make with Joy and Izzy." Tasha nodded as Orders relaxed in her chair, "Now I just have to find a girl to match the look…"

"You're not going to find another blue girl…" noted Lori sternly from the poker table playing solitaire, "Not without trying to MAKE one anyway." Orders waved a hand.

"Forget the blue. Skin color isn't everything…" she noted as Tasha smiled, heading to the showers and laundry. It might not be everything… but it could certainly make things kinkier…


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