
Delivery Girl: Catwoman II

I don't own DC

also, as an author's note: FuuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUCK!!!! Okay, think I got it out of my system.

The beautiful silky black-haired brunette dressed in a tight but modest blue short skirt, heels, T-shirt and jacket. She sat at one of the outside café tables enjoying the day. She checked her watch, then frowned before sipping her iced coffee, glancing down the sidewalk, and finally seeing who she was waiting for.

She was tall, leggy, and sensual, wearing tight jeans that hugged her dynamic lower body, her thick thighs, wide hips, slender waist and BIG bountiful booty barely restrained by said tight jeans... She wore a dark tube top, and a jacket over that showing of toned stomach and milk chocolate colored skin, her modestly large natural breasts wobbled as she tilted her baseball cap up out of her sunglasses covered eyes and smiled with red lips at her as she waved.

"Hey!" she said casually waving as the beautiful black woman strutted towards her, pulling out the opposite chair and sat down. "It's been a while. How have you been?" she asked her friend cheerfully.

She gave the brunette a sheepish smile. Her head twisting left, then right, as if afraid she was being watched. "Good… I've been good." Bonnie Brownie has not been good.

'Bonnie Brownie', her pornstar alias, has become increasingly nervous and concerned over recent days. She was a very high profile pornstar. Voted #2 Most Popular black (Gotham) pornstar three years running. (Beaten constantly by Harry Hammerer, overall most popular male in general) and as of Heather Hottie's retirement, #4 best overall female (Gotham) pornstar consistently… and Consistency is often better than jumping up and down the ranking as Heather Hottie had.

But regardless, she came to her old friend and former coworker Heather Hottie, because she needed a bit of advice.

"…Did you hear what happened to Eve?" she whispered as Heather Hottie blinked curiously. Eve (pronounced E-V) Exotica was another pornstar, the highest she's reached in ranking is 10, and often dropped off more than once only to return over and over, but she still stagnated over and over.

"No. What happened?"

Bonnie Brownie took a deep breath and began. "…It wasn't a secret even before you retired that the girls escorted, and the bosses took cuts." She whispered as Heather Hottie nodded, showing she was listening "Well, they also arranged meet ups. For the big bucks." She fidgeted and whispered in a hiss, "…They sold her to some fucked up cultist who wanted to ritually sacrifice her." as Heather Hottie stared horrified. "She's… a little shaken but she's physically fine." She said noticing Heather's shock. "Nightwing and some of the Titans apparently were in the neighborhood, but the fact of the matter is she's suing the company." She brushed her long silky black hair with her fingers nervously.

"Good for her." Heather Hottie replied as Bonnie Brownie nodded.

"…Yeah… it's pretty much a slam dunk, but Heather…" she said, crossing her fingers. "…Heather I'm going to be out of a job if… WHEN she wins. She's going to take out the whole company with her suit."

"PPfft! Ha-ha!" laughed Heather Hottie, smiling at Bonnie Brownie. "No, you won't. There must be half a dozen studios who would HAPPILY film that body…" she gestured to the shapely Bonnie Brownie as she smiled gratefully, but quickly frowned again.

"…Look. I don't WANT to be filmed anymore… what happened to Eve got me thinking, you know? What's stopping my next boss from being some freaky sex slaver or worse? They, didn't even sell her for a lot, you know? Practically chump change." She spat indignantly. "Nuh-uh…"

Heather Hottie shook her head. "Bonnie the chances of that happening again are… almost near nothing!" she said quickly, "…I would have to ask my friend Veronica to do the exact math, but I assure you! It won't happen to you."

Bonnie fidgeted, looked left and right again. Then leaned forward conspiratorially. "…Look… I know what you do now." Heather Hottie froze hesitantly, "…Safe right? Secure? Good money?... Fun?" her voice becoming increasingly quieter as she listed the 'benefits', "Some of the other girls were talking about how you got Sally a job?"

This time it was Heather Hottie's turn to look left, look right, then reached into her purse before pulling out her wallet. "…I don't know what you're talking about Bonnie." She said, paying with cash, and tipping graciously before getting up and standing beside a rather heartbroken looking Bonnie. "And I certainly DON'T-" she slipped a card into Bonnie's hand and shook it as if in farewell before smiling kindly, "-Insist you call this number… let's catch up later okay?" she patted Bonnie's shoulder fondly, and drawing the eyes of MANY a young man at the café as she walked away. Leaving the beautiful Bonnie Brownie sitting confused and a little forlorn at the table.

Bonnie Brownie checked the number on the card. It had been hastily written in cheap ink, probably much earlier today, the card itself was otherwise blank and inconspicuous. She got up and walked in the other direction, already curiously punching the number on her phone, and holding it to her ear.

It hardly rang before there was an immediate answer. "Bonnie Brownie. I have been expecting your call. You're late." Came the no-nonsense woman's voice on the other end.

A few weeks later.

"Well you certainly make leather look good." Huntress declared as she watched the new Catwoman zip up the black suit, the zipper sliding up her milk chocolate colored body as her big breasts threatened to burst out the top.

The beautiful black woman smiled divinely at her as she adjusted the cat hat and tightened the lace boots. The new suit was custom-fitted, had to be with the amount of ass she had to pack into it, she couldn't share the other Catwoman's suit that was certain. She clapped her hands on her leather-wrapped booty as the girls walked out of the locker room.

Eve Exotica's lawsuit was indeed a slam dunk. The amount of jail time slapped upon her former employers was astronomical. They didn't need Starfire for THAT math. Sexual slavery aside, conspiracy to murder was another fun charge plus a few others that Judge Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach managed to crack down upon them like the hammer of Thor. And no, Orders had no involvement with Blackbeard's decision… they were just unlucky enough to have him assigned to the case.

But luckily the former Bonnie Brownie had quit long before that. The company was ironically like many of the girls they filmed, 'tits up'. Many of the other girls retired, moved on to other cities, found other studios, or went in for themselves: webcams are apparently lucrative now. But Bonnie Brownie was hired by Orders…

"How are you going to justify a black Catwoman?" Huntress smiled as Yaya, currently out of uniform and about to head home picked up the camera to take the NEW Catwoman's picture before she left.

"…Hang on. Let me show you. Ahem, Catwoman?" she asked politely as 'Catwoman' smiled sultrily at her. "Could you?" she twirled her finger, "Turn around in place, slowly?"

Slowly Catwoman turned, her sensual hips swirling in a hula-hoop like motion, her big, magnificent ass rolling around as her stomach muscles spasmed, belly dancing for the gathered girls in the lounge as she did a full turn, smiling knowingly, sensually. She was performing purr-fectly "Hmm… yelp…" Orders nodded slowly as if agreeing with a silent conversationalist. "She seems like a sexy bitch." She added flatly, as Yaya coughed, trying not to laugh. "I don't think ANYONE will care."

"Hell, I don't know, somebody will fecking complain…" Silver Banshee noted from the couch. Apparently trying to nap as new Catwoman put her hands on her curvy hips confidently.

"Fuck um." She replied with a lazy and dismissive shrug as Huntress laughed, leaning against Orders counter as Yaya lifted the camera.

"Alright let's make this…" CLICK. "Quick." She didn't even have to try, Bonnie Brownie dressed up as Catwoman? Tight leather, Cat themed… She couldn't be any hotter if she went out onto the floor in a thong bikini. She was a natural, and I mean that in more ways than one.

It's not a stigma for pornstars to have had work done, but it IS a bonus when they're perfectly natural. As was Bonnie Brownie, an attractive black woman with a big natural black ass, big natural black breasts, and an athletic body so toned it was like she ran across an African savanna? The amount of MONEY her old company raked in on her literal hard fucking work was STILL not enough to save it.

And now she works for Superbabes… Orders already loved her and the potential she brought.

"So? Now what?" New Catwoman asked as the Old Catwoman yawned and waved herself off to head home for the night.

"Now I load up your picture." Orders noted, doing just that on the site, "Place you on the list, and check you on as active." She said, doing all of that and refreshing the Superbabes site. "And you just work tables…"

"That's it?"

"Until somebody inevitably checks you out and orders your ass for the hour." Huntress said as Catwoman smiled at her old friend. If she missed anything while working for the studio it was Heather Hottie. It hadn't been the same since she retired.

"That happen often?" she asked smirking as Orders lied back in her chair.

"Tradition dictates it'll happen an hour or so after I've posted you." She said, gesturing to the computer. "So, until then practice being charming and work the tables."

"Please." Smiled Catwoman charmingly, "I don't need to practice being charming." She winked at the purple-eyed Orders who at least looked humored at Catwoman's attempt.

"Well, you might need to practice waiting tables." Huntress smirked, "Seriously can you remember the last time you didn't shake it for cash?" she asked lightly patting Catwoman's prominent leather wrapped booty.

"Like I'm not doing that now!" replied Catwoman laughing good-naturedly.

Time: 9:54 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

*Ring! Ring!* click.

"Hello? Superbabes. We Deliver."

"…I'd like to order a Catwoman meal… for delivery."

"…That's extra crispy chicken legs, an extra crispy flank of fried fish, and a basket of seasoned fries."


"Anything else?"

"Delivered by… actually, what happened to the other Catwoman?"

"She's not working tonight, is that a problem?"

"…Haha. Heck no. Delivered by Catwoman please."

"Very well, we expect her back in 60 minutes or less or the police will be called. Please give me your name and address."


"Catwoman. You got one." Orders noted as the new Catwoman flicked her fingers counting over a collection of tips, before she put it on the counter.

"I give these to you right?" she smiled as Orders scrapped them up, put them in Catwoman's new pile before handing her the receipt. The food soon sliding out.

"They go right into your locker. Have fun." Orders noted as Catwoman winked playfully grabbing the food and reading the receipt as she strolled out to the company car, her big ass swaying hypnotizingly as she slid into the driver's seat. Turned it on, and sped off into Gotham.

Upper East Gotham came on fast, driving past the towers of iron and steel and heading towards the more lucrative homes and communities, lovely beachfront properties… or at least beachfront properties that were less likely to have corpses bobbing in the waters.

She pulled the car into park in front of a lovely little home surrounded by a concrete wall with a large deck out the back of the house viewing the waters. She saw it coming up the road, she slipped out of the drivers seat carrying the food in one hand as her long sumptuous legs carried her towards the gate, her boots clicking on the pavement then sidewalk as she just let herself in through the creaking gate. Strolling right up to the front door.

She brushed her long back hair with her fingers, the catwoman 'cap' had a big hole out the back to allow her black hair to flow in a ponytail. She tossed her hair, smiled and reached for the door with her same hand and knocked, saying what Huntress and Orders told her to say.


Time: 10:09 PM. Place: Upper East Gotham (House with a lovely deck)

"Special Delivery Service." She understood why she had to say it, but it was still very silly in her opinion. The only people around who could hear her say that are the ones who already ordered her, and they knew EXACTLY why she was here. Still she put a smile on that beautiful face as the door slowly opened…

He was young, overweight, and a little greasy but he wasn't ugly. "Ho-ho…" he cooed grinning at her as he stepped aside and she strutted right in with a smile and swaying temptingly with her hips.

He let his gaze linger on her big round booty as she (knowing he was watching her ass wobble as she walked) let hers wander. This was a bachelor pad she could tell instantly, there was a hot tub outside on the deck. But inside there was a TV and multiple screens facing a wide comfy couch and sturdy coffee table, at least half a dozen gaming systems mounted in aesthetically pleasing and functionally efficient ways. A custom gaming computer in the corner and a few stacked and probably empty pizza boxes by the kitchen trash can…

If anyone else lived here, she'd take a dive off the back deck. However, the fact that what she saw was so luxurious was a bonus. Means he had MONEY. She winked at him over his shoulder before bending over his coffee table. And dropping his food… "Nice place." She purred. She promptly dropped her ass on the couch, wiggling and jiggling as she made herself comfortable, stretching her arms across the back as he walked over to her. Viewing her exotic milk chocolate body, her prominent cleavage, and beautiful exotic face. "So…" she smiled at him sensually, her hand slowly moving to her cleavage, and zipper… "How are you feeling tonight?"

"Better by the second…" he grinned, watching as the zipper slowly moved down. "And you?"

"Oh, baby…" she smiled, "I feel PURRRR-fect." She rolled the 'R' with a sensual purr as he laughed happily. "…Now…" she stood up, "How…" she ran her gloved hand over the recently exposed skin of her stomach, "Shall we start your looooovely evening with me?" she purred again… she was getting the hang of this.

He smiled at her, running his hands over her waist as she raised her arms up, smiling as he rubbed them up and down her sides. "How about we… get a little comfier?" He said stepping away and curling a finger at her, leading her towards a hall under the stairs.

It led her to a quiet hallway with a pair of doors, one on the left that led to the bathroom, and a green one on the right that he promptly opened.

She laughed. Walking into the plush velvet room as he grinned. It was a mini-strip club. She smirked at the tiny circular stage with the long chrome pole sliding up to the ceiling and the lush purple crescent couch surrounding it. There was a small bar with bottles of beer and liquor mounted on the wall and stereo speaks mounted in the corners of the wall as she giggled.

"Ooooh? you built a personal strip club!?" she laughed as he dropped into the center of the crescent couch, "Oh, honey you must have money to burn." He grinned, already making her way to where he obviously wanted her.

One boot stepped onto the stage, her hand gripped the chrome pull and she pulled herself up the rest of the way, twirling around it expertly and kicking out a leg before she curled it back to hook around the pole, pulling herself against it as her big black tits squeezed around it. She gazed sultrily as his awed and aroused face as she let her tongue slide out and she licked the pole slowly… "Haaaaa…"

She had his full attention. And erection…

And she WORKED that pole, most pornstars stage-danced once or twice when they're desperate for a little cash and she had been no different.

"You know…" she said, twirling on the pole and facing him, one hand held high about her head, polishing the chrome up and down with her fingers as her other hand rested once again on the zipper of her suit. "If you wanted to watch strippers, why not go to a club?" she purred softly, the zipper slowly sliding down her body further as her hips continued to roll and swirl, her ass rubbing against the pole behind her as her zipper reached her navel.

"Because…" he groaned eagerly as she stopped, sliding her hand up her smooth exposed skin, squeezing her big breasts as she licked her lips. "Common practice is you don't get to have sex with them once they're done riling you up…" he groaned, rubbing his obvious erection as he watched her dance.

"Ooh… you got me there…" she smiled, twirling again so her ass was facing him. It rolled around and around as she worked her stomach muscles, popping towards him quickly before rolling slowly again, around and around. "Well… I hope you're a big tipper." She smiled, bending her knees as she presented her ass, then made it twerk, bouncing it up and down slowly as she made love to that chrome pole before standing up straight again and turning. "Because THIS dancer…" she slipped her fingers into the side of the suit, "You CAN touch."

She pulled, exposing her big breasts to his view as he SQUEEZED his obvious erection with a groan. "Ha-ha…" she laughed, shaking her chest as they bounced and slowly removed the suit, one arm then the other, letting it wrap around her shapely waist as she grabbed the pole in one hand and began to strut around. Humming to herself as she popped her hips with each step elaborate step around the pole.

The suit slowly loosened around her waist until it slipped down her ass cheeks as she stood in front of him again. She jiggled her big black wobbling booty, shaking it down further as she put her hands on it and bent forward, leaning against the pole as she pushed it down the rest of the way exposing her thong devouring ass. She bounced on her heels, smiling sweetly over her shoulder at him as her ass clapped majestically.

"Man, you are not a great tipper…" she laughed standing up and stepping out of the suit, only remaining in her thong, cat cap, and boots.

He jumped in surprise and seemed apologetic as he reached into the pocket of his pants and surprisingly, or unsurprisingly all things consider, pulled a stack of bills, all one's from the look of it.

She dropped down onto her knees, rubbing her milk chocolate body as she flexibly leaned back, wobbling like a snake being charmed as he stood over her and-


"WOooo!!!" she laughed as dollar bills drifted down over her, her hands catching and rubbing them all over her soft, silky skinned body as she flexibly lied further back. She lied completely on the stage, her knees towards him her feet folded back… she pushed her lower body up and down subtle as her hips 'fucked' the air.

The last bill in the stack drifted between her tits and he fell onto her as she laughed, burying his face between her breasts as she pushed them around his face. "MMmpgh-MMMN!!" he moaned happily, as she wiggled beneath him as he quickly pulled away.

"MMMN!" she moaned and with great athletic flexibility she rose up from the stage, standing on her knees as she rubbed her body. "…I think you've given me more than enough." She suddenly shifted, slapping on her hands and knees dropping low on the stage, sliding across the filament of dollar bills as she leaned her face close to his crotch and obvious erection. She raised her big beautiful ass in the air and gently shook it, it wobbled tantalizingly side to side as her talented hands made their way to his shorts.

She smiled sweetly up at him as he tugged his pants down just enough to free his average-sized cock, it throbbed as he felt her hot breath splash on it as he groaned blissfully. "Oooh… OOOOOH…" he moaned as she wasted no time wrapping her lips around it.

"MMmn… MMMn-hmmn…" up and down, taking his entire length in her mouth as she twisted her kitty wrapped head, "MMMn-mmmngh…" her ass continuing to wobble behind her as he reached over, smacking one cheek then the other ass she giggled, her big booty moving regardless. His hands rested on her wonderful booty, feeling it move against his fingers as he slowly slid it down her waist, then back, before resting on her constantly bobbing head as she continued to suck on his cock.

"Way better than the clubs!" he moaned softly as she giggled around his length and gave him an appreciative-


"Uugh…" his cock twitched between her lips his hands massaging her scalp through the cap. "nnh! Uugh!!" he oozed pre-cum onto her tongue as she let it lap away around his tip before popping off his cock.

"Mmwah!" she popped off his cock before putting her hands on his waist and pushing. He dropped back onto the couch, cock wobbling upright and erect as she used the momentum to shoot upright. "MMMn." She smiled at him, running her hands over her thick thighs and toned stomach before she stepped off the stage. Standing over him as her hips swayed, she slipped her fingers into her underwear, pushing it down and wiggling it to the floor. Her tits bouncing quickly as she jiggled and wiggled up and down.

"I haven't given you a lap dance yet…" she declared as she bent over him, then slid slowly onto his lap. "Hmm-hmm-hmm…" she chuckled, gazing with her dark brown eyes into his soul. "Any desperate slutty stripper can suck a dick…" she whispered sensually in his ear. "But I'm a real Purr-fessional" she… purred… sensually. "Ahh…yeeah…" she moaned softly, her lower body working magically on his lap. Her upper body remaining almost purr-fectly still as her pussy gyrated back and forth on his hard throbbing cock.

Her silky wet lower lips drooled on his twitching member as he moaned, sliding back and forth, left and right, fast and slow, it was like she knew every sweet spot to jolt maximum pleasure through his body, but not quite enough to make him cum. And BOY did he want to cum… His hand lashed to her gyrating hips as she half hummed, half laughed, moaning softly as she finally started to let her upper body writhe before him… it was like all the coitus with none of the penetration, but it was STILL working.

"Ooh yeah… yeah…" she panted erotically, gazing into his face as his eyes rolled. "MMMn! Your dick feels so good against my pussy…" her lower lips seemed to quiver around his cock, but that was mostly his cock declaring that he wasn't going to last any longer. "MMN! MMN!! You like that?" she cooed pleadingly.

"Ahhh-AHH!!!" she slid back, leaned back, and pressed his cock to her body as ropes of cum sprayed up over her stomach.

"MMMN!!" she stared confidently at him as he shivered and twitched, sending another few ropes across her as she moaned, rubbing her silky fingers over him as he groaned.

"Haaa… haaa…" he panted, hips instinctively thrusting out another dollop. "No fair…" he laughed as she licked her lips.

"Oh? But you're definitely not supposed to fuck the dancers…" she said sweetly casual. "…Got to get them home first…" she noted, "…Do you want to fuck me?" she breathed sensually leaning over him and nibbling his lip. "MMmn?"


"Then take me out of this club…" she purred again, "and FUCK me…" he clapped his hands faintly on her ass cheeks as she stood up. He wobbled to his feet and stripped as he pushed her feebly to the door as she giggled, skipping at first then strutting. Popping her hips as she walked out of the mini-strip club and returned to the living room… still covered in his jizz.

"MMN!! Nice place you got here baby." She purred flicking his chin as he followed her out. "So… want me to give you private dance?" she purred.

He stroked himself with one hand and took a fistful of her ass with the other as she laughed, quickly twirling away and glancing out the back door leading to the deck and the hot tub. "MMN!" she winked at him, kicked off her boots, and threw the glass door open.

The cold Gotham air hit her naked body and cum stained stomach, she shuddered and jiggled, quickly hurrying to the hot tub as she slipped right it. "Cold!" she breathed, before slamming the button on and letting the bubbles churn around her as she stood in the middle of the bubbling water like Venus rising from the foam. "MMMn!!!" she moaned, twisting and turning as her nipples hardened from the cold, her natural breasts and ass jiggling as she naturally shivered at the sudden temperature. "Haa-…aaahh…" she licked her lips, raising her hands up and swirling her hips, popping them left and right as she belly danced, the cum ropes on said belly worming like stuck snakes on her. Before the water FINALLY warmed around her legs and she dropped into it.

"MMMN!!" she smiled at him as he furiously stroked himself, her head just above the water. Her hands already working furiously to wipe off his quickly drying cum. "Well?" she cooed swimming to the far edge of the tub, and sitting on the inside seat, stretching her arms out on the tub and, although he technically couldn't see, spreading her legs acceptingly wide. "Well don't you come over her and let me help you with that hard cock?" she purred.

He was significantly less arousing in his movements across the deck, the cold air hitting him as he scrambled to the tub. Then quickly inside it with a splash as she giggled, "Come here baby I'll warm you up!" she encouraged sensually and it took him less than half a second to press his body against her, "Ooh yeah, THAT's… it…" she sighed, "Haaaa…" she moaned erotically as he wasted no time in warming his cock up by slipping it quickly into her pussy… "MMMNGh…" her legs stretching out behind him in the water, her toes curling as she erotically clawed the tub.

As a pornstar she has taken many different sized dicks from the near monstrous Harry Hammerer and his 11(almost 12) inch monster cock to the littlest micro-penis for those with that particular itch. And she made sure EVERY dick that slipped into her various orifices enjoyed every second of it.

"Oh BABY…" she moaned erotically, resting her head on the edge of the tub, her mouth opened wide as her ass molded and bounce on the seat, his hips thrusting into her again and again, his arms slipping around her back, pulling her towards him as his hips sloshed, "MMMN! I really got you going, didn't I?" she purred sensually, gazing smugly at him as he grunted, pushing deeper and deeper as he pinned her to the tub. "Fuck my pussy baby," she purred, "MMMN… fuck my purr-fect pussy…"

Her legs lashed around his waist as he groaned, her breasts bouncing in and out of the water as she rolled her hips beneath the churning surface, "MMMn-MMNGH!!" she gazed down, meeting his thrusts with her own as she felt his cock pulsate. "OOooh!!" she moaned erotically, shaking in pleasure as her upper body clung to the edge of the tub dramatically as she cried out across the ocean. "HAaa!!!"

She clung to his eagerly thrusting cock as he pumped against her, whether a real or fake orgasm he didn't know or care but she was FUCKING amazing and it pushed him over the edge as he did exactly that to her. "UUGH!!"

"NNGH!!" she was lifted out of the tub by him planting his hips against her, feeling his warm load rush into her body as she slid over the smooth wood of the tub, "Nnngh!!" her breasts wobbled erotically as she shuddered, smiling divinely as she rubbed his ass with her legs before he collapsed back into the tube.


"MMMn…" she rubbed herself beneath the water as he drifted to the opposite side of the tube. "Purrrrrfect…" she cooed, rolling her 'R's again. she gazed at him with a sensual smile and a lingering inviting gaze, her fingers churning inside her serving the duel purpose of letting his load leak and turning her on some more. "Such a good fuck…" she lounged erotically, much like a cat that ate the canary… "I'm FELINE satisfied with your milk…" she cooed, pulling out her fingers and licking them sensually as his cock throbbed beneath the water.

"God, you are just fucking beautiful…" he grinned, stroking himself again.

She giggled and swam over to him, sliding beside him as she leaned on the tub edge next to him, resting her head on her arms. "Ready for more?"

He gazed at her wide-hips and rested a hand on her ass cheek and squeezed. "…I want to fuck your ass." He declared as she laughed… then like a literal whale tail breaking the surface her mass of ass rose over the water, jiggling and wiggling behind her as she purred.

"I always thought that was a… paw-sibility…" she smiled prettily

"Ugh…" he groaned as he got up, standing behind her, ignoring the Gotham night on his wet skin as he had a perfect ass to distract him. He slapped his wet hands on her ass cheeks, she wiggled them enticingly in response, and push pushed his cock against her asshole.

Well used at is might be it was regularly rested and just as tight as the last time someone used it. "OOOOOH…" he moaned as she herself mooed at the penetration.

"OOoh-ooo!!" she shuddered, wobbling that rear behind her as he began to buck his hips. "Ugh, that's… mmn! Fur-cking GOOD!" she growled, eyes rolling as she jumped in the water, his wet hips on her wet jiggling ass echoing out into Gotham. "Haa! AHH!!" she gasped as he fell over her, reaching beneath her to grab her heavy tits and squeezing. "Haa-Ahh-AHH!! Up my… TAIL HOLE!! MMMNGH!!" she breathed, shaking in pleasure as he railed away.

His full weight fell onto her back but he kept wildly thrusting, moaning constantly as a trickle of drool dribbled unnoticed onto her milk chocolate ass. "Haa-AHH!! MMNGh!!" he pushed deep into her as she spasmed erotically around his cock.

"OOoh-hhoo…" she moaned, "MmeeeOW… BABY…" she purred erotically, and that finished him. "HA-AH-AH-AH!!" she jiggled, and wiggled, his hand pressed onto her shoulders as he gave her one final thrust and she felt the familiar warmth of hot freshly delivered 'milk' up her ass. "Haaa…" her eyes stared at the night sky, rolling in pleasure as he fell onto her. His hands slapping wetly onto her ass cheeks as they bounced lightly behind her. "MMMN… Purrfect…"

He sighed, slipping out of her ass with a satisfying pop before it descended beneath the waves and she sat on the edge of the tub, looking somewhat uncomfortable as she did so. "MMmn…" she moaned as he sat beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. She giggled, her hand wrapping around his cock and giving it a friendly handy as he fondled her breasts. She leaned over, slipping her tongue in his ear as she beat him off, purring sensually as he groaned… then writhed as a feeble spurt of cum shot into and vanished quickly in the water.

"Oooh damn that's fucking worth it…" he groaned as she kissed his cheek and stood up, letting the water cascade down her body as she sized one of the many towels from near the tub and began to dry herself off. Licking what little cum there was on her hand sensually as he watched that big bootied black girl disappear back into his house.

She hummed casually to herself as she returned to his private 'strip club' retrieving her clothes. Slipping on her thong first then getting the suit over her big firm ass, a nice tight fit. She had just slipped it over when he entered, wearing his shorts again as he rubbed her ass cheeks while she slipped in one arm then another, and lightly pushed it away with a Cheshire cat grin on her pretty face.

"Alright baby… I gave you your hour…" she purred as he conceded the point but risked one final clap on her ass cheek. She let it slide. "Time to pay up."

"Alright I'll go get it." he turned and gestured to the bills on the stage. "You can have those too, they're real." He added as she eyed the collection of ones and began gathering once he left. She counted 45 some-odd bills in hand as she walked out and he descended the stairs, handing her a neat pile of money that she also took and winked.

"Purr-leasure doing business with you, Kitten." She purred, he just chuckled as he watched her body walk to the front door.

"Did you REALLY need to keep doing that?" he asked but his boner seemed to argue his discontent.

"I'm getting into character…" she purred sensually, rolling her 'R's. "Call again, kitten… this kitty likes her milk." And kissing her fingers to him she shut the door behind her as she made her way back to the car and by proxy Superbabes.

Time: 11:04 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

The Traditional 'Happy First Time' banner was pulled open by Cheetah and Silver Banshee who looked less than happy to hold the happy first-time banner but Catwoman smiled at them all as their cheers and claps diminished and they began to go back to work. She strolled up to Orders' counter and slipped the collection of cash onto it as Orders gave her back her 'stripper tips' and began sorting the delivery money.

"Anything extra you earn, you keep, tips, stripper bills, the odd jewelry." Orders replied as Catwoman took the money and Laura entered from the floor, cleavage stuffed with her own variation of 'stripper bills'.

"How'd you do Divya?" she asked sweetly, putting her tips in a neat stack on the counter as Orders took it to store later.

"Purr-fectly." Divya purred as Orders rubbed her purple eyes.

"Not even Kitty Katie makes that many puns." She noted as Katie's furry tail flicked behind her playfully and she purred noticeably, making her way back onto the floor.

"Who do you think gave me tips?" Divya grinned sweetly, swaying her backside as she leaned on the table. "…He didn't seem to mind."

"Hard to resist cats in heat." Laura smiled giving Divya a playful swat on the butt, "Come on, let's play some pool I'm on break."

"I have to warn you…" smiled the beautiful Divya, "I am a Fur-midable opponent." She said, purring again."

Orders rubbed her forehead with a sigh, sexy, beautiful ebony kitty woman with cat puns making her money? Or no sexy beautiful ebony kitty woman with cat puns making her money… it shouldn't be this hard of a decision for her.

"Oh. Here's another… Orders are you Feline okay?" Divya purred.

"Okay, you need to stop." Orders noted firmly.


The Black-Indian former pornstar Divya aka Bonnie Brownie has arrived and joined the staff. Bringing with her belly dancing booty and milky chocolate skin to a role that was underappreciated and ahead of its time Eartha Kitt as Catwoman.

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