
Superbabes Beyond: Dee Dee

I don't own Batman Beyond

The Dee Dees were a match made in Heaven and Hell, arguing, competing, even agreeing was always a chore with them… but twins are hot, especially redheaded, Double D, pawg bootied twins with insatiable lusts… well, not so much insatiable they could be satisfied, the problem was they had to be satisfied TOGETHER.

Which makes it worse or better depending on your point of view.

"They will be right over." Sierra noted, hanging up the call and writing up the receipt as Dee Dee snatched it from the counter before Dee Dee could get it. They briefly scrambled but were cowed by a mean look from Sierra. "Behave… on the way at least." She rolled her eyes as Dee Dee snatched the food and they scrambled to the rack of keys, Dee Dee with the receipt immediately snatched one from the hooks before Dee Dee snatched it back.

"Hey! Give me that!" said Dee Dee. "I'm the oldest!"

"So?" replied Dee Dee with a grin.

"So, I should drive." Dee Dee noted back with a smug look.

"Well it's my turn." Replied Dee Dee, spinning the keys around her fingers.

"I want to drive!" Dee Dee pouted, stomping her foot.

"No! It's my turn!" said the other Dee Dee sticking out her tongue.

Inque, who had been trying to get outside through the back promptly 'noped' the hell out of their argument as the cacophony of noise the two garbled out prompted the other girls to start taking bets at who would win the silly shouting constest. Dee Dee or Dee Dee. Sierra, desperately trying to take the last order for Aquagirl couldn't put a collar on their argument as she'd usually be able too, luckily the true winner of the argument arrived.

"Will you two ditsy bimbos just get in the damn car! Flip a fucking coin!" barked Orders sticking her salt and pepper hair through the doorway. Before her eyes flickered and she turned around to shout. "And Pinchy Steve! You keep your fucking hand away from Harley's ass or I swear I'll have Barda smack you so hard your grandfather will roll in his grave!"

Pinchy Steven sunk into his high collared coat and slipped his 'pinching hand' back into his pocket as Harley walked by with two trays of food.

Orders turned her attention back to the twins. "Flip. A fucking… COIN…" she said as the girls fiddled with their pockets, and remembered they didn't have pockets in their short-shorts before Sierra, finally taking the last order on the phone tossed them a coin.

Dee Dee caught it, as Dee Dee declared, "Heads!"

"Tails!" declared the other Dee Dee, (who still had the keys) happily. "My turn!" she bragged

"Get in the damn car!" Sierra barked angrily pointing to the door as the girls jumped.

"Sorry aunt Sierra!" They yelped together before they skittered out and quickly darted to the car, Dee Dee skidding across the hood to slip into the passenger's seat. As Dee Dee opened the driver side door, slipped in, turned the key, and quickly drove off into Gotham, still feeling the eyes of their bosses on the rears.

…Is it still the suburbs if they're stacked on top of each other like elaborate apartments? In any case they flew towards what USED to be the suburbs. About four suburbs up… so they at least got a nice view of the city as they parked the car.

"Ahh… look at it Dee Dee…" grinned Dee Dee shading her eyes, (which was silly because it was night and she was wearing a cap. "One day WE are going to live in a place like this."

"We do live in a place like this." Dee Dee noted, leaning over the edge and pointing down. Sure enough off in the distance they could just barely see their home. "See? There's our house."

Dee Dee pouted at her sister, "Its not the same, we're living with family!" she said as they walked synchronized down the 'sidewalk' towards their destination. "One day we're going to have a house of our own and have sex with whoever we want!"

"We do that Nooooooow." Dee Dee grinned back at her sister. "…And for MONEY."

"Living the dream…" Dee Dee replied happily, stretching as they moved in synch the rest of the way. She checked their receipt. "…It's right here." She said at the quaint two-story house, with garage.

Dee Dee snatched the receipt from her sister, checked. And pointed as if she made the discovery herself. "Yep! Right over there!"

Dee Dee stuck her tongue out at her sister and skipped ahead with her prancing just behind… although they had to be careful, dressing up like jokerz, especially semi-famous ones, it could end up being trouble. Dee Dee arrived at the door seconds before her sister, raising her hand only for Dee Dee to grab her wrist once she caught up.

"...You KNOW we have to do that together." She said sternly.

"Boooooo." Dee Dee stuck her tongue out, before they stood side by side. Right Dee Dee lifting her right hand, and Left Dee Dee lifting her left.

Knock Knock Knock.


Time: 10:22 PM

"Special Delivery Service!" they chirruped cheerfully together. Putting on their prettiest smiles that were only slightly creepy while they were dressed up as dollish clowns.

The door slowly opened to reveal a young man, blonde and gangly with glasses. Kinda nerdish, maybe in or just out of highschool perhaps just entering college, so a couple years younger than them at least. Grinning hesitantly, he fidgeted nervously at the sight of two curvaceous clown girls as the left and right Dee Dees winked their left and right eyes respectively at him.

"Hi!" they giggled together skipping and prancing past him into the house. Their big breasts, barely held by their red sports bras bounced teasingly as their big pawg booties threatened to burst from their shorts…

…Yep… this guy was going to lose his virginity with style. And they knew he was one… they could SMELL it… Dee Dee hoped he was the kind of virgin who never masturbated in his life, Dee Dee however just hope he'd have enough cum in his back-up balls for the both of them. Because Dee Dee… both of the Dee Dees had a very particular addiction…

They LOVED semen.

Old, young, futa, animal, if it came out of balls they wanted to swallow it… A virgin nerd hoping a pair of sexy busty clown twins will drain his balls? They'd do that happily and with a SMILE painted on their prettyface…

"Ooooh Dee Dee I think he's speechless!" grinned Dee Dee cheerily as they quickly glanced around the living room.

"Well we have that effect on people Dee Dee…" smiled Dee Dee as she tossed the food bag onto a table and leaped over the back of the couch.

There were two in the living room, right beside the stairs that led up to the second floor, a massive, big screen TV with what looked to be some sort of RPG game currently being played… and on pause. Dee Dee on the couch absently tossed the wireless control he had obviously be using on the nearby armchair.

Dee Dee not on the couch strutted back towards their new nerd acquaintance and, wrapping her arms around his as he shut the door, squeezed it between her big busty tits as she led him to the couch. "What's your name Cutie?" Dee Dee purred as she shoved him next to Dee Dee on the couch and sat on his other side.

"Now Dee Dee, we agreed no names…" cooed Dee Dee playfully, "Don't tell us Sweetie, it's more fun when it's ambiguous." Of course, neither Dee Dee cared either way, not really.

"It's uh…" he began, looking between them both, as if trying to listen to the angel and the devil on his shoulders as they pushed their tits firmly against him… of course his problem was that they were BOTH technically devils… "Paul."

"MMMn… Paul…" purred Dee Dee. "I'm still going to call you Cutie." She licked her 'batman black' colored lips

"See why ask his name then?" replied Dee Dee as both girls ran their hands over his shaking, thin body. "See Sweetie? You should've just kept it a secret." She panted sensually into his ear, her own 'batman black' lips parting open to breath into his ear as their hands slid down over his shorts and-

"Oh…" the Dee Dees giggled together as their hands found a nice THICK surprised between his legs… it was hard and girthy and probably REALLY wanted to cum out and play with them. "Hee-hee-hee/Ha-ha-ha!" suddenly they were both lying across his lap, gazing at his thickening erection as they grabbed his shorts and tugged it down.

His big dick, pale from severe lack of sun shot out and throbbed before their blue eyes twinkling greedily as they pulled his shorts down further until they crumpled to the floor around his thin ankles. Two girls, one mind, one goal…

Two hands gripped his meaty, throbbing girth, one from each girl and one on top of the other. Dee Dee licked her lips as she gazed up at him seductively. "…This is a nice BIG dick Sweetie…" she cooed sensually.

"Yeah Cutie…" purred Dee Dee. "…We're going to put it to good use aren't we Dee Dee?"

"Sure are Dee Dee…" Dee Dee agreed as both girls lifted themselves up to coo/purr in his ears.

"Make sure you tell us EXACTLY what you waaaaaant…" they giggled sensually together.


"…I want… nngh…" his cock pulsated, "To touch…"

"Then touch cutie!" Dee Dee encouraged, taking his hand and sliding it down to her big pawg booty wrapped tightly in her short shorts. "We liked to be touch…"

"We sure do." Cooed Dee Dee, taking his other hand onto her ass as he stared in fascination at the two pretty clown girls asses… fondling them firmly as they giggled together, slowly stroking his length with practiced skill. "We also like to lick."

Together Dee Dee pushed their tongues to the very tip of his bulging length, eager for quick release but they enjoyed the savoring moment before the first pop. Their tongues swirling saliva around his tip as they squeezed his cock firmly to prevent any 'misfire' before they were good and ready for it.

They can't swallow any cum if it explodes on their faces… and licking white semen off of their white faces led to SUCH a mess.

"Haa-AHhhh…" he sighed, his virgin dick shuddering against their warm pink tongues as his fingers reflexively sunk into their short-shorts squeezing their big pawg booties as she cooed and giggled, still tonguing his length.

"You know…" Dee Dee purred to her sister, "He can't just want us to tongue his dick all night…" she said airily as Dee Dee nodded agreeingly.

"Oh yeah… to bad he's not telling us to suck his dick right?"

Dee Dee nodded sagely, "Yes… if only he told us to suck his big… thick… cock…" She cooed, stroking it with her sister and staring at it reverently.

His length pulsated in their firm grip before he managed to groan out a feeble. "S-suck on it?"

"Haa!" they gasped playfully together, suddenly shooting away from his length as they jumped off the couch.

"Oh my! He wants us to suck on it Dee Dee!"

"He does Dee Dee!"

"Should we Dee Dee?" asked Dee Dee playfully, running her hands on her hips.

"We SHOULD Dee Dee…" purred Dee Dee as she squeezed her big soft breasts.

Both girls slid their hands up and down, emphasizing their curvaceous and slender frames until Dee Dee was now squeezing her breasts and… Dee Dee had her hands on her wiggling hips…

…This is going to get confusing.

Left Dee Dee suddenly pushed her shorts to the floor, exposing her smooth lower body, her big pawg booty jiggling as she skipped out of her shorts. Right Dee Dee suddenly yanked her top over her head, her big Double D breasts bouncing firmly as she tossed it daintily aside, it landed on the armchair as she smiled. He stared at them as they soon removed their other piece of clothing, perfectly in sync. They wrapped an arm around the other's waist, their free hands sliding up to their own left and right breast respectively and stuck out their tongues.

"Bleeegh!" they giggled playfully together, wiggling and jiggling as his eyes followed their bouncy bodies. "Ha-ha-ha/Hee-hee-hee…"

His cock looked ready to explode, moving up and down with their movements until finally Dee Dee decided that he was MORE than ready.

"Me first?" Said Dee Dee.

"Me First!" replied Dee Dee.

He whimpered as they began to argue, his eyes darting back and forth.





"MEEEEEE!!" he whined, grabbing right Dee Dee's arm and yanking her forward, grinning cheerily as she dropped between his legs, her face rubbing against his wet throbbing cock as she laughed. "Please just… PLEASE!!" his cock was bulging against her clownish face as she hummed happily…

Other Dee Dee stood beside her as she opened her mouth wide and gave him what he NEEDED. "MMmmngn." She hummed as Dee Dee pouted, her sister sliding slowly up and down his cock as her lips stretched on his girth. He sighed into the couch as she slid up and down. "Mmmn-mmmn-mmnn…" her lips slurping around his length as she winked at him with a pretty blue eye.

"Hmph." Pouted Dee Dee as she began to walk around the couch, her sisters slurps of hungry pleasure echoing around the empty house as she stood behind him… then rested her breasts on his face over the back of the couch and slid forward like a snake until she was on top of him, her bare wet crotch in his face as her legs wrapped around his head staring at her sister's blowjob face.

"MMn-mmmn…mmmn…" she sucked loudly as his cock throbbed between her lips. Dee Dee opened her mouth, tongue lolling expectantly as she drooled onto his crotch… Dee Dee's blue eyes twinkled as she slurped off his shaft with a pop. "Aah…" his cock twitched against her face, luckily (or unluckily) clown make-up has come a long way. With her tongue, she pushed his twitching length towards her sister's expectant mouth.

"MMmgh!" she engulfed the tip and went straight to the base as Dee Dee slid down his exposed shaft with her tongue, suckling on his balls as Dee Dee began her turn. "MMGPh! SLURP. SLUUUURP!" Her hips wiggling on his face as her big pawg ass twerked happily.

The Dee Dee's salivated on his crotch, slurping his sack, sucking his dick. His hips instinctively beginning to thrust up into the diving Dee Dee's face only for both to press their velvety hands onto his legs and waist and hold him down. He wasn't allowed to help in their cock worship no matter HOW good it would feel…

They knew what they were fucking doing. He was going to LOVE them for it.

"MMn-mMGH! Ahh!" moaned upper Dee Dee, popping off his shuddering lenght as it oozed pre-cum, their lips wrapped around his shaft, Upper Dee Dee's head tilting to the right, Lower Dee Dee's head tilting to the lift as they slid up and down like a lip locked pussy.

"Haa-AAHHH!!" he moaned incoherently into Dee Dee's crotch as his cock readied to fire, his balls quivering as Dee Dee felt his delicious seed prep for ingnition.

Dee Dee wrapped her lips around the tip and MOOOOANED as her eyes rolled, a thick rope of gooey semen filled her mouth. She quickly pulled away, letting Dee Dee take her share. Wrapping her lips around the tip and slurping as the second burst splattered the roof of her mouth and onto her tongue.

"MMMMGH!!" She was in heaven, salivating over his taste as Dee Dee swallowed her load and jerked her sisters head back to get another serving. "MMGhph!?" grunted Dee Dee, gulping her wad greedily as Dee Dee caught the next shot. "Don't hog it!" she whined as Dee Dee grinned around his spurting cock, her eyes rolling blissfully as his hands shot to her ass cheeks, squeezing them as they wiggled enticingly on his face. "Don't hog it!" she growled angrily as Dee Dee hummed happily.

Pulling away from his spent dick she smirked smugly at her fuming sister. "Ahhh-all gone." She said greedily, swallowing it down.

They SHRIEKED as Dee Dee grabbed her sister's red hair and yanked her off of 'Paul' onto the floor and they began to fight and scrap. "You greedy bitch! Mom says to share!"

"You were slow! You should've sucked out more!" Scrapping and rolling on the floor jolted Paul out of his blissful post blowjob state, they rattled against the table as they screamed and jerked at each other's hair. Getting to their feet as they began to yank at their breasts, and kick at their shins.

"Stop…" Paul said, "Getting to his feet. "S-STOP!" he shoved his hands between them and pushed them apart as they tried to get back into the fight, he held them apart surprisingly well considering his size. "I… said. STOP!!" he pushed the offending Dee Dee onto the couch…

Or… at least the one who started the fight.

She pouted angrily at him. "Make me!" she said childishly as his cock twitched before her face. She glanced down at it, and flicked a finger on its iron hard rigidity. She then glanced seductively up at him with AMAZING bedroom eyes, and smiled…

Dee Dee next to him had the SAME smile… was it all play-acting? Or did they remember that they were here to FUCK and he had MORE cum to give them? Maybe both… he began to breathe heavily, his cock bulging eagerly as he stared down at her… then… he pushed her, easily onto her back as her legs shot up and apart.

Dee Dee leapt over the back of the couch, sticking her tongue out playfully at him as she grabbed her sister's ankles and held her legs spread-eagle Dee Dee grabbed her tits, squeezing them together as she lied on her back. "MAKE ME." She purred as he fell over her, she laughed as he pawed her breasts in dazed fascination. She licked her lips, feeling his bulging, dripping length tap against her tight little pussy like a battering ram ready to break down the gates. "Start slow and we'll-OOH SLAG!!" she squealed as he did NOT start slow.

Too eager, too riled up, too horny. However you want to call it, his cock was now balls deep in her tight pussy, ramming against the entrance to her womanhood as her toes curled and her body jumped, her back arching as she clawed the couch, "Haa-AHHH…" she grinned and shivered as a tiny orgasm rattled through her…

…Swallowing semen REALLY got her going, it was only a matter of time.

Staring and squeezing her big breasts he began to buck his hips, sloppily, wildly, no real experience. But that didn't matter with her so turned on and his dick-

"SO SLAGGING BIG!!!" growled Dee Dee as her sister stared down at her with a big smile on her painted face, firmly holding her legs open the way Dee Dee liked it. 'Forced' to lie back and take her pounding, no escape. "HA-AH-AH-UGH!!" she writhed as she was jackhammered on the couch, "SLAG that PUSSY!!" she bit her bottom lip, eyes wide as she gazed up at her sister but her stare was blank, her body shaking as she orgasmed again. "HHAA-ugh!" she grunted as he fell onto her, slovenly slurping at her nipples as he hopped like a frog on her pussy. "Ngh-UGH! Ahh…" she put her hands on his ass, pushing him down as her toes curled. "Haa-AHH…"

His cock bulged against her inner walls as her climax ripped through her, Dee Dee struggled to hold her legs open, giggling as her sister was fucked into heaven. Shrieking another climax as she tightened around his rampaging virgin length.

"MMMrgh!" he moaned around her nipple, burying his face in her tits as he began to move faster, harder. "NNgh-MMMN!!"

"Gonna nut? Gonna Nut?!" she cooed gasping for breath, "I-in my mouth I want to swallow it!" she pleaded, opening wide "Ahhhh…" But he wasn't going to pull out… She KNEW he wasn't going to pull out. He grabbed her hair and yanked her head back as he slammed his hips against her crotch, she SHRIEKED in pain and pleasure as her body trembled in orgasm, "AAAAGHRGH!!" his heavy load dumping into her body as she whimpered in bliss. "Haa..nnngh…"

He collapsed onto her, pinning her to the couch as her stuffed pussy oozed his load, his cock still twitching it out as Dee Dee let go of her legs, smirking proudly as they remained in the air, seeming stiff with pleasure.

"…I wanted to drink you cuuuuum Sweetie." She whined into his ear as his cock pulsated at her voice. "Let me suck it…" she purred, licking his ear as he breathed heavily into her shoulder.

Of course the problem was that it was Dee Dee's turn, and she made him aware of it, falling onto his back and cooing into his other ear. "…You could feed her your yummy, yummy cum." She licked his ear, "…Or you can FUCK it into my ass…"

"OOoh…" purred Dee Dee as his cock throbbed back to life in her oozing slit. "No fair." She pouted as Dee Dee pulled him wetly from her. he hand shot down to her spread legs, scooping up any loose jizz to lick off her fingers as Dee Dee strutted and bounced her ass to the armchair, crawling onto it she kicked the food and clothes to the floor, bracing her legs in the crooks of the arms as she gripped the back of the chair.

Like a cat in heat her ass wagged side to side, grinning over her shoulder as she did, watching his cock pulsate towards her ass like it was magnetized. "What's the point of having an Ass. Like. This…" she made it briefly clap up and down with the words before swaying it side to side again. "If it's not FUCKED?"

"…Are… are you sure?" Paul whimpered nervously. "…It looks pretty small."

"The word Cutie. Is TIGHT…" she let it jiggle behind her, "…Come on…" she giggled, "…How many girls are going to ask you to fuck them up the ass?" She bit her bottom lip with a moan as his cock spread her ass cheeks, pushing against her hole. "That's it… just puUUUUSH-SHIT!!" she hissed as he went to the hilt with one firm thrusts, grabbing her slender hips and holding her in place as he groaned at the sensation of her tight semi-welcoming ass.

"NNNGH-MMMNGH!!" she bit her bottom lip as she shuddered, "F-Fuck you're going to have to practice that 'balls-deep' straight off-THING! AH! UGH! Fuck!! DREG! SHIT!!" her pussy oozed arousal as Dee Dee watched her sister get plowed.

"AH-UGH!!" Dee Dee's eyes rolled up into her head as her mouth opened, "Haaaaguh…" her ass spreading to accommodate his massive cock as his hips pounded steadily against her jiggling pawg booty. "F-Fuck. FUCK! DREG! SHIT!" she hissed, teeth clenching as she shuddered, "NNNGH!!" her ass spasmed on his cock as she climaxed, shaking erotically as he moaned, her tightening rear encouraging him on…

"W-Wait…" she whimpered… but there would be no waiting. "AhhAhhAhhAHHH!!!!" her ass was stretched to capacity and while her brain told her to take it easy her heart and the rest of her body demanded more. "Ugh! NNGH! Ooh GOD!!" his hips slapping loudly off her bouncy booty as he reached from her waist to her short red hair and yanked, "Ahh-AHHHGH!!"

Fucked up the ass and furiously manhandled like a cheap synthoid… can't say she didn't enjoy it.

"AHH-GHHHUGH!!" she clawed herself forward as the heavy orgasm hit her quickly, but he pushed forward and deep, still yanking her hair as she squealed, feeling his hot oozing semen shoot into her ass. "Ahh-haaa…" she caught her breathe as he bulged in her tight rear, shooting rope after rope of semen into her. "Hhoo..mmmn…" she shuddered as his cock softened inside her, his warm seed sloshing around as he slipped out of her. "MMMgnh!" her lower body vibrated enticingly as she faintly wiggled her gaping rear. "Y-you're going to lose a LOT of girlfriends if you fuck them up the ass like that Cutie…"

He breathed heavily as she slapped her right cheek, making her ass shake slowly as her cheeks clapped her dripping ass shut. She laughed as both Dee Dee's got to their feet, strutting a naked circle around a rather dazed Paul before pressing their bodies together on both arms, their breasts wrapping around him.

"Where's your shower Sweetie?" purred Dee Dee with the dripping pussy.

"Time for some water play." Cooed Dee Dee with the oozing ass.


"R-Right over there…" he groaned as they took his limp cock in their hands as they led him to a small ground floor bathroom. A tub, shower curtain, and Shower wand.

"Oooh… Retro." Dee Dee grinned, skipping into the tub.

"Shway." Added Dee Dee guiding Paul into the tub, pressing him between them as they rubbed their tits on his body, ground their crotches on his legs as his cock hardened against Dee Dee's stomach.

"MMMN!!" cooed Dee Dee, "Want us to suck on it some more?"

"Or maybe you'd like to taste our other holes?" Dee Dee purred behind him.

He took front Dee Dee's ass in hand as she giggled before pressing her to the wall of the shower as Dee Dee closed the curtain behind them and turned the water on. "Ahh!! Cold!" she giggled as it sprayed her big soft tits.

But Paul wasn't noticing Dee Dee jiggling in the water, he was already fondling Dee Dee against the wall's pussy as she cooed. "You've already fucked that hole Sweetie." She grinned. He blinked…

…Did he? He could've SWORN…

But he was distracted as she rolled on the wall, wiggling her ass behind her and he suddenly didn't care all that much.

"Ahh-HAA…" Sighed Dee Dee as her sister swirled slowly in the water, as if dancing, watching them with a grin as Paul pounded her sister's ass against the wall. "Such a Big. SLAGGING. COCK…" she purred, tightening around him as he slapped wetly on against her body. "Come on Sweetie I want to be GAPED!-AHH…AHH!! FUCKING SLAG me!" she pleaded as Dee Dee grinned, watching as Paul pushed himself. Wrapping his arms around her tightly as he quickly slapped against her ass, "AH-HA-AHH-YEAH! AHH!!"

Dee Dee fingered her pussy, licking her lips when she thought Paul was glancing at her wet shimmying body. But he was constant. Determined. And Cumming…

"Ahh-AHHH!!" he pushed against her as her hands rubbed his shaking waist, his legs wobbling as her toes scraped the smooth bottom of the tube.

"MMMn-HMMMN…" she smiled, eyes closed as she enjoyed the sensation of warm seed up her ass. "…Ahh… smack it sweetie… own it." Buuut Paul was a little tuckered out, pure lust can only drive a man so hard… he collapsed into the tub with a sigh, lying down as Dee Dee pouted, smacking her own ass faintly before switching with her sister in the water…

Dee Dee slid over him, straddling his lap as he groaned. "What?" she said with a pout, "It's not fair you fucked both her holes and not mine…" she added, already slipping his cock into her, it had hardened without his permission… like most erections. "Don't worry Cutie I'll do all the work…" she moaned sensually, gyrating her lower body as her head rolled back. Dee Dee stood behind her, running her hands over her sister's tits with soap as she moaned.

Feeling his cock at maximum erection she fell forward with soapy tits dangling over him, hands on his chest, and wormed her lower body up and down. "AH-AH-AH-AH-AH…" She was quite the dancer… but all the girls had a modicum of training in dance. At least one dance lesson with famed dance instructor Ciara Kelly was required to be a 'delivery girl'...

"Come on sweetie…" cooed Dee Dee, grinning down at him as her breasts flopped soap onto his stomach, "Let it ALL out and I'll take it…" she whispered sensually. "I want all that yummy cum before I go…" her body writhing quickly, "Come on. Come on. Cum for me…" her mouth opened and her eyes rolled up as she orgasmed, "Haa-Ahhh I want that slagging nut…"

Feeling him bulge warningly inside her she shot back to get up only to feel her sister push down on her shoulders. "Uuugh-nngh!!" his hips bucked his creampie into her as she pouted but trembled, feeling his warmth rush inside her. "MMMN!! No fair…" she pouted, shaking as Dee Dee patted her shoulder with a cheeky grin.

"No extra jizz for you." She began to scrub a shaking Dee Dee's soapy tits. "Now come on… we're out of time." They each grabbed an arm and yanked Paul to his feet, supporting him between them as they rubbed soapy bodies against his sweaty skin, he pawed their soft tits and asses but he was thoroughly spent… he couldn't have asked for a better first time.

After rinsing they turned off the shower and let him lean against the wall, giggling as they pranced out of the bathroom after finding towels to dry off. Letting them trail behind them like banners as they went to retrieve their clothes. Paul wandered out of the bathroom a few minutes later to find them both just about dressed. One pulling down her top, the other wiggling into their pants, and both promptly put the white caps simultaneously back on their ragdoll red hair. Grinning at them… their make-up remarkably still pretty intact after their sweaty fucking and shower.

Both left and right Dee Dee held out their respective left and right hands. "Time to pay up Paul." They said together, Paul nodded and wandered up the stairs, turning out of sight as the girls let their minds wander for a moment. Paul quickly returned with a bit more urgency with a wallet.

"Uh… do you accept cash? Or credits?"

"Both." They replied sweetly together as he opened his wallet to show a white-haired girl in a pink top, clearly not exactly knowing about the picture being taken as she was applying make-up. Of course, if Bobbi 'Blade' Sommer had a dollar for every candid picture taken of her she wouldn't go from guy to guy for their wallets.

He handed them a wad of bills, still an acceptable payment even in New Gotham. They divided it up evenly to prevent argument, then they gave Paul a kiss on their respective cheek, "Bye Paul!" they waved together.

"Let us know if your 'girlfriend' doesn't want to put out." Grinned Dee Dee.

"But wait for you blue balls to build up…" Grinned Dee Dee, licking her lips hungrily as they danced out of the house, back to the car. And after a brief argument, Dee Dee drove back to Superbabes.

Time: 11:59 PM

"We're back!" they declared skipping to Sierra's counter as Inque walked into the locker rooms. They slapped the money down as Sierra glanced at it, sorted it, then gave them back their cut…

Well sort off, she gave them the cut for a single delivery girl. Not two.

"Hey!" they replied indignantly together after the realization, only for Sierra to glare at them, arms under her still very impressive breasts as they fidgeted under her stern stare. Honed after years of watching the best behind the counter herself.

"Jill. Jane… what did I say?"

"…No fighting before a Delivery."

"And what did you do?"

"…We fought before the Delivery…" they grumbled like scolded children.

"I'd tell your mother but that would be rather pointless. So until you too learn you're getting a reduced cut."

"Aw aunt Sierra!" they grumbled together perfectly in sync as Orders walked away from the locker rooms after dropping off Chelsea for lessons with Miranda. However she stopped and added firmly.

I said to start 'small'! And that wasn't even remotely what I meant, and you know it." Miranda mumbled something but seemed to accept Orders' scolding. "You two." she pointed at Sierra. "Listen to your boss." She said with the firmness of a scolding mother.

"Yes Orders…" they grumbled, moping off and jiggling subtly.

Orders sighed, "…I swear it's like dealing with fucking Jackie times 2."

"…At least you don't live with them…" Sierra said, smiling warmly at her 'nieces'. "…Then then there are 3 of them."

"…I've had this conversation before…" Orders mumbled reminiscently, "But with Alice about Veronica…" she sighed, "…Speaking off… when Aquagirl gets back, tell her I want to see her… There's a half-naked man in her mother's old bathroom stall that I told her to clean up…" she scowled heading towards her office to retrieve a very familiar padded paddle.

Named AFTER her mother.

End of Chapter.

…Yes… Jill and Jane are Jackie's daughters. Explains a lot doesn't it? Also got it up a bit sooner than expected. Let's see if I can keep up the pace with Aquagirl.

Also, Ciara Kelly is Ciara (Batwoman) but Kelly is her married name... I was going to keep her O'Hullahan but that didn't make sense in my head, because her stepdad is an asshole so why would she ever keep his last name? It's not important story-wise but you know, unnecessary lore and such...

Dee Dee: Jill and Jane – Kinda weird writing 2 people in singular terms but still kinda fun. And since they're not quite as slender as their cosplay origins, unlike the real Dee Dees they're thicker and natural redheads 

Fun Character(s) fact: Real names are Jillian and Janet, unlike their mother Jackie they don't dislike their real names, they just prefer their shorter monikers. Sierra and Tom are their godparents. And no, Sierra doesn't feel remotely guilty about letting them do what they do best at Superbabes.

Author Fact: Tom is NOT their father, and since their Mother and Aunt haven't really changed all that much in their 'habits', that might make that worse or better depending on your point of view

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