
Delivery Girl: The Mighty Endowed

I don't own DC

Time: Doesn't Matter. Place. Gotham. (The Cattle Call)

"Why did you bring me here?" Order's grumbled quietly as Alice, Veronica and Rebecca all led her into a cowboy-themed restaurant… or perhaps 'Cowgirl' was more of an accurate description. Every single waitress was nubile, scantily clad, and the most universally: Busty. Stacked. Top Heavy. Buxom. Every word for 'big tits' could be used to describe the girls strutting around. In fact, you could say that there were only 23 letters in the alphabet here, because 'A's,B's, and C's' didn't exist past the front doors.

Every beautiful waitress walked around in black and white cow print short-shorts, hairbands with cute little foam horn stubs, and a few even wore tiny cowbells on chokers. But they wore varying tops… Sports bras, crop tops, tube tops… all in cow print with 'TCC' branded on each of their right breasts. The name of the franchise: The Cattle Call, a steak restaurant and obvious fanservice provider.

It had recently opened up, several blocks away from Orders' Superbabes, they had to go out of their way to come here. The attractive blonde hostess with breasts to rival Sierra jiggled pleasantly at them as Veronica got them a table for four, leading them to it as Orders glared at the two besties/roommates across from her as Rebecca slid beside her…

They were all dressed casually, 'incognito' as it were. With Alice that meant more Goth-y than usual, with a tightly stretched black shirt with a skull on it, a black choker, black eyeliner, and torn jeans. Veronica in a short skirt, and a cute purple tank top, and Rebecca wearing a leather jacket, also a tanktop and jeans.

Orders, was still in her purple suit… it was the morning, so Superbabes wouldn't be 'delivering' anytime soon. So she could usually take a break and you know… sleep. So she was a little cranky that they dragged her here.

"We thought you might want to see the competition." Alice finally answered as she opened the menu, Rebecca as well, Veronica just smiled prettily at the purple-eyed Orders as she sighed, and looked at the menu herself… "Know what you're ordering V?"

"Yep! Same as last time." She grinned, eyeing a few of the girls jiggling by… in fact she seemed to be looking for someone. Orders, not wanting to be involved with anyone Veronica wanted to be involved with chose not to ask… but didn't account for Rebecca.

"How often have you come here?" she asked in a sort of disinterested tone as Orders sighed.

"Lots!" Veronica grinned happily at the roller derby bombshell. "Their steaks are great."

"Huh… you don't seem the type." Rebecca noted eyeing Veronica slender and curvy frame as Alice coughed.

"…Becca." Alice said placatingly, "Veronica is the DEFINITION of Carnivore." She gestured to her best friend, still scanning the 'Cow' girls. "She's a meat-eater. She eats as much as… well… Veronica in a packed frat house." Rebecca coughed, trying not to burst out laughing as Orders put down the menu. Veronica, whether she considered that an insult or not, didn't seem to care.

"Ooh! Ooh there she is Orders! You'll like her…" she said proudly, pointing subtly to the kitchen doors as a woman walked out…

…She didn't look as happy as the smile tried to make her seem. Her hair was long and black, and she was VERY beautiful. But she was also the BIGGEST girl in the building, and the least dressed. Orders frowned as she looked at her, the hooting and hollering as she walked out with trays of food seemed more degrading than empowering like in HER restaurant.

She was wearing a tight bikini that was having difficulty restraining her heavy, HEAVY breasts, bouncing and jiggling with each step as the latex threatened to snap, apparently designed for maximum wiggle. She wore a cowbell around her neck and a collar, not a choker, a collar… and the 'horns' of her hairband were a little bigger. And she wasn't wearing short-shorts, she was wearing bikini bottoms, and it was too small for her slender but fit and curvy body that only seemed to enhance the size of her big breasts making them seem even bigger. The side strings were biting into her soft fleshy hips, and she was fidgeting as if worried that they would snap right off.

Orders didn't need to be Clairvoyant to know that this girl was being treated much differently than the rest, and her fake but convincing smile meant that it wasn't in a good way. The men ogled her like meat and the other girls seemed content in letting her be the center of attention… some even smiled, they were enjoying the poor girl's discomfort.

"See? Isn't she great!" Veronica smiled obliviously as the girl began serving one table before heading their way. "She's my favorite. I have a good feeling about her." she sighed nostalgically as Alice sighed… but more exasperatedly. Rebecca however was watching Orders as the girl passed them.

It was quick and subtle, but Orders brushed her fingers ever so slightly on the girl's leg, she didn't even acknowledge it, it happens a lot in this restaurant… then Orders' purple eyes flickered.

There was a brief vision of the buxom girl being tripped by an extended foot from a customer spilling food and breaking dishes, the girl didn't know who had tripped her… but it quickly altered anyway to her standing before a man in a cowboy hat and smoking a cigar in an office.

"Girl. I keep your clumsy ass around for two reasons and I want them jiggling right now." He said, blowing smoke at her shamed face as she held her arms to her side, closed her eyes, and began bouncing in place. "Yeah…" he grinned lecherously as her big wobbling tits jumped up and down in her top, it strained to contain her pendulous breasts as she kept bouncing, not looking at him. "Jiggle them udders girl." His fingers tapped the desk as he kept his eyes on her top, as she bit her lip. Bounce Bounce Bounce… "Shake em." He said as she twisted her upper body, they jumped from side to side.


The bikini top broke or came undone, but regardless of what happened it fell away. "Ah!" she gasped, covering her exposed breasts as they burst out, drooping slightly as she tried to contain their engorged shape.

"Did I say stop?"


"Jiggle. Them. Tits. Girl, I won't tell you again." she hesitated as he blew another puff of smoke. "Put your hands, on your head. And Jiggle. Those. Tits… or you can forget about the money you need." She trembled, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes as she pulled her hands away, her heavy breasts hanging on her chest as she rested her hands on her chest, puffy areole on display… "MMMn… hurry up." She whimpered, then began bouncing again, head tilting away so he wouldn't see her cry as her massive tits smacked loudly on her body as she made them jump and shake.

Orders stared blankly ahead as. "Miss? Are you ready to order?" she turned, glancing at the soft-spoken woman who just seconds ago she watched bouncing her breasts for her abusive boss. Orders smiled at her sweetly…

Alice. Rebecca and Veronica were suddenly very concerned… unnerved, but concerned.

"…Can you give us just a moment and-Oh… watch your feet miss, I saw a girl trip earlier." She lied, pointing out a man with his foot hanging out in the walkway, non-imposing, but quite a troublemaker in the long haul.

"Oh… thank you." She said, smiling gratefully. "I'll come back." She said, jiggling away as Orders turned to Rebecca seriously.

"…Rebecca, how do you feel about assault?"

"I shouldn't do it in Star City anymore…" she said with a mocking grin, before leaning closer to Orders to whisper curiously. "…Who do you need me to beat up boss?"

…That's what Orders really liked about Rebecca. No complicated questions asked.

Several days later.

"Veronica stop squeezing the new girl!" barked Orders as Veronica grinned from behind a beautiful woman, her body in a skintight purple, black, and gold-trimmed full bodysuit. Her massive, heavy O-cup tits stretched out her top, opened slightly in the middle by a triangular 'boob window' allowing a generous view of her deep cleavage… her once black hair had been dyed strawberry blonde, and her skin now had a distinct light orange tan, with several tiny tiger stripes painted on her cheeks, and wearing a headband with kitty ears.

"But she feels so GOOOOOOD." Whined Veronica, burying her face into the new girl's shoulder as she giggled, squeezing the beautiful Mighty Endowed from behind.

"You have work to do!" Orders shouted, "Becca." The Roller Derby girl retrieved the 'Veronica Paddle' as the pretty redhead soured immediately, covering her rear with her hands and scampering to the restaurant.

"Fiiiiine… but I get to play with her later."

"That is HER choice and you know it, don't make me tie you up in the closet again." Starfire didn't retort, just pouted, and quickly went to serve customers. A smile now on her beautiful face.

"…Did you really tie her up in a closet?" her voice was surprisingly breathy and deep. Befitting a woman who supposedly had super strength… and to walk upright with those breasts she must actually have some. Zing!... couldn't resist.

"You have just met her." Orders said rather flatly, "That was her RESTRAINING herself…" she rolled her eyes and sighed. "Alright, you're all prettied up." She pulled out a digital camera, "Yaya she's all yours." The seductive Catwoman strutted around the counter from the locker room and taking the camera she winked at Mighty.

"Alright let's get some good ones, just pose for me and we'll be done in no time." She said as Mighty posed awkwardly, her hand behind her head, hand on her hip.

"…Like this?"

"No-no… not like-Here." She bent Mighty over, so her big breasts wobbled lightly in their tight containment. Putting Mighty's hands on her knees, emphasizing just how BIG the girl was, arching her back, jutting out her rear. "Look at me…" Yaya said, standing aside her and holding up the camera as Mighty glanced at her, "Pout…" she did so, "That's it…" CLICK.

Several suggestive shots later, after Mighty started to enjoy herself a little, Yaya handed back Orders the camera, "Alright she's good." Orders took it, plugged it into the computer, and she logged onto the site editor of the Superbabes website.

Picking the best picture, she glanced at Mighty. "Are you sure?"

Mighty stared into the purple-eyed Orders and smiled prettily, "…You said it's my choice, right?"

Orders shrugged, then clicked, adding her bent over picture to the 'daily girls' section. The pictures changed daily, so guys who logged on knew who they could order for 'delivery'. "Alright. You're up there. I'll call you when you have a call." She waved her hand, "No get out there on the floor and watch Starfire's hands."

Mighty strutted out, jiggling and wiggling as appreciative whistled echoed out into the employee lounge. "…Got to say Orders." Rebecca noted, watching Mighty's skintight rear turn the corner. "I didn't think she'd want to be a delivery girl. What did you say to her?"

"Nothing. Choice is a wonderful thing." Orders noted almost philosophically. "I gave her a choice when she had none, and this is what she chose." She shrugged. "Now if you excuse me I have to figure out what to serve her with…"

"How about something like a Mighty Meal?" Big Barda replied, heading onto the floor.

"Pssft…" mumbled Orders indignantly.

Little more than an hour later.

Time: 9:24 PM. Place. Gotham (Superbabes)

*Ring! Ring!* click.

"Hello Superbabes. We Deliver."

"…Is that Mighty Endowed girl for real?!."

"Yes. Talk to me like that again and I'll hang up and never pick up your call."

"Hoooow would you know I'm calling?"

"I. Will. KNOW…"

"…I'd like the Mighty Meal, please.."

"Four grilled, seasoned chicken breasts with home fries and a drink of your choice."

"Sure. Yes Please. Ma'am."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah. Delivered by the MIGHTY Endowed. Please"

"We expect her back around 60 minutes or the police will be informed. You will be charged on completion of delivery, name and address please."

Meanwhile. Moments later.

"Mighty. MIGHTY!" Orders noted as it took a moment for the buxom bombshell to get into the employee lounge, her breasts already containing a few tips. She plucked them from her cleavage and put them on the table, a little embarrassed.

"Already?" she said surprised as Orders neatly stacked her tips and put them aside to put in her locker as the food slid out of the kitchen across the counter. "It's only been an hour!"

"Apparently you're popular." Noted Orders with a half-smile, pushing her the receipt. "Still want to do it? I can send Power Girl instead."

"No. I got it." she said, oddly determined, as she stood up straight, took the food and walked towards the parking lot. "Back in an hour or so." walked onto the lot, found one of the company cars, and got right in… adjusted the seat, then sped off.

She arrived at the diamond district, sliding into the parking lot. And finding a good spot, she parked… and took a deep breath. Her breasts pushing slightly against the steering wheel as she did so. No going back now. Determined so took the food and drink and got out of the car. Her thigh-high boots click-clacking across the pavement as she made her way to the underground elevators. Walking confidently as if all eyes were on her…

There was nobody else in the parking lot, but she imagined it… she's been stared and ogled at so many times over the past few months that it wasn't hard to imagine the feeling… Orders really helped her out of that situation, she was little more than an object to the boss of the Cattle Call… and the other girls mistook that for favoritism… it was like high school all over again.

It wasn't HER fault she had macromastia and all the guys peeped on her. Ogled her like meat.

…Ironically, she had originally taken the Cattle Call job because she wanted to get a reduction and she needed the cash. She lied her pretty 'cowgirl' ass off, saying she was trying to help her sick parents… she didn't think he'd keep her on if he knew she was trying to get RID of her breasts… they've been nothing but problems ever since they started growing in middle school.

'She seduced me' or 'she distracted me' or blah-blah-bullshit… And don't get her started on 'how much you think you'd get in porn?' apparently a lot, and not so much if Huntress was to be believed…

…To be legitimately honest with herself, as she got into the elevator to ride to the 25th floor… Orders and her girls were the nicest people to ever take advantage of her. Because of course she was being taken advantage of, she was about to have sex with some random guy. But that was her choice… Orders gave her full control of herself. Orders told her in advance, after mentioning that she was clairvoyant, that she would NEVER make Mighty do anything serious that she didn't want to do, and Mighty could still just work on the restaurant floor where tips and playful touching were plentiful.

…That was literally the nicest thing anyone who has employed her had ever said to her…

The elevator opened, she smiled at the elderly man as he STARED at her in awe, she walked out winked a pretty green eye at him. Then walked down the hall, the elevator doors shut, and she promptly turned around and went the other way. The apartment she was looking for was in the opposite direction…

She reached the last two doors, turned, and then did a 180 to the door behind her, the one she was looking for. She took a breath, put a pretty smile on her ruby red lips, raised her hand, and knocked hard on the door, saying what she was supposed to say. "Superbabes."

Time: 9:59 PM. Place. Diamond District Apartment (Room 2506)

"Special Delivery Service." She declared and waited for a few seconds before the door popped open to-

"Woooooow." The guy before her breathed in awe, he was shorter than her, so… naturally, PERFECT eye level with her highlighted features. He was average in just about every way, looks, build, manners… "Come on." He breathed, watching every subtle movement of her body as she entered the apartment. And apart from being rather luxurious looking, it was also. Average.

She placed the food onto the coffee table. Standing casually as he stared at her body. She absently ran her hands on her thighs, before letting them slide up her stomach, to push her big, soft, breasts. She watched his eyes pop out of his as she played with herself, ever so slightly.

"…Why don't you sit down?" she asked standing before his couch as he leaped over the back, eyes on her. "Hee-hee…" she chuckled raising one booted foot, and putting in on his chest. Pushing him onto his back as he gazed up at her. "…Grab my boot would you honey?" she cooed with a soft purr. He grabbed the boot, and she slipped her leg out her bare foot touching the carpet as she took the boot from him and tossed it over the couch, "And this one?" she put her other foot onto him, he grabbed it, and out came her foot… Her suit, black from the waist down, came to her ankles so her feet were bare.

Tossing that boot to join the other, she swayed her hips before him, wrapping an arm around her tits as he watched in hypnotized awe, a silly grin across his face as she lifted her breasts ever so slightly, and pinched the tiny, and apparently very sturdy, zipper beneath them, and slowly pulled it down.

The suit was custom fitted for her. Of course, it was stretchy and shiny, but it was specifically tailored for her body. As soon as that zipper reached her belly button, her breasts EXPLODED out of her top, dropping out of her suit as he gasped.

"Oh my god! Those are amazing!" he hissed excitedly, barely containing himself as she laughed, pulling open her suit, tossing her strawberry blonde hair, and slipping out her arms one after the other before pushing it down the rest of the way over her thighs. Bending forward, but not looking away from him as her pendulous breasts wobbled. She stepped out of her suit, standing upright, cupping her breasts and lifting them up.

"MMMngh…" she moaned, squeezing her heavy breasts as she molded them in her hands, slowly, like kneading bread dough. "Ahh… AHhh…" she gasped softly, erotically, pinching her nipples as he watched. His pants were tight and bulging… ready to release his average cock as she licked her red lips.

"Hoooly craaaap…" he groaned, and got up, she smiled as his hands trembled and he reached for them. She giggled, and shivered slightly as he massaged them gently… She was a sensitive woman. Of course, her breasts would feel good if she or anyone else touched them. And there was just so much of them. "I NEED these. Right now…" he praised as she cupped beneath them, lifting them up as he suckled her nipples, and pushed them together before he backed away. "Ooh hoo… wait right here don't move!" he said, dashing across the room heading deeper into the apartment as he tossed her shirt aside.

She chuckled to herself, letting her breasts go as she glanced at the open balcony… she was about to close the curtains… but decided inwardly against it… he soon returned. A bottle of something in one hand, a tape measure in the other… also naked… with an above-average sized hard-on flopping in the AC.

"I GOT to know…" he declared as she smiled, taking the tape measure, and wrapping it around her top. "OOooh…" he gazed at the number, licking his lips as, humorously, she tied them off with the tape measure, squeezing them together and freeing her hands as she wrapped them around his cock, he oddly ignored that. Opening the bottle and spraying her tits with a cold red liquid.

"Oooh!" she jiggled at the sudden chill as his hands rubbed the strawberry-scented fluid on her skin, shining her breasts, and slipping between her cleavage before he leaned forward and gave them a firm lick.

"Ahh… edible lube…" he declared as she giggled, he pulled her towards the couch by her waist as she rubbed his cock against her recently shaved pubes. "MMmn…" he groaned, gazing at her wobbling breasts as he played with them.

"Ahh…" she sighed in response as he squeezed and massaged before dropping onto the couch, gazing up at her. She smiled at him, chuckling as she knelt down, she KNEW what he wanted… what EVERY guy she's ever briefly dated wanted.

These tits. Around those dicks…

She gripped them as he shuddered in excitement, lifted them up above his cock, before dropping them down. "Ooh my GOD…" he groaned, hand clutching the still open bottle as it squirted up into the air and onto his hand. "Shit…" it loosened in his grip, but thanks to the tape measure still around her tits, she could potentially titfuck him hands-free. Still firmly around his cock she let go of her tits and took the bottle, turning it over and pouring the fluid between her cleavage. Feeling his cock tremble between her tits as the cold liquid covered his hard cock, she closed the bottle and tossed it over her shoulder before taking her breasts in her hands and giving him the most memorable titfuck of his life.


"Ooh! Ahh!! OOOOH YES!!!" he lied that, shaking and squealing as her breasts slid friction-less up and down his cock: tight, warm, wet, slippery… SOFT. So soft they formed a perfect seal around him as she pushed her tits together tightly.

"HMMN! MMMn…" she moaned herself, her lower body fidgeting as she titfucked him. The tip of his cock barely slipped through her tits as she wrapped her arms tightly around them, lifting and dropping them rapidly as she panted. As mentioned, she was a sensitive girl… her TITS were an erogenous zone.

That's right… she can get off from any sort of tit play… Orders struck GOLD.

"Ooh! Ugh! UNNNGH!!" he pumped his hips against her constantly dropping breasts as she smiled at him, the heavy orbs of flesh smacking against his bucking lap as she panted erotically.

"MMmngh! mMMn! mMMN!!!" her lower body shivered as a tiny orgasm surged through her, "AHhhhhh…" she gasped, eyes closed and shaking as she kept her tits pumping, clenching her teeth. "Cum on. Cum for me. Please. Cum for-Ah-!"

"Ahhhhgh!!" he pushed his cock between her tits and trembled, thick viscous fluid shot from between her tits like a geyser, lingered in the air before splashing on top of them.

"MMMn…" she slid her breasts slowly up and down squeezing out his load as he kept spurting. "Ahh that feels so warm…" he had a goofy satisfied look on his face as her tits began to ooze his trapped load. "…Did you like that?"

"YEEEEEEES." He hissed, his cock already throbbing between her tits as the sticky measuring tape untied itself, falling away. He reached for and squeezed her breasts, sitting up as she felt him hardened between her again. "I need MORE of these tits!"

She laughed, squeezing her arms around them as awkwardly he lied her down on her back between the couch and the table, never removing his cock from her tits as he straddled her stomach. Palms on her nipples she pushed her breasts together and he began to slid back and forth… the lube had gotten to her stomach, she was practically an oiled slip and slide now.

"AH. AH. Ah. These. Tits. Are. AMAZING…" he praised, his hips slapping loudly beneath her breasts, they jiggled and wobbled as his cock jumped between them, the lube and cum mixing between her cleavage as her lower hips fidgeted in pleasure. "Ah. Ah…"

"MMMn. MMmmmn…" she moaned up at him, her lower body rising up and down slightly as it dampened. Her arousal high, her tits felt SO good… "MMNngh… Fuck my tits." She declared up at him, and as if a switch was flipped he squeezed, hard. "Ahhhgh…" she gasped, shaking as he began to smack his hips hard against her tits.

"NNgh! mMNg! UGH!!" he pushed hard against them, letting the warmth of her fleshy embrace soothe his eager, throbbing cock as the tip managed to break free of her valley only to retreat back in and out and again. Stroking himself with her majestic orbs.

"Like that? Huh… huh? You like fucking my big tits?" she cooed erotically up at him, green eyes twinkling as her lovely tongue slid across her lips. "You cock feels SO good between them. MMMNgh! I love feeling cocks between my tits!"

"Ugh! AHhhgH! I… want… to… CUUUM!!!" he declared, slapping hard and wet against her tits as he groaned. "UUUGH!!!"

"AAHH YES! CUM ON ME!!" she cooed, shaking in pleasure as her breasts sent tiny waves of pleasure through her, his hands sinking into her flesh as thick ropes of semen sprayed across her face. "Ooh god it's so warm!" she cooed, as it seemed a bucket of his cum splashed onto her chin and face. "Ah… you made a mess on my face…" she whimpered as his spurting cock oozed driblets onto her chest. He slid his cock between her tits, back and forth, slowly… smiling as he bounced them together around his cock before he pulled out of her, sitting beside her…

And slipping his fingers into her pussy.

"OOOoh!!" her hips lifted into the air as he fingered her gently, her hands rubbing his load onto her skin, squeezing her chest again as he rested a hand on her mid-back, holding her up, playing with her wet pussy. "Ooh yes! Yes…" she cooed, squeezing her tits as he lowered her back down, sitting on the couch and pulling her upright, she sat on the floor as he gestured to the table.

"Lie on your back… finger yourself…" she pouted, but sat on the edge of the coffee table, pushing his food to the edge before lying on her back, her breasts flopping on her chest as she lifted her legs, spread herself, and began to shiver, slipping her fingers into her wet pussy.

"Ahh…nngh…mmmn… no fair… I want to feel good too…" her hips bounced enticingly as her fingers slipped inside her again and again. "Ah." She gasped, feeling his hands on her thighs and cold liquid pouring onto her pussy, "MMmph-AHHhh…" she shuddered as his tongue slid lovingly on her now strawberry flavored snatch, her fingers plunging around his slippery tongue as she rocked back and forth on the table. "Ooh. Ooh… YES!! MMMNGH!!!" her hips bounced rapidly up and down on the table, "NNGh! MMNgh!!" she smiled, eyes rolling up as she kept fingering herself. "So… good! So FUCKING GOOD!" she praised.

…She was NOT used to getting eaten out… she was rather enjoying it.

"Eat my pussy! Eat it!" she whimpered pleadingly, legs shaking around his head in the air as she lifted her head up, biting her lower lip. "I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum on that tongue!!" she rocked her hips against his face but he pinned her down, grinning, tongue fucking her as she dropped onto the table. "Yes! Yes! oOOH! YES!! FUCK!!!" he legs dropped, hitting him and the floor as she lost the strength to hold them up, her fingers curling inside her as she clenched around them, her eyes rolling her WHOLE body shaking.

"Ugh!! NNGH-HHuuhh!!" she breathed heavily, her majestic tits shaking in her throughs of orgasm as she finally went limp, "Haaaaah…" her tongue lolled as she stared out the balcony. Her legs twitching occasionally… "NNgmn!!" she moaned, feeling his rock-hard cock press against her tightened pussy, her hand pulled out of her, placed on her stomach. "nnngh… ahh… nnngh…" she moaned as he rocked slowly back and forth inside her. Her wet pussy hand instinctively slid to her clit, fingering it gently as he pumped his hips.

"Ooh my god… this is so GOOOOD…" he declared happily, "Ahh… Ahh… Ahh yeah…"

"MMmn… nngh… mmm…" she moaned pleasantly, smiling as she slowly recovered from her mind-blowing orgasm, hands sliding all over her body, squeezing her tits as she gazed up at him, lifting them to her mouth to let her tongue slid over them. Licking up cum and strawberry flavored lube. He held her waist tightly, pulling her firmly against his thrusting hips as her breasts flopped up and down on her chest, she cooed gazing into his eyes… squeezing and licking her huge tits as he fell forward.

"Haaah…" he pushed DEEP into that pussy, hands planted on either side of her strawberry blonde head as she cooed up at him, jiggling her breasts, rubbing them together. Then he began to WORM against her, his mid-back rolling back and forth, "OOooh yeah… like that… just like that…" she encouraged, panting as he grunted "Don't stop… fuck me until you're dry…" she soothed... Gazing down at her face, her tiger stripes smeared with sweat and cum, he grit his teeth, curled his fist…

And RAMMED her hard.

"OOH!! Ugh! OOH!! OOH FUCK!! YES!! YES! Baby!!" the table creaked and groaned as he sped up, pounding and railing into her. She let go of her tits, letting them bounce freely as she lied back and moaned, eyes wide, mouth open. Gazing at the reflection in the TV of her getting FUCKED. She stared at herself, her tits flopping whorishly in slow motion as she examined the woman lying on the table…

She smiled at her, winked… then her green eyes rolled up into her head, and she SCREAMED.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!! I'M CUMMING!!!" she clutched to the other end of the table, her body writhing erotically as her hips shot up only to be pounded back down onto the table as he slammed his hips into her like a nailgun shooting nails, pinning her to the table with his hips and roaring in pleasure as she shrieked uncontrollably. "Don't stop! DON'T STOP!!" she pleaded.

"Never! FUCKING. NEVER!" he declared insanely, POUNDING her quivering thrashing body as she slapped his iron arms beside her head.

"Ooh Shit. OOOH SHIT!!" she squeaked, shaking wildly as his constant fucking drove her over the edge again. "UUUGH!!!" he grabbed her tits, she screamed, shaking as she shivered on the table.

"UUGH!!" she didn't move, her body had shut down in pleasure. He pulled out of her, amazingly. Any normal man would just blown his load into her fucked senseless body and enjoyed the afterglow. However…

"Ah! AHhhh…" he crawled over her, pushing her tits together as best he could with one hand, and sighed, head rolling back as ropes of his load splattered onto her breasts.

"MMmn…" she moaned deliriously, pushing her breasts together and shaking in bliss as he smacked her nipple with his cock, spraying another quick spurt onto it as he did.

"Haa…" he sighed, crawling over her, cock dribbling a final drop onto her chin as he stood on the other side… only to grab her tits, and slid his cock in through the opposite way… his balls dangling in front of her face as he immediately began to fuck her tits again…

"MMMn! MMmn. MMMn…" he grunted mindlessly, occasionally… his sack lingered over her lips. Her tongue, eventually, extended but didn't move. "Ahh… oooh that's nice…" he praised, brushing his sack over her tongue as he fucked her breasts. Squeezing her sticky tits without care as he pressed his hips to her. "Ooh yes… ooooh YES… YES!!"

His ass clenched before her eyes as he pushed deep into her cleavage. "Ahhhh…" he sighed, as she felt a warmth across her stomach, "MMmn…" he slid his cock in and out of her tits, feeling him dribble between them again before he pulled away with an adorable. POP… "ahh… my GOD… that was the best titfuck I've ever had…" he rested his twitching cock against her lips, she gave it a playful kiss and a smile… but his time was up…

"MMMN…" she grunted, shaking as her sensitive body argued with its sudden movement. "OOoh… honey…" she groaned "OOoh… fuck my legs…" she hissed, shaking in pleasure as he walked away.

"Wait! Wait don't move yet…"

"Honey your time is up." She said, but he soon returned with a camera. "Hey. Pictures cost extra." She declared, quite aware of Orders' rules.

"I'll pay." He said as if it was obvious. "…Push them together…" he said as she smiled seductively, pushing her sticky tits together, and puckering her lips as CLICK went the camera… she was getting the hang of posing. He gazed at the picture, grinning and absently stroking himself.

"I need your shower." She said, getting off the table… jiggling and wiggling appropriately as he looked up.

"Huh? Oh… uh, this way…" he put the camera down, glancing at her sticky cum covered tits and face as he led her into a modest shower. "…Can I shower with you?"

She glared at him, arms crossing across her tits obviously. "…No funny stuff." She said, what was the harm? She needed a shower and if he wanted to watch that was fine…

…Wow the stuff she found herself thinking lately.

He didn't JUST watch her, he washed her, but it didn't get any farther than a bit of titty petting. He seemed more concerned in making sure her tits were clean than the rest of her but she was fine with that… and soon as she considered herself done she was out of the shower and drying off. Making her way back into the living room to retrieve her clothes.

She had just zipped up her suit when he returned, wearing boxers as he came up behind her and giving her tits another firm grope, she cooed at first, but slapped them away playfully. "Ah-ah…" she scolded, turning around to push him away with a finger as he grinned. "I've been nice so far but we're done now… got to pay up."

He nodded, "Wait right here…" he retreated out of sight as she stretched, her breasts wobbling as she strutted around in her boots. She glanced down at her tits, unable to see her feet, as usual, she smiled and caressed herself… glancing out at the balcony. And spying a few onlookers on the roof across the way…

…A couple of weeks ago she might have been mortified… but she winked, to nobody in particular, and gyrated, sliding her hands over her hips, waist and of course her wonderful tits… she'd say they were growing on her now… but that would be a bad joke. She giggled at it anyway as he soon returned… gazing at her shimmying hips as she turned. His eyes were drawn to her breasts now as she held out her hand…

"…Can I?" he asked with a grin as she sighed, pushing her chest out as the money slipped gently into her 'boob window' pinned in place by her tight cleavage as he slipped her another hundred.

"What was that for?"

"For being you!" he declared, hands giving her one last feel. "Man… when can I order you again?"

"…I work every other day, and every other weekend." She purred like a sexy kitten, licking her lips as she gently pushed his hands away. "…Enjoy your food."

"Ooh right. My…" he noted the food spilled out on the floor, at some point during their table fucking it had spilled over. "…I'm sure it's still good." He declared as she giggled, shutting the door behind her and making her way to the elevator.

Time: 10:47 PM. Place. Gotham (Superbabes)

"WOOOOOOO!!" Cheered the girls as she entered, a banner that said 'Happy First Time' written on it was held over their heads by Yaya and Laura. She smiled as she approached Orders, reaching between her cleavage as some of the other girls giggled, she put it on the table.

"Good work." Orders declared as she shrugged.

"…It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

Veronica snuck up behind her, cupping her breasts as Mighty moaned obviously. "OOoh… I'm free now Bessie how about we go into the locker rooms and-OW! Ooow!!" she frowned as Laura spun the Veronica paddle in her hand after a double-tap on the nympho's ass.

"Maybe later Veronica." 'Bessie' declared playfully, adjusting herself after Veronica's surprise attack.

"I told you, her name is Elizabeth." Orders said firmly, as Laura handed her back the paddle and she pushed Elizabeth's cut towards the buxom beauty.

"But Bessie's so fitting." Veronica pouted, rubbing her rear. "…Ow… I need more padding down there…"

"They have a procedure for that." Elizabeth noted as Veronica sniffed indignantly, stepping away from the counter.

"How are you doing?" Orders asked as Elizabeth frowned thoughtfully.

"Good. Great actually… better than ever…"

"Turns out getting laid is good for self-esteem" Rebecca noted playfully, dusting her hands of a drunken idiot. "Who knew?"

Elizabeth smiled prettily, "…Who knew." She repeated, one hand on her hip "Need me for anything else Orders?"

"No, you can do what you want, Elizabeth." Orders said, watching her thoughtfully as she took a notepad and went towards the restaurant.

"I think I will." She said confidently, adjusting her 'girls' for maximum tips. "…And you can call me Bessie if you want Orders." She said playfully, heading out onto the floor.


The second of girls to break my 'Must have been animated at some point rule.' The first of course being White Rabbit. But can you blame me? Huge Tits are a necessity. Next up is a Blue Beauty with a Blueberry Booty

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