
Delivery Girl: Catwoman Order #2

I don't own DC

Time: 9:23 PM. Place. Gotham (Superbabes)

*Ring! Ring!* click.

"Hello? Superbabes. We Deliver."

"…I'd like to order a… Catwoman meal… for delivery."

"…That's extra crispy chicken legs, an extra crispy flank of fried fish, and a basket of seasoned fries."

"Yes. Thank you.."

"Anything else?"

"Delivered by… Catwoman. Please."

"Very well, we expect her back in 60 minutes or less or the police will be called. Please give me your name and address."

Meanwhile, after the call.

"Catwoman." Orders noted calmly as Catwoman got to her feet, her high-heeled boots tapping the floor as she approached the desk. "You got one."

"I figured." She replied playfully. "Anything I should know?" she asked, lazily as Orders watched her thoughtfully.

"Grace would've probably have been a better choice."

Catwoman seemed insulted for a moment, "Seriously?"

Orders shrugged. "She has a talent for the 'nervous virgin' type."

"That is her type." She replied bluntly, "And I'm not the one who sent her on a weeklong working vacation…"

Orders sighed, conceding the point, "True. Not that I regularly give recommendations anyway… but keep in mind Catwoman. She's on that working vacation with VERONICA."

"…That's fair." She noted, strutting out and checking the address. "Back in an hour." And getting in the company car she drove off to the Outskirts.

She can't say that the restaurant hasn't been quiet lately with their Starfire out of town, and the results of that were hit or miss financially but there were significantly fewer stains and smells around the building. And generally, everyone was okay with that… granted some of their regulars were denied access to their favorite girls: Starfire, Stargirl, Huntress, Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn, but that just meant they had to ogle the others more…

Catwoman sighed as she pulled into the parking lot of the Motel 5. Checking the room number on the receipt and getting out of the car. Her lithe, but busty body strutting past the bottom floor as a few local working girls, smoking cigarettes, eyed her dismissively. Motel 5: Cheap beds. No questions.

She walked up the stairs to the second floor, walking down the identical doors until the last one. She put on her prettiest smile, which was honestly all of them, and rapped her knuckles on the door. "Superbabes."

Time 9:54 PM. Place Gotham Outskirts (Motel 5 Room 204)

"Special Delivery Service." She said and waited patiently for someone to reply or open the door. After what seemed to be an absurdly long wait, she frowned to herself. Debating on whether to leave or not when the door opened.

An attractive long-haired blonde woman in a coat stared at her, she must have been in her mid to late '20s. She eyed Catwoman and stepped aside. "Come in." she said curtly as Catwoman did so, smile on her face. She entered into the No-tell Motel room and put the food down. "Hurry up." She said as Catwoman frowned, but she was not speaking to her. She was glaring at the bathroom.

He came out naked, with the exception of an opera mask on half his face, attempting to hide his manhood and failing. His cock was thin but LONG, dangling between his legs like a wet noddle. He had a very effeminate look to his face, and ladylike curves, but he had boyishly short blonde hair, and was about a head shorter than her…

"Whoa." a hesitant Catwoman said immediately, her eyes locking on the nearly foot-long dick he was failing to hide with his hands as his face went red. "…He IS of age right?"

"Yes." The woman replied curtly. As the young man wouldn't meet their eyes. The woman turned and approached Catwoman, reaching out with her hands and openly groping Catwoman's big breasts, Catwoman moaned as the woman's hands slid down her tight body, rubbing her waist and hips, thighs: inside and out. Catwoman moaned appropriately as the young man watched with wide-eyed fascination… Catwoman, cooed and wiggled seductively as the woman 'examined the goods'… "…I approve." She said stiffly as Catwoman smile, licking her lips.

"I didn't think your opinion mattered." She winked at the young man as he looked away from her.

The woman ignored her snark and pinched Catwoman's front zipper, pulling it down to her navel, her big breasts threatening to pop free as she rubbed her recently exposed skin with gloved fingers.

"Not even a wiggle." Sighed the woman as Catwoman's gaze went to the limp noodle between the young man's legs. She caught Catwoman's chin in her hand and forced her face forward. "MMMpgh!!"

"MMMn!" Catwoman cooed as their lips met, openly fondling and grinding her body against the woman in the coat as the young man watched… struggling to keep his cock from rising as he watched the woman make out with her. "Ooh yeah…" she cooed, lips smacking together as her gloved hands caressed the woman's ass through the coat, grinding her lower body on her leg as the woman's hands rubbed her tits.

The woman pulled away, taking a finger and slipping it between Catwoman's lips. "MMmn…" she moaned reflexively, suckling and licking the woman's finger. "Ahh…" the woman watched her slobber on her fingers, before pulling them from her mouth and gently wiping the saliva on her cheeks before stepping away.

His cock was HARD. And throbbing painfully, his face visibly contorting as the woman stepped away from her. Sitting in an armchair and watching. "Suck his cock." She said, almost bored. "Get him off with your lips."

Catwoman eyed the young man, and smiled strutting over to him as his gaze followed her swaying hips, she hooked her fingers in her suit, and pulled it apart. Her breasts popping free as he followed THEM now, wobbling on her chest as she rubbed his shoulders. "Don't be nervous. It will feel really good…" she praised as her hands slid down his shoulders, down his thin chest, then wrapping around his cock as he gasped rather girlishly. "MMMn! Look how BIG you are… lot of girls are gonna love you…" she crooned as he whimpered, his cock throbbing in her grip.

"I said SUCK him." The woman said as Catwoman glanced at her dismissively. "Get on your knees. No hands." She ordered like a queen… or any particular douchebag at the restaurant.

"It's too big." Said the young man hesitantly, at least he didn't sound like a girl, but he didn't have much of a manly command to him.

She chuckled, he certainly wouldn't be the first massive cock she's sucked, but she appreciated his concern. "I like the challenge." She cooed softly in his ear as his cock pulsed excitedly in her hands. "Ahem." She said, standing up straight and raising her hands from his cock as if in surrender. Before swinging them around onto her ass cheeks with an obvious smack, wiggling her hips to the rather stony woman before she knelt down, sitting on her hands and smiling up at him. Cock twitching inches from her pretty Asian face. "It's gonna feel really GOOD." She reassured, licking his bulging head as she gasped. "Ahh-mmnwahh…"

He clenched his fists to his supple thighs as she licked and slobbered on him, sliding her lips and tongue along the first few inches of his cock, gazing playfully up at him as he gasped cutely, head rolling back as his body went as stiff as his cock. "Mmnph… mmmmmmMMMN!!" down she went, slowly and steadily, her jaw opening as wide as her throat as he slipped ALL the way into her mouth.

"Ha-aahhh!!" he gasped loudly, eyes wide as Catwoman inhaled his cock. Forcing herself to stay balls deep on his junk as his balls shivered against her chin, cock throbbing in her throat, tongue swirling and lips slurping.

"SLUUUUURP!!!" her hands sinking into her ass for some semblance of ease as her eyes water. "MMmgph!!"

"Quite a talented one we found for you…" said the woman, apparently impressed as Catwoman slurped loudly in response on his massive meat before sliding slowly up to the tip. Holding him firmly between her lips as she winked up at him.

"Haa-aahhh…" he trembled, his body shaking as his stiffness vanished. "Heee!!!" he squeaked as down she went again. "Ah-AH-mazing!!" he hissed shaking as she slid up, then down again, slowly and deliberately, stroking the entirety of his cock with her mouth, tongue and lips. "UUUgh!!" his hands lashed to her kitty-capped head, she had expected this and braced herself appropriately.

"MMpgh! MMGPH!! MUURP!!" she grunted as up and down she went, his hips mindlessly bucking his hips on her face. Pounding her as he moved her back and forth. "MMNpgh! MMMn! SLURP!" she kept up her work, slurping and sucking on his cock as he pumped in and out of her mouth, her eyes increasingly watering, less and less oxygen reaching her brain. Her fingers clenching in her ass, her body shaking as she forced herself to take his cock, to stay perfectly still as he used her mouth as an ona-hole.

"MMMUGHHRMGH!!!" she moaned as he pulled her to the base and held her, she felt her stomach warmed as his load rushed directly into her stomach, his balls shivering on her chin, her sore jaw straining as he kept it open with his pulsating cock. "MMrugh…urckk…" she gurgled incoherently, desperately gulping his load down as he shuddered, breathing heavily, staring blankly at the ceiling as he drowned in his own pleasure.

"Whores still need to breathe no matter how good their mouths feel." The woman said plainly as she watched Catwoman suffocate on cock. "Let her up, Chris."

The young man 'Chris' jumped suddenly as if remembering not only were they not alone but she was becoming increasingly limp. "Oh my god!!" he gasped as he pushed her head up, pulling his hips away.

"HAAAAH!!" she gasped, "Cough! COUGH!!" she spluttered droplets of cum onto the floor as his saliva and mucus-soaked meat dangling dripping between his legs. "I'm so sorry!" he whimpered.

She coughed, the laughed, her hand wiping her mouth as she winked at him playfully with red eyes. "Was that your first deepthroating?" he fidgeted as she smiled up at him, his cock twitching.

"Yes. You're his first…" the woman replied as he grumbled.

"His first huh?" Catwoman grinned hand gently stroking his member and fondling his sack as he moaned sweetly. "Well our resident 'Man-maker' is out of town…" she ran her tongue slowly along with his cock as it trembled, he watched her in awed fascination, moaning on her loving licks. "So you're just gonna have to stuff this big. Fucking. Cock… deep into my body…" she kissed his tip and got to her feet, a little disappointed that he wasn't already hard and ready for more, but she could fix that.

She pulled her suit down her shoulders, then swiveled her hips as it went down over her thick thighs, running her hands on them as she stood upright again, stepping out of her pants as she slid a hand down her trimmed pubes, rubbing her pussy as she licked her lips, squeezing her tits. "Like what you see?"

He clearly did… but his cock wasn't responding. She frowned… "Chrissy, you're insulting me here…" she cooed as he went red, visibly straining himself to get hard. "Here." She said a little more firmly then she intended, but unlike the ever 'motherly' Grace, she was less patient. She took his hands and brought them to her tits, "There… feel those…" she said smiling as he did just that, his cock twitching as his hands rubbed her big breasts. "MMmn…" she took his floppy half-chub, smacking it between her legs, against her pussy. "Get that dick hard…" she said seductively as he groaned, his cock twitching in her hand as she wrapped her thighs around it, stroking it slowly with them. His cock twitched between her soft thighs as she grinned. "Ah!" she gasped as she was yanked away by the woman, tossing her onto her back on the bed.

The woman tossed her head, spreading Catwoman's thighs as she stared at her wet pussy, before leaning forward. "MMmgn."

"OOoh…" Catwoman moaned, writhing on the bed as the woman ate her out, "Ahh… haaah." Her legs rested on the woman's shoulders, Catwoman's legs rubbing her back as her tongue slid into her. Her hips pushed up, hand on the blonde woman's head as she slid her pussy on her face. The woman grabbed her hips and pinned her down, "MMn…" Catwoman moaned as the woman knocked away her hand, "Ahh… Haaaa, eat me out… I'm gonna cum on that tongue…" she whimpered, squeezing her breasts as she took a glance at the hard Chris.

"Ahh." The woman pulled abruptly away, Catwoman shivering as she turned to face Chris, shoving her thumb into Catwoman as she wiggled in pleasure. "Hurry up." She said dismissively, fingering Catwoman for a moment before walking away from her, returning to the chair to watch.

Chris stood between her legs, his cock looming over her pussy and stomach like a steel rod. She wrapped her hands around it, pulling it to her body, it reached just past her navel, her pussy lightly quivering against him as she licked her lips. "Look how DEEP you're going to get…" she purred as his cock throbbed. "Put this dick in me Chrissy baby…" she cooed invitingly, licking her lips as she rubbed him gently with her soft hands against her silky skin, "MMmn… I need to ALL inside me…" she guided his tip to her pussy, her wet lips parting invitingly as her head rolled back. "Oooh-oOOOOH!!"

She dropped onto the bed, twitching as he pushed half-way in, then ALL the way in. "UGUUH!!" ramming against the entrance to her womb she was almost afraid that he would pierce right through her. "HAaa-ah-haaa!! AH! AH!!" his cock, while hard, didn't seem fully, solid… it was like a serpent, coiled and tense, ready to strike… it thrashed against her inner walls as he pounded her mindlessly, his teeth gnashing together as he panted heavily.

"HA!! Haaamazing!!" he groaned, speeding up.

"NNgh!! UAH! UAHaa!!" she cried out, eyes rolling as her legs stretched out beside him on the floor, scraping the carpet with her curling toes as he FUCKED her on the bed. Squeezing her big bouncing tits as they flopped around on her chest she lashed her hands to his, "HAA!! GOD!!" she shuddered, clenching around his ravaging snake as he continued to pound.

"So… SO GOOD!!" he praised, eyes rolling as she took every inch of his dick inside her. She certainly felt it, but it was like she could actually SEE her stomach bulging on his massive cock as it slid in and out.

"Ahh! AHhh w-wait!!" she moaned erotically, pushing his chest only for a pair of hands to lash to her wrist and yank them above her head, "Ahh…" she gasped as the woman, as stealthy as Batman apparently. Held her hand to the bed, kneeling on her arms as her breasts rocked wildly on her chest. She watched Chris rail away on her, his face contorting in mindless pleasure as Catwoman trembled and shivered, shaking in orgasm as she was forced to take a big dick.

…She wasn't necessarily into rape-play, in fact, she would actively avoid it and once outright refused to do a job for Orders because of it, she didn't want to encourage anyone… but there was something darkly satisfying being pinned down and forced to take this young virgin's monster cock as he furiously and sloppily slammed his hips into her, that pushed her into another wave of pleasure…

"HWAAAAH!!!" she cried, eyes wide and shrieking as she came again. The woman, kneeling and pinning her arms down leaned over her, forcing her writhing body to the bed as she held her hips and GLARED at Chris…

"Finish in her. Fuck this filthy whore good." She ordered firmly as he whimpered, groaning as he sped up, his cock throbbing. "This is what she's for…" she said soothingly, as Catwoman's body trembled, "She's an expensive tool for pleasure…

"NNGH!! BITCH!!" Hissed Catwoman as tiny orgasms ran through her.

"MMMn… fill her womb, don't you dare pull out. Use her and throw her away…"

"AAAGH!!" Chris EXPLODED inside Catwoman as the Woman pulled back, Chris buried his cock into a twitching squealing Catwoman as her pussy oozed his load and arousal onto the bed. He fell onto her, breathing heavily and bucking his hips instinctively as the woman watched… Catwoman panted, struggling slightly under the woman's legs.

"FUCK you." She declared sourly. It was directed at the woman but seemingly to nobody in particular. The woman sniffed indignantly, she shifted off Catwoman, and lied on her back just above her head… her legs spread, and her coat opened, revealing expensive, black, lacey lingerie and a body that would turn a few heads at the restaurant. She pushed her crotch covering aside, revealing her pussy.

"Eat me." Catwoman sniffed, shifting and wiggling off and out from under Chris as she rolled over, glaring at the woman, crawling towards her. "Keep that ass in the air." The woman ordered firmly, resting a hand on Catwoman's kitty-cap head and pulled her to her crotch. Catwoman spat on her pussy, before licking like a cat to cream.

"He needs someone to tell him what to do." She said almost lazily, ignoring Catwoman's glare to stare at a slightly dazed Chris. "Eat." She declared, smacking Catwoman's upraised ass.

"MMN!" she hissed as Chris stirred.

"Eat me…" she ordered, smacking her ass again as Catwoman groaned, "Shake your ass, whore." She Ordered as Catwoman obeyed, swaying her ass in the air as she moaned in the woman's crotch. "MMn…" she lied back, enjoying her tongue as she caressed her modestly sized tits. Gazing down at Catwoman, then at her ass. "Hurry up."

Catwoman had a brief moment of shock as she felt Chris's tip against her backdoor, but she braced herself. "MMMGNH!!" she moaned and screamed in the woman's crotch as she gasped in pleasure, one hand on Catwoman's head. The other on her breast.

Chris was, ironically, much more comfortable up her ass than in her pussy…

"MMNgh! MMMNGH!! UGHMMNGH!!!" she moaned as her ass took Chris's meat, adjusting on his cock accordingly as he railed away in a daze.

"How does it feel?" the woman said mockingly, watching Catwoman as she writhed. Her legs had rested on her shoulders, pinning her down again as she was anally… violated?... Ravished… we'll say ravished…

She did, after all, just climax with her ass.

"AHHHHHGH!!" she cried, head pulling away from the woman, "Fuck! My ass! FUCK!! MY ASS!!!" now that could've been interpreted two ways, but I'll let you all figure out which. "AHHHHGH!!!-MMMNGH!!" her face was shoved back into the woman's pussy as she actively ground her hips against her lips.

"I… DIDN'T SAY. STOP…" she growled, her own beautiful features writhing in pleasure, "Ahh… AHHH…"

"Ahh-AHHHH!!" Chris moaned, speeding up in Catwoman's ass.


He opened his mouth but his scream didn't cum, his eyes wide and grinning madly he drained his trembling balls into her ass, thick warm cum stuffing her bowls as she stretched her legs out beneath him… he fell onto her as the woman trembled… biting her finger and restraining her pleasure as Catwoman squealed into her pussy…

"MMMN…" moaned the woman as she slid away from a panting Catwoman, lying prone on the bed beneath Chris as she trembled.

"OOOh he's still cumming…" she moaned as Chris gushed into her ass. "…Ha-ha…like a firehouse…" she laughed, hand on his ass and pushing him into her. "Get that cum out of your balls Chrissy baby…"

"Use that whore proper…" the woman said playfully, fondly rubbing his hair and stepping away.

Catwoman, feeling him go limp up her ass gently pushed him off with an audible pop as her vacuum-tight rear released his cock. "You keep calling me that and we're gonna have a problem." She said warningly.

Gotham born and bred, bitches, don't take no shit.

"Hmph." The woman mumbled dismissively, "Chris, get up" she ordered as the man groaned. "On your knees, 'Catwoman'." She said as Catwoman sniffed. They didn't have a lot of time left, but down she went. "Chris. UP." She ordered.

"A few more minutes…" he said sleepily as she pinched his thigh, "Ahh!" he sat up, rubbing his reddened skin.

"Finish." She ordered, pointing to the kneeling Catwoman.

"…Do I have to?" she glared at him as he shifted off the bed, "…Sorry…" he said, stroking his cock over her face as she grinned.

"Don't worry Chrissy… this is how you show me that you like me…" she purred, his hands furiously stroking his limp noodle as she opened her mouth, "AHhh…" she didn't look away, she just breathed on his tip and waited.

"Cum on her." the woman said, watching him as he groaned, straining to stroke himself onto the beautiful Catwoman as she cupped her big tits, still patiently waiting. "Hurry up!"

"I'm trying-ugh!!" he flinched as the woman grabbed his cock, "Ahh!! AHH what are-AHHHGh!!"

His cock was iron-hard in a matter of seconds, she glared at him, furiously stroking his cock until it was red in some spots, "Let it out… Let it OUT!" she ordered as he groaned, eyes rolling, cock shivering. "Blow your load all over this… woman." She said, as Catwoman chuckled.

"Ahh-ahh-AHH!!" he moaned bucking his hips into her hand, his tip bulging and his sack clenching…

"AHHHHHH…" Catwoman sighed as thick warm seed oozed onto her face and chest, the woman aimed him like a gun, shooting her tits, face, lips… any and everywhere.

She had been pretty stone-faced all night. But once Chris had blown his jizz all over the pretty Asian girl, she looked like she enjoyed it a lot more than he did. Her face red, her body shaking. "Ahhh…" she sighed, pulling her sticky hand away and wiping it on Catwoman's shoulder, one of the only spots NOT hit by Chris's firehouse…

Catwoman blew a cum bubble, it popped on her lips as she stood up, "Shower." She declared flatly, "You guys are finished… money on the table." She said professionally as the woman cooed softly, not looking at her and shaking as Chris sat exhaustedly on the bed.

She didn't shower long, her kitty-cap in her hand and her short black hair on display she did her best, but the cum-stains were just going to have to wait. She put it back on and entered the room, Chris back to being a mousy boy on the chair, not looking up as the woman strutted around in her lingerie, her coat forgotten as she counted a fistful of bills. Catwoman took it, and counted, placing the satisfactory amount on the table she went to retrieve her suit.

"Do you do private sessions?" the woman asked as Catwoman chuckled.

"This is a private session?"

"Longer. Off the clock." She said as Catwoman pulled a recently designed business card from a discreet pocket on the suit, writing her contact number upon it and placing it on the table as she took the money and put it into her suit.

"So. but there are cheaper girls out there, and I'm expensive." She said proudly.

"But a quality whore is so hard to find." The woman said airily, while she placed the card in her coat pocket as Catwoman smiled serenely.

"…I did warn you."

A-very quick-moment later.

"By Chrissy," Catwoman cooed playfully, strutting out of the room as the woman clung to her face in pain, Chris seemingly amused and horrified. "You call me when you want to play." She winked at him as the woman hissed furiously on the floor, covering her bruised and blackened eye with her hand.

On the clock she was a professional, you can treat her however you want, within reason… don't push your luck with Yaya…

Time: 10:59-Wait. 11:00 PM. Place. Gotham (Superbabes)

"Hey, Orders. Here you go." Yaya replied, flinching slightly… she felt stretched out and used… in a good way, but she was still stinging a little, "Damn that couple did a number on me…" she mumbled, rubbing her perfect ass as Jessica and Tasha hurried onto the restaurant floor, it was odd how they were down some of their more popular girls and yet MORE people seemed to show up.

Orders blinked at her for a moment and cleared her throat with a chuckle before separating her cut. "Gonna call it a night?"

"Don't you know already?" Yaya grinned playfully, pushing the money into her discreet suit pockets.

"Sometimes I like to be surprised." Orders noted playfully as Yaya chuckled.

"No, you don't." she said as Orders rolled her eyes, Yaya tenderly lying belly down on the couch.

"Uh, Orders?" Jessica stuck her head into the doorway. "I think we're going to need more girls up here… A big group of sailors just got into port and they are 'thirsty'…" she said, grinning and slipping back into the restaurant for raucous catcalls.

"…Can we spare the ass pinching?" Yaya mumbled hopefully as Orders eyed her.

"…You are the one that decided not to go on a week-long work vacation with Veronica." Yaya sighed, getting to her feet and giving her somewhat sore ass a playful smack of encouragement. "…I'll call Sierra and Jackie." Orders added giving the beautiful Catwoman some semblance of relief, "They're not doing anything tonii-iight…" she paused, her arching head making her flinch with her recent vision. "Oh… Well... they ARE doing… someone, tonight… but, they owe me…" she added, picking up the phone.


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