
Developments of Kane

Walking out the hall surrounded by my black hands that followed in lock and step we walked towards a hidden passageway hidden behind tall pyramid with depictions of tiberuim and the burnings of temples. As Kane walked he pushed a hidden button that moved the stonewalls breaks into what he would imagine to be like Diagon alley, with that done he waled down the green light hallway till he reached a massive open cavern in where massive carved pillars stand along with the green glow that is small fields of tiberuim that Kane made inert allowing it be harmless.

[Image of the Cavern]

With a brisk pace Kane entered towards a hall in where there are numerous devices with the most prominent being a large forge in where using modern knowledge Kane made Ultra-High-Hardness steel which with his knowledge he was able to implement along with teaching the Disciples of the brotherhood of acknowledgment in which was the brotherhoods research and development branch in where all across Norway there was small and and medium sized temples of the brotherhood in where it was all locally sourced, along with the armours there was a special project made by Kane in where he brought best and brightest minds he had tutored into making a superhuman berserker he had taken willing acolytes and made them into the "Blessed of Kane".

[Image of the forges]

These Blessed would be shock infantry and line breakers meant to be a wall of muscle and bone for the common troops of the brotherhood they would wield massive axes, and bows the Size of ballista's they stood at 7ft tall and wore great plate armour Kane moved pass this massive forge in going towards his personal workshop, he raised his hand for the men of Blackhand to stop in where they slammed their hands against their chest in recognition and waited outside of the door not moving like statues.

Kane moved into his workshop in where looked over a great map in where it showed the brotherhoods area with all of Norway coming under their influence with none spreading this news and forcing a unification of all Norwegian tribes into the High kingdom of Norway with all of Norway. United Kane planned to overtake the divided lands of Sweden and Finland with this done he could make a new culture that centralised the including of The brotherhood so he would have a holdout in the country centuries later, he had plans to make a point of getting Viking society to become like the Germans a massive militarization and strong national unity he planned to use the brotherhoods subminimal messaging to make these ideas subconscious to the people of the Scandinavia area.

[Images of Kane's map] AN here I couldn't find any proper maps of 757 which were interactable so I made these ones let me know how they are.

With kanes goal in mind he began to plan with him making movements with his Templar and the shades of Kane which was his spy agency that prompted discord and rebellions aligned with Kanes goals.

The plans came along well thought Kane, He sighs and said aloud" I suppose I should get working on that project" the said Project was Kane's fortress plans in where Kane would build the northern countries into being bastions of military might as well as economic might with Kane already making an interchangeable printing press this allowing the quick and efficient spreading of knowledge all with the intention of spreading knowledge to the people of Norway with the.

However most if not the majority of the population did not know how to read let alone this blunder he missed he shared towards his close followers in where they all expressed distress at their supposed failures with them all wanting to die for their mistakes it took Kane personally to stop them as they believed they had failed in Kane's vison for having slowed down the plans. This had really been a blessing as Kane was able to develop the "Blessed" by using his manipulation of tiberuim he made small crystals integrate with the human genome in where it latched onto it and Kane personally tailored it to increase muscles density and other parts of the genome the "Blessed" had many changes but one unifying features was faster healing and improved mussel and tensile strength along with crystallization of the body skeleton in where a new layer covered the bones in a dark green in where it would be shatter resistant as well as superb at dispersing kinetic energy. 

All in all the "Blessed" were tailored made for conflict with most if not all having faster healing and metabolism changes they could eat anything without risk as their bodies were able to break down organic materials into energy that allowed tiberuim growth in where the more the energy the prominent the changes such as sharpened tiberum spikes emerging from the elbows as well as a face plate of tiberuim appearing like those a Vastolord.

[Image of The crystallization on the face]


AN how was todays chapter let me know if I'm letting Kane build up to quickly to be honest I think this chapter is better and more thought out than the previous however I might be biased so comments help.

Also thanks to the guys who donated power stones towards this I'm really grateful ! 

Hope you all have an amzing day Toodles!

Harry_6224creators' thoughts
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