
Azeroth High: Fangstdag

I don't own Blizzard things

Today I was carried to school to by Freya… Sky'ree just came back from the vet and had to ease up on her front paws for a while… and she's an adorable bird she doesn't want me to go to school unless I'm on her back but she's not allowed to fly for at LEAST a week… and I can't begin to tell you how bad I feel about collaring my pretty bird-I'm getting off topic.

Freya landed in the landing field in front of the school carrying me in her arms, and I hopped out of them. And looked around… "…Is it… a holiday?" I asked curiously. There wasn't anyone outside, and I knew we weren't late… but it should be impossible to be the only ones to arrive.

"I am unaware of any Holiday's today master Jeremy." Freya noted. "…Perhaps it's a zombie outbreak."

"…Okay no left 4 dead for a while…" I noted softly, walking into the school with her behind me. "The answer to everything can't be 'Zombie Outbreak'."

"I shall protect you regardless. I am immune to disease and viruses of all variables." I'm honestly afraid she's just going to kill someone one of these days… crap, she can't EVER play Last of Us.

We walked into the school and the halls were empty… I am starting to think that it is DEFINITELY a bad day. "…Okay zombie's are looking likely. I mean the bad ones, not the forsaken, or-Ms Windrunner?"

"JEREMY!?" Ms. Sylvannus Windrunner looking… very fetching walked out of her office and right back in. "Oh gods! You… startled me." I stared at her for a second, she didn't look like a teacher right now she was looking like she was just about to go for a run.

"Ms. Windrunner what's going on? Where is everyone?" She stared at me and gasped.

"Oh? OH. Nobody told you. Oh…" she paused, "…Hold on." She then went back into her office and slammed the door. I stood there for a minute and looked at the masked face of Freya who stared at me silently.

The door opened again and out popped Daelin… wearing little more than a pair of swim shorts. I stared at him as he indignantly gawped into the room as the door shut. He glowered at the door angrily, then looked at me giving me a sheepish. "…Hey buddy."

"Daelin what are you doing in Ms. Windrunner's office looking like that?"

"Calisthenics." He mumbled sarcastically but seeing my look, he sighed, "Alright then. Nobody told you… it's something of a… holiday today an Origrimmar one. Fangstdag and it is not celebrated anywhere else." He added as I stared at him curiously

"What's… fangst…dag?"

"It means Catching Day… though it's a bit antiquated at this point." He mumbled, "Still it's a School Holiday."

"What's it about." I asked as his big green arm wrapped around my shoulder and he led me back outside the school with Freya.

"Basically? It's… like speed dating for the Horde…" he hesitated. "A guy, or a girl they used to go out and… Catch people." I stared at him and he eventually shrugged his broad muscular shoulders.

"…I don't think this is a PG story is it?" I asked as he shook his head.

"It gets distinctly NC-17 the further back in history we go, Yeah. BUT that's… you know what? Don't worry about it." he patted my shoulder. "Nobody really celebrates it traditionally anymore except the weirdos in the sticks…" he paused for a second, sniffed the air, and cleared his throat. "So! Hey! Where's your bird? Quick…" he noted.

"Oh Sky'ree's home today she hurt her paws."

"I'm sorry to hear that." he grumbled. "Listen. Buddy. You go home I'm going to go hide in Syl-Ms. Windrunner's office."

"Hide? Hide from what?"

"Oh the various pranks and horrors you'd be exposed to by those that treat Fangstdag as an opportunity for doing terribly funny and semi-sexy things." He patted my shoulders before gripping me and tossing me to Freya. "Fly! My tiny friend! Flee for you life!" he dramatically declared. Freya suddenly took to the air as a collective of Azeroth high students armed with all sorts of interesting tools. Mostly feather dusters, whipped cream, and what appears to be pink tutu's waving like flags from what appear to be pledge paddles…

Ah… so it's some sort of… April fool's day? I salute you Daelin even as you run for your dignity.

Freya carried me home, landing in the front yard as I sighed. "…Well I guess we're off today."

"Yes Master Jeremy. Shall I boot up the computers?" but suddenly she reached out and caught what appeared to be an arrow with a soft why cloth poof around it. it wafted a pink sort of mist as it stopped mid-air… Freya examined it curiously as I stared at her surprised. The brief moment of shock now gone.

"Nice catch." I mumbled.

"Hiiiii Jeremy!" cooed a collection of Dryads, all armed with bows and safely wrapped with multi-colored poofs. I recognized a few of them from Milie's herd. "Hold still!" one of them shouted as Freya produced her light shield and defended me from the powdery assault, before picking me up and retreating into the house to the dismay of the dryads. "Ah! Jeremy come out and play!" the cooed encouragingly.

"I shall defend you Master Jeremy." Declared Freya, securing the door with a lock, and quickly barricading it with one of the couchs as I stared at her.

"Freya I don't think they're going to break down the door to get to me." I said surprised, looking out the window only to find them scampering away. "it's all in good fun… I think?" I replied, "I should get a second opinion…"

I retrieved my phone. Then paused, the one who I would normally call in this situation sacrificed himself already. Basilia would probably tell me to face it like a man. I feel that Tay'Jin would somehow be participating. Dis too for that matter. Sybil is DEFINITELY trying to restrain Malisis, I just saw Milie's dryads so I can only assume she's 'playing' too. Ulsea is camping in a no-reception zone. So… Vartara and Baine? Which one first? Let's go with Baine, he's never lied maliciously to me yet…

I held the phone to my ear and waited, hearing the ringing. "Hey Jeremy." Said Vartara.

I paused, and looked at the phone. Yep. It says I called Baine. "Uh… Vartara? Why are you answering Baine's phone."

"Oh. He's tied up right now. Yeah. I'm getting him back for last year's Fangstdag." She replied, "He tied me up and decorated me like a Christmas tree. So I covered him in honey and threw feathers on him… we have fun."

"Oh… kay should I be concerned?"

"What of the honey? Nah, it's good for him."

"I mean about Fangstdag." I said hesitantly as Vartara hesitated in her answer.

"Hmmn… that's a good question." She said as I looked at my phone indignantly. "…I still got some honey left how about I come over and we get traditional?" she teased as I cleared my throat… she certainly sounded inviting. "…Relax Jeremy. I'm not running through town during Fangstdag just to have some funtime with you. I can do that another time when not involved in an all-out open prank war. Listen. Lock your doors, your windows, and just stay inside you'll be FINE."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm 95% positive." Vartara replied as I blinked.

"What's the other 5%?" I asked.

"That's accounting for me maybe being wrong. I got to go, Baine needs more feathers on his left side. See you Wildhammer." She hung up on me… I fidgeted. But turned to Freya who had devotedly remained by my side during all of that.

"…Well… she says we should lock our doors and windows."

"Yes, Master Jeremy. Adjourn to your bedroom while I resecure the house." she declared, whooshing quickly about checking the doors, windows, and the forge garage as I went upstairs to my bedroom. I went to my open window, and quickly closed it as a collection of poofy arrows clattered against it leaving bright pink circles staining the glass.

"That'll wash right out!" shouted a dryad outside.

"…Okay then." I mumbled, before opening the window a crack. "Leave Sky'Ree alone she's supposed to be resting!"

"Kay!" they joyfully replied only to send another volley at the window. THUD-THUD-THUD… oh they had multiple colors, it's very artistic.

"Master Jeremy. I have secured the fortress and captured an intruder." Declared Freya from downstairs. "She does not seem to be affected by the zombie virus."

"There is no- Wait. An Intruder?"

I walked out of my room, blinking down at her as Basilia glared up at me. Bound with her arms tightly and Freya holding the end of a golden rope… like she had Basila on a leash, dressed in tight shorts and a sports bra. She snarled. "Tell the chicken bitch to let me go!"

"…Basila what are you doing in my house?" I asked, "How did you get in my house?"

She chose to answer the second question. "I scaled the walls to your bedroom and laid in ambush in your kitchen." She glowered as I paused, thinking about it.

"As impressive as that is. I knew I shut that window before we left." I replied. "So. Wait why are you here?"

"It is Fangstdag." She replied stiffly. But was suddenly tight-lipped.

"Okay… what does that even mean? Daelin tells me it's a sketchy historical kidnapping holiday, then I thought it was for pranks… what exactly is Fangstdag?"

"…My mother told me it was how the orc tribes mingled before they became united." She said coolly. "It's… grown in the description since then."

I sighed, loudly. "Okay. Well, what are you doing here?"

"I was going to catch you." She declared bluntly "And have amazing sex." She added as I blinked at her, opened my mouth, closed it… then opened it again. Then closed it.

"…I don't… know what to say to that." I replied frankly.

"What you can start with, is getting you chicken woman to untie me!" Basila roared as I recoiled slightly.

"I don't know you seem kinda angry. Maybe you could… calm down a bit?" she snarled at me like an angry dog and suddenly I was glad Freya had her on a leash. "Yeah. I think you take a long breath… um Freya just put her on the couch."

"Now that I have caught her, should I have amazing sex?" asked Freya as I stared at HER now. "To my understanding of Fangstdag rules, she is my property for the day."

"How is that a thing? How do you even KNOW about Fangstdag rules? I didn't even-" I stopped myself, and sighed. "No. Freya we're not playing that game."

"I did not come here to have sex with the chicken woman." Growled Basila as I sighed.

"Stop calling Freya a chicken woman she's not a chicken woman." I scolded.

"Perhaps my Orcess catch would be more accommodating if she was commanded into Amazing Sex." Freya noted as I stared at her.

"What games have you been playing lately?"

"Ms. Colomar sent me some-"

"Nope! No. I'm going to go through your computer later." I frowned at her. "…Really…" I shook my head. "Really. Just because you catch someone that doesn't mean you get to have sex with them."

"On Fangstdag it does." Basila snarled as I shook my head.

"No it doesn't! Nobody does that anymore! Maybe! I don't know it's a holiday I just heard about!"

"I still do." Basila replied smugly. "Why are you shouting?"

"I don't know!" I sighed as Freya and Basila stared at me. "…I'm going to sit down." I then sat on the couch and sighed.

"Master Jeremy I believe you are stressed-" declared Freya as almost to emphasize her words the glass doors that led to the backyard was rapidly assaulted with colorful arrows. "…Freya could you close the curtains?" she asked as Freya approached the doors and slid the curtain across them as THUD-THUD two perfectly shot airs hit the doors right at her chest level. THUD. Then her crotch.

I sighed "Well I supposed we should just hang out for a little bit. I think the dryads are going to be around for a while… we can go upstairs and game-" but then the power went out. "Oh Come on! What are the chances?"

"High on Fangstdag." Basila grumbled, "Last time a bunch of Tauren's put on a rock show that fried all the power for the night.

"And now I can't even game." I sighed, as Freya, her body glowing slightly in our now slightly dimmed house approached me and ruffled my hair with a hand. I sighed contentedly again… this felt nice. "…That's actually comforting."

"Would you like me to order my new slave to service you?"

I stared at her tiredly. "…Seriously?" Basilia glared at Freya as she continued to 'comfort' me and cause me great discomfort at the same time.

"…I have been caught." Growled Basila softly, "It is only right for you to partake in the spoils of Fangstdag."

"I'm starting to think that's-" Basila shuffled between my legs, forcing them apart with her bound body and the glowing rope tying her up. "-a made up word." But Basila's pretty, but still angry face began to rub against my crotch as Freya grabbed the piece of golden cord hanging from the rest of the bindings.

"Be a bull and take advantage of me." Snarled Basila furiously, "You are RUINING Fangstdag!"

"Okay!" I finally squeaked out. "…Geez. Today is weird." I fidgeted with my pants, finally unbuckling them as my erection throbbed against my underwear. Basila nuzzled my bulging pants as Freya stood silently beside her, holding the leash and watching with her masked face as Basila's teeth scraped the cloth of my clothes.

Freya slid next to me, and piece by piece her own garments vanished from her body until she was only in her mask and gloves. I blinked at her surprised as she leaned forward and brushed her full lips against my cheek, wrapping the arm that was holding Basila's leash around my shoulder, and letting her other hand deal with my underwear… by slicing through it.

"Oh come-What are you doing?"

"I already belong to Master Jeremy so Fangstdag rules apply to me as well."

"You don't know Fangstdag rules!" I replied indignantly but Freya's lips cooed against my cheek.

"But it is my duty to cater to your needs and my Fangstdag prize will service you well." She declared as I stared at her masked face. "You will be sexually satisfied." She declared, gripping my erection from my shredded underwear and poking it towards Basila's mouth… which the Orcess took quickly between her lips and sensually slid her head up and down my length, her tongue slithering on my shaft as Freya continued to lick and kiss my cheek, her golden mask was cold to the touch at first but surprisingly warm like bare skin.

Basila's large breasts were lifted up by the bindings but bulged against the couch as her head began to hasten up and down my length, rapidly slurping and sucking as she seemed desperate to make me cum. "You must not show weakness Master Jeremy." Freya said suddenly into my ear before grabbing my hand and placing it on Basila's head. "You must show dominance when receiving Fellatio from an Orcess or they are liable to injure you embarrassingly."

That would explain why she keeps kicking my butt during training.

"Orc females greatly enjoy masculine partners, and are proficient lovers." Freya continued. "Possessing ideally sexualized bodies and great stamina."

Basila suddenly removed her lips from my cock, glaring up at Freya harshly. "Why is the chicken woman sounding like some cheap documentary?" but Freya grabbed her head and shoved her back onto my dick, "MMNG! mMGh! mMGnj!" jerking her up and down my meat as it throbbed closer and closer to release.

"The orcess is an insatiable creature. Greatly desiring strong dominant mates. Once dominance is established she will willing to degrade herself." Freya continued slamming Basila's face into my crotch, "Until he is satisfied."

"Haa-AAAH…" he twitched and pushed my hips towards Basila's face. Freya held her down on my girth as my load rushed into Basila's mouth. She swallowed my load quickly, letting her tongue salivate on my shaft before Freya finally let go of her head. Basila let my dripping cock flop from her lips as she panted heavily.

I released a deep, contented sigh, before asking indignantly. "…Freya WHERE did you learn… who told you all of that?"

"I have been listening to the History of Azerothian Sex Podcast during my many hours playing Call of Duty. It is very informative." She noted, sliding off the couch to take Basila and turn her around, throwing her across the low table and yanking down her shorts to expose her meaty, fit green ass.

"…I don't think any of that is right." I mumbled.

"It's NOT." Basila sneered. "It SOUNDS like something some basement dweller with a fetish for Azeroth girls made up!"

"…This is possible…" Freya declared but then began to shove her fingers into Basila's exposed green pussy, making the beautiful orc girl cry out erotically. "As far as I'm aware the Val'Kyr do not ritualistically engage in an orgy with the gods."

…Well that's an odd thing for an actual Val'Kyr to say.

"But Basila is also… intensely aroused Master Jeremy. You should thoroughly satiate your lusts with her body…"

"You are using a LOT of complicated words today." I mumbled, before standing up and rubbing my erection on the back of her hand as it continued to make Basila squirm erotically on the table.

"Please enjoy my catch." She declared in response, removing her hand from Basila before guiding me inside her. Basila gasped and clenched tightly around me as I began thrusting, reaching down to grab her by her bindings, pulling her back against my bucking hips. "Orc females cannot get enough rough sexual activity."

"Ngh! Ah-ah-aah! NGH!" Basila gasped, seemingly proving my suddenly informative Val'kyr's point. "Feels like-" she grunted softly, "He's enjoying it, more than me!" she grinned, shaking erotically as the echoing of my hips on her green rear clapped loudly around us.

"On the contrary." Declared Freya, swinging and arm over Basila's back, and grabbing her green ass cheeks, shoving her back against me. "…I feel that my master is not enjoying my present enough. I seems I've captured a faulty orc female."

"What now?" I blinked, burying my erection into Basila as she snarled.

"Excuse me?! I will eat your face!"

"Master Jeremy I shall assist with your release." Declared Freya grabbing Basila, and shoving me backward against the couch!

"Oof!" I grunted as Freya hauled Basila up by the bindings, before practically throwing Basila onto me, sliding me back inside the orcess before she easily lifted Basila up and down.

'Haa! Aah! Ah! Ah!!" making her ride me… which, you know, she's bigger than me I don't think I can support her. "Ah! Arrgh! ARGH! YEAH!! FUCK ME!!" snarled Basila greedily as Freya continued to use Basila for MY satisfaction. "FUCK ME LIKE A BULL!"

"Cling to your Orc female master Jeremy you must establish dominance." I grabbed Basila's waist, pulling her down onto me but it felt like doing pull-ups on a bar too low to the ground. I was barely putting in any effort but the results were the same.

Basila threw her head back and howled like an animal, her tongue lolled from her mouth as her body clung tightly to me, milking me as I held her onto my lap and spilled my seed into her powerful green body… and I'm not going to lie… it felt GOOD.

It felt GOOD to put MY load into MY orcess. I've done it before yeah but with her tied up I felt like I was in control… despite the fact that I clearly wasn't. Basila shuddered, trembling and wobbling as she purred like a kitten.

"…That felt good." She declared with a sneering grin, but she was hauled limply from my body and chucked onto the couch by Freya. Who stood over me now, her majestic, heavenly wings spread out and her body on display for my viewing pleasure before she knelt down, straddling my lap.

"Freya?" I mumbled as she caressed my face.

"It is a Val'Kyr's duty to satisfy her master." She cooed softly as my cock throbbed against her silky folds. Then she shoved her perfectly formed big breasts into my face.


"Relax my master. According to the history of Azerothian sex, As a Val'Kyr I am an expert."

…I NEED to block that podcast. My eyes rolled up into my head as she embraced me completely… taking me inside her, holding my body against hers as her wings folded around us so we were the only two in the room…

…I'll get on that when she's done.

She rode me, hard, gyrating and writhing on my length as her perfect red lips parted in a sensual gasp, moaning erotically as she worked her body like a pornstar-What has she been watching?

"Fill me master. Use me." She breathed seductively, "Enjoy my body to your desire." She threw herself back and her wings apart, displaying her full glory to me (and by proxy Basila) continuing to bounce on my lap as her wings fluttered lifting herself up and down, her breasts jumping wildly up and down in front of my face as her masked head flew back. "Ahaa-AAAH!!" she gasped, tongue extending from her mouth. "Yes! MASTER!!" she writhed, orgasming on my lap as I reached out, grabbing her waist and holding her tightly as I pumped her with another load. "Haah…" she fell forward, shoving her tongue into my mouth, crushing my nose with her mask yet it didn't hurt. "Mmn-mhnn… I love serving my master… fill my body with your seed." She cooed as I moaned into her lips.

"We… really need to talk… about your media consumption. Mmn…" Basila flopped off the couch briefly crawling on the floor before headbutting Freya, knocking her abruptly off my lap. Freya flopped to the side as Basila ran her tongue against my length, lying in my lap before Freya crawled over and joined her on the other side, resting my hands on both their heads as Basila growled, occasionally headbutting Freya's masked face trying to lick more of me.

"Chicken bitch." She snarled, before headbutting her again. nuzzling my dick with her eyes closed before abruptly shooting upward and smacking the helmet with her forehead, and to my astonishment lifting it up slightly and exposing more then half her face.

I remember a bright light…

And now my head hurt.

"Oooow." I groaned suddenly, opening my eyes, slowly and gazing up at a sleeping Basila, my head on her lap as Freya glowed in the room, providing us light. "…What happened? It feels like I got punched in the face"

"You were exposed to divine light my master… you did not close your eyes fast enough."

"Divine light?" I asked as Basila growled.

"Apparently she's so fucking pretty if you're exposed to quickly to it, you'll faint." Declared Basila. "It's why she apparently wears the mask…Stupid chicken."


"I did not learn that from The Azerothian History of Sex." Freya declared.

"You ARE a Val'kyr." I said firmly as Freya nodded her pretty head.

"Indeed Master Jeremy."

Basila just snorted, "…I guess they're not grown to be smart." She snorted again, "Happy Fangstdag." She replied ruffling my hair.

"…This holiday is weird." I sighed.

"It is not nearly as strange as the Dwarven holiday of Biodh orgy againn" declared Freya as I sat up.

"That's not a holiday. I'm a dwarf."

"You're adopted." Basila noted, taking my head and putting it back onto her lap.

"Dad says I'm as good as a dwarf." I replied sourly. "And Freya that's not a holiday. I don't even know what language that is!" Freya however just stared at me. "This Azerothian History of Sex sounds weird."

"I've never heard about it." growled Basila with some dignity, continuing to caress my head… it was pretty sore.

"Dis informed me to listen to it." declared Freya as I blinked at her.

"…Dis did?"

"Yes Master."

"…Disola Firetack did?" I repeated as she nodded.



"Last week she informed me that I should listen to it. She was very insistent that I do so before Fangstdag." Basila suddenly snorted, "She was guest hosting that week. It was very informative." Basila growled.

"…Oh Yeah?... she stood up, holding me upright. "SIT." She growled as Freya took Basila's place as my lap pillow and marched angrily to the forge. "Wildhammer. Do you have an ax I can borrow?"

"…Some." I said hesitantly. "Why?"

"I'm gonna have me a Fangstdag moment." She growled, entering the forge garage. "I'll be right back with a short-stack bitch who has sexist orc opinions." She slammed the door. I paused then just closed my eyes as Freya stroked my head now.

"…Freya, next time talk to me before doing anything Dis says."

"Yes Master Jeremy."

"And try not to aggravate Basila."

"Yes Master Jeremy."

Well, while I have her. "And maybe play a few less video games."

"…I'm sorry Master Jeremy I didn't hear that, what did you say?" she asked as I opened my mouth only for her to cover it with a gentle hand.

"Mmn?... hmnph." I mumbled as a tiny corner of her lips twitched.

But suddenly the garage door swung open, and Freya removed her hand from my mouth. "Basila returns Master Jeremy."

"That was quick." I noted, but then coughed, trying not to laugh as a multicolored Basila, covered in brightly colored powder blew pink mist from her mouth, then coughed… the only thing on her person not covered in multicolored powder was ironically the ax she borrowed from the forge. "What happened?"

"…The dryads are still here…" I could see a vein twitch on her forehead. "…They are very… FAST." She hissed.

"…Would you like a shower?" I asked as she took a deep breath, and dropped the ax with a clatter.

"YES." She hissed the word slowly before walking over to the couch, grabbing me by my pants and hauling me EASILY off of Freya's lap onto her powdery pink shoulder. "Show me where it is." She growled, already heading to it as my erection made itself more apparent on her muscular body…

…We all know I have a type… oh… crap did she just catch me?...

…Happy Fangstdag everybody.


Happy Fangstdag! It is a made-up holiday!... but it sounds like something Azeroth High would celebrate doesn't it? Like a horrifying april fools and traditional caveman kidnappings... Fangstdag is a compact version of Fangst dag. Which is Catching Day in Noweigion. I was originally going to do a Valentine's chapter for this but despite the sliding timeline of these stories there was a Valentines five chapters ago... so I made up my own holiday...

Biodh orgy againn is gaelic for "let's have an orgy' it is ALSO not real in the universe of Azeroth High

Also I really liked the idea of Dis and her unmentioned co-host (Rahja from 'Salty') just saying sexy ASMR shit and giving everyone a sexy idea of what Azeroth high girls do even though it's complete BS...

Next chapter