
Azeroth High: Camp

I don't own Overwatch or blizzard things.

"Alright Jeremy, you got it?" Uncle Jim asked as I grabbed the other end of the cooler and helped him haul it from the truck.

"Yeah I got it." he grinned, leaping down from the back of his truck as Scott began setting up the tents.

"Alright then Snows and Wildhammer camp experience can now begin!" he cheered as I put the cooler down.

"Thanks for inviting me." I replied as he clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it Jeremy, you're always welcome." He replied.

Scott and his Dad were having their own little campout… granted it wasn't too far from their own house. It was an hour's walk away at least. It wasn't a tradition or anything but Aunt Sarah was off winning cooking competitions again and Tychus Findlay was apparently in jail or something. So camping it is… at least for the night. The moon and the stars above, smores, campfire roasted hotdogs…

Dad was off flying again, and Freya was just a shout away… if I can pull her away from Borderlands or whatever random shooter she was playing. But if I'm in enough danger she'll show up. "Hey Jeremy." Scott declared, "Mind grabbing that hammer?" he asked as we began nailing in the spikes.

"Ahhhhh…" Sighed uncle Jim, grinning as he relaxed in front of the campfire we made. "Nothing quite like a bit of roughing it huh son?"

Scott smiled, "Sure dad." Before he leaned close to me. "He's going to try SO hard not to poop in the woods." He mumbled as I snorted.

"I heard that!" Dad shouted sitting in his folding chair. "Ahem." He cleared his throat and did a fairly spot on imitation of Tychus Findlay. "I didn't come all the way up from Mar Sara Texas to wipe my ass with leaves!" he sighed, "That one was for you buddy."

"He's not dead, dad…" Scott replied, "Unfortunately…" he added jokingly under his breath.

"Yeah I know but he loves these roughing-it trips. Says it reminds him of home." he 'supervised' me and Scott putting up the tents. "What say we try a bit of lake fishing this time? Not too far that way…" he gestured behind him as Scott put the finishing touches down and tossed our sleeping bags inside. "And if we fail." He groaned, getting up. "We can always cook hotdogs." He grinned.

"I don't mind." I replied as he clapped his hands and went back to the truck, opening the cab and grabbing a fishing pole.

"You sure you know the way?" I asked as Uncle Jim scoffed.

"Jeremy, boy…" he slapped my shoulder fondly, "Don't doubt your uncle Jim."


"Yeah we're lost." Scott replied as we suddenly found ourselves back at Camp.

"Son-of-a-bitch." Uncle Jim grumbled as he pulled out a map, "I could've SWORN the lake was that way!"

"It's the other way."

We jumped as there was a new voice, but familiar.

"U-Ulsea?!" I gasped surprised as my Night Elf friend from Azeroth High Ulsea Fallenstar stood behind us.

"Holy shit!" Scott gasped, "OW!" Uncle Jim punched him.

"Watch your mouth son… Now where did you-" he then eyed Ulsea. Dressed in tight green clothing that clashed with her purple skin but she still seemed to blend into the foliage. "…I remember you." He smiled, pointing at her as recognition crossed his ruggedly handsome face, as she fidgeted excitedly. "…You're a fan right? Jeremy brought you over to meet me."

"Oh-my-gosh yes!" she declared happily, "It's nice to see you again Mr. Reynor!" she said excitedly.

Ulsea Fallenstar is my Night Elf hunting class tutor. One of the few Azeroth girl acquaintances I HAVEN'T tagged. She's a huge Star Raiders fan and Uncle Jim is the quarterback… suddenly I think it's a good thing Tychus isn't here because she's a fan of his too…

"Ulsea what are you doing here?" I asked as she cleared her throat and promptly got her fangirling under control.

"Oh. Ahem. I come out here once a month to practice my stalking." She said, "I have my own camp set not to far." She said pointing. "But the lake you're looking for Mr. Reynor it's this way." She pointed, "I can show you."

"Well lead on Ulsea." He grinned as she fangirled again, cooing excitedly as she skipped forward. It was then I realized she had her bow on her back as Scott elbowed me lightly.

"You just got girls everywhere, don't you?" he smirked. I coughed and tried not to answer.

…However, once we reached the lake.

"Son-of-a-bitch." Scott whispered as we found ourselves staring at a small bungalow… on the lakeside by a dock with a small rowboat moored to the edge. And resting right on the porch of the bungalow was one Mrs. Amelie Lacroix.

Wearing a sundress and sunglasses she raised them up and frowned. "…Scott?" she mumbled surprised, then followed that with. "Mr. Reynor? Jeremy Wildhammer?"

"…Mrs. Lacroix?" Uncle Jim frowned, "…You just have a bungalow out in the forest?"

"It's a timeshare." She replied, putting down her book and walking towards us smiling politely. "I like to come up here and enjoy the sights. I know there are campgrounds not far from here but I never expected to see you three…" she then eyed Ulsea. "And someone new." She added smiling at her.

"Hello ma'am." Ulsea nodded politely.

"We came here to fish, do you mind?" Uncle Jim asked.

"No! Please it's a public lake." She smiled politely, gesturing to the rowboat, "Just make sure it's tied up when you're done."

"Thank you kindly." Uncle Jim grinned. "We're going to have hotdogs later if you'd like to join us." He gestured back towards our campgrounds.

She smiled prettily; she was one of the most popular teachers at the school. "Oui I would like that." she replied, "It's rare I have a hotdog I might as well splurge."

Mrs. Lacroix returned to her book and quiet time as Uncle Jim, Scott, Ulsea and I walked to the edge of the pier and looked into the rowboat. "…It's not very big." I noted.

"Hmmn. Two people maybe." He said as Ulsea nodded.

"…Jeremy." She turned to me, as I jumped. "How about you and I do some target practice at my camp? Mr. Reynor and Scott can have father-son time?"

"…That's not a bad idea if you don't mind man." Scott replied. Scott only really spent so much time with his dad. Who was off on one thing or another for most of the year… quality time with just him might be appreciated.

"…Uh. Sure…" I said grinning. It sounded a lot better than fishing actually…

"Alright." Uncle Jim checked his watch as we loaded the boat. "Back here in say… an hour and a half? Maybe earlier?"

"Sure." I said as Ulsea curled her finger at me and we headed away. Uncle Jim and Scott slid out onto the lake in the boat.

"It must be so cool to hang out with a Star Raider!" Ulsea grinned cheerily once we were out of sight. I laughed lightly, I guess to her it is, but he's always just been Uncle Jim to me. It was a requirement for me to be a Star Raider fan that was for certain…

"It has its moments." I replied grinning, "So where's your camp?"

"It's not far." She replied, pushing on it was barely 5 minutes before she stopped in a clearing, not too far away was an odd pond glowing with ethereal light. I blinked at it surprised before I noted an old haystack painted up like a target. "We're here." She declared, "Target for practice." She pointed at the target. "Moonwell for sustenance and a very pleasant bath…" I glanced around looking for a tent or something when she pointed up. "And shelter."

Above us was a kickass-looking treehouse cabin. Nothing huge and majestic, but I'd totally live there if I thought I could survive on my own in the wild.

"Oh…" I replied, "H-how do you get up there?" She pulled out an arrow from her quiver and aimed it up. It flew straight up towards a thick piece of wood protruding out from the roof. Sinking deep into it as a magical rope draped down, coiling at her feet. "That's neat." I replied as she smirked.

"I learned that from a wizard." She replied, grabbing the rope and tugging it, but it stayed firm. "And prevents any perverts from stealing my underwear." She noted I laughed.


"Not really…" she replied simply grabbing the rope and starting to climb up, "I don't wear underwear it's too restricting."

She reached the top of the rope, stepping off onto a walkway. "Are you coming?" she asked, bending over the edge.

"…It's been a while since I've climbed a rope." I mumbled, and I've never been able to do it well. I gripped it, "…Try not to laugh when I fall?"

"…I will strive too." She rested on the sturdily built wooden railing, watching as my hands went over each other, climbing up the rope slowly towards the top… "Anytime now Jeremy." She noted sarcastically as I sighed, about halfway up.

I blinked up at her indignantly. "So sorry I'm not a strapping night elf man!" I replied sarcastically as she smirked down at me.

"Most of them are wizards and magic users so they'd probably just fly up here…"

"Do you want me to call my Val'kyr?" I replied indignantly, slowly shuffling up the rope. "Because I will!" I grumbled, "Still might take her a minute." I added, today was competitive shooter day and yes, Freya would be winning at whatever she played.

Finally after what felt like ages, I slapped my hand onto the outside pathway of the treehouse as she grabbed my hand and tugged me easily onto it. I breathed heavily, "Wooo…"

"Valiant effort." She said with that same lazy tone that was almost sarcastic but not quite. She smirked at me, "Come on. I'll show you around."

"…Give me a second…" I gasped, "Woo…" then rolled to my knees, then got to my feet. Shaking my arms, "Those are going to be sore later…" I sighed sadly.

It was just one room, but it was big… There was a table, a chair, a shag… no that was a fur rug on the floor, and a hammock that she lazily dropped into, swinging as it fit to shape her body. There was a backpack in the corner and a few quivers of arrows against the wall.

"Nice place." I said surprised. "Did you make it?"

"More or less." She replied, "It's sort of a family cabin. My mother and my sisters started it, and I sort of finished it." she stretched, her lithe athletic body stretching as she smirked at me. "Come on. Let me show you the best part." She slipped out of the hammock, as I followed her. She walked around the wooden walkway until it led to an opening above the glowing pond… and she promptly removed her clothes.

Her round purple backside wobbled as she tossed her clothes off the tree to land in a perfect pile out of the glowing pond before stretching then cannonballing into the water with a splash as I looked over the edge. Her body seemed to glow beneath the surface before she floated up, her big breasts breaking the water's surface as she floated on her back.

"All natural moonwell waters." She shouted back up at me as I blinked. "…Are you coming in? Or not?" she replied.

"I climbed all the way up here and now you want me to jump back down?"

She just smirked up at me and sunk beneath the glowing waters. Before quickly popping back up, "…You're going to want to take your clothes off first." She added, before swimming away. "And Since I know it would take you forever to climb back up, you might want to toss them down here…"

Skinny dipping at a campground with a hot night elf huntress… who I have had sex with… what could go wrong?

My clothes wafted onto the ground in a less-than-neat pile. And by 'less than neat' I mean all over the place. Before I caught my breath and leaped off the walkway into the water with a splash.

The pool FELT deep. But it wasn't my feet hit the depths of the pool, the water a foot above my head. But I felt… rejuvenated, my arms weren't sore anymore and I felt relaxed and calm, but energized. I felt a warm hand on mine and yanked me to the surface as I gasped. "Bwah!" I floated lazily in the water as Ulsea smirked at me, swimming around.

"Moonwell waters does a body good…" she declared. Then eyed beneath the water, smirking slightly as she then grabbed something that was 'energized' by the water. "…But it affects everyone differently…"

I gasped slightly, treading water as she stroked me slowly, twisting her warm hand around my junk as she watched me curiously, her long ears twitching cutely.

"W-wait are we really going to have sex outside in a moonwell?"

"Awful lonely out here…" she replied.

"…How long have…" I gasped, pushing into her hand, "How long have you been out here alone?"

"Yesterday." She replied


"Wildhammer. Like hunt class? Just DO what the sexy night elf huntress tells you to do." She then opened her mouth, and pressed her lips to mine as she shoved her tongue into my mouth. My back hit something and I lied on the ground, half of my body in the water and the other half on land as Ulsea firmly stroked me. "MMgn-mmn…"

She pulled away, sliding down my body to rub my erection against her long ear and then her cheek. Her tongue slipped out to run against my length before wrapping her lips around me and bobbing her head up and down. "Haa-ahh…" I pushed my hips to get further in as her head pressed against my lap.

"MMngh-mmng-aah!" she pulled away, letting her tongue dance against it, flicking slowly up and down, before rapidly twisting against me before her lips pursed kissing my tip as it trembled, leaking pre-cum before she pulled away. She shifted to her knees, before sliding onto my lap, her slick hairless lower lips gliding across my length like a hotdog on a bun before she slid back, "Haa…" catching me inside her as she wiggled her hips.

Her wet night elf hair clung to her body like a Godiva statue as she began to bounce up and down on my lap. "Haa-aah… ahah…" her body shaking and bouncing as her ears twitched, her face red as her mouth opened. "Haa-aah!!" I thrust my hips up into her, shaking as I felt the pressure of my release build. Her hands slapped down onto my chest, shaking as her eyes rolled in their sockets. "Uugh-uugh!!" she grinned as her orgasm rippled through her. Her body shook erotically over me as I sat up, cupping her ass cheeks in my hands as I lifted and dropped her eagerly on my lap. Pushing up into her clenching insides as my length burst inside her.

"Aah-aah!" he buried my face into her sweet-smelling cleavage as she caressed my hair, breathing heavily as I pumped my hips once. Twice… feeling my erection drop inside her as it twitched out the last drops.

"Haa…" she sighed, chuckling softly. "Wasn't that better than complaining?"

I certainly felt relaxed… but then I felt rejuvenated.

"Oh…" she jumped slightly as my dick wiggled erect inside her. "…Ah… that's the moonwell…" she replied casually, "Ah!" she flopped into the shallow water, her hair cascading out behind her in the glowing pond as I fell onto her, thrusting wildly into her body. "Haa-ahh-MMNGH!!" the moonwell sloshed beneath her, "Ahh-aah! AH!" she gasped, her eyes rolling in her head as she smiled, my hips slapping hard against her as her legs suddenly wrapped around my waist. "Ah-aahh…" breathing heavily as she whispered up at me.

"You aren't marking me like the other girls…" she purred into my ear as wrapped my arms around her. She smirked at me knowingly…

"Haa-aah!" I stared into those eyes for a second. She was daring me… wasn't she? I slammed deep into her ass she gasped erotically, shaking beneath me. "You want me too? Don't you?" I asked as she tightened around me. "You want me to…" I whispered as she laughed, shaking in pleasure as her legs squeezed.

"Try it if you dare Wildhammer." She hissed sensually, "Cum all over my FACE if you think you can…"

"Haa… Ah-aha-aha-ah!"

"UUGh! NNGh-ah-ha-ha-ha!" she laughed, shaking as her legs squeezed around me.

"I'm gonna… cum!" I declared, pushing into her as she squeezed me.

"UUGUUUGH!!" she shuddered, squeezing me tightly as she laughed. "I knew… ah…" she gasped feebly as I pulled out of her, her legs weakened from her orgasm before I climbed over her. she smirked and closed her eyes as ropes of cum burst out across her face. "Haa…" she sighed, "…Clever you…"

"…Haa-…" I sighed, shaking as the last drops plipped onto her cheeks. "…I think you let me do that…" I sighed as what cum I didn't get onto her face dissipated in the moonwell as it glowed.

"…Hmm-hmm… I don't know what you mean… you have no proof." She then put her foot on my chest and pushed, kicking herself into the moon well by pushing off me... she was under the water for about a minute before she finally strutted out like Aphrodite from the sea. Water dripped down her body as she tossed out her hair, and grabbing her clothes. "Dive right in." she said, "You'll feel refreshed. I'll grab some towels." She began climbing the rope naked as I dove into the water.

She was right, this moonwell stuff is great. I crawled out of the pond as a slightly damp towel dropped onto my face. "Mgh!?" once I pulled it away Ulsea, now very clothed, slid down the rope one-handed holding her bow in the other. I dried myself off before hanging the towel on a low branch, pulling on my clothes as she watched me. "Uh… what now?"

"Target practice." She replied simply. "…Sex is fun but I was serious when I said we were going to shoot some arrows. Come on." She declared, waving at me to follow her as we stood away from her homemade target and handed me the bow, smiling. "Let's try to make you a better shot with a bow than with your dick…"

"Well alright but I don't think we'll have all day…" I mumbled sheepishly, "We're going to have to meet Uncle Jim Later…"

"Right!" she said excitedly, "Meeting with Mr. Raynor." I rolled my eyes.

"…Are you just having sex with me because I'm friends with his son?"

"No. I'm having sex with you because I enjoy humans." She replied casually. "Meeting Jim Raynor is a bonus. Now." She pressed her body to me, holding my arms as we stretched the arrow back. "Use your back muscles and-FIRE."

THOK! Bullseye.

"…Lucky shot." She declared, "Now do it without my breasts on your back. She smirked, as I sighed and loaded another arrow. I hope Scott's having as much fun with Uncle Jim as I am with Ulsea.


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