
Last Day of Summer: Ms. Mei

I don't own Overwatch. But that doesn't mean you can STEAL OVERWATCH HIGH

It's near the end of summer, specifically the last weekend before school starts again, and I've decided to hit the beach… What? Not everything has to be about sex and me banging my smoking hot girlfriend… though that IS fun.

I just want to spend my time laying on the sandy beach, enjoying the sea breeze, the bikinis, the waters sloshing on the sands-FUCK THAT SHIT IS COLD!


…I recognize that I live in a world with Orcs, Dwarves, goblins, Wizards, and robots… and I like to think I'm an open-minded guy. I don't care if you're black, brown, green, pink, purple, or dead… admittedly I might fuck 90% of the female teaching staff at my high school so I might not be among the most moral of people in the world. And I don't really care if you're into guys, girls, or furries and scalies, or robots… or dead people. All viable options in my life… some aren't for me but I digress…

So from the bottom of my heart, with all of my being. I HATE… Ice wizards. I hate them… I hate them so much… with their icy sorcery and their sudden blizzards…

I was in the middle of it with the beach freezing and coating the general area with a blanket of snow so fucking thick that Ms. Chase's ass was tiny in comparison and Ms. Chase was a THICK piece of Canadian chocolate.

I had barely finished claiming my spot when some conclave of sorcerers decided that the fucking beach was the best place to practice their ice magic… and when I say that out loud it sounds like a decent idea when it's hot as balls and maybe some shaved ice was in order. But then it went out of control and summoned a blizzard! I was ankle-deep in goddamn snow AT THE BEACH! Me and dozens of others! I barely had enough time to throw my shirt on let alone grab anything but my wallet and keys, not that it did any good because the snow buried my car and I was freezing my ass off!

"COLD COLD COLD!!" I hissed as many other normal humans tried to run and get out of the blizzard. For the Tauren and orcs, this was just another day in their lives. Me on the other hand I'm not going to tuff it out, I'm freaking COLD!

There wasn't much else for it, hoping my slippers would keep me above the snow I rushed away from the car, and off toward the closet shelter for me. Ideally, before my skin turned blow and my floppy bits froze off.

Mei's house wasn't that far from my usual spot on the beach. Shivering and shaking I marched up the front porch to her door and since I was unable to remove my hands from my arms it banged my head against the door.


Hoping for dear life that Mei was home-

"HEY!" she cheered, swinging the door open "Wel-" she paused as she saw me AND the blizzard behind me. "Come… Scott? What are you doing here?"

"THAT is the question?" I replied, quickly moving past her sexy plump frame dressed in a tight blue T-shirt and booty shorts… okay they weren't really booty shorts but they were on HER body. "Not the blizzard?!

"I'm generally not surprised by things blizzards do." Mei said, shutting her door.

"How are you not COLD!?" I hissed, still somewhat freezing. "Is the A/C on?!" I added as she laughed.

"What? Scott I don't have A/C that's awful for the environment."

"There is a BLIZZARD outside! In the middle of summer!" I hesitated, then remembered, "At the END of Summer!"

"Technically summer doesn't end until sometime in September. Usually the 22nd​." Mei replied as I stared at her, then decided my ass was too cold to argue and rushed toward her bathroom. "Don't go hot completely! Start with warm water!" she shouted after me as I stripped down and desperately warmed up in her eco-friendly shower…

Then finally, "Haah…" I stepped out, dried off, and then walked out of her showering looking through her now very closed windows to see that yeah… still snowing. "Was it too much to ask to just have a normal beach day? I didn't even plan on banging anybody!

I'm open to it, sure, but I wasn't planning on it.

"Scott! Put on pants!" Mei squeaked adorably, throwing a blanket over me.

"Well my trunks are frozen solid." I replied, "…One wrong look and I'd be peeling them off my body." I frowned as the terror of such a result hit me. "…Ow." I moaned as I wrapped the blanket around me. "And the rest of my clothes are in my car under about 2-3 feet of snow." I noted, before plopping down on the couch as she fidgeted adorably. "So I'm stuck here until my trunks thaw and the snow melts a little. So let's just hope that those wizards stop turning the beach into a winter wonderland… honestly, I don't see the appeal."

Mei pouted and fidgeted, I watched her for a second before looking around. "…What?"

"What?" she jumped as I blinked at her.

"That's what I said. What." I replied, "…Why are you so fidgety?"

"Because you aren't wearing pants!" she said quickly as I gestured to her.

"Well, do you have any that fit me?" I doubt it, she's pretty thick… and I don't really leave my clothes at other people's houses.

Her hands fidgeted in front of her as she sighed resignedly. "…No."

"Well then, I'm stuck. We can at least toss my trunks in the dryer." I replied, getting back up as she fidgeted again, her eyes glancing at the door. "DAMN I'm cold…" I moaned, returning to the bathroom to grab my frozen trunks and my slightly damp shirt, before heading to her laundry room. Tossing them in the dryer and returning to the living room, coming up behind her as she looked through the front window.

"EEP!" I wrapped the blanket around her and squeezed her body close to mine. "Ah! Scott!" she squeaked adorably as my hands let go of the blanket and grabbed onto her tits. "Oooh!" blushing as I squeezed her close and sighed contentedly, my unfrozen erection rubbing between her butt cheeks as I pulled her away from the window. "Ah!"

"We got about thirty minutes on the dryer so how about you keep me warm?"

"Ah!" she gasped as my hands slid under her shirt and grabbed those hefty titties directly. "Oooh…" pinching her nipples as I 'dragged' her toward her bedroom. "W-wait…" she moaned as I turned her around, threw off her blanket, and then her onto the bed. "Ah!" she, and her tits, bounced on the mattress as I crawled after her. "Wait a second! Oh!" I then flopped onto her, burying my face into her chest as she groaned.

But then I didn't move, trying to sink into Mei's adorably soft fuckable body, signing contentedly as I was instantly warmed up… must be all the blood rushing to my dick, nestled softly between her thighs and rubbing through her shorts and against her crotch. "…Hey? HEY!" she squeaked, blushing, "What are you doing?!"

"I am VERY warm right now." I sighed happily, smelling her scented soap between her breasts. "MMmn…" I then wrapped my arms around her before rolling her over on top of me.

"Ah!?" she squeaked, laying on top of me as I used her as a blanket a soft, cuddly, warm blanket my hands sliding down to her ass cheeks and squeezing them. "Eeep!" she gasped, "SCOTT!"

"What?" I moaned sleepily, "This is nice. Warm…" I squeezed her ass again, making her moan.

"Sc-scoooott." She moaned, and I peeled my face out of her tits and gazed up at her.


"Well you stop if I…" she wiggled, "If I have SEX with you?" she added exasperatedly as I 'honked' her butt. "Oh!"

"Yeah probably but I kinda like using My Mei as a body pillow."

Buuuuut, and I'm not talking about her thick ass in my hands, I suppose a quick wham-bam might cheer me up on this, the last day of summer…before School starts. Stupid Blizzard fucking ruining my plans…

Ah well.

"EEep!" I sat up, then rolled her over onto her back.

"Let's get you out of THESE!" I grabbed her shorts and easily yanked them off, her legs flopping open as I grabbed her hips, "And me into THIS!"

"Aaah!!" her breasts jumped up toward her chin as I thrust into her. "Ah! AH! AH!" her tight warm pussy already squeezing down onto me as I kept thrusting into her body, reaching up, grabbing at her bouncing breasts, and pumping away at her body as she squealed. "Ha! Ah! AH!!" shaking as rode her harder and harder, feeling her spasming suddenly, her eyes already rolling up into her head as I pummeled her pussy. "UUUGH!!!" she howled in pleasure, her back arching and her insides clinging to my cock as I hooked my hands under her body and yanked her upright. "AHaah…"

I 'x'ed' my arms across her back, cupping her ass cheeks with both hands before lifting her up and down on my cock. Thrusting up into her as she grunted and squeaked adorably, her breasts rubbing against my chest as she moved up and down. "AH! AH! Ah!!" howling into my face as I continued bouncing her, thrusting into her body as I felt her insides contracting again and shaking in orgasm. She pressed against me moaning whorishly in my face before I fell backward on the bed. "Ugh! uUuhgaaaah!!" howling again as I planted my feet and took her for a ride, ramming wildly up into her body as the loud echoing slaps of our bodies rocketed around the house. "AH! Ah! Ah! STOOOOP!!" she squealed feebly slapping my arms, only to yelp as I smacked her ass with both hands. "AH!"

I then removed my hands from that thick wobbling ass and grabbed her weakened wrists, pinning them behind her back and 'punishing' her for cumming twice-


…Three times without me.

"That's a bad Mei! A bad naughty Mei!" I teased, jackhammering away into her.

"AH! HA! Aha! AAAH! AHHHH!! MMGH!!" squealing until I silenced her lips with a kiss, "MMGH! MMGh! MMGH! Ahh...!!"

"You make me cum! That's how this works…!" I hissed pumping steadily into her body making all of her adorably plump flesh wobble and quiver. "Make me cum!" I hissed in her ears as she screamed in mine, holding her arms behind her back with one hand and spanking her with the other. "Make me cum like a good girl!" I ordered, swatting her ass again and again as she tightened up, squealing like a piglet as I kept ramming into her. "HERE IT CUMS!!"

"AAAAAGGGH!!" she shot upright, slamming down on my hips as I planted them to her body and unloaded a thick wad of my cum, balls deep, just how she likes it. "Haaaah…" Dazedly she gazed blankly at the wall wobbling awkwardly on my lap before flopping backward onto her bed, twitching subtly as I sat up and shuffled out from beneath her to stand on her bed.

She broke the dam, and the fluid's not done flowing yet.

I reached down, grabbed her arms and yanked her upright. "Haah?" gasping softly I pulled her towards my crotch, knocking her glasses even more askew on her face before rubbing her pussy juice on her skin. I reached down, grabbed her shirt, and yanked it off, throwing it aside before grabbing her tits and squeezing them together. "Oooh…" before sliding my cock between them. "Mmgh!" she gazed blankly up at me as her titties bounced and wobbled with the thrusting grind of my cock between them.


My cock already threatening to spurt all over her face, but I didn't want to blow my load on Mei's face… right now. I wanted to fuck her tits, get hard, pin her down, and make her squeal again before filling her sexy plump body with my cum again…

The real question is, as my cock gets harder and harder between her big, soft, fun-bag titties, do I want to fuck her pussy? Or her ass?

Mei gazed up at me with that cute pout on her dick-sucker lips, squeezing her tits together as I kept pumping between them before yanking my rock-hard cock free of her bouncy boobs and slapping her in the face with my girth. "Haah…?"

He grabbed her head gently in my hands, tilting it up to look at me before declaring excitedly. "I'm going to knock you up."

"EEP!" she gasped as I threw her onto her back, "Ah!" I knelt between her legs, grabbing her ankles before folding her flexibly in half. "Aah! SCOTT?!" I pinned her feet by her ears, her tight little pussy quivering in excitement as I lined up my cock and gave her no mercy. "AAAH! AH! AAAAH!!" delving deep into that quivering little hole, slamming away at her body as she jumped and jerked beneath me. Her big tits squeezed together by her legs I drove into her again and again, sliding her across the bed, her head hanging over the edge, eyes wide and screaming in orgasmic pleasure.

"So! Damn! TIGHT!" I hissed, plowing that pussy, practically jumping out of her only to delve deep into her again and again. "You love it don't you!? Say it! You love being My Mei!" slamming into her, listening to her squeal loudly as I rolled my hips on her body before springboarding off her again.


"FUCK I love this pussy!" I declared, pounding over and over, my blood rushing to my cock, my body soaked with sweat. "I love this tight fucking pussy! Know why?!" I dropped onto her as she gasped, feeling her body shivering beneath me. "BECAUSE IT'S MINE…" I let go of her ankles, grabbed her shoulders, and yanked her back onto the bed so she could look me in the eyes as I fucked her brains out. "NGH!"


"You're cumming again! I know you are!" I teased, "I know every!"








"THERE it is…" I growled, feeling her cum, "There's the good stuff! Tell me you love it! Tell me!"

"AH! Ah! Ah! Ah!!"

"SAY IT!!"

"I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!!" she squealed like a real life hentai girl as I rammed away at her body.

"I'm going to break you." I hissed in her ear, "I'm going to drive! You! Crazy!" I hissed, thrusting into her as she jerked and squealed loudly in my ear, my tongue licking into hers. "Unless you beg for my baby like a GOOD! GIRL!!"

"AH! AH!!"


"AH! AH! AH! MAKE ME PREGNANT!!" she howled, brokenly, but so fucking hot.


"MAKE ME PREGNANT!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, shaking in orgasm. "MAKE ME PREGNANT! MAKE ME PREGNANT! FILL ME UP! PUT YOUR BABIES IN ME!!"

"OH! SHIT! THAT'S! HOT!!" driving into her, before flopping fully onto her body, molding into one lump of gyrating fuckable flesh, my hips driving into her relentlessly as she squealed and howled in pleasure underneath me. I turned my sexy little Mei into my sexy fucktoy…

Eh she'll be fine in a few hours… after I fill her up of course.


"I'm! CUMMING!!" slamming into her, staying perfectly still as my cock engorged in her tight little pussy and sprayed another heavy load of my thick cum into her. "FUCK that's good!" grinding on her with each spurt, as if I was trying to give my boys an extra chance to spill deep inside her. "That's the good shit…" I sighed, kissing her cheek and neck before pushing off her body and grabbing at her tits, her legs flopping uselessly on my shoulders as I gazed down at her red-faced, sweaty, and very sexy body. Squeezing her fat tits in my hand I grinned down at her…

"Now that I filled you up, how about I fuck your tits again?" I pinched her nipples as she cooed erotically, pulling on them and slapping her titties together as she moaned. "I love seeing you covered in my cum…" I declared, feeling her insides spasming around my length. "…You do too…" I added as she moaned.

"…Okay…" she cooed but then her eyes widened. "W-wait! No! we need to mmgh!" she moaned as I fell onto her and rolled my hips on her body. "W-wait…."

"You don't want me to wait. You want me to fuck you hard and it's COLD outside… I need My Mei to keep me nice and warm… you're like a big teddy bear… I get to fuck."

"No that's! ah… stop! I-"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuh…" I new voice suddenly spoke, and we glanced at the door of her bedroom. A young woman was there, her hair was purple with pink tips and what looked like a crescent moon on her bangs but cut short. She had a pretty big bust comparatively to her size, and THICK legs… like we're talking Chun Li levels of thunder thighs… "Hey Auntie Mei… I can come back if you're uh… not done." She smirked, and with her large rolling suitcase beside her, she slowly shut the door on me, and a very bright red Mei…

Like all of her was bright red… and she was oddly frozen. She gazed up at me, as I looked down at her. "…So… you MIGHT have just mentioned you were going to be expecting company…" I noted as Mei's stunned face adorably shifted to one of furious anger… I didn't know she could get angry. "So are we going to talk about her or…?"

"GET. OFF." She ordered…

…All of a sudden it was colder in HERE than it was out there… and it's a fucking blizzard out there!

…Stupid fucking Blizzard.


So Juno's been introduced, I don't know when I'll actually get to her chapter she's not officially in the game yet. And some might question why I chose Mei and I'll be honest after the month I've had and the news about some thieving assholes I got. I just wanted to do something fun as I get back into writing like a fiend again and Mei is always fun.

Also, in a bit of story-related news. I've decided I'm not going to do Venture. I have no problems with them as a character but I don't want to slap a dick on, or cut one off. So while Sloan Cameron will make the occasional appearance, I will not be writing them sexy. You'll just have to settle for the sexy Martian with the Gogo Tomago thighs... on no (sarcasm) 

Next chapter