
French 301: Mrs. Widowmaker

I don't own Overwatch

So… I'm kind of stuck in my bed right now. Also now my parents are back and I don't have anyone to keep me warm in said bed… which makes me kinda sad, but at least I don't have to go to school while I heal… and I get a periodic checkups from doctor Angie… which you know, there are worse things than a sexy Swiss doctor coming over to check on me personally… who happens to be addicted to Anal sex.

Not that I've had anal sex recently. She also told me to move as little as possible which contributed to a lack of anal sex. Or much sex at all actually. Got a couple of blowjobs from Olivia of course… and Fareeha visited me to give me homework… which was giving me mixed feelings overall. But otherwise, it's been pretty fine.

"Comfy son?" Dad asked as he helped lie me down on the couch.

"Yeah dad." I sighed, my head facing the front door and my feet facing the stairs. "I'm good." He handed me one of my pain pills and a glass of water, watching me take them.

"Want me to get you anything before I head out?" he asked scratching his scruffy beard. "I got to go meet your mother at the diner, so we won't be back for a while. Bowl of chips? Another glass of water?"

"I'm good dad." I replied sighing quickly as he fluffed my pillow, making me laugh.

"Alright. Try not to pee on the couch." He said smiling and gently patting my shoulder as he handed me the remote. "I like this couch."

"And you don't want me to shame myself?"

"That too. Think of the family boy." He winked. "I'll see you later. If you have an emergency call me…" he made his way to the door, "…Because if you call your Mother-"

"She's liable to drive the car through the front door?" I asked.

"That's my boy." He replied cheerfully, "Using that brain. See you later."

"Bye Dad." I replied, however, I didn't hear the door shut, in fact… I just hear talking. Was someone here? I tried to look, then decided against it as I felt a slight pain in my back and just lay still again. I had just taken some prescribed pain pills, so I was feeling a little sleepy.

"No. Go right in, he's on the couch. I got to run." He said politely, "Scott! You got a guest, behave!" he said cheerfully before someone walked in and shut the door. Tap. Tap. Tap…

Heels stepped sultrily across the floor towards me, and I was mostly unafraid and unconcerned by whoever it was. Evidently, they wanted it to be a surprise, and hopefully, this potential booty call will be worth the anticipation.

"Merde." Came the sultry French tone of Amelie Lacroix as she stood over me in her sexy teacher outfit, white blouse, black mini-skirt, and high heels… her hair tied back in a high, long ponytail. "I cannot believe you hurt yourself FUCKING Mei all weekend."

"It wasn't all weekend." I mumbled dejectedly, getting a lovely view of her from a low angle, her purple legs and her bulging bust, and her stern 'fuck you' French girl face… huh… I have a sudden desire to fuck the smug out of her… I'm sure that's unrelated. "It was 24 hours." I finished sheepishly, as she shook her head, rolling her pretty eyes.

"Merde. No self-control at all!" she scolded me, "I hope this teaches you to have SOME self-restrain." She scolded again, before casually fluffing my pillow. Not that she needed to… but I apricated the tsundere energy she was giving off… and how much closer her chest was getting to my face.

"…I mean… I went 24 hours plowing Mei." I replied sheepishly, "…I think that's more of a Tale of Renown than it is a cautionary tale." I replied, "And for the record she didn't stop me, or complain."

"Espèce d'idiot!" she spat with an eyeroll. "Like she would do that!" Amelie declared, before stepping around the couch, and putting her purse on the coffee table. "Mei can't say no to you!"

"Not a lot of you do." I replied as she turned slightly to watch whatever the heck I was white-noising on Netflix. Hint: It had colorful ponies. But I wasn't looking at plots, I stared at that round French ass. "It's good to see you anyway. Why are you here?" I asked as she replied conversationally.

"To bring you your homework." She replied, "Fareeha was going to come but she had to go and pick up the new teacher."

"Another new Teacher?" I asked surprised, reaching out and almost touching that ass. It was calling to me. "What is that? Four in the last few months?"

"Five. You forgot about Niran." She corrected before noticing my 'Amelia ass grabbing hand' and smacking it lightly away.

"Who's Niran?" I asked as she looked at me, scowling.

"Niran Pruksamanee." She replied, "Satya's old Roommate in college."

"…You made that name up." I frowned at her as she rolled her eyes.

"It's Thai."

"She sounds hot." I replied lazily as Amelie quickly corrected.

"HE is in fact very attractive. He already has a fanbase of girls who weren't already charmed by McCree's rugged cowboy janitor looks." She joked.

"Oh, we got a guy? That's a change of pace-hold on." I frowned at her. "…Did you say he used to be Satya's college roommate? And he's a dude? And attractive?"

"Mmn-hmmn… and from what I hear it was the closest thing to a relationship she had until you stuck your dick in and ruined her." she snapped coolly. However, I stopped listening… I think I'm going to have to fuck Satya EXTRA hard next time I see her… to remind her who's the pet and who's the owner…

Of course, the problem is Satya is not here so I could remind her, and thanks to Amelie's sweet ass and my frustrated thoughts, I had an erection. "I didn't ruin her. I just helped her realize that what she REALLY wanted was to be my pet." I declared confidently… "And now I hear she has some fancy handsome ex-boyfriend working at the school, and my gorgeous girlfriend is picking up some new teacher… Did they date too, is he handsome?"

"I hear SHE is very pretty, but the jury is out on whether Fareeha dated her." Amelie replied mockingly as I closed my eyes, feeling more tired than before… and sighed sadly.

"…Well now I'm just imagining Fareeha eating pussy and that's not HELPING." I mumbled irately.

"HMph!" Amelie scoffed, "Considering you got yourself into this it's only fitting you lie there and recover properly. You Reap what you sow Scott." She declared, "Again. That's what you get for having sex for 24 HOURS…" she reminded me as I opened my eyes and frowned at her.

"…You're just jealous."

"Pardon?" she replied indignantly. "Idiot." She replied sourly as I sighed again, and tried to relax. "Don't be absurd."

"You're just jealous." I repeated teasingly, "That I spent 24 hours fucking Mei… non-stop." I replied smugly, actually rather proud of myself thinking about it… not a lot of people could do that. Though Mei deserved at least SOME of that credit… she's a sexy ball of fun. "And she loved every fucking SECOND of it…"

And it was just so fucking cute when she tried to deny it. But MY MEI.

"Why would I be jealous?!" she scowled at me, "When have I ever been jealous?! I have constantly informed you, Monsieur Snow, that I do not like being treated like your masturbation toy, unlike those Salopes I call colleagues."

"True… but here's my rebuttal. When was the last time Gerard went over 10 minutes?" she blushed, it was adorable because she was so furious about it, which only made it hotter… because she knew it was true….

…Whoops… my Amelie ass grabbing hand went a wandering… and look at that. She's not slapping it away as I give it a nice firm squeeze… of course, this was only making me harder. My hand slid down her mini-skirt, briefly, before going up it, getting a direct feel of that purple apple ass through her underwear... my other hand soon came around and grabbing her moistened pussy, clearly ready for some French kissing. Her face contorted into something between unbound anger and uncontrolled lust.

"…When was the last time I fucked a French whore?" I asked playfully as she hissed in frustration.

"Do not call me that." she spat softly but I easily pulled her down to her knees and grabbed the back of her purple haired ponytail as she hissed again, feeling me yank it slightly from the roots as I replied, just as softly, and equally as sensual

"Stop me."

…What a surprise. She wasn't stopping me…

…Seriously she easily could and I'm on pain pills… There is an obvious result to this circumstance that she is pointedly ignoring.

"Give me those lips." I demanded, easily pulling her beautiful face to mine and shoving my tongue forcefully into her mouth as she quickly surrendered, sliding her tongue around mine as she put the french in french kissing… she drooled greedily as I sucked her face, holding her firmly against my lips as she moaned eagerly, but clearly conflicted… it was only making me harder, her slurps and her taste driving me wild as I yanked her away from my lips by her hair.

"Ahh… haah…" she panted like the slutty French whore she was… always wanting more as I lay on my side, and yanked down my pants, her eyes focusing on my hard cock… and with my favorite French slut in cock-sucking reach I oddly felt no pain.

"Give me those lips." I said again, pulling her to my tip as she kissed it.

"Mwah! mMngh!" and hungrily began diving up and down my shaft, stroking me with sloppy slurps as I laughed.

"Look at you! Usually, I have to twist your arm but you must REALLY want it today." I grinned, sighing happily as she plunged back and forth on my shaft, I rolled back over onto my back. Her face was in my lap as I held her firmly by the hair, before jerking her head up and down. "You're not a masturbation toy my ass… you're a hungry slut…" I teased as she moaned pleadingly around my shaft, but I abruptly yanked her head off.


"Say it!"

"I'm a hungry slut." she cooed obediently as I grinned.

"in FRENCH whore… you're hotter when you're speaking French while I fuck you."

"Je suis une salope affamée." She cooed immediately and sultrily, running that silky wet tongue around and around my tip before I slammed her face to the base of my cock, feeling that tongue now slithering out to salivate over my balls. "Mmngh. Mmngh. MMngh…"

"I love this fucking mouth…" I sighed, switching hands on her ponytail to my right hand so I could fondle that ass. She squatted on her high heels, flexing those purple ballet dancer cheeks tightly in my grip as I jerked her head up and down. Faster… deeper, burying her face into my crotch as I bucked my hips into her face.

"Mmgh! mMngh! Mmgh!" sliding into that snug cock-shaped throat of hers, stretching it around my cock like the perfect fit it was.

"If you're so fucking hungry slut, I'll feed you… I'll feed you lots, here it cums!" I jammed my cock rapidly into her face, my balls slapping on her cheek as she squealed and moaned around my meat plunging into her throat. Saliva and mucus dripped down my shaft as I yanked it out of her mouth only to slam it back in. My hand slid up her mini-skirt to feel that wet pussy… "Here it cums!"

"Mmgh!" she moaned, eyes rolling up into her head, her body twitching as pussy juice oozed down my finger…

"You're cumming!? You're cumming from getting a taste of my cum?! Slutty French whore…" I spanked her ass, it wobbled up and down subtly asking for more, so I smacked it again. "Slutty." Smack. "French." Smack. "Whore." SMACK

Each word was emphasized by a strike upon her ass as I held her head to the base of my cock. She moaned erotically with a throat full of cock but I wanted to hear this French slut squeal. "Bwaah!" she gasped as I yanked her off my cock, then sat up. "Haah…" she gazed reverently up at me. As I grabbed her face and looked into her eyes.

"You're my pet now French whore… wag that ass like a horny bitch…"

"Ahhh…" he ass wiggled behind her, eager to please me as I yanked her up off the floor standing up with her, turning her around and throwing her onto the couch as I lifted her mini-skirt up, and grabbed at those big purple tits, "Mmgh! Oh you are so rough today…" she moaned excitedly as I slapped her hard across the face. "Ah!"

"Speak French whore!"

"Je suis désolé, je ne suis qu'un trou pour que vous baisiez, maître." She moaned, "C'est un plaisir pour moi que vous m'utilisiez."

"That's right… speak French and get me nice and hard." I slid my cock into her purple pussy, she writhed and moaned erotically under me as I buried my cock deep into her body and felt that thirsty womb on the tip of my shaft.

"Oh Monsieur ! Vous êtes si grand en moi!" she moaned as I started fucking her, HARD and DEEP. My pussy! My French whore! "Baisez-moi ! Baisez-moi ! Ensemencez-moi Monsieur!" she moaned reaching up to embrace me as her legs flopped about on my shoulders, my cock plunging into her body as her big purple breasts bounced.

"I'm sorry… I don't speak French whore, I just fuck them." I teased, taking her wrists and pinning them to the couch. "Get fucked! Get fucked and get pregnant you tight whore!"

"Oui! Oui! Je vais tomber enceinte de toi papa!" she squealed, my hands fondling her breasts as my hips slammed down against her, shoving my cock deep into that fuckable body. "Oh mon Dieu ! J'aime ça ! J'adore être votre sale pute!" he mouth opening wide to scream her pleasure, tongue lolling from her mouth as I spat into it. "Oui! Oui! Plus! Donne m'en plus!" I spat again into her mouth as she swirled her tongue around her lips. "Oui! Oui! Oui!"

"Squeal piggy squeal!" harder, faster, I could feel her warm pussy tightening as I fucked her closer to her release, she howled uncontrollably as I made her cum, pushing her big tits together and biting playfully down on her nipples as she squealed again. I tugged my head slowly away, her titties wobbling as I let them go and they snapped back down before I kissed her, silencing her howls as I devoured them.

"MMNGH! MMNGH-hmmn!!" she moaned as I jackhammered away at her, "MMMNH!!" her eyes wide as I grabbed her hair and buried my cock into her body. "Mmn! MW-aaaah!!" she howled erotically, shuddering in pleasure as I savored her scream of orgasm. Yanking on her hair as I pushed my cock balls deep and flooded that warm pussy.

"YES! FUCK! YES!!" slamming into her trembling, shaking body as I emptied a bucket of cum into her body. "Uuugh!!" pressing my forehead on hers as she gazed sultrily into my eyes, whimpering and pleadingly rolling her hips up toward me even as I held her down. "Want more, don't you? Want MORE?"

"OUi! Oui Monsieur!" she nodded, pouting adorably up at me. "Je veux votre bébé ! Mettez votre bébé en moi!"

"Fucking whore…" I growled, bouncing off her body again, slamming into her body roughly. "You love it don't you? You love being my slutty babymaker!"

"Oui!" she moaned as I pushed hard into her body. "O-oui! OUI!!" she came on my cock and I kept pounding. Using that snug pussy as it clung tightly to my rock-hard cock. "OOooooh!!"

"I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum you slut!" I declared, letting go of her hands and hooking them under her ass, pulling her up against my penetrating thrusts down, her body shaking wildly in pleasure as her arms wrapped around me.

"Jouissez ! Jouissez ! Jouissez dans votre pute française!" pulling me closer as our bodies glued together with our sweet and other bodily fluids. "Utilisez-moi ! Utilisez-moi ! Mettez votre bébé en moi!!" her eyes rolling up into her head, her tongue lolling out, garbling erotically in a lustful daze. "Je jouis aussi! C'est tellement chaud! Restez en moi!" Planting my hips against her and filling her with my cum again. Jerking her head as she twitched beneath me, my cock buried inside her. My lips on hers as our tongue slovenly wrapped around each other. "Mmngh-mmn-aah!" she moaned happily as I pulled away, ripping my cock from her tight pussy lips…still clinging desperately for my shaft as it dripped with her arousal and my cum.

A spurt of my thick baby juice shot from her quivering pussy as I lifted her head up and put my cock against her lips. "mmn! Mmngh!" she suckled on it loving, gazing devotedly up at me as I held her head in place, her lips sliding sensually over my glans as I licked my own lips of her spit.

"Suck on my cock. Just like that… keep those legs open and that pussy up. Let all my boys get into that whore womb of yours."

"MMn-hmmn!" she moaned, holding her legs open and her lower body trembling erotically.

"When your belly's nice and big I'm going to show you off…" I whispered as she quivered excitably. "I'm going to point at it with my cock, and say 'that's my baby', in front of EVERYONE. Then I'm going to fuck you in the ass to show them. Establish my dominance over your holes. Does that turn you on my slutty French whore?"

"Mmn-hmmn!" she nodded burying her face further down my shaft. "Mmn-hhmmmn! MNG!?" she moaned as I grabbed the couch and PUSHED into her face. Furiously fucking her face as she squealed around my cock but grabbed my ass, pulling me deeper into her throat as I used her face.

"You're my woman Amelie!" I snarled, face fucking her mirthlessly as she rubbed herself. "You'll fit right in a collar, right next to Satya! You're my breeding slave! Take my cock! Take it!" I thrust hard against her face, burying my cock into her throat as she squealed delightedly around it. Her nose exploded with a thick stream of cum as I threw my head back and roared my dominance… emptying my balls into her stomach as I closed my eyes and threw my head back. "UUUGH!!!" pulling out of her mouth to aim my cock at her beautiful face and shot a thick HEAVY load upon it…

Gooey, sticky, and dazed… she moaned out a lovingly broken. "Merci beaucoup monsieur. Merci de m'avoir utilisée." She moaned whorishly.

"That's my pretty purple French whore."


"Ow!" I groaned as Amelie smacked my arm, "Wh-what? How did?" I blinked, looking around and groaning in pain as I lay on the couch, looking upward to see Amelie scowling down at me.

"What were you dreaming about?!" she snapped angrily as I blinked up at her dejectedly.


"You said, 'that's my pretty purple French whore!..." she sneered angrily, "…It doesn't take Satya to put the math together on who you were dreaming about!" she declared sternly as I looked at her.

"…I was asleep?" I asked as she nodded, seemingly calming down in a moment.

"You fell asleep while I was talking to you… I was worried so I didn't leave yet." She said, looking at me concernedly.

"…I'd like dream Amelie back please, she gave me a blowjob. Ow!" I mumbled as she smacked my shoulder again but with significantly less force.

"…Merde…" she frowned, "…Well I am glad you are alright at least." She said kindly, but with that look on her face as I rubbed my head groaning. "…I'm going to leave now. Do your homework…" she said, turning around to grab her purse on the coffee table as I viewed that ass again…

…Hold on a minute… is that…? A thick fluid ran slowly down the inside of her thigh, but I couldn't get a good look at it as she stood back up. I stared at her as she glared at me.

"…Don't hurt yourself Scott. And stop calling me a French whore!" she spat irately. "Pervy little shit." She said with a certain amount of fondness, walking away toward the front door.

"In French please!" I said teasingly.

She stopped at the front door, her heels clicking to a stop as she turned and replied. "Petite merde perverse." Before something dripped onto the floor between her legs that she didn't notice, and she walked out the front door.

…On the one hand, I'd be disappointed if it was all just a dream… on the other hand? My back REALLY hurts so maybe mating pressing a French whore isn't the best idea at the moment… well, a guy can dream, can't he?


Was it all a dream? or is Widowmaker being coy? You go ahead and decide.

I was going to do Ashe, but then I got bit by a widowmaker bug, so... I rolled with it, and yeah, Scott's still a broken boy, but hey... no I got nothing. Next month is the start of the holiday rush so... fuck, I need to look up some notes but I'm thinking I might actually get around to dressing the girls up as a certain collection of Ponies, because I can, and I've certainly set it up... but we'll see.

To ze Butchering!

Espèce d'idiot = You foolish boy!

je suis une salope affamée = I'm a hungry slut

Je suis désolé, je ne suis qu'un trou pour que vous baisiez, maître. = I am sorry, I am just a hole for you to fuck master.

C'est un plaisir pour moi que vous m'utilisiez. = It is my pleasure to have you use me.

Oh Monsieur ! Vous êtes si grand en moi! = Oh Sir! You're so big inside me!

"Baisez-moi ! Baisez-moi ! Ensemencez-moi Monsieur! = Fuck me! Fuck me! Breed me Sir!

Oui! Oui! Je vais tomber enceinte de toi papa! = Yes! Yes! I'll get pregnant for you daddy!

Oh mon Dieu ! J'aime ça ! J'adore être votre sale pute = Oh God! I love it! I love being your fucking whore!

Plus! Donne m'en plus! = More! Give me more!

Je veux votre bébé ! Mettez votre bébé en moi! = I want your baby! Put your baby in me!

Jouissez ! Jouissez ! Jouissez dans votre pute française = Cum! Cum! Cum in your french whore!

Utilisez-moi ! Utilisez-moi ! Mettez votre bébé en moi = Use me! Use me! Put your baby in me!!

Je jouis aussi ! C'est tellement chaud! Restez en moi= I'm cumming too! It's so HOT! Don't pull out of me!

Merci beaucoup monsieur. Merci de m'avoir utilisée = Thank you very much Sir, thank you for using me.

Next chapter