
Substitute 201: Coach Junker Queen

I don't own overwatch or blizzard things

Coach Grom Hellscream is a nightmare… but to be fair he is an orc, an ex-professional ballplayer banned for Demon blood doping, and father to Garrosh 'That Asshole' Hellscream so his reputation is well earned. He's actually harsh but fair… and I try to avoid him as much as possible because of his frenemy relationship with my Uncle Tychus. Which because its gym is far harder than expected and I have been inevitably dreading the oncoming horror that is another round of Gym, but when the class got there we were pleasantly surprised not to find a massive orc but a massive woman…

Unfortunately (or not, it depends) it wasn't our beloved Coach Zarya it was-

"G'Day you drongos! Grommy came down with a slight case of hangover and bar brawl. That bloke can't hold a candle to me when it comes to beer. So today I'm going to coach!" declared Odessa 'The Queen' Stone with a smile on her pretty face about 2 feet higher above us than most of the class. She was our semi-replacement drama teacher while Mr. Reindhart was recovering from tripping… in full plate armor. It makes sense in context but not much else. "Now then." She grinned, which was pretty but seemed slightly evil. Most have something to do with the fact that she was built like she-hulk and could easily throw us around. "Who here knows how to play rugby?"

A few people raised their hands, I did too. I kinda knew how to play rugby. It's more than just European football… and I'm not talking about soccer, which is also football. It's like saying cricket is the same as Baseball… it's not, and I'm getting off-topic.

Of course with our drama teacher wearing a VERY tight shirt that said 'Reds' on it, along with tight sports shorts and displaying about as much of her muscular body as she normally did… then again she was usually in 'Wasteland punk-chic' so this was an interesting change of pace.

"Good!" she declared grinning, once everyone who knew how to play rugby or at least heard of the game raised their hands, "In that case, you can let your minds wander a little while I explain it." she then held up what looked like a football as my attention wandered freely. "THIS is a rugby ball, and I know that it looks like what the yanks call a football but stick with me, my story gets better." She put the ball down in the middle of the football field. "Alright drongos." She said, "Rugby is a hard game and some have compared it to full on battle… generally most of the thugs I play with from the bar. But don't worry I'm fair ref, I won't let you all get away with anything too terrible."

…Well that's unconvincing. "To start with!" she smiled, walking towards us and blocking out the sun with her size as she-oh no she's coming right at me! I know what's going on! Nuh-uh! Not this time! "Gonna need a volunteer!" she cooed.

NOPE! I turned and tried to run for it but a big sexy muscled arm wrapped abruptly around my neck- "GURK!" and dragged me onto the field easily, my feet dragging over the grass as she manhandled me with that pretty, insane smile of hers stretched across her beautiful face… my head resting on her large breasts like pillows… but they were pillows of lies… I wasn't going to be walking off this field under my own strength, calling it now.

If I die on this field tell Fareeha I love her… and Olivia… and tell Mei she's mine, and tell Satya she's a good girl but you're not allowed to fuck her she's MY pet. Oh and when I'm in the ground tell my parents I've been having sex with all my female teachers. Giving out any necessary high-fives.

"Alright drongos!" cheered Ms. Stone setting me on my feet beside her. "First and foremost we're going to learn how to scrummage. Also called the scrum." she then manhandled me into position, "It's a lot like a tackle and tug of war put together!" she said, "First you bend low." She bent me down, "Usually there are a lot of people but I figured we'd use resident workhorse Scott Snow to demonstrate. He's a pretty sturdy bloke."

What they'll put on my tombstone… but at least I get to look at Ms. Stone's breasts before she kills me. "So we put the ball there…" she put the ball down between us. "And then we try to get the ball to our teammates while pushing the other team. Like so-"

"HURP!" lifted off my feet, shoved backward onto the feel and hit the grass HARD.

…What the hell do you expect? I'm a pretty tough guy but she's a seven foot SHE-HULK! It wasn't happening! "…Ow…" I groaned, staring up at the sky.

"Alright drongos, just like that! Now let's try it with a bigger team! Any volunteers? Also, Scotty get up…" she added with a wink.

"…I can't feel my spine." I groaned on the ground as she reached down, grabbed my arm and yanked me back up to my felt and promptly relocated it. "Ow…" I mumbled as she clapped her hands on my shoulders a little hard and compacted it again.

"Alright let's get some volunteers! Who thinks they can stop me? Oh. Better questions! Which one of you drongos want to put their hands on me? That ought to be encouraging!" it would be, but again, my SPINE.

But my spine didn't have an effect on the rest of the class who recognized that the gorgeous seven-foot-tall hunk of sexy muscle was letting them have an attempt a feel. So there were plenty of volunteers. And now we were a mass of hormones and sweat, packed together in a pile of bodies ready to push against each other as (Current Coach) Odessa instructed. "Okay everyone, ready!?" she began as I could help but point out…

"Hold on you're still built like a tank."

"GO!!" she cheered and the crowd began to push against each other, but naturally, the team with the seven-foot-tall adult female was going to WIN! "WOO!!" she cheered as the ball got into the hands of 'her team' and I found myself on the ground again, heaving with strain and sweat as she rested her hands on her hips. "Just like that drongos! Now let's move on to-"

"O-DESS-AAAAA!!!" roared the scream of Coach Grom Hellscream as he charged across the field towards her looking furious… and a bit disheveled, sporting a black eye and a slight limp.

"Oh hey Grommy, feeling better?" she cooed as Coach Grom marched right up to her and stared her up… because she was taller than him he had to look up.

"You locked me in a closet!" he barked as she shook her head, cooing like a mother to a sad child.

"Nooo. Hog locked you in a closet." She replied simply as Coach Grom glared, "But since you're here I guess you want to handle gym class?"

Coach Grom looked half a step away from strangling her or attempting too, but he took a DEEEEP breath through his nostrils. "YES…" he hissed apparently taking the safer path.

"Alright. I was teaching them rugby."

"Just get off the field Odessa." He sneered through his grinding teeth, then he glared down at me. "And Snow! Get off the field!"

"Can't. I think she broke something." I mumbled. Honestly? At this point, I was just trying to get out of gym because he was in a mood and his frenemy status with my uncle might mean I'd be used as a tackling dummy… again.

"Don't be a puny human Snow." Coach Grom declared and I'm fairly sure that's racist…

"I got him. Come on Scotty boy, let's get you some recuperation!" she declared, hauling me up from the field and carrying me over her shoulder as we walked away, Coach Grom already barking orders to the rest of them.

"You know Scotty you think with all the 'rigorous exercise' you get you'd be a little more durable." She joked once we were far from the football field.

"Just because my hips could also function as a 400 horsepower engine doesn't mean the rest of me can take a tackling from you." I replied as Ms. Stone laughed.

"Oh come on I didn't hit you THAT hard!" she declared, before entering the school, and turning away from the nurse's office and a sexy swede… or an equally sexy yet still terrifyingly evil Irish woman.

"…Wait where are we going?" I asked as she headed towards the locker rooms and the showers.

"I told you Scotty some recuperation! I was going to burn off some excess energy on the field but I'll have to make do with you instead."

"…Ah damn it." I sighed, I tried to sound regretful but let's face it. Getting some Snu-Snu was also a good reason to head to the nurse's office later…

"Oh, you love it." My amazonian teacher replied, walking right into the guy's showers. She walked into a stall, one of many that I've shared with Fareeha… and Olivia… and… actually a LOT of my teachers, what's another one? She dropped me inside, leaning me against the wall before promptly and easily stripping me of my clothes. Tossing them outside the stall with her own clothes showing off those abs that you could grind meat on…

…I probably was going to.

She turned on the water and let it spray her huge body, grinning evilly again as her blue hair was soaked down and her big tits glistened with hot water. Getting off the wall I sighed as I took some of the water myself only for her to grab me, and yanked me against her. "Whoa!"

"Hang on there…" she purred, "Let's get you… ah… there we go!" she cooed as I slipped right into her. "Mmn." She then began pulling me in and out of her, easily, like using an oversized dildo, or a real doll. And since I didn't feel like flopping about I grabbed onto her muscled arms, feeling them tense and relax as I was pulled repeatedly against her body, then wrapping my legs around her thighs. "There we go…" she moaned eagerly. Clinging to her and slapping against her body echoed around the shower stalls. "MMn…" she pushed me against the wall and kept thrusting her hips, grinding up against me as she thumped me harder and harder against it.

"Do! You! Have! To do! This?!" I grunted as Ms. Stone chuckled, her head rolling back as her body tightened up around me length.

"Hush Scotty I'm almost there…" she groaned, bucking her wide hips harder and harder against me, getting deep into her muscular body as her inner walls seemed to flex and spasm around me. "Almost there Scotty! Gonna! Get me… OFF!" she hissed, tongue lolling from her mouth slightly as she slammed against me. Shuddering and shaking as she orgasmed on my cock, squeezing me tightly as her firm ass clenched up and her breasts were shoved into my face.

"MMmngh!" I groaned, feeling my balls contract against her body and filling her up with my own load. My toes curled on her powerful calves and clawing her muscled arms, slapping her bicep like pounding on a steel girder. "Bwah!" getting my face out of her suffocating breasts as I grunted from the strain. "Okay… my turn."

"Your turn?" she said, her eyes narrowing and a grin stretching on her face, then she wiggled her hips, "Mmn… feels like you had your turn…" she said, her insides quivering slightly as if flexing again. "…Yeah I think you had your turn so my turn again!" she replied before pulling me from the wall and dropping to her knees, falling forward and pinning me beneath her bulk before… actually… POUNDING her hips down onto me…

"Haah. Aaah. Aaaah…" she grunted, pinning my face between her big breasts again, grinding her abs on me like she was trying to grate off my skin, thrusting her hips on me… I know I'm technically penetrating her but at the same time, I can't help but feel like the girl right now…

…Okay it's nice not to have to do the work but honestly? I AM the one with a dozen sexual partners so. MAN UP SNOW!

I bucked my hips up into her, and she threw her head back, moaning like a ghost as our hips slammed together, harder and faster, my back pounding down into the ground as our hips slapped wetly together, echoing around the showers as her hands clawed at my wet hair. "NNgh! Ha! HA! AH! AH! Ah YEAH you little drongo…" she clenched her teeth, "Fucking like a horny dingo!" she hissed and promptly tried to shatter my pelvis with her own. "Come on! Come on!" hissing encouraging in my ear, grinding our bodies together as she clenched her teeth. "Come on!"

Pounding away at me like I was bunny Fareeha, it was a little jarring to hear her hissing lover like in my ear as she tensed up and put her entire weight on me and getting all of me in her. "Oooh…" she chuckled, flopping heavily onto my body and wiggling her hips again. "…Look at that." she teased. I then raised my hand and smacked her muscled ass. CLAP! "Oh…" now my hand stung a little, but I squeezed her ass cheek to little result. She pushed my hand away, then promptly tossed her head and pulled off me, standing up and displaying and flexing her body over me… before dropping down onto my lap.


"Surprise!" she chuckled before her hands pressed down on my chest and she began grinding on top of me again, raising and dropping her hips onto me as she rode me cowgirl. 'Ugh. Ugh. Ahahh…" I grabbed her waist, furiously thrusting up into her body as her breasts bounced up and down, her head swinging back on her neck as she howled like a wolf, "Ooooooh!"

Harder, faster, her hips slamming onto my lap, pulling her down onto me because I was apparently a masochist. "Haah! Aaah! Aah!!" she slammed her hips down onto me, shaking and groaning on top of me as she spasmed and shuddered wildly in orgasm. "MMmmgnh!!" going limp on top of me. "Oooooh…" she wobbled, slightly, before gyrating her hips on me. "Mmn."

"…Didn't cum that time!" I declared tiredly, only to feel my hips angrily scream at me. "NOW! It's my turn!" I tried to sit up, but my legs decided not to listen to me. "As soon as I get feeling back into my legs."

"Well I'll just help myself then." She replied lazily, slipping off of me. She fell onto me again, and crawled down my body, scrapping her breasts across my chest before grabbing them, and wrapping them around me… Though I'll still say Mei's breasts were softer and far better suited for titfucking… I can't argue that Ms. Stone was just as good. They wrapped tightly around me before sliding steadily up and down, as she opened her mouth and let her saliva dribbling off her long tongue, pinching her pierced nipples as the water from the shower soaked her hair and back. My hips bucked up and down against her thrusts but my legs were pinned between her elbows and body, not that I could move them anyway.

Stupid legs, making me lay back and taking a great titfuck… she shimmied her chest around me, twisting around my cock like she was trying to loosen a screw, rubbing them up and down on me as she opened her mouth again. "Ah…" she moaned, feeling my erection twitch between them…

I groaned as she dropped her tits against my lap, my cum bursting from my cock all over her face with three quick bursts, "Ahaah…" she laughed, closing her eyes as she smiled and took my load across her cheeks, eyes, and onto her tongue. "Ha-ha-ha…" she laughed evilly, before pulling off my length and standing up. "Phew… alright Scotty. Up you cum." She grabbed me and hauled me from the floor, setting me on my feet and cheerfully patting me down before standing under the water and hosing herself down. "Hmmn-hmmn-hmmn." She hummed.

I stared at her for a second, cracked my knuckles, then my neck, before grabbing her hip and hurling her against the wall… in my head, mostly however I feebly flailed at her as she glanced over her should at me. "Scotty…" she cooed affectionately, "…Oh ALRIGHT… WHOA!" she 'dramatically' hurled herself against the stall, holding the top of it as she bent over and wiggled her muscular behind at me. "Oh no! I'm am so defenseless…"

Wow… now I see why she's the drama teacher.

But my hand clapped onto her ass anyway before grabbing at her waist and pounding into her. "Oh! Oh ho-ho…" she chuckled, "MMn! Come on big boy, I'm a big girl…" she growled encouragingly, but still sounding like a rabid animal. Grunting like one too as her hips began slapping back against me, her ass cheeks thundering and clapping against my waist as her hands slid down the wall of the stall… and she pushed.

"URP!?" I grunted as she threw herself back and slammed me against the opposite wall.

"Whoops!" she said cheerily, grinding up against me as I recovered, or TRIED to… I just had one hell of a hip attack, rocking back and forth, pounding against my waist as I pushed forward, harder, faster, pumping our hips together as I raised my hand and swung it at her ass. "Oh! Oh!" again and again, trying to leave a bruise but I'm fairly certain I was going to break my hand on that ass and she was going to break my pelvis slamming it against the wall.

So, in one last desperate attempt to... well I won't say 'win' as I'm still having sex with a giant hot amazon, but an attempt to stay relevant. Planting my feet on the wall and PUSHING off of it into her from behind. "Haa! Aah! That's the spirit! Ooh!! Ooh-ho-ho…" she chuckled like the giant she was. "Oh… Almost there! Almost! THERE!..." she declared as I pushed hard against her, feeling her tighten her insides up and her outside muscles tensing under me like iron. "Aaaaah!!"

"Oh CRAP… Ugh!" filling her up again, her ass wiggling against me, pinning me to the wall as my feet slid down and hung dangling from the floor like I was nailed there as she pulled away. Reached around, and smacked her firm ass with both hands, groaning erotically as she rotated her hips like she was hula hooping. "Woo… that a boy." She declared again as I clung to the stall to stay standing.

"I… have not yet begun to fight!" I declared as she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Do you even know what that was from?" she asked as I stared at her.

"John Paul Jones at the battle of 1779." I replied as she stared at me.

"It's not from Shakespeare?" she replied frowning, "Sounds like it should be something from Shakespeare. Also good on you for knowing that!" She chuckled good-naturedly, before ruffling my head and winking. "I'll leave you to it anyway Scotty. See you later!" she replied before slipping out of the stall, grabbing her clothes and strutting out of the locker rooms, finally after a moment of waiting I let go and wobbled away from the wall.

"…Of course you know. This means war." I replied, my knees knocking together as I continued showering. "…Looney tunes. Daffy duck." I'm going to need some backup… I'm going to need…


Also I'm going to need to see Angie, and not for anything sexual… just to make sure nothing was broken… which also might end up being sexy.


Next chapter