
Summertime Vacation: Ms Symmetra

I don't own Overwatch, or Blizzard things.

"*SNIIIIIIF* Ahhh… you smell that? That's the smell of summer vacation…" I declared as Jeremy got out of my dad's truck cab.

"…I thought it was the ocean." Jeremy replied as I glared at him. The truck shifted as Daelin Thrallson removed himself from the cab as well.

"Definitely the ocean." Thrallson snarked as I glared at them both. They both wore loose shirts and swimtrunks, reaching into the back seat and retrieving a bag filled with beach supplies.

"Fine. The ocean does indeed smell like summer…" I declared as Jeremy grinned.

"I don't-"

"You've gotten way too snarky with your trips to Azeroth High." I grumbled, hauling the cooler to the edge of the truck as Thrallson hauled it from the back easily with those orcish muscles of his… I'm pretty sure that's not racist because he's built like a tank… heck even Jeremy has a bit of muscle on him now. I better start hitting the gym…

Maybe Fareeha would like to give me some pointers… naked… maybe. Thoughts for later.

NOW however, as the first day of Summer Vacation, it was party time! Granted I would normally be partying with my sexy… sexy Teachers. But since I haven't hung out with my best bud in a while, we decided to hang out… then that grew with Daelin. Then apparently Jeremy's uh… 'girlfriends?' invited themselves… and now it's a beach party.

I mean the more the merrier and all that.

"So these girls I don't believe in? When are they getting here?" I asked as we headed to the beach past the beachfront properties, passing by Mei's very expensive house.

"They'll be here soon enough." Thrallson replied as Jeremy hauled a collection of beach umbrellas on his shoulder like a bundle of spears. "They had to borrow a car, most of their rides leave messes in sand.

"Uh-huh. I believe you." I replied in a sarcastic tone… For the record, I did believe they exist. Hell, I'm sleeping with a majority of the female faculty I can believe in Jeremy's sexy girlfriends on his word…

In fact, the second we marked down a spot in the mostly empty beach, Freya dropped onto the sand with a Superhero landing. I dusted splattered sand from my body and greeted the scantily clad winged woman… I would not have believed this 'Val'kyr' woman existed had I not seen her previously…

"Hello Freya."

"Hello Scott." She greeted politely before promptly dropping a barbecue grill on the sand. "Master Jeremy I have brought the cooking device."

"Great…" mumbled Jeremy as he spat out sand. "Good work Freya."

"Hiiiiiiiii Jeremy!" squealed a Centaur looking girl as she stampeded towards us at a quick pace, her doe-like hooves kicking up sand behind her as she galloped and trotted around him.

"Hi Millie." He replied as she turned her leafy head to me.

"You must be Scott…" she said, as she held out a hand, she was wearing a green swimmer's bra keeping her girls in place as I shook her hand. "I'm Millie."

"Hi." I replied as soon enough an entire (metaphorical) army of Azeroth High students marched down towards us. A orcess dressed in tight shorts and a matching swimming bra, showing off her muscles that would put the coach to shame. An attractive Draenei girl wearing sunglasses and a large sun hat, she was dressed far more conservatively. Tay'Jin, who I recognized from camp was wearing a very skimpy bikini that showed off that Troll booty… and finally a pair of towering Tauren, a male wearing comparatively comical swimtrunks and a female who was almost as big as he was in an equally, surprisingly big one-piece that I probably could use as a comfortable sleeping bag…

I was then introduced to everyone. Basila, Sybil, Baine and Vartara in that order.

Sybil was very polite and courteous, and not at all what I hoped a normal Draenei would be… sexy and flirtatious, but it was nice that she wasn't a stereotype. Tay'Jin I already knew, she was cool… I'm PRETTY sure Basila would like to cave my head in with an axe on principle but after Jeremy rubbed her green skin with sunblock she seemed to calm down. Baine was a riot, he spoke in a manner that struck me as an unintentional joke, but was subtly snarky… and Vartara was cool and collected, like the neighborhood tough girl who played full-contact football with the guys… and Millie was a such a bundle of cheerful sunshine I thought that no matter how much sunblock I put on I was going to be fried to a crisp if I got to close to her.

I'm happy that I'm hanging out with Jeremy's Azeroth High buddies. But as I keep watching his sexy friends fawn over him, it makes me wish I invited Fareeha… just to have someone sexy myself to hang out with. Does that make me a bad person? Probably. But it doesn't stop me from having fun…

"I have set up the volleyball net." Declared Freya confidently as I helped Thrallson set up the grill.

"Nice work Freya." I complimented the winged woman who I've only really met through a screen. Totally dominated every game she's played with us, much to Jeremy's horror. It's great. She nodded her helmeted head and seemed to stare off into the distance as Jeremy was dragged into the ocean by Tay'Jin and Basila… he had learned not to scream in horror after they had done this previously because that led to Freya trying to 'save' him… violently… she is at least leaning.

"Well now that that's all set. We can-wow…" he blinked behind me as I turned and sighed. But more in a 'she has that effect on people' sort of way… not an exasperated one. Because DAMN…

Satya strolled onto the sand strutting her caramel-colored body in a tight blue sling bikini. But it wasn't a 'sexy' sling bikini, it was more of a modest one. bigger and wider instead of skimpy and tight. She was carrying various beach supplies and wearing reflective sunglasses that glinted in the near noon-time sun… her long black hair was shiny and silky tied in a plait down her smooth back and brushing her big bountiful booty that I am going to POUND THE SHIT out of when I get the chance…

I was going to wonder what she was doing here but then I remembered that she actually enjoyed the beach. This was all a welcomed coincidence… she turned her elegant head towards us and began strutting nearer as Thrallson whistled.

"…If I didn't have a girlfriend…" he grinned elbowing me playfully.

"That's Satya… Ms. Vaswani." I said, going back to prepping the burgers for grilling. "Overwatch High's math teacher…" Thrallson whistled, helping me with lunch.

"I regret not taking that exchange student program…" he noted.

"Mr. Snow." She declared politely as Jeremy escaped his collection of girls and scrambled across the sands towards the volleyball net Freya had set up. He whistled sharply as she suddenly played interference. "What a surprise."

"Ms. Vaswani, hello…" I replied politely as she spoke with her 'serious' voice. "…We were just about to have lunch. Care to set up nearby and join us?"

"We also have grilled veggie burgers." Thrallson supplied. "For our Tauren friends."

"…If you do not mind." Satya said calmly, "I would be happy too…" then she TURNED… and I stared at that big, bouncy bronzed ass as she laid out her towel.

"Snow." Thrallson elbowed me as I coughed, he grinned knowingly also risking a glance at Satya's perfect ass before we began cooking. While we did there was something of a race going on with Jeremy, scrambling across the sand being giddily chased after by a galloping Millie as Sybil soaked in sunrays, lying on her side and watching dismissively and Tay'Jin and Basila charged after him.

When they finally had their fun torturing the poor guy, they came to meet Satya who was surprisingly popular with them. Very friendly and welcoming like she was teaching a class, in a bikini… pretty much-talking girl stuff by the time Vartara and Baine swam in from their swim race to have lunch. Destroying the collection of food and drinks we had brought, more than enough to feed two hungry orcs, two Tauren, and just enough to spare seconds… finally, after demolishing her third burger, Basila licked her fingers clean then got to her sturdy feet.

She brandished the volleyball spinning it in her hands. "Alright plebs. There is no longer any escape!" she declared confidently, "Boys versus Women."

"…Well this will end well…" mumbled Baine sarcastically.

"Should I be offended that she considers us boys?"

"Yes… but there's nothing you can do about it." Thrallson replied. "Alright then… should we try to find a Referee or are we going to try the honor system?"

"I shall judge this contest." Declared Freya with the tone of a proper judicator however…

"Oh no. You are far too biased." Noted Vartara simply. "You will ALWAYS take Jeremy's side." Considering she did not argue, it was unanimously decided that Vartara was right.

"Ms. Vaswani." I asked as Satya, soaking in sun, adjusted her sunglass to look at me dismissively. "May we ask you to unbiasedly ref our volleyball game?"

She sat up rather distractingly before getting to her feet, strutting down the sand to the volleyball net we had set up. "Very well Mr. Snow. Fetch me a seat, and an umbrella."

"Alright then you heard the lady, boys…" I declared, grabbing a seat for her as Baine yanked a beach umbrella from the sand with a swift tug.

"Alright." I said as Satya sat that sexy brown ass into the seat under the umbrella. "Some ground rules…" I noted, "First. No flying over the net. Second. Do not injure your opponents intentionally…"

"And no magic!" declared Thrallson, pointing at Sybil who scoffed dismissively.

"Yes yes, beta-male…" mumbled Basila... also 'ow'... right in the feels. "We'll go easy on you."

"Well, I think the teams are rather balanced at least." I noted casually to the guys as we huddled up, "We each got a towering Tauren, an Orc, a regular person and someone who probably shouldn't be playing volleyball."

"Hey!" Jeremy replied indignantly.

"What? I shouldn't be playing volleyball… I can't jump for crap." I replied as Jeremy grumbled at the fake-out joke.

"Well they can always switch out one of their girls for Millie…" noted Thrallson, "And Basila's competitive…" he flinched, "…VERY competitive…"

"Uh. Yeah but Millie's a centaur." I replied, "That's probably a hindrance."

"She's a dryad." Baine corrected.

"…Oh, shit is that racist?" I asked concerned. "It's not offensive is it?" She was a nice girl and I didn't want to do that. I mixed up a dwarf and a gnome once. It was not a good day.

"Mn…" he shrugged non-committedly. "It's a common mistake. It's the leafy hair that's how you usually tell the difference."

"Focus…" interrupted Thrallson patiently.

"When you girls are done kissing, I got some ass-kicking for you!" noted Basila loudly, "Hurry up!"

"…Did she just make a Kung Pow reference?" I asked surprised.

"If she did I don't think that was intentional…" Thrallson replied thoughtfully.


We jumped as Freya, standing beside Satya, whistled sharply like a bird. We stared at her for a minute. "Starting in one minute." Declared Satya, slapping Freya's thigh making Freya whistle sharply again.

"…I didn't know she could do that." replied Jeremy surprised as I slapped his shoulder.

"Come on buddy. Head in the game." I declared as the nightmare began. Between Vartara's stellar defense, and Basila's powerful spikes it was like trying to storm the beach of Normandy. Baine and Thrallson were in fact their equals but I'm not exactly a champion volleyball player.

"Point Girls team." Declared Satya in an almost bored tone. She HAD said it a lot after all…

I took a breath as Basila cheered and did a little victory shimmy before high-fiving a rather uninterested Tay'Jin as Jeremy handed me a water bottle. "She's going to kill someone with that spike… she hits it like a cannonball!"

"To be fair she IS the toughest girl in school." Baine noted as I grumbled.

"So that immediately equates her to being a cannon in Volleyball?"

"It does at Azeroth High." Thrallson noted.

"…Alright then." I noted, eyeing Baine for a moment. "…Jeremy, set me up. Baine give me a boost, you'll know when. Thrallson, serve." I said as I tossed him the ball.

"Got it."

"Come on beta-male I'm not getting any younger." Basila snarked.

"What have I done to you lately?" I mumbled indignantly.

"…The burger was overcooked."

"You ate THREE and Thallson cooked!" I replied in annoyance. How DARE she imply I was a terrible cook. I give my home ec teacher lessons!

"Service!" Thrallson declared before sending the ball over. Tay'Jin set it up and Vartara knocked it back.

Jeremy set up the shot and Baine gave me a boost as Basila tried to spike it back down only for me to rise in the air and smack the ball into the sand where she landed, slipping on the ball and glaring at me.

"Boom!" I declared with a smirk, high-fiving Baine as he grinned. Then high-fiving Jeremy. "How was Th-OH SHIT!!"

"RAAAAGH!!" Basila, consumed in rage shot beneath the net and tackled me to the sand.

"Stop her! Grab her!" Thrallson roared as they had to PRY her off me. Vartara and Baine dragged her through the sand by the arms.

"Did you just go berserk because you slipped?!" Sybil groaned incredulously as I sat up, painfully slow.

"OW!" I declared indignantly, "…Am I bleeding?" I asked, my face felt sticky… and yeah… there was significant pain in my head now.

"…Yes." Satya concernedly checked my head. "…Yes, you are. Scott, come with me. Mei Ling's house will have a first aid kit."

"Oh come on my face can't be that bad…" I mumbled as she hauled me to my feet with Jeremy's help.

"I still think it's a handsome face…" Baine noted as I pointed at him, a little dazed. It was probably the concussion.

"Never change Baine." I noted as they surrounded Basila like a zombie hoard… she had calmed down as Sybil restrained her magically and I was led away back towards Mei's house…

We limped out of view and shouting range as Basila was given a thorough thrashing. Satya sat me down outside Mei's front door, she knocked loudly, waited a moment, then retrieved Mei's spare key hidden... well I wasn't exactly paying attention to where it was but under the mat seemed like a good guess as I was dreamily gazing at Satya's squatting ass.

"I didn't know she had that…" I mumbled as Satya carefully led me inside.

"Stay right there…" she noted, dropping me gently onto Mei's couch, "I'll be right back…" before heading to Mei's lab.

"Ow…" I grunted, wiping my head and looking at my slightly bloody red hand. "…Well, shit." I mumbled, getting up to grab an eco-friendly, biodegradable paper towel from the kitchen to wipe myself off.

"Scott." Satya shouted before finding me washing myself off in the sink before approaching me and applying first aid. After more wiping, and stinging, then a few band-aids and gauze she tightened the wrap around my head.

"…Alright doctor. Is it bad?" I asked, feeling better regardless of the stinging sensation of the antiseptic.

"It wasn't as bad as it looked." She handed me a couple of pain-pills. "I'll leave a note for Mei to tell her we've been here…" she took a notepad from nearby, writing a quick neat note. "Also I am not that kind of doctor…"

"No… I suppose not…" I noted, gazing at her big beautiful ass… and realizing we were in an empty house. My hand rested on that ass, and she went rigid as I rubbed her smooth skin and supple ass cheek, she wiggled as I fondled her… then turned her head before shoving my tongue into her mouth.

"MMnh-mmngh-aah…" she moaned with a sensual sigh as I squeezed her ass possessively.

"…How about we work on your bedside manner?" sliding my hand down the plait of her dark hair, holding the end tightly before smacking that wonderful ass. "Walk for me…" I gazed at those wobbling ass cheeks as she strutted back into the living room with me behind her, holding her hair like a dog on a leash… a sexy dog. "When I saw you today I knew I was going to have to pound you hard…" she fidgeted again… her crotch suspiciously damp…

How odd considering she never went into the water today…

"Ah!" she gasped suddenly as I yanked her back against my by the hair, my hands clinging to her body as she writhed erotically, moaning under my hands, "Oooh…" she cooed softly as I licked her neck, her body shaking excitedly as my hand slid down her toned stomach to her damp crotch, pushing her swimsuit into her wet pussy with my fingers like tiny condoms…

"You're so wet already…" I teased as she whimpered, shaking her ass against me. "Is it because you saw all those potential COCKS to suck?" she wiggled.

"N-No…" she said sternly as I licked her cheek, turning her face to pry open her lips with my tongue.

"No?... is it because you're a good girl?" I teased as she squeezed my fingers. "Is it because you know you're not supposed to have other dicks without my permission?" my own cock HARD against her ass, rubbing and grinding against it as she moaned.

"…YES…" she whined, shaking in excitement as her ass wobbled against my subtly grinding cock.

"Good girl." I praised as she whined, and I gently pushed her forward to watch that bubble ass wobble. "Take off the suit…" I ordered and it was practically torn off her body falling to the floor with my trunks as my rock-hard cock wobbled free and was drawn to that ass… I wrapped my arms tightly around her as she trembled, her arousal dripping down her supple thighs as I ground my cock between her ass cheeks.. wordlessly sliding it down between them, then raising her right leg, and pierced into her body.

She cried out in pleasure, "Haa!" as I buried my shaft to the balls, enjoying her spasming insides cling greedily to my length as I wiggled my hips, then thrust against her in full. "Ah! Ah! Ahh-Aggh!" her raised leg flopping in the air as my hips smacked hard on her ass, "Ah! Ahhh…" her tongue flopped from her mouth as her head rolled back, my other hand around her neck as her hands clung to her bouncing breasts.

"Ugh. Ugn…" I pumped into her, "Shit you are TIGHT today!" I praised as she squirmed, her insides massaging me as tiny orgasms surged suddenly through her. "I'm not the only one who needed this am I?" I teased as she whined.

"Aah-aaah-aaaagh-MMN!!" her toes curled in the air as she came, squeezing me tightly as I ripped my cock out of her. She waggled her hips back and forth, arousal sprinkling down as she rubbed her body against mine, enticing me back inside her. "Ahah… ahh? AH!" I spun her on her foot like a toy ballerina, her hair swinging around to her front and dangling between her breasts before I shoved her onto the couch. She flopped onto her back, and immediately opened her legs, spreading them wide.

"That's a good girl…" I praised as she trembled on the couch, her legs wobbling as she slowly wiggled her hips, gazing at me submissively as I loomed over her, "MMN!" and buried my length back into her.

"UUuugh!" she squirmed beneath me, her back arching and her head rolling back as she came again, I grabbed her hair and tugged it she jerked back into focus, gazing at me apologetically.

"Look at me when I breed you…" I ordered as her pussy tightened around me, "That's! a good! Girl!" I praised in a harsh whisper as she gasped with each deep penetrating thrust, her insides clinging to me, not willing to let me move much less let me leave. Her legs continued this assessment, wrapping tightly around me and encouraging me to stay as my hand sunk under her body, clinging to that fantastic ass and pulling her up to meet me.

"I'm a! Good! GIRL... Aahh… Ahh!! UUgh!! Ugh! Ugh!!!" she clenched her teeth, gazing into my eyes obediently as her pussy vibrated in excitement. I buried my length into her relentlessly as her body trembled, her legs squeezing me tight, her ankles hooking like a padlock around each other preventing any attempts to pull out…

Like I was going to.

"Here it cums." I declared as she moaned, "Here it cums. Take it." she wordlessly wrapped her arms around me, holding me tight as my hips smacked so hard against her I thought I was going to bruise her but my need to breed this beautiful body overwhelmed my courtesy.

"Haa! AAAGH!!" she screamed as I silenced her orgasm with my lips. "MMGh!!" and buried my length into her as I deposited her favorite brand of cum inside her. Mine. Her body spasmed as she screamed into my lungs, then she went limp. Her arms and legs slacking, flopping off my body as she twitched, squeezing out my load as I pulled from her with a wet squelch…

I viewed the work of art that was her post-fucked body, her pussy oozing my thick load, her chest rising and falling slowly as her opened ahegao mouth gasped for breath. My cock pulsated slowly with every husky gasp of breath from her… until it was twitching excitedly.

My only regret was that I wouldn't have enough time to fuck her as long as I wanted, the others might come looking… but I obviously can't leave with a raging hard on… I grabbed her hair, brushing between her heaving breasts and yanked her up.

"Ha… ahh…" she gazed at me as I slowly lay back, my cock wagging like a flagpole in the breeze, she gazed at it reverently as I tugged gently on her hair. She wasted no time following my subtle commands as she fell forward and opened her mouth, taking the entirety of my cock into her throat with the falling of her face on it.

"MMN!" I rested a hand on her head and enjoyed those silky lips and that tight contracting throat as she bobbed and gargled my cock immediately.

"MMGh! MMNgh! MMMn! MMnhg…" my other hand held her hair above her head where it twisted like a snake being charmed, she gulped and gagged my length, her tongue slithering along it as I relaxed and let her work.

"Sometimes… a guy just needs his dick SUCKED by his favorite pet to feel better." I sighed contentedly, the pain in my head gone… as if all the blood was rushing somewhere else.

"MMMn-hmmn…" she moaned agreeably, her eyes glazed over in lust as she twisted and jerked her face, burying her lips against my base and doing it again. "MMmn-mggmn…" her brown bubble butt wagging in the air behind her as I pet her.

"Ahh… AH!" I gasped, thrusting against her diving face before I held her down, shifting upright… then standing on the couch, her gazing up at me as I grabbed her head in both hands, and finished… "Ahhh-aah-aah-aaahh…" throat fucking her until my balls quivered and I buried her face into my lap. "Ahh!"

What happened in an instant felt like a lifetime of conversation with myself… on the one hand. I really wanted her to swallow my load… on the other hand, some primal force told me to pull out of her mouth… and blow it all on her face…

Her face contorted erotically as I watched in that instant, then I yanked free.

"Ah!? Ah…" my cock trembled and sprayed her face as she moaned, thick white goo coating her exotic Indian features as I got it ALL over her. Lips, tongue, nose, forehead, right eye, left cheek… a thick frosting of cum covered her skin as I raised my limp cock and dropped it with a light wet smack between the eyes, letting it rest there as she panted with gasping… aroused breaths… her left eye-opening to gaze reverently up at me… expecting, and probably hoping for more…

I took a breath and sighed reluctantly, "I would like nothing better right now than to fuck you loose, but unfortunately we have people to entertain…" she frowned reluctantly but seemingly agreed. "So we better clean up…" I slipped my cock back into her mouth as she 'cleaned' me. "I'll head back first and you can take a rinse.

"MMN-hmmn…" she moaned agreeingly.

"SCOTT!" I looked up to find a very annoyed and adorable-looking Mei dressed in a tight blue sports bra and tight grey yoga pants holding a collection of scientific equipment that I didn't recognize. "What are you doing in my HOUSE?!" she frowned adorably, it was hard for Mei to be anything but adorable when mad.

Also, I'm pretty sure that the fact that I was IN her house wasn't the issue, it was what/who I was DOING in her house.

"…I got hurt." I declared, pointing to my head as Mei looked at least briefly concerned, but then she scowled again.

"When the words 'kiss it and make it better' came to mind I think you told Satya the wrong SPOT!" she declared approaching me as Satya kept devotedly cleaning me… once she started she wasn't going to stop.

After a brief tongue-lashing from Mei. The kind with words and not the fun kind… I pulled on my trunks and invited her to come hang out with Satya at the beach after my beautiful cum covered Indian pet woman cleaned up in the shower. I slowly returned to the beach to find Jeremy standing over Basila, resting on her knees as she gazed at his feet.

"…Is she in time out?" I asked as she flinched.

Jeremy sternly crossed his arms over his chest and glared adorably at Basila… I know what I said, Jeremy doesn't really do imposing. "Basila?" he said sternly like a mother as Basila took a scowling breath through her nose… before letting the scowl slacken and said sincerely.

"I'm sorry I went berserk and attacked you… I shouldn't let my own anger issues out on people I just met."

"Basila!" he replied sternly, scowling firmly as she sighed.

"…I shouldn't let my anger issues out when off the Azeroth High grounds… I've been having a… pent up week." She noted apologetically.

…Well… since her attacking me led to a REAL satisfying fuck with Satya, I'll let her off the hook.

"Well… I guess it was a nice change of pace from being kidnapped. Don't worry about it… and if you promise not to attack me again, how about another round?"

She glanced hopefully, and rather cutely at Jeremy as he nodded his head like a proud parent and she got to her feet. "No showboating. Promise." She declared.

And the remainder of the day was pleasant, Satya and Mei soon showed up… I'm not going to lie, I think Mei was as 'BIG' as Vartara… I wonder if Olivia has cow print costumes?...

Why am I questioning it?… She does, she totally does.

End of chapter

Next chapter