
200 Rating Special: The Sombra Files

I don't own blizzard things or other things.

"It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call The Sombra Files"

"You stole ALL of that from the twilight zone!" I shouted at her indignantly from the chair she had tied me to as she approached me.

Olivia had… acquired me for some 'spring cleaning' or whatever she called it, essentially, she was moving most of her massive porn stash onto a USB drive. Now however she was dressed up in a black suit and tie, looking 'dark and mysterious.' As to how I got tied to a swivel chair with nylon rope…

…Well… she can be very convincing…

"You know Papi, you're making this less fun for me… I just want your opinion…" she said, sitting sideways on my lap as she wrapped her arms around my neck, "Can't a puta and her man just enjoy watching some porn together?"

"Of our friends. Most of whom you've secretly recorded…" I noted as she frowned at me.

"You know I never hear you complain when you watch and I give you head…" she pouted, "Look, I can't decide what I want to move and what I want to keep alright? So you. And I…" she wiggled her rear on me as she grinned, leaning close to kiss my cheek as she cooed, "Are going to decide what stays and goes. I've narrowed it down to one of four…"

"Okay fine we're watching porn but why did you tie me up?" I asked as she got off me and pulled me towards the massive computer screen, bending over the keyboard as she showed me how nice that ass looked in a tux.

"I don't know man, Olivia is really weird sometimes…" I blinked, struggling to look over my shoulder as Hana sat legs crossed on Olivia's bed in short-shorts and a tank top with thin straps over her shoulder and a cute chibi kitty on the front… and eating from a popcorn bucket resting between her crossed legs..

"…Do you just… live here now?" I asked as Hana shrugged.

"Olivia lets me stay for cheap as long as I help her out with her daily quests." She noted as Olivia shouted out rather casually.

"We WILL beat that raid boss!" she said excitedly before clearing her throat with a cough and adding normally, "Now…" she opened up a media player as she quickly added files to the playlist… "We're going back… back FAR in time to the beginning when you were just a tiny little glimmer in your daddy's eye… a time when Fareeha's mom was SUPER hot…"

"She still kinda is…" Hana noted causally, "I mean. If you look at her comparatively now to back when she was teaching us… I mean… genetically, I think Fareeha is SET... Lucky you Scott!" she grinned, popping a fistful of popcorn into her mouth.

"No commentary from the peanut gallery!" Olivia shouted as I sighed, letting her sit back in my lap as she clicked the computer mouse to play the first video Olivia had titled…

ANA and the Glory Hole

A bathroom flickered fuzzily into focus, I didn't recognize it. But almost immediately the camera focused on a tall Fareeha-looking woman with long black hair, two pretty eyes, a blue cap, and wearing a blouse and skirt, a classic teacher combination. I recognized her instantly as several years younger Ms. Ana… and I didn't need a hint at the chapter title.

She quickly walked down the rows of toilets, knocking open several as she seemed to check every stall. The camera followed her as she took a deep breath and entered the one on the end, closest to the door. She closed it, locked it, and sat down on the seat, rubbing her knees impatiently as her heels rolled up and down on the floor. Click clacking in clear nervousness.

…It was a little unnerving, if not unexpected how much she looked like her daughter… or maybe it's weird how much Fareeha looked like her… either way I was getting a boner for her hot mom… Shit.

She sat there for about 40 seconds when the door opened. A broad-shouldered young man wearing a sort of… school uniform, with pants, belt, tie, and a polo-shirt, he glanced around, rubbing his raggedy brown hair and scratching his stubble, approached the stall Ms. Ana was in and knocked twice.

One. Beat Beat. Two.

She reached forward and knocked back.

One. Beat Beat. Two.

He smirked, sniffed, and walked into the stall right next to hers, his… cowboy boots? Clopping like horse hooves on the tiled floor.

"Noo…" Hana said slowly, and I could HEAR the grin spread across her face. Olivia chucked a pillow at her and she grunted in silent annoyance. "Is that who I think it is?!" she mumbled, holding the pillow to her face as she tried not to laugh out loud.

The guy opened the stall door, closing it behind him and for a second I thought that would be it when the camera moved over the stalls… he unzipped, and turned towards the wall with Ms. Ana on the other side… then out came a rather meaty dick from his pants that he pushed towards the wall, and it went right through. Obviously, a Glory hole I mean… it's in the title. Ms. Ana stared at it and dropped down before it, she sat on her heels as she gazed up at it, a slight grin on her face as she stroked it. The guy tilted his head back and sighed, a goofy smile on his face as Ms. Ana continued to stroke him gently…

Then leaned forward and kissed his tip, his hands rubbed the wall slightly as she kissed, and kissed, and kissed, a different spot, over and over, her hand still gently stroking him as her tongue rubbed his bulging tip. She smirked at the wall, frowned, remembering that she couldn't see him apparently or admire her work… then seemingly shrugged and kissed it again.

Suddenly his hand rapt twice on the wall as she smirked, blowing against his tip as he grunted in annoyance. Clearly, he wanted her to get to the good bits… he wasn't the only one honestly. She continued smiling that confident smile, and brushed her black hair over her ear, and pressed her lips to the tip.

"MMmmmmmmWAH!!" she smirked as the voice echoed around the acoustically blessed bathroom. Pulling away and rapidly stroking as he groaned out a rather annoyed.

"Come on darlin…" he hissed… I blinked, and it came to me almost immediately.

"Is that Mcr-" Olivia covered my mouth and we kept watching.

"MMM." Her lips pressed back onto him, and she noisily suckled the tip like a bottle, her lips pulsing around it until. Slip. He was between them fully as she breathed heavily through her nose, "MMM!!" she moaned loudly, it echoed around the bathroom before she, agonizingly slowly, slid down his shaft.

Mcree's teeth gnashed together as his head tilted back, his whole body against the wall as he desperately pushed his cock as far through the hole, and into Ms. Ana's mouth, as it would go. Rapping twice on the stall wall as she just chuckled, sliding further and further until she was balls deep on his length, he had jostled slightly by the wall as she sunk her nose into his pubic hairs.

"Mmm… MMMM!!!" she moaned delighted around that cock and I have to admit… it was hot. It was like she was addicted to it, it was the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted and… it did, and did NOT, help that she looked like Fareeha.

"Fuuuck… Darlin…" Mcree hissed and suddenly she pulled off his length abruptly and he groaned, "Ah com-"

"You watch your mouth!" she hissed angrily, squeezing the base of his shaft as he grunted in pain.

"Y-yes ma'am…" he groaned nervously, she stroked him… apparently her gaze of ironic anger burning through the wall… then she slipped him back into her mouth, bobbing rapidly on the tip for a moment before going balls deep again, and again.

"MMM! MM! SLURP!! Mmmmm-Ah!!" she licked his tip rapidly as he groaned, clawing the wall as she slid her tongue from base to tip then back again before sliding back up and inhaling him once more.

"Ana got game…" Hana said in an awed whisper as the younger Ms. Ana groaned, inhaling his cock as her throat pulsed around it her lips quivering as her pretty dark eyes rolled up. Then slowly she slid up his length, her tongue slithering beneath his shaft from her retreating lips as it throbbed in between them.

"…I'm comin darlin…" he grunted, surprisingly gentle as she blinked at the wall, her tongue still wagging beneath the tip of his shaft as she suckled his tip.

"Already?" she said, in a sexy, soft voice that implied, at least to me, that she wanted to KEEP SUCKING… wow… "Not yet…" she cooed, sliding his tip slowly between her puckering lips, she reminded me of a kissing fish sucking against the glass of an aquarium.

Mcree laughed slightly, "Yer just too good…" he said with a grin.

"Hmph…" she mumbled, rapidly licking the side of his shaft with her tongue as her fingers and palm rubbed his tip. "…You hold it." she said firmly, as she sighed erotically against his cock, "Or I won't swallow…"

Our cocks seemed to throb in unison at the idea and Mcree grunted, clawing the wall again, seemingly determined. Ms. Ana, seemingly feeling his determination to get her to swallow his load, grinned sexily before rapidly sliding his cock in and out of her mouth, planting him in her throat as she gagged and gulped, occasionally going so fast and hard her head banged against the stall.

"Gulp! Gulp! Glurg!" the sound echoed around the bathroom, Mcree ground his teeth together, valiantly fighting off the urge to burst when-

The bathroom opened with a bang and they froze. A chubby guy entered briefly, looked at his hands and stood at the sink. Ana was BALLS DEEP on Mcree… and she held it. Her throat pulsing around his length as Mcree's eyes shook, his usually steady hands shaking as a soft gag echoed out of her deep-throating as the chubby guy washed his hands. For the full 26 seconds… shook them off, and left.

Ana gasped, sliding off Mcree's throbbing length, saliva and mucus still connecting his tip to her lips before he knocked on the wall in two rapid taps. She smirked and whispered a silky. "Okay." And wrapped her lips around the tip, gripping his length with her hand and stroking rapidly.

"Damn…" he snarled… and visibly his cock pulsed. She still squatted there for a moment as her throat bulged. "Don't swallow yet." He said, "I want to see it." her eyes rolled as her cheeks bulged, he grunted and sighed before finally he slipped from her lips as she rested a hand upon them, pressing firmly as if to keep them sealed.

Mcree pulled his cock from the hole in the wall before kneeling down and glancing through the hole. I'm betting all he could see were her lips. But that was enough. She opened her mouth, obviously displaying the load he had given her. We couldn't see from this angle, but he grinned apparently satisfied. "Okay."

She tilted her head back; the camera got a quick glimpse at the ocean of thick white seed in her mouth before she closed it and GULP. Down it went. She coughed a little before laughing, covering her mouth again with her fingers.

Mcree however was staring at the stall wall, stroking himself and seemingly deep in thought… then he rapt twice on the stall and she blinked at it. Opened her mouth at the hole again but he shook his head, "Hah… come on darlin…" he said with his silky drawl.

Ana hesitated, pulling away from the stall, and sighed before standing up, she unzipped the side of her skirt, pushing it down and stepping out of it before she slung it up to hang over the stall. Mcree's grin broadened as soon enough she then slung a pair of classic white panties next to it. Now only wearing her blouse, shoes, and hat, she turned around and put her hands on the opposite wall. Pressing her bare ass to the stall wall…

Mcree seemed to slip a finger through the hole, and she gasped. Apparently, he found a good spot… "…You like that darlin?" he asked coolly as she trembled slightly, shaking her rear firmly against the stall as it molded against it. Like she was trying to break it down with her ass…

"Yeah." She cooed, her ass moving up and down against the stall now as Mcree slipped another finger through the glory hole to pierce her hole. "Ahh…" she sighed as he licked his lips.

"'Yeah' what? Be clear darlin…" he then whispered almost darkly. "Like you tell me in class…"

"Yeah I like it…" she moaned, shaking her ass left and right. "…Come on…" she purred softly.

Mcree spat on his hand, stroking his cock with it as he turned towards the wall, aiming his cock to the hole he gripped the top of the stall, one hand resting on her hanging panties as he suddenly pushed. Ms. Ana's head immediately rolled back as she gasped, her eyes shut towards the ceiling as Mcree pushed his hips forward, "Yes…" she cooed as he pulled out, before returning. Her ass bounced on the stall and pushed away giving us a brief glimpse of a cock vanishing inside her before returning to smack loudly on the wall.

She pushed back against the tiled wall, going at Mcree's thrusting cock, harder, deeper… going lower and lower on the wall until her arms were out straight and locked, her hands flat against the tiles as she pushed her ass hard to the glory hole against Mcree's pounding hips, his fingers curling over the stall wall and on her panties as they both grunted and whimpered.

"AH! AHhhh!!!" Ms. Ana suddenly shrieked, eyes wide and quivering as she looked up at the ceiling, her fingers scraping the tiles on the wall as Mcree answered her obvious orgasm with one of his own, rapping hard on the wall as he yanked her panties over the side.

"ugh! UUGH!!" his boots scrapped on the floor as they pushed his hips forward, his back ached back as he croaked a release. Ms. Ana gasped as she shuddered. "Damn!" he hissed with a laugh before reaching up and grabbing her skirt before she mentally recovered.

"Ah! Uh…" she sighed as he stepped away, his cock dangling from his pants as it dripped a drop of seed onto the floor. "Ugh…" she grumbled, yanking a fistful of toilet paper from the holder and sitting on the toilet lid. "…Damnit." She cursed, wiping herself with the toilet paper as his seed drooled.

Mcree, holding her skirt and panties in a separate hand, took said panties and began to rub his length with them smirking as he wiped his seed off before admiring the wet stains on her underwear. She rapped hard on the wall.

"Give those back." He blinked at the stall for a moment… then grinning he stepped out of his own, cock still swinging free as he stood before her stall door. "H-Hey! I told you-"

"Open the door and I'll give em back…" he said almost charmingly as she frowned… and fidgeted on the seat… before a foot stretched out and flicked open the lock. Mcree stepped inside the stall, her legs spread wide before him as she tried to scrap out his load with the wad of toilet paper. His cock hardened before her eyes as she bit her bottom lip. He took the wad from her weakened hand and lifted her ass slightly off the seat before dropping it in the toilet. "You ain't gonna need that…" he purred, letting her skirt and panties drop to the floor before taking her legs and folding them over her head to let her toes touch the wall behind her, her womanhood quivering as he took his hardening cock and pushed it firmly to her folds…

"…We agreed, never face to face at school…" she hissed in a whisper but he shrugged and stroked her hair over her ears.

"…I like lookin at ya when I make ya cum…" he slowly ground his hips, slightly penetrating her as she whimpered softly, blushing, "I could always just rub one out I guess…" he said teasingly, rubbing her legs as his hips slowly moved back and forth.

"J-just… just hurry up!" she mumbled, wiggling her hips before he was all the way inside her. "Ah!" she gasped and shuddered, her hands lashing out to the wall as he was pulling out and pushing in roughly again as she jumped. "Ah! Ah!! Ugh!!" her ass quivered and wobbled with each firm downward stroke. Mcree gripped her face, forcing her to look at him as he grunted his primal lust into her pussy with each thrust.

"That's right, you look at me… just lie there and take it I can do all the work… look at me."

"MM! MMM!! MMMHMMHMMM!!!" she whimpered in pleasure, hands clawing the side walls, legs kicking at the wall behind her as he drove her closer and closer to climax. SMACKSMACKSMACKSMACKSMACK. His hips rapidly slammed down into her as she glanced down at their connection nervously, biting her bottom lip to keep herself from screaming out in pleasure but his hands clutched her to her face forcing her to look up at him.

"Don't you look away! Don't you dare!" he hissed almost pleadingly as she gazed at his face. We couldn't see the look… but apparently it made her own soften a little as he pushed deep into her body. They both gasped as Ms. Ana continued to look at him, her hands reaching up to stroke his hair as she panted softly, her pussy drooling his load as he rested his head on her shoulder. His hips still thrust into her as she twitched and cooed… still stroking his hair.

"…You feel so good…" he groaned softly, as she leaned her lips to his forehead and kissed him.

Then the screen when black.

"Hey, it was just getting good!" Hana declared, "Come on!" she grunted angrily.

"That was the end of the fucking." Olivia said with a shrug, "What do I care what happens after that? So. What do you think Papi?" she purred wrapping her arms around me and kissing my forehead, "Keep or storage?"

I blinked at the blank screen. "Wha? Huh? Oh… uh…" she frowned at me, snorted huffily, and pressed play on the next video.

"Well, we ought to wait. Next is this one." and glancing at the title I braced myself, and my cock against Olivia's ass.

Lena Sandwich

The image twitched into a locker room seconds before a familiar redhead and a short-haired brunette entered. I immediately recognized them as Lena and Emily. A few years younger and wearing bright cheerleader uniforms in grey, white, and orange. Overwatch colors. Emily suddenly pressed a smugly grinning Lena to the wall, and kissed her, her hands stroking Lena's supple thighs, lifting the skirt slightly as they moaned into each other's mouths.

"…I'm… not usually into girl on girl but…" Hana mumbled slightly as Emily's hands slipped beneath the midriff displaying top to squeeze Lena's breasts beneath it. "…But this is kinda hot… ow!" Olivia threw another pillow to silence her as she growled quietly.

"You ready love?" Emily cooed as Lena blushed, but nodded her head rapidly. "If you want to back out. I won't hate you. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do…"

"…But you want me too…" Lena cooed softly, reaching around Emily to grope her toned ass. "I want to make you happy."

"AND…" Emily said teasingly, "You can also do that by NOT letting me do whatever I want with you. Honestly, babe, if you don't want to-"

"I want to…" Lena said, fidgeting softly as a door opened, closed… and locked. Was heard. "I want to…" she blushed slightly, fidgeting again as Emily kissed her chastely, lovingly.

"Awe…" we all cooed together seconds before a pair of… Draenei appeared… one was light blue with short cut black hair, the other was a velvety purple also with dark hair but longer. Both wearing Ogrimmar red and black cheerleader uniforms, their long thick tails dancing behind them just above the skirts. 'Blue' had a thick tail ring on the tip, while 'Purple' was wearing a sort of golden bracer at the stump where it connected to her mid-back.

They looked like average beautiful Draenei girls, but Blue had a large obvious bust rivaling Mei, and Purple clearly had more 'pop' to a wide hip booty that her golden bracer rubbed left and right over on her tail as if trying to brush away her skirt to show it off.

"Oh Emi… she's lovely," Blue said rubbing a hand down her generously sized bust, as a long… thick, prehensile tongue slithered slightly from her mouth. The tip of which flickered slightly as if waving hello…

"Whoa…" Lena and I said together as she gaped at it. Emily just smiled, kissed Lena's cheek, and winked at the girls.

"Don't mind her love, she's part Naga. Lena, this-" she gestured to blue, "Is Arani, and this is-" she gestured to Purple, "Su-le." Lena waved shyly to them, Arani approached and began to rub Lena's shoulders but Emily smacked her hands, "Ah! Introductions! I'm not some ponce renting out girls!"

Arani's tail was yanked back by Su-le, as she approached and waved to Lena a little awkwardly, "Hello Lena."

"Hi…" she replied with a smile, Su-le gazed into Lena's eyes for a moment, glanced at Emily, who nodded, then leaned forward and kissed Lena on the lips, immediately pulling away.

"…Do we scare you?" Lena blinked, red-faced, but shook her head no. Su-le smiled prettily then leaned forward again to kiss Lena as Emily stepped away… their hands began to explore each other for a minute before Su-le pulled away, and Lena panted excitedly, face red. "Good… we don't want to scare you. We just want to have fun with you…" Lena grinned goofily, before suddenly leaning forward and kissing Su-le again as they moaned together.

Emily cheered, sitting on a nearby bench as she watched her girlfriend make out with a sexy Draenei cheerleader… I'm pretty sure Olivia would break the internet if she posted something like this.

Lena suddenly gasped as Arani, apparently and stealthily sneaking around on all fours, stuck her face up the back of her skirt, sniffing like a curious dog as she laughed. "Ooh! I like this…" she cooed as Su-le turned Lena's face back towards her.

"Kiss me more…" she cooed as Lena obeyed, her waist fidgeting nervously as Arani's Blue hands slid up Lena's skirt, (her face still underneath it) and slid a pair of bloomers down. Crumping at Lena's ankles before the hands slide back up her legs.

"Mm! MMM!!" Lena moaned into Su-le's cooing mouth as, apparently Arani began to squeeze Lena's ass cheeks, her tail flicking excitedly back and forth behind her. Suddenly she pulled away as Lena's hips violently moved back and forth, smacking Arani away with her butt.

"Ow!" she laughed, rubbing her nose. She licked her lips, "Ooh… sensitive…"

Su-Le pulled away, gave Lena a kiss on the cheek, and took Lena's hands in hers to Lena's grey skirt, "…Lift this…" she said softly, sliding down Lena's front as she, shyly, lifted her skirt revealing her wide hips, firm ass, and her apparently shaven pussy. "Oh… how kind," Su-le said silkily, kissing the slight stubble before kneeling fully before Lena. "Keep your skirt up…" she said as Lena looked to be mid-curtsy, breathing heavily with excitement.

Both Draenei licked their lips notedly, although not simultaneously, before glancing at Emily who winked. That one was simultaneous.

Then… Lena squeaked… Arani dove forward, pressing her face between Lena's famously wonderful ass and motorboating it, giggling lightly as Lena turned red. Just seconds before Su-le buried her face in her crotch, her tongue not nearly as long as Arani's slithered between Lena's folds. Licking it slowly as Lena whimpered in nervous delight as Arani spread her ass, and slithered her tongue between her legs, lightly flicking her pussy as Lena gasped before sliding firmly back into Arani's mouth as Lena shuddered. They froze in a silent, orgasmic scream as Emily leaned back and watched as Arani's naga tongue slathered straight up Lena's ass…

"Holy shit." Hana and I said together as Lena was assaulted front and back, Arani's tongue coiling and curling inside her as she grinned broadly. Lena's whole body shook and shook wildly, trying to keep the skirt up between her dainty fingers and Emily obviously masturbated as she watched her girlfriend get eaten out from both ends.

Arani's tongue plunged almost hentai tentacle-like up Lena's ass, back and forth in and out as Lena whimpered her arousal, her body's demand to cum as she lost strength in her arms, threatening to lower the skirt. Su-le began to slowly stand up, licking her pussy, swirling in her navel, flicking between her still-clothed breasts before dancing on her lips as she cooed.

"Keep the skirt up Lena… she wants to see…" she said silkily, turning Lena's head towards Emily as she smiled back at Lena's widening eyes. "She wants to watch you cum…" her words and tongue swirled in Lena's ear as the sloshing of Arani's tongue became more prominent. "She wants to see…" she cooed in a seductive whisper as Lena's pussy spurted arousal down her leg, Su-le's hand sliding back down to gently slip thrusting fingers inside her as Lena panted. "She. Wants. To. See-"

"AHHH!!" Lena shrieked suddenly as Arani buried her tongue and face into Lena's ass… a stream of warm clear liquid erupted across the locker room as Lena came hard and loud. She lost control of her legs, and her arms, the skirt dropping as she fell to her knees, Su-le catching her and slowly lowering her down, ass still indignantly up in the air and occupied by Draenei tongue as Arani slurped it loudly out… it gaped and winked at her as she kissed it and lifted the skirt up and over Lena's waist to display their work for Emily…

Who was redfaced herself, panting, and obviously very wet. "Woo!" she cooed happily with a laugh, licking her fingers as she pulled them from her own cheerleader skirt, "Was that as good for you as it was for me Love?"

"Ah hah hah hah…" Lena laughed/sighed on the floor, her fingers weakly clawing at them as her body occasionally twitched.

"How does she taste?" Arani asked as Su-li kneeled aside Lena and began squeezing her ass cheeks with firm hands.

"Divine." Su-li praised lovingly, spreading Lena's ass cheeks and giving her pussy a firm lick as it drooled arousal in response.

Arani's long flickering tongue extended beneath the dripping clear liquid as she hummed thoughtfully, raising up to slide it between Lena's quivering folds as she squealed softly at the intrusion of the thick organ. "Gods you're right…" Arani purred, smacking her hands on Lena's ass herself and burying her coiling swirling tongue deeper into Lena. "MMM!!" she purred as she smacked her own ass twice. "Sue."

Su-li sniffed indignantly, but crawled behind her friend, lifted her skirt to reveal no underwear and a smooth lower body before sliding her own tongue into Arani who cooed into Lena's pussy as they 'humancentipeded' each other… I'm sorry… that is the BEST description. Lena bounced her ass instinctively on Arani's face as Arani wiggled her hips against Su-li's talented penetrating tongue…

"Almost… there…" whimpered Arani as with surprising strength Su-li lifted her off the floor, her legs now on her shoulders as she clung to Lena's ass, hanging in the middle as Su-li's head bobbed rapidly against her folds. "Yes! Yes!!!" her eyes crossed as a manic grin crossed her face and…

Lena. SCREAMED. Arani orgasmed, but apparently with said orgasm her mouth opened wide and her quivering tongue surged into Lena… it apparently from what I could see… VIBRATED inside Lena as the surge of pleasure flowed through Arani's body like electricity and a torrent of arousal squirted from Lena onto her face…

Arani dropped to the ground, laughing lightly as her tongue lolled limply from her mouth on the floor. Su-li casually kicked her aside, and approached the twitching, quivering Lena… and carefully rolled her over where she laid like a dog submitting herself to her alpha…

She stood over Lena, Lena saw right up her skirt as she began to finger herself. "Lena…" she purred almost pleadingly as Lena gazed up, and stretched her arms. Su-li dropped to her knees, around Lena's head, then dropped fully as Lena disappeared beneath her skirt. "MM!!!" Su-li purred softly, squeezing her chest before falling forward, spreading Lena's pussy as she thrust her hips up towards Su-li. "Mmmm… Mwah…" Su-li licked and kissed Lena as Lena apparently did so in turn… Emily, stood up from her bench and walked around, squatting down at Lena's head to watch her girlfriend lick purple pussy almost adorably.

"…You look so beautiful love…" she cooed, stroking Lena's hair as she buried her nose into Su-li's dripping womanhood. Lena's eyes crossed suddenly, her hips thrusting up into Su-li's probing mouth as Su-li began to grind against Lena's face… it was a race now.

"Lena. Love…" Emily cooed, caressing Lena's face as Su-li bounced her big ass upon it, Lena's tongue disappearing into Su-li's pussy as Lena groaned in bliss. "You make my friend cum… its only fair…" she purred as Lena's eyes rolled…

Seconds later Su-li's big bubble ass clenched and she screamed and SUCKED on Lena's pussy loudly as if being sucked off the ground Lena's legs lashed out and she lifted her hips up into the air before showering a dazed Arani with squirt as the long tongue Draenei stuck out her tongue.

Emily roughly put her foot on Su-li, pushing her trembling, mid-orgasm body off of Lena as she stepped over her girlfriend, she then lay on top of the dazed Lena, kissing, licking, cooing as Lena moaned delightedly. "I love you babe…" Emily said smiling, before crawling up Lena's body and sitting on her face… sighing contentedly as Lena immediately began to lick. "…You are the best girlfriend ever." She cooed with a shuddering sigh, "…More tongue…"

The clip ended.

"Son of a bitch it was just getting good!" Hana yelled annoyed as Olivia threw another pillow accurately at her face. "Where are you getting those-" but she paused as she immediately realized Olivia was clicking for the next video and it said.

Hana Head Games.

"What the fu-" she was immediately muffled with another pillow.

The screen fizzled to reveal a classroom seconds before a stereotypical Asian schoolgirl skipped into the room followed by a tall gangly black guy in a basketball uniform. Hana, because it was obviously Hana, was wearing a dark blue blazer over a white collared shirt, pink tie, pink plaid skirt, and big round cute glasses… she didn't look like she aged a day.

"You need glasses?" I blinked over my shoulder at her as her face became bright red.

"…When I was in school…" she said hesitantly, "Oh my god Olivia how did you get this?!" a pillow smacked her face.

The tall gangly black guy with dark chocolate skin grinned and cupped Hana's chest from behind she smacked his hands, "Come on you agreed…" he said.

"And I said I'd blow you!" she said angrily as he shut the classroom door. "We're not having sex and you don't get to just… grope me!"

She tried to walk away but a big hand clapped and squeezed onto her ass as she squeaked. Suddenly she was pressed up against the blackboard, her cheek to it as she glared at him over her shoulder and he molested her ass cheeks through her skirt. "Come on baby, I want me some Asian schoolgirl… ow! Ow!!" the rain of blows Hana delivered drove him back as he covered his face. "Not the face! Not the face!"

"Do you want your blowjob or not!" she hissed angrily, flaying adorably… before puffing her cheeks angrily. "Let's just get this over with…" he rubbed his arms for a second before turning and pushing a collection of desks together, six in all, to make one smooth surface. "What are you doing?"

"Oh… preparing…" he said grinning before turning around and curling a finger at her to come closer. She did and he put his thumb into his basketball shorts and pushed as she knelt down, seconds before a stereotypical big black dick bounced hard out of his cock and against her cheek.

Her eyes went wide as she stared at it, her mouth opening into an 'O' shape as it pulsed excitedly, bopping against her lips. "I hope you're hungry babe…" he said cheerfully, smacking her cheek with his big 10' dick, "Cause I got a lot of nut to feed you…" he placed a hand on her head as he pulled her lips to his tip, "Come on baby, look at me with them pretty eyes while you suck my big dick… yeah…" he purred as she gazed up at him behind her glasses… and her lips stretched around his tip.

She sat on her knees, wrapped in knees socks and sneakers by the look of it before she began slowly moving back and forth. His big hand guided her head up and down as he groaned. His head rolled back on his neck as Hana's throat gulped and slurped around his length, echoing around the room..

Slurp! Gack! Glurp! SLURP!

"Fuck yeah… you got some school spirit! If all MVPs got blowjobs for winning games we'd win a lot more!" she glared up at him, slurping as she made it halfway down his cock. "You can go deeper than that." he said firmly, gripping her pigtails and tugging her down his cock by them.

"MMM!!?!" she moaned as her lips stretched and her throat bulged. She flinched and struggled as he groaned, a firm grip on her pigtailed hair as he planted his cock in her throat.

"Way better than my girlfriend!" he cheered thrusting his hips into Hana's mouth as his eyes flickered to the door and back as if to make sure nobody was coming or heard that. his eyes narrowed suspiciously. Then he grinned, "Don't you tell anyone that…" he said smirking, grabbing her head in both hands, "Here it comes." He said softly, thrusting his hips rapidly back and forth in her mouth, "Shit. Here it comes! This is the BEST!" he pushed his hips against face, "Mouth!" he growled, doing it again as Hana sat there and took it, "EVER…" he released a shuddering sigh as he stilled against Hana's face, his cock pulsing in her mouth and throat as he deposited a load of seed directly into her stomach. Her eyes half-lidded as she gazed up at him.

"…Did you never have a gag reflex?" I asked as Hana seemed to not be paying attention anymore.


Hana spluttered as she saw the flash, and holding a small flip phone were about four other guys, all wearing basketball uniforms, they all grinned at her evilly. "Hey Hana." They all grinned, entering and locking the classroom behind them as she glared at them, then the first guy.


"Come on be a team player…" he laughed, his cock limp as he grabbed his shorts and pulled them up… seriously he was done already? "It ain't fair that I'm the only one getting a sucky-sucky.


Suddenly Hana was sized, and seconds before she could take a breath to scream her mouth was covered by a big basketball hand, she was lifted onto the collection of desks, legs and arms spread out as her head hung over the side, her glasses clattering to the floor as one was apparently kind enough to reach down and pick them up, placing them safely onto a nearby desk.

"No!" she shrieked, only to find an equally thick cock smack against her face and she stared at it.

"Don't worry Hana we aint gonna rape you…" one said, holding her right leg down as the first guy took the other leg.

"Yeah, baby." He said, grinning, rubbing his fingers rather rapey up her left leg as she twitched, "But we're a team. It was a team effort… we all just want to share in the reward. OR would you like us to show your big nerd gaming league what you do in high school?" he asked as another wiggled the flip-phone.

Hana flinched and glared at them before ceasing her struggling and opening her mouth. The one whose cock was on her face giggled rather childishly before roughly and abruptly ramming his length down into her mouth. "Oh shit… they were right this IS amazing!!" he groaned, already pumping his hips roughly against Hana's face as he skull fucked her.

"Slurp! GURP! GACK!" Hana lied still as he used her mouth, her lips quivering around him as she sucked and licked at his length.

"Uh… Ohuh!!" he pulled out slightly, then slammed his hands on the desks beside her head and shivered as a torrent of thick seed filled her mouth.

"Already? Seriously? How can a guy with a dick like your pop so quickly!?" one holding her arms asked as he let go of her and shoved the guy away, already pulling out his cock to Hana's lips as she drooled the second one's load out of her mouth, her face dripping with saliva and a meager amount of cum.

"I swear that doesn't happen!" the second guy said, taking her arm to hold her down, "It's just Hana-"

"Fuck! Me!" the third guy was already groaning as his eyes rolled and his cock went deep. Her throat visibly bulged as it plunged in and out, "Do all Asians have head game like her?!" Hana growled around his cock but that only seemed to encourage him. "Oh shit! Fuck!" he growled, gripping her head and bobbing it rapidly on his length as he held still. Using her mouth like an ona-hole.

"MMMmnn?!" Hana yelped suddenly, and for a second I thought they were hurting her when the camera flowed down her body to find that the two on her legs were fingering her, her legs thrashed and twitched but they held her down, pulling her panties aside to shove a total of four finger's rapidly in and out. "MMmHmmHMMM!!!" she whimpered as her legs kept thrashing and her face kept bobbing.

"This is REAL tight…" the one on the right leg said teasingly as her pussy drooled and quivered, "Sure we ain't going to fuck it?"

"We're not rapists." The first said angrily, and probably ironically.

"Oh! SHIT! URGH!!!" the one in her mouth pulled her roughly down and sighed as her throat pulsed, forced her into swallowing his load as his tongue lolled and he shook it wildly, "Laaaaaah…" he laughed like a wild man as the other's giggled, he dropped her head, sliding his cock from her mouth as the other arm guy suddenly appeared before her bleary, dizzy, and sticky face… she let out a belch, as they laughed mere seconds before the guy entered her.

"Always wanted to do this…" he said, shoving his thick length between her submissive lips, "Ah yeah…" he reached out groping her tits as her freed hand reached out and cracked him across the head, "Ow!" he flinched as they laughed, before the guy previously in her mouth grabbed her wrist and held her down. "Bitch." He hissed angrily before gripping her pigtails and roughly pounding her face. "This is what you get for being an Asian cum slut! Yeah! Take it!" he growled, his balls smacking against her face as she grunted and groaned at his rough treatment.

"Hey knock that the fuck off…" the first guy growled, still fingering her ironically enough as a small squirt of liquid splashed onto the table. They ignored it.

"She likes it…" he replied, flinching slightly, "Don't you bite me…" he warned, apparently feeling her teeth, "Don't you-OH FUCK!" he fell on top of her as a look of rapturous bliss crossed his face. they stared at him as he seemed frozen in pleasure as a loud.

SLUUUUUURRRP! Echoed dominatingly across the room… he slid off of her and onto the floor, a spray of cum shoot up into the air before landing on him. Hana spat a wad of cum on his blissful face, and glared around her dazedly.

"Hurry the fuck up before I scream. Assholes."

"Hell I want some of that!" the last guy said approaching her face and stroking his cock as the first guy continued to finger her. He grinned at her and said coyly, "Though… its not quite right…" he grabbed her glasses and put them on her as she glared at him behind them. "There we go…" he then smacked his cock on her face, rubbing his balls against her lips as she flinched. "Some cute cum protectors… now beg to suck my cock."

"Fuck you." She said flatly as he whacked his cock rapidly against her face.

"Ask for permission to suck like a good little Asian schoolgirl…" he said teasingly as she glared, she obviously just wanted this over with.

"Please let me suck your cock…" she stuck out her tongue and he immediately pierced her mouth, thrusting back and forth as he sighed.

"MMm this is good sucky-sucky…" he laughed as Hana growled, gagging and slurping his cock as he held down her arms and gestured to the other two with his head, they both let go and walked around to her legs, she squeaked nervously and released a muffled yell around his plunging cock as they all began to finger her, her body thrashed, her pussy quivered and still they ignored it and continued to play with her body.

"Yeah we knew you'd like it!" he grinned, "Ugh! Urgh!!" he thrust hard against her face, "Fuck. Yes. FUCK! YES! You're mouth is just like a pussy!" he praised, burying his cock into her throat and rotating his hips, grinding against her face. "…Oh fuck this I'm gonna nut…" he declared blissfully, thrusting twice more… and pulling out.

"Oh you asshole." She groaned as a torrent of cum splattered across her face and glasses as he stroked himself to completion.

"Just like a JAV..." he sighed quietly as she spat out a bit that had gotten into her mouth… then as abruptly as that cumshot, they stopped. Pulling up their pants and kicking the fourth guy awake, they all laughed and waved at her as she sat up. Looking dejected… the camera cut away as I blinked over my shoulder at Hana.

"…Are you okay?" I asked as she blinked at me surprised.

"What? Oh. Yeah, I'm fine. That was YEARS ago…" she said casually, "besides they all got into some serious trouble later in the week…" she looked thoughtful for a moment. "…Honestly I don't even remember what they got in trouble for. I didn't say anything."

"They found an awful lot of cocaine in all their lockers." Olivia said suddenly clicking her computer, "And a money trail to a Brazilian drug dealer known for his fondness for welching on his debts to hackers..."

We stared at her as she blinked at us, realizing we were staring. "What? No means no."

"…Wow, Olivia. Just wow." I said, realizing immediately what she did, and the next video before I froze. "No. NOoooo."

My Papi's Conception.

"YOU ARE FUCKED UP!" I barked.

An obvious hotel room appeared on screen as a 'Go get her jimmy!' was roared out somewhere off-screen. the door buzzed open and a pair of much younger, cleaner-shaven, and dreadlock-wearing people entered the room. Obviously, because my puta is sick. My father Jim Raynor, and my mother Sarah Snow."

Dad laughed as Mom, wearing red dreadlocks in a ponytail swung her arms around him and began to kiss, she was wearing a short white mini-dress and heels that unfortunately showed off her curves, Dad was wearing a tuxedo, mostly undone as my mother began to undress him.

"Ah Darlin yer drunk…" he said grinning as she kissed him and hummed with a chuckle into his lips as she shoved him onto his back. "Whoops!" he yelped with a laugh as she grinned down at him, slowly slipping her fingers beneath the straps of her dress as she slowly began to pull it down over her curvy unmarred body. "…Huh…" he said, grinning stupidly as she shimmied her dress to the floor, "…Sure you didn't join up to be a commando instead of a marine?" he asked lecherously as bare-naked mom put a foot on his chest and pushed, "Oof! Darlin I need those ribs…" he said good naturedly, grabbing and massaging her ankle as she smirked proudly.

"Cowboy. Somebody's getting ridden tonight. Now do you want it to be me? Or YOU…" she purred as he laughed nervously.

"…Well… I'm kinda open to both ways really." She pulled her foot away as he stood back up only to be shoved back onto the bed, "Whoa!" Mom tossed her dreadlocks, loosening them from her ponytail as he crawled back onto the bed, she shook out her dreads like tendrils down her muscled back as she crawled over him, grinning smugly as her ass wiggled towards the static camera.

Mom chuckled lightly and began kissing him again, yanking open his shirt to reveal his bare muscled chest before rubbing her hands on it, pulling away and sitting on his lap, caressing her body as his hands gripped her slender waist. "Hmm hmm…" she chuckled/purred as she wiggled her hips on his lap, "What's this?" she cooed as she fiddled with his belt.

"Alright. Alright enough playing darlin." He said as he sat up, she fell back onto the bed laughing as he stripped, tossing his jacket and shirt and slipping out of his pants. Before dropping onto my Mom as she shrieked in laughter, feeling his lips kiss her neck before locking lips again, growling into her ear as she wrapped her hands around his head. "Let me just…" he began to reach for what I noticed was a wallet on the bedside table only to suddenly be yanked back surprised at my Mom.

"Where you going?" she purred as he hesitated.

"Uh… condom?"

"More like con-dumb!" she said laughing, suddenly pushing him onto his back and straddling him. Mom was unsurprisingly strong.

"…Well I know where you get it from…" Olivia said smirking as Mom shifted slightly then her head rolled back.

"Ah-ahhh…" she sighed as Dad groaned, hands on mom's hips and pulling her down further, instinctively. "Woo!" Mom suddenly bounced up, "Ah!" again, "Yeah…" she growled quietly as Dad pumped up into her, her hands went to the back of her head as she bounced rapidly up and down.

"Mm! MM! AH!" her butt quivered as it bounced up and down on his thrusting hips, his hands lifted and rubbing her sides as she gasped delightedly. "Ah! AH!" her body visibly clenched.

"Damn." Dad hissed, thrusting up as she gasped, "O-oh shit…" he hissed, glancing at their connection as she sighed, arms dropping onto his chest.

"Done already?" she laughed slightly, a look of annoyance crossed Dad's face and suddenly he was up, "Haha!" she laughed as they kissed and he pushed her onto her back, "AH!" he pushed hard as her whole body quivered, she bit her bottom lip as he did it again, and again. "Ah! So rough!" she growled with a chuckle.

"If we're doing this darlin…" he growled, "We're doing it right…" she quivered as suddenly the whole bed shook as dad slammed his hips against her again, and again.

"Oh! OH!! Yeah Jimmy baby!! Oooooh" her voice vibrated as his hips moved rapidly up and down, in and out, pinning her to the bed as he took her hands, raising them above her head as she gasped, "Oh god!"

"Names Jim, Darlin." He grinned as Mom shuddered, he pushed himself up as her breasts bounced rapidly on her chest

"Baasssstaaaarrddd!!" her voice vibrated as his rapid hips finally slowly, roughly slammed into her, "Oh! Yes! Oh!" with each deep thrust as she arched her back, "Ohhh!" she quivered in orgasmic bliss as he released her arms and suddenly slid them underneath her arching back, holding it up as he lifted her, still thrust as she moaned, "Oh God!"

"Names! JIM!" Dad was on top of her as she gasped, moaning beneath him as her eyes rolled and she trembled as he twitched slightly.

"Fuck there so much!" she whimpered as she slapped his shoulders as his lower body moved slightly, "N-No wait…"

"Darlin. I'm GREEDY…" he growled in her ear as she quivered, a smile nervously stretching across her lips.

"Mmm!" she moaned as his tongue slithered in her ear, nibbling her lobe as she quivered beneath him. He sat up, squeezing her breasts before pulling roughly out of her. "Ah-" she gasped slightly before suddenly she was rolled over onto her stomach, "Hey what-EHHPPP!!" she groaned as he suddenly returned, "Fuuuuuck…" she clutched to the sheets as she shuddered, "Too… too sudden… slow! Down!" the bed began rocking again, "Oh! Shit! Uh!"

"Sarah. Darlin!" Dad growled, plowing into my young mother from behind as she lay prone on the bed, her mouth open in a silent constant scream as she clutched her hands together as if praying. Suddenly Dad pulled back, grabbed mom's hips and lifted her ass up as he wiggled his hips and began roughly pounding her from behind as she buried her face into the sheets as she screamed in pleasure. "Too tight Sarah!"

"Oh God!" she screamed a muffled cry into the sheets before Dad lifted her from the bed, breasts swinging from his thrusts as he hooked his arms under hers and pounded her relentlessly as she moaned incoherently. He pulled her further, lying her against himself as he wrapped his arms around her waist and chest, thrusting up into her as she screamed and quivered.

"Darlin!" He pushed and stilled as she gasped, his cock pulsing inside her as her pussy clenched around him…. They both dropped forward as Mom clawed the sheets both panting for breath. Dad pinning mom to the bed as he kissed the back of her neck as she purred…

"And that's when our favorite student was conceived!" Olivia grinned as the screen went black, "You were a prom baby!" I glared at her as she coughed and cleared her throat. "So… Papi… what should stay and go." I continued to silently glare at her…

"…I think you broke him Olivia." Hana noted, poking my frozen face.

"…You made me watch my mom and dad have sex… you made me watch my own conception! How did you even do that!?" Olivia just smiled at me and shrugged, "…I hate you."

"No you don't Papi…" she cooed lazily, kissing my cheek as she sat in my lap.

"No. I really do." I said, not really serious but I was pretty pissed.

"Aw. Papi… come on… would it make you feel better if Hana gave you a blowjob?" She asked playfully.

"Hey, leave me out of this." Hana said, raising her hands and washing them of this madness.

"Yes." I replied, "But I'm going to be the better man today and just ignore you."

"Papi…" she whined as she struggled against my bindings.

"No. Today I'm going to go and do OTHER things! Like… nap, or… game or something, Hana! Untie me please."

Hana pulled a loose strange of nylon rope and the entire thing became undone. Choosing not to ask how she was so knowledgeable of nylon rope knots. I got off, letting Olivia drop to the floor. "Good day." I said, walking stiffly out as Olivia manage a rather dejected.

"Papi! Which one should I move!" she asked as I shut the door and pulled out my phone.

"Hey Scott…" Fareeha answered as I made it to Mom's car, which I had borrowed sitting in the driver's seat.

"Hey. Fareeha, are you home right now?"

"Yeah… why?"

"…Can you see if your mom has a blue cap?... then put it on and meet me in your driveway?"

"…Why?" she asked, sounding both interested and suspicious."

"…No… particular reason." I noted as my cock throbbed excitedly in my pants, "See you soon." before adding with a slight smile, "Love ya Darlin."


End of Chapter

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