
Photography Club 3: Ms Symmetra, Ms Mei

I don't own overwatch

Sometimes I do things with the complete intention of not banging my sexy teachers. I know, strange concept. But even I needed a break. So, taking advantage of a nice long weekend I decided to go to the beach to take some photos. And no, not to just take pictures of women in bikinis. Although those are nice.

Getting a ride from Dad down to the crystal clear shoreline as he promptly went off to his football practice, I absently passed by Mei's beach house as I prepped my digital camera. Maybe when I was done, I'd go for an actual swim. However, upon stepping onto the soft grainy sand my eyes were immediately drawn to the pack of men surrounding a familiar caramel-colored woman reclining on a beach chair soaking in the sun.

She was in a bright blue one-piece that hugged every inch of her belly dancer body, wearing sunglasses and finishing rubbing in her sunscreen she promptly lied back and waved away the rest of the men. The only thing out of place for the sun bunny was a blue choker around her neck. Inwardly I sighed, I should've expected to meet a teacher here today, but I expected it to be Mei. After all, she lived nearby. But it would be rude not to say hi.

As I approached the flirtatious crowd. Because they were mostly men and OBVIOUSLY, they were flirting with her. she abruptly waved them away, looking annoyed as the herd thinned out. I gazed at her long shapely legs and her curvaceous belly dancer body wrapped tightly in the very snug one piece. She frowned as she heard me approach.

"Go away. I did NOT come here to be bothered by the likes of-oh." She hesitated as she saw me. "Hello, Mr. Snow." She said a little more politely.

"Hey Ms. Vaswani." I replied, while normally I was quite casual with my teachers it never hurt to be just a little less so when surrounded by people we definitely didn't know. "What was with the group?" I asked as dozens of them glared daggers at me before heading off and trolling for girls somewhere else.

She frowned slightly and, looking briefly around she rolled onto her side, revealing that her one-piece suit rode tightly up between her butt cheeks, I cleared my throat as she adjusted the 'thong' spreading it out over her caramel-colored shapely rear before lying back down with a slight blush. "Admittedly this suit is a little tight." She said sheepishly, "I didn't have time to go buy a new one and apparently when a bunch of muscle-headed fools see a large portion of my backside their brains assume, I want to see them naked."

I gave her a very soft smile, "…Well it's a very nice backside… you work hard to keep it in shape."

She returned the smile, "True Mr. Snow… but that also means I didn't come here to entertain you." She said as I shrugged, I was okay with that. "I simply want to relax and take in the sun." she added, sighing contentedly as she absorbed the heated rays. "Why are you here might I ask?"

"I wanted to get some shots of the beach for photography club, the ocean, the sands, maybe out there on the rocks." I pointed to the long stretch of rock wall over the waters, "Either way I hope you enjoy your day." I said as she smiled contentedly.

"Thank you, Mr. Snow. Take some good pictures." CLICK. She blinked behind her sunglasses at me as I gave her a wink.

"…What? You had to have known I was going to do that…" I said mischievously, turning to walk away as she rolled her eyes. I could tell.

About an hour later, I had thoroughly taken photos of everything the beach had to offer. Including a pack of draenai girls on vacation who had asked me to. I enjoyed that a little more than I should have… I'll promptly put my copy away for later.

As I headed back towards Satya, I found she had flipped over and, once again, the suit had ridden up once more between her firm, pleasing cheeks. Absently she stretched it back into place on her shapely rear as a group of hungry guys watched from a distance. I approached her frowning slightly to myself but deciding there was nothing I could really do about it.

"Hey Satya? Mind if I leave my things with you while I take a swim?"

"Mmmn." She affirmed softly, snoozing like a cat on the windowsill as I placed my things next to hers along with my shirt. The pack of Draenai girls had just passed by and, collectively they stared at me one of them whistling. I mean I wasn't a tubby kid, but it wasn't like I was jacked… although admittedly, as I headed down to the water. I haven't actually got a good look at myself in the mirror, all that lady lifting really toned me up a little.

I dove into the cold water and started swimming, letting the current take me sometimes as I did a few long strokes swimming to the rocks and back before lying on my back in the water and just floating…

… "Hi Scott!"

"Dah!" I scrambled in the water and turned to find a cheerful Mei wearing a mask and snorkel, smiling at me as her breasts floated in a tight light blue bikini top above the water. "Oh… hey Mei what's up?" I asked eyeing her as I realized she had some sort of water bag over her shoulder.

"Oh, just some samples. I experiment sometimes on the things I find." She grinned cheerfully at me, her long brown hair sticking to her body as it formed the shape of her curvy shoulders. "What are you doing here? Having fun?"

"Yeah. I took some photos, now I'm relaxing for a bit before I head home."

"Oh." She said sounding slightly disappointed. "…I thought that maybe you'd like to help me with a few things." She said sheepishly, looking like a kicked puppy.

…Damn it.

"…Okay fine, what do you need?" I asked relenting as she cheered up immediately, handing me her bag as she waved.

"Just tread water for a minute while I go get my other bag." She took a deep breath and swam down, her big soft ass breaching the water as she dove, deep under the clear ocean water. I watched her surprisingly dolphin-like form as she grabbed a similar-looking bag near a forest of underwater plants and swam upwards, I couldn't help but think that those big soft breasts were excellent flotation devices. And how I'd like to have them wrapped around me... She broke the water, swinging her wet hair out of her face like that scene from the little mermaid…

…What? Don't judge me.

She smiled excitedly at me, "Okay! Can you help me get these to my house?"

"Sure." I noted, swinging the strap over my shoulder as we swam to shore. Surprisingly Mei was a good swimmer, you wouldn't know it from looking at her but even weighed down by the bag she was keeping good form and pace with me. Apparently under that soft body of hers hid a very fit swimmer. As we left the shore water cascaded down her curves as she brushed her wet hair from her face. Squeezing out water as she turned to me and gave me an adorable grin, as if she didn't know exactly how much of a soft-bodied goddess she was…

…Actually, as it is Mei. She probably doesn't.

"Thanks Scott." She said, as I began to notice a lot of guys checking her out.

"No problem." I said, becoming slightly irritated at their looks as she began walking, practically skipping, on the sand, that round jiggling booty wobbling before my eyes wrapped tightly in her light blue bikini… I was going to have problems if I wasn't careful. "Let me grab my things from Satya and I'll follow you to your house."

"Oh, Satya's here?" she said, legitimately surprised as she smiled happily at me. Following me as I headed towards the beautiful Math teacher. "I'll come and say hi!" half a dozen guys watched as she walked next to me, most of them covering or crossing their legs as she chatted cheerfully with me.

"Are you coming to the next game? I promise I'll let you make your own character."

"Sure. I had fun last time…" I said, adjusting the heavy bag on my back. "What do you have in here?"

"Oh coral, rocks, some plants and a map for hidden treasure. The usual stuff."

"Hidden treasure?" I said, a little surprised at her joke... she was joking right?

"Hi Satya!" Mei cheered, ignoring my question and smiling at the beautiful Indian.

Satya lifted her sunglasses, giving Mei a small smile. "Hello, Mei-Ling. Another round of samples?"

"The last one's exploded!" she said cheerily as if that was normal, but she was just so adorably excited. "But I'm getting better, Moira said my last batch was exceptional so I'm going to try again." she then looked around curiously, "…There are a lot of guys around…" she said a little surprised. Noticing the stares she and Satya were getting, "You are really popular." She said giving her a cute smile. She was so smart, but just sometimes oblivious.

I rolled my eyes and gathered my things, "Thanks for watching my stuff Satya." I said turning to Mei, "Lead the way Mei."

Satya, eyed the both of us for a moment, her gaze lingering on my chest. "...Are you two leaving together?"

"I got what I wanted and so did Mei apparently." I said, wiggling my camera casually. "So, I'm going to help her take her stuff home… maybe get a shower before heading home myself."

Satya frowned, her eyes shifting to the many gazes on her before her frown deepened. Sighing reluctantly as she sat up, "…Do you mind if I come with you? I'm tired of their looks." She said annoyed, standing up as that wonderful caramel-colored ass was put on display, it had ridden up again. She quickly adjusted her clothing but not quick enough to avoid the damage she caused. One guy was promptly slapped by a woman who could only be his 'former' girlfriend as he took one last stupidly reluctant glace at Satya's rear and tried to beg for forgiveness.

"Sure!" Mei said, not noticing anything at all as Satya gathered her things and followed her. I followed Satya, shielding her slightly from view while partaking in it myself. Her suit quickly transformed into a thong before my eyes as she wiggled it in just the right way. Once we had stepped off the sand, quickly approaching Mei's home, she went to adjust the suit once more.

"Leave it." I whispered flatly, her hand freezing just over her left cheek about to tug it free. She quickly pulled her hand away as she continued to walk unimpeded. We stood outside Mei's front door as she fiddled with her keys, her tongue protruding slightly from her lips as she tried to find the right one.

I had one free hand and I just couldn't resist anymore. I slipped it onto Satya's shapely rear and she froze, making no sound, no response whatsoever as I caressed that wonderfully soft rear. She pushed back against my hand as Mei cheerfully giggled, opening the door as I pulled my hand away, following them both inside as Mei turned on the lights.

"Scott you can put the bag right there on the side table." She smiled, walking towards her bathroom, "If you guys want to use a shower, I have another one in my bedroom." She said sweetly, "Feel free." She added, pulling away the string of her top and, not letting me see, shut the door behind her the water thundering in her shower as she hummed charmingly.

I put the bags down on the table and, turning immediately to Satya as she dropped her things nearby, I took both hands and got a firm grip on both her silky smooth skinned cheeks as she cooed softly. "…You look sexy." I said, she hummed happily as I caressed those round cheeks in my hands. "I like you sexy." I said, sucking at her neck as she moaned. Biting her lip as I continued to caress her.

"Thank you." She said softly, pushing her ass into my hands as I slipped my hands to her thighs.

"But you're a naughty girl." I said softly as she whimpered, "Going out and showing all those guys this sexy ass in a thong." I gently gave her rear a soft slap, barely a slap more like a pat. "Its mine though." I said as she shivered in my hands.

"…Yes…" she hissed softly, leaning back against me as she felt my hardening erection between her cheeks.

"Put your hands on the wall." I said, pointing to a bare space of wall just beside the door, "Stick it out." She strutted towards the wall, shaking her hair out of her face as she spread her legs shoulder length apart, and placed her hands flat on the wall. Her now thong one-piece riding up just right as she looked over her shoulders at me. I took my camera from the table and immediately took a picture. She pouted, looking slightly annoyed, but it just made her sexier. "More." I encouraged, as I took more pictures, "I want more. Dance for me." I said, getting close and kneeling behind her, barely a foot away from her ass as she frowned down at me. I took a picture, making it seem even bigger from an angle. "Dance. Shake it for me." I ordered as, after a moment nothing, she began to shake.

Her rear wobbled like a woman in a rap video and it was fucking. Perfect. The shutter of my camera lens rapidly flickered as I tried to capture it in slow motion. Her well-trained and carefully practiced body working it majestically before my eyes.

"…You're perfect." I praised as she blushed, looking over her shoulder at me a little surprised pulling her hands from the wall. "No don't move them." I said flatly, "Its better if you keep them there." She returned her hands to the wall, now using her legs and hips to swivel and bed up and down, putting her belly dancer body through the paces. I watched it jiggle for what seemed like forever, before leaning forwards and giving her left cheek a gentle kiss. She smiled almost lovingly down at me before I took another picture. Capturing the moment.

"What are you two doing?" Satya froze as I glanced over my shoulder at a toweled-up Mei, looking admonishingly at us both. "…Seriously Scott?!" she said pouting at me as she realized what was obviously going on.

"I didn't say stop." I said to Satya, as she shivered, staring into my eyes before gently shaking her rear again.

"Scott!" Mei said firmly, trying to be stern but merely coming off as cute.

"…Satya's helping me take some pictures." I said, letting my hand rest underneath her right butt cheek as it slapped up and down on it. "…In fact why don't I get some with you both?" I griped Satya's rear firmly, holding her in place. "Stop for a second Satya." I said, standing back up and approaching Mei as she blushed. "Just a few pictures."

"Scott, I'm naked." She said frowning, and pointing out the obvious.

"Good point. Go put your swimsuit back on." I said, she continued to frown at me "…Please?"

She glared daggers at me, and sighed disappointedly, turning around to walk back into the bathroom. After a moment she returned, wearing her glasses and that blue swimsuit. "Beautiful." I said immediately, she blushed walking past me with her chin held high.

"Just a few! And no naked ones!" she said, trying to maintain control. I was okay with that.

"Alright. Satya you stay just like that." I said, rubbing my hand up her back as she shivered. Mei kneel down next to her, get your face real close to her butt."

"Her butt?!" she scowled at me, as I nodded.

"Yes. Wrap your arm around her waist… good." I said, as her hand rested on the 'shelf' that was Satya's rear. "Okay. Now rest your face on her cheek, go on it's fine!" I said as Mei, pouting sternly, rested her cheek against Satya's rear. And before I could direct her to she then placed a hand on Satya's other cheek. "Perfect." I said again as she blushed. "Satya. Look at me…" and CLICK. "Good. Now." I blinked for a moment, "…Mei, kiss it." I said as she frowned at me. "Just, put your lips on it. Worship it a little."

She hesitated as I aimed the camera but turned to press her lips carefully against Satya's smooth wondrous ass. CLICK CLICK. So nice I had to take it twice. "Okay. That's great Mei. Now just one more." I gently lifted her up, taking her hands and placing them on Satya's cheeks, bending her over so her breasts rested on Satya's ass curve. "Hold it. Hold it. Okay, spread them."

"Scott…" she growled adorably.

"Last one. Ready?" she scowled but pulled Satya's cheeks apart as they molded in her hand, Satya moaning erotically as the audible CLICK of the camera went off. "Okay. Done. You are both beautiful." I praised as they sheepishly shifted in place. I gently handed Mei my camera as she blinked at it curiously, I took Satya's hand and placed my other hand on Mei's wonderfully soft rear, guiding them both to the bathroom.

"Now I got plenty of shots of Satya's rear." I said, clapping a hand gently on Satya's caramel-skinned booty as I squeezed it gently, opening the glass shower door as I pulled her in with me. "Now I want some passion shots…" I closed the door with us inside as I pressed her to the glass wall, her body firmly up against the glass as she looked nervously over her shoulder at me. "Mei. I'll let you know when." I said to her in confusion as I turned on the hot water.

"Scott? MMn!" Satya moaned as my hands rubbed her front and back, the water already soaking her suit as she pressed her breasts back against the glass, her fingers curling as her hands pressed flat to it. Panting softly as I quickly warmed her up even further, my fingers slipping beneath her tight suit and pushing between her lower lips, she shuddered moaning loudly as my other hand yanked out the thong from between her cheeks, my fingers spreading her tight ass hole as they prodded inside her. "Ohh… Scott." She whined, shivering as I pierced both holes.

"Look at the camera. I want to capture you cumming." I whispered in her ear, slipping my tongue to worm around it as she crashed her teeth together. "Get ready Mei." I said as Mei hesitantly lifted the camera to her eyes, watching Satya's face intently as I suckled at her neck, my tongue licking around her choker as, finally, she screamed in pleasure.

CLICK. Her body shivered as the camera flashed, capturing her beautiful form forever in ecstasy. "Beautiful." I praised as she shivered, her holes clutching tightly to my fingers. "What a good girl…" she spasmed on my hands, moaning slightly at my words as I kissed her. "It almost makes up for you trying to seduce all those guys…" I teased as she whimpered.

"…I wasn't…" she said, a little childishly as I pulled my fingers from her body, sliding around her frame to press her further against the glass as I pinned her in place. My shorts dropped into the water at our feet as I rubbed my firm cock between her legs, warming it up against her soft skin as I tugged at the top of her suit, trying to reveal her breasts to my camera, rubbing her nipples against the glass.

"Don't lie." I cooed, slipping my pussy covered fingers into her mouth as she obediently licked them clean, and used my other hand to rub her crotch, "You saw all those guys. Look at this naughty butt." I said pushing my length between her cheeks, rubbing between them as she moaned. "I bet you wanted them all to gangbang you." She moaned wildly as I heard another CLICK of my camera, her lips gently kissing my fingers as I rubbed her, tempting me to piece inside her as she slurped my fingers. "Bad girl." I scolded, as she froze. I pulled my fingers from her mouth, griping her chin and turning her to face me as I kissed her, she moaned gently into the kiss, then squealed as she felt my cock piece her pussy from behind. Rubbing her nipples up the glass as I briefly lifted her from the floor with my thrusts forcing her on her tiptoes, pushing balls deep immediately as her tight warm pussy drooled around it. "Naughty girl. Don't I give you enough cock?" I possessed her lips again as the camera CLICKed, thrusting gently against her as she banged against the glass, moaning lovingly as she clutched to my length. "Well?" I asked as I pounded against that supple ass, feeling it mold against my hips as I slapped against it.

"Yes." She moaned, panting like a horny dog as I pumped inside her.

"Yes. What?" I asked, giving her butterfly kisses up her neck as I rubbed her pussy and squeezed her ass cheeks.

"Yes! You give me enough cock!" she screamed happily, squeezing my length tightly as she came, the familiar CLICK shuttering rapidly as she shivered against the fogging glass. "I'm cumming!" she declared, tongue licking against the glass as her eyes rolled. CLICK.

"…Maybe you are a good girl." I praised, slowly moving in and out of her as her orgasm subsided, kissing her neck again as she whimpered lovingly. Twitching erotically as her spasms ceased.

"…I'm your good girl…" she moaned, turning her head to kiss me, brushing her lips against my cheeks as I chuckled… it felt like getting licked by a little dog. Tiny little tongue kisses. I gently took her chin in my hand and kissed her firmly as she moaned, before pulling away abruptly.

"I want to cum now." I told her as she suddenly tightened around my length, I hummed at the feeling of her tight wet warmth, he shivered in excitement, ready to receive my seed. "Good girl." I praised as she hummed delightedly, shaking her ass instinctively against me as I gripped her slender dancer's waist. Looking at a rather aroused Mei, her legs rubbing together as I slowly pulled out of Satya, and rammed inside her abruptly. The glass panel shook slightly as Satya squealed and was forced up the glass as Mei, surprised, took another CLICK.

"My Satya." I growled possessively rapidly ramming deep into her tight soft pussy. "Mine!" I grabbed her hands, pulling her back as I roughly pushed deeper and deeper inside her, her screams of pleasure echoing around the perfectly acoustic bathroom. Now, this was singing in the shower.

"Oh Gods! It's so good!" she squealed, her ass slapping against my hips as she bounced relentlessly on my length her breasts still up against the glass as her tongue lolled up against it. Spasming on my length as she came, squeezing my cock wildly to get me to blow my load. "YES!"

"Good girl!" I cheered, roaring my release as I pushed deep into her tunnel, my cock throbbing to bursting, firing deep into her clutching tunnel as her lower lips drank my semen. Not a drop dripping from that tight wonderous pussy as I pinned her against the glass. She panted happily as the camera CLICKed. I let go of her hands as she tried to feebly crawl up the glass. And, watching Mei for a moment in a lust-filled haze, kissed the glass sloppily, rubbing up against it as Mei, CLICKed again…

I pulled her away, rapidly rubbing her pussy as the glass quickly fogged, holding her tightly to me as I decided to tease her just a little more. Whispering quietly in her ear. "Only I get to tell you when you get gangbanged." I growled possessively, chuckling to myself as she froze up again, clutching tightly to me as her toes curled, the mere thought sending a tiny orgasm through her body.

"…Yes…" she whispered her reply, face red as she nodded.

"Good girl." I praised again as she hummed delightedly, I pulled from her body, covering her pussy with my hand as I kissed her, "Let's get all cleaned up." I said, louder. "… It's Mei's turn next." I said turning Satya to the shower water and pulling off her one-piece completely while lathering her in soap.

Two squeaky clean post-coitus lovers later and I stepped out of the shower. Mei, red-faced and waiting patiently as her fingers clutched nervously at my camera. I dried off, then dried Satya off as she laughed. Feeling my hands tickle her body as I kissed her gently, before taking my camera from Mei's hands and handing it to Satya. I then took Mei's hands in mine, and before she could argue, I lifted her in a bridal carry she shrieked in surprise, wrapping her arms around my neck as I easily carried her out of the bathroom.

"Scott! What are you doing?!" she whimpered, as I slid her between her doorframes, followed closely by a naked Satya, not even bothering to dress as she took a CLICK.

"I'm carrying you to bed." I said obviously as she blushed, I lay her down on her mattress, leaning forward immediately to kiss her as her eyes widened in surprise. My hand slid down her soft belly to her bikini bottoms, rubbing her already wet crotch through the material as she whimpered into my kiss. CLICK went the camera as her legs slowly spread apart, giving me more access as my other hand went to her wonderous breasts. Gently caressing them as she hummed around my tongue.

"You're so pretty." I praised as she froze, looking away embarrassedly as I went back to kissing her.

She pulled away, "No I'm not…" she said softly, I blinked at her confused.

"…Who the fuck told you that?" I said coldly as she seemed surprised.

"N-No one." She said, "Ah!" she flinched as my fingers slipped under her bottoms, piercing her pussy as I slid my fingers through her well-maintained pubic hairs. "Hah… Scott…" she moaned lovingly.

"You are pretty." I said firmly, sternly in fact with firm commitment. "And if anyone tells you otherwise you tell me."

She blushed but stared almost hypnotized up at me. "W-why?" she asked her body writhing under my constant prodding.

"So, I can HURT them." I said coolly, returning to her lips as I lay down beside her, taking her soft hand and leading it towards my quickly hardening cock before returning my hand to her chest. Her hand twitched at the feeling, but quickly wrapped around it, stroking the recently cleaned cock as I hummed softly, pushing it against her supple legs.

"Look at the camera." I ordered gently as, suddenly remembering Satya was there, she looked. CLICK. Distracted by Satya I easily lifted Mei above me.

"Ah Scott!" she yelped adorably as I rested her soft warm body on mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her tightly. Strangely, it felt a-mei-zing. Something about hugging Mei was just orgasmic. World problems could be solved if we just sent Mei to hug the offenders. She rested her head on the pillow next to mine as I kissed her cheeks, she gave me a teasing smile as CLICK went the camera. "…Don't tease me." She begged softly as I slipped my hands beneath that heavy Asian booty, lifting her up and rubbing her cheeks as she felt my hard cock slap between her legs.

"…Its butt girl time." I said.

"What?" she blinked and squealed as I dropped her a-mei-zingly tight ass down on my cock, stretching her abruptly as she pulled her legs up, clenching wildly at the sudden intrusion. "OH MY GOSH!" she bit he lip, a tiny shiver shaking through her body as CLICK she orgasm, opening her mouth and gasping for breath as she made a perfect ahegao face.

"My butt girl." I teased as she whimpered.

"JERK!" she replied, but quickly began to moan in pleasure as I lifted her up and down. "N-No go slow." She begged, and I complied, letting that consistently tight ass adjust once more to my length. I kept thrusting her up and down as I reached up to her top, pulling the material away and displaying those majestic breasts to the CLICK of the camera, pinching and groping her boobs as she shuddered again. "Geez Scott be gentle." She whimpered as I kept up the pace, she lied down on top of me, her hands clawing against the sheets as I licked her cheek.

"Satya could take it." I said teasing her slightly as my pet girl continued to watch me intently.

"I don't WANT to be Satya." She said sternly, pouting cutely at me as she tried to be firm.

"…Okay." I said, just a little disappointed as I eased up. Her cute angry face quickly turned to one of orgasmic pleasure as she panted adorably. "…You're still a pretty girl." I praised as she tightened and came.

"Hah!" she squeaked, shivering on my body as I groped her soft flesh. "Ah so good…" she moaned, I rolled her off me, lifting her legs as I kept pumping, barely registering the CLICK as I pressed my lips back to Mei, she gazed up at me intently, not breaking eye contact as I pumped my hips against that wonderous rear. My cock throbbing and bulging, demanding release.

"…Are you going to cum?" she asked, almost innocently as I leaned forward and kissed her, just for a moment before pulling out. "Ah!" she whimpered, her hole spasming for my return.

"Not there." I said flatly as her eyes widened and spread her legs wide, lying between her legs as she lay her arms beside her, lying like a submissive pet displaying their belly. Maybe she did want to be Satya, just a little bit. I gave her no time to rest as I pushed into her pussy as she bit her trembling lip, holding back the shrieks of pleasure as I made that soft-bodied goddess shake wildly with my thrusts. "I'm going to cum inside you." I declared flatly, interlocking her fingers with mine as I ground against her, her erotic pants driving me forward like cheers as CLICK went the camera again.

"…Okay." She said softly, her face red as she gazed into my eyes, her face the picture of acceptance as I leaned forward, kissed her, and promptly bred her. Her whole body clenched up as she froze, moaning gently into my mouth as I released deep into her body. She was just so warm against me, and soft so fucking soft… I let go of her hands, clutching at her breasts as I slipped my tongue into her mouth. My length practically pissed my seed into her as I relaxed. CLICK.

I looked over at Satya, a little coolly, "That wasn't worth a click." I said annoyed as she shrugged. I rolled off Mei, lying beside her as I spread her legs, holding up her hands as her stuff pussy leaked my cum erotically, "Peace signs." I said teasingly as she frowned.

"…That's racist." She said firmly, "Just because I'm Asian…" she added with an adorable mumble but did it anyway. Just for me. CLICK. Her eyes widened as I suddenly turned her back to my lips, moaning gently into my mouth.

"…Just one more." I said with a grin, shifting off the couch and taking my camera from Satya, slapping her rear and watching it jiggle. "Eat." I said, holding up the camera as Satya obediently crawled between a surprised Mei, Satya's tongue dove between Mei's lower lips as Mei shivered in surprise.

"N-No wait! That's mine!" she said and suddenly freezing she stared at me both of us realizing exactly what she said and meant. Her face went as red as a tomato as I stared at her equally surprised. "I-I mean…" she blinked trying to cover just as I lifted the camera and…


"…SON OF A BITCH!!" I hissed angrily at the screen as Satya's sloppy tongue continued to lick away unimpeded against Mei's adorably shy whimpers. "I need a computer quick!"

End of chapter.

Next chapter