
Halloween Special Part 3: Ms DVA Ms Tracer

I don't own overwatch

"Scott where are the hot dogs?" my mother shouted from somewhere outside in the backyard as I shut the doors on trick-or-treaters.

"Outside freezer." I shouted back as dad hauled several fresh burger patties, dressed up in his Star Raider uniform.

"Thank you!" she replied as I placed the big bowl of candy on the table and helped dad with the door.

It was that time again, it was Halloween. And this year since dad was in town we decided to have ourselves a party. So, naturally, dad lied to Uncle Matt so he'd spend quality time with Aunt Mira and tricked uncle Tychus to head to Junktown where he can argue and possibly brawl with his drinking buddy/rival Grom Hellscream.

Granted I think he copped out by dressing up in his uniform but I guess him being here at all was a nice change of pace. I got myself a werewolf costume, an actual one… Fareeha said I should, although admittedly I looked more like a discount hairy Wolverine with stuck-on hair on my face and arms. And Mom was dressed up like Ripley from Aliens… no not in her fucking underwear, a jumpsuit. She had a sort of loader suit made of cardboard but she was going to be grilling. She kinda needed her hands and not be flammable.

"Darlin did you remember to get ice for the cooler?" Dad asked as I stepped out into our back yard where mom was expertly tending to the grill.

"Freezer." She replied, and the flames erupted. "Scott, did you remember the invites?"

"Yeah mom." I replied, "All the teachers, some parents, Jeremy. I might have also mentioned dad was going to be around so several of his fans might try to crash. Dad looked distinctly smug at that, but Mom slapped his chest, and he flinched.

"Focus. Go fill the cooler. And make sure I have at least a six-pack of Queen of Blades in there!"

As Mom seasoned the burgers dad loaded the cooler with soda, juice, and of course mom's beers. But then I took out three as he watched me. We had a very silent but pointed conversation and he subtly hid the bottles in the back of the fridge before dumping the ice over everything. We did not want Mom to enter any of her 'modes'.

"Okay. I'll go man the door, you guys let me know if you need anything." I added, heading back into the house as dad began drinking a bottle of beer.

"Such a diligent kid. He gets that from me. Oof!" mom elbowed him before beginning to cook. "What?"

The doorbell rang and I took the candy bowl to the cheerful cries of "Trick or Treat!" handing out the candy I blinked as a large orc and a smaller orc approached, both dressed up in 'historical' orc armor. "Trick or treat!" giggled the smaller orc as the bigger one clapped a hand on his head.

"…Thrallson?" I asked, blinking at Azeroth High's star quarterback. They were both all painted up in tribal paint.

"Sup Snow." He replied flatly, taking a candy bar from the bowl. "Nice costume." He added as I shrugged, then my eyes narrowed behind him at the edge of our sidewalk. A blue-skinned elven woman in armor stood there. She was pretty hot.

"You guys trick or treat this far from Ogrimmar?" I asked sneaking another handful into the smaller orcs bag as he cheered.

"My grandparents live a couple blocks away." Daelin replied gesturing over his shoulder. "And since I needed to babysit I brought my little brother while I visited."

"No kidding." I replied, "Well hey, it was nice to see you." I said, eyeing the elven woman again. she was staring. "…She with you?" I asked as Daelin checked over his shoulder and smirked.

"Sylvanas? Oh… yeah she's…"

"My brother says she's going to show him a few tri-" the tiny orc began as Daelin covered his mouth, clearing his throat… Ah.

"Well. You have fun with that…" I replied just as Hana parked her car, getting out with Mei and Brigitte.

Hana. Dressed up as a police officer wore tight long pants, a long blue tie, white cap, a nightstick on her hip, and spun a pair of handcuffs on her gloved finger. Mei was dressed as… I think classic Lara Croft, with very distracting shorts and blue tank top with boots and a pair of obviously fake guns strapped tightly against her big supple chest. And Finally, Brigitte was dressed up as some sort of Viking shieldmaiden, hardcore cosplaying at its finest.

They strutted past me waving greetings as Daelin's and my eyes were drawn to their shapely behinds. He then eyed me for a moment, then cleared his throat again. Leading his brother away. "…You too man." He said almost knowingly.

I turned into the house, finding Mei and Brigitte already heading out the back as Brigitte shrieked in delight. "Oh my god, Jim Raynor!"

Hana smirked at me, still spinning the handcuffs. "She's a fan." She said absently, looking around. "…So who else is coming?" she asked, dropping onto the couch as Brigitte began fangirling all over the place with Mei now helping mom.

"Well, Fareeha's tending her place so she couldn't make it." I said, a little disappointed but I'll just visit her later. "Jeremy and Coach. Principal Morrison and Ms. Ana couldn't make it either they had plans. But Lena and her girlfriend are supposedly coming. Angela, Olivia, Mr. Winston…" I blinked and tried to remember more. "…Satya, and Amelie said she'd come if she was pissed at her husband again."

Hana's eyebrow rose curiously as she stood back up, her pants hugging tightly to her hips as she adjusted them a bit. I blinked, watching her tight little rear for a moment. "Those look tight."

"Extremely." She said, "I don't know how my friends can put up with it. They gave me this spare uniform."

"Wait that's a real cop uniform?" I asked surprise.

"Yeah. In Korea... a few years ago. So nobody's going to fall for any tricks here not that I have a badge… speaking of tricks. Since we're a little early want to go shoot some zombies?" she asked pulling out a game controller from pretty much nowhere.

"I guess but someone needs to man the…" I began when the door rang again and I went to tend to it. Finding the Coach and Jeremy. The coach was dressed up in her barbarian costume from the Con, with Jeremy looking a little more daring as a ninja. At least he wasn't a bunny again. "Hey. Come on in." I said, as Hana handed Jeremy the bowl of candy.

"Hey. Man the door would you?" Hana asked, grabbing my arm.

"Sure." He replied with a shrug as Zarya hefted the bowl from him and smiled, tending to a group of kids as they approached nervously.

"…We're not going to go gaming are we…" I said thoughtfully as she grinned, slapping a cuff around my wrist.

"Nope." She smiled, dragging me into my room as she licked her lips, hooking the other cuff around my hand as she shut and locked the door.

"…This is new." I replied as I looked at the… apparently very real cuffs around my wrists. "What brought this around?" I asked as I was forcefully shoved to my bed. She smirked, shimmying out of her tight pants as her bare ass bounced out of the tight cloth.

"Somebody's got himself a bondage itch." She said firmly, slapping the nightstick into her hand as she stood there in her underwear. "Olivia said you've gotten into some sketchy play." She tugged at my pants, unzipping them as she buried her hand into my zipper, squeezing my length as she tugged it free. "Naughty Scott's been treating girls like toys." She said smirking coolly.

I frowned for a moment. First off, Olivia encouraged it. Second. I only really did it to Satya who is literally addicted to it. And thirdly… actually I lost my train of thought as her silky gloved hand stroked my quickly hardening length.

"I'm going to discipline you." She said slapping the stick lightly against her smooth thigh as she stroked me, "You're going to hold it in until I tell you too…"

"…And if I don't?" I said as she knelt between my legs at the edge of the bed. Gently breathing her hot breath on my cock as it twitched in her grip.

"Then you can cum all over your pants and explain to your party guests why…" she said smugly, "MMmnnn…" she licked my length from zipper to tip as she stroked me. Resting the stick against my leg almost menacingly as I clutched at my shirt with my hands bound together with the cuffs. My feet clawed at the carpet as she opened her mouth wide, slipping down my length in quickly, pleasurably strokes before popping off and stroking again just as quickly. She certainly knew my soft spots, plus she was a master of giving head. She must have done it dozens of times to the girls and boys of her gamers club.

She throated my cock into her mouth, her tongue lapping at the shaft as it protruded between her tight warm lips. "Umph!" she immediately pulled off as my cock leaked pre-cum, she smirked knowingly, stroking a few more drops out with her thumb and finger.

"Ah ah!" she teased, "I don't feel like drinking your load tonight." She said grinning as a few cheers rose up from the bottom floor, obviously more people had arrived. My cock twitched, and suddenly I realized that someone MUST be wondering where I was.

"…Hana." I said, gently, "We… should really hurry this up." I said, as laughter echoed from outside as Dad made what sounded like Mr. Lindholm laugh.

"Beg me." She said, stroking me steadily, watching my cock twitch between her fingers. "Come on. Say please…"

Inwardly I rolled my eyes, "…Please let me cum, Hana."

"Ms Song." She said rather airily, licking my cock and rather dismissingly her dominating personality a little.

"Please let me cum Ms. Song." I replied, trying to hold my load as she sped up just a tiny bit.

She tossed the nightstick onto the bed before standing up and placing her hands on my dresser. Wiggling her tight little ass as she smirked, "Oh alright… I suppose we've had enough fun. Come on in." she smiled, bouncing her rear up and down as I approached her.

My cock, erect and waiting for release rubbed precum onto her pristine smooth skin. She shook her rear, wrapping my length between her cheeks as I rubbed up against her. "Hmmm. Which hole should I let you play with?" she said airily, shaking her hips left and right as she rubbed me. But I had to admit, I was at my limit and my nerves were beating out my dignity… No pun intended. My hands gripped her slender hips as best they could and I prodded my tip against her ever-tight little ass.

"Ahh! OOooh…" she shivered as I pushed to the hilt, the dresser rocking slightly as her fingers curled on the top. "S-Shit…" she hissed with a chuckle, shaking slightly as I slowly pulled out, and slammed back in. the dresser banging lightly against the wall as she slammed against it. "Ohh!"

Driven on by pure lust I pinned her to the dresser, slamming rapidly into her warm hole as she began to squeak in delight, her pussy leaking arousal down her thigh and damping the wooden drawer of my dresser.

My mind briefly wandered to the thick nightstick left on the bed and all the fun little things I could do with it… but that would not only require logistics, but time, and I was a little too horny to think things through...

"Oooh!!" she shivered, leaking onto my dresser as she came, her cap bounced away as I literally fucked it off.

"Cumming…" I growled, pinning her against the dresser and pumping her tight little ass full of my seed. My hands caressed her soft, quivering rear as she laughed off the orgasm. Her spasming insides pulled every drop of my cum out from my balls, and deeper inside her. We panted for breath as we finished, she rubbed the dresser with her hands and her crotch, she was after all still pinned to it by the nail that was my cock up her hole. I stroked her hair with my bound hands, turning her head as she blinked at me in pleasurable delirium as I kissed her.

"MMmn." She cooed into my mouth as her tight little hole clenched gently. As if making sure I was empty. She pulled away, a small trace of saliva still connecting our tongues as she grinned.

"Maybe I'll get you a collar now…" she smirked as I gently slipped from her, her body shook lightly as her hole spasmed shut. "…You are after all a big doggy…" she grinned as I scratched at the furry makeup around my face. She bent over, still leaking a little as she picked up her pants.

"Hey." I said suddenly, holding out my hands. Rattle the cuffs. "Please?" I asked flatly as she blinked and stuck a hand in her pants pockets.

…Then she frowned. "…Oh… uh…" she stuck it in the other pocket and blinked. "…So… funny story."

"…Son of a bitch." I mumbled.

"I'm…sure I have the keys SOMEWHERE…" she mumbled, shaking her rear as she searched her pockets again. "Maybe the key is in the car?"

"Just… go…" I sighed, wondering how I was going to get out of these things as she struggled to pull her pants back on. Her body squeezed into the pair of pants too small even for her, boosting her supple rear up as she finally slipped them on and scrambled out of the room.

Finding no other reason to stay up here I decided I needed a beer. But since I don't drink I'll settle for a soda of some sort.

During my romp with Hana more guests had arrived, a few neighbors, Mr. Winston dressed as… I think gorilla Grodd, but it was unironic I think. Angela was here, talking with Satya. She was wearing a one-piece green bathing suit, red gloves, a red beret, green paint in stripes on her legs, and her hair in two short braids. Cammy from Street Fighter… I was going to have to revisit that later.

Satya looked like a… let's see, top hat, bow tie, long supple bare thighs just begging for me to touch them and get between them… A Magician… going to have to revisit THAT later too…

No sign of Olivia… but my eyes slowly wandered to a mop of brown hair… and a golden top… and a long curtain-like cloth for bottoms…

…Fuck me…

Lena, her neck encased in an elaborate collar was led on a rubbery chain by obviously Boba 'fucking' fett… like if I put on Empire strikes back RIGHT THE FUCK NOW it would be like Boba Fett walked off the screen. She smiled and grinned, chatting happily we everyone and NO ONE was pointing out that Lena looked like Slave Leia…

…God damn it maybe I'll have to revisit Satya right now…

"Hi Scott!" she grinned and led Boba Fett over to me smiling. "Great Party!"

"Thank you for inviting us." Boba Fett said in a rather girly English voice.

"…Emily?" I blinked in amazement, trying very hard not to notice that Lena went for authenticity underneath her curtain bottoms… in other words she seemed to be wearing NOTHING.

God. Fucking. DAMN it. Where was Satya again?"

"Uh… Scott, Love… what are you doing in handcuffs?" Lena asked as her girlfriend's pretty face appeared as she lifted up the surprisingly authentic Mandalorian helmet.

"…Hana likes authenticity…" I said, rattling the shackles, "…And she lost the key."

"Oh. That sucks." Lena added rather bluntly. Kind of understating there...

I just sighed and shrugged. "…Is what it is."

Hana suddenly appeared next to Boba Emily and after blinking at her very impressed, then turned to me. "So. Uh. No key…" she said flatly as I sighed. "I'm… going to run home really quick and see if I can find it. And if not, I need to go see my friend on the force. Don't worry! You'll be out of those by… tomorrow… at least."

"Aren't handcuff keys really small?" Emily asked curiously, "Maybe you dropped it somewhere?"

"…I'll check my room." I mumbled, already turning to head up the stairs.

"We'll help you love. Walking around in those can't be easy." Lena replied, leading Boba Emily up the stairs behind me as I entered my room.

Kneeling down and checking the floor Emily looked around my room as Lena knelt down with me. I didn't see anything, "I don't see…" I turned and stared as Lena dropped onto all fours unashamedly, her rear up in a presented position, barely covered by the long strip of red cloth. Emily had dropped her chain, and it curled around her arm as she looked under the bed. "…Anything." I added…

…Look… I know this is an important search… but quite frankly. Slave Leia. ANYONE would get a hard-on for someone like Lena in a Slave Leia costume… and my cock immediately responded, it was already wound up by seeing her walking in the darn thing.

I looked away and… froze as I saw Emily staring silently at me. A soft smile on her lips as she turned away and began looking again.

I quickly recovered myself. "Well… I don't see it." I mumbled, standing up. "Thanks for trying. But I think I'll just wait on Hana."

"Ah don't feel bad love." Lena said, sitting up onto her knees, "I'm sure she'll find it." she smiled prettily up at me, and it DIDN'T HELP. I tried thinking of other things, things to calm myself. And perhaps the possibility that I could sneak into the bathroom and grind one out.

"Well…" Emily said flatly, sitting on the bed and gripping Lena's leash, her gloved hand sliding slowly down to the tip as Lena blinked at her curiously. Then she pulled dragging Lena onto the bed as she stared at her girlfriend. "Maybe this will help you get your mind off things." She said, and to my amazement she pulled Lena's cloth aside, revealing that yes, she was commando.

"Emi!" Lena said surprised trying to cover herself onto to have Emily tug the leash.

"Oh HUSH Lena…" Emily smiled, pulling her girlfriend to her lips and kissing her lovingly. Their tongues lashed against each other as a blush appeared on Lena's face. Already her lower lips were just as wet, dribbling down her thigh as she twitched slightly. Emily pulled away, petting Lena as she cooed. "Besides. Didn't we agree? Now's a good a time as any." She pulled on the leash, dragging Lena across her lap as she spread her cheeks with the other, smirking at me.

"Go ahead Scott." She slipped her gloved finders against Lena's tight holes, she gasped, shivering slightly as her girlfriend prodded her. "You have my permission to play with my slave." She said rather firmly.

Unfortunately my cock was dominating most of my decisions at this point. Plus. Slave Leia… so I approached as Emily slid in and out of Lena's holes alternately, Lena cooing and shivering on her girlfriend's lap. I unzipped, my erection shooting out as if magnetized to Lena. Twitching eagerly to get back inside.

I rested my hands-on Lena's soft rear, rubbing her cheeks as she moaned. Emily was silent, watching on as I caressed her girlfriend. I looked to her for some other instruction but Emily seemed committed to letting me pick. I stretched her cheeks apart, trying to come to a decision… I found myself leaning forwards and Emily pulled her hand away, slipping out from beneath Lena and getting off the bed, watching Lena's face as I leaned forward and shoved my tongue into her pussy.

"Oh!" She squealed, shivering as Emily knelt before her, looking into her eyes with a small loving smile on her face. "MmmmN!" Lena moaned, biting her lower lip as Emily leaned close, gently kissing her as my tongue thrust into her warm, salty taste. She didn't taste too bad actually.

Lena moaned into Emily's mouth, and thrust back against my face, I held her in place, she shivered as she felt my hands caress her ass, my tongue burying as deep as it could go into her drooling lower mouth. Suddenly she sprayed me, splashing suddenly against my face as her body tensed up, Emily pulled Lena tightly to her lips as she screamed an orgasm into her mouth. Lena quickly came down, panting heavily as her eyes rolled up lightly.

"You're so beautiful." Emily cooed lovingly, petting her girlfriend. "But Scott. I told you, you have my permission… Lie down." She said as I obediently crawled onto the bed and lay on my back. When Boba Fett gave you an order you listened.

"Lena. Sweetie." She cooed as Lena twitched, "It's his turn now." Lena in a lustful haze stared at my throbbing erection and crawled toward me. Then over me, as I felt her wet, dripping pussy kiss the tip of my length. Suddenly she was on me, she cried out in pleasure as her body clenched around me, shivering tightly as Emily caressed her butt. She had pushed her down. Tugging at the leash, she pulled Lena back slightly, making her arch her back as her breasts slipped from her golden top.

"Don't worry Love." She cooed, her hand brushing on something on the bed. "It's going to be great."

Lena… Shrieked. She bounced forward onto me as looking down at her trembling back I saw that Emily had pushed the nightstick inside her ass. Ribbed grip side first. She wiggled the stick inside her, Lena shaking her hips with the movement as Emily pulled her up, then down. Lena bit into my shoulder and screamed in pleasure as her eyes rolled. The stick rubbed in and out, up and down, as my cock did the same. Though not nearly as ribbed. However, her teeth were starting to hurt…

"Come on love! Come on!" Emily encouraged, whispering lovingly into Lena's ears, "Almost there. I can tell. You're going to feel so good…" She used the leash, yanking Lena off my slightly bleeding shoulder as she kissed her, still rapidly thrusting the stick in and out as Lena gyrated on top of me.

"S-Shit." I grumbled, clutching at Lena's golden cover of her bottoms, groaning as she suddenly tightened."

"Let it out Scott!" Emily grinned, kissing Lena roughly as she shoved the stick as far as she could up Lena. Pushing her down as I lost control. Lena shrieked an orgasm, clutching viselike around me as I released into her, her tone stomach visibly trembling before my eyes as Emily began to stroke her muscled stomach.

"Take it. Take it…" she whispered softly into Lena's ears as a soft warbling groan escaped Lena. "You are so gorgeous right now…" she said lovingly, tackling Lena slowly to the bed, lying on top of her as she began to kiss. "I LOVE watching you cum…" she cooed, completely ignoring me as she began to thrust her fingers between Lena's legs, Lena instinctively spread them as they kissed.

…Well now I felt like a third wheel… quickly sheathing myself and leaving them alone. It was only polite after all. I headed out of my room and shut it behind me. Blowing hair and sweat out of my face I made my way downstairs."

"Hey Papi…" smirked-… Marina from Splatoon? Seriously?... I mean she makes it work.

I blinked at Olivia, she was absently eating candy from the bowl as cheers erupted from the backyard. It was only us. "Hey, Olivia."

She blinked at my hands for a moment before getting up. The tight leather-half jacket displayed her well-worked for waist and the tight short skirt and long stripped stockings left nothing to the imagination. The wig was really nice too… I was starting to feel things for tentacles that I should not be feeling.

"What's with the bracelets?" she asked as I sighed holding them up to her eye level.

"Hana. She lost the key."

"Oh." She said rather dismissively, taking my hands and pulling a hairpin from her weird tentacle wig.

"Wait what are you doing?" I asked as she began to clink against the cuffs.

"Working." She said flatly as the things suddenly unbuckled and I stared at them, now free. "There we go." She said sweetly as I stared at her.

"…How did you do that?"

"I grew up in Mexico." She said flatly.

"Whoa..." I replied, a little concerned. That is not okay.

She laughed it off, "Oh come on. Seriously? Fine." She rolled her eyes, "You pick up a few things in prison. Now come on your dad needs a receiver…" she replied, and before I could comment on THAT she took my arm and dragged me into the back where dad was playing a makeshift game with a few fans, and teachers…

…Not even dad could stop a gorilla, especially Mr. Winston.

End of chapter

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