
400 Faves Special: Ghost in the Machine

I don't own overwatch

It all started when Olivia invited me over to her house/apartment/mansion? Honestly, I didn't really know what to call it she owned the whole thing and nobody else lived there. I really only spent time in 'her room' and once in the living room when she arranged my valentine's day present.

When I arrived inside there was a note posted on the stair banister. Telling me in just a few words. 'Lock the door, 2nd​ floor, room 203, put it on. Lie down.'

Well… this I'm sure will end well.

So following the instructions like an idiot I followed the instructions. I entered room 203 to a bed, a very big PC computer, and what looked like a VR headset. I approached it, examining the helmet. There was a piece of paper inside, I took it and read it.

'Put it on, lie down, relax. Love Olivia'

"…Olivia… I really don't want to do this." I said shouting into the building, but unable to justify anything. I laid down on the bed and put the VR helmet on. I felt it pinch slightly around my head, and the visor slowly began to boot up to a blinding light. So bright I had to close my eyes it almost burned it was so bright…

I opened my eyes… "Oh shit…" I mumbled, I was in some sort of metal room, looking to my left and right I saw a window, and out of that window was a burning planet… "Oh I knew this was a trap." I mumbled and actually got up from the bed I was lying on. Looking at my hands, they were encased in some sort of space suit, or really more like space marine armor from 40K. I got a good look in the mirror, it was my face but rugged a little older. Like a grizzly version of my dad actually

The visor of my helmet suddenly slapped down and a small screen in my corner booted up revealing… "Angela?" I asked, she was wearing a sort of white version of the armor. Now that I got a good look at the screen, the helmet visor looked like a video game HUD. Even under the screen was the name, Mercy.

"BIG PAPI." She said suddenly, mechanically like she was a computer reading words. "There's been a breach on the ship! Ghost and Pharah are already trying to contain it. Meet me in the galley and we'll meet up with them." She said the latter bit in her more normal voice, but like a sexy nurse.

"Wait, what the fu-" but she signed off, and in the upper right corner of the screen a new picture appeared. "Olivia?" I asked a little confused.

"Well. Yeah. But right now, I'm Sombra! Your GAME MASTER!" she said dramatically. "How do you like it so far?"

"Oh, what the fuck is this?!" I mumbled as she grinned at my screen.

"You don't like it? It is my most recent game. It's going to make a killing in Korea! Hana said so." She smiled smugly, licking her lips. "I control your horizontal and your vertical. You're going to have to play my game if you want it to stop. Mwa ha ha!!!"

"…Seriously?" I asked sadly.

"Mira, en serio Scott, solo juega mi maldito juego!!" she shouted quickly and disgruntledly.

"Olivia, darlin. English please." I replied calmly… I sounded a little like dad. That felt weird.

"Look seriously Scott, just play my fucking game okay? I worked really hard on this one. It'll be quick as long as you don't screw the pooch. Just go find Mercy first okay?"

"Okay… and what's with Angela?"

"Codenames Scott!" she declared angrily, "You have to use the names I've given them or they won't follow your commands. Now, get your Marine Rifle from the cabinet there." I turned my head and approached the cabinet. To be fair it felt like I was actually moving towards it, it felt so real.

"Okay, how the fuck did you do this?" I asked, hauling the rifle out of the cabinet and hefting it in my hands, "…Wow I can even feel the weight!... Shit, I'm not in the matrix am I?"

"No you're not in the matrix. I needed Moira and Hana to help me with the helmet, full-on immersion. Blah blah blah boring details…" she waved a hand lazily in the air, "Don't worry it won't go Sword Art Online on you."


"Nothing!" she said in a sing-song tone and smiled dismissively, "Now normally I wouldn't be in your corner like this, but I just need you to go through the motions. This is the first level."

"…Alright." I replied, stomping out of the room, "What am I playing?"

"Squad-based shooter. You are the main all-rounder, the leader. Mercy, Angie, is the healer naturally. Ghost is your sniper heavy hitter, and Pharah is your tank. Now walk out into the hallway of the battle cruiser. And watch out for the Zerg."

"The Zerg? Like the football team?" I asked, lifting the gun as I walked out into the hall.

"Yeah, I liked the name. If you see something that looks like a deformed dog, you should probably shoot it." She added.

"Oh. I don't like shooting dogs." I said immediately, "I hate when I have to do that in a game."

"Noted. Guns up!" a purple dog/bug thing with giant hooks claws began darting down the hall past what looked like corpses of ship staff.

"Holy crap!" I shouted in a panic, firing the rifle in bursts at the thing. I could actually FEEL the rifle firing in my hand, it felt awesome! The thing exploded into goo, lying dead in a heap as I went up the hall. "Okay. I'll admit this feels amazing!"

"I know right?! Moira's dangerous nerve research had some uses! Anyway, that was a Zergling, weak alone, but dangerous in groups. Mess halls on your right. I was going to put some 'treasure boxes'" she made air quotes. "In another direction but I'll put them in later. This is only a test." I found a sign above the door that said, 'mess hall' and I opened it.

Wearing a white version of my armor was Angela/Mercy. Firing a pistol at a Zergling that I immediately put down with my rifle, checking the number on the side as I reloaded. "BIG PAPI" she began, in the mechanical voice, "Thank God! We need to rendezvous with Ghost and Pharah!"

"MERCY HAS JOINED YOUR SQUAD!" the visor flashed as Angela's picture and life bar appeared on my hub. "…Huh. Neat." I said. "So, I can order her to do stuff?"

"Yep anything you want." She said almost lazily, "But she'll mostly act on her own. You can go exploring now. Pharah is to your left beyond the door, and Ghost is to your right."

"And whose likeness did you steal for them?" I asked teasingly, moving on as Angela followed.

"Borrowed! Borrowed without asking, but they'll be flattered! Now keep playing." I put down a few more zerglings as I decided to go get Pharah first, I liked tank characters they kept me alive. We came into a sort of staged fight, with the Zerglings charging at us in waves, I felt a little tingle when they had the chance to hit me, but 'Mercy' kept me good and healed when she wasn't popping flashbangs or her pistol.

"Okay this game is pretty cool." I had to admit as Olivia grinned in the corner of my screen. "Which way is Pharah?" I asked as I continued to follow the hallways, especially since they had arrows that said, 'Armory' over them. How could I refuse?

"Just keep following the paths." Olivia replied, "Most of this is tutorial stages so it is pretty straightforward. Watch out for the hydralisk."

"They wha-fuck!"

A towering snake-tailed thing with hook hands and a creepy fucking face spat a torrent of what seemed like bubbling spit at me as I took cover. I could actually smell the acid as it burned the wall. "Not cool!" I shouted as the thing hissed at me, I corner fired but it kept spitting… until a familiar voice said…

"Need a light?" the creature screamed as a wave of fire erupted around my corner. I… got to admit. I was a little attracted to the curvy woman that walked around the corner with flamethrowers attached to her hands. "BIG PAPI." She said, in the mechanical voice before speaking in Fareeha's voice. "About damn time." She spat crudely onto the floor, "Let's get these fuckers off our ship."


"…Really?" I asked heading back up the hall, "Fareeha's going to kill you when she finds out."

"Psshh!" she replied lazily, "Nonsense she'll be flattered! Flame throwing badass like Pharah she'll love it."

"Uh huh…" I replied as Pharah's idle animation was her adjusting her crotch. "…No, you are pretty fucked."

"Hush. Go find Ghost. You'll like her." She smirked as I went the other way. "You can run you know." she added as I sped up at the thought. Neat.

"Watch your left." She said suddenly as a small horde of 'zerglings' jumped at me, but they weren't zerglings, they were green and bulbous… they're going to explode aren't they.

As my rifle ripped into them they burst into a splurge of acid as Pharah scorched the hallway, igniting the puddles of obviously acidic green slime, volatile acidic green slime. "Ow! Ow! Shit that tingles…" I grumbled as some of it got on my arm. "Why would you allow me to feel pain anyway? This is supposed to be a game right?" I asked as Mercy healed my injuries, my lifebar filling back up.

"It is part of the system." Olivia replied, "You can't have one without the other."

"Other what?" I asked as she seemed to be making notes.

"I'll show you later if you win. Now keep going. And keep your eyes out for more of those banelings I don't remember how many come at you."

In the end, it didn't even matter, fire and bullets took care of them easily, too easily. "Hey Olivia, it's a bit easy. Boring easy…" I said, rather overconfidently. "Maybe you shouldn't have given me Angela so early."

"Sombra Scott. Right now, I'm SOMBRA." She said coolly, "And this is to familiarize you with the mechanics. Order Mercy to heal Pharah."

"Okay. Mercy. Heal Pharah." I said and she did, a stream of green light appearing between her and Pharah. "Neat. But not very scientific."

"Shut up. Ghost is right around the corner." As we turned the corner I saw a collection of men in armor like mine… but they looked weird. They had hooks coming out of the back-oh damn it. My rifle was up as the horrifically mutated men turned on me and charged towards me, only to hear the boom of an obvious sniper rifle. One of the creature's heads explode, followed closely by another explosion as it burst into a ball of bile and fire, right next to another that burst as well, causing a chain reaction…

Slowly a strutting slender figure shimmered into light, holding a ridiculously big rifle. "Ghost reportin'." She said and…




"…Why is my mother a badass sniper?"

"…Because?" she said softly with a shrug as I glared at her, "…I thought she fit the role." She added rather sheepishly.

"…And the dreadlocks? It looks like you pulled that hairstyle right out of the nineties." I replied, looking at the thick red hair of my mother in stringy dreadlocks. The white suit emphasizes every curve elaborately, in fact. To elaborately.

"Olivia did you, and I have no other way to say this: but did you mess with my mom's body?"

"I might have given her a few inches here and there. Sex appeal is necessary!" she replied as I sighed, "You'll thank me later."

"I doubt that greatly." I noted sarcastically, as my three companions stood awkwardly around me. "Okay. Okay moving on. Where do I go now?"

A new voice appeared from nowhere. "Attention! Attention! The bridge has been taken! Evacuate immediate-AH-AARGH!!!" Wilhelm apparently was on the com, but that apparently would be a note for later as a horde of zerglings and hydralisks surged into the room.

"You can order your team to certain positions." Olivia said, as the game paused. "Such as Ghost: High ground. And Pharah: Take point.

"Ghost: High Ground. Pharah: Take Point. Mercy: support Pharah." Like a well-oiled Machine they followed orders as Pharah burned the Zerglings as Mom/Ghost shot the Hydralisks while I provided cover fire.

"I'm telling you this is pretty easy Olivia." I shouted over the noise.

"Uh huh." She said smirking at me, "Alright then." Suddenly the exit burst apart as a massive insectoid thing ripped into the room, two huge hook-bladed hands ripping apart the other creatures.

"…Oh, well that looks like it'll hurt." I mumbled as I opened fire. Walking backward as it charged at me, Pharah's fire and Ghost Mom's rifle doing barely anything to it as I dodged and weaved around its monstrous blade hands.

It tore apart the room, my cover, Pharah… well not entirely she received a 'downed' status and now I needed to go pick her up. But since the building-sized monster was in the way I was going to have to work on that.

"You have gren-ades..." Sombra the cold dungeon master replied, as I chucked a grenade underneath the thing as it exploded.

It roared in anger as the blades came down. I didn't dodge fast enough and took a huge hit. "Mercy. Heal." I grumbled, annoyed with myself as the 'Ultralisk' turned its attention to Ghost Mom. According to the hud screen she was in the red.

"Don't you hit my mom!" I roared angrily, letting the clip empty into the Ultralisk as I approached Pharah to pick her up.

"Okay!" I shouted as I drew its attention, "This boss can't be shot until it dies so how do I beat it!?" I shouted as I dove for what little cover was left as Mercy tapped me off and Pharah ran around, lighting it on fire.

Olivia. Sorry. SOMBRA, watched me absently as she hummed to herself, as she watched me drain my ammunition into the Ultralisk. "Well. You might notice these conveniently placed red barrels around it." She noted "I'd recommend chucking them at it and letting our sexy Firestarter work her magic."

I did notice said red barrels, I ran over, grabbing one and hurling it with strength only a videogame badass could summon. It slashed it in two as thick black oil spread across its chassis and into its eyes. It roared as I threw another and another, then Pharah rolled up her flamethrowers priming. And all I could think of was.

"Pharah! Say something badass!"

"I love the smell of napalm." She said, like a badass, as the Ultralisk lit up like a Christmas tree… on fire. Which incidentally is one of the reasons we don't have Christmas down in Mar Sara.

As it slowly burned to death and Pharah strutted back behind me with Ghost Mom, I could only watch her in awe for a moment before noting. "…Is it wrong that I suddenly really want to go to Fareeha's house?"

Olivia scowled in the corner of my hub. So I could only assume the answer to that was 'yes'. "Well. You killed my boss, so off to the escape pods to end the level. Off you go." She said brushing me along as I went through the incredibly damaged hallway that the ultralisk had torn through, finding the escape pod as a large holographic screen appeared.

End of the Demo! Thank you for Playing!

"Alright." I said, looking at her picture, "I have to admit this was really cool." I said as Olivia smiled, "So. How do I get out?"

"Well…" she began softly, typing in her screen. "There is the matter of me being angry with you. So, I thought you should know that there are certain… scenes in this game that you can acquire if you do ALL the right things."

"…What kind of scenes?" I said hesitantly. I had a bad feeling about this.

"Let's see one now!" she smirked excitedly and pressed enter.

Suddenly I was rushing through space, getting a little dizzy… then I was in my room back at the beginning… there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." I said almost immediately.

'Wait. I didn't Say that.' I said but they immediately frowned. 'I'm not talking. Why am I not talking? Olivia!'

"What? I can hear you. You can't say anything because this is a sex scene." She said with a cruel smile, leaning on her hand as she watched me from the corner of the screen. "Oh. Hang on. We need a little more accuracy." Everything paused and, a little humorously, I was naked, and I was my size. "I may have based my main character on you Papi."

The door opened and…

'No. No No NO." I said as my Ghost mom entered the room, wearing a very tight-fitting bodysuit as she sexily strutted into my room. 'No! NO! I already have enough issues thanks! I want off the ride!'

"Ride hasn't even started yet." She cooed, suddenly lounging back, spreading her legs as she began to pant, obviously she was masturbating, but not giving me the pleasure of watching. Which… GODS I wish I could…

"Hello Sir." Ghost Mom said, her finger tracing down her enhanced cleavage as it slowly opened with some sort of fantasy space technology. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yeah I did." I said like the plumber in a porn scene.

'God fucking damn it.' said…

"And… what exactly sir…" she said, pulling her clothes open as I resigned to my fate and Olivia sucked in air as she had a tiny orgasm. "Did you want to see me about?" she said in a tone I never wanted to hear my mother speak in.

"I was thinking you and I could…" I got off the bed, stroking her bare breast as she cooed in my muscular hands, "Fraternize a little. We've been through a lot together, and I figured we could help each other relax. She suddenly gasped, my fingers thrusting into her as she moaned… somewhere in reality my cock responded and I HATED myself for it. "Look how wet you are soldier…" I suckled her neck as she shivered in my hands. "…Drop and give me twenty." I ordered as, she got to her knees, brushing her red hair out of her face as she opened her mouth and took my dick inside her.

'FUCK!' I hissed suddenly, groaning as I FELT that. 'Olivia what was that?!' I groaned as it felt like I was actually getting a blowjob. "That's it Ghost keep it up.' Virtual me praised as I put a hand into her thick dreadlocks, guiding her along as she slurped and moaned.

"I told you-oh yeah, suck that dick…" she moaned, her eyes rolling slightly as all the good stuff was off-screen. "That you have to take the bad with the good. You're feeling her blowing you… it's sending all those nice, sexy, taboo feelings through your body." She switched hands, licking her juices as her other hand worked, watching Ghost Mom continue. "I hope you brought a change of clothes." She said, knowing full fucking well that I didn't.

Suddenly. A pair of choices appeared on screen.



'What the hell are these?' I asked as Olivia, clicked the second one.

"Put some effort into it soldier." I groaned, gripping her head firmly in her hands as she looked up at me. My cock rammed into her throat as mucus and salvia dribbled down her chin at my face-fucking, my own pleasure building wildly as she grunted sexily. Our fluids poured onto her chest, leaving quite the mess as her head bobbed wildly up and down my length. Burying into her throat as it massaged the entirety of my cock as I began skull fucking her again.

The choices appeared again.



"Hmmm. Decisions decisions…" Olivia moaned, a sharp gasp escaped her lips as she came, then grinned. Licking her fingers as she clicked.

…I roared, inside and outside the came as the feeling of release ripped through my body and I pressed… for the sake of sanity I'll say Ghost's head to my waist, forcing her to look at me as I drained my balls into her throat.

"Fuck yeah…" I growled possessively, holding her head firmly against my waist as her lips pulsed on my shaft, swallowing my load. "That feels like fucking heaven…" I slowly pulled her head up my length, her lips forming a tight seal as she pulled off with an audible pop, licking my cockhead as her hot breath warmed my sensitive length. I felt everything… which was both amazing and traumatic.

"Will that be all… sir?" she said, rubbing my length against her cheek as she lovingly licked me. "Please. Say NO." she said seductively, my cock throbbing. In the game and reality as the options appeared again.



'…Don't you fucking dare.'

"Baby factory it is!" Olivia giggled as virtual me lifted up Ghost and turning her to face the bed, pushed her onto it.

"Ooh… sir." She cooed, my hands running on her muscular thighs as I knelt before her, "You need to wear a condom…" she giggled, feeling my tongue rub against her pussy. I could taste her salty nectar and I don't know how I felt about that.

"Condoms are for the rank-and-file." I replied, slurping up her taste as she shivered and writhed, her pussy leaking her natural lube as I rubbed it with my fingers, slipping inside her as she grabbed her legs and spread herself wider. "We're abusing my authority here soldier…" I growled, crawling over her and licking her breasts as I rubbed my cock against her warm, inviting coach.

"Sir yes sir…" she replied, obediently, licking her lips of any residual cum. I growled possessively as my cock slowly spread her tight warm pussy open, easily sliding balls deep into her and solidifying my trip to Uncle Matt's best therapist. "Sir you're so fucking big…" she moaned as I squeezed her breasts in my hands, slowly sliding in and out of her, my cock throbbing eagerly for release as she gasped in pleasure, her body responding to my thrusts as Olivia, up in the corner, screamed as wild orgasm. Shoving her wet fingers in her mouth to muffle the sound as Ghost orgasmed herself.

I gripped her hips and stood up, lifting her off the bed as I pounded down into her, her panting, gasping breaths pulling me deeper and deeper into the lust-filled illusion as rode her hard.

'Balls Deep'

'Paint Her'

"Fuck me sir…" she moaned, "Do what you want with me!" she whined as her breasts bounced on her chest, "Fuck me harder!". Olivia smiled smugly at me, my cock ready for the finale as Ghost's sweaty dreadlocks stuck to her skin.


I roared again, thrusting down into her as my cock flowed from my balls, one, two, three shots of cum balls deep into her as, in the left corner of my screen was the picture of an egg being fertilized. "Get pregnant! That's an order!" I growled, grabbing her arms and lifting her off the bed, slamming her against the wall as I pumped her full of seed, my cock slapping against her body as I pumped her full, slapping her ass in my hands as I pinned her flat, thrusting deep. I slowly slipped out of her, scoping my cum from her pussy and shoving it in her mouth as she lovingly licked my fingers, gazing into my eyes as she licked my fingers clean, slurping noisily as I felt her tongue against my fingers…

Then everything froze.

Olivia cooed softly, smiling at me as she came down from her last orgasm. "Well… now that I've had my fun…" a new screen appeared. Log Out? Yes? No?

I glared at Olivia's picture. Yes…

…I felt sticky. Dirty. Dehydrated and Exhausted. I pulled the helmet off as I sat up, my shirt stuck to my back with sweat as I frowned at my pants…

…I don't think I'd be wearing them home. They were stiff with dried and fresh cum… I stumbled out of the room and made a careful beeline to Olivia's main room, walking VERY funny, good thing Olivia had a few things in my size I could borrow. And by that I mean she had stolen a few things from my house when I wasn't paying attention.

She swiveled in her chair, grinning at me without pants herself as she absently rubbed her wet crotch. "Hey Papi. So, what do you think? Should I send out one to my benefactor at the Nexus or test it a little more? I got this Medieval RPG with Bridgette running around with a big hammer and shield…"

I sniffed, watching her stone-faced as she continued to grin at me. "…Olivia. Out of all your dildos… which one are you the MOST afraid to use?"

"Oh… that's easy. A big one I like to call Colossus. It's a big chrome thing, about eleven inches, I got it from Zarya. She said she didn't need it anymore."

"…Where is it?"

"Well, it's where I keep all our sex toys, right there in the walk-in closet-wait, why?" she asked as I walked into the closet, ignoring all the leashes, ticklers, whips… the literal boxes of dildos, and I found it. Holding it to the side like a sword I approached her as her face fell. "…Oh."

I nodded firmly taking a fistful of her hair and dragging her to the bed… She whimpered at first, as the thick chrome cock substitute burrowed relentlessly into her ass, but she took it like a champ but in the end like me, she was walking funny for a little while.

End of Chapter

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