
Sick Day

I don't own overwatch or netflix

"I hate you and everything you believe in." I moaned miserably in a voice I didn't recognize as Mom poured the concoction she had gotten from Doctor Rastakhan onto the spoon as she held it to my mouth.

"No you don't." she replied briskly, "Open up. It'll help you feel better…"

"It hurts to swallow, talk and move… I highly doubt-urp!?" the concoction burned down my throat and made me want to scream as my irritated throat burned at the introduction, not that screaming would make me feel better. It also tasted like tar. "oh God…" I groaned as Mom capped the bottle and rested it close by near my very tall glass of ice-cold 7up and my cellphone. "It burns…"

"I know." She cooed in standard mom-like fashion. "But it'll help. Stay in bed, watch TV, take a shower if you can crawl to the bathroom…" I moaned in response as she nodded, "And call me if you need anything." She said, picking up my phone and wagging it at me before she placed my phone back on my bed stand, close to hand but so far out of reach.

"Don't leave me alone to die…" I whimpered as she wiped my brow with a damp cloth.

"It's a cold Scott. Don't be so dramatic." She replied with just enough motherly kindness but also equal amounts of cold indifference. "I'll be back tonight. But I'll come sooner if you really need me." I raised my hand, attempting to grab onto her, but then remembered that she was several arm lengths away as she waved to me.

"I regret everything." I moaned pitifully, "Put it on my tombstone!"

"Okay! Love you!" she replied cheerily, and she was gone.

I kept watching Netflix, admittedly dozing off and waking up to the 'are you still watching-' screen. I blearily pressed 'yes' and continued watching… whatever I was watching I don't know. All I know is I had odd anthropomorphic pony dreams… I was both disturbed and aroused at that. Especially when they started wearing the bunny girl suits.

Half an hour of… inner questioning later I woke up, slowly grasping for my glass of water… and finding something… soft, and familiar. I gave it a squeeze…

"Hey Papi." Came Olivia's voice as she continued watching… My little Pony. That explains so much and yet so little. "How are you feeling?"

She was dressed in her usual casuals, shorts that went to her mid-thigh and a loose-fitting purple top. She was wearing tall purple striped socks for some reason. But I wasn't going to question it. I wasn't going to question much of anything, that's how sick I was.

I squeezed her thigh again and again as we continued to watch ponies. Then I pulled away, "…Hand me my drink would you?" I asked in a raspy gasp as she reached over and carefully titled the glass to my lips. Letting me sip, the burn of water clashing against and cooling down my red raw throat. With surprisingly good bedside manner, she pulled the glass away and set it back down on my nightstand before shifting her soft, squeezable rear on my bed and continuing to watch ponies with me.

Why was I watching ponies?

"How… did you get in my house?" I asked her, she blinked at me.

"Scott I'm insulted!... I picked the lock…"

"…Seriously? I groaned, hacking up a lung as she rubbed my back.

"No. Your mom gave me a key, I'm here to check up on you…" and as she said it she held up her phone above us, smiled and took a selfie before texting it rapidly and sending it.

"…What did you do?" I moaned sourly, clutching for my drink again as she handed it to me.

"What do I always do?" she replied again smiling, before laughing at some the pink one did… okay. The pink one was funny.

"Why do you antagonize her?" I mumbled quietly as she pulled blankets higher up on my shivering body.

"Because Papi it's FUN. Besides you like it when I rile her up, she gets all frisky." She cooed sultrily, making my body go haywire.

"…Olivia I don't want her to get frisky when I'm hACK!!!" I began coughing violently, "-ing up a lung!" I groaned a the sudden aches as I was jolted upright, and she handed me back my soda. Now however it was empty slowly swallowing ice cubes to cool my throat.

"Here I'll get you a refill" she said, heading out and strutting out of my room. My eyes, of course, were drawn to her ass.

A minute and a half of excruciating torture and coughing later she returned with a cold glass of water. Taking my soda cup and handing me the water. "It's better for you. Drink clear soda for stomachs, not coughs."

"You're not my doctor…" I mumbled but gratefully drank the liquid coolant.

"No, if I was your doctor you'd have me bent over your bed and riding my ass hole…" she replied abruptly dropping back into the bed to watch more ponies. "But Angie couldn't make it and I'm pretty sure you didn't want Moira plugging you up with all kinds of drugs."

"…Thanks…" I mumbled contentedly, closing my eyes as I lay on my pillow.

"Hey anytime Papi. I can't play with you if you die from sickness." She purred in my ear before turning up the TV.

"…So what was she doing before you texted her?"

"God-help-us-all Vice-Principal Reyas roped her into the JROTC… I didn't even know we had one of those. But since McCree couldn't be found we needed someone else with Military experience…"

I was so out of it I didn't even ask about McCree apparently being in the military. However, something else entered my mind. "…Don't they have a real gun in the JROTC?"

"…Yeah. I think so. McCree likes to show off his 'shootin' for the troo-" she trailed off for a moment, then her brilliant mind seemed to ponder something for a moment. "…She… wouldn't REALLY come here with a loaded weapon… would she?"

I glared at her… it lost its effect once I started to cough into my sheets. then she had this hilarious look of clarity.

"…Oh fuck, did I just piss off a Fareeha with a loaded weapon?"

"I just want you to know that I love you. But if Fareeha kills you I will cover for her and say it was self-defense."

"…That's fair…" she replied and continued to watch ponies. "I only ask that you delete my search history… and set my house on fire."

"…I will do my best…" I mumbled, my eyes closing sleepily as she cooed.

"It's a good thing you're so sick you won't remember I said that…" she smiled, playing with my hair.

I'm not proud of my second fever dream, but that cowgirl pony had a great ass… and now I have a fetish for cowgirls… I wonder how Fareeha would look in a Stetson?... Mmnn… Jean shorts. Cowboy boots… that's the stu-

"OLIVIA!" I jolted awake before my dream got good and found my door being kicked in. While not exactly fetish fuel Fareeha in green camo gear and her face painted with camouflage paint was still… a little adorable, she could even make combat boots look sexy.

"Ah!!" Olivia shrieked as Fareeha stood angrily over the bed. "…Oh okay you don't have a gun."

"Why would I have a gun?!" Fareeha scowled. "Stop texting me suggestive pictures!"

"…I'm sweaty. I'm going to take a bath… you two work this out." I noted, groaning in pain as I crawled to my shower. Ignoring the usual banter between them.

Sitting down in the shower and turning on the hot water as high as possible I let it scald me. And it felt fucking great. Then I turned it down a little and sat on the drain, letting it fill up a little as I absorbed its heat like a sick sponge.

"Geez Scott it's a sauna in here." Fareeha said, walking into the bathroom and tossing her cap onto the counter followed by her clothes.

"…I must warn you… I'm not going to do… anything." I said, admiring her body as she gingerly stepped into the shower. Which was now ankle level of the water as she turned down the heat further.

"Damn Scott." She giggled, her caramel-colored ass eye level as she let the showerhead splash away her makeup. "You like it hot."

"Mmn." I noted, still staring at her ass… it was so inviting…

"Uh… Scott?" she began as I laid my head against it and wrapped my arms around her waist and slowly closed my eyes. "Really?" she giggled as I pulled her soft, sexy rear against my cheek.

"I just want to use your butt as a pillow…" I mumbled, she shook her hips, jostling me awake as she pulled me up and let the water hit me dead on as she pulled me against her chest, gently slapping my cheek as her powerful arms wrapped around me, and her nipples rubbed my back.

"Wakie wakie… Come on don't fall asleep in the shower." I went limp in her arms. I liked her hugging me… "Scott! Ugh…" she dropped me against the cold, cold glass and finished up before rinsing me off. She slapped my cheek a little, "Scott?"

I don't quite remember how I got into bed with fresh clothes on me… or exactly why my two favorite teachers were lying down next to me on both sides. OR why one of them was wearing my clothes… but I was sort of okay with it.

"I love this episode." Fareeha smiled as the pink pony copied herself in a pool of water.

"You watch "my small horsie"?" Olivia asked as I rolled over, wrapping my arms around Fareeha and cuddling her like a teddybear.

"Yeah. I love Tara Strong. Besides we're watching it right now."

"Yeah. Because Scott's sick. And you don't change the program of a sick person."

"Sleep…" I moaned, annoyed at their conversation taking in Fareeha's fresh Irish spring scent."

"Hey! how come she gets cuddles!?" Olivia shouted, brushing up behind me and wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Because he likes me better." Fareeha noted smugly, "I get the cute moments and you get plowed into the bed."

"I do get the better part of the deal." Olivia smirked, "I mean… OBVIOUSLY, he prefers a fun time with a little Latina Heat-"

"SLEEP…" I repeated loudly, resting my head firmly on Fareeha's pillow-like chest.

"…I do like this episode." Fareeha replied as I slowly drifted away.

"Actually the series is starting to grow on me." Olivia replied as I felt her breathing through my shirt. And blissfully my eyes closed and I was off to sleep…

Then I was abruptly awake.

"Shit it's Sarah!" Olivia squeaked as I sat up dizzily fast in bed and the girls scrambled around the room. "Uh… quick! You! In the bathroom turn on the shower!" she shouted, pushing Fareeha into my bathroom.

"I don't need a shower!" she said indignantly.

"I have permission to be here. You don't!" Olivia hissed, "Sarah's going to wonder WHY you're in Scott's clothes! Again!"

"How does she even know I'm here?" Fareeha scowled turning on the water as Olivia shoved her head under the cascaded. "Hey! Blurbblurb!"

"You DROVE here! Your cars are still outside!"

"Olivia? Who else is here?" Mom's voice came up from downstairs as I blinked at the door, then with a rather joking laugh she added, "You didn't invite a boyfriend to hang out while babysitting did you?"

Olivia skidded out of my room and ran interference with my mom. "What? No. Fareeha showed up with Scott's homework… she's taking a shower." She noted, as Mom leaned in to check on me. I waved miserably. Mom smiled and leaned out but leaned back in gesturing to my shower, "Fareeha?"

"Smelled like sweat and death…" then thoughtfully I sniffed myself. "…Could've been me actually."

Olivia laughed it off and led Mom away, "So Sarah, what's for dinner? Smells good."

"Take out for me. Chicken soup for Scott."

"…Isn't that a little cliché?"

"Not if it works…"

Fareeha poked her wet head out and blinked at me. "Clear?"

"Good enough…" I mumbled coughing a little as she threw the shirt back on her glistening… slightly damp body…

Nope. Still sick. Still nothing…

She shimmied a little adjusting the clothes and went out to meet with mom to… I don't know throw off the scent. And I was left alone in my room, still watching ponies. Mom soon came back… and was holding a bottle in her hand.

"Really mom?" I mumbled but she shrugged.

"What? It's just one. Take the edge off with the girls. Anyway hon you want soup? Refill?"

"Nah I'm good for now." I mumbled lying back down to watch TV as she nodded.

"Okay. We'll be right downstairs if you need anything. Just call alright?" I nodded, and she went back downstairs, and I fell asleep to the sound of them having a good time.

…Fucking zombies… stupid zombie fever dreams where I don't have a shotgun. That's the last time I play left for dead 2 with Jeremy, Lena and Hana. They chased me down the hall, pinned me to the wall, and began to eat me…

…In fact, it still felt like they were… only softer.

"That's not how you do it… you got to start here…" cooed a familiar voice as I felt the familiar sensation of a tongue on the root of my cock, before slowly rising up my length and a pair of lips pressing against my head. "He likes it when you worship it…"

"Don't tell me how to pleasure my boyfriend." Grumbled another familiar voice as a tongue returned to one side and began to do the same, only moaning lovingly as it went up, and I felt lips open over my head and pushed down.

"Hey! We agreed no blowjobs until he woke up and picked!" growled the first voice as I opened my eyes to the sight of Fareeha blowing me and Olivia licking me as Fareeha glared at Olivia and pushed all the way down, humming contentedly as her lips slurped my length and I throbbed in her mouth as Olivia switched to licking my balls.

"Hey Papi…" Olivia moaned lovingly as she went from balls to kisses, then kissing Fareeha as she grunted angrily, being distracted from her 'meal'. "Mommy's taking a nap…"

I blinked at them, instinctively thrusting into Fareeha's mouth as she cooed and Olivia pouted. "…Okay… I'm too weak to do anything… do whatever you want…" I mumbled, completely submissive to both of them as I lay flat.

Fareeha hummed happily and went to work, eagerly bobbing up and down on my length as Olivia crawled up my body and began to lick my neck. "Don't worry Papi… you just rest." She cooed, slipping her tongue into my mouth as she spread her legs and shoved her long talented fingers into her pussy, stroking in and out as we watched Fareeha almost hypnotically continue her blowjob. Her tongue wormed around my length as she went up and down, holding her head on the tip and stroking my slippery length, coated with saliva, with her hand.

Olivia took my hand in her, and pulled it back to her crotch where she pushed my fingers inside her with hers, moaning as she licked her other hand, thrusting her hips up and using my fingers like a dildo. "Aye… Papi go deeper…" she whined desperately, her pussy practically grasping at my fingers for more as I built up the entirety of my strength to please her. Then… she shivered, biting her lower lip as she sucked in air and came.

Fareeha, apparently annoyed that I was giving Olivia more attention than her, stepped up her efforts until she felt me trembled. She pulled her head up, embracing my length in her mouth and stroking me to completion as she felt my, admittedly dwindled load, spash against her tongue as she swallowed eagerly.

Olivia, a mixture of drunkenness and pleasure began snoring next to me as she fell asleep. Fareeha however crawled on top of me, her slick, eager, and ready pussy gently caressing my flaccid length as she cooed. "Scott. Me too. My turn… just one more time?"

"Fareeha…" I pleaded, sucking in air as I restrained a cough, "Sick!"

Fareeha pouted childishly, and expertly guided my disobedient cock to her tight wet pussy and shoved me in. Moaning softly as I spread her open, she took my hands and placed them on her soft rear. "Just a little?" she pleaded, knowing full well that she won. "I'll do all the work… just make me move a little bit…" she said with a sultry smile, before bouncing her body gently on mine, grunting and gasping as I went as deep as I could.

She rode me fairly gently, enjoying herself a little more than I was (still sick) but I couldn't deny that as usual she felt pretty darn good. Sitting upright and displaying her body for me she gyrated like a dancer and moaned like a horny stripper, squeezing her breasts as she gasped in pleasure. She shook and shivered as she came, but kept going, eager for my own release before she declared this session done…

"Ah!! Yes!!" she moaned as I finally broke, shooting my seed up into her body as she went still. Humming delightedly as all the fluids my body could produce shoot up into her eager frame. She lay down on top of me once I finished, kissing and licking my neck as she suckled at my skin. "…How about I get you in the shower and properly wash you off?"

Without waiting for my answer. Or to pull out. She practically carried me into my shower and turned it on; shielding me from the suddenly cold assault before letting the warmer temperature hit me. Then, resting me against the glass she sort off… danced for me. Watching me as she twirled and scrubbed her body once again in the water… licking her lips as if trying to rile me up. Slipping her fingers carefully into her sensitive pussy, definitely trying to rile me up.

…Nope. Still sick…

I grunted uncomfortably as I stood up and leaned against her, suckling her body and taking in the hot water, letting it burn my mouth. "Sleepy…" I mumbled as I heard her sigh.

"Alright… I guess I've had my dose already…" she chuckled, gently and carefully scrubbing me down as she got every nook and cranny. I wrapped my arms around her suddenly from behind, moaning in pain as I used her to stand upright as she giggled, feeling my cock brush against her ass.

"When I'm less sick. I'm going to get you back…" I mumbled wearily, taking in her scent.

"…Counting on it." She replied with a chuckle, shaking her rear and bouncing my dick between her cheeks.

It took some effort to get Olivia out of my bed and into the guest room, but the next morning when I work up surprisingly refreshed. It was probably all worth it.

…Until Olivia and Fareeha started coughing…

End of Chapter

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