
Thanksgiving Special: Ms Sombra, Ms Pharah

I don't own overwatch

So, I don't want to brag but my mother is five kinds of awesome. She's kind for one, to just about everyone, she brings home strays and finds them good homes kind of nice. Two, she's smart, the kind of person who could multiply or divide huge numbers in their head kind of smart. She's badass, she took martial arts when she was young and beat the living shit out of a mugger who tried to rob us. She's accepting, and by that I mean she didn't judge anyone for their life choices, I could tell her anything deep and stereotypical and it wouldn't change a thing.

And finally, and I know it's just a little awkward to say this but she was freaking hot. Even after having me, she was still the neighborhood hot mom. One of the reasons why Jeremy was my best friend was because he was the only one to survive puberty with my mother around. I've lost many a good friend who tried to peek on her in the bath. And we paid for much dental work

So, I say this with love; she is the world's most awesome mother: with the possible exception of Ms. Ana. She could literally be anything she aspired to, before settling on 'baker' which was a little misleading, she preferred to bake but she was essentially a four-star chef. So when it came to holiday cooking when she had the time off, the last thing I wanted was for her to spend the entire day cooking a huge meal for the both of us…

She was pretty insistent on the 'normal family' traditions. My dad's family was practically non-existent...sort of... and her 'father' was a manipulative asshole, we would still cook the absurd amount of food for thanksgiving and just have leftovers the rest of the week.

So, as she collapsed on the couch in shorts and a T-shirt to watch football early thanksgiving morning I began to prep for dinner. I was just about to wash the veggies when the doorbell rang.

"Go Go GO!!" my mother shouted as her favorite team the Star Raiders ran through the Lost Vikings' defenses. "GO!!" she roared, jumping up and down as the star quarterback ran towards the endzone. "That's my boy!" she cheered.

I rolled my eyes, carefully placed the food down on the cutting board, and went to the door, wondering who it could be. I was surprised, to say the least.

Wearing short-shorts a purple tank top and her purple bomber jacket was Olivia, she smiled seductively at me as she held up her hand and waved her fingers, whispering softly. "Hey Papi…"

Resisting her erotic language sorcery as I hardened slightly in my loose pants, I groaned slightly as I maintained control. "Olivia what are you doing here?" I asked desperately.

"Well you invited me to thanksgiving dinner…" she smiled knowingly and holding up her other hand to show me a case of beer, "At least that is what I'm telling your mom. I brought beer…"

"I can't drink Olivia!" I replied shocked. I know, I was a little straight-laced and abhorred alcohol and drugs. I felt pretty strongly about it, but I still felt morally hypocritical since I've slept with most of my teachers… maybe I was trying to balance myself out. "And not to be rude but I didn't invite you."

"I know that. You know that… but Sarah doesn't. And the beer isn't for you it's for her, if I remember correctly it's her favorite." she smiled that knowing smile at me, "Are you going to invite me in? or send me off into a cold, lonely night alone…" she pouted at me, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"It's early morning…" I noted flatly.

"I'll still be cold without you, guapo."

Resisting the sorcery I decided that there was very little point in turning her away, we will have a ton of leftovers anyway it couldn't really hurt, "…No Spanish." I said firmly and she chuckled, "I'm serious Olivia, not in front of my mother." I stepped aside to let her in, "But what am I going to tell her?"

"Relax guapo…" she said, I visually squirmed as her tight seductive ass swayed in front of me as she headed towards the living room, "I got it covered, let me handle it."

"What did I say?!" I hissed softly as I twitched in my pants.

As she entered my mother glanced at her only for a moment before shrieking in delight. "Olivia!" she rushed her and wrapped her in a hug, "Oh my goodness! What are you doing here?!" she grinned at her like an old friend, "I haven't seen you in years…"

"Well, I teach at Overwatch now." She smiled at my mom as I watched in fascination, "I was going to save it as a surprise when you came to the school for your boy over there." She tilted her head at me, "But when he asked me to join you two for dinner I figured it was just as good."

"You're staying for dinner?" my mom asked, wrapping her arm around Olivia and facing me, "Scott you sweetheart! What a lovely surprise."

"Yeah well…" I blinked at Olivia a little confused, "…You know me."

"Yep." Olivia interrupted before I gave the game away, "I mentioned in class that I didn't have any plans so Scott offered to stuff me…" she gave me a seductive look while my mother was distracted and added quickly, "…with all kinds of treats."

"Well my boy is a master in the kitchen!" my mother replied proudly, "So you won't be disappointed!"

"Especially since I brought your favorite…" Olivia smiled, showing my mother her six-pack of beer, "You still drink Queen of Blades brand right?"

My mother shrieked delightedly, surprising both of us as she snatched a bottle from the case and easily popped the cap with her bare hand before gulping it down. "My god… it's been so long."

"Mom, it was just yesterday…" I replied rolling my eyes, we always had a least a case of her favorite beer brand around the house.

She sniffed the aroma of the bottle, "So many poor and wonderful decisions made with this stuff. Like my boy." she winked at me... Comforting.

Olivia smiled, "So is there anything I can do?" she gave me a grin that I recognized well, "…Help Scott in the kitchen maybe?"

"Nah." My mother replied and the happy look on Olivia's face faded away instantly as mom dragged her to the couch, "We can catch up! Plus the Raiders are kicking ass again! You still like the Raiders right?" there was an ominous tone in her voice with that question.

Olivia gave me a pained look as she was tossed bodily onto the couch, "…Sure I guess." She said sounding disappointed but clearly, my mother didn't notice as they began chatting animatedly over the loud roar of the TV.

So, quietly I went back into the kitchen: preparing the fixings, the stuffing, and the veggies. With practiced ease and care as my mother laughed with Olivia in the living room between plays. I was about to prep the bird when Olivia entered the kitchen, quickly grabbing a clean glass of water she drank it down as she watched me peel carrots.

"Okay." She said, slamming the cup down nearby and approaching me, "Your mom is in the bathroom… if I hurry and I say all the right words we can get a quick one out of the way." She smiled, wrapping her arms around me, "Papi…" she said the magic word huskily, she moaned slightly as she felt my erection press against her. "There he is…" she whispered as her hand was about to slip into my shorts.

"Oh come on Olivia, not around the food…" I mumbled, inches away from her lips as I leaned forward. My lips had just pressed against hers and her fingers slipped past my waistband as the doorbell rang again.

"Oh who the fuck could that be!?" Olivia hissed angrily, I had said it at the same time as well but not with nearly as much venom.

"Scott! Could you get the door please?!" my mother shouted from somewhere in the bathroom.

Olivia pouted and shook her head indignantly, I felt her fingers flow lower and tugged against my pubic hair, more than ready to continue when the doorbell rang again. "Meirda." She hissed angrily pulling away, "Better get that guapo." She crossed her arms disappointedly as she made her way back to the living room with a glass full of water while I went to the front door.

…I was not expecting this.

Fareeha stood nervously at the front porch, holding what appeared to be a fruit pie of some sort. She was pacing hurriedly, back and forth on the porch as she had yet to notice me. She was wearing a blue shirt and long pants, very simple but still figure-hugging.

"Relax Fareeha, Relax… it'll be fine." She said to herself as she glanced at me then smiled, "…Scott! I um…" she looked down at the pie, "I…brought dessert!" she said happily, "Mom helped me make it so it should be okay…" she gave me a faint, good-humored smile.

Well shit. I was happy to see her of course but…

"Scott, who's at the…" my mother approached and she squealed, "Fareeha!" she yelled happily slamming the pie she held into my hands and wrapping her arms around her, "I haven't seen you since we signed up in the military!"

"S-Sarah?" she looked at me surprised, and suddenly very nervous "I…I didn't know Scott was your son."

"You know Fa- I mean my teacher Ms. Amari, mom?" I asked thoroughly confused, she had never really met my teachers before but she knew them by name.

"Of course!" she laughed happily shaking the shorter Fareeha as she hugged her shoulder, "We went to Overwatch together and signed up in the military at the same time. But you know, I didn't last…" she laughed, "Disciplinary issues my ass right?"

"Right…" Fareeha fidgeted nervously, suddenly unable to look at me as my mother smiled cheerfully on.

"So why are you here Fareeha?" she asked, looking at her, "…My boy isn't in trouble is he?"

"Oh no!" she said quickly, blushing as she looked between us, "…Um. Scott said it was just you two for thanksgiving and my mother has a date with her boyfriend so…" she looked at me thoughtfully before smiling at my mother, "…I thought that maybe I could join you."

"Well sure!" my mother laughed leading her inside, "You'll be doing us a favor! The amount of food my boy cooks will feed all four of us for a week!"

"…Four of us?" Fareeha repeated as I braced for the impact, still holding the pie on the porch.

I entered just in time for Fareeha to freeze stiff, glaring at a bemused Olivia on the couch. Olivia smiled disarmingly at her and slowly waved her fingers, "Hey Fareeha… are you hungry?" she asked lazily.

"Olivia." Fareeha replied sternly, sitting down stiffly as my mom dropped onto the couch between them. wrapping her arms around their shoulders.

Their relationship was complicated. Ever since my secret came out between the teachers when I was sick they have been on pins and needles. Well, they specifically have been complicated; the other teachers went about business as usual…

I liked them both; sincerely. Olivia was fun; she was nice to be around and she liked to be around me. And Fareeha was a sweetheart; I could literally see in my future spending time with her. But unlike the other teachers who seemed to enjoy sleeping with me as much as I liked sleeping with them, these two were more possessive. Olivia was content in 'sharing' me with Fareeha, but she wanted me all to herself. She seemed to think that the other teachers would eventually get bored with me, (and deep down I figured she was right) but Olivia would not. Olivia was the competition that she needed to crush with military precision…

And judging from the look on Fareeha's face it was going to be a very long dinner…

I sighed audibly as I entered the kitchen and put the pie in the fridge before turning my attention back to the food prep. Stuffing the bird and putting it in the roaster, and setting it to the proper setting. Now that the most important part was prepping I could turn my attention to everything else. I was about to cut the celery and carrots when…

"Can I help?" Fareeha smiled at me, "…I figured I could count it as practice."

"Nah it's fine…" I replied smiling, "I just got to peel the potatoes and boil them and chop this stuff then everything cooks itself."

She looked disappointed, and suddenly I couldn't help myself. Sighing in frustration at my own weakness I placed the knife down, "But I guess if you really want to… how about you chop these and I'll peel potatoes.

She smiled prettily at me and I felt I made the right decision. "Sure… how small?" she asked and I briefly showed her cutting the exact size and let her at it while I grabbed the peeler and began peeling. However, two potatoes in Fareeha yelped in pain. Turning immediately I saw her hold her bleeding finger to her mouth.

I reacted instantly as I ripped a paper towel from the hanger as I quickly took her bleeding hand in mine and wrapped her finger tightly. She blushed shyly as I held her hand. "Sorry… I'm good with a knife but apparently not with food."

I laughed lightly at that, "Hold on a second…" I replied, tossing the knife and the celery she was cutting into the sink before yelling into the living room, "Mom can you finish up for me? Fareeha cut herself…" I inwardly cursed myself at how easily I used her first name, and Fareeha blushed heavily. Usually, I was very careful about that.

"Sure hon." My mom entered the kitchen and easily pulled a knife from the wall like the expert she was and began easily chopping away, "You know where we keep the band-aids right?"

"Yeah mom…" I replied and headed towards the bathroom as Olivia's eyes narrowed at Fareeha coolly.

Sitting her down on the toilet I opened the mirror cabinet and pulled out the disinfectant and band-aids. "Alright let me look…" I said as she pulled the paper towel away, I hissed at the sight, "Ow…" I mumbled as I applied the disinfection, she didn't even flinch.

"So…" she said softly, "You invited Olivia…"

"Well that's the story she told mom… apparently they're old friends." I then gave her a look that was somewhere between scolding and humorous.

She blushed as I carefully wrapped her finger, "…I didn't know she was your mother. She wasn't Sarah Snow when I knew her…"

"Ah well… what can you do?" I asked nobody in particular.

"Lots of things…" she said seductively, shutting the bathroom door with her foot. Before I could stop her she was on me, her mouth pressing against my lips. She moaned contentedly as she sucked the air from my lungs, her tongue gently probing my mouth.

…Honestly, my money would've been on Olivia risking it first.

"More…" she got out quickly as she breathed into me, "…I can't wait."

"Fareeha… my mom will notice…" I managed to get out as I caressed her backside, and continued kissing her, "...I want to but we really can't…"

She whimpered disappointedly but didn't quite stop as she gyrated against me. "I know… I know but I want to…" she whined.

The door suddenly shook as someone slammed a fist against it. "…Tone it down Fareeha…" Olivia hissed through the door.

Fareeha scowled dangerously and she pulled away, adjusting her clothes slightly. She stared at me for a moment and with a sorrow-filled face asked, "…Later?"

I opened my mouth to answer when the door was suddenly opened revealing a rather humored-looking Olivia. "…Wasn't that locked?" I asked briefly as Olivia slipped something into her pocket.

"Yep." She replied simply, "…Anyway…" she glared daggers at Fareeha who stood confidently straight, "Are we going to have a problem Fareeha?" she asked, smiling knowingly at her, "…I hate to wonder what his mother would think if she caught you."

"Probably what she would think if I told her about you…" she replied just as coolly.

Olivia sighed audibly, "…That's not what I'm saying Fareeha…" she looked at me thoughtfully, "You better hurry back before your mom starts to wonder about you Scott." Looking between them I slowly made my way back to the kitchen. Only being able to hear, "Okay Fareeha, let's talk."

Mom had finished everything smiling at me she brushed my hair and basted the turkey. "Fareeha okay Scott?"

"Yeah she's uh… talking with Ms. Colomar. Did you finish up?"

"Yep." She wrapped her arm around me, "Now come on we got like thirty minutes until the raiders win again."

I rolled my eyes, sometimes mom was such a guy. It was pretty awesome. Does that count? Was she actually six kinds of awesome? I'll think about it later.

It was a long while until Olivia and Fareeha returned during the first half of the next game. I sat on the edge of the couch with my mother close to the recliner. They briefly struggled but Olivia beat her smiling proudly as she leaped onto and lounged in the recliner. Fareeha rolled her eyes and dropped next to mom on the couch.

Honestly, it was nice. It was usually just me and mom all the time, having other people in the house was fun. But as halftime hit, I got up to head back into the kitchen to check on the food as the girls roared their approval at the team they were cheering for. Honestly, I didn't really care that much for football, but mom liked it so I watched it with her all the time. Plus we kind of have to support the Star Raiders... it's a family thing.

As I basted the turkey Olivia entered the kitchen to refill her water, she watched me carefully for a moment as I continued. She was not going to distract me now, she opened her mouth about to say something. But I caught it immediately.

"If you give me a 'master baster' joke, I will slap you." I said, smiling humorously at her.

She chuckled, but her eyes gazed deeply into mine, "You promise?" she asked softly, "Where?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Seriously. Mom is in the living room…" I said firmly as she approached.

"Fareeha got a freebie…" she breathed calmly, as she pressed against me and lovingly kissed me, her hand gently caressing my length through my pants. It was weird that Fareeha was aggressive earlier and Olivia was being gentle, but at that exact second, I didn't care. But I recovered myself as mom and Fareeha yelled making us jump apart. Olivia sighed, "Fuck…" she grumbled, before blowing me a kiss and heading towards the living room again.

"Yep…" I mumbled, running a hand through my hair. I always knew they were going to get me killed. I always thought and hoped it would be death by sex. But no: heart attack or death by an angry mother. And considering I couldn't exactly go back in there with an erection I could do nothing but wait…

Dinner time arrived with very little fanfare but with quite a bit of praise as mom expertly carved the turkey and we dug in. We sat at our long table with Fareeha claiming the seat next to me and Olivia sitting across from me as mom sat at the head of the table with the bird. My mother unaware of the competition before her didn't notice the glares they shot at each other. "Oh hang on forks!" she laughed before heading into the kitchen, "Be right back."

Taking advantage I glared at both of them, "Please." I hissed, "…Not right now." They gave me apologetic looks but as my mother returned and we began pilling heaps of food onto our respective plates, politely conversing my mother popped a question. "So girls… how is my boy doing in his classes?"

"He's getting A's in mine…" Fareeha smiled proudly, her hand gently caressing my thigh. "And he helps me out all the time…"

"Because you need the help…" Olivia jabbed delicately. "But I'm afraid that Scott doesn't have a head for Spanish staying at a steady B-…" she glanced at me giving me a half smile, "Don't worry though, I've been giving him plenty of tutoring… he is quite attentive."

"Well if he's anything he's that…" my mother laughed as Fareeha shot Olivia a look. "Couple of pretty teachers like you two… man remember when Mr. Wilhelm taught gym? That guy was a silver fox…"

"Zarya does that now…" Olivia informed her, taking a sip of beer that she had taken from the fridge.

"No!" my mom replied with a laugh, "I mean I can see it, but is everyone teaching there now?"

"Pretty much yeah, even the Shimadas…"

"Those two numbskulls!?" Mom laughed loudly "No way, what do they even teach?!"

As she spoke I felt something brush gently between my legs under the table cloth and I knew immediately what it was from the dreamy, 'innocent' smile on Olivia's face. It was her foot, and she was trying to stroke my length with her toes.

…I regret not wearing underwear today.

As mom went on and on about some love triangle between Angela and the Shimada's ages ago Olivia blissfully stroked my rapidly hardening dick, I throbbed against her flexible toes. To be honest, she wasn't nearly as good with her feet as Mrs. Lacrox, but that didn't really matter right now. I had to do all I could not to cum.

"Fareeha is your mom still teaching?"

Fareeha completely unaware herself what was happening shook her head as she gingerly took a sip of beer, "Not full time, she's the administrator now she'll sub when Hana or Lena can't… Winston handles a few classes now…"

"Holy hell I need to visit!" mom laughed, "It's the whole gang! What does McCree do?"

"Sleep…" they replied immediately as they all laughed, I didn't however, I was focusing on resisting Olivia's soft, wonder feet.

"Well…" my mother clapped her hands, "Time for dessert." She stood up, "Who wants to help with the pie?"

Olivia glanced at Fareeha, "Why don't you Fareeha…" she asked innocently, "… you brought it after all."

She looked at my face and ground her teeth, realizing exactly what Olivia was doing, and shot up to her feet. "…Sure… Olivia." Then let a hand brush against my shoulder she went into the kitchen with my mother, glaring angrily at Olivia.

It happened quickly; Olivia dropped her fork onto the floor with a voiceless "oops." And shot under the table, pulling my pants away and engulfing my hardened dick in her mouth. I clawed at the table as my will quickly deteriorated. We had moments, mere moments before my mom came back and my dick was in my Spanish teacher's mouth. Olivia moaned encouragingly as my dick throbbed at the taboo of the situation…

"Olivia!" I hissed desperately and shot into her mouth.

"Hmm!" she moaned contentedly, licking my length as she held me in her mouth and swallowed my cum. Pulling quickly away and putting my still slightly hardened length back into my pants, and crawling up from the table as my mother returned with Fareeha, each holding a plate of apple pie.

"What were you doing?" Fareeha snarled at her.

"Dropped my fork…" Olivia replied innocently, shaking the utensil, "Don't mind me I'll get another." She replied politely to my mother as she placed one of the pies at her seat.

Fareeha and Olivia shared a very brief look behind my mother's back and to my horror Olivia opened her mouth to show a minuscule amount of my cum still on her tongue, she licked her lips pointedly at an increasingly furious Fareeha and swallowed the rest of it. As she entered the kitchen Fareeha placed a pie in front of me as she placed down her own, looking very, very pissed off.

"Fareeha are you alright?" my mom asked concerned as Fareeha quickly drank down her bottle of beer, before grabbing another.

"Yeah… just feeling a little sick to my stomach." She said quickly, "It'll pass, I did eat a lot."

"Woo I'll say…" mom replied patting her stomach, "Scott is quite a cook, takes after me you know… chip off the old cutting board. I'm sure you're helping him though." She said with a chuckle, "You teaching home ec and everything."

Fareeha was taken aback briefly and was about to say something humbling but as usual, when I was with her I felt she needed a win. "Yep." I replied for her immediately, "Took her a while to get used to teaching but she adjusted quickly. She's one of my favorite teachers." Fareeha blushed furiously at my praise, she was so cute sometimes.

"I hope I'm a close competitor then." Olivia replied chuckling, returning with a fork and another beer.

My mom glared at her with a certain amount of mock disdain, "You two are going to drain my supply. How many beers have you had?" The girls immediately drank down the liquid and quickly began eating the apple pie.

We talked more and told more stories and more beer was drunk by them, and briefly, Olivia's little episode was somewhat forgotten. Then my mom dropped a question that both sent fear into my heart and blood to my shorts at the same time.

"It's pretty late… do you two just want to spend the night?" she yawned in a buzzed hazed, her eyes closing giving them enough time to glare at each other again.

"Sure." They said together, smiling at my mother.

"I'll help clean up." Olivia shot instantly, trying to score points I imagine.

"No please, let me." Fareeha said, getting to her feet and piling plates.

My mom yawned again and got to her feet, "You too must be buzzed, you're helping out around the house…" she chuckled at her drunken joke, "Hmmm… now where should we put you two? I don't suppose you two want to share a guest bed?"

They glanced at each other and Fareeha's face said it all, but she vocalized her opinion. "No." she said a little flatly.

"Well then." my mom replied, gathering up the leftovers, there was still quite a bit. "…its poor etiquette to let a guest sleep on the couch so one of you can take Scott's bed." I shrugged, it was fine with me. I've fallen asleep on our comfy couch more than once.

"Sure, it's fine with me." I replied.

"Well if you insist." Fareeha replied, beating Olivia to it, "Olivia you can have the guest bed." She had won an easy victory and Olivia knew it. They couldn't exactly argue who got to sleep in a young man's bed without rousing some sort of suspicion now, could they?

"…Thanks Fareeha." Olivia replied easily, surrendering the win. "Hey Sarah I don't suppose you have a change of clothes do you?" she asked, walking into the kitchen with mom. "If not that's fine."

"I might have something for you." Mom replied as Fareeha turned to me, "…Although maybe Scott has an old shirt you could borrow."

Fareeha went rigid and looked at me thoughtfully, "Actually Sarah." She said with a slightly raised voice, "Could I borrow some of your clothes too?"

"Geez girls we aren't in high school anymore…" Mom laughed, poking her head out of the kitchen, "Hey Scott, why don't you check your drawers for a big shirt or something."

"Sure mom." I replied, rolling my eyes as Fareeha giggled insistently as mom disappeared back into the kitchen. I lead Fareeha up to my room, she suddenly seemed to be affected by the alcohol. "Can't you dial it back just a little?" I asked her with a smile as we entered my room.

She looked around at the dresser, then the table with my computer, and my cabinet that held my many games and consoles, then naturally her eyes dropped to my bed and she dropped onto her back. Spreading her arms and legs out on my sheets and waved her arms up and down as if making snow angels. She giggled rather drunkenly as I pulled open my lowest drawer and pulled out one of my old shirts. "I got your bed~ed…" she said softly in a sing-song voice, "Olivia will be pissed…"

"Uh huh…" I smiled, as I also took out one of my more comfortable pants, I already knew she was my size thanks to her wearing my gym uniform, even if that was sort of stretchy and tight on her. "…Well I doubt she'll be that unhappy. But I guess I should point out that technically, you are the first woman I've brought to my room."

She moaned suddenly, writhing on my bed as if the very idea was unimaginably arousing. She rolled onto my pillow and took a long sniff, "Mmm…" she grumbled contentedly, "I called dibs…" she replied sleepily.

"Come on you're going to get drunk smell on my bed." I laughed; gently pulling her from my bed she wrapped her arms suddenly around me, and gently kissed me. I bore with the fact that she smelled like beer but still… it wasn't like I didn't enjoy it.

"You… are a really cute kid." She mumbled softly against me.

"And you apparently have a delayed reaction to Queen of Blades. Mom told me it tends to come out of nowhere… come on Fareeha…" I mumbled, resisting the urge to toss her back on my bed and christen it. "You got to take a bath…"

She rubbed her head on my chest, listening to my heartbeat. "Carry me…" she demanded, I sighed and lifted her with I'll admit some difficulty. Hey, I'm not built like Coach Zarya, I'm a gamer, not an athlete. I carried her from my room as my mom passed me on the stairs.

She blinked at me confused for a moment, but smiled disappointedly, "Yeah… Fareeha got hit hard huh? She never could take a drink for long."

"I'll get her in the shower mom." I groaned slightly. How could I lift and carry a woman for at least an hour, (thoroughly practiced with Angela, I thank you) but have difficulty carrying one drunk woman for a few minutes. "I got a change of clothes for her."

"Alright. I left you a blanket and pillow on the couch and the rest of the food has been put away." she told me, yawning widely as she headed towards her room, "I'm going to take a bath and go to bed. Set the shower to cold and dunk her head, she'll take it from there…"

"Kay." I replied as Olivia politely skipped past me following my mom, she gave me a smirk as she bounced that sexy Latina rear into my mother's room.

"Sarah? Clothes?" she asked pointedly, apparently unaffected by the mass consumption of alcohol.

"Right right…" my mother replied yawning as Olivia shut the door behind her.

Entered the second shower and turned it on as cold as it could get, and gently pushed Fareeha's head under it. She spluttered and shook the water from her head like a wet dog and gasped at me, "Oh… hey Scott." She mumbled blearily and stared at the shower, "Right… bath time…"

Without hesitating, she immediately stripped revealing a black lace bra and panties. I watched quietly, determined not to look away. It wouldn't be the first time I saw her naked in the water and I was going to enjoy it just as much as last time.

But as I placed her replacement clothes on the counter and her underwear hit the floor, instead of entering the shower she turned and pressed me against the door suddenly. F-Fareeha!" I said in a surprised whisper.

"It's my turn." She scowled at me getting down on her knees and pulling my quickly hardening dick from my shorts, "It's not fair that Olivia got some and I didn't…" she rapidly lapped away at my dick with her tongue until I was fully erect and she stroked me with her hand, slowly letting her spit drip onto my length as she began lubing me thoroughly and taking me back into her mouth.

My buddies theorized that all blowjobs were the same, just stick your dick in a mouth and enjoy… that wasn't true at all. There were all sorts of varying factors involved but some people were just better at them than others.

And right now Fareeha was amazing. Her sheer desperation for my release and her flattering devotion and love for me did nothing but enhance my desire to give her what she wanted. "Fareeha I'm going to cum! You're too good!"

She hilted me suddenly, before sloppily and noisily pulling back with a vacuum-tight blowjob that literally pulled my semen from my balls, stopping at just the head of my dick as I released. I held her head with both hands as I resisted the urge to thrust down her throat as I so often did. I didn't want to clean up any vomit today. Plus she seemed happy enough as my seed flooded her mouth.

She pulled away with an audible pop and opened her mouth, letting me see the massive load I had given her. "Ai ruve uu…" she moaned, opened mouthed, before closing her mouth and swallowing in one difficult gulp. Coughing slightly as the size stretched her throat. "Yummy…" she gasped, opening her mouth to show me it was all gone, then getting to her feet and smiling at me. But before anything could continue she turned and got into the shower. The water glistened off her skin as she bathed…

I couldn't risk being in there any longer and promptly left the bathroom closing the door behind me. I leaned against it rubbing a hand in my hair. If I had kept watching her any longer I was going to join her. And as Olivia exited my mother's room wearing a pair of my boxers and a loose nightgown, entering the guest room with that knowing smile…

I quickly realized it was going to be a long night.

My mother, dressed for bed wished me goodnight as the lights turned off. A few moments later, the bathroom opened and Fareeha exited the bathroom. Her body was framed by the light behind and for half a moment I thought my night was going to escalate. She opened her mouth, paused, and said softly thinking I was already asleep. "Goodnight…" before heading up the stairs to my room.

"…Goodnight…" I replied back softly, knowing she didn't hear me.

The house was quiet, only the sounds of crickets or grasshoppers outside disturbed the silence. I took a deep steadying breath as I relaxed on the couch. I had one of those 'magic' couches; you know the ones. The ones so deceptively comfortably that if you weren't careful you'd find yourself fast asleep. However, the 'magic' of my couch was briefly held back at the idea that right now a beautiful woman was upstairs in my bed and I wasn't there with her.

And at that thought the 'magic' took effect and I was fast asleep…

…I don't know how long I was asleep, but I suddenly awoke to delighted moaning and sloppy sucking, my dick erect and ready to fire. I opened my eyes and was only partially surprised to find Olivia steadily throating me with her eyes closed in contentment. She suddenly stopped, looking at me with dreamy eyes and my dick still in her mouth as if she was suddenly caught red-handed. I throbbed in her mouth and she grinned on my length before happily continuing.

I just didn't care anymore… I placed my hand on her head and stroked her hair, "…Keep going." I said quietly, I didn't want to declare my release, or scream my desire. I wanted to get off in my own home with a beautiful woman who wanted me. She moaned loudly, quickening her pace and going to the hilt each time while still lapping with her tongue inside her mouth.

"You want to get caught don't you?" I asked suddenly, and she looked at me a little surprised, slowing down to my displeasure and I shoved her head back to the steady pace. "Don't fucking stop…" I hissed angrily at her and she groaned her seductive apology. "Keep sucking. I want to hear you work for it."

She silently continued, completely devoted to my blowjob. The only sound she made now was her gagging and sloppy slurping. Bobbing her head almost hypnotically, silently begging for my cum.

"…I'm cumming…" I said so softly I was almost completely quiet, closing my eyes and I thrust up not her mouth. She took it, no complaints, no whimpering. As far as she was concerned this was all about me… and I loved her for it. Slamming my entirety into her mouth, and fired.

She caressed my balls gently, stroking my stomach as she coaxed more from me as I filled her own stomach up. Her eyes opened and looked at me, waiting for orders, or even simply wanting praise. I stroked her hair, utterly satisfied. She slipped me out of her mouth, letting my flaccid length slap against my body as she carefully licked me.

"You're crazy…" I breathed with a chuckle.

"Just relax Scott…" she answered back, devotedly continuing to lick me. "Your mom is asleep. Fareeha is asleep… And I am all ready for you." As my dick hardened against her cheek she smiled adoringly at me, "And now you are all ready for me…" she stood up and I realized she was naked from the waist down. She straddled me and gently slipped my length inside her. She started to moan as I stretched her when I was hit with inspiration. Suddenly sitting up and covering her mouth and I forced her onto her back on the couch, staring deeply into her surprised eyes.

"Not a word." I hissed gently, and she quivered underneath me, "You have to be absolutely quiet or I stop." Her eyes quivered, begging, pleading, she wanted to shout and scream her desire but that simply wasn't an option as I began slowly thrusting into her.

"You're going to take me…" I whispered as she restrained her pleasure and her pussy tightened around me, "You going to lie there and take it like a sex doll…" her hands wrapped around me and her fingers painfully scrapped my back. It hurt but I loved it as I kept going. "Then when I'm finished…" I breathed lovingly into her ear, "We can't get anything on the couch, so naturally I'm cumming inside you." I squeezed her ass affectionately as her whole body trembled from an orgasm and she moaned into my hand.

I shushed her gently and squeezed her ass cheek again, "Not a word, remember? That's your last warning." Suddenly I slammed against her, hitting her insides heavily with my cock as her eyes rolled from the pleasure. I could feel her mouth pressing itself tightly together under my hand, she was trying so hard not to scream, not to moan… but a sick part of me wanted her to. I wanted her to shout and scream her satisfaction so everyone could hear her. I pulled my hand away and she quietly gasped as I groped her breast and forced my tongue into her mouth.

"Get ready…" I breathed, feeling my climax quickly approaching, "Get ready I'm coming inside…"

"Yes…" she whispered, but barely a whisper. It was so soft I hardly heard her, but she held my head and kissed me again as finally after what seemed like hours I slammed against her and fired my load at her womb. She gently caressed my cheeks as I felt her cum again, her very body milking every last drop of my load. We breathed heavily into each other as we spent everything. I didn't pull out, I didn't want to, as far as I was concerned my dick was the only thing keeping my seed and our collective mess inside her. I was not cum staining my couch thank you. We sat on that…

She gazed into my eyes and stroked my hair, then after a second she bit her lip and said softly as if the words hurt her, "…We need to go to your room."

I blinked at her a little surprised, but she smiled mischievously, "…You'll like it… come on." She tried to get up but I gave her a mischievous smile of my own, and with strength, I did not have earlier when I carried Fareeha I lifted her up off the couch with me still inside her and made my way to the stairs.

She wrapped herself around me nervously and stared at me worriedly. "There are fourteen steps…" I said softly, hardening inside her as I took the first one. She moaned loudly at the movement and slapped her hand over her mouth in surprise. "…Not a word…" she quivered on me as I took the second.

It was utter torture for her, each step was a new thrill and pleasurable feeling… I didn't have to thrust violently as long as I carried her up the stairs. I held her ass and she held the railing to steady us as I ascended... she came quietly on the twelfth step, just two more. She held me tightly trying to resist and I took my last step, she let out a gasp of air she hadn't realize she'd been holding and I realized that she wasn't allowed to have all the fun. I pressed her suddenly to the side of the wall and carefully thrust.

"S-scott! No wait!" she hissed desperately, tightening considerably as she stared horrified at my mother's closed door, "No… in your room, please!" she begged me, pleaded as I desperately demanded my own release from her.

"Almost… there…" I breathed and slammed against her, firing once more.

"You… bad boy…" she hissed as she felt me again, "Ay Papi..." she gasped quietly in my ear, and probably immediately regretted it because she said the magic word feeling me harden instantly inside her again. "Dio's Mio…" she laughed feeling me throb again.

"Just stop talking…" I chuckled in her ear, "You're not helping…"

"Just take me to your fucking room…" she laughed, kissing me again as I carried her to the door of my room. She opened it and I entered slowly closing it behind us she finally slipped my hardened length out of her and turned to the bed with a sleeping Fareeha.

She was absolutely adorable, her arms wrapped around my pillow as she hugged it tightly to her chest… which surprisingly was nude. I realized that the clothes I had loaned her were folded in a neat heap on the dresser.

Olivia pointed demandingly at the sleeping Fareeha, "Fuck her." she said firmly. "It's her turn."

"Really?" I breathed in disbelief, "Just… take her on my bed without her consent? Isn't that rape?"

Olivia glared at me for a moment then rolled her eyes, walking a little funny towards the side of my bed she gently lifted my sheets revealing Fareeha's curvy buttocks and smacked a cheek. Fareeha yelped but Olivia covered her mouth and shushed her. Fareeha glared at her but once she saw me standing at my door erect and ready her eyes widened, and suddenly looked at me with desire.

"He's going to fuck you." hissed Olivia, getting Fareeha's attention, "But he wants consent…" then breathing huskily in her ear, causing her to blush she added, "…You want him to fuck you don't you? Take a couple of loads in that tight warm pussy of yours?"

Fareeha stared horrified at Olivia for a moment before looking back and me, and nodding. Olivia pulled away and leaned against the wall, spreading herself wide as she thoroughly shoved her fingers into her wet and semen-filled pussy, "You saw Scott…" she said suddenly, moaning contentedly as she masturbated in front of us.

Fareeha watched her unsurely for a moment but her attention quickly returned to me as I approached, without saying a word she lied on her back and held her legs apart, presenting herself to me and smiling adoringly. "This is… this is just for tonight." She said glaring at Olivia. "It's back to normal tomorrow."

"Fine whatever…" Olivia replied unconcerned, "Just let him fuck you already, I want to watch him use you."

"What are you…" I didn't let her finish as I interrupted her and buried my tongue in her mouth, already probing at her vagina trying to get inside her as quickly as possible. "Scott!" she breathed lovingly as I pulled my mouth away.

"You're fucking beautiful." I said honestly, "You and Olivia." I kissed her again as I played with the folds of her pussy with my dick, I was already lubed up well enough thanks to Olivia but I wanted her aroused and ready for me. "…And now we're going to christen my bed…" I breathed in her ear and shoved myself inside her. She screamed for half a second before Olivia covered her mouth with her pussy hand, and then promptly began playing with herself with the other one.

"Do you want Sarah to hear you?!" she hissed angrily as I kept up my steady thrusting and Fareeha quivered and moaned unrestrained, "You know what she'll do to us right?" Fareeha groaned desperately as her body bounced against my steady pumping, then Olivia smiled softly, "You love that dick don't you?" she asked. Fareeha tightened around me as Olivia fueled her desires. "Do you want him to cum deep in that tight pussy?"

"I want to…" I replied, feeling her squeezing me instinctively as I fully pressed down on her, caressing her breasts as I steadily thrust into her. She moaned against Olivia's hand as I declared my desire for her.

"He wants to…" Olivia repeated gently leaning close and breathing throatily into Fareeha's ear as she yelped with each of my thrusts. "He wants to cum inside that tight warm pussy of yours…"

Fareeha screamed her orgasm, it was muffled by Olivia's hand, the mixture of Olivia's dirty talk and my constant relentless thrusting pulled it suddenly from her tight muscled body. "Fuck you feel like a vice." I breathed into her other ear as Olivia whispered her deviled words into the other. "I don't think you're pussy wants me to leave…"

"No!" she mumbled the word clear as day even as Olivia restrained her voice.

"Oh, then you better make him cum…" Olivia smiled at her, "…know what really gets him going? She whispered quietly in her ear and pulled her hand away from Fareeha's mouth. Fareeha glared at Olivia, who suddenly quivered from her own orgasm as she played with her pussy, "…Say it… it'll be great." Olivia smiled, switching hands again but putting her wet pussy hand in her mouth and sucking her own juices.

Fareeha rolled her eyes, and said a little disbelievingly, "Papi… please give your new puta her… leche? Did I say that RIGHT!" she screamed as my dick hardened to capacity and I slammed my hips against her as I couldn't restraint myself. "Scott! Oh fuck Scott!" she squealed, "Oh my god!" she stared amazed as I desperately plowed her, I didn't care if she was coached into it by Olivia… her speaking the magic words filled me with unbridled lust.

Olivia covered her screaming mouth again, "Cum in her Papi… time to claim another puta…" she kissed my cheek as she watched Fareeha have one more orgasm and then finally I collapsed on top of her fully, firing volley after volley of my seed into her. Her eyes rolling again she moaned unknown words behind Olivia's hand before finally subsiding.

Olivia pulled her hand away as I kissed Fareeha's neck tenderly, sucking pointedly under her jawline leaving a mark. Fareeha stroked me; nowhere in particular. She just wanted to feel as much of my body against her as she could. All of her limbs rubbed me lovingly as I softened inside her. Olivia lay down next to me, joining Fareeha in my caressing…

I wanted to stay like this forever… but I knew it couldn't last. Eventually, morning would come, and if I wasn't on that couch asleep in the morning we were all in deep trouble.

"I got to get back downstairs…" I whispered into Fareeha's ear, briefly admiring my hickey before I kissed her lips and gently pulled out. She tightened her arms and legs around me keeping me in place.

"Just… just a few more minutes…" she pleaded gently, trying to keep me there as long as possible, "Please?" I adored that longing look she gave me; if I wasn't careful I'd harden again.

I sighed, rubbing my cheek against her shoulder, "…I do like the comforts of my own bed." I mumbled drearily, "…Including the newer comforts." I caressed her rear, implying what I was referring to.

Olivia pressed herself hard against me, caressing my hair and kissing my cheek. "Just a few minutes won't hurt."

And they didn't… but naturally we were weak, and we all fell asleep.

It was only by the grace of the perverted gods that we woke up before the sun rose. We scrambled to get our clothes back on, me running naked downstairs with Olivia to quickly get dressed before taking our respective places on the couch and in the guest room.

It was barely twenty minutes after that my mother exited her room and descended the stairs. I stretched, giving the illusion that I had just woken up. "Hey mom." I yawned convincingly and rolled off the couch.

"Hey Scott." She mumbled, "Coffee." She demanded, heading towards the kitchen.

Olivia returned wearing her clothes from yesterday before looking at me and giving out a convincing, "Morning Scott… how was the couch?"

I returned her smile, "Fine and dandy… did you like the guest bed?"

"Oh yeah… never better." She smiled as mom came back into the living room.

"Olivia? Coffee?" she asked simply, Olivia nodded and joined her in the kitchen as Fareeha came downstairs wearing her pants, and my shirt… I raised an eyebrow at her and she blushed.

"…I'll give it back later…" she said simply, I got up from the bed and whispered quietly so only she could hear me.

"You'll wear it later, so I can take it off…" she blushed at the implications as I gave her a quick chaste kiss and led her into the kitchen for breakfast.

It was hardly an hour before finally they decided they couldn't really justify staying for much longer, soon leaving as we walked them out the front door. My mother hugged her old friends in turn and smiled at them both.

"You too are welcome anytime." She said happily, "In fact come back tomorrow we're having turkey curry."

"I'll be there." Olivia smiled giving her a quick pair of kisses on my mother's cheeks before doing to same to me, only letting her lips brush barely on my own as she switched to the other cheek.

"Same here." Fareeha said firmly giving my mother and then me a hug, "You need to take back this shirt after all…" she whispered softly before finally they turned and waved as they went to their cars.

"So…" my mother began as they drove away separately, "…Which one is your favorite?"

"What?" I coughed with surprise, not understanding the implication.

"Two teachers show up unannounced at our house to have dinner?" she smiled knowingly at me, "Come on… you invited them both. You must have a crush on them which is your favorite?"

I opened my mouth, not entirely sure how to answer. There was no good answer, not a true one… I cared about them both. More than just a wild night of sex like with Angela or Amelie… "I…don't really have a favorite mom." I said with a shrug, "They're both pretty awesome."

My mother rolled her eyes and wrapped her arm around my shoulder as we went back inside, "Eh well… no rush, you have a long year of classes after all. Now come on, the Star Raiders are playing the Rushing Zergs… I'm not missing that rivalry for anything…"

As we sat down for another lengthy football game, mom suddenly blinked at me for a moment and asked, confused "…Why did Fareeha take your shirt?"

"…No idea mom…" I said, sounding exhausted and resting my head in my hands and thinking about how soon I could take my shirt back, added "No idea."


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