
Math: Ms. Symmetra

I don't own overwatch

It wasn't until Mrs. Lacroix did I realize just how many teachers we had with dancers bodies. Miss Vaswani for instance had the grace, looks, and the wide childbearing hips of a professional belly dancer. With caramel candy-colored skin and long climbable legs you could spend hours at a time just watching her move across the room solving a math problem 8 years too advanced for us on the blackboard. With letters, numbers, and formulas that simply went over our heads…

But you have to understand her class wasn't difficult and it wasn't for us. She was a genius, a savant, and while teaching us she would be solving world-class math equations at the same time Her beautiful face and silky hair also had a brilliant, if not a little different, brain…

She was a creature of habit as I found out. Every time someone would get a hundred percent on her difficult but doable quizzes (of which there always seemed to be at least one) she would say…

'Congratulations so-and-so… you have mastered mathematics.' And she would smile mysteriously at you and simply go back to accurately grading papers with hardly a glance with the speed of a computer.

One day, I was in Olivia's home… groaning contentedly as I had just finished inside her. Taking in her scent as she practically purred in my arms, my hand slipping into her purple underwear that we had simply been too impatient to remove as I penetrated her…

She had a very nice place for a teacher, even a teacher that worked at my school. And interestingly enough, (and kind of creepy) she had an entire room devoted to one massive powerful computer that she would alternate describing between 'hobby room' and 'second job' depending on how well I made love to her that day…

Today was the more satisfying 'second job' kind of day as her phone buzzed on her table, she moaned in frustration and delight as I continued to play with her pussy. Looking at who was calling she hesitantly stopped me.

"Sorry Papi…" she said sadly getting off the bed, "I have to take this…" then looking at her bedroom computer she added with a knowing smile, "…Why don't you find something to keep you in the mood I'll be right back…" answering her phone in rapid angry Spanish and still only in her underwear. "Si?" she walked to the door, "Más vale que sea jodidamente bueno… Yo estaba pasando tiempo de calidad con mi novio." She slammed the door behind her hard to prove a point to the speaker on the phone.

I didn't quite catch all of it, regardless of my sexy Spanish lover I was still mediocre in the language but I couldn't help but smile as I caught the word for 'boyfriend'. But I made my way to the table accidentally stepping on my pants pocket and remembering the little 'surprises' that Ms. Zhou had given me…

Removing the case filled with 16 pink A.W.E.'s, (Awesomely Wonderful Experiences as Ms. Zhou adorably referred to them as…) I placed them safely onto the desk and sat at her computer. Olivia was something of a pervert considering just how much amateur porn she had on her computer of the teachers…

It was kind of creepy but my desire to watch them overrode my morals once more. I was repeatedly having sexual encounters with one, two, three… five, I was regular sex with five teachers so I was already too deep in to pull out…

…Yes I just heard that in my head, regardless it was still accurate…

She had even organized the folders by teacher. Naturally, Ms. Ziegler had the biggest because of me but she did have a few videos with Genji in there as well. Even one in japan where they experienced bondage play with her dressed as a geisha… she didn't seem to enjoy it as much as Mr. Shimada but it was still hot.

Ms. Song had a few, some with me, but apparently, the gamer's club played with more than just games in their spare time. Boys and Girls…

There was a handful of Ms. Lacroix and myself, taking her and cumming inside as often as I could and one with Mr Lacroix the night he returned after their huge fight. She was right he could barely keep it up, what the fuck was wrong with him?

Coach Zaryanova had a bevy of videos with her little zaika Jeremy. There was a funny one where she refused to stop working out with him inside her, bench pressing, pushups, and pull-ups ending with Jeremy's dick well satisfied, she certainly looked like he enjoyed himself. He got to watch her flex which he adored, and feel her flesh which he loved as a rule…

Ms. Oxton had two, one with me and Ms. Song and a very sweet lovemaking moment with her girlfriend that honestly, I didn't want to watch out of some deep twisted respect…

Ms. Zhou had the smallest with one video, the day we tested her new pills and plowed each other in that classroom as I claimed everything she had left… my dick throbbed at the aphrodisiac-filled memory of cumming inside her pussy as much as I could before the drugs wore off… leaving her well satisfied and stuffed with my seed.

And of course my encounters with Olivia. There was even a video called 'thinking of you papi' that was her masturbating to her cam as hard as she could while she moaned my name…

…But strangely I saw a folder marked Satya…

Which was a little odd, but arousingly curious… I opened it. There were two videos and they were date stamped three years ago. Long before either me or Olivia was at the school.

…I opened the first one…

She was alone, grading papers with a lone male student watching her nervously as she flowed quickly across them with hardly a glance. As far as I knew her record was twenty sheets in twenty-five seconds… finally she finished and gave that faint mysterious smile to the remaining student.

"Congratulations Elliot… you have mastered mathematics…" she stood up and absently began writing on the board a new math formula to solve.

The boy twitched slightly in his chair, he seemed nervous as he stared wantonly at her backside. I knew that look; I got it all the time, the desire to touch something just so tempting. Then licking his lips, he apparently had come to some unknown decision.

"Thanks Ms. Vaswani… I feel so good I could add 1 and 1 and get 3…"

It was as if the video paused itself she had frozen her place. Her hand stopped writing on the board and she stopped swaying her wonderful rear absently and for a moment I checked to see if the computer had frozen.

But then she spoke…

"…That's impossible Elliot… you can't break the laws of math…" she said it so mechanically… she seemed suddenly nervous as if the very idea of it would shatter her mind.

"…We can if we do it right…" he said, he was just as nervous. As if he didn't quite know what he was saying was true…

Slowly… Ms. Vaswani placed the piece of chalk she held onto the holder at the base of the blackboard, and her long legs slowly stepped to the door of her classroom… and locked the door.

Holy shit…

She went back to the blackboard and Elliot got to his feet suddenly as if he couldn't believe what was happening was really true.

She leaned on the blackboard facing him and slipped her thumbs into her spats and slowly pushed them down. Grabbing the long cloth of her custom Ao Dai (*the clothes she wears) she pulled it aside over her thick thighs to reveal her well-cared-for pubic hair and surprisingly wet vagina.

"Hey I'm back and…" Olivia re-entered and grinned as my eyes stayed glued to the screen. "Oh…" she said as Elliot approached Ms. Vaswani and began a feeble attempt at losing his virginity because that's clearly what it was. "You're watching the boring one…"

"The boring one?" I asked her still staring.

"Oh yeah." She smiled as Elliot shot his premature release into the rather tame-looking Ms. Vaswani, apparently, she didn't really feel it. "Satya has this thing about rewards… apparently if you get a hundred percent and say a code phrase it's a signal to her…" she licked her lips at me as my dick throbbed temptingly at the sounds of the video. "… It's really fucking hot…"

Oh my god… she still said the first part of the code phrase…

"But she hasn't done it in years…" she added, kneeling next to me, "Just open the second one it's better…" she then lovingly licked my length and began slowly sucking on my dick as if she was trying to siphon gas…

"How did you even get this?" I asked, closing the video and clicking the next one. My hand briefly brushed against the case of pills and without waiting for an answer I took one.

Olivia pulled away, still slowly stroking me, "Oh I hacked into the school systems long before I applied, I wanted to test their security…"

"Why?" I asked as I felt the pill begin to take effect.

"Eh I was bored…" she said with a dismissive shrug, "and when I did apply I told them I could wall it up better…" she said licking my length as my hand caressed her hair, "Then they gave me the job papi… your puta didn't have to suck their dicks…" The video began to focus and I shoved Olivia's head on my dick in anticipation, she happily took it as I practically controlled her movement with my hand…

There were three students now… one was Elliot… Ms. Vaswani was grading papers and the date stamp said it was a month later from the last video. Finally, she finished once more.

"Congratulations boys… you have mastered mathematics…" and she gave them that mysterious smile.

She was hardly off her seat as the code phrase came immediately from them.

"Thanks Ms. Vaswani… We feel so good we could add 1 and 1 and get 3…"

She froze in place bent over the disk… I'm not happy to admit it, but the look of fear and surprise on her face only made my erection harder and Olivia giggled/moaned in delight. Ms Vaswani bit her lower lip as if trying to hold back herself, keep herself from saying it. Her eyes widened as her brain compelled her to do so…

"T-that's impossible boys…" she said, there was an arousing whimper to her voice that just made me burst in Olivia's mouth. She swallowed obediently and moaned happily as I hardened again almost instantly and began thrusting up into her mouth again, "…you can't break the laws of math…" she practically moaned it as they quickly finished the phrase…

"You can if we do it right…" they replied together

Before she could move one of the boys quickly went to the door and locked it, she stay firmly at her desk as Elliot walked around and pushed her forwards, a look of sick pride on his face as he view her wide succulent ass and he slapped a cheek appreciatively getting her to groan in pleasure and pain. He pulled down her spats.

"I told you guys! Ms. Vaswani is awesome!" he laughed and shoved a finger into her quickly dampening pussy.

"Yeah yeah…" the third boy grunted and drew out his dick, I was happy to see that it wasn't nearly as big as mine. "Hey whore…" he said, taking his sick pleasure at the hot teacher in stride as if this happened all the time, forcing her head upwards to look at him "I want a blowjob. You better do it right…"

As if her brilliant mind was far, far away from the gangbang about to commence, Ms. Vaswani's elegant tongue rolled out of her mouth as her eyes gazed deeply into the third boy's own. He shoved his dick into her mouth and quivered, "Yeah…" he breathed as her wet and warm mouth sucked away at him, one hand wrapping around him, "Good whores like you swallow, especially Indian whores."

"You don't have to be a dick about this…" the second boy said, gently taking Ms. Vaswani's free hand and having her tighten it around him, immediately she began to jerk him. "Ms. Vaswani don't listen to him.

"Oh who cares…" Elliot replied as he rubbed her pussy, "Just enjoy her however you want…" he stood up and slowly pushed inside her. "She's here for the students after all…" he mocked as she moaned around boy three's dick as she was forcefully shoved deeper down it, as if to make sure the second boy kept up she began stroking his dick rapidly and his head threw back in pleasure.

"Oh Ms. Vaswani!" he moaned, "S-stop, slow down…" but she didn't, as Elliot and the third boy sped up. "L-let me have her mouth Craig. I want to cum inside her!"

"Fuck off Micheal…" the boy in Ms. Vaswani's mouth replied, gripping her head and thrusting as deep as she could, "Hold it. I'm not done yet…"

"Elliot!?" he said, sounding like he was unable to hold it.

"Nope!" Elliot smiled as he watched his friend get jerked off, still fucking Ms. Vaswani, "You're just going to have to hold it our unload…"

"F-" he began trying to grab her hand to stop her but was unable to resist it. "Fuck!" he groaned and shot his load all over her arm and onto her face. "FUCK! You two! You couldn't just let me do it inside her!?"

"Hey we agreed on the holes…" Craig growled, thrusting hard and slow roughly into Ms. Vaswani's mouth. "It's not our fault it's one shot per perfect score. Speaking of… whore…" he slammed her head as far down as it would go… "Swallow it… yeah…" her throat gulped down his seed as he unleashed it. "That's a good fucking whore…"

"Fuck off Craig!" Micheal slugged him angrily. Craig was forcefully pulled from Ms. Vaswani's mouth half a second before he finished and shot a small rope of cum onto her stoically bored face.

"Knock it off assholes!" Elliot replied as they both began fighting on the ground. But apparently, he didn't care enough to pull out and stop them, he seemed more determined to make sure that he got off.

Ms. Vaswani watched them silently in disgust. Before spitting a small amount of cum onto the floor and looking at Elliot. "Finish up… you broke the rules."

Elliot frowned. "But Ms. Vaswani…"

"Never again Elliot…" she said coldly, and regardless of the fact that he was fucking her suddenly she dominated the room over Craig and Micheal's fighting. "If you don't obey to the phrase rules you don't get another chance…"

"But Ms. Vaswani…" he whimpered, looking absolutely pathetic as he thrust inside her.

"You were smart enough to understand the formula to figure out the phrase…" she said coldly, "You even understood the rules… but you told your friends, Elliot…" she replied, regardless of the degrading cum on her face she still held the command. "…That's breaking the rules… FINISH." She hissed.

And as if his dick was more than willing to obey her, Elliot thrust inside her and came… he twitched slightly but before he was spent she shoved him away, and she glared at the squabbling boys on the ground. "BE SILENT!" she yelled at them and they immediately stopped.

Her cold emotionless gaze burned into them, "…Get out." She said, "We are never. Doing this again… if you tell anyone if you breathe a word, I will deny everything and say you raped me. Is that understood?" she said.

"Yes ma'am…" they all said together. And the video stopped… it was over…

I forced myself again down a blissfully aroused Olivia's mouth for what was probably the six-time, feeling her throat clench around me as she swallowed another load. "…That was fucking hot…"

I couldn't get what I saw out of my mind. I would see her in the halls greeting the other students, she would smile at me that mysterious smile in greeting and I would smile back, she had no idea what I knew and regardless of my own exhaustion with the multiple women, I spent time with…

Fuck I had to try… I had to try just once…

It took me two weeks, hours of studying, and many restless nights with actual tutoring sessions with the teachers and not screwing them… but one day I finally did it… I aced a quiz…

She sat there at the end of class grading papers quickly, hardly glancing at them as she accurately gave them their marks. Just as the last student waved her goodbye to her I approached her with a friendly smirk and asked her in small good humor.

"So Ms. Vaswani… how'd I do?"

"Congratulations Scott…" she said and my heart leaped as my dick hardened. "… you have mastered mathematics…" she smiled her smile but didn't look at me.

"Thanks Ms. Vaswani…" I began and arousingly her eyes began to widen… "I feel so good I could add 1 and 1 and get 3…"

The pen dropped quickly from her hand and she looked up at me, just a little horrified… but strangely aroused.

"…That's…" her voice broke slightly, "That's impossible… Scott…" she didn't look away from my smiling eyes, "…You can't break the laws of math…"

She waited for a long agonizing moment, still as a statue, then with a noncommittal shrug I added like a joke. "…You can if we do it right."

She quivered visibly in front of me and I watched her run to the door and slam it shut, locking it. "Y-you…" she looked at me, biting her lower lip erotically. "…You figured it out?"

"…Only one shot and I don't tell anyone…" I said softly, "…I couldn't figure out more…"

"…Any hole you want…" she said and approached the desk, "…Wherever you want…"

"Bend over Satya…" she quivered as I used her name.

"Scott..." she began trying to warn me "I'm still…"

As usual, when this happens she was probably going to say 'your teacher' so I decided to skip that part, "Bend over…" I walked behind her, gently caressing her soft ass… she felt like Mrs. Lacorix and that is some high praise…

She did, slowly, lying fully on the table as I pulled down her spats and moved her Ao Dai. She was so wet all of a sudden, and I wondered if she was just like this all the time. Patiently and hungrily waiting for a student to give her the code…

"I'm only allowed one shot huh?" I asked, as I did her holes twitched in anticipation.

"Yes… once per perfect score…" she confirmed, looking at me oddly, wondering why I hadn't started yet. "…Are you... having difficulty picking?" she said, watching me intently as I stared at her wet pussy. "Not to brag Scott but the handful of students who have figured it out already had decided…"

"No I decided…" I looked at her, "…We stop when I finish right?"

"Yes." She nodded again, "When you finish."

"…What about when you finish?" I asked curiously.

She smiled that smile, but it seemed smugger, "…Please Scott I am not some young girl, just take your reward and move on..."

"But I'm curious… what happens if you cum?"

"Nothing… we keep going until you finish… Whatever you want until you cum." She repeated rolling her eyes at me, apparently very unconcerned with the conversation.

"…That's what I wanted to hear." I said, licking my lips and about to enjoy a tasty meal…

Would it be racist to say she tasted like sweat-fruit curry? Because I think it is, but I just wanted to get my point that she was tasty across. I buried my face into her pussy and she gasped in unexpected surprise, shock, and a sudden burst of pleasure.

"S-scott!" she shouted amazed, "W-what are you doing?"

"I'm eating pussy…" I replied, licking my lips as I pulled away to answer, "You're delicious…"

"Scott that's…" she blushed as she squirmed on my face. I planted my hands on her ass, to get a good feel and to steady her. To keep her from moving while I was eating her out; I wouldn't be denied my meal. "Scott that's against the rules!" she tried to say desperately but I knew it was wrong…

Her formula problems were for eager, smart virgins who wanted someone to get off in… but I liked my girls horny and ready. I slapped her rear with my face still buried in her, unrestrained she let her arousal drip down my face. "You taste so good Satya…" I said as I felt her quiver from a small orgasm. "…Has no one done this before?"

"Not since…" she breathed slowly as her orgasm passed, "…Not since my college roommate…"

"That's fucking hot Satya…" I said, burying into her again.

"D-don't Scott!" she whimpered, I pulled away again and began rubbing the outside of her pussy lips with my hand.

"Don't what Satya?" I asked smiling knowingly at her.

"Don't call me… Satya…" she said closing her eyes as another orgasm hit, "…I'm still your teacher…"

"With my face buried in her pussy…" I said, spreading her open and shoving my fingers inside while she squirmed, "…I can do whatever I want with you until I come…"

"Oh gods!" she squealed as she came, hard, she flowed like a river from her pussy to the floor and I buried myself in her, absorbing her sent and feeling her juice on my face as I stirred her on

"You taste so good!" I moaned in her and she came again, firing off again like a pack of fireworks. "You're addicting!"

"Scott!" she squirmed, on the desk, trying to get away but unable to as her body gave out again from another orgasm. "Please for gods' sake!" she began panting heavily as she was building up for a big one again…

I slapped her ass, slowly, deliberately, alternating cheeks as I felt her quiver once more and she broke.

"CUM!" she screamed her release to the classroom, her whole body clenching as I felt even her ass muscles firm up.

But I didn't stop, I kept going, I felt her cum and cum again and regardless of the fact that my tongue was becoming a little raw I delightedly continued. Caressing her ass and enjoying the feeling of her softness…

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore…

"Y-you… you win Scott please…" she looked at me, eyes filled with tears of pleasure, "Please... just take me…"

I seemed to think on it, then I slapped her ass one last time and stood up. "Since you asked me so nicely Ms. Vaswani…"

"…I can be Satya… for you..." she said sheepishly, I smiled, I just wanted to hear her say it.

Eating her out was completely and utterly worth it. She was so tight, but so wet, that I easily slid into her. When both groaned as we finally got what we wanted, and I lay down on top of her, thrusting steadily inside her. "You feel amazing Satya…" I said moving mechanically with practiced ease, "I'll come in no time…"

"Take your time Scott…" she said breathlessly, watching me with her dark eyes, "…All the time you want to enjoy yourself…"

I didn't last long, she just kept staring at me with her begging eyes. I'm only human. "…I'm cumming Satya…" I said softly, not loud and hard like I was used to, probably what she was used to. But I came, and I felt her quiver just a little as I shot my load into her. She moaned my name longingly as her final orgasm shivered throughout her body, her pussy practically sucking out my load to get it as quickly inside her as possible.

We stayed perfectly still for a moment as I collapsed on top of her, then I laughed…

"It's a shame that I can only do it once…" I whispered into her relaxed ear, giving it a soft lick. "...I doubt I'll be able to get another perfect score.

"That's the rule… and I won't break it…" she said softly, firmly, making sure I understand.

"…Do I have to pull out quickly?" I asked, just enjoying the feeling of being inside her. "I know we're done…"

She didn't answer at first, "…It can wait Scott…" she finally said softly, "…Just don't start going again." I kissed her cheek but she glared at me sternly, "That however was against the rules." she was being firm, but I still saw the small smile.

I saw her pen nearby, and a blank sheet of scratch paper. Fingering both closer to me, I was set with a sudden bit of inspiration and I wrote something down. I slid it gently under her hand as I pulled out of her and adjusted myself back into my pants

"What's this?" she asked readying it. "…These are very simple math problems, a child could do them."

"Is not the math, it's the phrase they stand for…" I said softly, "You have your own rules now I have mine…" I said, "See if you can work them out…"

"Scott you've already written the answers…" she said, showing me the list, "You even written your 'code' to me…"

"So it shouldn't be hard to figure out then, right?" I said, quickly leaving her to stare intently at the note.

A week later I was packing up my stuff in her class and as the last student left, she spoke with an air of polite conversation..

"It's a shame you couldn't prove me wrong Mr. Snow…" she said firmly from her desk.

I paused; she was really going to do it? I couldn't help but smile at the game. "Yep… but math is a constant, it's often… REPETITIVE…" I stared at her, daring her to finish the last part of the phrase and giving me the signal.

She watched me, and squirmed seductively in her chair, her belly dancer body well used and she licked her lips hungrily.

"But I suppose, we could always check our WORK." She said, finishing our own private code phrase with a very flirtatious grin.

…I locked the door, she rushed at me, desperately pressing our lips together while our clothes dropped to the ground, and we 'checked our work'.

Repeatedly; We had to make sure after all…


Spanish translation

This had better be good... I was fucking my boyfriend...

Next chapter