
A Pack is Formed

I don't own Star Wars

"Woo!" the gran thug cheered as the other three thugs clinked their glasses together. "Now that's an honest day's work!" he smiled at the two weequays and the rodian as they all relaxed in their boss's lounge.

One of the weequays, a bulky rough looking one, winked at him. "Not bad when all we had to do was jack some idiot's Speeder bike."

The rodian, unlike the other three was skinny and feeble, but he was good with mechanics and hotwiring. "Hot damn though. A Dawnstar Mark I? They don't even make PARTS for them anymore its all custom." His eyes flickered happily between them. "That thing is worth a YEAR of working for the boss, and he got a buyer!"

They toasted again as the other weequay drank his down and refilled almost immediately. "How'd we find out about that anyway? We weren't looking for it right?"

The bulky weequay shrugged, "Well I was with the boss when the guy who owned it showed up. Modie said it was worth something and sure enough…"

"You'd never expect to find one that's for sure." The Rodian, Modie in fact, sighed on the couch, "Its an Old Imperial design, it was some luck to find it on Coruscant. But its been fixed up real good, must have cost a fortune."

"Well it's going to get the boss one that's for sure!" the gran laughed, "And you know what that means. When the boss is in a good mood, we ALL party." They toasted on last time as then and there the door opened.

A tubby weequay entered grinning broadly and he spied the four, "Well now I hope you all did your jobs…" he said warningly as they all nodded eagerly.

"Got it in your office boss." Modie said, pointing to said off. "It's real pretty."

"It better be for what our client is paying for it." he said as he turned. "Ladies."

Three less then reputably dressed girls scampered in, all in heels and skimpily dressed. One a lime green twi'lek in a black leather headdress that wrapped all down her lekku in straps, wore a simply black bikini top, leather jacket, and short skirt. Another, sea green nautolan was wearing a loose skirt that barely covered her large shapely buoyant ass, and a short blouse tied at in a knot and displaying her waspish waist and emphasizing her large round breasts. The last was a female weequay with a waspish waist and wide hips, dressed in a skirt made of ribbons that hide her modesty but exposed her thighs with each step, along with a tank top and a bandana that covered her head.

In point of fact she was attractive by weequay standards.

Eagerly they were all eyed by the thugs, the nautolan waved coyly and the weequay woman giggled, her rough tongue running across her lips as the two weequay men adjusted themselves on the couch. "Alright Boys. Since we're about to come into some serious credits I went and bought far too much entertainment today…" he chuckled knowingly as they laughed at his joke. His arm slid around the twi'lek's waist and led her towards his office. Placing his hand on the reader, only he and his higher-ranking men had access directly to his office. "You boys enjoy yourselves…" he pinched the twi'lek's ass 'playfully' as the nautolan and the weequay woman stepped abruptly onto the table between the men. Already, but slowly beginning to dance sexily for them as the boss entered the room.

"Cheeto you're the best!" the burly weequay shouted seconds before the door shut.

"Hmm Hmmm…" he chuckled, squeezing her ass playfully as the room lit up, revealing a desk at one end, a large comfy couch and a sturdy table. But a new addition in the middle of it all was a hot-rod red speeder bike. "Would you look at that gorgeous?" he slapped her ass lightly as she skipped forward, her eyes twinkling at the shiny bike.

"Wow… it's so pretty." She said, running her hands slowly on the smooth polished metal. Not even leaving a fingerprint.

"Damn right it is…" he said, eyeing her shapely body as she bent over it to feel the soft leather seat on her cheek. "That right there is worth a fortune to the right buyers. I already got a few lined up… but…" he smirked at her, already moving to his private stash of wine behind his desk. "I'll let you… straddle it for a little while. I like seeing girls in leather on bikes."

She smiled coyly at him as he sipped his wine, her long shapely leg swung over the bike as she sat upright, jutting out her big breasts as she ground her crotch on the leather, wrapping her fingers slowly around the handles as she cooed. "Ooh… I feel powerful…" she grinned.

"You look good on it…" he praised, eyeing her body hungrily as he walked around her, like a man viewing a model at a floor show. He put his hand on her back, pushing her forward as she wiggled her hips, his fingers rubbing her crotch through her panties as she cooed, lying fully on the bike as her legs clenched up on the side of it as she let him play with her. "I suppose…" he teased excitedly as she moaned, "I should take a few… pictures, for posterity, in case he asks for some. He lifted her skirt, smacking her ass loudly as she moaned. "Take off your top I'll be right back." He said heading for the door.

He opened it and smirked as he saw the burly weequay already getting a deepthroat blowjob from the weequay hooker. Standing proudly before her as his hands tightly gripped her head, guiding her rapidly and firmly up and down his length as she squatted on her heels. Her throat made sloppy gagging sounds as he used her. "Hey where's the camera!" Cheeto shouted as Modie hilted his own slippery length into the nautolan as the gran played with her pussy from behind.

The remaining weequay got up, and headed towards a small tool cabinet, retrieving the camera as he handed it to Cheeto. "Here boss." He said, seconds before the burly weequay roared his release. He hilted in his woman's throat, growling as his head rolled back. He held her trembling head steady as his cock pulsed down her throat. Then, grinning, he began moving her head again, her mouth slurping his length. "Hey! My turn hand her over!" the other weequay stomped towards him and shoved the burly weequay aside.

"Ah…" she sighed, tongue out and mouth opened as he shoved his own cock down her throat.

"Fuck that's good…" he said, his hips already moving as he face fucked her, "You aint going hungry tonight!" he laughed, only to find himself shoved back onto the couch, he pulled her with him as she rested on her hands and knees, the burly weequay shoving the table slightly out of the way as he slipped his hands into her skirt of ribbons and adjusted himself behind her, ready to get inside her. Raw as a matter of fact, if she had any complaints, she couldn't express them as she bobbed up and down the other weequay's cock.

Cheeto returned to his own woman, her black bikini top spinning on her finger as she opened her black leather jacket, leaving her big green breasts clearly on display. He chuckled, lifting the camera as she posed for him. "Smile girl…" he said teasingly as she gave him a pretty one, "Might as well put 'modelling' on your resume."

After a few shuddering clicks however he had had his fun, "Alright baby…" he said as she posed for him. "Let's get to the good parts…" he placed the camera down on his desk as she swung off the bike, he wrapped a hand on her ass and lead her to the couch.

"Whatever you want sexy-OOH!" he pinched her ass again as he dropped on the couch, she knelt before him as she rubbed his crotch. "Mmn… all ready for me?" she grinned and began unzipping.


They both looked towards the door curiously as an "Oh Fuck!" echoed.

"What are they doing?" she asked a little annoyed but Cheeto turned her back towards him, unzipping.

"Don't worry about them they get a little rough sometimes. Focus." He said, rubbing her head against his pants as she looked unsure.

"You're not going to get rough are you?" she said, sounding a little hesitant. "I don't do rough."

Impatiently as the noise continued outside Cheeto unzipped himself, releasing his hard and ready length to slap lightly against her lips. "Then you're lucky I picked you, aren't you? Now come on girl I'm not paying you to look pret-"

"Oh shit!!" he frowned at the door as another crash was heard.

"-ty. What the hell?"

Suddenly the door rattled violently as the girls screamed. Cheeto wasn't entirely stupid, his eyes widened as the distinct sound of fighting was heard and he stood up, knocking the girl aside as he went to his desk, re-zipping himself up as he retrieved a blaster. As the door rattled twice in succession…


I pulled the burly weequay away from the door, his head gripped tightly in my hand as I slammed his face against it twice. The two prostitutes huddled half-naked in the corner, holding each other as they stared at me. I suppose I did look intimidating in my dark blood red armor. I dropped the burly weequay unconscious to the floor. This was much easier then I thought it would be…

Queenie had told me that some weirdos had come to look at the bike, a tubby weequay and a few others. They had talked to her father who apparently was nervous at the prospect. Lala had asked if the tubby weequay looked 'pinchy' and Queenie said yes… apparently, that was how Lala described Cheeto, and luckily Lala knew where he was.

I had barely entered this room to find the group orgy in progress before I was flying across the room, leg extended to kick the gran full on in the face as the burly weequay roared out, 'Oh Fuck!' before the rest could react I grabbed the rodian by the face, leaping over the couch behind him and dragging him with me as I lifted him high over my head and body slammed him face down on the floor.

"Bastard!" the other weequay said as he quickly pulled out of the weequay prostitute's mouth, scrambling over the couch for a weapon. There was a collection of blasters on a small shelf. Grabbing the dazed rodian I lifted him and hurled his spindly frame towards that weequay, they crashed together to the floor. He was surprisingly aerodynamic.

"Oh shit!!" the burly weequay shouted, apparently recognizing me, I recognized him. I leapt over the couch at him, tackling him to the couch as the girls screamed and scrambled out of the way, I hit him once. Twice. But he pushed me up, we grappled as he shoved me towards the far door, slamming me against it. After a tense struggle, I pushed his arms out of the way, grabbed his head, slammed my forehead against his nose before I slipped away, gripped the back of his head and rammed it twice against the door.

And here we are now.

He crumpled to the floor as Lala and Oriana entered glancing at the carnage as Lala shuddered with a smile. "Oh Force he's really is a gold mine…"

"I don't know how beating the shit out of a few half-naked guys counts as a gold mine." Oriana noted as she began approaching the girls. Passing by the small pile of rodian and weequay as the weequay began to recover. She stomped his head to the floor, knocking him out. "…Missed one Kal."

"Give me a break I'm rusty." I said lamely as she giggled.

"Liar." She teased as Lala approached the door and knocked loudly.

"I already did that." I noted as she eyed the small bloodstains the burly weequay left.

"Well… this is a bio-scanner so it's probably locked genetically." She said now eyeing the keypad beside the door. Grabbing the unconscious weequay's hand she pressed it to the pad as it clicked and dinged. The door hissed open, some second sense told me to move out of the way, so grabbing Lala I pulled her close and to the side as a collection of blaster bolts shot from the door, the working girls screaming and covering their ears.

"Whoever you are! You don't know who you're dealing with!" Cheeto shouted.

"Mmn this armor smells nice Kal, Baby…" Lala said pleasantly surprised, "Also I LOVE the color!" she added, again. She's said it at least four times on the way over. I released her as Oriana approached, tossing a small sphere and catching it repeatedly in her hand as she noted softly.

"Eyes and ears." She said as I immediately closed my eyes and covered my ears as she rolled it into the room.

"What the!?-" there was a dramatic BANG that echoed around the room, before I slid in front of the door and charged in. Cheeto waved his hand to clear the smoke but his eyes were dazed, and he clutched the blaster to his ear as the flashbang's ringing drowned out any sound. My hand was on his blaster wrist, twisting as it clattered to the floor and I dragged him easily towards his desk. Slamming him onto it as he gasped, my other hand wrapped tightly around his throat. "Wha-You!?" he managed to gasp out as he recognized me.

"Hey Cheeto!" Lala teased, practically skipping into the room, running her fingers along my Dawnstar Mark I's leather seat. "Ooh shiny…" then picking up a discarded bikini top she tossed it to the twi'lek girl cowering on the floor between the table and the couch. "Sorry sweetie no credits tonight." Putting her top back on with expert skill and taking the hint, she scampered past Oriana and Nerri as she soon joined us, watching as the other girls darted off after her.

"The others are all taken care off." Nerri noted as she eyed my bike with some interest. "Huh… that is a very pretty bike." I rolled my eyes and glared at her as Cheeto struggled. "…What? It's still not very practical it will fit two of us at most."

"Not remotely the point…" I growled angrily as Lala leaned over Cheeto as I held him firmly in place, even as his stubby legs kicked at my armored shins, his free hand smacking my arm and shoulder. Then he swung at my face, it felt like a gust of wind as I glared at him, lifting him briefly up and slamming him back down on the desk. It cracked beneath him. "You took my BIKE." I snarled at him as Oriana leaned casually against it.

"He loves this bike." She noted sagely, jutting a thumb out towards it as if it didn't get through Cheeto's head.

"Hey… so…" Lala said a little lazily as she opened Cheeto's desk draws and began to scrounge around in them. "Word though the bounty hunter database is I got a BIG bounty on my head…" she said pulling out a few odd little devices. Activating one to reveal a wanted poster for a weequay and immediately turning it off. "So… Cheeto. Honey… you still got that one on your head that Bartaba put on you?"

Cheeto blinked at her, nervousness clear on his face. "…B-Bartaba? No. I'm protected by Tulba you can't just-"

"Uh hello? She put a bounty on my head. I pretty sure I'm fired so… we're going to go ahead and turn you in." she then glanced fondly at me as she began shoving those wanted poster devices into a small pouch. "I wasn't at first no matter how pinchy you got with my ass… but you stole Kal, Baby's bike and that really pissed him off…"

I squeezed his throat as she gagged, kicking and struggling as I glared at him. "W-wait WAIT!!" he managed to get out as I lessened my grip. "…What do you want?" he mumbled.

"I want you to give me a heads up if Tulba's getting a crew together to bring me in." Lala smiled, "You do that for me and we stay far away from you…" then she added almost as an afterthought, "And all the credits you have on you…" I glanced at her as she nodded her head, "…And Kal, Baby gets to punch you."

"Are you nuts?!" he hissed as I began squeezing again, he gasped for air as he feebly slapped my arms.

"You stole his bike, apparently it's a family heirloom or something?" she glanced at me, and I shrugged. It kinda was… she then promptly slid over the desk and clapped her hands, "Ah! I knew it, safe!" she knelt down, frowning as she poked the odd dial upon it. "…What the hell Cheeto is this an old dial lock? I didn't think they make these anymore!"

Nerri stepped past me to glance at it. "Move." She said abruptly, handing Lala her blaster rifle and pressing her large right ear to the door as she slowly began to turn the dial.

"You're a safe cracker now?" Lala asked incredulously.

"Not if you keep… talking." Even I heard the click that echoed from the safe as Nerri continued to work.

"Anyway. So. you give me insight on Tulba's movement and Kal, Baby won't rip your arms off." Cheeto looked into my eyes… and saw I was MORE than capable of carrying out that threat.

"Got it!" Nerri cheered opening the safe. She whistled and scrapped several handfuls of credits out onto the floor as Cheeto groaned and Lala collected them in a small box.

"Tulba's going to kill you." He whimpered as I lifted him easily from the desk.

"She's already after me… And Cheeto. Make sure you tell her this was a solo job huh?" she replied with a wink as Oriana began walking my bike out of the office. "I want to remain a solo act before they all figure it out." Cheeto whimpered as he looked at me… I gave him a coy smile… before I swung my fist hard and knocked him out and clear across the room.

"This is a good start…" Lala noted as we poured the stolen credits in a small chest on the second level of our ship. "But it's not nearly enough." Nerri absently looked through the wanted posters we had collected from Cheeto's desk, frowning at each and every one of them as Oriana carefully secured my Bike in the hold.

"We only need 100,000 credits, right?" Oriana noted as I kept my attention on Nerri and the pictures of wanted men across the galaxy.

"Well we need at least that for Tulba. But we need to get the bounty off my head and that's going to be a LOT more… like 6 or 7 times that much." Oriana looked at her aghast as she shrugged, "It's a LOT of credits to get a bounty removed by someone who doesn't post it…"

"We could always just rob more of Tulba's holdings…" I noted but Lala shook her head.

"Kal, Baby I'm trying to keep the heat off of you for as long as possible… that's what you said." This was true; Oriana, without going into too much detail about my past, told Lala that I need to keep my anonymity. "The longer they don't know we're working together the better." She nodded her head, closing the chest and sitting on it as she winked at me. "Cheeto will keep his mouth shut. He knows we can easily get to him, so he'll do what we say… but we got the element of surprise as long as people still think I'm a solo act."

Oriana frowned but shrugged, "Well… that's oddly strategic, for you…"

Lala grinned and absently patted my armored leg, "Well I like to think of Kal, Baby as my secret weapon… shame we can't keep him that way at this rate." She glanced at my face, "Maybe we can get you a mask… or a helmet or something. Make you all mysterious and dangerous."

"I'm already dangerous." I noted as Oriana patted my shoulder, whispering in my ear.

"…But you know… we could always visit your mother and get your helmet. You're still a wanted man to the Cromwells. You keeping a low profile is still be a very good idea…"

I frowned; I'd like my old helmet back but that's practically telegraphing my location. "…Maybe we can find something new. Something more custom."

"Well…" Lala began standing up, "When we get to New Nar Shaddaa we can look for something." She toed the chest excitedly, "With Cheeto's down payment here we can fix up, get modded, and rename the ship…"

"And find you a new helmet…" Oriana noted. "So… New Nar Shaddaa then?" she said absently as Lala nodded.

"Yep! Onward Jeeves!" she said as Oriana tried to walk away… but she was interrupted by my arm wrapping around her waist and gesturing to Lala.

"Why don't you go ahead and log in the coordinates. Oriana and I have something to discuss…"

"We do?" she asked curiously, as Lala took the hint and headed towards the cockpit.

I nibbled her ear as she cooed, my hands running up and down her catsuited body caressing her shapely blue breasts from behind. "We do… in my quarters…"

"O-oh…" she said blushing as I lifted and carried her towards my selected room, leaving Nerri still looking through the wanted posters.

We entered what had been designated as my quarters, it wasn't the captain's quarters but at least I didn't have to share with four others like back at Boot. I kissed her again as she melted against me, cooing into my mouth as her hand reached around to caress the back of my head, and she abruptly pulled away. Shaking her head, "Wait." She said.

Immediately I stopped. No means no. she frowned at me, rubbing her fingers in my hair, and was completely serious. "…This. Wash it out." She said finally, pulling a thick black length of my hair. "I can't take it anymore." I frowned briefly, looking up at my black locks before I smiled at her again.

"…Seriously?" she frowned and, sultrily, tugged at the edges of her suit, slowly licking her lips… she's been trained REALLY well at seduction.

"You want all this? Fix that…" she hissed pointing to my hair.

"…All of it?" I replied uncomfortably as she frowned.

"What do you mean all…" she paused, glanced down, and eyed me again. "…No." she said giggling.

I sighed, "…Mother said to be thorough."

"Oh Kal…" she sighed with a chuckle, kissing me again as my hands caressed her slender waist. "All of it." she added abruptly as I frowned. She stepped out, but soon returned handing me something. "Here. I bought this for just such an occasion…" I stared at the 'dye removal: Wookiee strength' before leaving her to find the shower.

I stepped into it, the air shower cleaning away as I used the removal… upon leaving it, fresh, clean, and red all over, I found myself missing my clothes. I frowned, wrapping a towel around my waist as I walked out. "Who stole my pants?" I grumbled.

"Wasn't… me?" Nerri looked up from the wanted posters glancing at me wide eyed. "…Are you a red head?" she asked surprised and… did she sound intrigued?

"Its my natural color. Yes." I noted walking towards my quarters, one hand tight around the towel. "Oriana…" I growled, entering my room to find her on my bed, naked, and sultry.

"Yes?" she teased her ruby red eyes twinkling as he chuckled, letting my towel drop as I climbed over her.

"…Come here." I growled hungrily as I kissed her, my hands already exploring every inch of her supple body as she moaned, feeling my fingers slide between her legs, and penetrating her tight woman hood as she gasped.

"MMn! MMM!" she moaned, biting her lower lip as I stroked her hair with my other hand, her body writhing beneath me. "Oh force…" she shuddered, "G-Guess you did inherit your Firemane genes…"

"…I just thought you really like me." I noted, straight face as she clenched around my fingers.

"W-well that helps you know… but-AH!" her arms slapped my shoulders as her body trembled, "W-wait let me AHHH!!!" I pulled my fingers from her body as she trashed on the tiny bed, it was a single after all. "F-fuck…" she moaned, clenching her legs together tightly as I lowered myself to her knees, spreading her apart. "Kal wait you-" my tongue, slid inside her as she gasped, "MMNN!!!" her feet slapped on my back as I curled my tongue inside her, her hands on my head as she gasped again.

"O-oh my god…" she whined, shuddering as her voice undulated in pleasure, "It feels amazing…" she cooed as I rested my hands on her ass, lifting her up as she whimpered under my tongue. I did feel a little like a dog lapping at a bowl but… at least she tasted good.

"Ah-AHHHH!!" she came again, she was surprisingly sensitive… I figured Cipher Agents would train to avoid that. Well… maybe she was being nice. She panted heavily as I sat up, shaking my recently re-redden hair out of my eyes as I gazed over her.

"…You… I didn't think you'd get me to do that so easily."

"As you said. Firemane genes…" I mumbled, lifting her upright as she smiled at me feebly. My erection apparent as I lifted her up, my hands firmly on her ass as her legs wrapped around me. I lowered her slowly onto my length as she cooed, burying her face in my chest as I lifted her off the bed, she squeaked in surprise, but I pressed her to the wall. It was smooth and cold against her back… but I didn't care.

"Ah-Ah-AH!!" she gasped as I began thrusting, moving on instinct as I ground my hips against her and my length inside her. the wall banging as I pounded her against her, but she didn't seem to care either, squeezing her legs tightly around me as I drove myself further, deeper, growling like an animal as I claimed my mate. "MMNNnn!!" she shuddered beneath me as I pinned her tightly to the wall, squeezing her soft ass cheeks in my hands as her leg rubbed my back. "Oh Force Kal…" she sighed, resting her head on my shoulder as I growled.

I pulled her from the wall suddenly as she yelped, before slamming her onto her back on the bed. She gazed at me surprised as I climbed up, stretching her legs as I pounded down into her, her body already reacting as she moaned and whimpered, "K-Kal wait let me rest…" she cooed, but it only drove me on. Her pleasure, my instincts… a deliciously bad combination.

Kissing her deeply I slammed deep into her, my cock throbbing impatiently. I was close I was going to breed her. My mate. My woman. My Oriana. Relentlessly I pounded her, hips pumping wildly up and down as she squealed pleasurably into my mouth, eyes rolling as finally… instinctively. I pinned her down, put my full weight onto her as my seed rushed into her perfect blue body.

"Mine…" I growled hungrily, as she moaned into my ear. My hips pumping every drop into her.

"…Oh force… yes…" she sighed, gasping for breath. Absently kissing my cheek as I rolled off of her, dragging her body on top of mine as I caressed her hair, feeling her cheek on my chest as her leg rubbed mine. "…Fuck Aunt Newt was right, I'm going to need buffer girls… ah!" I grabbed her ass, lifting her closer so I could kiss her, "Oh come on Kal…" she moaned as she pulled away, slapping my scarred chest. "Give me a break."

"You're mine… I can do what I want with you…" I grinned, as she rolled her ruby eyes exasperatedly.

"…You know that makes you sound like a dick. I'm not your property you know."

I frowned, thinking about it, and nodded agreeing with her, but I kissed her again as she cooed seductively into my mouth. "You're not. But I'll kill anyone who tries to take you from me." I said. Promising her.

"…That's not much better…" she noted with a smile

"And yet it's true." I replied, crawling out of bed and putting my pants on. "Come on we got to make sure Lala doesn't get us lost."

As we left, Nerri glanced at us, Oriana zipping up her catsuit as she held a wanted poster in her hands. "I assume we're going to be chasing after bounties?"

"…That is the idea." I noted as she tossed the device at me. I caught it easily and activated it. A cocky looking human with an eyepatch smirked at me, he looked like a smug dick.

"That's Markus Firelind. He's my ex-boyfriend, captain, and the asshole who sold me to Candi…" Nerri bared her teeth angrily as she pointed, "Let's go after HIM first…" she noted dangerously.

"…Good enough for me." I noted absently as she followed me and Oriana to the cockpit.

"Dibs on his throat." Nerri said coldly… I really like her sometimes... nah I like her all the time. She's very handy to have around.

"Lala are we on our way?"

"E-yup!" she said, spinning in the seat with a big grin on her pretty pink face. "Should be there in-OH MY GOD!!" she pointed at my hair, her big grin stretched into a broad manic smile. "You're a red-head!?" suddenly she was off the chair and straddling my waist, wrapping her legs around me as she kissed me deeply. I struggled backward as she cooed excitedly. "I LOVE REDHEADS KAL BABY!"

Nerri glanced thoughtfully as Oriana watched, "…Aren't you going to stop her?"

Oriana thought about it, shaking her head, "Nope. Buffer girl." She noted as Nerri's eyebrow rose curiously.

"…Then I assume the handsome red-headed warrior is 'free game'?" Oriana and Nerri shared a brief knowingly look as I struggled to remove Lala. Oriana looked Nerri up and down, before shrugging with a soft smile.

"…The more the merrier…" she said, grinning as she watched on. Without helping me…

"Get her off me!!"

End of chapter.


New Nar Shaddaa.


"Sweetie!!" cooed the pretty, popular, repair shop clerk as she stuck her bright platinum blonde head into the room. "Sweetie?"

"I'm right here…" he mumbled, sticking his head out of the massive droid he was working in. "What's up?"

"I'm going to Nar Shaddaa for my shoot now." She said as her bimbo body came into view, the years were as kind to her as her surgeries. In other words, it looked like she hadn't age a day. "Are you going to be okay?" she asked, bending down to his level so his eyes could gaze down her big round bimbo tits.

"Yeah, I'll be okay." He replied, "Make sure you turn on the service droid before you go."

"I'll be back in a week." She said, ruffling his head with a fond, caring smile on her big 'dick sucking lips': her words. But then she frowned sadly. "…Don't spend all your free time in 'The Room' while I'm gone, okay?" she asked sweetly he sighed sadly.

"…Okay…" he mumbled under his breath.

"Trappy." She said firmly, pouting as she put her hands on her waspy waist, in an 'intimidating' (but mostly adorable) pose. "Don't spend all your free time in there!" she said firmly, "Promise me!"

Rattletrap the Jawa sighed as he glanced shyly at his girlfriend/special lady/business partner/kinda wife, Dolly Girl. "…I promise." She leaned forward and kissed his head. "Okay. I'll see you in a week." She waved cheerily at him as he waved back, before dropping back into the war droid he was supposed to repair. Already thinking about new things to do in 'The Room'.

End of Bonus

Next chapter