
Rey Asesino

I don't own Star Wars

The Weequay thug quickly wandered down the hall of the palace and cleared his throat as he came to a private room. The room however was something of an understatement as it was actually a rather elaborate apartment. However, it was only used sparingly by one man. And currently, he was relaxing with one of the many entertainers of the palace… He was normally not a man to be interrupted while he was enjoying himself. However, the thug was guaranteed the Mistress' protection, so he held little fear of reprisal.

He did however mind his manners and knocked loudly. Waiting quietly for a reply.

"Enter." Came a deep, sophisticated sounding voice. The weequay swallowed, trying to get his dry throat in order and entered. He was quickly hit with a low musical beat, obviously something to dance to although the man he was meeting wasn't dancing.

There was a small private stage in the middle of the room, surrounded by a wide, comfortable couch. The stage however wasn't being used, although judging by the music it must have been. A large, naked, muscular man sat confidently on the couch, his clothes hanging neatly over the back. The only thing he seemed to be wearing was a blue and gold luchador mask…

And a stripper's mouth slurping noisily around his thick manhood.

Very long blonde hair, her sexy body covered in glitter, and wearing little more than heels and a white thong riding high up between her ass cheeks, the human stripper serviced him orally as his cold, no-nonsense eyes focused solely, and angrily on the interrupting weequay thug.

Rey Asesino watched the thug approach, ignoring his obvious nakedness and the moaning stripper as she continued to engulf his cock with her mouth. His massive powerful hand wrapped around her head and kept her moving, she whimpered, coughed and gagged on his length as he stared unnervingly at the weequay.

"…What?" he said finally as the weequay's eyes glanced at the attractive blonde stripper. She seemed to have resigned herself to her forced service. It usually went without saying that the girls that worked in the palace were exclusively dancers for everyone BUT a select few… Rey Asesino notedly was one of those few. If he wanted his entertainer to pleasure him, she was going to do it. Without warning he pulled her down his above average sized length, it filled her throat and her mouth as she coughed loudly, eyes watering as she gagged. "WHAT?" he repeated as the weequay jumped nervously.

He cleared his throat, "The mistress requests your presence in the arena. Sir." He said politely, calmly, and very clear.

"Why?" the man asked, abusing the poor girl's mouth absently as he slid her up and down his length. "Use your tongue." he noted dismissively to her as she struggled to obey.

"…'Tra-la-la' has brought a new competitor." The weequay said, although his use of the assassin's nickname was in obvious mockery. "And the mistress would like you to evaluate him." Rey Asesino blinked curiously at the weequay, scoffed, and waved his free hand.

"Fine. I will be there in a moment." he said dismissively, "Get out."

The weequay didn't need to be told twice. Rey Asesino was an incredibly powerful man. In the ring and out. A former heavyweight champion. He earned galactic fame in the republic and the empire as a professional wrestler. Say 'but its all fake' to him at your own risk. He got BORED, and started fighting in underground pits on the side… Now he was one of the Mistress's top enforces and her main competitor, despite his age. Once the weequay had left and released a huge sigh of relief. The man glanced down at his current pleasure companion as he gripped her head.

"Sorry my dear. Duty calls." He said strangely politely as she glanced up at him with her mouth full of his cock.

"Mmn? MMNNNN!!!???" her head moved rapidly up and down his shaft as he thrust wildly into her throat, his face a literal mask of calm as her eyes began to roll from lack of air and sheer dizziness. Suddenly he was balls deep in her throat, standing above her as he throbbed a load of seed directly into her stomach. She twitched, her hands feebly slapping his muscular thighs, but they were like durasteel and her hands did little more than tickle him.

…He could kill her with his cock if he wasn't such a 'gentleman'.

He sighed, dropping back onto the couch, dragging her with him as he kept his length firmly planted in her throat. He then shoved her away, she gasped for air as she spluttered saliva and cum onto the carpet, hand over her bare chest as she tried to restrain the coughing. "Thank you, my dear." He said in a sophisticatedly polite tone. Reaching into his pants pocket and tossing a handful of high-priced credits at her knees. She feebly scrapped them up as he stood up, pulled on his pants, tossed on his buttoned shirt, jacket, and tie. He looked like a high-priced lawyer… but with a luchadour mask.

He pulled her almost gently, and easily, to her high-heeled feet, reaching casually around her waist and giving her ass a firm, possessive squeeze. "Go take a warm bath, have a drink, get comfortable…" he said kindly, "…And be on my bed when I get back…" he added, a little less kindly, but not by much. He smacked her ass as she yelped in surprise, before he gave it one last squeeze and walked out of his apartment, adjusting his tie. Leaving the entertainer to contemplate just how sore she was going to be when he was finally done with her…

He wandered through the hall of the hotel rooms, he had one he permanently occupied, a perk of his employment and rank towards his boss. Then taking the elevator to the ground floor it opened to a large, loud, casino. With sabaac tables and slots, roulette wheels and other such games of chance. With the added and welcomed addition of beautiful women dancing on stages big and small, and strutting about serving drinks and other such vices. They were all strictly clothed however, the boss insisted. She had strip clubs for that sort of thing. Not that they could hold a candle to the sheer juggernaut of the Jewel of Tattooine. His eyes instinctively wandered toward a few of the girls. Freshly changed from when he had 'employed' the one now 'eagerly' awaiting his return.

His cock throbbed in anticipation. Sure, she had cost him a good chunk of his hard-earned credits, and it might have been easier just to bring along one of his 'harem girls'. But that 'good chunk' of credits was merely a drop in his massive resources… as long as his idiot son didn't blow it all, literally, on the exact same things he was, he could afford it. It had been a while since his son made a 'spontaneous sex slave' purchase. And Asesino never let him live that down. Besides, he had to admit that his son had good instincts and she was a good addition regardless…

He pushed those thoughts aside. It was time for business.

He arrived at a rather inconspicuous door with a lone, plainclothes, human guard observing the nearby side stage with a twi'lek dancer in a mesh top, a colorless drink in his hand. A Crystal Clear Naboo if he was following protocol. He nodded discretely to Asesino who returned the nod politely but practically charged through the door to a brief hallway followed by marble stairs as the guard returned his attention to the dancer.

At the bottom of the stairs was a large fight pit surrounded by seats above it to view those fighting inside, currently, the seats were empty; both the pit and the stands. The ring was lit so that the stands were kept consistently in the dark, so that the fighters couldn't see them but they could be seen. He casually strode towards The Box. The personal viewing room of the owner… ignoring the gamorrean guards posted outside he pushed inwards.

"Asesino…" a hutt cooed in huttese, a thick waft of fruity smelling smoke rushed up his nostrils as she puffed absently on a hookah pipe. Tulba the Hutt, daughter of Babayaga and now oldest of the hutt triplets glanced at him almost fondly. She wasn't as slimy as most hutts were, and her wrinkled body was covered in expensive silks and jewelry. She was almost considered slender… but she was still a hutt.

"Mistress Tulba." He bowed his head politely, then glanced at the room's other occupants. A pair of albino trandoshans… he immediately suppressed an urge to scowl…

'Sawtooth' Thrayt, and his sister 'Ruby Eyed' Helesh; Bounty hunters in Tulba's employ. Helesh and Sawtooth were similar in that they were both white albino trandoshans; very rare. But while Sawtooth had black eyes, darker than the black holes of Kessel. Helesh had bright ruby eyes that seemed to glow in the dark. She was slender and lithe, like a poisonous serpent. She even looked like a viper, with a flatter nose, as opposed to a classic trandoshan female. Sawtooth was called that because at some point in his career he crossed paths with a vibro blade that sliced off his left upper lip, leaving his teeth permanently exposed and giving him the appearance of a hand saw, hence the name.

And if they were to be believed they were the spawn of Blackjaw Gryst himself, legendary bounty hunter and part time unkillable monster. But there were an awful lot of trandoshans claiming to be Blackjaw's spawn. Not including the known apprentice Green-Eyed Killa. Many of them were disappointing. Regardless, Tulba has a habit of hiring employees that tend to be good at only one thing, but sometimes she lucks out and finds gold.

There was another in the room, a red-robed old man with a long-grizzled grey beard. He simply called himself Advisor. He had assumed the position after the last one disappointed Tulba too many times, he's held that position for over two years. A new record for those who have held it.

"See that? Sexy!" Tracy Lacey Lacine, professional assassin and bounty hunter pressed her sexy purple body, dressed in her tight jumpsuit and jacket to the glass pointing to someone down in the arena.

ASesino admired her for a minute, more particularly he admired her ass, but sexual admiration was still technically admiration. "Indeed." Asesino said, his eyes moving up and down her legs to her chest, then face. He aimed for getting the sexy zeltron into his bed one, he had a few Zeltrons of his own back home in his harem but he was getting bored of them. They were getting older and were more like maids and servants now than the sexual toys they used to be.

Thrayt growled ominously as Helesh hissed rather dismissively, her surprisingly enchanting serpent voice cooing over the silence, but softly. "My brother is right. He dispatched them efficiently."

"So, he can beat a couple of idiot guards. So what? That's not entertaining. Test him against something with a little more steel." The advisor noted.

There was silence again, then Tulba spoke.… it sounded rather disinterested.

"My advisor is right. Send it in."

The 'training droid' was sent in. And the occupants of the box watched rather interestedly as the young black-haired man in the pit seemed annoyed and disappointed at his presence. Asesino, no longer interested in the man, turned his attention back to Lala's body. "And where did you find this one chica?" he asked softly as she kept her attention firmly on the pit fight.

"Coruscant. He helped out a friend of his by beating the shit out of a Gamorrean in the ring." Asesino took that exact moment to watch as the black-haired man took a rocket punch to the face. Asesino was not impressed.

"So he caught your attention did he?" he smiled, losing interest again and staring down her cleavage as she watched the fight with almost a proud look on her pretty face.

"Oh yeah…" she grinned wiggling her hips excitedly. "I took him on myself! I had to choke him out with my legs to get him here…"

"Lucky man." Asesino chuckled, "…Speaking of your legs chica…" he said, his hands dangerously close to her muscled thighs…

Her hand lashed his thumb and twisted, he flinched as she didn't look away from the man in the pit as he ripped off the training droid's arm. "…Don't touch Rey." She dismissively tossed away his hand, a brief look a fury flashed across his face but it went unnoticed.

Something tapped against the glass as he looked towards it, the droid head just dropping away as he glanced down into the pit.

Lala held her thumb up, happily, smiling at the pit fighter as Tulba slid forward and puffed on a hookah pipe as she watched him with obvious interest.

"…Very well…" she said silkily, "…I can see he has potential."

"Right?" Lala said excitedly, grinning at the hutt. "This guy's going to make you a mint Tulba!"

Asesino scowled, "Eyeing the young man with disdain for a moment then realized he was supposed to evaluate him. "So he can fight a droid and a couple of guards. Fair enough. But we had MUCH better fighters here… why not try one of them?" he then frowned in thought and grinned. "…In fact…" he began to take off his jacket, grinning coolly, "…Why don't I give him a taste of what he'll be facing?"

Lala however scowled at him. "No way. He was Drugged, choked out, and he's already taken a few hits." She jabbed her finger into his chest firmly, "If he's going a few rounds with YOU he deserves some rest first!"

"…Splendid idea." Tulba said, stroking her chin. "Asesino always draws a good crowd… we can sell tickets for it."

"Mistress that is indeed a splendid idea." The Advisor added placatingly as he bowed his head to her. She smiled proudly at the faint praise; she was as easily pleased as she was easily disappointed.

"Well if I won't be fighting him now…" Asesino noted, pulling his jacket back on. "There is the question of who is going to contain him until the fight?" he added as the black-haired man… what was his name? began to pace in the arena, his dangerous green eyes staring up at them unblinkingly.

Tulba waved a hand to Sawtooth, who snorted and exited the box, pulling a blaster from the holster at his side. "Hey! Wait don't kill him!" Lala said sternly, chasing after Sawtooth as he stood on the edge of the arena and fired.

An electrical burst slammed into the man, but he growled, and stayed standing as another three bursts hit him and he sunk to one knee. Roaring angrily like a berserk wookie, he began charging towards Sawtooth, who he couldn't see thanks to the darkness of the stands, but he could see the blaster fire.

His feet slapped the wall and it looked like he was running up it, his fingers just reaching to the top when Sawtooth, implacable in the efforts of the man, merely pointed his blaster down and fired. The black-haired man finally went down, crashing into the sand… but he had still made quite an impression. Five stun blasts and he was still able to move…

Tulba's lips stretched into a very noticed smile. "…Perhaps Asesino… we don't need you to fight him after all…"

Asesino watched a little jealously as Lala leaped into the pit to check on her kidnapped victim as Sawtooth holstered his blaster, also leaping down and shoving her away, lifting the unconscious man onto his shoulder and carrying him to the cells as Lala followed…

Pondering what he had seen in the fight pit Asesino adjusted his tie and made his way through the casino. A few of the girls had been changed out of the private stages, his eyes wandered over them, a couple twi'leks and human girls, but there was a nice supple Nautolan that caught his eye. Dark grin with bright blue eyes she squatted down before a few viewing perverts, gripping the pole tightly with her elbow length black gloved hands. She wore a sling bikini, her large shapely ass devouring it as she twerked her big, jiggling booty for the small group of men watching her. Her long black silk stockings hand a few club dollars sticking out of them, obvious tips…

He was feeling… particularly aroused. And was starting to feel that the girl he had (nervously) awaiting his return in his room might not be enough…

He approached the small stage as the Nautolan stood up, and jutted her ass out towards the catcalling men before dropping back down, bouncing it expertly as her hands suggestively stroked up and down the pole, her breasts slapping against it as she twistedly lightly on her heeled feet.

Abruptly, Asesino's hand clapped onto her soft jiggling ass flesh and she yelped. One of her fans, braver than the others, grabbed Asesino's arm. Trying to yank it off. "Hey! You're not supposed to…" he paused, staring up at Asesino as if realizing what a mistake he just made. "…Touch the girls."

The girl herself about to tell off the 'asshole' who spanked her, immediately froze as she realized just who had done it. Froze, bit her lower lip nervously, then proceeded to continue dancing. Focusing more on him, knowing that Asesino could do no wrong as far as Tulba was concerned. If anything she could be punished if she denied him.

"I think you'll find my friend." Asesino said sophisticatedly, "That YOU are not supposed to touch the girls…" Asesino waved over a few bouncers, and they approached, looking a little nervous. "Get this man a private room and a girl." He said to the young mans surprise, "For his courage." He noted, then to the dancer's slight dismay, she was pulled abruptly from the stage. "Come." He ordered her as she fidgeted in his one-armed embrace, his hand returning to her fleshy ass and squeezing it as he led her back to his room. The bouncers, guiding the suddenly cheerful man to a private room.

At the door to his room she finally spoke, "Sir… please I-"

"You're a good chica." Asesino said, using slang from his homeworld for 'sexy girl'. He gripped both of her ass cheeks from behind as she whimpered, he lifted her to her tiptoes as he molded her flesh in his muscular grip. "Who likes her money." He noted, reaching into his pocket for not one but three high priced credit chips. Her big blue nautolan eyes seemed to widen in shock. There was more money in his hand than she could make in a month on stage. "…Give me what I need." He said with a seductively suave tone in his voice, it almost made her forget that she was essentially being forced to do this.

He then shoved the credit chips into her stockings with the rest of tonight's earnings. She then completely forgot that she was being forced to do this. Giving him her best stripper smile and rubbing her hands up and down his chest and stomach, realizing just how muscled he is… it might not be so bad, right?

He chuckled, a deep throaty thing that reverberated in his chest, "That's a good chica." His hands began molding her ass again as he lifted and carried her into his room.

The other stripper was still there, on his bed and naked with her legs slightly opened as she rubbed herself, she sat up suddenly and froze as she realized he was bringing another woman. He dropped the Nautolan girl down onto her feet, still groping her ass with one hand and he gestured for the other to come closer. The blonde stripper hesitated but obeyed, crawling off the bed as he groped her fleshy ass cheek as well, turning them both to face each other.

"Now… say hello." He said with a lecherous grin beneath the mask. They blinked at each other before realizing what he wanted, then both leaned into a half embrace, rubbing each other's sides as they gently and teasingly kissed for him. They felt his hands on their heads, pushing down as they obediently obey, dropping to their knees as his thick cock pushed between their kissing lips, feeling their tongues on his length as they slurped up and down the sides of him. His hands subtly guided them up and down.

"Good chicas." He growled, sighing contentedly as they moaned around his length. "Get it good and wet." He held the human girl on his tip, sliding the nautolan fasts up and down his length before holding her face against his balls, feeling her tongue slid between her lips and caress them, a rather disgusted look briefly flashed across her pretty face but it vanished as she swirled her tongue.

His cock throbbed eagerly, he was done waiting. Gripping the blonde by the hair he tugged her gently off his length as she was pulled away with a gasp, a long trail of saliva attaching her mouth to his cock broke and dripped onto the floor as he lifted her and shoved her onto her back on the bed. His large muscled hands spread her legs as she pressed his lips to her crotch, she moaned as his tongue spread her lower lips, swirling inside her.

Her legs thrashed on the sheets as she whimpered, her hands curling in them as well before they lashed out onto his head, pushing him deeper as her mouth opened and moaned in pleasure. But he suddenly pulled away, gripping her hands as she blinked at him.

"Don't touch the mask." He warned, standing upright as his thick cock throbbed impatiently, the nautolan girl watching in fascination as he crawled onto the bed, pressing his cock to the blonde's pussy.

"W-wait." She said suddenly as his cock began to split her, "Wait put on a-mmph!!" one large hand covered her mouth as her hands lashed to his arm, trying to tug it away as he continued to push his unprotected cock inside her. She slapped his muscular arm and tried to kick him, but his arm was like steel and she couldn't close her legs.

"I'm sorry Chica. I'm afraid I didn't hear you…" he said, ominously polite. A lone tear dripped from her eye as his cock went balls deep inside her with one firm push. Her insides were stretched to capacity as her back arched up beneath him, screaming into his hand as he began to roughly pump in and out of her body, she shook and trembled with the force of his thick cock, banging roughly against her womb. He dropped onto her, thrusting his hips as she feebly slapped his iron body, trying and failing to stop him.

"Good. Fucking. Whore…" he growled like an animal as he pounded into her, "Take that cock!" he chuckled as her whole body trembled against him, an orgasmed force out of her as he licked up her drying tear. He laughed as she trashed beneath him, suddenly speeding up as she whimpered into his hand. She realized what was happening as his cock pulsed inside her, he was going to cum. She shook her head, pleading for him to pull out…

"MMMMNNNPPH!!!" she screamed into his hand, but it was useless. Asesino was going to do whatever he wanted.

"I'm sorry Chica." He said, ominously polite again as his face contorted in pleasure beneath his mask and he pushed his cock deep inside her. She froze, unconsciously tightening around his length as he stilled, his cock pulsing and pumping a thick torrent of human seed into her human womb. "…I'm afraid I didn't hear you…" he said. Coldly.

She openly wept as he pulled out of her, her pussy vomiting seed as she lied on the bed with her legs spread. Asesino, ignoring the poor girl, turned his attention to the nautolan, still resting on her knees and horrified into silence to the obvious rape that occurred.

…The problem was if either of them had any complaints… it was wise to not speak about them. Asesino was untouchable to Tulba, and no number of girls complaining about him will make it go away… it was far more likely she'd make the complaining girl go away. Just because they weren't slaves, didn't mean they were treated any better.

Asesino smugly wiped his cum and pussy sticky cock against the blonde's trembling thighs as she curled up in a ball, pleading to the force that he didn't just knock her up. Before his hand rested in the nautolan's tentacle hair and pulled her to her feet, yanking away her thong and giving her firm, bouncy ass a playful slap. "Come here chica, your turn."

She submitted herself to her fate as his hands roughly groped her body, his tongue sliding into her mouth as his thick cock hardened against her body, grinding against her smooth stomach and brushing against her pussy. His fingers sunk into her ass as he lifted her from the floor, feeling his cock push against her pussy he slid her down his length as she moaned, feeling him stretch her. "Mmn. That's good." He praised, smacking both cheeks of her ass as he wiggled her hips, sliding his cock in as deep as it would go. He chuckled as he walked her to the wall, pressing his hands to it as her ass was pushed up tightly against it, her body pinned tightly between his cock and a hard place.

"Good chica…" he grinned, pulling out and thrusting back in roughly as she was pushed to her tiptoes with the force up the wall. Her breasts pressed and rubbing against his chest as she squeaked in pleasure, he began pumping, hard and fast, forcing her up the wall as he grunted like a rutting animal.

"Ah! Uh! Hahhh!" she gasped out in pleasure as his cock ravaged her insides.

"That's it!" he grinned, as she declared her pleasure to the ceiling. "Cum on that cock chica!" he ordered as she obeyed, shaking wildly as his cock continued to ravage her, her fingers curling on the wall as his cock forced her ass up and down it. he suddenly pulled her away, slamming her on the bed next to the blonde and grinding his body and up and down her as the bed creaked and groaned beneath their fucking. Her legs spread wide, his hips pounding down relentlessly, and his hands curled in her tentacles as she shrieked. Her arched his back and pushed in deep. Roaring his release as he gave his hips a few feeble pumps. "Take it chica." He growled, his cock pulsing a thick load into her alien body. "Ah…" he sighed, as she panted heavily on the bed, sweaty and exhausted from orgasms as he pulled out of her.

He admired his work, her pussy twitched as she held her legs open, bent at the knees a she looked down as it tried to contain his load. His eyes lingered on her puckered ass, his thumb spreading her cheeks and pushing absently inside. She whimpered and flinched, knowing that if he wanted it, he was going to take it. but he seemed content, lying on the bed. Almost ignoring them both. Then his hand gripped the blonde's ankle. She whimpered and kicked but she couldn't resist his strength as he dragged her towards him. She tried to escape but his hand lashed to her hair and he dragged her towards his cock.

"Suck." He ordered as her tear-stained face turned away. "SUCK." He repeated as she growled her resistance. Suddenly she found herself gasping for breath as his hand clenched around her throat. Cold and calm. Asesino gazed sternly into her eyes.

"I don't need you conscious to use you…" his fingers tightened around her throat as fear filled her eyes and her face started to blue. "…I don't even need you alive." He held her throat for a moment longer, then released her as she gasped, then sobbing and broken, she opened her mouth sliding down his shaft as he sighed, guiding her head up and down as he smiled charmingly at the nautolan. "Come here chica." He ordered, charismatically as she unhesitatingly obeyed.

He kissed her as he pulled her body against him, his fingers spreading her ass cheeks and probing her tight rear hole, she flinched slightly but moaned placatingly, "Mmn you want it there too don't you…" he grinned, pushing the blonde's head all the way down and holding her there, whimpering.

The nautolan didn't… but she knew better than to deny Rey Asesino what he wanted… girls have gone missing before after all…

End of chapter.

Next chapter