
Interval Twelve: Three Hunters and their Prey

I don't own Star Wars. Moments of nonconsensual, you have been warned.

"No! No! No!!" the stripper begged as my father slammed into her tight green pussy. "Pull out!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

She was tied up like an imperial day turkey, legs spread wide and her ankles behind her hearing organs as her high-heeled feet pointed to the ceiling, her breasts free and her arms bound to the table as her lekku shook as she twisted her head. Her gold-colored mascara was running from her crying and her purple lipstick was smeared from when my father had used her mouth.

Because that's what he was clearly doing, using her. Ever since my brother got caught by a bounty hunter during the Gathering my father has been almost suicidal in his anger. I've tried to stop him, but he's never really listened to me, and raping a stripper from Quallo Val's club was not productive at all, this was why I wanted nothing to do with the family business.

I was the youngest of my three siblings, Argin got himself busted and was now in prison, off-world. The rumors were because of Quallo Val putting a contract on him but my father didn't bother to check. After all his favorite son got locked up, of course, he'd be a little unconcerned at who he literally screwed. Ordering the unlucky girl for a party, and almost immediately raping her...

Cargo, my second brother was my father's muscle. So it wasn't his job to question him in the family business, in fact right now he was gripping the poor girls lekku, holding her steady as our father slammed deeper and deeper into her. I didn't like Cargo.

"Please pull out!" she begged again, screaming as my brother cruelly gripped her lekku in response.

"Shut this stupid cunt up!" my father growled out, gripping her big bound breasts and squeezing painfully as he used them for leverage.

Cargo's grip tightened on the lekku making her scream, then he shoved his dick into her mouth, thrusting cruelly into her throat as he pulled a blaster and held it at her forehead. "Better not bite slut…" Her tear-filled eyes closed as she moaned horrified around his length as they took what they wanted from her.

It was shit like this that made me leave in the first place. But after Argin's trial got moved dad has become… reckless. The poor girl getting raped was said to be Quallo's favorite, and I tried to stop it but my brother's muscle prevented me… two large Nikto stood beside my bruised face as I looked away from the scene before me…

"Fucking whore!" my father screamed, burying himself into her whimpering body as she struggled valiantly against him, but only managing to arouse him further. "That's it…" he snarled. "Take it." he pinched and squeezed her breasts as she cried around my brother's length, her stomach muscles clenching desperately as she felt my father's cum flood her insides.

"Better swallow!" my brother shouted laughing cruelly. Force I hope she did… it would not be the first time his trigger finger acted before his brain when he wasn't satisfied with a woman. Pressing the barrel of the blaster against her flesh and burying his length into her mouth she desperately swallowed, as the alternative was much, much worse…

"Quallo sure can pick em!" he laughed, pulling out of her and letting his flaccid member rub against her degraded face. "Can I fuck her ass dad?"

"Please... please no…" she begged, trying to get away but unable to move. her body only managing to arouse them further by struggling

"Dad you need to stop!" I shouted desperately as I stood up, but the nikto guards shoved me back down. "Quallo is going to fucking kill you!"

"He made this personal when he put a contract on my son!" he said angrily slapping the stripper's breasts hard making her shriek in pain. "One whore is certainly worth that."

"Dad you don't even know if it was him!" I shouted desperately, "You're starting a gang war without all the information!"

He stared coldly at me, "…Be a fucking man Chetyre." He said coldly, then glaring at the crying Twi'lek. "In fact… be a fucking MAN." he slapped her ass hard enough to knock her painfully off the table, her nice but abused ass forced upwards as she struggled on the floor, "Fuck this bitch."

"What?! Dad are you fucking nuts?"

"Aw… his Chetyre too fucking limp to perform?" Cargo laughed, walking around the stripper as she desperately tried to crawl away only to feel the cold barrel of his blaster press against the back of her head, making her shiver to a stop in fear. as he probed her abused hole, "I'll show you how its…"

…Suddenly my brother went rigid as the window of the room shattered…he stared straight ahead for a moment before pissing all over the back of the stripper and falling backward… a smoking blaster hole in the middle of his forehead.

"My son!!" my father screamed as I hit the deck. Suddenly the glass of the window shattered further as a pair of identical women leaped through the window sending glass everywhere, firing rapidly into the room. And suddenly everything was on fire…

But strangely my mind was elsewhere as I crawled to my dead brother and pulled out his serrated knife he always kept in his boot, and quickly cut the bindings of the girl, "Run!" I shouted as the twin women screamed obscenities in some foreign language I didn't recognize as more house guards raided the room only for several of them to fall to what was obviously sniper fire as the stripper and I kept our heads down.

Like a madman my father was firing his blaster in rage, but only manage a couple of rounds before the gun exploded in his hands, leaving him screaming on the couch, before rolling away and charging past the reinforcements. Keeping the girl's head low I dragged her to the emergency escape tunnel. There was one in every room of the house, "Go! Run!" I shouted opening the hatch and shoving her in as she ran down the tunnel. There was a transport that would've taken whoever got in it through the tunnels that connected Nar Shaddaa's districts, setting her out several blocks away. There was only one seat, mainly because in the event of an escape there were multiple routes for our family to take. How lucky of me that this was the closest.

I hit the deck again, crawling behind the couch as a literal explosion tore a hole through the floor under the guards. Now all I could do was hope they didn't notice me.

One of the women began screaming instructions to the other who quickly tossed a couple more thermal detonators through the hole as if throwing away trash. There was screaming then another explosion shook the house…

Then there was only death as I watched the twin women through the smoke and destruction. They were very pretty and barbaric; moon pale-faced with black tattoos and bald. They blinked around the carnage, kicking a few of the bodies. One moaned, then was promptly shot in the chest a few times with her blaster…

"Welp… that was fun." One of them said, grinning at who I could only assume was her twin sister. "Where's Cabero?"

"Here's one…" said the second sister calmly, checking my brother's corpse as I hid behind a couch. "…Not the senior however..."

I groaned quietly, this was going to end badly.

"And… where did Seduction go?... That's a stupid name for a stripper." She mumbled. But held a hand to her ear suddenly and smirked, "Oh… Trei's got her. She's… safe, sort off. Not in a very good state though…"

"Well that's one task complete. But we need to find Anon senior or we don't get the full payment." She shouldered her blaster, stepping on my dead brother's corpse and examining the room. "…This is a rape room if I ever saw one…"

….She wasn't wrong.

"…We could always loot the place." The first sister said with a small smile, "The guy's a dead man anyway…"

"But we need him… alive." The second sister said slowly as if noticing something… Oh fuck. I was bodily lifted over the couch, slamming on the floor. I stared up at her as she aimed her blaster down at me… she was very pretty, in a 'she's going to kill me' sort of way. "…Hello." She said politely.

"…Hi…" I said, unable to think of anything to say.

The first sister approached, looking down at me while standing next to her twin, then she smiled good-naturedly. "…Hey… this is the youngest one right?" she knelt down next to me, still grinning, "Where did your daddy go?"

"He's not just going to tell you that Zwei…" the second sister said coolly, "…You have to be convincing. Do a little song and dance."

"If I tell you will you let me go?" I asked, quickly interrupting them.

They looked at each other, seemingly very confused before turning back to me. "…Why?" the second sister said cautiously. "You should at least try to resist…"

"Ugh Ichi you take the fun out of everything!" Zwei shouted angrily, raising her hands into the air in frustration before aiming her blaster at a moaning Nikto and firing multiple rounds into him.

Ichi rolled her eyes, "Just… god damn it." she rubbed her forehead pulling me easily up and tossing me onto the couch, "I don't need this today. Where's your father?"

"…And I said if I tell you will you let me go?" I repeated as she leveled her blaster at me. I raised my hand defensively as I stared down the barrel. "…Okay you're not helping."

"Oh, snark… that's a good way to get on Ichi's good side."

"Shut up Zwei." Ichi replied firmly. As Zwei sat down on a corpse and watched the 'interregation'.

"Look… my dad's an asshole. But clearly…" I looked around the ruined household. "I don't stand a chance. I just would like to keep my head. I got out of this business because I knew this would happen…"

"Oh? What do you do now?" Zwei asked curiously, taking my brother's serrated knife from the floor and stabbing the floor by throwing it absently into the carpet.

"Right now I want to finish my academy schooling…" I said.

"What do you study?" she asked, yanking the knife from the floor.

"Mathematics actually-"

"Stop…" Ichi said coldly, interrupting us and taking in a deep breath, "We're losing daylight." She glared at me, "…You lead us to your father and I won't shoot you."

"…That's oddly specific." I said nervously as Zwei got up and dragged me from the couch. "Couldn't we change that to 'not kill me' maybe?"

"Yeah don't push her, she's in a bad mood," said Zwei as they walked to the open window, firing grapnels into the roof and tossing me onto her shoulder.

"Whoa wait we can take the STAIRS!!" I shouted as we plummeted four floors to the grounds. I gripped her back tightly as she carried me to the entrance of the house, passing by many, many dead guards… "...Holy crap…" I mumbled as they tossed me into the back of a speeder, tying my hands. "Is this necessary?"

Zwei grinned evilly at me, "…Well it's more for me than you… we got to go pick up Trei." She said to her sister, leaping into the driver's seat as Ichi took the passenger's. I sat up as we quickly sped to the skies, heading towards a nearby building.

We landed on a nearby roof to find yet another identical sister, as well as 'Seduction' wrapped tightly in a coat and looking a little reclusive. Trei shouldered a long barreled sniper rifle and glared at me in the back seat, "…That doesn't look like the guy on the contract."

"Get in the speeder Trei…" Ichi said sourly, before turning to me, "Where would your father go?"

I sighed as Trei leaped over the door of the speeder and sat next to me, whacking me in the head with her rifle. "…You blew his hand up so his doctor." I pointed westward, "That way… it's under an old warehouse."

"Okay but what about the girl?" Zwei asked calmly, jerking her thumb at the twi'lek.

"She'll be fine. I told her to go to Quallo's." Trei replied, slapping the driver's seat, "Now come on! I want to finish up so we can catch the holo-film!"

"I can't believe you won the selection game!" Ichi snarled, speeding off the roof and heading in the direction I pointed. "I did not want to see My Little Bantha the Movie!"

I was starting to understand why she was in a bad mood, but I couldn't believe it.

"Just suck it up Ichi you picked the last two!" Zwei grumbled annoyed as the speeder came to a full and complete stop.

"I don't want to hear it from you Zwei. You let the mark get away!"

"What?!" she shouted angrily as they got out of the speeder, slamming the doors as they approached the warehouse. "Fuck that! I bet Trei let him go because she was staring at quality twi'lek tits!"

"Dad's escape tunnel here would've been completely undetected." I said although the sisters weren't listening just arguing with each other so I turned to Trei, "So you wouldn't have seen him anyway…"

She sniffed indignantly at me but didn't give me any disparaging remarks. So I took that as a win. They kicked in the door, I don't know why. Probably for dramatic effect, but scowled as Ichi turned to me upon viewing the empty warehouse. "There's nothing here…" she said but I made my way to a nearby pillar, slamming the false panel away and punching in the code, opening the secret doorway that led underground.

They glared at me, "I said it was under the warehouse." I said simply, as Zwei shoved me ahead. We came to the underground lab and once again I opened the door to find our Rhodian doctor encasing my father's wrecked hand in a case of Kolto.

"Fuck!" my father shouted reaching for a blaster only to be hit with several stunners, sending her shaking off the chair with a final scream of 'Traitor!" the rhodian held up his hands in a sign of defence only to be shot with several stunners, hitting the floor with a clatter.

"Welp that was fun…" Zwei smiled, shoving me aside and binding my father up tight. "Let's get him in the trunk and get our reward!"

"Agreed… but first…" Ichi glared at me, watching me intently. "What do we do with you?"

"…Let me go?" I asked hesitantly, dreading the answer.

"Well he did help us…" Zwei said, crossing her arms, "Who knows how long it would've taken us to find this old bastard."

"…How about a game?" Trei said smiling. "…If he loses we shoot him. One less Anon…"

"…Agreed." Ichi said, closing the door and placing her hand on the light switch as I began to protest.

"What?! Seriously come on!"

"If you correctly guess who is who. We won't shoot you." Ichi said, probably knowing full well that I wouldn't know the difference.

"Wow sis you really want to shoot him…" Zwei said, sounding remarkably similar to Ichi. Granted they always sounded similar but Zwei tended to sound gruffer than a cool-toned Ichi, and Trei had a slightly higher pitch when she spoke… but now they sounded exactly the same. This was not good.

"Let's get it done already or we'll miss the movie." Trei said, sounding exactly like Ichi. Then the lights went off and I was left in the darkness. I heard them shifting in the dark for a moment, it was impossible for me to figure out who is who… Then the light returned and the sisters stood side by side, perfectly identical, three gorgeous women all ready to shoot me in the chest if I couldn't figure out who was who…

But strangely… my brain seemed to overwork itself.

"From my left to right…" I said, watching their faces intently for a moment. "Ichi, Trei, Zwei…"

They stared at me… utterly fucking shocked. "…Say what?" said the middle sister, looking at 'Ichi' "Again?" she asked flatly, as if unsure.

"That seems… like cheating, but how did he know?" asked Zwei, staring open mouthed at her sisters.

"Lucky guess do it again!" Ichi shouted, as Zwei turned the lights off.

"What the hell that's not fair!" I shouted annoyed, still tied up and staring into the dark. "I got it right you got to let me go!" Then the lights turned back on, and the sister stood in relatively the same positions. "Zwei, Trei, Ichi, left to right…" I said quickly, unsure myself as to how I knew.

They stared at me at is I called them something offensive. Then a furious Ichi roared out, "Again!"

"God fucking damn it!!" I roared as the lights went off, after a very long while the lights turned on once and I roared out, "Zwei, Trei, Ichi!"

I repeated angrily and Ichi tossed a tray of medical supplies on the ground, "How the fuck can he tell us apart!" Zwei and Trei pulled out their blasters, aimed at me, and fired… I didn't feel horrible pain, just an odd numbness, and I was out like a light.

I woke up in darkness… briefly wondering if I was dead. I felt something warm next to me. And I was the son of a gangster… so immediately I knew what was going on. I was in the trunk of a speeder with a dead body.

Strangely… I was rather accepting of my eminent death. Anyone who wants to work for a gangster, or a hutt, or anything like that should expect this eventually… I briefly wondered who I was sharing my tomb with when the trunk opened and the light blinded me.

"…I did not ask for that one…" came a voice I sort of recognized. Quallo Val stood beside Ichi as they stared down into the trunk of the speeder as Zwei hauled my 'roommate' from the speeder and tossed him at Quallo's feet. "Thank you Varli." He said flatly, glaring down at my kneeling father as 'Seduction' dressed far more modestly approached and spoke in huttese to Quallo. His tentacles twitched angrily and he glared at my father… and I knew that this was my father's final moments.

"For the record Cabero." Quallo said firmly as one of his trandoshan guards approached his outstretched hand, "I didn't put the contract on your son." The guard handed him a gun, and he pressed the barrel to my bleary father's head. "It was Babayaga…" I closed my eyes as the slugthrower went off.

"That was pretty boss…" Zwei said, and I got to tell you I have no idea how I knew it was her. "Nice slugthrower."

"Yes, an acquaintance of mine illuminated me to their effectiveness." He wrapped an arm protectively around seduction, "Now then the money will be wired to your account." He briefly eyed me in the trunk of the car, "And since you've done me an extra service by destroying the Anon family I'll add in a little extra…" he 'smiled' at Ichi, "I've also rented out the theater for you. So enjoy your time at your leisure. Although I must ask… what are you going to do with him?"

Ichi approached, drawing her blaster as her eyes narrowed at me and rested her hand on the trunk. "…We have something special planned for him…" then she fired at me again with a stunner and slammed the trunk shut.

'My little Bantha, My little Bantha, you're not so little you're quite big!'

I jolted awake as the theme song of My Little Bantha 'obviously roared around me and I looked around. I was in an empty theater as a pair of oddly colored cartoon bantha ran around on the screen. The only other occupants of the room were the sisters.

Zwei had an arm wrapped around me and an almost comically large soft-drink in her hands as she noisily slurped the straw. Ichi, looking rather bored at the screen was on my other side. With Trei leaned far forwards watching the screen intently, humming the theme song absently as she watched.

"…Where am I?" I mumbled hazily as Zwei turned to look at me.

"Oh wow… he really does recover quickly." She said smiling, "Hey Sis, he's up."

"Hello, again Mr. Anon. I do hope the recent demise of your father hasn't deterred your mood." She said, sounding almost apologetic. "If it makes you feel better we're not going to kill you."

It did make me feel better, but since I still seemed to be tied up and two of my family had been brutally murdered in the span of a day, not by much. "…What are you going to do with me?" I asked softly, as she leaned close.

"Well, actually Mr Anon that depends entirely on you…" she said and strangely, her beautifully dark amber eyes stared deeply into mine. "You see you have a very unique gift…"

Zwei's hand, calloused from blaster fire was surprisingly soft on my shoulder, it was then I realized that they weren't in their armor anymore. But tight t-shirts and tight pants did absolutely nothing to hide their wonderfully toned curves.

"You can tell us apart…" Zwei whispered in my ear. "Nobody has ever been able to do that, not even our mother…"

"I'm… sure I was just lucky…" I said nervously, feeling Ichi's hand gently touch my thigh.

"…Who am I?" Ichi asked calmly, still staring into my eyes, her lips uncomfortably close to mine.

"…Ichi." I said without fear as she smiled, "Zwei is touching my shoulder… and Trei is over there." I added, beating her to the next questions.

"Now you see…" she said softly, her breath hitting my lips as she spoke, "That's just amazing…" I was hypnotized by her eyes. Like a snake to a mouse… and I was the mouse.

"So I suggested that we just kidnap you and tie you up on the ship…" Zwei smiled, rubbing her hand on my thigh, "…But she said that might be a little extreme when we could just ask politely…" her hand slipped between my legs, "VERY politely…"

"This is… very weird…" I said, "I have no idea how to react to this."

"Well Mr Anon…" Ichi said softly, "You can tell us apart… you have no idea how attractive that is to us."

"Okay, so you're not going to kill me?" I asked surprised, I wasn't exactly the kind of man women fawn over, and this was moving a little fast.

Ichi frowned at me for a moment, then said rather dangerously, "…Are you saying no?" she said and I realized I was heading in the wrong direction very quickly.

"N-no! We're just moving a little quickly! And you're not even using my name…"

"Very well…" she said softly, "Chetyre…" she said calmly, wrapping her hand around my head, "Let me help you a little…"

She tasted like strawberries. Her tongue slipped gently into my mouth and carefully explored my cheeks. As she pulled away, I couldn't help but follow her; desperate for more it strangely felt like nothing I'd ever experienced. I've kissed other women before but nothing like that… "…How do you feel now?" she asked calmly as Zwei gently caressed me.

"Let's give him a second opinion…" Zwei said, turning my head and claiming my lips as well. She tasted like strawberries two but she was more aggressive; practically raiding my mouth with her tongue, wrestling mine into submission and moaning delightedly. "Well?" she said smirking as she pulled away…

"…Okay you win…" I said, melting in my seat as Zwei laughed. Only to have Trei shush us angrily, returning her attention to the screen. The sisters used my shoulders as a pillow, watching the movie for a moment, their hands resting on my lap as they did.

We finished the movie, it was surprisingly good, then they dragged me back to the ship after shoving me into the trunk of their speeder again, letting me out when they loaded it up. Their ship was a trash heap but at least it was serviceable, with an astromech droid running around absently fixing things.

"Did you have to stuff me in the trunk?" I asked as Zwei hoisted me on her shoulder and lead me deeper into the ship.

"This is more fun." She replied happily, tossing me easily onto what I could only assume was her bed. "…Now we're going to have a bit more. I got first dibs!"

"Dibs to wh-" but the words died in my throat as she stripped; her body was sculpted perfection. Apparently with six-packed abs, muscular arms and thighs, and a well-sized set of breasts wrapped in a tight bra she struck a pose for me, giving me an instant erection. "O-oh…"

"It's been a while since I've played with a guy…" she said, letting her bra and underwear hit the floor. "How about you warm me up first…" she grinned, swinging a muscular leg over my face, and dropping down stroking my hair as she buried my lips into her, "There we go… You know Ratattaki don't have a single hair on our bodies…" she said conversationally as I ate her out, "So it's something over a fascination of mine…" she dug her fingers into my hair as she bit her lower lip, feeling my tongue burying into her. "That's a good boy… work the tongue."

She grounded her pussy on my face, striving to bury my tongue as deep as it could go, moaning delightedly as she used my face to get off. Chuckling and panting as her arousal built, leaking all over me. "Fuck you eat pussy a lot better than my sisters…" I stared up at her a little surprised, unsure whether I should be disgusted or not. "What?" she asked with a laugh, "We're clones. Its masturbation… now eat." So I did until I felt her legs tighten around my head and she screamed her delighted release. "Oh fuck yeah! Trei is going to love you!"

She crawled off me slowly, adjusting my hardened erection and aiming it for her ready pussy, "Okay then… I guess you deserve a reward." As I entered her slowly she groaned, feeling filled as my cock stretched her. "That's a good fit. It's like you were made for us…" squeezing her breasts she slowly bounced up and down on me, swiveling her hips like a dancer as she buried me deeper and deeper. Riding me hard as she gasped in delightedly, squeezing me like a vice.

She came again, and she tightened so hard I couldn't hold it. She yelped delightedly as I fired into her, she slammed her hips down, making sure I was fully inside her; feeling me fill her up as I slammed up into her. She rubbed her stomach, licking her lips erotically as she watched my face contort in pleasure. "That's it… let it all out." She suddenly stood up, standing above my cock as seed dripped from her pussy onto my quickly hardening dick… "Keep that dick hard. I'll be right back…" completely naked she strutted out of her room, shaking her shapely rear at me before disappearing around the corner.

Soon she returned… or at least she wanted me to think it was her. However for some reason, I knew it was Ichi. She approached me, tracing a slender finger on my cock as it throbbed at her attentions, "Well now… that is some impressive stamina. Ready for more?" my cock twitched again, and slowly she swung her leg over me as she readied herself for a ride. "Keep it good and hard for me…" she slammed down on me, going balls deep instantly as she roared her fullness. Quickly moving on me like she was riding a tauntaun… "Yes! Fuck yes!" she moaned out, her eyes staring at the ceiling as her tits bounced and she moved her hips. "Get in deep inside me you fucker!" she leaned down, gazing into my eyes as she kept her hips moving, "Make me fucking feel it!!" she suddenly moaned erotically, and I knew she had a small orgasm but kept riding hard, turning it into a full body tremble as she clutched tightly to my bound body.

"Fuck you are better than a dildo!" she panted desperately, "Which… which one am I?" she said quivering slightly, and obediently I answered.

"Ichi." I said, and suddenly my dick was practically pulled from my body as her pussy squeezed me as she came.

"Fuck yes!! Fill me you bastard!!" her eyes blissfully rolled as she desperately slammed on my cock… until… "YES!!" she slammed down, feeling my seed rush into her thirsty womb, collapsing on me as my cock throbbed inside her.

"Fuck Ichi you're going to blow his mind…" Zwei mumbled, joined by a very naked Trei who stood next to her unimpressed in the doorway. Suddenly my mind overflowed with the sight of three beautifully perfect warrior women as they approached. Zwei slapped her sister's ass hard, "Come on move that ass it's my turn again."

Ichi moaned disappointedly as she got off and Zwei hopped on, returning my cock inside her as Trei mounted my face, shaking her hips as she adjusted. "Use that tongue…" she demanded bluntly, squeezing her sister's tits as she began bouncing on my cock again, trying to restrain my moans I buried my tongue into Trei. "Fuck he is good… all we need is some Milky Way porn and everything would be perfect…"

"Just shut up and hurry!" Ichi snarled, pushing Trei forward slightly and pulling a thick pink dildo seemingly from nowhere and shoving it easily into her ass, "I want another turn!"

"Fuck!!" Trei screamed, embracing Zwei's lips with her own as Ichi steadily moved the dildo in and out of her ass as I ate her pussy. She moaned lovingly into Zwei's mouth, their tongues swirling around each other in an open mouthed kiss.

"That's it, little sister…" Ichi teased scornfully, "Be just like Milky Way… a good little anal whore." Trei twitched violently, she was going to cum. Ichi sped up and gripped her sister around her throat, "Cum! Cum with your ass like a good slut!" she did, clenching erotically as her body clutched my face and her ass tightened around the dildo. Only to have Ichi rip the thick piece of rubber out of her ass. "Zwei… give me a hand…"

Zwei was suddenly off me and taking one side of Trei as they lifted her from my face, and lowered her ass down on my cock. "W-wait no!" she began as her sisters bodily moved her ass up and down on my length, "Fuck!!" she struggled but she was easily restrained by her sisters, using her on me like an ona-hole. Steadily moving her up and down until, "Fuck again! Again! I'm cumming!!!"

"Cum in her ass!" Zwei and Ichi said together as my cock obeyed, they slammed her sister forcefully down as her limbs twitched uncontrollably in their grip, and I filled her tight ass with my seed… finally going limp from exhaustion as Trei twitched delightedly. They pulled her off slowly, her ass gaping slightly as it dripped my seed, tossing her limp sister onto the bed Ichi actually smiled lovingly at me, leaning down towards my face and kissing me gently on the lips. "…Oh we are going to love you…" she whispered with a beautifully dangerous grin.

…And that was the first day as the Varli Sisters' personal toy…

-Chetyre Anon.

End of Interval

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