The next morning, like yesterday, Dan left Ryu at Leaf Central Hospital. Ryu was ready to conduct some experiments this day.
Isao looked at Ryu, his initial reservations giving way to curiosity, and stood by, observing the young boy's focused demeanour.
"Are you sure you don't need any help, Ryu?" Isao asked.
Ryu looked up, a small smile playing on his lips. "I appreciate the offer, Mr. Isao, but I think I've got this under control. However, if you could keep an eye on things and make sure no one disturbs the samples, that would be incredibly helpful."
Isao nodded in agreement, admiring Ryu's meticulous attention to detail and problem-solving abilities. He said, "Of course, I'll make sure everything remains undisturbed."
As Ryu began his work, the sterile environment of the library transformed into a makeshift laboratory setting. He took a cotton swab and took some samples of mould and also from the rotten and mouldy potato, as well as other common fungi found on old wood, decaying plants, and rotten animal waste, which he carefully placed on the petri dish filled with starch and growth medium.
He also took some of his mucus and saliva from his throat and placed them in multiple petri dishes.
Ryu meticulously labelled each sample and placed it in a petri dish filled with a specially prepared growth medium.
As Ryu worked, his mind raced with possibilities. He knew that in his previous life, some of the most groundbreaking medical discoveries had come from unlikely sources. The memory of Alexander Fleming's accidental discovery of penicillin from mould spores flashed through his mind.
"Nature has so many secrets," Ryu murmured to himself, carefully sealing another petri dish. "We just need to learn how to listen and observe."
Today's haul included a strange assortment of items, including mouldy bread, rotten potatoes, and even some decomposing leaves, in contrast to yesterday's straightforward preparations.
It was impossible for Isao not to raise an eyebrow. He questioned, "Young Ryu, what exactly are you going to do with all that?"
Ryu looked at him and smiled. He then said, "My body is not fighting with the illness on its own. In order to help my body fight it, I am looking for something different. I have collected some samples from my body. After the cultivation of moulds, I am trying to find which of my samples will try to fight the samples taken from my body."
Isao's eyes widened in surprise. "That's... quite an innovative approach, Ryu. I've never heard of anyone trying something like this before. How did you come up with this idea?"
Ryu paused, carefully considering his words. "Well, I've always been fascinated by how things work in nature. And I've read a lot about different scientific approaches to medicine. I thought, Why not try to combine some of these ideas?"
He gestured towards the unappetising collection of samples and said, "These moulds, these fungi—they're constantly battling each other in the natural world, a silent war for survival. According to my theory, we could potentially take advantage of that very competition. By observing how these moulds interact with samples of my illness, I hope to find one that can act as a champion, suppressing or even eliminating the harmful pathogens."
Isao was surprised by such an unconventional approach, but he didn't say anything to Ryu but watched him silently. Trying to fight disease-causing pathogens with the help of other pathogens.
This was not like anything he had ever experienced in the realm of ninja medicine, which mainly used methods based on concocting herbs and enhancing chakras. However, Ryu spoke with a natural intelligence and a logic that appealed to a deep-seated curiosity.
Eventually, Isao acknowledged, "It is a bold and fascinating theory, young Ryu. No one in the Leaf Village has ever dared to consider such an innovative method."
Ryu then finished his work and said, "Today's work is complete. Now we wait and observe. You might be surprised by the results of this experiment, Mr. Isao."
After finishing the experiment, Ryu revealed his plans to analyse the results and support his theory with hard and verifiable facts. A theory, which he already knows is true from his memories of his past life, but he can't say that here. He therefore required this façade in order to demonstrate the outcomes of his experience and to rediscover the experiment's central idea in this new world.
With a shiver of victory pulsing through him, Ryu bowed to Isao calmly. "Thank you, Isao-san. Your steady hand has been invaluable."
"Now," Ryu thought, his forehead furrowing for a moment, "what next?"
""Mr. Isao, let us grab a bite to eat, and then I plan to do some more reading in the library," he said softly, looking at Isao.
Isao nodded, impressed by Ryu's dedication. "Of course, Ryu. You must be hungry after all this work. And it's important to take breaks and recharge your mind. Who knows? Sometimes the best ideas come when you're not actively thinking about the problem."
As they walked towards the cafeteria, Isao couldn't help but marvel at the young boy beside him. He whispered, "You know, Ryu, I have worked with a lot of doctors and researchers over the years, but I have never seen anyone approach problems quite like you do. Your curiosity, creativity, and determination... they're truly remarkable."
At the compliment, Ryu smiled a little and said, "Thank you, Isao-san. I just... I want to understand things. To make a difference, if I can."
They left for the cafeteria in the hospital. Isao and Ryu went into the crowded hospital cafeteria, where they ate lunch as the sound of cutlery and hushed chatter filled the room.
Ryu, ever observant, noticed an elderly gentleman, Mr. Hashimoto, across the room muttering disgruntledly to himself while poking at his food. Observing the elderly man, his curiosity led Ryu to nudge Isao.
"Mr. Isao," he muttered, pointing to the man, "what is the matter with that old man?"
A flash of recognition passed across Isao's face as he followed Ryu's gaze. "Ah, that is Mr. Hashimoto," he said softly, explaining. "He's become a familiar face around here, unfortunately. Tormented by these weird rashes that appear and disappear whenever they want. He thinks the hospital is failing him and finds it extremely annoying."
Mr. Hashimoto caught Ryu's attention, and his eyes narrowed. He enquired, "How long has he been suffering from this condition?" His mind raced with possible explanations.
Isao sighed and said, "It's been months now. He first came in during the spring, I believe. At first, we thought it might be a simple allergic reaction, but..."
"But it's more complicated than that," Ryu finished, nodding thoughtfully. "Have you noticed any patterns? Does it happen more at certain times of day or after he eats certain foods?"
Isao blinked, surprised by the depth and insight of Ryu's questions. He said, "You know, I'm not sure. We've been so focused on treating the symptoms that we might have missed some patterns. That's... that's actually a really good point, Ryu."
Isao elaborated, saying, "Mr. Hashimoto experiences a painful prickling sensation on his skin that comes and goes at unpredictable times. At times, even sunlight triggers a reaction, causing his skin to become raw and inflamed. He comes in distressed, with his rash flaring intensely. However, as mysteriously as it appears, it vanishes while he's being observed, leaving him bewildered and frustrated."
Isao paused, a sigh escaping his lips. "He's due for discharge today, but the man is understandably upset. There is no diagnosis, no remedy, just a never-ending cycle of pain, bewilderment, and expensive hospital stays.
A jolt of surprise surged through Ryu. He thought, 'A vampire, here in this world of ninjas? But he quickly dismissed the notion. This was likely an allergic reaction of some sort, perhaps triggered by an unknown environmental factor.'
"No one has been able to pinpoint the cause of his condition?" Ryu enquired, his voice laced with concern.
Isao shook his head grimly. "No, Ryu-kun. He's sought help at numerous facilities, but none have been able to help or diagnose his condition. That is why he is angry."
Ryu's brow furrowed in concentration as he asked, "Mr. Isao, do you think... do you think I could speak with Mr. Hashimoto? Perhaps by posing different questions, we might discover a clue that has been overlooked."
Isao hesitated for a moment and said, "I'm not sure if that's appropriate, Ryu. You're not a doctor, and Mr. Hashimoto is quite frustrated..."
"I understand," Ryu said quickly. "I don't want to upset him further. But maybe you could ask him some questions? About his daily routine, his home, and any changes he's made recently? Sometimes a fresh perspective can make all the difference."
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