
The Malevolence (I)

The void of space was a tapestry of stars, broken only by the imposing silhouettes of Republic warships. The meeting point between Lelouch's and Anakin's fleets was a carefully chosen location, far enough from the prying eyes of the Separatists but close enough to Christophsis to ensure a swift deployment. The combined fleet was a sight to behold: Lelouch's seven Venator-class Star Destroyers and thirteen Acclamators dwarfed the three Venators and two Acclamators remaining in Anakin's and Obi-Wan's fleet after their victory over the blockade. The power gathered here was a clear demonstration of the Republic's might, and a testament to Lelouch's growing influence within its ranks. 


Aboard the lead Venator, Lelouch stood at the center of the bridge, his gaze focused on the tactical display that projected the fleet's current positions. His officers moved with disciplined precision, executing orders with a silent efficiency that Lelouch had come to expect. The air was thick with anticipation, a tension that rippled through the ship's corridors as the crew prepared for the impending assault on Christophsis. 


The holo-communication unit buzzed, drawing Lelouch's attention. With a subtle nod, he activated the device, and the flickering image of Anakin Skywalker materialized before him. The young Jedi's expression was grave, his usual bravado tempered by the weight of the news he carried. 


"Lelouch, glad to see you arrived" Anakin began, his voice betraying a rare note of concern. "We've just received word that Jedi Master Plo Koon has gone missing. He was hunting down the Separatists' new weapon—the Malevolence. But we lost contact with him and his fleet. It's as if they vanished." 


Lelouch's violet eyes narrowed slightly as he processed the information. The Malevolence had been a topic of growing concern among the Republic's strategists, its capabilities rumored to be far beyond anything the Separatists had deployed thus far. Plo Koon's disappearance only added to the mystery, and to the threat it posed. 


Before Lelouch could respond, another hologram flickered into view beside Anakin—Obi-Wan Kenobi, his face etched with the signs of weariness and concern. "Anakin is insistent on investigating immediately," Obi-Wan said, his tone firm but tinged with a hint of resignation. "But our forces are already stretched thin. We need to focus on the battle at Christophsis. The Malevolence is dangerous, yes, but our troops on the ground need us now more than ever." 


Anakin's impatience was palpable. "We can't just abandon Master Plo out there! If the Malevolence is as powerful as the reports suggest, we need to know what we're up against. We need to find him!" 


Lelouch remained silent for a moment, weighing the situation. He understood Anakin's loyalty to his comrades—it was a trait that could be both a strength and a weakness. But he also recognized the importance of maintaining focus on the current mission. Christophsis was a critical front, and losing ground here could have severe consequences for the Republic's war effort. However, information on the Malevolence was necessary to his own plans. 


"Very well, Anakin," Lelouch finally said, his voice calm and authoritative. "You have my permission to investigate. Take a small crew, and proceed with caution. We cannot afford to lose more troops" 


Obi-Wan's protest was immediate, his voice tinged with frustration. "Lelouch, we can't afford to divide our forces. Christophsis is—" 


"I trust Anakin's judgment, and he'll only be taking a small ship." Lelouch interrupted, his tone leaving no room for further argument. "If there's a chance to gather intelligence on the Malevolence, it's a risk we must take. Christophsis will hold. We have the firepower to see to that," 


Anakin's face brightened, determination replacing his earlier worry. "Thank you, Lelouch. I promise, we'll get to the bottom of this." 


As Anakin's hologram faded, Lelouch turned his attention back to his officers, who awaited his commands. "Continue preparing our forces, but deny any request for reinforcements from the ground." 


"Request their latest data on enemy deployments and strategic strongholds over the planet." Lelouch continued his face a blank slate as he gave his next orders. "And then move the fleet into position to fire." 




"I am giving full authorization to glass any location deemed overrun with Separatist forces. Launch all fighters and bombers to assist our ground forces and use laser targeting for any danger close targets. We're not wasting any more lives on this rock just for some politician's favor." 


A crisp salute followed as the officer moved to relay the orders. 




Several hours passed as Lelouch and his fleet moved into position around Christophis, preparing for the battle that loomed ahead. The atmosphere aboard the Venator was tense but controlled, the crew well aware of the importance of their mission. Lelouch oversaw the final preparations with a calm demeanor, though his mind was already several steps ahead, considering the various outcomes and contingencies. 


Suddenly, the bridge's sensors picked up a hyperspace reversion—Anakin's ship had returned, but not alone. Lelouch watched with interest as the Jedi's ship docked with his Venator. A few minutes later, Anakin strode onto the bridge, followed closely by a familiar figure: Jedi Master Plo Koon. 


The bridge crew exchanged surprised glances as the two Jedi approached Lelouch. Plo Koon's robes were singed, and his usually composed demeanor was marred by exhaustion. But there was a determination in his eyes, a resolve that had not wavered despite his ordeal. 


"We found him drifting in the wreckage of his fleet," Anakin explained quickly. "The Malevolence hit them hard, but he survived." 


Lelouch nodded, his gaze shifting to Plo Koon. "Master Plo, it's good to see you alive. What can you tell us about the Malevolence?" 


Plo Koon took a deep breath before responding. "It's unlike anything we've encountered before. The weapon—it's some kind of ion cannon, powerful enough to disable an entire fleet in a single shot. We had no warning, no chance to defend ourselves." 


Lelouch listened intently, his mind already calculating the implications of this new information. "We'll need to track it down and neutralize it before it can cause more damage. But for now, our priority remains Christophis." 


As Lelouch spoke, Obi-Wan entered the bridge, having been informed of Anakin's return. He listened as Anakin and Plo Koon recounted their experience, his expression growing more concerned with each passing moment. 


"This changes things," Obi-Wan said gravely. "The Malevolence must be dealt with, but we can't leave Christophis undefended. We're already stretched too thin as it is." 


Anakin, ever the eager warrior, immediately responded. "We need to find the Malevolence and destroy it before it can strike again. We can't just sit here while it's out there, it might hit us in the back at any point unless we take it out first." 


Obi-Wan shook his head, frustration creeping into his voice. "And what happens if we leave Christophis to pursue the Malevolence? We risk losing both fronts. We need to be cautious, Anakin." 


Lelouch observed the exchange with a cold satisfaction hidden behind his impassive mask. The friction between master and apprentice was a familiar sight, one that he found increasingly useful. Their differing perspectives were both a strength and a vulnerability, something he could exploit when necessary. 


After a tense silence, Lelouch made his decision. "Master Plo, you and your men will take some time to recover. General Skywalker, General Kenobi, you may pursue the Malevolence with your fleet. We cannot afford to lose more ships or men. I will hold Christophis until you return." 


Anakin's expression was one of gratitude mixed with determination. "Thank you, Lelouch. We'll take only what's necessary. We'll be quick." 


As Anakin prepared to depart, he introduced Lelouch to a new member of his team: Ahsoka Tano, his recently assigned Padawan. The young Togruta stood beside her master, her eyes wide with a mixture of curiosity and awe as she took in the grandeur of the youngest High-General of the Republic. 


"This is Ahsoka," Anakin said with a proud smile. "She's my new Padawan. Sharp as a lightsaber, and just as eager to prove herself." 


Lelouch smiled warmly and leaned down slightly, playfully ruffling Ahsoka's head-tails. "So, you're the one who'll be keeping Anakin out of trouble? Welcome aboard, Ahsoka." 


Ahsoka grinned and blushed slightly, though her expression quickly became serious as she replied, "Thank you, sir! I'm ready to help however I can." 


Lelouch straightened, his gaze shifting between Anakin and Ahsoka. "Good. Keep that determination close. You'll need it in the days ahead. Anakin has a habit of diving headfirst into danger, and it'll be up to you to keep up with him." 


Anakin chuckled, crossing his arms. "She'll do just fine. She's got my back, and I've got hers." 

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