
No Friends

Anubis woke up in the middle of the room. She was in what looked like a school dorm room. Though, it was remarkably bland and empty: only with a chair, desk, bed, closet, and door. She looked around her room and saw the woman from yesterday sitting at the desk.

"Oh, good. You're finally awake." The woman said smugly. "I thought about feeding you some chocolate, but I didn't wanna get charged for murder amongst other things."

"W-Who are you?"

"I alone am the honored one."


"Huh, I thought you would like that. Considering how much anime and manga you consume. Maybe I should have made a One Piece reference instead."

"You knocked me out..."

"Oh, you saw me? That's impressive. Usually, I do it so fast, that people aren't even able to spot me moving. Alright, let's cut to the Chase, no bank account. You are in some deep water right now. My bosses want me to kill you because they deem you a threat... Wow, this really is like JJK."

"I'm not understanding."

"Ok, let me make this simple. You're able to inflict curse damage that will corrode the life essence of anyone around you. Which, I'm sure I don't have to tell you. There are ten beings like us, but Anubis are the most dangerous. So, we kill any of your kind that have been born. The only exception was my master, who was your mother."


"You seem to be defective though. You are stuck in your beast transformation. You can't turn back. Because of this, your power can't restabilize and you'll kill everything around you. In less than 4 years time, we predict your power will completely break you and everything around you, even down to plant life, will instantly die just from being around you. So, I'm here to make a deal with you. You can attend our academy and learn to control your powers, or I can murder you here right now."

"Is that boy ok?"

"Who, Yoshi? Yeah, he's fine. He'd actually be your teammate if you accept since you two are in the same year. You'd also have 3 more classmates when school starts again. We just had finals 2 days ago."


"Oh, and no, returning to your normal life isn't an option."

"So, I don't really have a choice, do I?"

The next day, Anubis woke up in her bed again. She got up, brushed her fangs, manicured her claws, watched herself in the bath, and put on the new clothes she was given; she wore a short white dress with golden outlines, white heels, and a dog collar. All of which were provided by the white-haired woman. Anubis just put on what was there and didn't complain, since she didn't know what to do and not to do in this new world. For all she knew, not putting on the collar would give her a death penalty.

She walked outside to a pond in her backyard and sat under a tree. She grabbed the breakfast that was prepared for her. The box was prepared by the white-haired woman. It had a sticker on the box with her sticking her tongue out and giving a thumbs up. When Anubis opened it, she saw dog food, making her sigh in frustration.

"I see sensei is giving you full force already." said a familiar voice above her. She looked up and saw Yoshi, hanging from the tree. He hopped down in front of her. "Don't worry. When I first attended here, she gave me fried chicken, kool-aid, and watermelon."

"She seems..."

"Like a kid on a C.O.D. voice chat."

"Y-Yeah. That's one way to put it."

Yoshi sat next to her and opened his lunch box. Inside were several kimchi fried rice musubi. He handed one of them to her.

"Here. You can have some of my food. I made a bit too much, so I don't mind sharing."


"You remind me of me, so I'm guessing you have no friends."

"That's harsh."

"Am I wrong?"

"... No."

"Thought so. Eat up. We have a busy schedule ahead of us."

Anubis bit into the food. She wasn't expecting much. She had never really had much. Ever since her father died, she developed eating problems and never really recovered. But when the musubi bit her tongue, her eyes lit up and she held her cheek in shock.

"It's so good!" She exclaimed gleefully.

Yoshi couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "You're kind of cute, you know that?"

"A-Are you flirting with me?"

"No, I'm just stating a fact... Also, why are you wearing a dog collar? Do you have a pet play fetish or..."

Anubis's face flushed with embarrassment, but inside, she was pissed off at the white hair woman. She quickly ripped off the collar.

After the two ate, they walked through the school. Yoshi showed Anubis the different facilities on campus that they came across. A few minutes later, they arrived in front of a building, one of the few on the massive, yet isolated campus. Anubis also noticed there weren't many students. She only saw around 50 on the entire campus.

"Welp, here we are." Yoshi presented. "Walk in here, talk to the principal, and register. I'll wait out here for you."

"Is there anything I should know before going in?"

"The principal is my older sister and she can be very, very harsh when it comes to me. Since you'll be partnered with me, she'll probably test you. If she doesn't like you, she might kill you."

Thanks for the warning... I guess."

Anubis opened the doors of the small building. It was like a large house, but the inside was completely empty, except for a woman at a desk. She had chocolate brown skin, jet-black hair, and pink eyes. She wore a purple v-neck shirt and white pants. She also looked incredibly ticked off.

Anubis closed the door behind her and walked up to the woman. At first, the lady refused to look Anubis in the eyes. But eventually, she looked at her. Her face was immediately flooded with disappointment, and she didn't even try to hide it. Suddenly, Anubis felt a lot more nervous about this interview.

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