
God Mode

Everyone celebrated this crazy goal, it was a goal that was made out of totally fine brains. Krystal Fc had gotten a goal back. Neo took a glance at his excited teammates, they were all smiling and jumping around, they all looked as if they had take a stamina replenishing potion.

Well they did, except the only difference that this time it was a goal, they had scored a stamina replenishing Goal.

Right now, they were itching to score another goal.

Nico was bright-eyed at the sidelines. The goal right now was all they needed for their confidence.

The kickoff was underway again, it was the fourth one in forty three minutes.

From the look of things, there wasn't going to be any added time, because there had barely been any stoppages since the game began, just one or two fouls and nothing else.

Marbles approached steadily with a slow attack, that was their trick. Slow and steady wins the race, let's see if they could manage to win this race.

Neo knew that all they knew was just to take the lead or even equalize the score, then Marbles would be annoyed and frustrated, that way, Neo would find it much easier to read through them.

Their attack made a small progress when Bose passed the ball to Walter who passed it to another player with a smooth nutmeg to Bice.

The play elicited a small cheer from the crowd.

Bice turned and pursued Claret, who had received the pass. He stuck a leg to the ball, hoping to win the ball back and pay for the humiliation he just suffered.

As if to worsen his predicament, Claret simply nutmegged him again, before returning the pass to Bose. Bice simply shook his head and withdrew to his position.

Bose passed the ball to Claret again, Claret saw an open space and h quickly charged in. It was a bit surprising how the flow of Marbles attack was being controlled by a player like Claret, it was a bit surprsing and it made one wonder just what they had in mind.

Neo subconsciously glanced at Soma.

What is that sly fox thinking...

Adrienne confronted Claret whose attack was starting to portray something dangerous and it had to be quenched on the spot.

Claret dragged his leg backward a bit, in a passing fashion, but in the next moment, he beat Adrienne with a double angle spin.(In this contest, it is a spin that is done by first making a half spin to the left, then suddenly making a full spin to get away from the opposition)

Lida stuck his leg towards the ball but he was surprised instead, Bose's leg suddenly appeared and blocked his own foot, stopping his leg from hitting the ball

Before Lida's shock could even manifest, Bose had disappeared, Claret too, was nowhere to be found. It was a bit appalling at the methods that Marbles used to achieve their goals, it even made Lida to wonder if that was not a foul. If any other person tried it, it was probaly going to be a foul, because they didn't know how exactly these Marbles players did it.

Claret let loose an angry shot towards Krystal Fc's goal post. It was stunning as the ball blitzed past everyone, catching Zuri offguard. The Gk's mouth was slightly open and he trailed the ball with his eyes, only managing to slowly turn his head.

Amongst the Players on the court, only one was moving. This one that was moving was....Neo Austin.

Damn! I kind of predicted that, and if I was correct, judging by the spin on the ball, The next destination of the ball would be...


Neo accelerated even further. F*ck! I saw all that, but my natural physical abilities might not be enough...

The ball had hit the woodwork and ricocheted off the post and was now rolling away, Neo pursued the ball but it wasn't clear if he was going to get there before his opponent's did.

Neo was distressed. I definitely can't let them score another Goal, it would totally eradicate the Morale and confidence of our players who are feeling on top of the world right now. At the same time...If we could manage to stop this attack and even score a goal....

And he was unlucky enough, Soma got there before him. It was going to be a crazy story if Soma didn't score such an open goal. Soma raised his leg to take the shot, Zuri took in a very quick and sharp breath, heightening his senses and looking to make the save.

Neo's eye flashed a blue color and he seemed to have his aura overflowing. In that milli-second before the shot was released, Neo's physical abilities climbed and broke every bottle neck that he would have faced now and in the next two years.

Neo felt this surge of power and overflowing talent within him, but he couldn't trust them enough, Neo coupled this new feeling with flash steps.

Damn...I was...too...late?

Neo was a bit disappointed as he saw Soma release the shot. The Goal was only two seconds away. But in the next second, Neo suddenly didn't relent, he pushed on his limits and dashed forward. To the shock of all who were present, Neo Austin stopped the shot that had already gone halfway to the post.

It was very stunning, even Soma who released the shot, knew that he couldn't catch up with the shot, I mean, who chases down a shot!?

Neo's eye now had a glowing red ring around his eye as he even controlled the powerful shot that was released by his former best friend. Neo didn't know what he did or how he did it, but he liked this feeling. But his super-charged brain told him that he was never going to unlock this mode again for a long time.

Neo smirked widely. I don't care if I don't enter this state again for a while, but for now...I'm in God Mode!

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